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Praktek Essentials

Epilepsi didefinisikan sebagai kelainan otak yang ditandai dengan predisposisi abadi untuk menghasilkan
serangan epilepsi dan konsekuensi neurobiologis, kognitif, psikologis, dan sosial dari kondisi ini. [1]
Tanda dan gejala

Tanda dan gejala klinis kejang bergantung pada lokasi pelepasan epilepsi di korteks serebral dan luas dan
pola propagasi pelepasan epilepsi di otak. Fitur utama serangan epilepsi adalah sifat stereotipnya.

Pertanyaan yang membantu memperjelas jenis kejang adalah sebagai berikut:

Apakah ada peringatan yang dicatat sebelum mantra itu? Jika demikian, peringatan macam apa yang
Apa yang pasien lakukan selama mantra itu?
Apakah pasien mampu berhubungan dengan lingkungan selama masa mantra dan / atau apakah
pasien memiliki ingatan akan mantra itu?
Bagaimana perasaan pasien setelah mantra? Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan pasien untuk
kembali ke kondisi awal?
Berapa lama mantra itu bertahan?
Seberapa sering mantra itu terjadi?
Apakah ada presipitan yang terkait dengan mantra itu?
Apakah pasien menunjukkan respons terhadap terapi untuk mantra?

Lihat Presentasi Klinis untuk lebih detail.


Diagnosis kejang epilepsi dilakukan dengan menganalisis riwayat klinis pasien secara rinci dan dengan
melakukan tes tambahan untuk konfirmasi. Pemeriksaan fisik membantu dalam diagnosis sindrom
epilepsi spesifik yang menyebabkan temuan abnormal, seperti kelainan dermatologis (misalnya, pasien
dengan kejang tonik-klonik generalisata yang sulit dikendalikan selama bertahun-tahun cenderung
memiliki luka yang memerlukan jahitan).

Uji laboratorium yang berpotensi untuk pasien dengan dugaan serangan epilepsi meliputi:

Tingkat prolaktin diperoleh sesaat setelah kejang untuk menilai etiologi (epilepsi vs nonepilepsi) dari
mantra; Tingkat biasanya meningkat 3 atau 4 kali lipat dan lebih mungkin terjadi dengan kejang klonik
klonik umum dibandingkan dengan jenis kejang lainnya; Namun, variabilitas tingkat prolaktin yang cukup
besar telah menghalangi penggunaan klinis rutin mereka
Tingkat serum agen antikonvulsan untuk menentukan tingkat awal, toksisitas potensial, tidak adanya
efikasi, ketidakpatuhan pengobatan, dan / atau autoinduksi atau perubahan farmakokinetik
Pemeriksaan CSF pada pasien dengan obtundation atau pada pasien yang meningitis atau ensefalitis

Studi pencitraan
Berikut 2 studi pencitraan harus dilakukan setelah kejang:

Evaluasi neuroimaging (misalnya MRI, pemindaian CT)


Diagnosis klinis dapat dikonfirmasi oleh kelainan pada EEG interictal, namun kelainan ini dapat terjadi
pada individu yang sehat, dan ketidakhadiran mereka tidak mengecualikan diagnosis epilepsi.

Pemantauan Video-EEG adalah tes standar untuk mengklasifikasi jenis kejang atau sindrom atau untuk
mendiagnosis pseudoseizures (yaitu, untuk menetapkan diagnosis pasti mantra dengan penurunan
kesadaran). Teknik ini juga digunakan untuk mengkarakterisasi jenis kejang dan sindrom epilepsi untuk
mengoptimalkan pengobatan farmakologis dan untuk pemeriksaan presurgis.

Lihat Workup untuk detail lebih lanjut.



Tujuan pengobatan adalah untuk mencapai status bebas kejang tanpa efek samping. Monoterapi itu
penting, karena mengurangi kemungkinan efek samping dan menghindari interaksi obat.

Standar perawatan untuk perampasan tunggal yang tidak beralasan adalah penghindaran presipitat khas
(misalnya alkohol, kurang tidur). Tidak ada antikonvulsan yang direkomendasikan kecuali pasien memiliki
faktor risiko kekambuhan.

Situasi khusus yang membutuhkan perawatan meliputi:

Kejang berulang yang tidak beralasan: andalan terapi adalah antikonvulsan; Jika pasien memiliki lebih
dari 1 kejang, pemberian antikonvulsan dianjurkan
Memiliki EEG yang kurang tidur dan tidak normal yang mencakup kelainan epilepsi dan pelambatan
fokal, pelambatan latar belakang yang menyebar, dan intermixed intermiten yang terputus-putus.

Pemilihan obat antikonvulsan tergantung pada diagnosis sindroma epilepsi yang akurat. Meskipun
beberapa antikonvulsan (misalnya lamotrigin, topiramate, asam valproik, zonisamida) memiliki banyak
mekanisme tindakan, dan beberapa (misalnya fenitoin, karbamazepin, etosuksimida) hanya memiliki satu
mekanisme tindakan yang diketahui, agen antikonvulsan dapat dibagi menjadi kelompok besar
berdasarkan Mekanisme mereka, sebagai berikut:

Pemblokir aktivasi berulang saluran natrium: Fenitoin, karbamazepin, oxcarbazepin, lamotrigin,

Penambah inaktivasi lamban saluran natrium: Lacosamide, rufinamide
Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) -A reseptor enhancer: Phenobarbital, benzodiazepin, clobazam
Penghambat reseptor NMDA: Felbamate
Penghambat reseptor AMPA: Perampanel, topiramate
T-calcium channel blocker: Ethosuximide, valproate
Penghambat saluran N- dan L-kalsium: Lamotrigin, topiramate, zonisamide, valproate
Modul modulator H: Gabapentin, lamotrigin
Pemblokir situs pengikat unik: Gabapentin, levetiracetam
Penghambat anhidrase karbonat: Topiramate, zonisamida
Pembukaan saluran potassium Neuronal (KCNQ [Kv7]): Ezogabine

Terapi nonfarmakologis

Berikut ini adalah 2 metode nonfarmakologis dalam mengelola pasien dengan kejang:

Diet ketogenik
Stimulasi saraf vagina

Pilihan bedah

2 jenis utama operasi otak untuk epilepsi adalah paliatif dan berpotensi kuratif. Penggunaan stimulator
saraf vagal (VNS) untuk terapi paliatif pada pasien dengan kejang atonik yang atraktif telah mengurangi
kebutuhan akan callosotomi anterior. Lobektomi dan lesiektomi termasuk beberapa operasi kuratif yang

Kejang epilepsi hanyalah satu manifestasi penyakit neurologis atau metabolik. Kejang epilepsi memiliki
banyak penyebab, termasuk kecenderungan genetik untuk beberapa jenis kejang, trauma kepala, stroke,
tumor otak, alkohol atau penarikan obat, episode penghinaan metabolik berulang, seperti hipoglikemia,
dan kondisi lainnya. Epilepsi adalah gangguan medis yang ditandai dengan kejang berulang dan tidak
beralasan. Oleh karena itu, kejang berulang dengan provokasi yang teridentifikasi (misalnya, penarikan
alkohol) tidak merupakan epilepsi.

Seperti yang diusulkan oleh Liga Internasional Melawan Epilepsi (ILAE) dan Biro Internasional untuk
Epilepsi (IBE) pada tahun 2005, epilepsi didefinisikan sebagai kelainan otak yang ditandai oleh
predisposisi abadi untuk menghasilkan serangan epilepsi dan oleh neurobiologis, kognitif, psikologis, dan
sosial. Konsekuensi dari kondisi ini [1]

Secara tradisional, diagnosis epilepsi memerlukan terjadinya setidaknya 2 serangan tak beralasan.
Beberapa klinisi juga mendiagnosa epilepsi ketika 1 kejang yang tidak beralasan terjadi pada setting
penyebab predisposisi, seperti cedera korteks fokal, atau pelepasan interupsi yang umum terjadi yang
menunjukkan kecenderungan predisposisi genetik yang persisten. (Lihat Presentasi Klinis.)

Kejang adalah manifestasi dari abnormal hypersynchronous atau hyperexcitable discharge dari neuron
korteks. Tanda atau gejala klinis kejang bergantung pada lokasi pelepasan epilepsi di korteks serebral dan
luas dan pola propagasi pelepasan epilepsi di otak. Jadi, gejala kejang sangat bervariasi, namun bagi
kebanyakan pasien dengan 1 fokus, gejalanya biasanya sangat stereotip.

Seharusnya tidak mengherankan bahwa kejang adalah manifestasi nakal yang umum terjadi pada cedera
neurologis dan penyakit, karena fungsi utama otak adalah transmisi impuls listrik. Kemungkinan seumur
hidup mengalami setidaknya 1 serangan epilepsi sekitar 9%, dan kemungkinan bertahan hidup untuk
mendapatkan diagnosis epilepsi hampir 3%. Namun, prevalensi epilepsi aktif hanya sekitar 0,8%. (Lihat

Artikel ini mengulas klasifikasi, patofisiologi, manifestasi klinis, dan pengobatan kejang epilepsi dan
beberapa sindrom epilepsi umum. (Lihat Patofisiologi, Presentasi, DDx, dan Pengobatan.)

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai jenis kejang dan kondisi lainnya, lihat topik berikut:

Tidak adanya kejang

Kejang parsial kompleks
Kejang-kejang Tonik-Klonik Generalized
Kejang nonkilepsi psikogenik
Kejang pertama anak
Epilepsia Partialis Continua
Status Epileptikus

Lihat artikel berikut untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai sindrom epilepsi dan pengobatan epilepsi:

Epilepsi Masa Depan Jinak

Kejang Neonatal jinak
EEG di Common Epilepsy Syndromes
Kejang demam anak-anak
Kejang Neonatal
Epilepsi Lobus Depan
Temporal Lobe Epilepsi
Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy
Sindrom Lennox-Gastaut
Epilepsi posttraumatic
Refleks epilepsi
Stimulasi Saraf Vagus
Kesehatan Wanita dan Epilepsi
Epilepsi Parsial
Status Pediatrik Epileptikus
Epilepsi mioklonik dimulai pada masa kanak-kanak atau anak usia dini

Kejang adalah manifestasi paroksismal dari sifat listrik korteks serebral. Sebuah hasil kejang ketika
ketidakseimbangan tiba-tiba terjadi antara kekuatan rangsang dan hambat di dalam jaringan neuron
kortikal yang mendukung eksitasi bersih onset mendadak.

Otak terlibat dalam hampir semua fungsi tubuh, termasuk fungsi korteks yang lebih tinggi. Jika jaringan
korteks yang terkena dampak berada di korteks visual, manifestasi klinisnya adalah fenomena visual.
Area korteks primer lainnya yang terkena dampak menimbulkan manifestasi sensorik, gustatory, atau
motorik. Fenomena psikis dj-vu terjadi saat lobus temporal dilibatkan.

Patofisiologi kejang onset fokal berbeda dari mekanisme yang mendasari kejang onset umum. Secara
keseluruhan, rangsangan seluler meningkat, namun mekanisme sinkronisasi tampaknya berbeda secara
substansial antara 2 jenis kejang ini dan oleh karena itu dibahas secara terpisah. Untuk review, lihat buku
epilepsi Rho, Sankar, dan Cavazos. [5] Untuk review yang lebih baru, lihat Kramer dan Cash. [6]
Patofisiologi kejang fokal

Tanda electroencephalographic (EEG) dari kejang onset fokal adalah lonjakan epileptik fusi interuptif
atau gelombang tajam. Korelasi neurofisiologis sel dari pelepasan epileptik fokal interictal pada neuron
korteks tunggal adalah pergeseran depolarisasi paroksismal (PDS).

PDS ditandai oleh depolarisasi yang bergantung pada kalsium yang berkepanjangan yang menghasilkan
beberapa potensi aksi yang dimediasi natrium selama fase depolarisasi, dan diikuti oleh hiperpolisasi
awal yang menonjol, yang merupakan potensial membran hyperpolarized di luar potensi istirahat awal.
Saluran potassium yang bergantung pada kalsium sebagian besar menengahi fase setelah hiperpolasiasi.
Ketika beberapa neuron memonitor PDS secara sinkron, perekaman lapangan ekstraseluler menunjukkan
lonjakan interictal.

Jika jumlah neuron pelepasan lebih dari beberapa juta, mereka biasanya dapat direkam dengan
elektroda EEG kulit kepala. Perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa lonjakan interteral perlu menyebar ke
sekitar 6 cm2 korteks serebral sebelum mereka dapat dideteksi dengan elektroda kulit kepala.

Beberapa faktor mungkin terkait dengan transisi dari spike interictal ke serangan epilepsi. Lonjakan itu
harus merekrut lebih banyak jaringan saraf untuk menjadi perampasan. Bila ada mekanisme yang
mendasari kejang akut menjadi perubahan permanen, orang tersebut mungkin akan mengembangkan
kecenderungan untuk kejang berulang (misalnya, epilepsi).

Mekanisme berikut (dibahas di bawah) dapat hidup berdampingan dalam kombinasi yang berbeda untuk
menyebabkan kejang onset fokus:

Penurunan inhibisi
Aktivasi kerusakan neuron gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
Peningkatan aktivasi
If the mechanisms leading to a net increased excitability become permanent alterations, patients
may develop pharmacologically intractable focal-onset epilepsy.

Currently available medications were screened using acute models of focal-onset or generalized-
onset convulsions. In clinical use, these agents are most effective at blocking the propagation of a
seizure (ie, spread from the epileptic focus to secondary generalized tonic-clonic seizures).
Further understanding of the mechanisms that permanently increase network excitability may
lead to development of true antiepileptic drugs that alter the natural history of epilepsy.

Decreased inhibition

The release of GABA from the interneuron terminal inhibits the postsynaptic neuron by means of
2 mechanisms: (1) direct induction of an inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP), which a
GABA-A chloride current typically mediates, and (2) indirect inhibition of the release of
excitatory neurotransmitter in the presynaptic afferent projection, typically with a GABA-B
potassium current. Alterations or mutations in the different chloride or potassium channel
subunits or in the molecules that regulate their function may affect the seizure threshold or the
propensity for recurrent seizures.

Mechanisms leading to decreased inhibition include the following:

Defective GABA-A inhibition

Defective GABA-B inhibition
Defective activation of GABA neurons
Defective intracellular buffering of calcium

Normal GABA-A inhibitory function

GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, and it binds primarily to 2 major
classes of receptors: GABA-A and GABA-B. GABA-A receptors are coupled to chloride
(negative anion) channels, and they are one of the main targets modulated by the anticonvulsant
agents that are currently in clinical use.

The reversal potential of chloride is about negative 70 mV. The contribution of chloride channels
during resting potential in neurons is minimal, because the typical resting potential is near -70
mV, and thus there is no significant electromotive force for net chloride flux. However, chloride
currents become more important at more depolarized membrane potentials.

These channels make it difficult to achieve the threshold membrane potential necessary for an
action potential. The influence of chloride currents on the neuronal membrane potential increases
as the neuron becomes more depolarized by the summation of the excitatory postsynaptic
potentials (EPSPs). In this manner, the chloride currents become another force that must be
overcome to fire an action potential, decreasing excitability.
Properties of the chloride channels associated with the GABA-A receptor are often clinically
modulated by using benzodiazepines (eg, diazepam, lorazepam, clonazepam), barbiturates (eg,
phenobarbital, pentobarbital), or topiramate. Benzodiazepines increase the frequency of openings
of chloride channels, whereas barbiturates increase the duration of openings of these channels.
Topiramate also increases the frequency of channel openings, but it binds to a site different from
the benzodiazepine-receptor site.

Alterations in the normal state of the chloride channels may increase the membrane permeability
and conductance of chloride ions. In the end, the behavior of all individual chloride channels
sum up to form a large chloride-mediated hyperpolarizing current that counterbalances the
depolarizing currents created by the summation of EPSPs induced by activation of the excitatory

The EPSPs are the main form of communication between neurons, and the release of the
excitatory amino acid glutamate from the presynaptic element mediates EPSPs. Three main
receptors mediate the effect of glutamate in the postsynaptic neuron: N -methyl-D-aspartic acid
(NMDA), alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA)/kainate, and
metabotropic. These are coupled by means of different mechanisms to several depolarizing

IPSPs temper the effects of EPSPs. IPSPs are mediated mainly by the release of GABA in the
synaptic cleft with postsynaptic activation of GABA-A receptors.

All channels in the nervous system are subject to modulation by several mechanisms, such as
phosphorylation and, possibly, a change in the tridimensional conformation of a protein in the
channel. The chloride channel has several phosphorylation sites, one of which topiramate
appears to modulate. Phosphorylation of this channel induces a change in normal
electrophysiologic behavior, with an increased frequency of channel openings but for only
certain chloride channels.

Each channel has a multimeric structure with several subunits of different types. Chloride
channels are no exception; they have a pentameric structure. The subunits are made up of
molecularly related but different proteins.

The heterogeneity of electrophysiologic responses of different GABA-A receptors results from

different combinations of the subunits. In mammals, at least 6 alpha subunits and 3 beta and
gamma subunits exist for the GABA-A receptor complex. A complete GABA-A receptor
complex (which, in this case, is the chloride channel itself) is formed from 1 gamma, 2 alpha,
and 2 beta subunits. The number of possible combinations of the known subunits is almost 1000,
but in practice, only about 20 of these combinations have been found in the normal mammalian

Defective GABA-A inhibition

Some epilepsies may involve mutations or lack of expression of the different GABA-A receptor
complex subunits, the molecules that govern their assembly, or the molecules that modulate their
electrical properties. For example, hippocampal pyramidal neurons may not be able to assemble
alpha 5 beta 3 gamma 3 receptors because of deletion of chromosome 15 (ie, Angelman

Changes in the distribution of subunits of the GABA-A receptor complex have been
demonstrated in several animal models of focal-onset epilepsy, such as the electrical-kindling,
chemical-kindling, and pilocarpine models. In the pilocarpine model, decreased concentrations
of mRNA for the alpha 5 subunit of the surviving interneurons were observed in the CA1 region
of the rat hippocampus. [7]

Defective GABA-B inhibition

The GABA-B receptor is coupled to potassium channels, forming a current that has a relatively
long duration of action compared with the chloride current evoked by activation of the GABA-A
receptor. Because of the long duration of action, alterations in the GABA-B receptor are thought
to possibly play a major role in the transition between the interictal abnormality and an ictal
event (ie, focal-onset seizure). The molecular structure of the GABA-B receptor complex
consists of 2 subunits with 7 transmembrane domains each.

G proteins, a second messenger system, mediate coupling to the potassium channel, explaining
the latency and long duration of the response. In many cases, GABA-B receptors are located in
the presynaptic element of an excitatory projection.

Defective activation of GABA neurons

GABA neurons are activated by means of feedforward and feedback projections from excitatory
neurons. These 2 types of inhibition in a neuronal network are defined on the basis of the time of
activation of the GABAergic neuron relative to that of the principal neuronal output of the
network, as seen with the hippocampal pyramidal CA1 cell.

In feedforward inhibition, GABAergic cells receive a collateral projection from the main afferent
projection that activates the CA1 neurons, namely, the Schaffer collateral axons from the CA3
pyramidal neurons. This feedforward projection activates the soma of GABAergic neurons
before or simultaneously with activation of the apical dendrites of the CA1 pyramidal neurons.

Activation of the GABAergic neurons results in an IPSP that inhibits the soma or axon hillock of
the CA1 pyramidal neurons almost simultaneously with the passive propagation of the excitatory
potential (ie, EPSP) from the apical dendrites to the axon hillock. The feedforward projection
thus primes the inhibitory system in a manner that allows it to inhibit, in a timely fashion, the
pyramidal cell's depolarization and firing of an action potential.

Feedback inhibition is another system that allows GABAergic cells to control repetitive firing in
principal neurons, such as pyramidal cells, and to inhibit the surrounding pyramidal cells.
Recurrent collaterals from the pyramidal neurons activate the GABAergic neurons after the
pyramidal neurons fire an action potential.
Experimental evidence has indicated that some other kind of interneuron may be a gate between
the principal neurons and the GABAergic neurons. In the dentate gyrus, the mossy cells of the
hilar polymorphic region appear to gate inhibitory tone and activate GABAergic neurons. The
mossy cells receive both feedback and feedforward activation, which they convey to the
GABAergic neurons.

In certain circumstances, the mossy cells appear highly vulnerable to seizure-related neuronal
loss. After some of the mossy cells are lost, activation of GABAergic neurons is impaired. [8]

Synaptic reorganization is a form of brain plasticity induced by neuronal loss, perhaps triggered
by the loss of the synaptic connections of the dying neuron, a process called deafferentation.
Formation of new sprouted circuits includes excitatory and inhibitory cells, and both forms of
sprouting have been demonstrated in many animal models of focal-onset epilepsy and in humans
with intractable temporal-lobe epilepsy.

Most of the initial attempts of hippocampal sprouting are likely to be attempts to restore
inhibition. As the epilepsy progresses, however, the overwhelming number of sprouted synaptic
contacts occurs with excitatory targets, creating recurrent excitatory circuitries that permanently
alter the balance between excitatory and inhibitory tone in the hippocampal network.

Defective intracellular buffering of calcium

In rodents, recurrent seizures induced by a variety of methods result in a pattern of interneuron

loss in the hilar polymorphic region, with striking loss of the neurons that lack the calcium-
binding proteins parvalbumin and calbindin. In rat hippocampal sections, these interneurons
demonstrate a progressive inability to maintain a hyperpolarized resting membrane potential;
eventually, the interneurons die.

In an experiment, researchers used microelectrodes containing the calcium chelator BAPTA and
demonstrated reversal of the deterioration in the membrane potential as the calcium chelator was
allowed to diffuse in the interneuron. [9] These findings showed the critical role of adequate
concentrations of calcium-binding proteins for neuronal survival in settings with sustained rises
of intracellular calcium, such as in status epilepticus and other brain insults. This mechanism
may contribute to medical intractability in some epilepsy patients.

The vulnerability of interneurons to hypoxia and other insults also correlates to the relative
presence of these calcium-binding proteins. The premature loss of interneurons alters inhibitory
control over the local neuronal network in favor of net excitation. This effect may explain, for
example, why 2 patients who have a similar event (ie, simple febrile convulsion) may have
remarkably dissimilar outcomes; that is, one may have completely normal development, and the
other may have intractable focal-onset epilepsy after a few years.

Increased activation

Mechanisms leading to increased excitation include the following:

Increased activation of NMDA receptors
Increased synchrony between neurons due to ephaptic interactions
Increased synchrony and/or activation due to recurrent excitatory collaterals

Increased activation of NMDA receptors

Glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain. The release of glutamate causes
an EPSP in the postsynaptic neuron by activating the glutaminergic receptors AMPA/kainate and
NMDA and the metabotropic receptor.

Fast neurotransmission is achieved with the activation of the first 2 types of receptors. The
metabotropic receptor alters cellular excitability by means of a second-messenger system with
later onset but a prolonged duration. The major functional difference between the 2 fast receptors
is that the AMPA/kainate receptor opens channels that primarily allow the passage of monovalent
cations (ie, sodium and potassium), whereas the NMDA type is coupled to channels that also
allow passage of divalent cations (ie, calcium).

Calcium is a catalyst for many intracellular reactions that lead to changes in phosphorylation and
gene expression. Thus, it is in itself a second-messenger system. NMDA receptors are generally
assumed to be associated with learning and memory. The activation of NMDA receptors is
increased in several animal models of epilepsy, such as kindling, kainic acid, pilocarpine, and
other focal-onset epilepsy models.

Some patients with epilepsy may have an inherited predisposition for fast or long-lasting
activation of NMDA channels that alters their seizure threshold. Other possible alterations
include the ability of intracellular proteins to buffer calcium, increasing the vulnerability of
neurons to any kind of injury that otherwise would not result in neuronal death.

Increased synchrony between neurons caused by ephaptic interactions

Electrical fields created by synchronous activation of pyramidal neurons in laminar structures,

such as the hippocampus, may increase further the excitability of neighboring neurons by
nonsynaptic (ie, ephaptic) interactions. Changes in extracellular ionic concentrations of
potassium and calcium are another possible nonsynaptic interaction, as is increased coupling of
neurons due to permanent increases in the functional availability of gap junctions. This last may
be a mechanism that predisposes to seizures or status epilepticus.

Increased synchrony and/or activation from recurrent excitatory collaterals

Neuropathologic studies of patients with intractable focal-onset epilepsy have revealed frequent
abnormalities in the limbic system, particularly in the hippocampal formation. A common lesion
is hippocampal sclerosis, which consists of a pattern of gliosis and neuronal loss primarily
affecting the hilar polymorphic region and the CA1 pyramidal region. These changes are
associated with relative sparing of the CA2 pyramidal region and an intermediate severity of the
lesion in the CA3 pyramidal region and dentate granule neurons.
Prominent hippocampal sclerosis is found in about two thirds of patients with intractable
temporal-lobe epilepsy. Animal models of status epilepticus have reproduced this pattern of
injury; however, animals with more than 100 brief convulsions induced by kindling seizures had
a similar pattern, suggesting that repeated temporal lobe seizures may contribute to the
development of hippocampal sclerosis. [10]

More subtle and apparently more common than overt hippocampal sclerosis is mossy-fiber
sprouting. [11] The mossy fibers are the axons of the dentate granule neurons, and they typically
project into the hilar polymorphic region and toward the CA3 pyramidal neurons. As the neurons
in the hilar polymorphic region are progressively lost, their synaptic projections to the dentate
granule neurons degenerate.

Denervation resulting from loss of the hilar projection induces sprouting of the neighboring
mossy fiber axons. The net consequence of this phenomenon is the formation of recurrent
excitatory collaterals, which increase the net excitatory drive of dentate granule neurons.

Recurrent excitatory collaterals have been demonstrated in human temporal lobe epilepsy and in
all animal models of intractable focal-onset epilepsy. The effect of mossy-fiber sprouting on the
hippocampal circuitry has been confirmed in computerized models of the epileptic hippocampus.
Other neural pathways in the hippocampus, such as the projection from CA1 to the subiculum,
have been shown to also remodel in the epileptic brain.

For further reading, a review by Mastrangelo and Leuzzi addresses how genes lead to an
epileptic phenotype for the early age encephalopathies. [12]

Pathophysiology of generalized seizures

The best-understood example of the pathophysiologic mechanisms of generalized seizures is the

thalamocortical interaction that may underlie typical absence seizures. The thalamocortical
circuit has normal oscillatory rhythms, with periods of relatively increased excitation and periods
of relatively increased inhibition. It generates the oscillations observed in sleep spindles. The
thalamocortical circuitry includes the pyramidal neurons of the neocortex, the thalamic relay
neurons, and the neurons in the nucleus reticularis of the thalamus (NRT).

Altered thalamocortical rhythms may result in primary generalized-onset seizures. The thalamic
relay neurons receive ascending inputs from the spinal cord and project to the neocortical
pyramidal neurons. Cholinergic pathways from the forebrain and the ascending serotonergic,
noradrenergic, and cholinergic brainstem pathways prominently regulate this circuitry. [13]

The thalamic relay neurons can have oscillations in the resting membrane potential, which
increases the probability of synchronous activation of the neocortical pyramidal neuron during
depolarization and which significantly lowers the probability of neocortical activation during
relative hyperpolarization. The key to these oscillations is the transient low-threshold calcium
channel, also known as T-calcium current.
In animal studies, inhibitory inputs from the NRT control the activity of thalamic relay neurons.
NRT neurons are inhibitory and contain GABA as their main neurotransmitter. They regulate the
activation of the T-calcium channels in thalamic relay neurons, because those channels must be
de-inactivated to open transitorily.

T-calcium channels have 3 functional states: open, closed, and inactivated. Calcium enters the
cells when the T-calcium channels are open. Immediately after closing, the channel cannot open
again until it reaches a state of inactivation.

The thalamic relay neurons have GABA-B receptors in the cell body and receive tonic activation
by GABA released from the NRT projection to the thalamic relay neuron. The result is a
hyperpolarization that switches the T-calcium channels away from the inactive state into the
closed state, which is ready for activation when needed. The switch to closed state permits the
synchronous opening of a large population of the T-calcium channels every 100 milliseconds or
so, creating the oscillations observed in the EEG recordings from the cerebral cortex.

Findings in several animal models of absence seizures, such as lethargic mice, have
demonstrated that GABA-B receptor antagonists suppress absence seizures, whereas GABA-B
agonists worsen these seizures. [14] Anticonvulsants that prevent absence seizures, such as
valproic acid and ethosuximide, suppress the T-calcium current, blocking its channels.

A clinical problem is that some anticonvulsants that increase GABA levels (eg, tiagabine,
vigabatrin) are associated with an exacerbation of absence seizures. An increased GABA level is
thought to increase the degree of synchronization of the thalamocortical circuit and to enlarge the
pool of T-calcium channels available for activation.

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