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# Begin TK GApps Install Log

ROM Android Version | 5.1.1
ROM ID | aosp_lux-userdebug 5.1.1 LMY48P
eng.jenkins.20151011.103825 test-keys
ROM Version | eng.jenkins.20151011.103825
Device Recovery | TWRP 3.0.2-r3
Device Name | lux
Device Model |
Device Type | phone
Device CPU | armeabi-v7a,armeabi
getprop Density |
default.prop Density |
build.prop Density | 480
Display Density Used | 480
480dpi [default]
Install Type | Clean[Data Wiped]
Google Camera Installed | Clean
Google Keyboard Installed | Clean
FaceUnlock Compatible | true
Google Camera Compatible | true
Google Webview Compatible | true
Current GApps Version | NO GApps Installed
Curent TK GApps Package | NO GApps Installed
Installing GApps Version | 20151004
Installing GApps Type | full
Config Type | [Default]
Using gapps-config | Not Used
Remove Stock/AOSP Browser | false[default]
Remove Stock/AOSP Email | false[default]
Remove Stock/AOSP Gallery | false[default]
Remove Stock/AOSP Launcher | false[default]
Remove Stock/AOSP MMS App | false[default]
Remove Stock/AOSP Pico TTS | false[default]
Total System Size (KB) | 2697976
Used System Space (KB) | 397280
Current Free Space (KB) | 2284312
Post Install Free Space (KB) | 1603528 << See Calculations Below
Previously installed with TK GApps
# End TK GApps Install Log

# Begin GApps Size Calculations

| Current Free Space | 2284312 | 2284312
Remove | Existing GApps | + 0 | 2284312
Remove | Obsolete Files | + 648 | 2284960
Remove | calendarstock | + 2184 | 2287144
Remove | clockstock | + 2292 | 2289436
Remove | exchangestock | + 1224 | 2290660
Install | Core | - 28744 | 2261916
Install | GMSCore | - 52264 | 2209652
Install | androidpay | - 8092 | 2201560
Install | books | - 10216 | 2191344
Install | calendargoogle | - 24252 | 2167092
Install | chrome | - 53532 | 2113560
Install | clockgoogle | - 7312 | 2106248
Install | cloudprint | - 4160 | 2102088
Install | docs | - 34848 | 2067240
Install | drive | - 16768 | 2050472
Install | ears | - 2044 | 2048428
Install | earth | - 18488 | 2029940
Install | exchangegoogle | - 1208 | 2028732
Install | faceunlock | - 13228 | 2015504
Install | gmail | - 12612 | 2002892
Install | googlenow | - 15300 | 1987592
Install | googleplus | - 25736 | 1961856
Install | googletts | - 29724 | 1932132
Install | hangouts | - 29052 | 1903080
Install | keep | - 10480 | 1892600
Install | maps | - 23464 | 1869136
Install | messenger | - 13552 | 1855584
Install | movies | - 9568 | 1846016
Install | music | - 16912 | 1829104
Install | newsstand | - 11856 | 1817248
Install | newswidget | - 4404 | 1812844
Install | photos | - 32288 | 1780556
Install | playgames | - 16032 | 1764524
Install | search | - 46836 | 1717688
Install | speech | - 44596 | 1673092
Install | street | - 36636 | 1636456
Install | sunbeam | - 64 | 1636392
Install | talkback | - 4804 | 1631588
Install | youtube | - 18844 | 1612744
| Buffer Space | - 9216 | 1603528
Post Install Free Space | 1603528
Required (ALWAYS Installed)
Optional (may be removed)

# End GApps Size Calculations

# Begin User's gapps-config

*** NOT USED ***
# End User's gapps-config

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