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2) a)

i) State the coordinates of the centre of enlargement

____________________ (1 mark)

ii) Find the scale factor of the enlargement (1 mark)

b) i) There are 3 different type of candy being sold at a sweet shop. The ratio of sales on daily
basis of strawberry candy to mango candy is 2:5, whereas the ratio of sales on daily basis of
pineapple candy to mango candy is 4:3. What is the total sale of the three candies on daily basis
if the difference of sales between mango candy and strawberry candy is RM 180? (4 marks)
ii) Construct a pictogram (pictograph) to show the number of sales between the three different
candies if the total number of candies sold in a particular day is 820 (4 marks)

Type of candy Number of candies sold in a day




3) a) i) Expand 5x(2x + 3) [2 marks] ii) Simplify 3 [3 marks]

b) state the time 1200 am in 24-hours system [1 mark]

c)A bus travelled from Kuala Lumpur to Bangkok The journey took about 19 hours and 24
minutes The bus had to stop three times each for 20 minutes throughout the journey If the bus
arrive at Bangkok on 5th of March at 11 pm state the time and date the bus left Kuala Lumpur

[4 marks]

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