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Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr. Vol. 12, pp. 277-282. Pergamon Press 1975.

Printed in Great Britain

Strength and Deformation of Rock

Subject to Multiaxial
Compressive Stresses
The reported investigation is primarily devoted to a study of the influence
of confinement on the time-dependent strength of rock and the development
of a simple construction for predictin# the multiaxial compressive strength
of rock from its triaxial behaviour. These results show that confinement
reduces the effect of rate of loadin# and with the possible exception of very
low confinin(t pressures the relative strem2th-time relationship is independent
of confinin 0 pressure.
Percentage strength-instantaneous Poisson's ratio relationships have been
used to show that an increase in confinement produces a greater resistance
against lateral deformation. A method, using measuren~ents of axial strain
at low stress levels, is tentatively suggested for determining the confining
pressure at which the transition of the failure from brittle to ductile takes

INTRODUCTION tionship since in-situ rock is generally subjected to such

A number of experimental techniques are presently a state of stress. From results available in literature
available for studying the relationships between princi- it is not possible to confidently evaluate this effect since
pal stresses at failure. The most popular of these are frequently either only one test has been performed for
the testing of plates in biaxial compression [1], solid a given combination of confining pressure and loading
and hollow cylinders under torsion and axial loading rate [10] or both confining pressure and loading rate
[2, 3], axially loaded hollow cylinders subjected to in- have been simultaneously varied [2]. Tests were thus
ternal and external pressure [4, 5], and prisms in mul- also performed to study the effect of confinement on
tiaxial compression [6, 7]. Although it is possible to strength.
determine the complete relationship in principal stress
space by testing hollow cylinders a serious disadvan- MATERIAL
tage of the first three methods is that failure is signifi-
cantly influenced by specimen dimensions. A distinct All of the experimental work was carried out using
advantage of triaxial testing is that with the exception Laurencekirk sandstone. Earlier publications have
of the unconfined condition strength is unaffected by reported the effect of time, specimen size and shape
specimen size and shape [8, 9]; furthermore such tests on strength, deformation and fracture of this material
are comparatively simpler to perform. However, the when subjected to uniaxial loading [11-13]. A detailed
major limitation of this method is that two of the prin- description of this sandstone is given in [11].
cipal stresses are equal. In this paper a construction
is proposed for extending the utility of the triaxial test TESTING TECHNIQUE
by means of a simple construction in order to predict
strength for the case in which all three principal stresses The triaxial cell and the lateral pressure controller
are different. were specially designed by Wykeham Farrance
Rate of loading is another important parameter in Engineering Limited, U.K., for the University of Dun-
determining the strength of rock. It has been widely dee in 1970. Design requirements for the cell were that
reported that unconfined strength is dependent on rate it should (i) accommodate specimens 50 m m dia, (ii)
of loading; however, it is important to understand the withstand axial thrusts up to 2 MN, (iii) have provi-
significance of confinement on the time-strength rela- sions for the use of strain gauges, and (iv) permit load-
ing in either compression or extension such that the
controller should be able to apply confining pressures
* Research Fellow, The Department of Civil Engineering, The Uni-
versity, Dundee, Scotland. up to 138N/mm 2 (20,0001b/in 2) and automatically
I Lecturer, The Department of Civil Engineering, The University, maintain the confining pressure within +_0"35 N/mm 2.
Dundee, Scotland. The set up for a typical test in the 5"88 M N (600 MP)
278 C . M . Sangha and R. K. Dhir

Fig. 1. Typical set up for triaxial testing using a Losenhausenwerk compression testing machine.

Losenhausenwerk compression machine is illustrated in comparison of the results for two sandstones [11, 14]
Fig. 1. and a number of concretes [15] indicates that the rate
Details of the preparation of the 50mm dia by of decrease increases as the strength of the rock in-
125 mm length specimens have been given elsewhere creases. Figure 2 illustrates the strength-confining pres-
[11]. These specimens were protected from the oil in sure relationships of Laurencekirk sandstone at strain
the cell by means of a sheath made from liquid ureth- rates of 2.5 x 10 -3, 2"5 x 10-5 and 2.5 x 10-7/sec. It
ane polymer (ADIPRENE L-100) cured with MOCA. can be seen that at all confining pressures the decrease
The wall thickness of the sheath was 1.5 mm and the
clearance between sheath and specimen was varied ~sF I I I I t I
between 1.0-2-5 mm depending on the confining pres-
sure employed and whether strain gauges were to be ~00
utilised. Hi-Torque stainless steel clamps were used for
securing the sheath to the pedestal at the base of the 3s0
cell and a steel platen and spherical seating unit resting
on top of the specimen in order to prevent oil leakage
into the sheath. The diameter of the pedestal and the 300
platen and spherical seating unit was the same as that E
of the test specimens. ~ ~so
High yield electrical resistance strain gauges having ~
a length and width of 8.0 and 2-1 mm respectively were SANDSTONE __
employed. Strains, using a set of 2 axial and 2 lateral ~
gauges, were recorded 'only at 2"5 x 10-5/sec strain b
rate although tests were also conducted at 2.5 x 10-3 150
and 2-5 x 1 0 - 7 / s e e strain rates. Five confining pres-
sures were used, namely, 17.2 (2500), 37-2 (5400), 68-9 100
(10,000), 103.4 (15,000) and 137"9 N/ram z (20,000 lbf/in2).
Three specimens were tested for each combination of CONCRETE
confining pressure and strain rate. 5o 2.s* lo~ Sec


0 20 LO 60 80 100 120 140
Effect of rate of loadi~u3 CONFfNING PRESSURE (~3} N/ram2
The strength of rock in uniaxial compression is Fig. 2. Influence of strain rate on the strength of Laurencekirksand-
known to decrease with decreasing rate of loading. A stone loaded in triaxial compression.
Strength and Deformation of Rock 279



per sec
Confining Pressure - N/nm 2

0 17.2 37.2 68.9 103.4 137.9

2.5 x l O -3 15.6 ~.4 7.9 4.6 5.3 ~.2

2.5 x ~ -5 5.o 0.3 0.8 o,k 0.4 o.5

2 . 5 x 1 0 -7 1.0 1.O 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.O

in strength below a strain rate of 2-5 10-5/sec is of shown that the strength of the aggregate-matrix inter-
a much smaller magnitude than above it. The percent- face (bond) decreases as the maximum size of its aggre-
age increases in strength, with respect to the 2"5 x 10- 7 gate increases [17]; thus it is not surprising that the
values, due to change in the rate of straining are given rate of increase in strength with confining pressure was
in Table 1. An important conclusion to be drawn from found to increase as the maximum aggregate size of
these results is that the effects of loading rate are most the concrete was increased [18] since internal micro-
significant under uniaxial loading and under confine- cracking primarily results from bond failure [19]. There
ment the relative strength-strain rate relationship is in- is also some evidence to suggest that a similar beha-
dependent of confining pressure. The authors were un- viour is exhibited by rock; the strength-confining pres-
able to find any comparative data in literature for other sure plots for coarse, medium and fine grained grey-
rocks. However, tests on concrete [15] suggest that rate wackes of similar strength were found to have slopes
of loading has a greater effect on strength in the pres- of 6"5, 5.9 and 5"5 respectively [20].
ence of pore water pressure. At present there is no theory which can satisfactorily
predict, from a knowledge of its unconfined strength
(o.c), the strength of rock subjected to multiaxial
Effect of material stresses. The Griffith theory [21,22] has been most
A material which is comparatively weaker in uniaxial widely used for such purposes. Since Griffith's theory
compression may become relatively stronger when sub- was applicable to open cracks, McClintock and Walsh
jected to multiaxial stresses. This point is clearly illus- [23] introduced a frictional parameter # such that for
trated in Fig. 1 which shows that although Laurence- a confining pressure o3 the strength of the material
kirk sandstone was almost 70 per cent stronger than is given by:
concrete it is weaker for confining pressures exceeding
32 N/mm 2. The results of Hoskins I-5] show that both + #(1 + #)
at --- o'3 _/~ + x/(1 + p2) + o'c-
the principal minimum and intermediate compressive
stresses have a significantly greater effect on quartz
A study of triaxial data in literature, Table 2, clearly
dolomite than on limestone. Mogi [16] has concluded
shows that the coefficient of internal friction varies
that the strength of the more brittle rocks shows a
from material to material and that it, in general, varies
greater dependence on the intermediate principal stress
significantly with confining pressure.
(and hence confinement in general). However this con-
clusion does not satisfy the behaviour of the two mater- Prediction of multiaxial compressive strength
ials illustrated in Fig. 2 since (a) sandstone was
Using the results for the rocks listed in Table 2 the
observed to show a more linear behaviour up to maxi-
following relationships were derived:
mum stress and (b) although the uniaxial Young's
modulus of the two materials was approximately equal
the slope of the post-failure curve for sandstone was -- 1 + 3"20(tr3~ '7 (1)
much steeper.
An important parameter governing the rate of in- coefficient of correlation = 0.87
crease in strength with increasing confinement is the
tensile strength of the material. It is well known that rm _ 0"10 + 0"697 - -
(OmV6" (2)
under uniaxial loading failure results from tensile ~ \ o'~/
stresses and that there is a greater tendency for inter-
coefficient of correlation = 0-966.
granular failure. With increasing confinement the ten-
sile strength of the material plays a less important role Although in the absence of any relevant data equation
and intragranular failure a more prominent role in (1) may be utilized to predict strength, the estimation
determining strength._Research work on concrete has can result in serious errors and furthermore the effects
280 C.M. Sangha and R. K. Dhir



Investigator Rock Pressures
Investigated Varation in
. . . . (%1%)
Aldrich Jr. (2h) Berea S a n d s t o n e O.iO - O.81 1.18 - 0 . 6 9
Brace (25) Webatuek Dolomite 0.ii - 0 . 7 2 0.88 - 0.60
" Blair D o l o m i t e 0.09 - 0.69 1.13 - 0 . 5 3
" Frederick Diabase O . i O - 0.65 1.O8 - 0.89
" Cheshire Quartzite O . 1 3 - 0.35 1.58 - 1.47
" Westerly Granite 0.36 - 0 . 6 6 1.30 - 1.25
Bredthaver (26) Anhydrite O.h2 - 1.67 0.89 - 0.65
" Coarse Chico Limestone 0 . 6 5 - 1.65 0.73 - 0.45
" Quartzite O . h 3 - 0.65 0.78 - 0 . 7 2
" White D o l o m i t e 0.95 - l.h3 0.90 - O.71
Payed (27) Slate, i. a n i s o t r o p y O.O1 - O.18 3.26 - 1.O6
" Slate, ii. a n i s o t r o p y 0.02 - 0.20 1.82 - 1.O8
" Slate, i. anisotropy 0 . 2 6 - O.71 approx, constant at 0.30
" Slate, ii. a n i s o t r o p y 0,60 - 0.97 0.51 - 0.44
" Siltstone, 1. a n i s o t r o p y 0.29 - 0.68 approx, constant at 0.50
" Siltstone, ll. anisotropy O,14 - 0.69 approx, constant at 0.60

Handin et al (2) Darley D a l e S a n d s t o n e 0.05 - 0.25 0.83 - O.hh

Heard (28) Darley Dale Sandstone 0 . 2 2 - 0.4h 0.51 - 0.37

Hock (29) Quartzite o.oh - 0.08 1.32 - 1.28

Hoek (30) - CSIR Chert Dyke (granite) O,lO - O.12 1.29 - 1.h8

" - MIT Chert Dyke (granite) 0.13 - 0 . 5 3 approx, constant at i.O0

Murrell (31) Darley D a l e S a n d s t o n e O.Oh - 2.h3 1.29 - 0.61

Ramez (32) Darley D a l e Sandstone 0.24 - 1.43 1.O5 - 0 . 5 6

Robertson (33) Darley Dale Sandstone O.i0 - 1.43 0.69 - 0.hO
Serdengecti a n d
Boozer (34) Darley Dale S a n d s t o n e O . 1 3 - O.51 0.72 - 0.45
Smith et al (35) Granite 0 . 2 2 - 1.47 1.00 - 0.80

" Marble 0.39 - 1 , 8 2 approx, constant at 0.50

" Sandstone 0.88 - 3.98 approx, constant at 0.50

of the intermediate principal stress are neglected. The recommended because of their insensitivity to large
magnitude of the error which may result is highlighted changes in one of the principal stresses [4].
by the results of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation [20] Since considerable uncertainty is involved in predict-
who showed that the slope of the a~/tr c vs a3/trc curve ing the multiaxial compressive strength of rock from
may vary from 2-9 to 22-5 depending upon the type existing failure criteria the authors propose that the
of rock used. Although equation (2) appears to be a simple construction illustrated in Fig. 3 be used. The
satisfactory fit to the experimental data pertaining to advantages in using triaxial strength data for the pre-
a wide range of rock types such relationships are not diction of multiaxial compressive strength are that (i)

3./. I i 1 I ' ,,.....---I v




~/o~=0 2
15- o-3 / O-c = 0.1
%/o'c :0


ao"I la o-2 : 0
1"0 I
0"2 04 0"6 0"8 1"0 1"2

Fig. 3. A construction for estimating multiaxial compressive strength from triaxial tests.
Strength and Deformation of Rock 281

300 I I I I I I I I I I /


~2oo . . . . 0 --

iso .... C __


II/ I _


B 17.2

~" I I I I I I I I I I
0.2 04 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1-/. $6 $8 2.0 2.2
Fig. 4. Influence of confining pressure on the stress-strain behaviour of Laurencekirk sandstone.

unlike the direct methods I-1-7] strength is independent 2"5 x 10-5/sec. It can be seen that for confining pres-
of specimen size and shape [8,9], (ii) the tests are rela- sures between 68-9 and 137.9 N/n'ln] 2 the axial stress--
tively simpler to perform and (iii) a complete solution strain curve follows the same locus up to a stress level
(Fig. 3) may be estimated from four or five points. close to its strength value. This coincidence of the
The basic assumption for the proposed construction curves is thought to be related to the transition of the
is that the rate of increase of the major principal stress failure from brittle to ductile; for confining presstires
is related to the increase in the intermediate principal exceeding 68"9 N/mm 2 there was very little change in
stress by the following linear relationships: stress for strains between 2-10 per cent. There are axial
Aa~ = Aa2 for 0 < a2/~rc < 0-5 stress~strain curves which have been presented by a
number of research workers (e.g. [37, 38]) which show
Aal = 0"5 Aa2 for 0"5 < tr2/a < 1-0
that the curves initially follow the same locus for all
Aal = 0 for 1"0 < tr2/ac. confining pressures and deviate only near the failure
This construction utilises the well observed fact that stress. The physical interpretation of this behaviour,
the effect of confinement decreases with increasing con- namely, no increase in material stiffness due to confine-
finement. The assumption that Ao-i = 0 for 1-0 < a2/a ~ ment appears difficult to accept; thus it is possible that
is in good agreement with the results of Krishnaswamy either the selected scales were insensitive to illustrate
[36]; associated errors in this region are likely to be differences or that the curves were incorrectly idealized.
small and of a conservative nature. The results of The percentage maximum stress-instantaneous Pois-
Bieniawski [7] show good agreement with the pro- son's ratio relationships illustrated in Fig. 5 show that
posed construction for Aat = Aa2 in the range (a) the resistance to lateral deformation with increasing
0"15 < a2/ac < 0.5 and the construction over the range confinement is greater than the corresponding resis-
0 < a2/ac < 1-0 is supported by Bellamy's [5] general tance to axial deformation and (b) for confining pres-
conclusion that the effect of the intermediate principal sures equal to or greater than 37-2 N/mm 2 the Pois-
stress is to increase the major principal stress by not son's ratio at low stress levels becomes independent
less than 0-75 a2. There is considerable conflict in litera-
ture concerning the biaxial compressive strength of a Too I I I I ....
material; expressed in terms of the uniaxial compressive
strength most of the values are in the range 1"16 [1]
to 2.69 [5]. For this special case, o 3 0 and a~ = tr2,

the proposed construction gives a value of 1"75; an

extrapolation of the results presented by Hoskin's [5] x
and Bieniawski [7] give values of approximately 2-1-3-0
and 1-65 respectively. In general, these results confirm
that the proposed construction can be reliably used for
the prediction of the multiaxial compressive strength
of rock.
DEFORMATION BEHAVIOUR 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.t. 0.5
Figures 4 and 5 illustrate the stress-strain and stress-
Fig. 5. Influence of confining pressure on the percentage m a x i m u m
Poisson's ratio relationships for varying degrees of con- stress-instantaneous Poisson's ratio relationship of Laurencekirk
finement; the rate of straining was kept constant at sandstone.
282 Strength and Deformation of Rock

of confining pressure. Another interesting feature to be 10. Heard H. G. Effect of large changes in strain rate on the exper-
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mation and strength for cylindrical specimens loaded in uniaxial
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CONCLUSIONS lure. J. Geophys. Res. 72, 5117-5131 (1967).
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21. Griffith A. A. The phenomena of rupture and flow of solids.
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