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Universidad El Bosque - Facultad de Ciencias

Taller de Current and Resistance- I/2017

1. Suppose that the current through a conductor de- is 100 V/m. Calculate the electrical conductivity
19. (a) Make an order-of-magnitude estimate of the resis- same voltage to the same wire. Wh
creases exponentially with time according to the of the Earthtance is atmosphere
between in this
the ends of a rubber region.
band. (b) Make an register there if the temperature is #
order-of-magnitude estimate of the resistance between no change occurs in the wires shape
equation I(t ) I(t) = I0 e where I0 is the initial the heads and tails sides of a penny. In each case state 29. A certain lightbulb has a tungste
current (at t = 0), and is a constant having 8. A metal wire of resistance
what quantities you take as dataRandisthecut values into
you three
resistance of 19.0 $ when cold an
measure or estimate for them. (c) WARNING! Do not try
dimensions of time. Consider a fixed observation equal pieces that are then connected
this at home! What is the order of magnitude of the
side by side
Assume that the resistivity of tungste
temperature even over the large

point within the conductor. (a) How much char- to form a current
new that each would
a 120-V power supply?
the carry if it were of
length connected
which acrossis equal
involved here, and find the temp
filament. Assume the initial temperatu

ge passes this point between t = 0 and t = ? to one-third the

20. A solid original
cube of silver (densitylength.
! 10.5 g/cm What
) has a massis
3 of the
30. Are-carbon wire and a Nichrome wi
90.0 g. (a) What is the resistance between opposite faces of series, so that the same current exists
(b) How much charge passes this point between sistance ofthethis
cube? new wire?
(b) Assume each silver atom contributes one combination has a resistance of 10.0 k
conduction electron. Find the average drift speed of resistance of each wire at 0C so th
electrons when a potential difference of 1.00 " 10#5 V is
t = 0 and t = 10 ? (c) What If? How much char- 9. The rod inappliedFigure is faces.
to opposite made of two
The atomic numbermaterials.
of silver is
the combination does not change wi
total or equivalent resistance of r
ge passes this point between t = 0and t = ? figure is 21.
not47, and its molar mass is 107.87 g/mol.
drawn to scale. Each conductor has the a
sum of their individual resistances
A metal wire of resistance R is cut into three equal pieces 31. An aluminum wire with a diameter
square cross section
that are 3.00
then connected sidemm
by sideon a
to form side.
a new wireThe first
uniform electric field of 0.200 V/m
2. The quantity of charge q (in coulombs) that has the length of which is equal to one-third the original
3 entire length. The temperature of
material has length.aWhat
resistivity ofthis4,00X10
is the resistance of new wire? .m and Assume one free electron per atom.
passed through a surface of area 2,00cm2 va- 22. Aluminum and copper wires of equal length are found to tion in Table 27.1 and determine the
is 25.0 cmhave long, while the second material
the same resistance. What is the ratio of their radii? has the acurrent density in the wire? (c
ries with time according to the equation q = 3 2 current in the wire? (d) What is th
23. Aof 6,00X10
current density of 6.00.m
" 10 and
A/m exists 40.0
in the at-cm long.
conduction electrons? (e) What pote
4t3 + 5t + 6, where t is in seconds. (a) What is mosphere at a location where the electric field is 100 V/m.
exist between the ends of a 2.00-m l
What is the resistance
Calculate between
the electrical conductivity of the the
Earths ends
atmos- of the
produce the stated electric field?
the instantaneous current through the surface at phere in this region.
rod? 24. The rod in Figure P27.24 is made of two materials. The fig- 32. Review problem. An aluminum rod
t = 1,00s? (b) What is the value of the current ure is not drawn to scale. Each conductor has a square 1.234 $ at 20.0C. Calculate the res
cross section 3.00 mm on a side. The first material has a 120C by accounting for the changes
density? resistivity of 4.00 " 10#3 $ % m and is 25.0 cm long, while and the dimensions of the rod.
the second material has a resistivity of 6.00 " 10#3 $ % m 33. What is the fractional change in the
and is 40.0 cm long. What is the resistance between the filament when its temperature chan
3. An electric current is given by the expression ends of the rod? 50.0C?
34. The resistance of a platinum wire is
I(t) = 100sin(120t), where I is in amperes and low-temperature measurements. A
t is in seconds. What is the total charge carried resistance 1.00 $ at 20.0C is immers
25.0 cm 40.0 cm at 77 K (# 196C). If the temperature
by the current from t = 0 to t = ( 240 )s? Figure P27.24
inum wire is linear, what is the expec
platinum wire at # 196C? (&platinum
35. The temperature of a sample of tung
4. The electron beam emerging from a certain high- Section 27.3 A Model for Electrical Conduction
sample of copper is maintained at 20.
ature will the resistivity of the tungste
energy electron accelerator has a circular cross 25. If the magnitude of the drift velocity of free electrons of the copper?
in a copper wire is 7.84 " 10 m/s, what is the electric #4

section of radius 1.00 mm. (a) The beam cu- field in the conductor?
26. If the current carried by a conductor is doubled, what
rrent is 8,00A. Find the current density in the happens to the (a) charge carrier density? (b) current Section 27.6 Electrical Power

beam, assuming that it is uniform throughout. 10. Si la cada de potencial

density? entre
(c) electron drift ay(d)
velocity? b es de time
average 12V, 36.halle
A toaster is rated at 600 W when c
interval between collisions? source. What current does the toaster
(b) The speed of the electrons is so close to the la coerriente que circula por cada resistencia.
27. Use data from Example 27.1 to calculate the collision resistance?
mean free path of electrons in copper. Assume the average 37. A Van de Graaff generator (see Figur
speed of light that their speed can be taken as thermal speed of conduction electrons is 8.60 " 10 m/s. 5
so that the potential difference betw
electrode B and the charging need
c = 3,00X108 m/s with negligible error. Find the Calculate the power required to d
Section 27.4 Resistance and Temperature electrical forces at an instant when
electron density in the beam. (c) How long does 28. While taking photographs in Death Valley on a day when delivered to the high-voltage electrod

it take for Avogadro is number of electrons to the temperature is 58.0C, Bill Hiker finds that a certain 38. In a hydroelectric installation, a turb
voltage applied to a copper wire produces a current of to a generator, which in turn tran
emerge from the accelerator? 1.000 A. Bill then travels to Antarctica and applies the mechanical energy out by electrical

5. A lightbulb has a resistance of 240 when ope-

rating with a potential difference of 120 V across
it. What is the current in the lightbulb?
11. Si la cada de potencial entre ay b es de 12V, halle
6. A resistor is constructed of a carbon rod that has la coerriente que circula por cada resistencia.
a uniform cross-sectional area of 5,00mm2 . When
a potential difference of 15.0 V is applied across
the ends of the rod, the rod carries a current of
4,00X103 A. Find (a) the resistance of the rod
and (b) the rod is length.

7. A current density of 6,00X1013 mA2 exists in the

at- mosphere at a location where the electric field

Current and Resistance Taller Abril 2017

12. (a) Demostrar que la resistencia equivalente en-
tre los puntos de la figura es R. (b) Qu ocurrira
si se aadiese una resistencia R entre los puntos
oco des- c y dsu?abuela pueda escuchar su msica favorita, le lleva su
15. Para que
apacitor radio de bur al hospital donde se encuentra internada. Ah le
o, y que exigen que el radio sea probado por personal de mantenimiento
ermina- para comprobar que es elctricamente seguro. Al ver que una de
las perillas tiene un potencial de 120 V, no se le permite llevar el
radio al cuarto de su abuela. Ella se queja y dice que ha tenido
ese radio por aos y que nadie ha recibido jams una descarga.
No obstante tiene que comprar un radio nuevo de plstico. Esto
es justo? Ser el viejo radio igual de seguro cuando est de re-
greso en la
13. (a) recmara
Calcular la de su abuela?equivalente entre el
16. Culpunto a y el del
es la ventaja b enfuncionamiento
la figura (b) sia 120
la diferencia
V en comparacin
con el funcionamiento a 240 V? Cules son lasesdesventajas?
de potencial entre a y b es 12 V , Cul la co-
rriente en cada resistencia?.

14. a) Determine la resistencia equivalente entre los

puntos a y b de la figura. b) Si entre los puntos a
y b se aplica una diferencia de potencial de 34.0
V, calcule la corriente en cada resistor.
diferencia de potencial de 34.0 V, calcule la corriente en cada
20.0 W
ntre las
r de R? 4.00 9.00

a misma
nterna. 10.0
.255 !,
a b
mA. a) Figura P28.5
n de la
6. ! Un foco marcado 75 W [a] 120 V se atornilla en un portalm-
erna de
para en el extremo de un cable largo de extensin, en el cual
cada uno de los dos conductores tiene una resistencia de 0.800
na resis-
!. El otro extremo de la extensin se enchufa en una salida de
tan una
120 V. Dibuje un diagrama de circuito y determine la potencia
real entregada al foco en este circuito. a) Explique porqu la
aras de
potencia verdadera que se entrega al foco no puede ser 75 W en
atera y
esta situacin. b) Cmo puede modelar razonablemente como
e 35.0 A
constante acerca del foco?
7. Considere el circuito que se muestra en la figura P28.7. Deter-
mine a) la corriente en el resistor de 20.0 ! y b) la diferencia de
en una
potencial entre los puntos a y b.
arga di- 10.0
Current and Resistance 25.0 V Taller Pagina 2 de 2
la resis-
otencia, 10.0
interna a b
a elc-

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