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Getting your nutrition right is actually pretty straightforward, you don't need

'diets' or 'detoxes', just follow these simple steps;

Stick to these 4 nutrition rules

Rule #1
Eat lots of protein, vegetables, leafy greens and healthy fats in every meal/snack

Rule #2
Eat protein and carbohydrates in the meals/shakes before and after you train

Rule #3
Make all your meals up of a variety of single ingredient foods

Rule #4
80-90% of the time avoid wheat, sugar, alcohol & processed foods.

Work out roughly how many calories you actually need (as a starting point) to
build muscle
Your weight in kilograms multiplied by 38 is a good starting point...

Weight in KG x 38 = Daily Calorie Target for Muscle Building

...then divide those calories so you get a third from each macronutrient
(protein, fat and carbohydrates)

Track what you eat using MyFitnessPal to make sure youre in the right ball
park with hitting your nutrition targets each day

When your muscle gain plateaus increase your calories intake by 10%

Repeat until youre a lean, mean, fat reducing machine

Randomly throwing together any old exercises and making sessions up on the
day will work to a degree . . . but its not optimal.

If you really want to transform your body you need to consistently follow a well-
thought out structured training program that is proven to get results

SCRAWNY TO BRAWNY is our strength and conditioning program for men and
women who are ready to stop messing around in their pursuit of strength,
muscle and a firm body.
Getting into a good bedtime routine and deep sleeping pattern is probably one
of the most powerful things you can do when it comes to getting strong, losing
fat and building muscle.

Sleeping well will help your muscles recover from training, it will help maintain
mental wellbeing and a good hormonal balance so make sure you get your 7-8
hours every night.

Here's a simple strategy for getting a good nights sleep:

a) No phones/laptops for 60 mins before bed

b) Make sure your room is as dark as possible

c) Take some ZMA (if you have trouble sleeping)

d) Get into bed and read for 30 mins

e) Try to get to sleep before 12am and sleep for at least 7-8 hours

Our daily habits decide whether we are strong or weak, lean or overweight,
healthy or unhealthy. The good thing is, developing new habits that are
conducive to your goals rather than destructive to them is relatively simple.

It starts by replacing your flimsy, throw away Ill do better style statements
with the creation of a behaviour chain . . . sounds complex but its not really.

Creating a behaviour chain basically involves choosing a regular part of your

schedule then adding another link in the chain by tacking on a new habit (a
habit that will breed your success)

For example:

I always eat crap at lunchtime, Im going to start eating healthier

Not very inspiring nor does it sound like your planning on making it a long-term
thing, but if it becomes...

If its lunchtime I am ONLY going to eat meat/fish and vegetables that I

prepared myself

Well thats a little different.

You see how that second statement is a little more precise, more likely to
become a habit as its scheduled in AND therefore makes it more likely that
youll a) stick to it and b) reach your big goal eventually.

If-then is very powerful. Youre linking a scenario (a regular part of your day) to
a specific action; if its lunchtime then this is what I do.

You see how that can become a habit super-quick. So, once youve set a few
behaviour chains like that - STICK TO THEM!

Dont make excuses, dont let yourself off the hook and the habit will form FAST.

You arent going to get your dream body overnight and anyone who promises
you otherwise is lying.

Sure, within just a few weeks and the right guidance you can get your head
around the basics, lose a few kilos of fat and start to feel like a different person
both mentally and physically but . . . that dream body takes time, effort and

Dont expect to turn up to the gym when you feel like it, half arse it through
your training sessions, eat junk food 50% of the time and get results cos it
wont happen.

Find out what you need to do to reach your goal then do it day-in, day-out week
after week after week.

You will inevitably have slip ups and hit plateaus but dont be that guy the quits
at the first hurdle. Have faith, keep working hard and you will get your reward.

Heres an example of why consistency is important when it comes to nutrition:

You're eating 3000 calories a day to gain size and grow some muscle, that's 250
calories a day more than your body really needs.

So now you're in a calories surplus which means you're eating more calories
than you're burning, this equals muscle gains (alongside the right training of

If you did this every day then over the course of the week you'd have eaten
1750 calories MORE than you've burnt, this would equal around 0.25-0.5
pounds of mass gained a week (that's 1-2 stone of mass a year depending on a
few other factors)

Except at the weekend you got blind drunk and spent all of Sunday in bed
hungover, you barely ate a thing... in fact you had just one meal and a snack
totalling around 1000 calories.

That one day of dying in bed and under-eating by 2000 calories just wiped out
your calories surplus for the week.

So it's wonder you're not building muscle despite "doing everything right"
SCRAWNY brawny
is our strength and conditioning program for men and women
who are ready to stop messing around in their pursuit of strength, muscle and a
firm body.
SCRAWNY brawny

1. Box Squat 5 sets of 5 reps 120-180s rest

2. Overhead Barbell Press 4-5 sets of 6-8 reps 60s rest

3. DB Incline Press 4-5 sets of 6-8 reps 60s rest

4a. Lat Raise 21s 4 sets of 12-15 reps 60s rest

4b. Rolling DB Tricep Press 4 sets of 12-15 reps between sets

5. Farmers Walks 4-5 sets of 30-50 metres 60s rest

SCRAWNY brawny

1a. Bench Press 5 sets of 5 reps 120-180s rest

1b. The Dish (core exercise) 5 sets of 20-40s between sets

2. Squat 5 sets of 5 reps 120-180s rest

3. Bulgarian Squat 3-4 sets of 8 reps 60s rest

4a. DB Bench Row 3-4 sets of 15 reps 60s rest

4b. Dead Stop Lat Raises 3-4 sets of 15 reps
SCRAWNY brawny

1. Deadlift 5 sets of 5 reps 120-180s rest

2a. Lunges 4-5 sets of 6-11 reps 60s rest

2b. Plank 4-5 sets of 20-60s between sets

3a. Push Press 4-5 sets of 12 reps 60s rest

3b. DB Row 4-5 sets of 12 reps between sets

4. Barbell Hip Thrusts 4-5sets of 6-12 reps 60s rest

5. Tabata Kettlebell Swings 2 sets of 20s work, 10s rest x 8 60s rest
between sets
SCRAWNY brawny

1. Squat 2-3 warm up sets >180s rest

3 sets of 6 reps at 85% of 3RM between sets

2a. Step Ups 4 sets of 6-12 reps 90s rest

2b. Turkish Sit Up 4 sets of 6-12 reps between sets

3. Romanian Deadlift 4 sets of 6-12 reps 90-120s rest

between sets

4a. Lat Pull Down 3-4 sets of 12-20 reps 60s rest
4b. Band Pull Apart 3-4 sets of 25 reps between sets

4. Farmers Walks 3 sets of 20-40 metres 90s rest

SCRAWNY brawny
All of these recipes can be made in bulk then stored to be used through the
week, saving time and making sure youre always prepared
SCRAWNY brawny

When to have it:

After your training session. This mix of protein and carbohydrates will help your
body to recover, repair and grow so you can reap the benefits of all your hard
work in the gym.

What to put in it:

8 Strawberries
2 Bananas
200ml Water
50g Greek Yoghurt
25g Strawberry Whey Protein Powder
A few Ice Cubes

How to make it:

Put all the ingredients in your NutriBullet or blender and blend until smooth.

This makes 1 serving, which contains:

Calories 438kcal Total Fat 2g Total Carbs 75g Protein 30g
SCRAWNY brawny

Get these:

3 Red Onions, sliced 2cm fresh

Ginger, peeled & chopped
2 Red Chillies, deseeded & sliced
2 cloves of Garlic
2 handful of Coriander Stalks
1 tsp Mustard Seeds
8 Tomatoes, chopped
2x400g tins of Chickpeas
350g cooked Turkey

Herb Dressing
2 cloves Garlic
5 tbsp Olive Oil
Handful each of Basil, Parsley, Coriander
50g toasted Pine Nuts

Then do this:
1. Preheat oven to 180c (160 fan) 450f, Gas Mark 4
2. To make herb dressing use food processor. Blend garlic & drizzle of olive oil
into a paste. Add fresh herbs & blend again. Add pine nuts & blend to smooth
paste. Add about 4 tbsp of olive oil as a drizzle while blending until looks like a
herb oil.
3. Using a pestle & mortar crush ginger, chillies, garlic cloves, coriander stalks.
4. Heat a little oil in large pan. Add mustard seeds & cook until they pop. Add
onion & cook until softened. Next add the garlic, ginger & chilli paste and fry for
2 mins.
5. Add the chopped tomatoes, 1 litre of water & simmer for 10 mins. Then add
chickpeas & simmer for a further 10 mins.
6. Remove half the chickpeas & blend until smooth. & return to pan with
coriander leaves. Add the cooked turkey meat & heat through.
7. Serve with about 1 tbsp of herb dressing drizzled over each bowl.

This makes 4 servings, each of which contains:

Calories 703kcal Total Fat 34g Total Carbs 70g Protein 35g
SCRAWNY brawny

Get these:
2 whole Eggs
4 Egg Whites
100g Cherry Tomatoes
50g crumbled Feta
50g Smoked Salmon, cut into strips
Fresh Basil Leaves
2tsp Coconut Oil

Then do this:
1. Beat together the eggs in a bowl.
2. Heat coconut oil in a large non-stick frying pan over a medium heat. Pour in
3. As base begins to set, scatter remaining ingredients over the omelette.
4. Finish cooking the omelette under a hot grill. 2-3 minutes.

This makes 4 servings, each of which contains:

Calories 553kcal Total Fat 38g Total Carbs 5g Protein 45g

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