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Traditional Life
African Traditional Life is a four chapters Document from BC to AD a first chapter is about African History
from the first family that entered Africa during 700 BC to the last family in 1890 AD , second chapter is
African Religion praying God in African way through Messengers , third African Development Plan for the
Tribal Community and the last is an African Economic Development Plan through decentralization in the
Rural African Community, All References researched by Media Action Plan [MAP Organisation] registered
NPO/PBO sponsored by AGS Akani Guard Security written by Morris Bila through Messengers Guidance.

MAP Organisation
4010 a Zone 4 Pimville Soweto 1809 / 347 Phuphula Section Mavambe Village Malamulele Limpopo RSA
African Traditional Life
According to African Messengers there are three types of Life Styles on whole World
Life [Traditional Life styles, Western Life styles and Family to National Altar] Traditional
Life styles is about our Genealogy, Surname and Tribe, Western Life styles is the
product of Colonisation that connected the entire World meaning the whole world is
colonized even colonizers is the victims of Colonisation today, Family to National Altar
is about tradition, culture and religion of Family or Tribe to Nation. The Document is
about lost and found History of the Continent or Hidden Information in the following four
chapters, African first Kingdom is a History about African family tree from the first
Leader who was [1st Milestone] first African family to occupy Africa to the Last African
family to occupy Africa ,Last Leader [8th Milestone] from the year 700 BC to 1890 AD
today is 2017 AD, all information in fifteen steps , African Religion is about God father
,Son ,Holy Spirit and Messengers also praying God in African way, African Kingdom
Plan is about the African nations or continents Altar and African Economy is about
going back to African forefathers dreams and going forward to the Messengers needs.

Chapter 1
African first Kingdom Egyptians is the first family to occupy the Continent of
Africa Long Before Christ ,Egyptians the grandsons of Ham second born son of Noah
then follows Semantic grandfather of Africa from the house of Simeone second born
son of Jacob and Leah ,Jacob the son of Isaac, Isaac son of Abraham and Sarah, the
first home of Africa was Semantic, Semantic the leader of African was not his real name
was because Semantic means Ancient Israelite Language, Semantic Kingdom is now in
Morocco is the undermined nation in the planet because of their tradition and culture.

1. First home of Africa: Semantic is a first leader of African to the Sunny Land in
Morocco because there was pasture there for their flocks, Semantic is an Ancient
Israelites Language so he was called by the name of his Language, coming from
Israel [around 700 BC in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah] from the house of
Simeone second born son of Jacob ,Jacob son of Isaac ,Isaac son of Abraham
[Verses below on Chapter 2 under African Religion with explanations] Semantic
was the 1st Mhlahlandlela / Milestone from Israel to Moroccos Semantic area in
Africa, Semantic father to Berber, Berber father of Africa.
2. Second home of Africa: Berber became 2nd Mhlahlandlela/Milestone from
Semantic Area to Berber Area also in Morocco occupying the Dream Land;
Berber Language is the respectful language in Morocco meanwhile Semantic
Language is an undermined Language or Kingdom in Morocco because they are
more traditional [is no longer called Semantic]. Barber father to Africa ,Africa is a
Latin word means Sunny ,Langeni is a Nguni [RSA] Language means Sunny in
English ,Zion is an Jamaican English means Sunny ,Zion the dream Land not
Mount Sione in the Holly Bible. [Berber Language also spoken
in Mauritania, (including Western Sahara), Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya]
3. Third Home of Africa: Africa/Langeni/Sunny/Zion gave birth to Tuareng;
Tuareng is the 3rd Mhlahlandlela/Milestone from Morocco to Algeria, the
African main aim was to occupy the Dream Land, Taureng area [Algeria].
Tuareng and Berber Languages are family of very closely related languages and
dialects, spoken in large parts of Mali, Niger, Algeria, Libya, and Burkina Faso,
with a few speakers, in Chad. Taureng gave birth to Langeni/African kingdoms
three brothers first born Kongo, second born Kangaba, last born Aksum.
4. First Kingdoms of Africa: Kongo became 4th Mhlahlandlela/Milestone from
Algeria Taureng area to Congo, Kongo was the first born, second Kangaba and
last born was Aksum the first born always carries the surname with him even
today 2017 AD the traditional first born are known as Mhlahlandlela Langeni
family [Kongo went to central Africa, Kangaba to western Africa and Aksum
eastern Africa each leading their family followers leaving the other younger
brothers to take care of their elders and other part of their family] .Kongo father to
three brothers Hlubi, Nguni and Kongo Junior who all became the tribes. Same
as Kangaba and Aksum they fathers the tribes as the document is all about the
traditional first born of Africa ,culture and religion. [the sons of the Kingdoms
became the African tribes ,Africa have many tribes divided by Colonisation using
Rivers and Mountains to separate the families that caused wars Politically]
5. First born Tribe of Africa: Hlubi father to Lala and Mboo, Lala became the 5th
Mhlahlandlela/Milestone to surrounding areas such as Burundi and others. Lala
gave birth to Juwah who also died at central Africa; Juwah, Juwah means sun in
Swahili. Juwah father to Mashiye and Nxumalo who went to Southern Africa
Natal, Mashiye became the 6th Mhlahlandlela/Milestone from Central Africa to
Southern Africa Natal. Mashiye gave birth to Bhila, Bhila to Manukunuku,
Manukunuku, Bhila and Mashiye both died and buried at Natal, Manukunuku
father to Ndwandwe Gwambe Langeni. Ndwandwe Gwambe Langeni was the 7th
Mhlahlandlela from Natal to Mozambiques Bileni Masia district. Ndwandwe
Gwambe Langeni gave birth to Machimbha/Langeni. Machimbha/Langeni gave
birth to Xidyela Hehla/Bila all died and buried at Mozambique. Xidyela Hehla/Bila
gave birth to last or 8th Mhlahlandlela the last king of Africa Magqekeni
Makutsule Bila Langeni died and buried at former Makutsule clan at Livubu river
bank next to Hlengwe foot print [below is a full information and all details of the
traditional first born of Africa ,Tsonga of Mabulandlela South Africa in Limpopo
as they (Tsonga Nation) doesnt even know who they are as they are known as
the nation without the King , even the Royal Family (Mhlahlandlela Bila Langeni)
doesnt know who they really are what they know is that they were the respected
family until 1960s , as Information was lost during 1906, the Community were not
allowed to mention their King because of Colonisation it grew until today that you
dont mention the King because of the Witches referring to the colonizers (it
ended up known as that the family is afraid to rule because of witchcraft) they
only known as headman ,and Names of people below today is the names of the
tribes or languages and villages or surnames e.g. Zulu son of Malandhela
,Malandhela grandson of Nguni now Zulu is a Language under Nguni Tribe at
KZN / RSA and Tsonga is the undermined Language a nation without a King]
6. First and Last King of Mabulandlela Tsonga between 1890-1914,
Mabulandlela at Limpopo Province South Africa was the Last Nation to
occupy Africa in 1890: King 8th Mhlahlandlela Magqekeni Makutsule Bila
Langeni the son of Bila Xidyela Hehla Langeni son of Mlangeni Langeni son of
Ndwandwe Gwambe Langeni and Nwa-Bangwani Dzavani Chauke Hlengwe.
[What was going to happen after the last national of Tsonga occupy Africa if the
continent was not colonized? found out below what Colonisation have done for
African (Mabulandlela is a Tsonga word and Mhlahlandlela is Nguni word].
7. Head Chief: Nyavani Mabunda Hlave the father of Chief Xihoko first born, Chief
Dzumeri same mother and Chief Ngove, Chief Bungeni Mabunda same mother
and other Chiefs of Mabunda.
8. Tribe: Mabulandlela was Hlubi /Hlaves Place meaning the king was Langeni the
big brother of Hlave as Bileni and Hlave were brothers from one mother one
father Mashiye ,Mashiye the son of Juwah, Juwah the son of Lala and Lala the
son of Hlubi but they use to call themselves Nguni as their fathers use to speak
Nguni and were born in the land of the Nguni at Langeni now KZN before they
moved to Tsonga Land now Gaza Mozambique ,their father born at Langeni KZN
referring to Ndwandwe Gwambe Langeni son of Manukunuku son of Bileni the
brother of Hlave both sons of Mashiye as Mashiye and Nxumalo also brothers
and they come from Central Africa the long hair dark people.
9. Surnames: Sons of Hlave was Mabunda as first born, Nkuna [Mhlava Timangeni
& Mhlava Vhelemu], Mtileni, Makamu, Ndhove and Maswanganyi meaning Hlave
have more than 100 surnames as Novela is the son of Mtileni and so on example
any one during surname recitation that mentions Hlave is not a mistake he is a
Hlave of Hlubi of Kongo of Tuareng of Africa of Berber of Semantic. Africa is a
Latin word means Sunny in English, means Zion in ancient Jamaican English not
the Bibles Mount Sion and in Nguni means Langeni. Ndwandwe Gwambe
Langeni in KZN while he was a King of Langeni his children most of them was
Girls with three disable Boys and his brother (Zwide) was having strong and
healthy children those are the other reason for Gwambe to protect his Legacy so
he convince Manukosi before he was called Soshangane to leave KZN promising
him his inheritance which he did gave him half of his Land given by the Hlengwe.
Ndwandwe head Chief at KZN was Zwide son of Langa, Langa son of Xaba,
Xaba first born of Nxumalo, Ndwandwe brother to Nandi the Mother of Shaka
Zulu, Nandi daughter of Mbhembhe, Mbhembhe of Xaba of Nxumalo.
Ndwandwe Langenis relatives, Zwides daughter Thandile married Sobhuza of
the Ngwane [Swazi], she became popularly known as Lazidze, Ntombazana
sister of Ndwandwe Gwambe Langeni was a bride to the Mthetwa ruler,
Dingiswayo. Mzilikazi Khumalo [Ndebele leader] the son of Mashobane's senior
wife [with a daughter of Zwide Langeni].Ndwandwe in Mozambique had nine
Children whereby his traditional first born was the number four in overall the
Children were as follows: Mazivila, Dzimbeni, Makuwane, Machimbha Langeni,
Ghombane, Zukula, Nwampaku, Incaia, and Machenganyane as brothers [All the
nine brothers they have villages named after them at Bileni Masiya that is the
reason Mhlahlandlela swept the way to Mabulandlela as the grandchild of the
traditional first born went to the other piece of land given by the Hlengwe was
known as Mabulandlela 1890.This document is all about Mhlahlandlela to
Ndwandwe to Hlubi to Africa to Simeon to Abraham to Noah to Seth son of
Adam and Eve to God the creator.
10. Language & Land: The Land and Tsonga Language of Mabulandlela, Gaza and
Hlengwe Kingdom belongs to Chauke/Mabasa Hlengwe Nguni calling
themselves Rhonga or Dzonga meaning East in Tsonga, whereby the family
King is in Hlengwe Zimbabwe, as in African way when the first three brothers
who created the first African Kingdom [Kongo Central, Kangaba West and Aksum
East Africa] they agreed to mark their land in African Traditional and Cultural way
whereby the Hlengwe were using foot print. The Hlengwe Land was marked by
big foot print it was eight of them whereby two is in South Africa, one is next to
the Grave of Mhlahlandlela Bila Langeni next to the water fall at Rivubye River.
The other two, is in Gaza Mozambique, one in Malawi Tsonga Hlengwe, one in
Zambia Tsonga Hlengwe and two at the family owners of the Land the Hlengwe,
as it was supposed to be Hlengwe Country before the Land Act of 1913. First
arrival to Africa before the year 1100AD from Israel was Semantic to Morocco
first home, Semantic was ancient Israelite Language, Semantic Language is
spoken in Morocco being the undermined Language and Kingdom as the still
practice their forefathers Culture, Tradition and Religion praying the god of their
forefathers not actually knowing that is the same God Noah, Abraham and David
without knowledge because of lack of Education as they were called Berberic.
Berber is the son of Semantic and was the second home of African also in
Morocco, the Berber Language is the most respected and Berber is the father of
Africa/Langeni/Zion/Sunny. Langeni/Africa the father of Tuareng now is the
Language spoken in Algeria and surroundings is the third home and the last
home as each home the King was not the first born as they were still traveling in
order to occupy the land the second or last we suppose to be the King. Tuareng
is the father of three men the first three kingdom of Africa who gave birth to the
Tribes, Tribes gave birth to Languages, Languages to Surnames. First three
Kingdom was [Kongo who went to Central Africa, Kangaba to the West and
Aksum to East].We go with the first born Kongo who gave birth to Hlubi also the
first born, Hlubi the tribe gave birth to Lala, Lala to Juwah and they all died and
buried in Central Africa. Mashiye and Nxumalo went to Southern Africa now KZN
known as Hlubi the dark and long hair people whereby Mashiye, Bileni and
Manukunuku [Nxumalo, Gaza and Zikode] was died and buried in KZN speaking
Nguni. Ndwandwe Gwambe Langeni and his brother Manukosi Soshangane
went to Mozambique stolen a lot of cows from the Nguni calling themselves
Nguni whereas they were Hlubi. Ndwandwe ka Manukunuku change his name to
be known as Bileni ka Mashiye and Manukosi ka Zikode changes his name to be
Gaza ka Nxumalo all using their grand fathers. Still with the first born Ndwandwe
Gwambe married to the Tsonga their sons start calling themselves Tsonga
mother tongue. Ndwandwe his son Langeni and his grandson Bila Xidyela died
and buried in Bileni Mashie Mozambique. Mhlahlandlela went to his grandfathers
land of Mabulandlela in 1890. Maphungubwe was the Hlengwe Chauke/Mabasa
Family Kings Place before they we collaborated with their nephews Langeni
Families (Mabulandlela and Gaza/Changani), Hlengwe Chauke/Mabasa of
Humba Family whereby they used Jackals as their dogs meaning in Tsonga
Jackal is Mhungubye/Phungubye there was a big foot print of Jackal at their
home Maphungubwe and they we protected by Mwari the foot printer /
Makondo, Hlengwe Chauke/Mabasa Family sons of Humba the Tshovani still in
Zimbabwe today the Xinyori are in Masia as Chiefs at Bileni Masia meaning the
first born was Tshovani then the other ones at Malawi and Zambia under eight
foot print of Humba Chauke/Mabasa Hlengwes grandfather meaning the eight
foot print marked the Hlengwe Country under three known leader ship and
accommodated the traditional first born of Africa as their Nephews. Western
people came with the plan to destroy the African History by coming up with the
idea of saying that when you recite your genealogy you let your enemy witch
you easily whereas they knew that we will know who we are and know our
forefathers power but that was not their fault alone it was also the wishes of
Jacob the father of Africa that he doesnt want his name to be mentioned by his
grandsons (African) after curse, African was against two Western and Jacob so
meaning a person must know his family tree and not forget that even if you are
not a member of any Church your are a son of God and you are Christian as
Christ adopted the whole World not only the sons of Judah (Jewish or Israelites )
we are all Christian we need to help our family members before we help our
Churches those affiliated with Churches that is the best prayer of a Man to
Messengers and God.
11. Relatives: Langeni brothers King Mhlahlandlela Bila Langeni of Mabulandlela
South Africa , Mdunwazi Nghunghunyani Nxumalo of Gaza Mozambique and
Uncle Chauke Humba Mabasa Hlengwe of Hlengwe Ronga Zimbabwe. TSONGA
OF HLENGWE ZIMBABWE People of Chauke xa Humba Hlengwe, The Tsonga
of Ronga/East ,The original owners of the Tsonga/Ronga Language ,Ronga of
Nguni / Mabasa /Mtungwa ,The Uncles of Mabulandlela and Changani Nations
,People of Mhlahlandlela the Makombandlela ya Va Tsonga of Mabulandlela
,Grandsons of Gwambe and Dzavani ,Swihluke or Relatives Nghunghunyani
,Speakers of mother language ,Tsonga of Hlubi Tribe ,Gwambe is Ndwandwe
Bhila Langeni ,Dzavani is Nwa Bangwani Chauke ,TSONGA OF GAZA /
,Sons of Mzila and Mawewe ,Grandsons of Manukosi Soshangane Gaza
Nxumalo Langeni ,Swihluke or Relatives of Mhlahlandlela Bila Langeni
,Speakers of mother language -Tsonga of Hlubi Tribe.[Hlengwe was uncle as
Ndwandwe Gwambe Langeni married to Nwa-Bangwani Dzavani Chauke they
gave birth to Langeni also married his uncle Matsenas daughter Nwa-Matsena
Chauke they gave birth to Bila Xidyela also married to Nwa-Xigombe Chauke
they gave birth to Mhlahlandlela Bila Langeni who married to Nwa-Fengeni
Chauke mother of Phahlela Sivulayi the traditional first born and Nwa-Vangoni
the mother of first born by age Xivasa wa Makutsule the leader of the clan that
has been knocked down by the Servant. The Chauke Ladies was supposed to
gave birth to the Mabulandlela heir and the lady was supposed to be Nyakwavi
the person from the family traditional altar.
12. Heroes 1906: Three heroes of colonisation was Bhambata & seven friends,
Nghunghunyani Mdunwazi Nxumalo and Mhlahlandlela Bila Langeni whereby all
of them lost Bhambata lost by being buried without the knowledge of their family
in exile under Chief Dzumeri Mabunda with his friends being the head man,
Nghunghunyani lost by being arrested also his family ended in exile at
Mabulandlela as Nghunghunyani and Mhlahlandlela never wanted to be
separated from each other by Colonisation boundaries that separated families by
Mountains and rivers during 1913 Land Act ignoring African Traditional
boundaries then Nghunghunyani said his King is Mhlahlandlela and
Mhlahlandlela said his King was Nghunghunyani but they failed and
Mhlahlandlela lost his kingdom by sacrificing for his Nation of Mabulandlela and
fail. South Africa (1914) [(Bhambata was called Maphata/Zitha his friend was
Skhunyane ,Mageva ,Mbhendle ,Guwela ,Mghoghoma ,Sthole and the seventh
friend )] .Scramble for Africa Boer War (1880) ,Tunisia (1881) ,Sudan (1881)
,Egypt (1882) ,Wassoulou (1883) ,Eritrea (1887) ,Dahomey (1890) ,Mashonaland
(1890) ,Dahomey (1892) ,Matabeleland (1893) ,Wassoulou (1894) ,Ashanti
(1895) ,Ethiopia (1895) Matabeleland (1896) ,Zanzibar (1896) ,Benin (1897)
,Wassoulou (1898) ,Chad (1898) (Koussri) ,Fashoda (1898) ,South Africa
(1899) ,Namibia (1904) ,Tanganyika (1905) ,Morocco (1905) ,South Africa
(1906) ,Ouaddai (1909) ,Morocco (1911)Tripolitania (1911) ,
13. Families: Five Families of Mabulandlela is Langeni [Bila ,Baula/Mlangeni
,Mashiye ,Bilankulu are brothers the sons of Langeni then Ngobeni ,Mnisi
,Ndhlovu and Khosa are brothers to Ndwandwe Gwambe the son of Manukunuku
of Bileni of Mashiye they are Hlubi] ,Hlave [The sons of Hlave was Mabunda,
Nkuna ,Mtileni, Makamu ,Ndhove and Maswanganyi meaning Hlave have more
than 100 surnames as Novela is the son of Mtileni and Hlongo ,Mawila ,Bvuma
,Hlabangwani and others as Hlave is majority ] ,Mthetwa [Sono the father of
Madonsi Hlungwani ,Mavambe Magoda Manganyi ,Masingi and others like
Makelani] ,Hlengwe [(Mdavula, Mkhomi and Xigamani) Chauke and Mathebula
Changameri Lobvi Dombo was Kalanga speakers (grandson Makhuva and
others) but ended being Tsonga before they even got to Mozambique with
Chauke which have a lot of surnames but not majority ] Xixangaxile Nwanati
(Mhinga ,Xikundu and Makuleke) came with Monyai they were all speaking Nyai
Language [Makhuvele and Xivambu]
14. District: Four Districts was Magangeni ka Langeni now Malamulele was a
Capital city plus home of the King next to Hlengwe stone,Tsungeni wa Nambu
now Giyani plus Tzaneen home of the head Chief ,Xipilongo xa Nwa- Langeni
now Elim plus surroundings and Swiharhini ka Nyamazani now Bush Buck ridge
and surrounding. Magangeni the Capital city as the home of the King the was
staying with additional Chiefs of Mabulandlela as Mabulandlela was for the Hlubi
(Langeni and Hlave) then included the Nephews the Mthethwa as they were
Nguni ,Maluleke Nwanati Xixangaxile speaking Nyai came with Monyai their tribe
question mark and Chauke Hlengwe family. All the first born of the additional
Families Chiefs were staying at Magangeni now Malamulele. The Mthethwa
Chief we suppose to be given birth by Langeni Sisters example is the mother
Chief Madonsi and Nwa-Dhzekudzheku was Nwa-Xidyela Bila Langeni and the
Mother of Chief Mavambe Khutla, Xithlelani and Dinga was Nwa-Mathlavule Bila
Langeni the Sisters of Mhlahlandlela Bila Langeni that was their tradition as
Langeni to Chauke [Mathlavule and (Bila Xidyela, Baula Mlangeni twins) were
brothers same mother. Mathlavule clan also at Magangeni now Malamulele
known as Chief Govhu and Chief Gija-Mhandeni under Madonsi , Back to
Chauke Hlengwe the traditional first born of Langeni Phahlela Sivulayi never
been a King but buried as King in Hlubi tradition 100 meters away from his father
and was married to Nwa-Mahuhuxi Chauke whereby Mahuhuxi and Mdavula are
brothers same mother.
15. Culture ,Tradition and Religion:
Three Inyanga/Traditional Consultant of Mabulandlela: or Traditional
Consultant as Mabulandlela consist of five families the powerful family as one
of them is the traditional first born of Africa/Langeni they have their consultant
subtraction of one family the additional of which is Xixangaxile Nwanati
Maluleke. All four family has their own Consultant or protector Langeni and
the nephews Mthethwa has their Inyanga (Ndhlovu Family), Hlave was
protected by the second born of Hlave their Inyanga was (Mtileni then his son
Novela) and Mavasa Hlengwe Chauke Humba family their Inyanga was
[Mathevula Kalanga Family (Baloyi means witches is not the real name
because they were strong)].Each family has animal to represent them
Langeni and the Nephews including Xixangaxile Family was an Elephant,
Hlave a Buffalo and Hlengwe is a Rhino but being three of the big five
animals representing South Africa ,Mabulandlela Tsonga Nation as the Last
born Nation of Africa in 1890 but being the first born Kingdom of Africa was
the strongest Nation whereby colonisation taken all our power whereby we
can take it back. The Mabulandlela Tsonga Nation was strong as was
represented by three Animals as the King of the Continent they were going to
build African Altar ,whereby one (Buffalo) Mtileni family went to African
Church that is praying God in African way [after the Kingdom was stripped by
Colonisation as the Three Tsonga Nation never wanted to be separated from
each other then they caused confusion on who was the King of Mabulandlela
the Mabulandlela was forced to choose the King in1914 the Regent was
chosen to disguise as the battle was lost chosen by King Mhlahlandlela and
family witnessed by Ramabulani Venda and his brother Makhado Venda ,and
the head Chief Nyavani Mabunda Hlave the leader was Mhinga representing
Xixangaxile Family of Nwanati Maluleke as the first born in order to unite the
Mabulandlela Nation that is the reason their sons were taken to School by the
colonials so that they can lead the Mabulandlela in western way ,so the
person who qualifies to lead was the grandson of Majeje Maluleke ,also they
use to report everything to Mhlahlandlela family ,the Majeje Maluleke
grandson was named Malamulele as nickname by Langeni family for Naming
Mabulandlela Gazankulu meaning is the big brother of Gaza of
Nghunghunyani Mozambique and the Venda family automatically was going
to be under Mabulandlela Nation meaning their language and kingdom was
saved by Colonisation they must thank their ancestors] back to Inyanga
(Buffalo) family went to African Church that is praying God in African way it
was a good move before 1914 in 1910 as the problem started in 1906, the
leader of Ndhlovu family (Elephant) went to Ramabulani Venda family the
Ndhlovu family Altar was changed to be Ndou whereby the Nyai speaking
people Vha-nyai those came with Maluleke Xixangaxile Nwanati family called
themselves Venda family Member (Vha-nyai was Maluleke Xixangaxile
Inyanga without animal) and all Shavhi families are original Hlave Family
members ,Again the Venda Ramabulani Family has taken the Langeni
Family trusted (Booi Family) and lastly The Hlengwes Kalanga
Mathebula Altar with Rhino animal they were loyal to their leader but it was
divided as all belonged to Langeni Family and Langeni Kingdom as it was
destroyed by colonisation ,they was approached by African Churches that
praise God in African way and Venda Family but they wanted to stay loyal to
their King by protecting Mabulandlela underground. By the way the Tsonga of
Mabulandlela is still protected by the loyal Mathebula Kalanga family but
without an Altar as African Church Altar is protecting the whole continent
without knowing who has an African/Langeni Family Kingdom Altar, the
other two remaining animals Cheater and Lion was representing the Nguni
families in South Africa [all in all African are represented by Big five animals
meaning all African are from same Surname only different by languages of
nationalities and pronunciation meaning one African family].National Animal
of India is the Royal Bengal Tiger ,National Animal of Canada is the Beaver
,National Animal of Scotland is the Unicorn ,National Animal of Australia is the
Red Kangaroo ,National Animal of Russia is the Russian Brown Bear
,National Animal of Germany is the Black Eagle and the Zebra ,National
Animal of Brazil is the Jaguar ,National Animal of United Kingdom is the Lion
stolen from Africa ,National Animal of Spain is the Bull ,National Animal of
Philippines is the Carabao ,National Animal of Mexico is the Xoloitzcuintle
,National Animal of Turkey is the Grey Wolf ,National Animal of China The
Giant Panda ,National Animal of Holland is the springbok and the National
Animal of United States The Bald Eagle.
Servant: Mhlahlandlela Bila Lanangei Kingdom has Servant the trusted
person was also a nephew of Mhlahlandlela his name was Booi meaning
Boy/Messenger the father of Piet Booi of Mulendzhe Clan where there is a
Hlengwe footprint, Mulendzhe means footprint, Mulendzhe Clan belonged to
the first born by age of Mhlahlandlela Bila Langeni who his real Name is
Magqekeni but also given the name Makutsule meaning savior from
Colonisation, the name of the leader of Makutsule Clan was Xivasa
Makutsule Bila Langeni was called Xivasa Makutsule Clan lastly the only
thing the Makutsule have is the headman under Mavambe Clan thanks to
Nephew Magoda ,Makutsule Clan is headed by rightful person from the first
born house of Xivasa Makutsule whereas were suppose to be Mulendzhe
thanks to Colonisation. Africa as a one family, after a while whereby African
Continent was occupied the traditional first born of Africa where ever they go
from the North to Central from Central to South in now KZN South Africa they
became relatives of the Kingdoms e.g. the mother of Shaka Zulu was the
Langeni meaning the Zulu Nation ,Mthetwa and Mashoabana Ndebele
became nephews of the Langeni from KZN to Mozambique Bileni Masia they
became the Nephews of the Hlengwe Chauke family and the Mthetwa family
those went to Mozambique with them become their nephews from
Mozambique Bileni to Mabulandlela in South Africa they meet Ramabulani
Venda family whereby they became one family whereby they also called
themselves grandsons of Gwambe and Dzavani.
Poem: One poem one recitation one song Poem Magqekeni Makutsule
Mhlahlandlela Bila Langeni, Ndwandwe ka Manukunuku Bileni Masia ba Hlubi
wa se Langeni recitation by Chief Mnisi, Recitation Mhlahlandlela the
Makombandlela ya Va Tsonga of Mabulandlela, Grandsons of Gwambe and
Dzavani, Swihluke or Relatives Nghunghunyani, Speakers of mother
language and Song rain will came will fill the rivers we will eat product, then
Rain! Rain! Rain!
Family Tree: [Family tree of the King Mhlahlandlela Makutsule Langeni ,Bila
Xidyela Hehla Langeni ,Langeni Machimbha Mhandla ,Ndwandwe Gwambe
Langeni ,Manukunuku ,Bhila Bileni brother to Hlave ,Mashiye brother to
Nxumalo ,Juwah Langa,Lala brother to Mboo the father to Lesotho Kingdom
of Moshoeshoe ,Hlubi brother Nguni and Kongo namesake to Kongo the
father (Kongo junior father to Ndau) ,Kongo ,Tuareng the third home of
African in Algeria ,Africa/Sunny/Langeni/Zion ,Berber the second home of
African ,Semantic 1100 AD the first home as Semantic is the ancient
Israelites, Selumiel 1525 BC,Tsurishadai,Simeone the son of Jacob, the son
of Isaac, the son of Abraham 1996 BC, the son of Terah, the son of Nahor,
the son of Serug, the son of Reu, the son of Peleg, the son of Eber, the son of
Shelah, the son of Cainan, the son of Arphaxad, the son of Shem, the son of
Noah 2948 BC, the son of Lamech, the son of Methuselah, the son of Enoch,
the son of Jared, the son of Mahalalel, the son of Kenan, the son of Enosh,
the son of Seth 3874 BC, the son of Adam 4004 BC, the son of
God.[polygamy and marrying uncles daughters was adopted from African
blood father Simeon and Jacob in order grow Abrahams nation as God
promised Abraham (Leah, Rachel and two Servants was Jacobs wives)
Simeons grand children(African) never lost their fathers tradition even though
Simeon was cursed]
Full Information of Tsonga Mabulandlela the Traditional first born of Africa [From
King Mhlahlandlela Makutsule Bila Langeni to Ndwandwe Gwambe Langeni (most
books describe Ndwandwe as an army not a King that was the African way to
protect their King to the Western or Western writers, Ndwandwe son of
Manukunuku Langeni was the King of Langeni Hlubi tribe (Hlubi the long ,straight
hair and dark people from the centre of Africa to KZN Mashiye was a King
,Nxumalo a headman they were accommodated by the Nguni Families) meanwhile
after many years Zwide son of Langa Langeni ,son of Xaba son of Nxumalo was a
Head Chief as traditional brothers to King Ndwandwe son of Manukunuku son of
Bhila son of Mashiye] KZN now belongs to Zulu son of Malandhela the Nguni tribe
they accommodated the traditional first born of Africa as it was an agreement
from their forefathers to occupy Africa and that everyone who owns a land must
have a spare land for in case if the traditional first born end up on their side, the
lucky people was the Chauke Mabasa Hlengwe family unfortunately
accommodated the King during the bad times of African scrambles that were
started from 1880 confirmed in 1914 after Berlin Conference in Germany and
again Africa was not a war zone was a family from one father and one mother.
Below is a family tree again of Mhlahlandlela from his traditional first born son Phahlela
to his forefather Ndwandwe, Mashiye, mothers and brothers included

Phahlela-Sbulayi [son of Tsonga Mother Nwa-Fengeni Chauke Mavasa and

Makutsule Magqekeni] ---- Brothers Xivasa, Hanyani, Phahlela born 1877, Gija
Xipepeleka, Mashamba, Mthovothovo, Nghuza-nghuza / Mtshono, Ndlandlama
and Mthini. Phahlela was a traditional first born of Makutsule, Phahlela was
married to Nwa-Mahuhuxi Chauke as a principal wife, Mahuhuxi and Mdavula
Hlengwe was same blood.
Magqekeni Makutsule [son of Tsonga Mother Nwa-Xigombe Chauke Mavasa
Hlengwe and Xidyela Hehla Bila] ----Born 1842 Mhlahlandlelas brother who
came to Mabulandlela was Magagani son of Mathlavule and the other one was
the son of Baula who called himself Baula Langeni, Baula family they are using
Mlangeni as their surname. [Magagani brothers was Gija-Mhandeni and Govhu]
Xidyela Hehla / Bila [son of Tsonga Mother Nwa-Matsena Chauke Mavasa
Hlengwe and Mlangeni Langeni] ----1820 Bila Twin Brother to Baula, Maxibye,
Mathlavule, Betsani aka Bilankulu or Mentsu, Manyike and Phunyule [Betsani
was the first born of Langeni from the junior wife] Xidyela Hehla was the nick
name his name was Bila the traditional first born of Mlangeni Langeni.
Mlangeni Langeni Machimbha [Mandla-Matimba 1798 [son of Tsonga Mother
Nwa-Bangwani Dzavani Chauke Hlengwe and Ndwandwe Gwambe Langeni] ----
Mazivila, Dzimbeni, Makuwane, Machimbha Mlangeni born 1798, Ghombane,
Zukula, Nwampaku, Incaia, and Machenganyane as brothers [All the nine
brothers they have villages named after them at Bileni Masiya that is the reason
Mhlahlandlela swept the way to Mabulandlela] Machimbha Langeni son of
Ndwandwe Gwambe and Dzavani Nwa-Bangwani wa Humba Chauke was the
traditional first born Mlangeni Langeni.
Ndwandwe Gwambe [Nguni Mother] ----1745 Ndwandwe (the long ,straight hair
and dark same like his father), Mbhembhe, Zwide and Manukosi they were
brothers but not from same father [the grave of Gwambe Mozambique at Bileni
Masia district]. Ndwandwe was the son of Manukunuku the son of Bhila the son
of Mashiye; Soshangane/Manukosi was the son of Zikode the son of Gaza the
son of Nxumalo whereby Zwide son of Langa son of Xaba son of Nxumalo and
Nandi mother of Shaka Zulu was daughter of Mbhembhe son of Xaba son of
Nxumalo whereby Mashiye and Nxumalo were brothers. When Ndwandwe and
Soshangane went to Mozambique from KZN they took all the cattle belongs to
others with them any where they pass by they swept, Ndwandwe and
Soshangane changed their Names, Ndwandwe called himself Bhila son of
Mashiye, Soshangane called himself Gaza son of Nxumalo, the name of
Soshangane got it at Mozambique same as Ndwandwe became known as
Gwambe. 1745 Ndwandwe Ka Manukunuku ka Bhila born, died 1838 at the age
of 93.1758 Zwide Ka Langa was born, died 1825.1787 Shaka Zulu was born
,died 1828 September his mother died early the same year and Apprenticeship
laws are promulgated at the Cape.1800 A massive drought begins in Southern
Africa resulting in the Mathlavule famine. This resulted in conflict over cattle,
grain and water between various indigenous tribes resulting in war and
eventually contributing to the Mfecane. 1802 Ndwandwe together with
Soshangane stole the castles of Senzangakhona and others then left behind his
family the Langeni people with Zwide, Ndwedwes chief also brother, to
Mozambique ,Shaka ka Senzangakhona was 15 by then ,Ndwandwe was
following African or Traditional Consultant or African Prophets as he was a
Traditional first born.1812 Apprenticeship laws are promulgated at the Cape.
1817 The Mfecane roughly starts at this time.1818 Dingiswayo of the Mthethwa
leads all his forces against Zwide of the Ndwandwe [Langeni] and is seized in an
ambush and put to death, which results in the scattering of his people and
Ndwandwe was long gone with Soshangane.1818. Zwide chief of the
Ndwandwe was left behind; Zwide was a biological brother to Nandi mother of
Shaka Zulu. Ndwandwe never wanted to move out from KZN but the ancestors
wanted him out to full fill their will that is the reason his grandson nation became
the last nation to occupy Africa, there is a lot of information about Ndwandwe for
now is about African Traditional life (every African have its own family crisis
,Africa was not fighting before Europeans came to the Land and caused
Manukunuku the long, straight hair and dark [Nguni Mother] ---- Manukunuku,
Langa and Zikode as brothers but not same father, Manukunuku, Bhila-Bileni, and
Hlaves grave is at KZN.
Bhila-Bileni [Nguni Mother] ---- Bhila-Bileni and Hlave same mother same father
with Bila-Bileni Bvuma ,Dzimba ,Mahori ,Makamu ,Makhongele ,Marindzi
,Mashava 2 ,Ndhove ,Ngomana ,Nhlangwana ,Nhlongo ,Mabunda ,Maswanganyi
,Novela 2 ,Mawila ,Nkwinika and Tshana is the grandson of Hlave of Mashiye of
Hlubi under Ndwandwe Langeni Hlave and Bhila-Bileni same father same mother.,
Xaba and Gaza as brothers Nxumalo sons
Mashiye-Masiya [Swahili Mother] ---- Masiya and Nxumalo same father same
mother (Masiya and Nxumalo came from the centre of Africa to KZN)
1 2 3

5 6 7

8 9 10

11 12

Photos above from 1 to 12 with details for the Tsonga people of Mabulandlela to
know the truth about their identity

1. Makutsule Magqekeni Mhlahlandlela Bila Langeni the First and Last King of
Mabulandlela Tsonga of South
2. Nyavani Mabunda son of Hlave son of Mashiye son of Juwah son of Lala son of
Hlubi the first and the last Head man of Mabulandlela Tsonga South Africa
3. Phahlela Sivulayi Bila Langeni the traditional first born of King Makutsule
4. Xivasa Makutsule Bila Langeni the older son of Makutsule Magqekeni from junior
wife he was a leader of Xivasa Makutsule clan now Mulendzhe under Booi
Messenger of Makutsule Magqekeni
5. Booi Messenger of Makutsule Magqekeni his grand sons inherit his Kings Land
because of Colonisation
6. Brothers Ramabulani Venda front and Makhado Venda benefited after
Colonisation, their language was recognized unlike Nyai was swallowed with
Tsonga and Venda
7. Mhinga and Xikundu Maluleke Nwanati Xixangaxile after Mhinga was given a
crown of Tsonga Kingship as a regent to disguise under Colonizers, Mhinga
Nwanati Maluleke Xixangaxile the first born of Nwanati to his brothers Xikundu,
Makuleke, Majeje and other Maluleke brothers
8. Mdunwazi Nghunghunyani Nxumalo with his crown as a King of Gaza Tsonga in
Mozambique traditional brothers with King of Tsonga Mabulandlela
9. Professor: Hudson William Edison Ntsanwisi Majeje Nwanati Maluleke
Xixangaxile Professor of African Languages and Dean at the University of the
North (Turfloop/University of Limpopo). Later became VicePresident of the
Transvaal African Teachers Union, Chief of the Majeje people and Chief Minister
of Gazankulu. Date of birth: 11 July 1920 Location of birth: Shiluvane Mission
Station, Letaba District, Northern Transvaal (now Limpopo) Date of death: 23
March 1993. Back then people uses genealogy not surnames sometimes tribe to
describe who they are HWE Ntsanwisi was one those who came with the idea to
extend more surnames to Tsonga people as they were only five families e.g.
[Maluleke has Mhinga ,Chavani ,Ntsanwisi and others] [Hlave became Mavunda
(Ndhambhi) ,Nkuna ,Mtileni ,Maswanganyi ,Hlavangwani ,Novela ,Makamu and
others] [Langeni became Mlangeni ,Bila Bilankulu ,Mashiye and others] [Hlengwe
uses Mahuhuxi ,Mkhomi ,Nkondo and others] [Mthetwa were already settled
Sono became Hlungwani ,Manganyi ,Masingi and others] to disguise Europeans
as they were occupying Africa. Again after group area ACT of Hedrick Verwoerd
then Gazankulu was formed the Nwanati always report to Langeni ,after
Professor became a first Chief Minister he was called Malamulele by the Langeni
family for Naming Mabulandlela Gazankulu meaning Mabulandlela is the brother
to Gaza Province of Mozambique then he called Malamulele Primary School
Magangeni to remember Magangeni ka Langeni as the Langeni never wanted to
be mentioned (remember the song hotwa hi Nduma) and again the Professor
goes on calling the Tsonga of South Africa the Tsonga of Mabulandlela va tukulu
va Gwambe na Dzavani Swihluke or relatives of Nghunghunyani the Langeni
was not happy for the mentioning of Gwambe na Dzavani but he defended
himself by saying he mentioned Nghunghunyani that makes them happy he
continued by making Giyani the Capital city of Gazankulu next to Malamulele ,for
me I remember him as sharing e.g. he got the budget to build the Stadium at
Gazankulu but instead he built 4 instead of one Stadium, two side stands in
Kowakowa and Giyani and the two top side Malamulele and Thulamahashi.
10. Bhambata of Bhambata rebellion was one of Southern African Heroes of
Colonisation together with his seven friend was called Bhambata and friend they
both died and buried under Chief Dzumeri both being head man at their Villages.
11. The Grave of Makutsule Magqekeni Mhlahlandlela at the green tree 1KM away to
Mulendzhe foot prints of Chauke Hlengwe his uncle the owners of the Land.
12. The Grave of Phahlela Sivulayi the traditional first born of Makutsule 300M away
from his fathers grave on the river bank of Rivubye River now at Nandoni Dam
Below picture three men standing is Phahlela Sivulayi ,Booi Messenger the servant of
the King ,Mhingas first born son then front was the traditional brothers Ramabulani and
Makhado Venda under Ndau tribe the grandsons of Kongo Junior follows the biological
brothers Mhinga and Xikundu Nwanati Maluleke follows Xivasa Bila Langeni and his
father Mhlahlandlela Makutsule Bila Langeni then follows Nyavani Mavunda Hlave the
last one was Chief Mopedi was the Northern leaders who came to witness the
appointment of Chief Mhinga as a Regent.

This picture was taken between 1906 and 1914 when the Mabulandlela Leader
Mhlahlandlela Makutsule Bila Langeni chosen the Maluleke Xixangaxile Nwanati family
first born Mhinga to be a Regent in order to disguise for the Western people as they
wanted to make the former Northern Transvaal now Limpopo a Country, because of
Mhlahlandlelas grandfather (Ndwandwe)s way of leaving KZN again they never wanted
to be known that they are the same Langeni and they never wanted to be separated
with their families of (Chauke Hlengwe Zimbabwe as uncles ,Gaza Changani
Mozambique as brothers as the families were divided by rivers and mountains) ,even
Ndwandwe when he moved out of KZN he was running away from the Western people
after their arrival as they wanted to own the Land that doesnt belong to them whereas
they were running for in vain and it cost the Langeni family to lose everything. The
Northern Sotho of Mopedi family was also the traditional brothers of the Langeni family
as they are the son of Mboo which was the brother to Lala; Lala was the father of
Juwah, Juwah the father of Mashiye and Nxumalo meaning the Moshoeshoe family of
Lesotho are brothers but different mothers that is the reason they followed the Langeni
and left their original family of Moshoeshoe behind, the photo is found at Mhinga Diary.
African Map long before colonisation showing the first African Kingdoms the three
brothers sons of Taureng which were Kongo, Kangaba and the Last born Aksum
(Kongo on the Centre to South of Africa, Kangaba on the Western Africa and Aksum
on the Eastern part of the Continent meanwhile the first home of Semantic and the
second home Berber of Africa was not recognized on the map it was an organized
African family.
African Map showing first six Languages of Africa that were divided from one Language
which is Semantic an Ancient Israelites Language meaning all African hundreds
Languages started from one Language to six then hundreds Languages each language
was similar to the other one before the other six languages from the West came.
African Map showing first six Western countries that colonized Africa (British, French,
German, Spanish, Belgium and Italian) they then confuse the whole system, Africa was
not an army was a family that followed tradition ,culture and religion praying God in
African way not knowing who is the God of our forefathers.
African map the same with the showing first six Western countries that colonized Africa
(British, French, German, Spanish, Belgium and Italian) they then confuses the whole
system, Africa was not an army was a family that followed tradition and culture.
African Map divided by rivers and mountains on the Western way without the owners
opinion that caused hatred amongst African Family and that was the Westerns idea to
divide the family so that they can steal the land with some supporting them with some
against them .Western life brought greediness, selfishness and show offs it destroyed
African unity and it took out our dignity and identity, it brought in Money and more
African map in Many languages from one language to six to the languages and many
languages above ,the African languages was confused by six Western languages it
made us think we are different and some better than others in need of changing our self
to look like Western.
African map back to African but it was too late as the families has been divided and the
information was lost our land was stolen and our power has been taken away.
Africa in flags African map back to African but it was too late as the families has been
divided and the information was lost our land was stolen and our power has been taken
Africa map represented by it Continental animals full information on Chapter three
(African Kingdom Plan)
Former names of countries

Name Former Name

Bangladesh East Pakistan
Belarus Byelorussia
Belize British Honduras
Benin Dahomey
Botswana Bechuanaland
Burkina Faso Upper Volta
Burundi Urundi First German East Africa second Ruanda-Urundi
Central African Republic Ubangi-Shari
Cambodia Democratic Kampuchea
Columbia New Granada
Congo (Democratic Rep. of) Zaire, Belgian Congo
Congo (Republic of) Middle Congo (French)
Cote d'Ivoire Ivory Coast
Djibouti Affars & Issas, Tty. of; French Somaliland
Equatorial Guinea Spanish Guinea
Ethiopia Abyssinia
Ghana Gold Coast
Guinea part of French West Africa
Guinea-Bissau Portuguese Guinea
Guyana British Guiana
Indonesia Dutch East Indies
Iran Persia
Kiribati Gilbert Islands
Kyrgyzstan Kirghizia (part of Former USSR)
Lesotho Basutoland
Malawi Nyasaland
Malaysia Malaya, Sabah (North Borneo), and Sarawak
Mali French Sudan
Moldova Moldavia (Part of Former USSR)
Myanmar Burma
Netherlands Antilles Dutch East Indies
Pakistan West Pakistan
Rwanda First German East Africa second Ruanda-Urundi
Somalia Somaliland (Britain and Italy)
Sri Lanka Ceylon
Suriname Dutch Guiana
Tanzania Tanganyika and Zanzibar
Thailand Siam
Togo Togoland
Tuvalu Ellice Islands
United Arab Emirates Trucial States, Trucial Oman
Vietnam Formerly North Vietnam, South Vietnam French Indo-China before that
Vanuatu New Hebrides
Yemen First Southern Yemen then People's Democratic Republic of Yemen
Zambia Northern Rhodesia
Zimbabwe Southern Rhodesia, Rhodesia

This book is based from the dreams guided by my messengers, reference from more
than hundreds of World Wide Websites including King James Holy Bible, Tsonga
History Discourse blog by Mandla Mathebula, Robert Nkuna, Hlengani Mabasa and
Mukhacani Maluleke and Wikipedia meaning most news is copy and paste also means
that messengers news are true.

Chapter 2
African Religion Holy Bible is about the Genealogy from God father the creator
to Son Jesus Christ who adopted the whole World which is the grandsons of Noah then
follows the Messengers.

Dear African

My 18 years Experience of dreams that is not coming true but continuing dreaming. As
from the year 1997 till today I dreamt of three powerful things ,I also thought that it was
a false dreams because it is bigger than all of us, at first it was about African Rural
Economy secondly African Kingdoms History lastly African Religion ,this one is an
African Religion as it end up being one African Story. Every dream or Story came with
reference, as I can describe myself as a Researcher.

SUBJECT: God Father, Son and Holy Spirit is a Family Tree or Genealogy from God to
Adam to Seth to Noah to Abraham to Jacob to Judah to David to Joseph the husband of
Maria the parents of Jesus Christ whereby Jesus Christ is the father of the Holy Spirit in
order to adopt the whole world or Noahs grand Children instead of focusing only for
Abrahams grand Children the Israelites and the family tree covers the Holy Bible.
Mosses delivered the Chosen People of Israel from the iron hand of Pharow, Abrahams
Grand Children and Jesus saved the World from Evil Spirit Satan, Noahs Grandsons
[Noahs sons Shem (Israel & Africa), Ham (Egypt & Other Asians) and Japheth
(Australians & other Whites). [The three races in the world are white/Caucasian,
Asian/Mongolian and Black/Negroid we are all Grandsons of Noah we are different
because of Gods plan, places we are, climatic conditions and food we eat].
Firstly, dreaming about Building a City for my rural area, the City that will consist of
Mall, Office park, Industrial park, buying valuable franchises, creating new brands and
Warehouses in one place that will end up being built in all South African District of the
former Homelands District and all Provinces of the African Continent under every
Kingdom using the money that the Government is owing our Tsonga Kingdom [Tsonga
of Mabulandlela the former Gazankulu Homeland is known as a Nation without
Kingdom] under the name Tsonga Langeni Trust. The Trust while waiting for the
Government will borrow the money from National Banks, information in the Document of
20+ pages named [Rural Economic Development Plan] building it for the African Kings
and Chiefs combining my two legal registered institutions Akani Guard Security [1998]
and MAP Centre a NPO/PBO registered [2010].A well researched project with
calculated risk. The Project will work hand in hand with the followings: Traditional
Leaders Council to be the link between the rest of the community and their own
villages ,Traditional Healers Association-to help keep our culture, tradition and heritage
alive ,Churches Council-to bring all the faith based organization working together in
prayers ,Business Association-to help in guidance and mentoring the newly
entrepreneurs and networking ,Non-profit organization forum-to share information on
how to raise funds and all information ,Taxi Association-to work together with all
stakeholders of the community ,Community forums-Such as CPF to be the community
watch dog, community development workers and community civics organisation
,Student Organization-in order to motivate and to support and guide youth as the
Project has four youth empowerment document that will be distributed to youth for free.

Secondly, dreaming about my family tree or Genealogy from myself to Africa then
Simeone the son of Jacob, Grandson of Abraham with all the names, stories and Bible
verses ,Egyptians is the first family to occupy the Continent of Africa Long Before Christ
being the sons of Ham second born son of Noah then follows the Semantic from house
of Simeon second born son of Jacob the son of Isaac, Isaac son of Abraham and
Sarah, the first home of Africa was Semantic, Semantic the leader of African was not his
real name is because Semantic means Ancient Israelite Language, Semantic Kingdom
is in Morocco is the undermined nation in the planet because of their tradition of their
forefathers. The second home of Africa is also in Morocco in the house of Berber
,Berber is the son of Semantic the father of Africa ,Berber was not his real name was
called Berber [Berberic] because he was not civilized ,Berber Language is spoken in
Morocco and is the respectful Language, the third home is in Algeria the house of
Tuareng ,Tuareng is the son of Africa ,Africa was not his real name is because he was a
leader in the Sunny Land ,Africa is the Latin word means Sunny in English in Jamaican
means Zion in Nguni means Langeni ,became known as Africa/Langeni/Zion. Tuareng
is the father of first African Kings, Three brothers Kongo, Kangaba and Aksum whereby
their aim was to occupy the Continent, Kongo went to Central Africa, Kangaba went to
Western Africa and Aksum went to Eastern Africa/Ethiopian side. The last nation to
occupy Africa and the traditional first born of Africa is the grandsons of Kongo Known as
Tsonga Nation of Mabulandlela South Africa in 1890 during colonisation meaning the
first home is Semantic Nation in Morocco whereby the last nation is Tsonga Nation in
the far North of South Africa, Meanwhile the big five animals representing Africa in
African way three was in the Tsonga Nation/Hlubi tribe whereby two animals under
Nguni also South Africa whereby one of the two was stolen by Britain and become the
National animal of Britain ,also again the African Altar must be erected in South Africa
because of the three men [Daniel Nkonyane ,Engenas Lekganyane and Isaiah Shembe]

Third was dream about the African Altar that that I must build after I became a King
that will be erected by three African Churches that follows conjunctions ,Example, God
created Earth and Heaven in Six days then rested on the Seventh day then calls Seven
days a Week ,4 Weeks a Months and 12 Month a Year then after 4004 years sent his
only son ,Jesus Christ was sent to perform three conjunction ,to be given birth as a
human being, to pave for the Holy Spirit and to Die for our sin so that when we ask for
forgiveness and we forgiven ,whereby he did it all. Jesus died and rises on the third day,
he appeared to his apostles for 40 days then get back to Heaven whereby he stayed for
10 days and God poured the Holy Spirit that went to the whole World via apostles, after
1,910 years AD Holy Spirit went to African Family from the likes of Roman Catholic
Church, Assemblies of God and Apostolic Faith Mission. [Family tree from God to Holy
Spirit including years]

God the Creator Earth 4004 BC Geneses 1

Adam and Eve

Seth 3874 BC [Seth died at the age of 930 Geneses 5 is a family tree of Seth to Noah
with their age]

Noah 2948 BC Noah gave birth to three boys Shem, Ham and Japheth Geneses 10
shows that they all gave birth to the whole world, Ham is the father of Egypt and Shem
is the blood father of Abraham, David and Jesus Christ [Luke 3 v 23 Jesus Family Tree
from Jesus to God the creator]

Shem Shem was the first born of Noah the blood father of Jesus [forefather].

Nahor Nahor was the grandfather of Abraham.

Terror-Terror the father of Abraham

Abraham 1996 BC

Isaac the father of Jacob, Jacob blessed his sons Gen-49 blessed Judah saying people
will kneel for him, cursed Simon and Levi then replaced their tribe amongst the Israelites
by Joseph two boys Ephraim and Manase Gen-48 [Simeone and Levis sins Gen 34v25]
Reuben ,Simeone ,Levi ,Judah ,Dan ,Naphtali ,Gad ,Asher ,Issachar ,Zebulon
,Joseph & Benjamin all are Jacobs sons who became the Israelites and went to Egypt
whereby they were brought out by Mosses.

Judah the fourth son of Jacob the blood father of Jesus Christ has been blessed
Genesis 49

Aminadab the blood son of Judah the blood father of Jesus Christ during Mosses era
1525 BC Deuteronomy 33 Mosses never mentions Simon because of what happened at
Genesis 34:25 and Mosses was the blood son of Levi /Numbers 2 when Mosses
arrange the Israelites from Egypt.

King David the blood father of Jesus Christ 1005 BC

King Solomon the blood father of Jesus Christ

Joseph husband to Maria and the blood father of Jesus Christ born in 0004 BC then
Started the 0001 AD means Ano Domino meaning in the year of our lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ adopted the whole worlds which are the sons of Noah to defend the
whole world from the Evil Spirit of Devil Satan as Mosses saved the sons of Abraham
from the Iron hand of Pharos in Egypt. Jesus is for Noah the World but Mosses was for
Abraham the Israelites, we are all Children of God and all saved by Jesus Christ.

Tasks, God gave himself Tasks to create Heaven, Earth and everything on it including
Adam and Eve the controllers of everything on Earth 4004 BC.

Satan gave himself Tasks to be an opposition party to God to destroy Gods plan;
around 4004BC pretending to care for Gods children but getting them lost ,his first
victim was Eve whereby Adam fall for it ,Satan is against any task given by God.

Adam and Eves task as God created man in his own image, in the image of God he
created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1: 28 And God blessed them.
And God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and
have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every
living thing that moves on the earth. 29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every
plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its
fruit. You shall have them for food. 30 And to every beast of the earth and to every bird
of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the
breath of life, I have given every green plant for food. And it was so. 31 And God saw
everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and
there was morning, the sixth day.

God gave Noah who was born the year 2948 BC task to build an Ark around 2340 BC
he was around 600 years old in order to save his nation of his three sons from the
demons of Satan which was the bad angels who came to World [Genealogy of Noah to
Adam with years Genesis 5] the following is the books that shows Noahs reason for
building the Ark Genesis 6: l-8; Jude 6/Genesis 6:9-22; 7:1-9.

God gave Moses task to deliver the grandsons of Abrahams from Egypt whereby Egypt
is the birth child of Ham, Noahs second born child Genesis 10, the Israelites sons of
Jacob; Moses was born the year 1525 BC

God gave Jesus Christ three tasks first to be born, second to prepare the World for the
Holy Spirit and lastly to die for our sins which he did it all. Jesus died and rises on the
third day, he appeared to his apostles for 40 days then get back to Heaven whereby he
stayed for 10 days and God poured the Holy Spirit that went to the whole World via the

God gave Apostle Soul aka Paul task by giving him power to travel the whole world
preaching about Jesus Christ the son of God to the countries such as Rome and others
that is where churches like Roman Catholic Church, [AFM] Apostolic Faith Mission and
Assemblies of God was formed and carries the Holy Spirit into the other part of the
world and Africa. Whereby the world consists of Noahs Children e.g. Shem [Israel,
Moab, Amon, Africa and others], Ham [Egypt and others] and Japheth [Australia and
others whites]

God gave to African Three of them Seven Task to build the church that is govern by
Holy Spirit ,The Church of Christ ,That praise God in African way ,that prays for the past
and the future ,that prays for each other ,the church of the poor victims of Satan and
Lastly that confesses sins.

God gave a man [man constitution is a Holy Bible] given a Task to pray for the past
[forgiveness] the future [protection] as Africa has been cursed ,for the past is to pray for
our forefathers so that they can change from being Ancestors or Ndlozi into be our
Messengers to God or Angels as they are Gods Children. [we need to be programmed
by God not by Devil/Satan as Gods children our Constitution is Holy Bible and Devil
has no rules or Constitution as long as it is not love to others you make Devil happy
,there is only three Symptoms of Satan disease which is Greedy ,Selfish and Showoffs]
[Man must not abuse the power over Woman as Woman is our Mothers, Sisters,
Partners, Daughters and other relatives]. Man must live as if life has 1000 and more
years to go for their great children as family is a Mans legacy, for the sake of their
children or legacy as God will punishes Children because of the sins of their parents.
Woman must be buried using her husband surname if not married must use her first
born surname and must be married by a six years older man or more years unless is
other traditional things involved age is a number.
1, 910 years has past after the birth of Jesus Christ or 1, 910 in the year of our lord
Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit came to Africa in tradition is the year 1910 AD.

The year 1910 AD Africa was poured by Holly Spirit to three members of AFM to
built African/Zion/Langeni Church of Christ that will pray God in African way
,whereby all of them they did the following is the Conjunctions [Information in the
African Kingdom Plan]:

The Church is Govern by Holly Spirit Meaning that African Bishops of all Christian
Church are the Churchs Holy Spirit, No individuals they are the Church, Pastor and
Prophet of the African Family Altar, then everyone at the Congregants belongs to the
Church and are performing Conjunction as Engenas performed his Conjunction by
founding the Church, by the way they are one, Spiritually. The Church also baptize by
the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit [Mathews 28:18, 19 & 20] the church is govern
by Holy Spirit.

The Church of Christ Meaning that it changes Ordinary people and Criminals into
Congregants or Christian, it changes Criminals and Baloi [witch doctors] into Pastors
and it changes Baloi and Inyangas [Herbalist] into prophets all for African Christian
Church. As the Church is the Christian church, it celebrates Jesus Christs birth day,
and it remembers the death of Christ which is Good Friday.

The Church that praises God in African way meaning that as an African Church it
respect African Cultures and Tradition, and it honors African Kings and Chief as also
have a house of the Kings and Chiefs, also celebrates African New Year as our African
forefathers believes in Farming and Planting so September Months was their New Year
not knowing the actual date but the first week they use to celebrate Spring day.
Meaning the Church doesnt belongs to the Family but belongs to the African Family
Forefathers of the African tribe of Simeone the son of Jacob is just that the Lekganyane
family was chosen to be the African Altar by God in order to pray for Simeone and other
African Grandfathers for forgiveness.

The Church that prays for the past and future ,the past is your Surname the future is
your Name meaning that the surname is about praying for the forefathers to be forgiven
for their sins and become messengers/Ndlozi to God for the future praying for our
children and their great children to be protected by Holy Spirit against Evil Spirit so that
they can protect their forefathers Legacy to fulfill Gods will from Geneses 1:28, from 2
people Adam and Eve to 6 which are Noahs Children after the flood to Billions of
people as life still have a long way to go to fulfill Gods will , Meaning that we prays for
the African forefathers mainly Simeone who was cursed by his father and his Tribe
which is the African tribe
The Church that prays for each other doesnt Judge Meaning the Churchs Congregants
doesnt blame or judge someone we just pray for each other. The Holy Spirit or churchs
Constitution is a Holy Bible that guides us. Knowing that Holy Spirit its fighting Satans
Evil Spirit. Satans Evil Spirit has no Constitution or rules only Symptoms which is
Greedy, Selfish and Showoffs only to hurt others, the Church also prays for Jails,
Hospitals, those claiming to be our enemies and Everyone knowing that we are all
Satans victims the only sinner is Satan and we are all Gods Children who loves us all
is just that Satan is using us or tempting by positions to absent.

The Church of the poor doesnt go with times the old church of the old God Meaning we
are all poor victims of Devil on the eyes of God that is the reason he sent his only son to
die for us, as sometimes we commit sin not knowing what we have done. In simple
words the World is full of poor People most of them, the only thing they have is more
money and the knowledge of how to make money. The question is what is rich ,the
answer is, rich has many steps ,the first step is wisdom ,the first step of wisdom is
knowledge and the step of knowledge is knowing where we are coming from ,the
answer is we are coming from God from our forefathers not forgetting our roots ,our
families and relatives in love and respect of God. Loving yourself before attempting to
love others is a wise move. Most of us respect some because of what they have
accumulated not because of what they have, that is the question how do you
understand Poor, Rich or Life, life is God.

The church that Confesses Sin Meaning that as we are poor on the eyes of God, God
also gave us chance of confessing sins, then we abuses the rights not knowing that we
are killing our future. Every sin has unforeseen punishment a better answer is on the
book of Deuteronomy on our African Constitution. Lastly every Family of the first born of
the house has Family Altar step by step, for confession sometimes we confess in front
of elder family members and the Altar is erected by elder family members from the old
home, we need to pray God of our Forefathers in pride.

Tasks of Langeni Kingdom of Tsonga of Mabulandlela to African

To pray for the Mothers of the World for forgiveness by God as the Family of African
Altar are praying for the forgiveness of our Forefathers Simeone and for the rest of
African, the Mothers are as follows: Eva for being misguided by Satan ,Lots wife for not
protecting her daughters because of not following Gods instruction as a Mother she
should protected he daughters, Lots Daughters for doing what they did in Geneses
19:30 ,Sarahs Abrahams wife for allowing wrong things to happen from Geneses 20:12
,Rebecca for fooling her husband Isaac to give blessing to the wrong person Jacob
instead of Esau ,Dinah for not listening to her father that caused her into trouble the
troubles that caused Africa to suffer Geneses 34:25 /Geneses 49 and Tamara for letting
bad things to happens Geneses 38 [Before Mosses was born there was no rules from
God only Respect and knowing where you are coming from ,your family tree and the
Love of God only Common Law and Family Rules]. The roles of Queen, Prince, Princes,
Aunt, Uncle and the mothers of the Kings/Chief must be exercised.

Langeni Kingdom must follow and teach African 1 Corinthians 11: 3

That is where Apostle taught Women how to dress during meetings where he said God
is the head of Jesus Christ ,Jesus Christ the head of Men and Men the head of Women
meaning the Mother is the head of first born ,first born the head of second born and
second born the head of the one follows until the last bon by the way everything goes
step by step and the first born [Boy/Man] are not the one to move out from their fathers
family only the second and the followers and it will brings the family together ,and some
other rules that I wont mention now.


Jacob blessings, then Simeone cursed Geneses 49 ,Simeone and Levi sins Genesis
34:25 ,Mosses never mention Simeone Deuteronomy 33,The tribes of Israelite after
deliverance from Egypt Numbers 2,Josephs two sons replace Simeone and Levi
Genesis 48,Tamara and Judah Genesis 38,Sarah and Abraham Genesis 20:12,Lots
Daughters Genesis 19:30

African Traditional first Born Genealogy from God to Noah to Abraham to

Africa/Langeni is Mhlahlandlela Makutsule Langeni ,Bila Xidyela Langeni ,Langeni
Machimbha Mhandla ,Ndwandwe Gwambe Langeni ,Manukunuku ,Bhila Bileni ,Mashiye
,Juwah Langa,Lala ,Hlubi ,Kongo ,Tuareng ,Africa ,Berber ,Semantic 1100 AD, Selumiel
1525 BC,Tsurishadai,Simeone the son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham
1996 BC, the son of Terah, the son of Nahor, the son of Serug, the son of Reu, the son
of Peleg, the son of Eber, the son of Shelah, the son of Cainan, the son of Arphaxad,
the son of Shem, the son of Noah 2948 BC, the son of Lamech, the son of Methuselah,
the son of Enoch, the son of Jared, the son of Mahalalel, the son of Kenan, the son of
Enosh, the son of Seth 3874 BC, the son of Adam 4004 BC, the son of God.[polygamy
and marrying uncles daughters was adopted from African blood father Simeon and
Jacob in order grow Abrahams nation as God promised Abraham (Leah, Rachel and
two Servants was Jacobs wives)]

Genealogy of Jesus Christ Luke 323 now Jesus himself was about thirty years old
when he began his ministry, He was the son, so it was thought, of Joseph, the son of
Heli, 24 the son of Matthat, the son of Levi, the son of Melki, the son of Jannai, the son
of Joseph, 25 the son of Mattathias, the son of Amos, the son of Nahum, the son of Esli,
the son of Naggai, 26 the son of Maath, the son of Mattathias, the son of Semein, the
son of Josek, the son of Joda, 27 the son of Joanan, the son of Rhesa, the son of
Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, the son of Neri, 28 the son of Melki, the son of Addi,
the son of Cosam, the son of Elmadam, the son of Er, 29 the son of Joshua, the son of
Eliezer, the son of Jorim, the son of Matthat, the son of Levi, 30 the son of Simeon, the
son of Judah, the son of Joseph, the son of Jonam, the son of Eliakim, 31 the son of
Melea, the son of Menna, the son of Mattatha, the son of Nathan, the son of David, 32
the son of Jesse, the son of Obed, the son of Boaz, the son of Salmon,d the son of
Nahshon, 33 the son of Amminadab, the son of Ram,ethe son of Hezron, the son of
Perez, the son of Judah, 34 the son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham, the
son of Terah, the son of Nahor, 35 the son of Serug, the son of Reu, the son of Peleg,
the son of Eber, the son of Shelah, 36 the son of Cainan, the son of Arphaxad, the son
of Shem, the son of Noah, the son of Lamech, 37 the son of Methuselah, the son of
Enoch, the son of Jared, the son of Mahalalel, the son of Kenan, 38 the son of Enosh,
the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God.

Genesis 49 Then Jacob called for his sons and said: Gather around so I can tell you
what will happen to you in days to come.2 Assemble and listen, sons of Jacob; listen to
your father Israel.3 Reuben, you are my firstborn, my might, the first sign of my
strength, excelling in honor, excelling in power.4 Turbulent as the waters, you will no
longer excel, for you went up onto your fathers bed, onto my couch and defiled
it.5 Simeon and Levi are brothers their swords are weapons of violence.6 Let me not
enter their council, let me not join their assembly, for they have killed men in their
anger and hamstrung oxen as they pleased.7 Cursed be their anger, so fierce, and their
fury, so cruel! I will scatter them in Jacob and disperse them in Israel.8 Judah, your
brothers will praise you; your hand will be on the neck of your enemies; your fathers
sons will bow down to you.9 You are a lions cub, Judah; you return from the prey, my
son. Like a lion he crouches and lies down, like a lionesswho dares to rouse
him?10 The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the rulers staff from between his
feet, until he to whom it belongs shall come and the obedience of the nations shall be
his.11 He will tether his donkey to a vine, his colt to the choicest branch; he will wash his
garments in wine, his robes in the blood of grapes.12 His eyes will be darker than
wine, his teeth whiter than milk.13 Zebulon will live by the seashore and become a
haven for ships; his border will extend toward Sidon.14 Issachar is a rawboned donkey
lying down among the sheep pens.15 When he sees how good is his resting place and
how pleasant is his land, he will bend his shoulder to the burden and submit to forced
labor.16 Dan will provide justice for his people as one of the tribes of Israel.17 Dan will be
a snake by the roadside, a viper along the path, that bites the horses heels so that its
rider tumbles backward.18 I look for your deliverance, LORD.19 Gad will be attacked by a
band of raiders, but he will attack them at their heels.20 Ashers food will be rich; he will
provide delicacies fit for a king. 21 Naphtali is a doe set free that bears beautiful
fawns.22 Joseph is a fruitful vine, a fruitful vine near a spring, whose branches climb
over a wall.23 With bitterness archers attacked him; they shot at him with hostility.24 But
his bow remained steady, his strong arms staye limber, because of the hand of the
Mighty One of Jacob, because of the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel,25 because of your
fathers God, who helps you, because of the Almighty, who blesses you with blessings
of the skies above, blessings of the deep springs below, blessings of the breast and
womb.26 Your fathers blessings are greater than the blessings of the ancient mountains,
than the bounty of the age-old hills. Let all these rest on the head of Joseph, on the
brow of the prince among his brothers.27 Benjamin is a ravenous wolf; in the morning
he devours the prey, in the evening he divides the plunder.28 All these are the twelve
tribes of Israel, and this is what their father said to them when he blessed them, giving
each the blessing appropriate to him.

Deuteronomy 33 Moses Blesses the Tribes of [Jacob] or Israel without

mentioning Simeon, Josephs children were mentioned [Ephraim and Manasseh]
this is the blessing that Moses the man of God pronounced on the Israelites before his
death. 2 He said: The LORD came from Sinai and dawned over them from Seir; he
shone forth from Mount Paran.He came with myriads of holy ones from the south, from
his mountain slopes.3 Surely it is you who love the people; all the holy ones are in your
hand. At your feet they all bow down, and from you receive instruction, 4 the law that
Moses gave us, the possession of the assembly of Jacob.5 He was king over Jeshurun
when the leaders of the people assembled, along with the tribes of Israel. 6 Let Reuben
live and not die, nor his people be few. 7 And this he said about Judah: Hear, LORD,
the cry of Judah; bring him to his people. With his own hands he defends his cause. Oh,
be his help against his foes!8 About Levi he said: Your Thummim and Urim belong to
your faithful servant. You tested him at Massah; you contended with him at the waters
of Meribah.9 He said of his father and mother, I have no regard for them. He did not
recognize his brothers or acknowledge his own children, but he watched over your word
and guarded your covenant.10 He teaches your precepts to Jacob and your law to Israel.
He offers incense before you and whole burnt offerings on your altar.11 Bless all his
skills, LORD, and be pleased with the work of his hands. Strike down those who rise
against him, his foes till they rise no more.12 About Benjamin he said: Let the beloved
of the LORD rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the LORD
loves rests between his shoulders.13 About Joseph he said: May the LORD bless his
land with the precious dew from heaven above and with the deep waters that lie below;
14 with the best the sun brings forth and the finest the moon can yield; 15 with the

choicest gifts of the ancient mountains and the fruitfulness of the everlasting hills; 16 with
the best gifts of the earth and its fullness and the favor of him who dwelt in the burning
bush. Let all these rest on the head of Joseph, on the brow of the prince among his
brothers.17 In majesty he is like a firstborn bull; his horns are the horns of a wild ox. With
them he will gore the nations, even those at the ends of the earth. Such are the ten
thousands of Ephraim; such are the thousands of Manasseh.18 About Zebulon he
said: Rejoice, Zebulon, in your going out, and you, Issachar, in your tents.19 they will
summon peoples to the mountain and there offer the sacrifices of the righteous; they will
feast on the abundance of the seas, on the treasures hidden in the sand. 20 About Gad
he said: Blessed is he who enlarges Gads domain! Gad lives there like a lion, tearing
at arm or head.21 He chose the best land for himself; the leaders portion was kept for
him. When the heads of the people assembled, he carried out the LORDs righteous will,
and his judgments concerning Israel. 22 About Dan he said: Dan is a lions cub,
springing out of Bashan.23 About Naphtali he said: Naphtali is abounding with the
favor of the LORD and is full of his blessing; he will inherit southward to the lake.
24 About Asher he said: Most blessed of sons is Asher; let him be favored by his

brothers, and let him bathe his feet in oil. 25 The bolts of your gates will be iron and
bronze, and your strength will equal your days. 26 There is no one like the God of
Jeshurun, who rides across the heavens to help you and on the clouds in his
majesty.27 The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. He
will drive out your enemies before you, saying, Destroy them! 28 So Israel will live in
safety; Jacob will dwell secure in a land of grain and new wine, where the heavens drop
dew. 29 Blessed are you, Israel! Who is like you, a people saved by the LORD? He is
your shield and helper and your glorious sword. Your enemies will cower before
you, and you will tread on their heights.

Numbers 2 the Arrangement of the Israelites Tribal Camps after the deliverance
from Egypt The LORD said to Moses and Aaron: 2 The Israelites are to camp around
the tent of meeting some distance from it, each of them under their standard and
holding the banners of their family. 3 On the east, toward the sunrise, the divisions of
the camp of Judah are to encamp under their standard. The leader of the people of
Judah is Nahshon son of Amminadab. 4 His division numbers 74,600. 5 The tribe of
Issachar will camp next to them. The leader of the people of Issachar is Nethanel son
of Zuar. 6 His division numbers 54,400.7 The tribe of Zebulon will be next. The leader of
the people of Zebulon is Eliab son of Helon. 8 His division numbers 57,400. 9 All the men
assigned to the camp of Judah, according to their divisions, number 186,400. They will
set out first.10 On the south will be the divisions of the camp of Reuben under their
standard. The leader of the people of Reuben is Elizur son of Shedeur. 11 His division
numbers 46,500. 12 The tribe of Simeon will camp next to them. The leader of the
people of Simeon is Shelumiel son of Zurishaddai. 13 His division numbers 59,300.14 The
tribe of Gad will be next. The leader of the people of Gad is Eliasaph son of Deuel.
15 His division numbers 45,650.16 All the men assigned to the camp of Reuben,

according to their divisions, number 151,450. They will set out second.17 Then the tent
of meeting and the camp of the Levites will set out in the middle of the camps. They will
set out in the same order as they encamp; each in their own place under their
standard.18 On the west will be the divisions of the camp of Ephraim under their
standard. The leader of the people of Ephraim is Elishama son of Ammihud. 19 His
division numbers 40,500. 20 The tribe of Manasseh will be next to them. The leader of
the people of Manasseh is Gamaliel son of Pedahzur. 21 His division numbers 32,200.
22 The tribe of Benjamin will be next. The leader of the people of Benjamin is Abidan

son of Gideoni. 23 His division numbers 35,400. 24 All the men assigned to the camp of
Ephraim, according to their divisions, number 108,100. They will set out third. 25 On the
north will be the divisions of the camp of Dan under their standard. The leader of the
people of Dan is Ahiezer son of Ammishaddai. 26 His division numbers 62,700. 27 The
tribe of Asher will camp next to them. The leader of the people of Asher is Pagiel son of
Okran. 28 His division numbers 41,500.29 The tribe of Naphtali will be next. The leader of
the people of Naphtali is Ahira son of Enan. 30 His division numbers 53,400. 31 All the
men assigned to the camp of Dan number 157,600. They will set out last, under their
standards.32 These are the Israelites, counted according to their families. All the men in
the camps, by their divisions, number 603,550. 33 The Levites, however, were not
counted along with the other Israelites, as the LORD commanded Moses. So the
Israelites did everything the LORD commanded Moses; that is the way they encamped
under their standards, and that is the way they set out, each of them with their clan and
family.[Meaning that all the leaders are selected by God (Roman 13:1) and that the
genealogy of family tree is important as African are the grandsons of Shelumiel son of
Zurishaddai the grandsons of Simeone the second born of Jacob son of Isaac son of
Abraham who was known as the friend of God ,is good to be friend with our fathers to
avoid curse so that we can get blessing]

Ezekiel 48 the Division of the Land promised to Abraham by God for the 12 tribes
of Israel including 2 sons of Joseph not forgetting the curse by Jacob [Father] 1
These are the tribes, listed by name: At the northern frontier, Dan will have one portion;
it will follow the Hethlon road to Lebo Hamath; Hazar Enan and the northern border of
Damascus next to Hamath will be part of its border from the east side to the west side. 2
Asher will have one portion; it will border the territory of Dan from east to west. 3
Naphtali will have one portion; it will border the territory of Asher from east to west. 4
Manasseh will have one portion; it will border the territory of Naphtali from east to
west. 5 Ephraim will have one portion; it will border the territory of Manasseh from east
to west. 6 Reuben will have one portion; it will border the territory of Ephraim from east
to west. 7 Judah will have one portion; it will border the territory of Reuben from east to
west. 8 Bordering the territory of Judah from east to west will be the portion you are to
present as a special gift. It will be 25,000 cubits [a] wide, and its length from east to
west will equal one of the tribal portions; the sanctuary will be in the center of it. 9 The
special portion you are to offer to the LORD will be 25,000 cubits long and 10,000 cubits
[b] wide. 10 This will be the sacred portion for the priests. It will be 25,000 cubits long on
the north side, 10,000 cubits wide on the west side, 10,000 cubits wide on the east side
and 25,000 cubits long on the south side. In the center of it will be the sanctuary of the
LORD. 11 This will be for the consecrated priests, the Zadokites, who were faithful in
serving me and did not go astray as the Levites did when the Israelites went astray. 12
It will be a special gift to them from the sacred portion of the land, a most holy portion,
bordering the territory of the Levites.13 Alongside the territory of the priests, the Levites
will have an allotment 25,000 cubits long and 10,000 cubits wide. Its total length will be
25,000 cubits and its width 10,000 cubits. 14 They must not sell or exchange any of it.
This is the best of the land and must not pass into other hands, because it is holy to the
LORD.15 The remaining area, 5,000 cubits [c] wide and 25,000 cubits long, will be for
the common use of the city, for houses and for pastureland. The city will be in the center
of it 16 and will have these measurements: the north side 4,500 cubits [d] the south side
4,500 cubits, the east side 4,500 cubits, and the west side 4,500 cubits. 17 The
pastureland for the city will be 250 cubits [e] on the north, 250 cubits on the south, 250
cubits on the east, and 250 cubits on the west. 18 What remains of the area, bordering
on the sacred portion and running the length of it, will be 10,000 cubits on the east side
and 10,000 cubits on the west side. Its produce will supply food for the workers of the
city. 19 The workers from the city who farm it will come from all the tribes of Israel. 20
The entire portion will be a square, 25,000 cubits on each side. As a special gift you will
set aside the sacred portion, along with the property of the city.21 What remains on
both sides of the area formed by the sacred portion and the property of the city will
belong to the prince. It will extend eastward from the 25,000 cubits of the sacred portion
to the eastern border, and westward from the 25,000 cubits to the western border. Both
these areas running the length of the tribal portions will belong to the prince, and the
sacred portion with the temple sanctuary will be in the center of them. 22 So the
property of the Levites and the property of the city will lie in the center of the area that
belongs to the prince. The area belonging to the prince will lie between the border of
Judah and the border of Benjamin. 23 As for the rest of the tribes: Benjamin will have
one portion; it will extend from the east side to the west side. 24 Simeon will have one
portion; it will border the territory of Benjamin from east to west. 25 Issachar will have
one portion; it will border the territory of Simeon from east to west. 26 Zebulun will have
one portion; it will border the territory of Issachar from east to west. 27 Gad will have
one portion; it will border the territory of Zebulun from east to west. 28 The southern
boundary of Gad will run south from Tamar to the waters of Meribah Kadesh, then along
the Wadi of Egypt to the Mediterranean Sea.29 This is the land you are to allot as an
inheritance to the tribes of Israel, and these will be their portions, declares the
Sovereign LORD. 30 These will be the exits of the city: Beginning on the north side,
which is 4,500 cubits long, 31 the gates of the city will be named after the tribes of
Israel. The three gates on the north side will be the gate of Reuben, the gate of Judah
and the gate of Levi. 32 On the east side, which is 4,500 cubits long, will be three
gates: the gate of Joseph, the gate of Benjamin and the gate of Dan. 33 On the south
side, which measures 4,500 cubits, will be three gates: the gate of Simeon, the gate of
Issachar and the gate of Zebulon. 34 On the west side, which is 4,500 cubits long, will
be three gates: the gate of Gad, the gate of Asher and the gate of Naphtali.35 The
distance all around will be 18,000 cubits [f] And the name of the city from that time on
will be: THE LORD IS THERE. [God gave them as promised but curse is curse and
Simeons tribe end up in Africa whereby it was also cursed because of the owners, but
the Altar of Africa, Jesus Christ and God will save the Continent]

The whole world consist of three sons of Noah [Noahs sons Shem (Israel & Africa),
Ham (Egypt & Other Asians) and Japheth (Australians & other Whites).Africa is the
sons of Simeon ended up back in Africa next to Hams sons which are the Egyptians in
Africa; 1 Chronicles 4:40.

1 Chronicles 4 the sons of Judah from 1 to 23 and the sons of Simeon from 24 to
43.1 The sons of Judah; Pharez, Hezron, and Carmi, and Hur, and Shobal. 2 And
Reaiah the son of Shobal begat Jahath; and Jahath begat Ahumai, and Lahad. These
are the families of the Zorathites. 3 And these were of the father of Etam; Jezreel, and
Ishma, and Idbash: and the name of their sister was Hazelelponi: 4 And Penuel the
father of Gedor, and Ezer the father of Hushah. These are the sons of Hur, the firstborn
of Ephratah, the father of Bethlehem. 5 And Ashur the father of Tekoa had two wives,
Helah and Naarah. 6 And Naarah bare him Ahuzam, and Hepher, and Temeni, and
Haahashtari. These were the sons of Naarah. 7 And the sons of Helah were, Zereth, and
Jezoar, and Ethnan. 8 And Coz begat Anub, and Zobebah, and the families of Aharhel
the son of Harum. 9 And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren: and his mother
called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow. 10 And Jabez called on
the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my
coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil,
that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested. 11 And Chelub
the brother of Shuah begat Mehir, which was the father of Eshton. 12 And Eshton begat
Bethrapha, and Paseah, and Tehinnah the father of Irnahash. These are the men of
Rechah. 13 And the sons of Kenaz; Othniel, and Seraiah: and the sons of Othniel;
Hathath. 14 And Meonothai begat Ophrah: and Seraiah begat Joab, the father of the
valley of Charashim; for they were craftsmen. 15 And the sons of Caleb the son of
Jephunneh; Iru, Elah, and Naam: and the sons of Elah, even Kenaz. 16 And the sons of
Jehaleleel; Ziph, and Ziphah, Tiria, and Asareel. 17 And the sons of Ezra were, Jether,
and Mered, and Epher, and Jalon: and she bare Miriam, and Shammai, and Ishbah the
father of Eshtemoa. 18 And his wife Jehudijah bare Jered the father of Gedor, and Heber
the father of Socho, and Jekuthiel the father of Zanoah. And these are the sons of
Bithiah the daughter of Pharaoh, which Mered took. 19 And the sons of his wife Hodiah
the sister of Naham, the father of Keilah the Garmite, and Eshtemoa the Maachathite.
20 And the sons of Shimon were, Amnon, and Rinnah, Benhanan, and Tilon. And the

sons of Ishi were, Zoheth, and Benzoheth. 21 The sons of Shelah the son of Judah were,
Er the father of Lecah, and Laadah the father of Mareshah, and the families of the
house of them that wrought fine linen, of the house of Ashbea, 22 And Jokim, and the
men of Chozeba, and Joash, and Saraph, who had the dominion in Moab, and
Jashubilehem. And these are ancient things. 23 These were the potters, and those that
dwelt among plants and hedges: there they dwelt with the king for his work. 24 The sons
of Simeon were, Nemuel, and Jamin, Jarib, Zerah, and Shaul: 25 Shallum his son,
Mibsam his son, Mishma his son. 26 And the sons of Mishma; Hamuel his son, Zacchur
his son, Shimei his son. 27 And Shimei had sixteen sons and six daughters: but his
brethren had not many children, neither did all their family multiply, like to the children of
Judah. 28 And they dwelt at Beersheba, and Moladah, and Hazarshual, 29 And at Bilhah,
and at Ezem, and at Tolad, 30 And at Bethuel, and at Hormah, and at Ziklag, 31 And at
Bethmarcaboth, and Hazarsusim, and at Bethbirei, and at Shaaraim. These were their
cities unto the reign of David. 32 And their villages were, Etam, and Ain, Rimmon, and
Tochen, and Ashan, five cities: 33 And all their villages that were round about the same
cities, unto Baal. These were their habitations, and their genealogy. 34 And Meshobab,
and Jamlech, and Joshah, the son of Amaziah, 35 And Joel, and Jehu the son of
Josibiah, the son of Seraiah, the son of Asiel, 36 And Elioenai, and Jaakobah, and
Jeshohaiah, and Asaiah, and Adiel, and Jesimiel, and Benaiah, 37 And Ziza the son of
Shiphi, the son of Allon, the son of Jedaiah, the son of Shimri, the son of Shemaiah;
38 These mentioned by their names were princes in their families: and the house of their

fathers increased greatly. 39 And they went to the entrance of Gedor, even unto the east
side of the valley, to seek pasture for their flocks. 40 And they found fat pasture and
good, and the land was wide, and quiet, and peaceable; for they of Ham had dwelt
there of old. 41 And these written by name came in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah,
and smote their tents, and the habitations that were found there, and destroyed them
utterly unto this day, and dwelt in their rooms: because there was pasture there for their
flocks. 42 And some of them, even of the sons of Simeon, five hundred men, went to
mount Seir, having for their captains Pelatiah, and Neariah, and Rephaiah, and Uzziel,
the sons of Ishi. 43 And they smote the rest of the Amalekites that were escaped, and
dwelt there unto this day.

Holy Bible or African Constitution or World Constitution start from Genesis ,Exodus
,Leviticus ,Numbers ,Deuteronomy ,Joshua ,Judges ,Ruth 1 Samuel ,2 Samuel ,1 Kings
,2 Kings ,1 Chronicles ,2 Chronicles ,Ezra ,Nehemiah ,Esther ,Job ,Psalms ,Proverbs
,Ecclesiastes ,Song of Songs ,Isaiah ,Jeremiah ,Lamentations ,Ezekiel ,Daniel ,Hosea
,Joel ,Amos ,Obadiah ,Jonah ,Micah ,Nahum ,Habakkuk ,Zephaniah ,Haggai ,Zechariah
,Malachi ,Matthew ,Mark ,Luke ,John ,Acts ,Romans ,1 Corinthians ,2 Corinthians
,Galatians ,Ephesians ,Philippians ,Colossians ,1 Thessalonians ,2 Thessalonians ,1
Timothy ,2 Timothy ,Titus ,Philemon ,Hebrews ,James ,1 Peter ,2 Peter ,1 John ,2 John
,3 John ,Jude ,Revelation

Holy Bible verses from A-Z the well known stories from the creation of Earth to
the birth of Jesus Christ to the sending of Holy Spirit on Earth to Revelation step
by step then follows the table that indicate the years and verses from beginning
to revelation.


God Begins to Make Things From nothing to Something[Jeremiah 10:12;

Colossians 1:15-17; Genesis 1:1-10]
Beautiful Garden of Eden on earth[Genesis 1:11-25;8,9]
The First Man and Woman [Adam and Eve ] [psalm 83,18 ; genesis1:26-31/2:7-
Why They Lost Their Home ,Because of bad angel Satan [genesis 2:16,17/3:1-
13,24 revelation 12:9]
A Hard Life Begins Adam and Eve had many children Some of them Cain and
Abel but the World it the grandsons of Seth [Genesis 3:16-23; 4:1, 2;
Revelation 21:3, 4]
A Good Son and a Bad One Abel and Cain meanwhile the World is the
grandsons of Seth [Genesis 42-26: 1 John 3:11, 12; John 11:25]
A Brave Man the Sevens person from Adam and Eve (Enoch) [Genesis 5:21-
24, 27; 6:5;Hebrews 11:5; Jude 14, 15]
Giants in the Earth [Genesis 6:1-8; Jude 6]
Noah Builds an Ark ,Noah the grandfather of the World [Genesis 6:9-22; 7:1-9]
The Great Flood [Genesis 7:10-24; 8:1-17; 1 Peter 3:19, 20]


The First Rainbow[Genesis 8:18-22; 9:9-17]

Men Build a Big Tower the beginning of Different languages [genesis 10:1;8-
Abraham-A Friend of God [Genesis 11:27-32;12:1-7;17:1-8;15-17;18:9-19]
God Test Abraham's Faith [Genesis 21:1-7; 22:1-18]
Lot's Wife Looked Back [Genesis 13:5-13;18:20-23;19:1 -29; Luke 17:28-32;2
Peter 2:6-8]
Isaac Gets a Good Wife Rebecca [Genesis 24:1-67]
Twins Who Were Different, Abrahams grandsons [Genesis 25:5-11, 20-34;
26:34, 35; 27: 1-46; 28: 1-5; Hebrews 12:16, 17.
Jacob one of the twins Goes to Haran [Genesis 29:1-30]
Jacob Has a Big Family ,Jacob the grandfather of Africa [Genesis 29:32-35; 30
:1-26; 35:16-19; 37:35]
Dinah Gets into Trouble the troubles that made Africa to be cursed [Genesis
Joseph's Brothers Hate Him [Genesis 37:1-35]
Joseph is Put into Egyptian Prison [Genesis 39:1-23; 4o:1-23]
Pharaohs dreams [Genesis 41:1-57;42:1-8;5 0:20]
Joseph Tests His Brothers [Genesis 42:9-38; 43:1-34; 44:1-34]
The Family Moves to Egypt [Genesis 45:l-28; 46:l-27]
Job is Faithful to God and he love him but Satan does not[job 1:1-22;2:1-
A Bad King Rules Egypt and Israelite became slaves[EXODUS 1:6-27]
How Baby Moses Was Saved[EXODUS 2:l-10]
Why Moses Ran Away[Exodus 2 :11-25;Acts 7 :22-29]
The Burning Bush[Exodus 3:l-22; 4:l-20]
Moses and Aaron See Pharaoh[Exodus 4:27-31;5 :1-23;6: 1-13,26-30;7:1-1]
The 10 Plagues [Exodus chapters 7 to 12]
Crossing the Red Sea [EXODUS chapters 12 to 15]


A New Kind of Food MANNA after the complains by the Israelite [EXODUS 16:1-
36; Numbers 11:7-9; Joshua 5:10-12]
Jehovah Gives His Laws[Exodus 19:1-25; 20:1-21; 24:12-18; 31:18;
Deuteronomy 6:4-6; Leviticus 19:18; Matthew 22:36-40]
The Golden Calf [EXODUS 32:1-35]
A Tent for Worship[EXODUS 25:8 -40; 26:1-37; 27:1-18;28:1;
30: 1-10, 17-21; 34: 1, 2; Hebrews 9:1-5]
The 12 Spies[Numbers 13:1-33; 14:1-38]
Aaron's rod Grows Flowers[Numbers 16:1-49; 17:1-11; 26 :10]
Moses Strikes the Rock[Numbers 20:1-13, 22-29 ; Deuteronomy 29:5]
The Copper Serpent[Numbers 21:4-9; John 3:14, 15]
A Donkey Talks[numbers 221:21-35;22:1-40;23:1-30,24:1-25]
Joshua Becomes Leader[Numbers 27 :12-23;Deuteronomy 3:23-29; 31:1-8,14-
23; 32:45-52; 34:1-12]
Rahab Hides the Spies[Joshua 2:1 -24; Hebrews 11:31]
Crossing the Jordan River[Joshua 3:1-17; 4:1-18]
The Walls of Jericho[Joshua 6:l-25]
A Thief in Israel[Joshua 7:1-26; 8:1-29]
The Wise Gibeonites[Joshua 9 :1-27; 10:1-5]
The Sun Stands Still[Joshua 10:6-15; 12:7-24; 14:1-5; Judges 2:8-13]
Two Brave Women[Judges 2:14-22; 4:1-24; 5:1-31]
Ruth and Naomi[Bible book of Ruth]
Gideon and His 300 Men[Judges chapters 6 to 8]
Jephthah's Promise[Judges 10 :6-18; 11:1-40]
The Strongest Man Samson[Judges chapters 13 to 16]
A Little Boy Serves God Samuel[1 Samuel 1:1-28; 2:11-36; 4:16-18; 8:4-9]


Saul-Israel's First King but he was not the one [1 Samuel chapters 9 to 11;
13:5-14; 14:47-52; 15:1-35; 2 Samuel 1:23]
God Chooses David and he was the one [1 Samuel 17:34,35; 16:1-13]
David and Goliath [I Samuel 17:l-54]
David Must Run Away from Saul [ 1samuel 18:1-30;19:1-18]
Abigail and David [1kings 11:26-43/12:1-33/14:21-31]
David is Made King[1 Samuel 26:1-25; 27:1-7; 31:1-6;2 Samuel 1:26; 3:l-2l;
5:l-Lo;1 Chronicles 11:l-9]
Troubles in David's House [2 Samuel 6:1-15; 11:l-27; 1 Kings 1:1-48]
Wise King Solomon[1 Kings 3:3-28; 4:29-34]
Solomon Builds the Temple [1 Chronicles 28:9-21; 29: l-9; 1 kings 5: l-18;2
Chronicles 6 : 12-42 ; 7:14; 1 Kings 11:9-13]
The Kingdom is Divided[1kings11:26-43/12:1-33/14:21-31]
Jezebel-A Wicked Queen [1kings 18:1-4/21:1-16] 2 kings 16:29-33/18:1-4/2/9:30-
Jehoshaphat Trusts Jehovah[1 kings 22:41-53/2chronicles 20:1-30]
Two Boys Who Live Again[1kings 17:18-24 /2kings 4:8-37]
A Girl Helps a Mighty Man[dont undermine others] [2kings 5:1-27]
Jon & and the Big Fish You can run but you can not hide from god ask Jonas
[Bible book of Jonah]
God Promises a Paradise[Isaiah 11:6-9/ Revelation 21:3/4]
God Helps King Hezekiah[2kings 18:1-36/19:1-37/21:1-25]
Israel's Last Good King[2Chronicles 34:1-27]
A Man Who is Not Afraid[Jeremiah 1:1-8/10:1-5/26:1-16/2kings 24:1-17]
Four Boys in Babylon [Daniel 1:1-21]
Jerusalem is Destroyed[2kings 28:1-26 Jeremiah 29:10 Ezekiel 1:1-3/8:1-18]


They Would Not Bow Down Shadrack,Meshak And Abednego[Daniel 3:1-30

Exodus 20:3]
Hand writing on the Wall[Daniel 5:1-31]
Daniel in the Lions' Pit[Daniel 6:1-28]
God's People Leave Babylon [Isaiah 44:28/45:1-4 Ezra 1:1-11]
Trusting in God's Help[Ezra chapter 2 to 8]
Mordecai and Esther[Bible book of Esther]
The Walls of Jerusalem[Nehemiah chapter 1to 6]


An Angel Visit Mary [Luke 1:26-56 Matthews 1:18-25]

Jesus Born in a Stable [Luke 2:1-20]
Men Guided by a Star [Matthews 2:1-23 Micah 5:12]
Young Jesus in the Temple [Luke 2:41-52 Matthews 13:53-56]
John Baptizes Jesus [Matthews 3:13-17/4:1-11/13:55 Mark 6:3 John1:29-51/2:1-
Jesus Cleans Out the Temple [John 2:13-25/4:3,4]
With the Woman at the Well [John 4:5-43,17:3]
Jesus Teaches on a Mountain [Mathews chapter 5 to 7/10:1-4]
Jesus Raises the Dead[Luke 8:40-56; 7:11-17; John 11:17-44]
Jesus Feeds Many People[ Matthew [14:l-32; 15 :29-38; John 69-21]
He Loves Little Children[ Matthew 18:l-4; 19:13-15; Mark 9:33-37; 10 :13-16]
The Way Jesus Teaches[Luke 10:25-37]
Jesus Heals the Sick[Matthew 15 :30, 31; Luke 13:10-17; Matthew 20:29-34]
Jesus Comes as King [Matthew 21:1-17; John 12:12-16]
On the Mount of Olives[Matthew 2l:46; 23:1-39; 24:1-14; Mark 13:3-10]
In an Upstairs Room [Matthew 26:14-30; Luke 22:1-39; John chapters 13 to 17;
1 Corinthians 11:20]
Jesus in the Garden[Matthew 26:36-56; Luke 22:39-53; John 18:l-12]
Jesus is Killed[Matthew 26:57-75; 27:l-50; Luke 22:54-71; 23:l-49; John 18:12-
40; 19:l-30]


Jesus is Alive [Matthew 27:62-66; 28:l-5; Luke 24:l-12; John 20 :1-12]

Into a Locked Room[John 20:11-29 Luke 24:13-43]
Jesus Returns to Heaven[1 Corinthians 15:3-8; Revelation 21:3, 4; Acts 1:1-
Waiting in Jerusalem[A C TS 2: 1-47]
Set Free from Prison [ACTS chapters 3 to 5]
Stephen 1s Stoned [ACTS 6 :8-15 ; 7 :1-60]
On the Road to Damascus,[ ACTS 8:1-4;9 :l-20; 22:6-16; 26:8-20]
Peter Visits Cornelius [Acts 10:1-48; 11: l-18; Revelation 19: 1O]
Timothy-Paul's New Helper[Acts 9:19-30/11:19-26; chapters 13 to 17; 18:l-22]
A Boy Who Fell Asleep[Acts chapter 19 to 26]
Shipwrecked on an Island [A C TS 27:1-44; 28:1-14]
Paul in Rome[Acts 28:16-31; Philippians 1:13; 2:1, 1214; 2:1930; 4:18-23;
Hebrews 1323;Philemon 1-25; Colossians 4:7-9; 2 Timothy 4:7-9]


The End of all badness [Revelation 16:16; 19:ll-16]

A New Paradise on Earth [Revelation 21:4,4/5:9-10/14:1-3]
How We Can Live Forever[John 17:3; Psalm 145:1-21]

Age of
the Event Scripture Date

Genesis 4004
0 Creation
1:131 BC

Genesis 3874
130 Seth born when Adam was 130
5:3 BC

Genesis 3769
235 Enos born when Seth was 105
5:6 BC
Genesis 3679
325 Cainan born when Enos was 90
5:9 BC

Genesis 3609
395 Mahalaleel born when Cainan was 70
5:12 BC

Genesis 3544
460 Jared born when Mahalaleel was 65
5:15 BC

Genesis 3382
622 Enoc born when Jared was 162
5:18 BC

Genesis 3317
687 Methuselah born when Enoch was 65
5:21 BC

Genesis 3130
874 Lamech born when Methuselah was 187
5:25 BC

Genesis 2948
1056 Noah born when Lamech was 182
5:28 BC

Genesis 2446
1558 Shem born when Noah was 502
11:10 BC
Genesis 2348
1656 Flood when Noah was 600
7:6 BC

Genesis 2346
1658 Arphaxad born when Shem was 100
11:10 BC

Genesis 2311
1693 Salah born when Arphaxad was 35
11:12 BC

Genesis 2281
1723 Eber born when Salah was 30
11:14 BC

Genesis 2246
1758 Peleg born when Eber was 34
11:16 BC

Genesis 2217
1787 Reu born when Peleg was 30
11:18 BC

Genesis 2185
1819 Serug born when Reu was 32
11:20 BC

Genesis 2155
1849 Nahor born when Serug was 30
11:22 BC
Genesis 2126
1878 Terah born when Nahor was 29
11:24 BC

2008 Abraham born when Terah was 130 11:32;

Genesis 1921
2083 Abraham enters Canaan at 75
12:4 BC

Mosses born 1525 BC Exodus of the Israelites from

Egypt [430 years of slavery] , 1445 B.C. Ten
Commandments given to Moses, 1090 B.C. Sampson
is a judge for Israel , 1005 B.C. David becomes king of
Israel , 870 B.C. Elijah the prophet begins ministry ,
Exodus 1491
2513 740 B.C. Isaiah begins his ministry , 586 B.C. Temple
12:40 BC
in Jerusalem destroyed by Babylonians , 535 B.C
Daniel's last vision , 460 B.C. Ezra returns from exile ,
356 B.C .Alexander the Great was born , 200 B.C.
Rome defeats Hannibal , 37 B.C. Herod is king of

Birth of Christ and it becomes 0000 AD [In the year of

our Lord Jesus Christ] , 27** A.D. John the baptizer
begins his ministry , 27** A.D. Jesus begins His
ministry (at the approximate age of 30) , 30** A.D.
4000 Jesus is crucified on cross & raised from dead (at the 4 BC
approximate age of 33) , 30** A.D. Jesus' church
begin in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost and the
Lord begins adding people to His church (see Acts
2:37 through the end of the chapter) , 70 A.D.
Jerusalem and the temple destroyed by the Roman
emperor Titus , 410 A.D Fall of Rome to the Visigoths ,
1451 A.D. Christopher Columbus was born , 1776
A.D.U.S. declaration of Independence Adopted ,1910
Holy Spirit poured in Africa from AFM [Daniel
Nkonyane ,Engenas Lekganyane and Isaiah Shembe
they both had one dream which they followed all of
them] , 1914 A.D. World War I started , 2000 A.D. The
world celebrates the start of a new millennium,
approximately 2000 years after the birth of Jesus.

Between 1906 AD 1916 AD Southern Africa has

three heroes fighting colonization [Bhambata of
Bhambata rebellion & friends, Mdunwazi
Nghunghunyani Nxumalo Langeni and
Mhlahlandlela Makutsule Langeni whereby they all
lost Bhambata & friends lost by being buried
without the knowledge of their family,
Nghunghunyani lost by being arrested also his
family ended in exile even today and Mhlahlandlela
6000+ lost his kingdom by sacrificing for his Nation of
Mabulandlela. All the names of the Kings was not
their birth names was nicknames and it was
inherited until 19 centaury example Semantic was
his language, Berber means he was Berberic
uneducated according to Europeans,
Africa/Langeni/Zion/Sunny was because of the
climatic condition of his place as a leader and in
18 centaury Makutsule Mhlahlandlela
Mhlahlandlela means Solution, Makutsule means

The Ancient Country or

The Current Name or Region
Abimael, Obal, Sheleph and
Ammon, Moab and Edom Jordan
Amor(ites) Eastern Israel
Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar and some of Iraq and
Aram Syria
Arkites Lebanon
Ashkenaz Germany
Asshur(ites) Northern Iraq
Assyria Iraq
Canaan(ites) Northern Israel and Southern Lebanon
Caphtor(ites) Crete
Ham 2nd born of Noah Egypt
Decapolis Northwestern Jordan and a small part of Israel
Dedan, Ophir, Jobab and
Saudi Arabia
Girgashites Western Jordan
Gomer Ukraine (some suggest Germany)
Javan Greece
Magog, Rus and Rosh Russia
Midian Western Saudi Arabia and Southern Jordan
Mizraim Egypt
Philistia Palestine
Phoenicia Lebanon
Persia Iran and some of Iraq
Simeon son of Jacob Africa
Riphath Europe
Scythia Southern Russia
Sinites Chinese
Togarmah Parts of Turkey, Turkomen, Turkestan and Armenia
Tarshish Carthage (or possibly Great Britain)
Tiras Italy
Tubal Turkey (or possibly Tobolosk)

The Ancient City The Current Location

Alexandria Southeastern Turkey (Coastal)
Northwest Syria (Coastal) - present
day "Hatay"
Athens, Berea, Corinth, Philippi and
Babylon Iraq
Ham Egypt
Damascus Syria
Ephesus, Pergamum and Smyrna Western Turkey
Elishah Sicily
Haran and Padan-aram Eastern Syria
Jebus Jerusalem
Iconium and Lystra Central Turkey
Kittim Cyprus
Meshech Moscow
Shechem Nablus
Iraq - Ancient Babel and present day
Sidon and Tyre Western Lebanon (Coastal)
Smyrna Izmir
Tarsus Eastern Turkey
Ur Southeastern Iraq

Here are 10 tips of my research the time I begin a journey of praying faithfully to

Have a Place to Pray

You may have a quiet room in your house that you can use to pray, or you may find
solace in your car in the parking lot at work. Wherever you pray, try to be consistent. It
certainly doesnt matter to God if you lock yourself in a bathroom or a broom closet, but
it will help you to focus on your prayer time when you have a consistent time and place
to pray.
Have a Time to Pray
Schedule a time to pray. The Bible says to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
This means to always be in an attitude of prayer, or to be aware that God is with you at
every moment and that you can have a conversation with Him at any time. However,
scheduling a specific time to pray each day will help you become a consistent person of
prayer: someone who is serious about the needs of others and will pray trusting that
God will accomplish His plan in their life. As you begin learning to pray, you may find
that you only need a few minutes each day. Ten minutes of praying is a long time for
someone who has never had the habit of prayer. The more you pray and follow these
tips, the more time you will want to have with the Lord. Make an appointment with God
on your daily calendar and keep that appointment just as you would with anyone else on
your agenda.
Make a Prayer List
Create a list that you carry with you or in your prayer journal where you can note
specific prayer requests that people mention. When someone asks you to pray for them,
write it down. Dont trust your memory. You can divide your list into various types of
requests, or create lists that you will pray through on various days of the week. Maybe
you will commit to praying for government leaders three days a week but want to pray
for your family every day. At first this may not be necessary because you will start with a
short list of requests. But as you have more and more things to pray for, you can divide
them out so that you are not rushed in your prayer time.
Use a Prayer Guide
A prayer guide is a short list of reminders of what types of things you should pray for.
Here are some suggested topics for your prayer guide: salvation, protection, leadership,
ministry opportunity, deliverance from temptation, etc.
When you pray for a missionary you should pray that God will give them protection on
the field, that they will be able to witness effectively and that they will have more
ministry opportunities. When praying for your family you can use this list to remind you
to pray for their deliverance from temptation, safety and that they will make wise
decisions as they lead others. Make your own guide to help you remember certain
things you should be praying for in each type of request that you are given.
Pray Specifically
Pray for the requests on your list and try to avoid general prayers. God already knows
about all the missionaries in the world. Dont just pray for God to bless them all. Pray for
their specific needs. Pray for your family members individual requests. God knows the
needs. He wants us to acknowledge that we are concerned about those individual
requests too.
Keep a Notepad Close
Have you ever been distracted while praying? It often happens that we are praying and
remember something important we need to do, or even another prayer request will
come to mind. Use a simple notepad to help you jot down these new requests (or to-do
items) and then get back to your conversation with the Lord. Dont let distractions keep
you from having an effective prayer life.
Keep a Prayer Journal
Along with your prayer list you should keep a journal of the things you have prayed for
in the past. Write down when you began praying for it and when God answered your
prayers. We have all had prayers answered, but can you name five specific things you
prayed for and when God answered them? If you dont have some type of prayer
journal, you probably cant. Use this prayer journal to remind you of the prayer
answering God that we serve. He is eager to hear and answer our prayers according to
His will. If your children were not thankful and never recognized when you do good
things for them, how would that make you feel? Dont be guilty of having a thankless
spirit by asking God to answer prayers and then never acknowledging His provision.
Talk With God
Dont make prayer complicated. There are certainly many things the Bible teaches
about prayer. We should pray with respect. We should pray to a loving Father. We
should pray with sins forgiven. We should pray in Jesus name and according to His will.
All of these things are taught in the Bible. Keep these things in mind while praying, but
dont complicate prayer. Talk with God as if you are having a conversation with a friend.
Yes, He is King of creation, but He is also a caring and loving Father.
Pray Aloud
God will hear you if you pray silently, but praying aloud helps you to stay focused. When
you pray aloud you force yourself to think intelligently about your words. Praying silently
is a quick way to zone out and lose focus and intensity in your prayer time.
Find a Prayer Partner
The majority of your daily prayer should be a personal time of communion with God;
however, it is also helpful to share requests with others who can carry a prayer burden
with you. You can both rejoice over victories through prayer. The Bible even speaks
about us joining together with others in prayer. We can bring requests to God on an
individual basis, but Jesus admonishes the disciples in Matthew 18:19 and 20 that there
is more power in going to God as a group rather than only as individuals. I hope these
10 tips help you in your quest to pray more consistently. Having daily communion with
God is a great way to help you grow spiritually and become more mature in your

My name is Morris Risimati Bila born on the 09th of July 1972, from Malamulele District
under Limpopo province at the Republic of South Africa; I passed Metric the year 1994
after writing Metric the same year I went to Johannesburg under Gauteng Province
South Africa. The year 1995 I worked as a Security Guard to 1998 [3 years] due to
contract being expired the very same year I registered a Security Company hopping to
create my own Job, due to financial problem, I started working as a Sales person
Buying and Selling cloths from 1998 to 2008 meaning that I have ten years experience
as a sales person being a self employer.

The year 2000 I started doing research on what must be done for rural economic
development, for job creation in order to create my own job meanwhile at the same time
I was selling cloths and applying Jobs. From the year 2000 doing research to the year
2010 I registered the NPO/PBO community center which was aiming to work at my rural
area. From 2008 after I retire from being a sales person I did a short course which is
Call Center Management /Customer Service Management Level 4 as Call Center was
on Market during 2008, I failed to get Job because of age limit as I was 38 years.

The Year 2009 I changed career to Artisan hopping that I will get the Job to
Boilermaker/Welding. After completing Boilermaker course I got a Learnership program
whereby they took us to FET College to do N4 certificate in Financial Accounting /
Business Management full time and North-West University Short causes in Business
Management Level 6, at the same time from the year 2009 to 2010 meanwhile at the
same time doing my project Research at College with all resources. On whatever Im
doing I prepare, discover, choose, act and then fail to grow but keep on trying as Im still
looking for a job. I married for 17 years without kids, 18 years looking for work, 8 years
doing short courses, 18 dreaming without coming true, 10 to 18 years applying for
funding without success lastly dreaming about being cursed as the king of the land that
is cursed. Even my Nation [Tsonga of Mabulandlela the former Gazankulu Homeland]
was cursed is the undermined National Languages in South Africa the same as the
Semantic the first home of African Kingdom in Morocco is an undermined Kingdom as
the second home is also in Morocco the Berber Kingdom at least is the respected
National and also Africa itself is an undermined Continent in the world.

The year 2012 I dreamed of having a daughter who was lost, the very same year I got
the call that I have daughter I got a 19 year old daughter whereby without doubt I knew
it was my daughter it was started when I never wanted to carry on doing what I thought
it is a crazy dream as my messengers are blackmailing me by saying that if I dont
follow the instruction I will die without kids and I said I dont care because I dont have a
seed for babies so they showed me that they control life so I will get the Job and have
six kids from the same person Im with ,that is where I quit drinking and got to church
one of the three Zion Churches after I was a member they Prophetised me by saying
they was waiting for me [Messengers] and that anything I dream I must write it down
,and the daughters name is Vumbhoni meaning evidence , I dreamt about the
Mhlahlandlela Makutsule with his sons ,head chief ,his messenger the Venda brothers
and Nwanati Maluleke brothers then I got the picture of all of them at Mhinga diary via
internet that shows everything is true .when I dream of something they gave me
references [Messengers] where to find it e.g. Verses ,again they gave me the way to
observe protocols before praying or when pray. Everything Im doing Im doing for Julius
Bilas Children, Mabulandlela Tsongas people grandsons of Gwambe and Dzavani,
African and Noahs grandsons.
Chapter 3
African Kingdom Plan African Kingdom Plan is the combination of African
Kings, Tradition, Culture, Religion and African Economy according to African
Messengers who is our African forefathers in need of African Altar to be erected in order
to bring back African true identity
African Kings Fall of African Empire, Egyptians is the first family to occupy the
Continent of Africa Long Before Christ being the sons of Ham second born son of Noah
then follows the Semantic from house of Simeon second born son of Jacob the son of
Isaac, Isaac son of Abraham and Sarah, the first home of Africa was Semantic,
Semantic the leader of African was not his real name is because Semantic means
Ancient Israelite Language, Semantic Kingdom is in Morocco is the undermined nation
in the planet because of their tradition of their forefathers. The second home of Africa is
also in Morocco in the house of Berber ,Berber is the son of Semantic the father of
Africa ,Berber was not his real name was called Berber [Berberic] because he was not
civilized ,Berber Language is spoken in Morocco and is the respectful Language, the
third home is in Algeria the house of Tuareng ,Tuareng is the son of Africa ,Africa was
not his real name is because he was a leader in the Sunny Land ,Africa is the Latin
word means Sunny in English in Jamaican means Zion in Nguni means Langeni
,became known as Africa/Langeni/Zion. Tuareng is the father of first African Kings,
Three brothers Kongo, Kangaba and Aksum whereby their aim was to occupy the
Continent, Kongo went to Central Africa, Kangaba went to Western Africa and Aksum
went to Eastern Africa/Ethiopian side. The last nation to occupy Africa and the
traditional first born of Africa is the grandsons of Kongo, from Kongo they went to now
KZN South Africa at the well-known Langeni Kingdom under King Ndwandwe [Hlubi son
of Kongo brother to Nguni] who ended and died in Mozambique Bileni Masia known as
Gwambe the husband of well-known Dzavani the parents of Mlangeni Langeni the
grandfather of first and last King of Tsonga nation South Africa ,Tsonga nation as the
last nation to occupy Africa in 1890 whereby the Kingdom fallen in 1914 because of
Colonisation ,Colonisation connected the world as we are all colonized meaning there is
three leadership in any Country moistly in Africa which is Western Leader [President] ,
Traditional Leadership [King] and Spiritual Leaderships [Altar].There was Three heroes
fought against Colonisation between 1890 to 1914 in Southern Africa was Bhambata
and Seven friends ,Makutsule Bila Langeni and Nghunghunyani Nxumalo Langeni[of
Changani Mozambique] whereby they all lost Makutsule lost his Kingdom because he
hide himself by his brother Nghunghunyani as he never wanted to be separated from
each other and their uncle Chauke Hlengwe on the South of Zimbabwe but it was for in
vain, Nghunghunyani lost by being arrested and his family ended up in Tsonga Nation
South Africa after 1906 the last one was Bhambata and friends who lost by being buried
without the knowledge of their family buried under King Mhlahlandlelas Head Chief
Nyavani Mabundas son Dzumeri. Africa is protected by big five animals whereby all of
them is represented in South Africa two [Lion and Cheater by Nguni] whereby Lion is
stolen by England / Britain [Elephant/Ndhlovu family, Buffalo/Mtileni/Nyathi/Hlave family,
Rhino/Mathebula/Lobvi family] all three animals belonged to Tsonga of South Africa
under King Mhlahlandlela Makutsule Bila Langeni whereby Elephant during 1890 to
1914 taken by Venda family together with King Makutsules messenger Booi of
Mulendzhe Clan. Today national animal of Britain is Lion but through Messengers and
Altar is back spiritually all five of them what is needed are practical.

African Culture Everyone on Earth have a task to perform as God gave himself a task,
again Satan the Devil also gave himself a task to destroy every plan of God by turning
us against him (by confusing us), God gave the World first Man and Woman (Adam and
Eve) task to grow the world by giving birth to the people of the World Geneses 1 verse
28 whereby they did, God created the World and everything (Heaven and Earth) in six
days on the seventh day he rested, after 4004 years Jesus Christ was born as he was
sent by God to perform his three task ,first task was to born second to pave for Holly
Spirit lastly to die for our sins whereby he did all ,Jesus died and rise on the third day
whereby he presented himself for 40 days to his followers whereby after that 40 days he
get back to Heaven whereby he stayed for 10 days then God poured Holy Spirit into the
World, whereby Holy Spirit went around the World through Apostle Paul former Saul on
the Holy Bible, whereby Churches like Assemblies of God ,Roman Catholic and
Apostolic faith Mission was born ,after 1910 the Holy Spirit went to Africa ,whereby a
Man given a task to pray for his forefathers forgiveness and his Children ,grand
Children and the Children to come on his name to be protected by Holy Spirit in order to
protect his legacy which is his Surname. there are steps of life for African, as God is the
head of Ancestors, God was known as God of our forefathers not being known that is
Jehovah, Ancestors head of Men, Men head of Women, Women head of first born, first
born head of siblings step by step that was the actual and respected culture of the
Langeni/Zion/African. African Culture ,Tradition ,Religion and African Rural Economic
Development Plan was aimed to be practiced when Africa is occupied unfortunately
before Africa settled Colonisation started [Being the traditional first born is that when
the Leader get out from first home the last born was the one to take over while the
brothers occupying the Promised Land],a man must marry six years or younger woman
than him meaning a boy matured at the age of 23 ,24 and 25 and Girls at the age of 16
,17 and 18 that means in Western life is 18 and 24 then pays Lobola to unite the
ancestors again sleeping outside the marriage is an insult to the ancestors both two
parties involved and curse to the unborn grandchildren. Family comes first a Surname is
the family Legacy meaning that a Surname is someones name that belongs to the
African Tradition as first born an Heir was the leader of the family comes with
responsibility by marrying his uncles daughter in order to unite the family [uncle the
brother of his mother or any family caring same surname recommended by uncles
family] that was adopted after Jacob the African grandfather married his uncles two
sisters together with polygamy adopted the same time when Jacob also married two
other wives [servants of the two sisters].African Tradition is protected by Tribal Court to
protect its people against Western Life Politics . Also Discovered that God father, Son
and Holly Spirit is a genealogy from God to Adam and Eve to Noah to Abraham to
David to Joseph and Maria to Jesus Christ the father to Holly Spirit by adopting Noahs
three sons grand children which is the whole World [Noahs sons Shem (father to Israel
& Africa), Ham (father to Egypt & Other Asians) and Japheth (father to Australians &
other Whites). [The three races in the world are white/Caucasian, Asian/Mongolian and
Black / Negroid we are all Grandsons of Noah we are different because of Gods plan,
places we are, climatic conditions and food we eat]

African Religion praying God in African way means God father, Son, Holly Spirit and
Messengers [Father means Jehovah God the Creator of the World in the year 4004BC,
Son means Jesus Christ in the year 0001AD, Holly Spirit was poured to Apostles in
Jerusalem after Jesus was gone back to Heaven for 10 days until the Holy Spirit was
inherited by Apostle Paul who took it the World that created churches like [Assemblies
of God ,Roman Catholic Church and Apostolic Faith Mission ,was poured to three men
of Zion/Africa/Langeni the year 1910AD (from AFM church all had same dream and to
choose the church out of three Churches to create amongst themselves in 1910 their
names was Daniel Nkonyane founder of Church of Zion the eldest, Isaiah Shembe
founder of Nazareth the youngest also one year experience at the AFM Church and
Engenas Lekganyane founder of African/Langeni/Zion Christian Church all Churches
were suppose to be an African Altar and to do the following The Church must Govern by
Holly Spirit ,The Church of Christ that baptize in the name of father/son/holy spirit ,The
Church that praises God in African way that include the full respect of Traditional
Leaders also that changes Inyanga into prophets, The Church that prays for the past
and future Meaning that it prays for the African forefathers mainly Simeone who was
cursed by his father and his Tribe which is the African tribe, as everyone told to pray for
his Forefathers for forgiveness from God. The future is to pray for our Children and
Grand Children who are even not born yet for the protection by Holy Spirit from the Evil
Spirit so that they can carry on building the legacy of our Forefathers and God to fulfill
Gods Will The Church that prays for each other doesnt Judge, The Church of the poor
that doesnt changes with times the old church of the old God and The church that
Confesses Sin) and the Messengers is everyones Genealogy from his father to Adam
and Eve to God the creator (ancestors)].The Zion Churches is not really individual
family Churches but is the African Altar for the African forefathers that are praying for
forgiveness of African Father Simeon by his father Jacob and all African forefathers of
their Sins. Holly Bible is an African Constitution (Love, Peace and Truth) whereas
Satan/Devil doesnt have Constitution the only thing he have for his members is
Symptoms which is Greedy, Selfish and Show offs.

African Rural Economic Development Plan Farm of the King [Dzunde ra

Ndhavezitha] our forefathers use to celebrate in September 1st as their New Year not
knowing the actual date but they have their African way to notice it, as because they
were Natural Farmers they rely on Farming as it is the time to start raining ,going
forward means Africa belongs to African also means anyone who owns a land is head
man or Chief and King [Traditional first born] in any Province it can be White ,Colored
,Indian ,Chinese or any tribe as long they stay together in order to practice their culture
as long as they are the citizens as family need to be together ,tradition and religion [in
order for all of us to connect in to the world] Same group staying in one place (it wont
be racist) only in rural places under the land owner who will be Head Man or Chief
selling the land according to Tribal Law and the Land belongs to the Head Man ,Chiefs
and Kings [Rural Economic Development Trust will be founded for the Kings ,Chiefs and
Surnames] for Job Creation in the rural in the form of Decentralization (Making rural
areas Cities) in order to bring back Africa from colonial [Western Life Leaders into
Traditional Life Leaders and African Altars Leaders so that they can report it to African
Ancestors which is our Messengers . What need to be done it to unite West Life plus
Traditional Life with African Altars practically as it has been done Spiritual [connect the
churches of Zion Apostle and tells the truth so that the Nkonyane carries on where their
forefathers left through the prayers of other two Zionist] all the Churches in the world will
comes to Africa/Langeni/Zion Churches and all blacks will practice African Tradition and
Cultures again the truth about Tsonga which is African King. (Since 2002 I have many
documents for Rural Economic Development on myself and only one document I put on
internet, The Rural Economic Development Trust will work from all South African former
Apartheid Districts one by one then to all African Provinces (four in each Province) but it
need to start in the Traditional first born of Africa which is Tsonga of Mabulandlela
South Africa. The formation of African Kingdoms Rural Economic Development Trust
will never consider political boundaries as Africa is one big family e.g. Tsonga of South
Africa [Mhlahlandlela] is a big brother, Tsonga of Mozambique [Nghunghunyani] is the
younger and Tsonga of Zimbabwe [Hlengwe Ronga] is an uncle the owner of the Land
before colonisation and the owner of the Language whereby at present they are not
considered as they all speak Shona in Zimbabwe [Business Plan available and the
format will be one each and every Country will use the same format to honor African
forefathers]. African Kingdom must take back the Land to the Kings, Chiefs and Head
Man then become the Village under Chief and Head Man in any Province, also the
Mines and the Farms, the royal family members being recognized as the Chiefs or
Head Man of the Land then becomes the Directors and Managers of the Mines and
Farms. The Security Guards/Officers will be owned by the African Kingdom then
the money will go to Kingdom Trust meaning the Securities in different areas will belong
to the Kingdom and they must salute the Kings ,Chiefs and Head Man as they were
undermined at their forefathers land then will be the time to bring back their dignity ,it
Shows that Africa was Colonized and the Colonizers were also Colonized the thing is
we need to get back Africa to the African in African way ,but Colonisation connected the

What need to be done is to bring back the Family altar to Nkonyane family (as it has
been destroyed by Self-made Churches of Zion) and the Kingship to Langeni family
(as it has destroyed by Colonisation) that will brings back Africans true Identity. As
Lekganyane family and Shembe family Altars are going strong thanking God of our
forefathers, God of Africa/Langeni/Zion/Sunny Land, God of our Messengers. All three
families will erect an African Kingdom Altar to the African Traditional first born Kingdom
Tsonga Nation / Mhlahlandlela Bila Langeni family in order to unite Africa spiritually. The
whole world has been connected by Colonisation even though it was very hard for the
African because Africa was cursed by the grandfather who wanted his name not to be
mentioned (information on African Religion).Colonisation brought Western Life Leaders
e.g. President and disconnected Traditional Life Leaders values as the Traditional first
born leaders was fallen because of Colonisation (information on African First Kingdom)
or (Tsonga Profile-fall of empire), so all in all is Western Life Leaders plus Traditional
Life Leaders plus Altar brings back African true Identity [Lekganyane:Kgotsong
Aate/Konyane:Lesedi Kganya / Daniel Nkonyane spirit is still with us even though
England stole his power and its members also stole the power by having self made
churches from Altar of [Zion Apostolic Church] without doing it in proper way, African
way, it was like taking bad luck to their family and family future children, the self made
churches was suppose to be branches under one Altar. Daniel Nkonyane spirit is still
alive at ZCC star Church as his name Nkonyane is mentioned in different angles also in
more that four songs about his name without knowing who is Nkonyane as for Isaiah
Shembe his Altar is still alive at Nazareth Church of Africa there is no need to be
mentioned elsewhere only mentioned at ZCC as member number three on one song].

African Traditional Life pictures below is for Traditional first born African Nations King
Mhlahlandlela Bila Langeni and his Head Chief Nyavani Mavunda and Mabulandlela
Tsonga Leaders ,below is the African big five animals representing Traditional Life.
Everything in life goes step by step African Traditional Life is the head of Family to
National Altar also a head of Western Life as is an adopted life in order to connect the
world as God is the head of Jesus, Jesus head of Man, Man head of Woman, Woman
head of first born Son, Son head of sibling step by step [King and Queen].
African family to national Altar [African Altar] represented by first picture of Zion Apostle
Church founder by Prophet Daniel Nkonyane second the Zion Christian Church founder
by Prophet Engenas Lekganyane and third on top of the Horse is Prophet Isaiah
Shembe of Nazareth Baptist Church ,below picture is the African big five animals
representing African Altar.
Western Life leaders former and present workers of the government of South Africa first
is Nelson Mandela second Thabo Mbeki .Jacob Zuma .below is the Western Lifes
African big five animals.
The following is the Leaders/President of South Africa in Western Life meaning as
the World is Colonized we are all Colonized with the Colonizers that means their
families and others owns the piece of Land where they live meaning they will
become Chiefs and Head Man also means that the one who owns more Land than
others becomes their King under African King as African blacks are owners by
blood and the white people are African by birth.

2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14

Louis Botha [1](18621919) took office from 31 May 1910 left office on the 27 August
1919, elected 1910[1st] and 1915[2nd] under South African Party. First South African
Prime Minister, Formation of the Union of South Africa, World War I. Conquest of the
German South-West Africa, Crushed the Maritz Rebellion, Ratified the Treaty of
Versailles, Died in office.

Jan Christiaan Smuts [2](18701950) took office on the 3 September 1919 to 30 June
1924, elected [2nd], 1920[3rd] under South African Party. Attended 1921 Imperial
Conference, Attempted to broker an armistice and peace deal between the British and
Irish nationalists in the Irish War of Independence, Crushed the Rand Rebellion, which
caused a political backlash and he lost 1924 general election to National Party, Created
coalition with National Party and returned as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of
Justice after the 1933 general election
James Barry Munnik Hertzog [3](18661942), from 30 June 1924 to 5 September
1939, elected 1924 (5th), 1929 (6th), 1933 (7th), 1938 (8th) under National Party until
1934 and United Party from 1934. Replaced Dutch as second official language by
Afrikaans in 1925, Instated a new national flag in 1928, Approved women's suffrage for
white women in 1930, Adoption of Statute of Westminster 1931. Removed Black voters
from the common voters roll, Created coalition with South African Party to form the
United Party, Resigned after the United Party caucus refused to accept his stance of
neutrality in World War II

Jan Christiaan Smuts [4](18701950), from 5 September 1939 to 4 June 1948,

elected (8th) and 1943 (9th) under United Party, World War II, Ratified the United
Nations Charter ,Issued the Fagan Report, which stated that complete racial
segregation in South Africa was not practical and that restrictions on African migration
into urban areas should be abolished, Lost 1948 general elections to National Party

Daniel Franois Malan [5](18741959), from 4 June 1948 to 30 November 1954,

elected 1948 (10th) and 1953 (11th) under National Party. Came to power on the
program of apartheid and began the comprehensive implementation of the
segregationist policy.

Johannes Gerhardus Strijdom [6](18931958), from 30 November 1954 to 24

August 1958, elected (11th) and 1958 (12th) under National Party, Tried to cut ties
with United Kingdom. Removal of Coloured voters from the common voters roll,
Extended 'treason trial' of 156 activists (including Nelson Mandela) involved in the
Freedom Charter. Severed diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union, Died in office.

Hedrik Frensch Verwoerd [7](19011966), from 2 September 1958 to 6 September

1966, elected (12th), 1961 (13th) and 1966 (14th) under National Party. Start of the
South African Border War. The Wind of Change speech by British PM Harold
Macmillan, Proclaimed South Africa a Republic after 1960 referendum, Abolished the
separate Black voters roll, Launched the Bantustan programme, Assassinated.

Balthazar Johannes Vorster [8](19151983), from 13 September 1966 to 2 October

1978, elected (14th), 1970 (15th), 1974 (16th) and 1977 (17th) under National Party.
Abolished the Coloured voters roll. South African Border War escalated into a full-scale
conflict. He managed policy of dtente with African countries, and accepted to let black
African diplomats living in white areas. He alienated an extremist faction of his National
Party when it accepted the presence of Mori players and spectators during the tour of
New Zealand rugby union team in South Africa in 1970. He unofficially supported, but
refused to recognise officially, the neighbouring state of Rhodesia, which was ruled by a
white minority government that had declared independence from United Kingdom. In
1974, under pressure from US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger he pressured Ian
Smith, the Prime Minister of Rhodesia, to accept in principle that white minority rule
could not continue indefinitely, resigned.

Pieter Willem Botha [9](19162006), from 9 October 1978 to 3 September 1984,

elected (17th), 1981 (18th) and 1984 (19th) under National Party

Frederick Willem de Klerk [10](1936) terms (20th) and (21st) He is the one who
released former president NM Mandela FW de Klerk, who replaced PW Botha as State
President in 1989, announced at the opening of Parliament in February 1990 the
unbanning of the liberation movements and release of political prisoners.

Nelson Mandela [11](19182013) from 10 May 1994 to 16 June 1999, elected 1994
(22nd) under African National Congress

Thabo Mbeki [12](1942) from 16 June 1999 to 24 September 2008 (Resigned)

elected 1999 (23rd) and 2004 (24th) under African National Congress

Kgalema Motlanthe [13](1949) from 25 September 2008 to 9 May 2009, acting 2008
(24th) under African National Congress

Jacob Zuma [14](1942) elected for the (25) and (26) terms under African National

Media Action Plan Organisation started as an online Organisation which was doing
research on what must be done at the Rural Areas (Rural Economic Development on
the form of Decentralization focusing at Malamulele Area at Limpopo Province South
Africa from Economic to African History to African Religion ) Media Action Plan also
known as (MAP Community Centre) aims to put our community on map through
Educational Attainment in Media, Environmental, Entrepreneurship while doing
Research for our Rural Community Malamulele area the far north of Limpopo. Crime,
Teenage pregnancy, Alcohol, Drug abuse and HIV/AIDS are the product of
unemployment, infrastructure and lack of information mainly at the rural areas. Media
Action Plan (MAP) community centre was formed in the year 2000. Due to lack of funds
and information, we finally registered as a non profit organization, on the 14th October
2010 and public benefit organization {SARS} on the 15 July 2011. We are intending to
operate from Vhembe District municipality {Malamulele Area}.The project came as a
need that arose due to lack of facilities in the said area. The founders of this non profit
organization saw fit that they should start an organization addressing these needs. At
the Moment MAP will be the Centre that works more electronically (on-line) while
applying for startup capital. We intend to ensure that 90% of all categories of youth and
10% of any members of the community{unemployed, unskilled including those with
disability}will be offered Learnership and training on the field of Media,
Entrepreneurship and Environmentalist for the period of 6 or 12 Months. At the end,
they will be offered certificates. Only Entrepreneurs will not the fully part of the
Community Centre will be the main source of income as they will contribute 20% of their
profit as they will one of MAPs program, Environmentalist will be the fully part of the
Community Centre even though they will working far away From the Community Centre
their main aim is to attract the attention of the tourist using Natural resources under the
vigilance by the environmentalist manager. MAP would like to be accredited by
SASSETA, extension of scope to other SETAs accreditation on process, registered with
NYS program of National Youth Development Agency. Once we got the start-up Capital
we will be using Consultant Company for training and audition as they are registered
with ETDP-SETA and Department of Labour and they will write all the Business Plan of
our initiatives before we become official accreditated as we dont have sponsors at the
present. MAP is waiting for the funds which are in the process as we have already
applied to more than 1000 companies and we have Invested more than 10 years Doing
Research about what we are doing and what to do, because research will be the name
of our game by searching information that would be used at our Community Centres
Information Centre, Tele Centre and Library. At present MAP is working on-line to
register those who are contacting us via Internet some registering them on the
Jobseekers Database and giving them information through their emails as newsletter,
(without sponsors).The top entrepreneurs with passion will be supported to open and
run their cooperation businesses under the auspices of Media Action Plan community
centre for job creation. Because cooperation requires 10 people, we will combine the
entrepreneurs into group of 10; our research team is doing research on what kind of
businesses we will start profitably. For example, Limpopo grows tomatoes but there is
no tomato sauce company there and we now have five [5] Business Plans for
Manufacturing companies which has been excellent researched, we know where to go
for funding and registration, our challenge is the funding of our NPO [Community
Centre], the aim is to put Malamulele on Map by being an all-rounder Centre which will
also work with Community Leaders [Traditional Council] and Civic Associations. Main
Objectives Our aims as MAP is to put our communities into the map for the Tsonga
culture and tradition by introducing them [communities] into the media and
entertainment industry by forming Information Centre/Library the first stop centre of
research, News letter, Internet Radio station, Recording Production, Filming Production,
Brass Band, Violin Band and Community choir. -To groom, nurture and unleash talent
in rural areas in order to promote job creation in the media and entertainment industry.
To be the one stop centre of research and information as well as being a preferred
community centre. To start a trust fund that will generate funds to help in starting
entrepreneurial activities in rural areas. To ensure a duty of care to all members of the
organization, also provide all its services in a way that is fair and transparent to
everyone. To form partnerships with relevant organization that promotes rural economic
development. Ensure that the members and beneficiaries with their different disciplines
and backgrounds will, through their participation in the organization, add value to each
other so that the performance of the centre will be greater than that of each member
and other participants acting independently

Media Action Plan organisation or MAP Centres First thing first

1. Creation of a News Letter [Page 0982] free supply ,WASPI activation

,Departmental store such as Shoprite, MAP membership ticket ,free local
registered shops advert for remaining pages on the News Letter
2. To let the people of Mabulandlela Tsonga formerly Gazankulu of Northern
Transvaal South Africa know the History of Mabulandlela Tsonga via News Letter
3. News Letter will use the 9 [nine] document of more than 40 pages below before
we use the normal format that will last until the board changes after five years via
constitution of Media Action Plan Centre (MAP Centre) ,the nine document is as
follows as everything will start at Malamulele formerly Magangeni the Capital city
of Tsonga Mabulandlela then follows all the former Apartheid district each again
follows the African Continent Provinces nine places in each Continent on the
Kings and Chiefs places.
Tsonga Profile (is the History of Tsonga as Tsonga Nation as was the last
Nation to occupy Africa and is the Traditional African first born Nation.
African Economy Document Malamulele community development workers
membership procedures of MAP organisation
Media Action Plan organisation presentation background information as one
of its objectives was to research on what must be done for rural Economic
Malamulele Information Latitude and Longitude everything about Malamulele
today e.g. Names of the villages, High School, Businesses and etc.
African Religions Media Action Plan organisation worship story
Media Action Plan organisation Leadership skills Document (support and
guidance to youth with relevant information)
Media Action Plans South African Information and resent History.
Media Action Plan Motivation e.g. Self esteem building
Media Action Plan seven programs plan
4. Registering Business plan from Enjo consultant /SETA accreditation and Driving
School registration by Boilermakers workers department [Community
development worker/Langeni generation/Ndhlovu family drivers license and
artisan training]
5. Activation of Community development workers
6. Information Centre Head office [six programs activation]
7. Formation of Langeni Generation Foundation
8. Ndwandwe city formation office park , industrial park and hoses betting centre
9. Primary School and High School ,Further Education and Training colleges
campus [SWGC/CJC]
10. Application of University campus/CETA NGO University
11. International or Local Airport not private and 40 people airplane training
12. Local Buses Malamulele based and roads
13. Stadium ,Show Ground and private hospital
14. Mall ,Community shopping complex and taxi rank
15. International hotel and casino
16. Advertising all Malamulele Businesses for free using the following institution
emblems in the page 0982
Langeni Generation Foundation
Media Action Plan Organisation
Akani Guard Security
Community Development Workers
Malamulele Community Development Workers
Mabulandlela / Mhlahlandlela Tsonga
[Major funders]
17. Advertising MAP Organisation to the international community
Newsletter example (Page 0982 will be different to other News Letters as it will be
a Community Progress report)

This will be the hub of Malamulele community members and the voice of Media Action
Plan Community Centre. It will Inform community members about any event to spread
information, Interpret newsworthy events or statements, promote a certain line of
thinking among members of the community, to educate, to entertain and to render a
service as it will be the first way for advertisements. We will use Tsonga and English
language-About their challenges.

The Newsletter will focus on the following: How the community members will help each
other about their strength, Notice to the community, Question to the community, and
what they are willing to achieve or anything they are willing to be done. The newsletter
will be as follows:


progress concerning our programs.
the chosen members by media action plan community centre via SMS line by the editor)
L. THE COLUMN FROM MAGISTRATE OFFICE (Informing us about the cases done by
the members and anything that will help the community)

Photo on top left : Thomas Jean Arbousset (1810-1877) the Missionary who wrote
the song from the song book Lefela tsa Sione Hym 195, Prophetised about Simeone
the father of Zion/Africa/Sunny Land/Langeni (T Arbousset) the information was denied
to us as African was called the Berberic the father of Langeni/Zion.Mosses the Blood
son of Levi delivered the Israelite from Egypt. Abrahams grand sons, Jesus Christ the
Blood son of Judah delivered the Grandsons of Noah as the whole world is the
Grandsons of Noah, delivered us from the Evil Spirit of Satan and the African must
deliver the African people from the spirit of Colonisation through prayers and do the
right things ,Three man of Africa/Langeni/Zion Churches delivered us African from
Colonisation spirit.

Photo on top right: First and Last King of Tsonga Mabulandlela South Africa 1890
to 1914: King Mhlahlandlela Magqekeni Makutsule Bila Langeni the son of Bila Xidyela
Hehla Langeni son of Mlangeni Langeni son of Ndwandwe Gwambe Langeni and Nwa-
Bangwani Dzavani Chauke Hlengwe Bila Langeni the Traditional brother of Nxumalo
Nghunghunyani of Gaza Mozambique. Family tree (Genealogy) of the King
Mhlahlandlela Makutsule Langeni ,Bila Xidyela Hehla Langeni ,Langeni Machimbha
Mhandla ,Ndwandwe Gwambe Langeni ,Manukunuku ,Bhila Bileni brother to Hlave
,Mashiye brother to Nxumalo ,Juwah Langa,Lala brother to Mboo the father to Lesotho
Kingdom of Moshoeshoe ,Hlubi brother Nguni and Kongo namesake to Kongo the
father (Kongo junior father to Ndau) ,Kongo ,Tuareng the third home of African in
Algeria ,Africa/Sunny/Langeni/Zion ,Berber the second home of African ,Semantic 1100
AD the first home as Semantic is the ancient Israelites, Selumiel 1525
BC,Tsurishadai,Simeone the son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham 1996
BC, the son of Terah, the son of Nahor, the son of Serug, the son of Reu, the son of
Peleg, the son of Eber, the son of Shelah, the son of Cainan, the son of Arphaxad, the
son of Shem, the son of Noah 2948 BC, the son of Lamech, the son of Methuselah, the
son of Enoch, the son of Jared, the son of Mahalalel, the son of Kenan, the son of
Enosh, the son of Seth 3874 BC, the son of Adam 4004 BC, the son of God .

Daniel Nkonyane , Engenas Lekganyane and Isaiah Shembes History from

Wikipedia as a reference, Zionist Churches are a group of Christian denominations
that derive from the Christian Catholic Apostolic Church, which was founded by John
Alexander Dowie in Zion, Illinois at the end of the 19th century. Missionaries from the
church came to South Africa in 1904 and among their first recruits were Pieter Louis le
Roux and Daniel Nkonyane of Wakkerstroom who continued to evangelize after the
Zionist missionaries left in 1908. The Zionist Churches proliferated throughout southern
Africa, and became African Independent Churches; research in 1996 suggested that
40% of all black South Africans belonged to a Zionist church. The church is unrelated to
the Jewish political movement of Zionism. The Old Cornerstone Apostolic Church in
Zion of South Africa, Under Archbishop, Mawethu Anthwell Zionist beliefs grew out of
late-nineteenth and early-twentieth religious missions to southern Africa. In particular
the churches owe their origins to the Christian Catholic Apostolic Church of John
Alexander Dowie, based in Zion, Illinois in the States. The arrival of Dowie's emissary,
Daniel Bryant, in 1904 led to the formation of a formal Zionist church. Prior to this, two
concentrations of sympathizers, energized by Dowie's publication, Leaves of Healing,
had existed on the Witwatersrand and at Wakkerstroom in the Transvaal. This initial
Zionist church did not flourish for long due to Dowie's disgracing in America. In 1908,
however, the arrival of the former Zionist-turned-Pentecostal John G Lake led to most
former Zionists embracing the newly formed Apostolic Faith Mission. The vast majority
of all Zionist sects derive from secessions from the Apostolic Faith Mission, which fused
Pentecostalism with Dowie's Zionist ideas about faith healing.

Several key African-led secessions from the AFM led to the explosion of Zionist sects in
the 1910s and 1920s. The first was led by Daniel Nkonyane, who was Le Roux's deputy
in Wakkerstroom. In 1908 Le Roux became an important AFM official and spent most of
his time in the Johannesburg headquarters thereafter. In his absence Nkonyane took
effective control and insisted on several key changes to doctrine. Perhaps most
importantly, he stressed the need for his followers to propitiate their ancestors--a
practice abhorred by the AFM and most Christian denominations. Nkonyane maintained
that Whoever forsakes his ancestors is also forsaken by his ancestors and he becomes
an easy prey for disease. Secondly, he insisted that the form of ornate religious dress
worn by Dowie, including robes, staffs, and other paraphernalia, should be used in his
congregation. In 1910 Nkonyane's defiance versus the AFM and local authorities led to
his expulsion from Wakkerstroom. Eventually, he and about two-thirds of the
Wakkerstroom congregation pooled their resources and obtained freehold property in
Charlestown, Natal, where they built the first South African "Zion". Many dozens of
offshoots from Nkonyane's church formed small Zionist churches, especially in
Swaziland and Natal. The next significant secession from the AFM was by a little-known
member, Isaiah Shembe. Shembe was a member of the AFM for only a year in the
Orange Free State, when the Ethiopian church that he preached for joined the AFM en
masse. In 1911 Shembe left the Free State and moved to Natal, where he used the
AFM's faith healing techniques to build up a following across the province. Harnessing
the meager resources of his followers, he formed the Narazeth Baptist Church and
purchased freehold land at Ekuphakameni, the second South African "Zion". Shembe's
Nazarite church was to become the largest Zionist congregation until eclipsed by the
Zion Christian Church in the 1950s. Shembe's church was distinct from most other
Zionist sects in that he insisted that he was a prophet sent directly from God to the Zulu
nation. Most other Zionists were distinctly non-ethnic in outlook.

Isaiah Mloyiswa Mdliwamafa Shembe (c.1865 2 May 1935), was the founder of the
Ibandla lamaNazaretha, South Africa, which was the largest African-initiated church in
Africa during his lifetime. A self-styled prophet who claimed to have been sent directly
by God, Shembe started his religious career as an itinerant evangelist and faith healer
in 1910. Within ten years he had built up a large following in Natal with dozens of
congregations across the province. Although the Nazarite were eventually eclipsed in
size by several other Zionist Churches, the Nazarite church eventually had well over
one million members before it began to splinter into competing groups in the 1980s. He
was born in 1865, at Ntabamhlophe (Estcourt Area) in the Drakensberg region of Natal.
He was of pure Zulu decent. When he was very young his family had fled from Shaka
during the Mfecane period. His father, Mayekisa, traced his lineage four generations
back among members of the Ntungwa tribe. His mother was Sitheya, the daughter of
Malindi Hadebe, was born at Mtimkulu. Shembe's family left Natal for the adjacent
Harrismith district of Orange Free State in the 1880s, ending up there as tenants for an
Afrikaner family named the Graabes. The young Shembe appears to have labored for
this Boer family as well, and spent considerable time working with the farm's horses.
There is a considerable lore of hagiographic tradition concerned with the young
Shembe. He is alleged, for instance, to have died young at the age of three, before
being resurrected after his relatives sacrificed a bull prior to his burial. He was also
allegedly visited by God on many occasions in these years. Shembe claimed that the
voice of God taught him how to pray. Thereafter it commanded him to find a place to
pray to God on regularly basis. He never started visiting the Weselyn Church that was
nearby. However he did not spend much time there, because the laws which he was
taught in vision by the Word were not followed in the church. For instance baptism by
immersion was not practiced; this was one of the key law that made him to desert
Weselyn Church. By the time of the South African War, Shembe was married and was
working for the Graabes as a tenant in his own right. However, the war disrupted his
situation. After abandoning his wives, he spent some time on the Rand as a migrant.
During this time, he seems to have attended the African Native Baptist Church, led by
William Leshega, in Boksburg.
The ZCC was formed by Engenas Lekganyane in 1910 after a long journey of trying
to find a spiritual home. After being educated at two Anglican missions, Lekganyane
joined the Apostolic Faith Mission around 1911 in Boksburg. He then joined the Zion
Apostolic Church schism in 1916 and eventually became a preacher of a congregation
in his home village during late World War I After falling out with the ZAC leadership;
Lekganyane went to Basutoland to join Edward Lion's Zion Apostolic Faith Mission in
1920. After some time he returned to the Transvaal as the regional leader for Lion.
Lekganyane ZCC members trace the founding of the church to a revelation which
Lekganyane is said to have received from God on the top of Mt Thabakgone in 1924.
After splitting from Lion, Lekganyane used his home village of Thabakgone, near
Polokwane (Pietersburg), as a headquarters, with about twenty initial congregations in
the Northern Transvaal, the Witwatersrand, and Rhodesia. In 1930 Lekganyane began
building a stone church there. After clashes with his chief, Lekganyane was expelled
with his church still unfinished. Determined to obtain land, he eventually purchased
three farms in the Polokwane area. Maclean Farm near Thabakgone would eventually
be renamed as "Moria", the ZCC's headquarters. The ZCC was officially registered in
1962 after the government's reluctance to recognise one of the continent's largest and
most influential churches. The early church was strongly influenced by the doctrines of
the Christian Catholic Church of John Alexander Dowie, based in Zion, Illinois in the
United States of America, and by the teachings of the Pentecostal missionary John G.
Lake, who began work in Johannesburg in 1908.

Due to Lekganyane's attempts to appeal to migrant workers, the ZCC developed an

international membership very early on. Samuel Mutendi, a founding member, built up
many large congregations in Zimbabwe. In the late 1930s migrant workers from
Botswana also started ZCC chapters, although they faced considerable opposition from
the authorities. Following Engenas Lekganyane's death in 1948, a major split in the
church occurred. The church's large section of male migrant workers generally backed
Engenas's oldest surviving son, the charismatic Edward Lekganyane, to succeed his
father as the ZCC Bishop. The church's rural base, meanwhile, backed a younger son,
Joseph, to assume church leadership. Although events are highly disputed, Engenas
himself appears to have favored Josephwho served as his father's adviser and
chauffeur during the 1940s. During Engenas Lekganyane's mourning period, Edward's
supporters mobilized on the Witwatersrand and hired buses to take them to Moria. After
arrival, this large, armed group was able to eject the pro-Joseph faction and take over
the church's headquarters and infrastructure. Initially the two factions remained
together, but Edward soon insisted that all members declare their loyalty in public, and
this led to a permanent split. The ZCC continued under Edward's leadership, while
Joseph seceded and formed the rival St. Engenas Zion Christian Church in 1949.The
ZCC changed fairly dramatically following his son Edward Lekganyane's assumption of
control of the church. Edward was a highly educated, flamboyant figure who eventually
obtained a degree at an Afrikaans divinity school.In contrast to his father, Edward relied
less on faith healing and oral testimony in services, and moved towards a more
biblically-based doctrine. Under his leadership the all-male Mokhukhu organization
developed out of his core group of supporters. This group initially formed as a church
choir. Wearing military-style khakis, police-style hats, and the Star badge, the
Mokhukhu in each congregation engaged in dancing, singing, and praying three times a
week according to a preset schedule. An additional feature of Edward's control of the
ZCC was the rapid growth of Zion City Moria as a pilgrimage site. Using the Maclean
farm that his father had purchased in the 1940s, Edward instituted annual pilgrimages
that have gone on to become massive southern African-wide events. Each year during
Easter Holidays Church members bus en masse to Moria, Polokwane (Pietersburg)
(several million members) to meet the Bishop and to pray for blessings. The church
fuses African traditions and values with Christian faith. As opposed to the mainstream
European churches, the church has sought independence and autonomy in terms of
theological and dogmatic approach. According to the ZCC, scholars such as EK
Lukhaimane, Hanekom, Kruger, Sundkler and Daneel did not understand the ZCC's
approach to Christianity. Due to the apartheid education system in which Africans and
their beliefs were rejected and mocked, they saw ZCC as a sect. This situation was
exacerbated by the church's policy on secrecy, which limited its inability to publicize its
activities. As a result, the ZCC maintains that much writing about it is inaccurate. The
church still believes in prophecy, the power of healing and spiritual counseling, which
did not resonate with the scientific perspectives of these academics. Instead of
understanding the therapeutic value of its practices, they described them as rituals. The
use of different mechanisms for faith-healing include the laying-on of hands, the use of
holy water, drinking of blessed tea and coffee, and the wearing of blessed cords or

The colors of the church are green and yellow. Church uniforms differ according
to the state and gender of members and occasions. Men wear khakis for dancing
and green suits for church services. Young women wear blue for church services
and khaki for choir practices. Elder women wear green and yellow regalia for
church services.
Because the church preaches the message of peace, they start their greetings
LENA)' meaning "peace be unto you." ZCC is about peace and respect and the
love of God.
The church has its own magazine called "Messenger". Next to messages for its
members, the magazine contains a list of events in the congregations throughout
the country (e.g. visits of the Bishop).
There are other ZCC sacred locations. Podingwane (Podungwane) near
Lebowakgomo was the headquarters of ZCC from 1937 to 1942 before it moved
to Moria, while Thabakgone is the church founder's birthplace and original
Women do not take part in Sunday service preaching. They, especially in ZCC
Star, are allowed to preach during the women's services held every Wednesday.
Lekganyane is believed to have supernatural powers (believed to be the
mediator between man and God). This is the reason why most worship songs are
about him.
Lekganyane is referred to as "Kgomo", which translates to "Cow".

Members of the ZCC generally believe that:

A person is saved through baptism in the name of the Father, the Son and the
Holy Spirit, by dipping him/her in water 3 times (Christian Bible, Matt 28:19).
ZCC members pray to God in the name of Jesus Christ. Lekganyane is the
Redemption is obtained through confession, repentance and prayer.
The bishop and ministers of the ZCC preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ as laid
out in the bible.
The ZCC Church Members have a strong belief in Prophets and Prophecies.
What need to be done is to bring back the Family altar to Nkonyane family (as
it has been destroyed by Self-made Churches of Zion) and the Kingship to
Langeni family (as it has destroyed by Colonisation) that will brings back
Africans true Identity. As Lekganyane family and Shembe family Altars are
going strong thanking God of our forefathers, God of Africa/Langeni/Zion/Sunny
Land, God of our Messengers. All three families will erect an African Kingdom
Altar to the African Traditional first born Kingdom Tsonga Nation / Mhlahlandlela
Bila Langeni family in order to unite Africa spiritually. The whole world has been
connected by Colonisation even though it was very hard for the African because
Africa was cursed by the grandfather who wanted his name not to be mentioned
(information on African Religion).Colonisation brought Western Life Leaders e.g.
President and disconnected Traditional Life Leaders values as the Traditional
first born leaders was fallen because of Colonisation (information on African First
Kingdom) or (Tsonga Profile-fall of empire), so all in all is Western Life Leaders
plus Traditional Life Leaders plus Altar brings back African true Identity

Chapter 4
African Economy is bout Rural Economic Development of Malamulele former
Magangeni the Capital city of Mabulandlela Tsonga Nation of South Africa former
Gazankulu Homeland the traditional first born of Africa then the Development goes to all
South African former District one by one then goes to African Provinces

TYPES OF OWNERSHIP is registered in terms of the Non-profit organization Act,

1997(Act No, 71 of 1997) NPO-083-378, Reference number 9009/706/23/6 and in terms
of section 10(1) (CN) of income Tax Act No.58 of 1962(the Act) PBO No.930036051.


To put our communities into the map as to culture and the tradition by introducing
the [community] into the media and entertainment industry by forming a
community radio station, recording company and a local newsletter.
To groom, nurture and unleash talent in rural areas in order to promote job
creation in the media and entertainment industry.
To be the one stop centre of research and information as well as being a
preferred community centre.
To start a trust fund that will generate funds to help in starting entrepreneurial
activities in rural areas.
To ensure a duty of care to all members of the organization, also provide all its
services in a way that is fair and transparent to everyone.

To form partnerships with relevant organization that promotes rural economic

Ensure that the members and beneficiaries with their different disciplines and
backgrounds will, through their participation in the organization, add value to
each other so that the performance of the centre will be greater than that of each
member and other participants acting independently.
Name of the Partner/Sponsor: Akani Guard Security. Will be known as AGS.

Type of ownership: Close cooperation ck98/41040/33, SARS reference

9208/470/84/0, SOB/PSIRA number 343343(PSIRA/SOB)

Description of the business: Security Services and all Aspect of Services [All
round Services].

Business location: Gauteng Province, Johannesburg south in Soweto Pimville

location, at 4011a Tshikudu street, next to Kliptown square of dedication
where we will rent an office after operation at the moment we are running it
from home, Branch: 347 Phuphula Section ,Mavambe Village Malamulele.

Akani Guard Security cc is an all round services company aiming to provide all
aspect of Services. AGS a Gauteng/Limpopo based company extending their
services across South Africa. The companys head office is centrally based in
Pimville, Soweto South of Johannesburg close to all main routes including Airports,
sport stadiums, Walter Sisulu square of dedication in Kliptown, University of
Johannesburg Soweto Campus and other places of interest.
We have access to all the centralised information and data required in an
investigation and research. The companys branch office based in Mavambe Village
Phuphula Section Stand 347 ,five kilometres to Malamulele Town ,30 kilometres to
Giyani Town and 25 kilometres to Thohoyandou.
What makes the company unique in the security business and all round services is
that the directors and staff of Akani Guard Security cc will be committed to a safe
South Africa where all the knowledge, training and experience that will be
accumulated. With the knowledge of the local criminal and his involvement in the
international crime syndicates the company is able to react to a situation in its early
stages preventing major losses or loss of life.
Technology makes the world go round and Akani Guard Security as an all round
Services we will prevent crime by Creating Jobs in the Rural Malamulele working
hand in hand with Media Action Plan Centre and Community Development Workers
of Malamulele.AGS will own more than 200 registered Businesses on its own names
for more Job Creation in the rural African Continent that will begin at Malamulele as
Head Office or Traditional Capital City of Sunny Land/Africa/Langeni/Zion.

Community Development Workers [CDW] one of the seven programs will be

chosen by the branches those who are unemployed with Metric from all Villages
and will also partly work as MAP Newsletters reporters, presenting guidance at
High schools ,community representatives , Community public protectors and will
be trained under service SETA ,needed is Intellectual , Interpersonal skills and
the love of Malamulele area which have 300 villages including Malamulele Town
Block A,B,C,D,E and F will own South African first self made city by NPO/PBO
registered community centre ,Close Corporation business and Community
Development Workers whereby CDW will use the following steps:
BRANCH, all families in the villages of Malamulele area that support MAP
Organisation need to join to support and became the members and, each village
became a branch [as branches formed by 100 members and more] where will be
govern by executives (top six), at Malamulele town formed by Block A, B, C, D, F
all will form branches, all in all will be more than 130 Branches within
Demarcation we will use that one of the former Gazankulu Homeland under the
late Minister Professor HW Ntsanwisi those of Malamulele SOUTH, EAST,
WEST, NORTH, and CENTRAL that will form five zones ,As zone are formed by
SEVEN BRANCHES or more with 10 executives consist of top six and four
additional members.
ZONE will be using the format of South, North, West, East and Central then will
form five zones that will form MALAMULELE AREA REGION which will report to
the MAP Organisation Offices. Community members of Malamulele area[by
branches] need to pay a R100 membership fee buying ticket from Shoprite
store or South African Post Office nationwide which will be registered village
by village, ticket number ,stand number and numbers of family members,
membership fees is a support and commitment fee voluntary.
Akani Guard Security (AGS),Media Action Plan (MAP) and Community Development
Workers (CDW) will work hand in hand, AGS as a sponsor ,will monitor and evaluate all
the cooperative (more than 200 Businesses) through the auspices of MAP meanwhile
CDW will be the organisations (MAP) public protection or community watch dog also
working as community newsletter reporters. For the registration of the 200 Businesses
and Institutions, accreditation and information by Enjo consultant cc [Budget R2 880
000 000] the amount of money that will be borrowed from the Bank for the first
project at Malamulele before it decentralized to the Country and the Continent.

Community Projects First thing first [AGS initiatives that will be the main sponsor
of MAP]

Roads (after roads and CBD building plan whereby water for sanitation will be
the underground water by borehole water machine)
Transport(buses) & filling Station (including contractors trucks and water
borehole machine)
Central Business Development [Will be named Langenisback] meaning Africa is
back from the word Mayibuye I Africa using international Language.
Business or Cooperative registration while building roads
Start-up cost will be registration by community members at Shoprite ticket
AGS will work as partners with:
Bank that will borrow us the amount of money that is needed
Consultant Company
Electrical Solar
Workers Department under AGS ,MAP & CDW
Thusong Service Centre all Department
Langeni Foundation
Consultant Company First thing first

Registration of the following Businesses together with writing of Business Plans for each
and drawings of contract forms of the cooperative members as members are
replaceable [All highlighted shops will be at the street shop the other shops will be at the

cervecera brewery, bar

confitera candy store (from confite, candy)
dentistera oral surgeon's office
droguera drugstore, variety store
ebanistera cabinet shop, place where cabinets are made (from ebano,
ferretera hardware store (from an old word for iron)
floristera flower shop
frutera fruit shop
heladera ice-cream parlor
herboristera herbalist's shop
herrera blacksmith's shop
joyera jewelry shop
juguetera toy shop
lavandera laundry (from lavar, to wash)
lechera dairy
lencera linen shop, lingerie shop
librera bookstore
mueblera furniture store
panadera bakery (from pan, bread)
papelera stationery store
pastelera pastry shop
peluquera hairdresser's shop, beauty shop, barbershop (from peluca, wig)
perfumera fragrance shop, perfume store
pescadera seafood store
pizzera pizzeria, pizza parlor
sastrera tailor's shop
sombrerera hat shop, hat factory
tapicera upholstery shop, furniture store (from tapiz, tapestry)
tintorera dry-cleaner's (from tinto, red wine or dye)
verdulera produce store, greengrocer's, vegetable market (from verdura,
zapatera shoe store


o As the hub of the Corporative will sales all different types of Steel on the Market,
having a good Business Dealership with Gauteng or Nearest Steel industry, will
use orders, we will be known as the best Steel Doctor in the area, and
transportation will use a local Transport Company [ROL] which will be contracted
with the Corporation which will also doing the following Services: [Businesses at
industrial park]
o Laser Cutting
o CNC Bending
o CNC Rolling
o Hi-Definition Plasma Cutting
o Plasma Cutting
o Water jet Cutting
o CNC Flame Cutting
o N.C. Guillotine Cutting
o Fabrication
o CNC Machining
o Stock Holding

Construction [ Community Construction Step 7 (CCS7)

Bricks Manufacturing
Property Development
Skills Development
Rural Owned Logistic [will be the constructions transportation including water
borehole machine truck and different types of contract transport]
Workers Department [AGS]
Maintenance Department services & shops [street shops] called [CCS7]
Community Construction Step 7 according to their trade e.g. CCS7 Plumbing or
CCS7 Electrical, for services rendered they will be part of Community
Construction Step 7 and all other aspect of maintenance.
Plumbing: Repairs / New Installations / Bathroom Renovations / Geysers / Water
Air Conditioning: Repairs / New Installations
TV Satellite: Installations & Re Installations / Surround Sound & Home Theatre
Electrical: Domestic & Industrial for repairs and new installations
Tree Fellers: Trimming / Site claring & Demolishing / Landscape
Building: Paving / Kerbs / Roadworks / Earthworks / Building and Brick Work /
Concrete Platforms / Tiling / Partitions / Drywaling
Carpets: Vinyl Flooring / Blinds / Laminated Flooring / Curtain Rails
Painting: Roof Seal / Waterproofing / Painting
Security: Gate & Garage Automation / Intercom System / Electric Fencing
Alarm systems: CCTV Cameras / Home Automation
Swimming Pools: Swimming Pool Repairs / Koi Ponds / Jacuzzi
Thatching: New Installations & Repairs
Cupboards: Build-in Cupboards and Kitchen Cupboards

Accreditation and License to the following institutions

FET College private and public campus
University NPO and public campus
Sport bet e.g. Tab
High School and Primary School
Clinic Private
The project will be working hand in hand with all government agencies, South African
Bank, Insurance and all the stakeholders

Media Action Plan registered Non-profit organisation / Public benefit organisation

Media Action Plans objectives is to have Information Centre/Library the first stop centre
of research, News letter, Radio station, Recording Production, Filming Production,
Brass Band, Violin Band and Community choir and initiatives listed below under the
following six programs: Educational, Environmental, Health, Media, Sports and Social

Customer service
Entrepreneurship skills
Advertising practitioners
Brass band.


3000[three thousands] Members divide by 10 members of the cooperatives

equals to 300[three hundred] Businesses
AGS will borrow money from BANK for cooperatives which is R4 000 multiply by
12 months per person as salary for 3000 members who will own 300
cooperatives for about 20 years
R4 000 X 12 months equals R48 000 annual salary for each member
R48 000 X 3000 members equals R144 000 000
R144 000 000 X 20 years equals R2 880 000 000 which will be also be invested
in businesses before it became salaries
3000 cooperatives members will be workers before they become cooperatives
,they will work at Community contractor, Bricks manufacture such as road
builders and city builders
Each members [3000] will be written of the city memorable stone for the sake of
their family and community
All aspect of maintenance will be also a random workers including the community
buses drivers who will be taken to AGS cooperatives businesses driving school
25 filling station will be having mini-community cinema around Malamulele
community and all villages will be represented by bus
CDW Workers of 300 Villages Multiply by 4 members equals 1 200
Drivers of 300 villages multiply by 2 members equals 600 [local buses, tractors
and trunks]
1 200 Cooperatives Business members divide by 10 members each equals 120
Businesses of AGS
Total of drivers and CDW equals 1 800 members Plus 1 200 cooperative
business members equals 3 000 workers of MAP organizations rural economic
community development
Businesses consist of 30 shops e.g. Liberia plus 20 Aspect of maintenance plus
[1] Filling stations
[2] Cinema
[3] Industrial park
[4] Business Park
[5] Hotels
[6] Casino
[7] Warehouse
[8] Franchise buyers department
[9] Driving School and transport training
[10] And other standby Businesses
30 shops plus 20 Aspect of maintenance plus 10 standby businesses equals to
60 businesses plus remaining 60 X 10 all round workers makes the total of 600
plus 600 members of cooperative businesses equals 1 200 cooperatives
AGS sponsors of MAP and Langeni Generation [Filling station, cinema,
motor dealers, and AGS community police offices, Motor Mechanics, Tires
fitment and Spares at filling station].
Media Action Plan organisation workers will be subtracted from all round
workers which makes 200 workers the different is that the members will
undergo auditions or interviews unlike the other 2 800 workers who will be
chosen after the organizations have chosen 200 MAP workers only metric
200 MAP organisation members will be chosen according to experience and
qualification or knowledge to both no age limit ,members will be as follows:
Sports program 10
Health program 10
Social program 10
Environmental program 10
Educational program 10
Media Program [consist of 150 members who belongs to the following]
Musicians 20
Music Engineers 20
Brass band 30
Choir 30
Violin 20
Drama 20
Cameras 10
All 3000 members of the community will work and build their city from
roads and buildings but being known where they belong ,all done by the
consulting company
The direction to all will be found at MAP Business plan and MAP Proposal
Underground pipes in the city

Underground water from borehole (sour water) as an alternative or straight to

Sweet water pipes from the dam
All aspects of Maintenance pipes including pipes and spare pipes for in case
To put our communities into the map as to culture and the tradition by
introducing the [community] into the media and entertainment industry by
forming a community radio station, recording company and a local newsletter.

To groom, nurture and unleash talent in rural areas in order to promote job
creation in the media and entertainment industry.

M AP Centre will have more than twenty[20] initiatives which is: Learner ship, Customer
service, Researchers, Jobseekers, Entrepreneurship skills, Environmental, Poets,
Advertising practitioners, Blogger, Community developers, Volunteers, Artisans,
Dancers, Journalist, Drama, Presenters, Musicians, Writters,Guitaries,Pianist,Drumers,
Choir, Violinist, Brass band, Sports and Support. For the community members will SMS
to be part of the initiatives, they will choose one program and be charged in order to
donate for the sustainability of the centre. The PRSMS will be from Cellular Network
WASP service, the charges is for the sustainability of the organisation and those who
need to donate SMS Support from the following programs: Example



LIBRARY AND INFORMATION CENTRE [Learner ship, customer service,
researchers, jobseekers, entrepreneurs and community developers]


artisans and volunteers]


[volunteers and community developers]


eries,pianist,drumers ,choir ,violinist, brass band, sports and support]




COMMUNITIES A YEAR [sport and support] Remarks; every program will be
launched before operating

To be the one stop centre of research and information as well as being a

preferred community centre.

MAP will have a Library and Information center as is founded the year 2000 and finaly
being registered the year 2010, firstly was doing the research on what must be done for
Rural Economic Development of Malamulele area, under Limpopo Province, Republic of
South Africa, Secondly we did research on the African kingdom which was all
successful with no major sponsor.

To be the one stop centre of research and information as well as being a

preferred community centre.

This will be the new city of Malamulele by the community center the first to happen in
the whole world. 300 Businesses will be registered whereby each business will owned
by 10 chosen members of the community, meaning the chosen members with Metric
Certificate will be 3 000 for Job Creation and Rural Economic development under the
auspices of MAP meanwhile CDW will be the organisation (MAP) public protection or
community watch dog also working as community newsletter. For the registration,
accreditation and information by Private consultant Company [Budget R2 880 000 000,
will be the salary of 3 000 owner workers for the period of 20 years earning R4 000 per
Months, Money at Bank will build the registered Businesses and Business plans are
ready under our Rural Economic Development Plan called Malamulele Community
Development Workers Program] Akani Guard Security (AGS) sponsor, Media Action
Plan (MAP) community centre and Community Development Workers (CDW) program
of 3 000 owner workers will work hand in hand, AGS as a founder sponsor is Asking
for help from any other sponsor willing to help or donation , AGS will monitor and
evaluate all the cooperative will also buy most powerful franchise ,building Industrial
park and office park in one place and will be called Langenisback meaning Africa is
back to the owners. Again after the building of the city at Malamulele the same cities will
be built at the former homeland around South Africa then going out to the Continent in
all Provinces into the Kingdoms.

To ensure a duty of care to all members of the organization, also provide all its
services in a way that is fair and transparent to everyone.

MAP will have the following six Community Programs:

Educational Program Youth Empowerment in Skills Development and

Entrepreneurship skills using Enjo Consultant cc which is registered with
ETDP-SETA ,Department of Labour for the training of entrepreneurs,
environmentalist, different types of media and Boikgethelo Construction cc
for Boilermakers training and all different types of artisans which will be
needed by the organisation.
Environment Program to promote environmental understanding and
increase awareness, on the importance of sustaining natural resources to
attract the attention of the Tourist.
Health Program to ensure that people living with HIV/AIDS receive special care,
access to information and treatment. To form partnerships with relevant
organizations aimed at promoting rural social and economic development as well
as HIV/AIDS programs at Malamulele area.
Sports Program to ensure that the community members, both youth and young
adult are encouraged to partake in sports activities. All community members
must be aware of the importance of sport and their health. We intend to operate
independently by forming competition twice a year in sports program.
Social Program MAP aims to apply for a television program from any TV station
or to sponsor the program whereby the program will give information on how to
register for PBO,FBO,NPO,CBO and any community development project,
information on where to go for funding locally and international by making all the
successful registered organization shares information. MAP will launch a You
Tube, Face Book, Twitter and Blog where by will give information about what we
are doing.
Media Program the program will be the hub of the centre as we aims to build
Community library/Information Centre, Newsletter on the form of Pamphlets
which will be distributed to the members of the community twice a Month
depending on the Budget, Brass band, Violin band and Community Choir
meanwhile we will form Internet Radio, Filming project and free recording studio
as a long term goal but we will be controlled by budget.

To form partnerships with relevant organization that promotes rural economic


MAP organization will partner AGS and work hand in hand with the following
stakeholders of Malamulele Area and those is not yet formed MAP will help in writing
constitution as will be the main organizer to Malamulele Area.

Traditional Leaders Council to be the link between the rest of the community
and their own villages.
Traditional Healers Association-to help keep our culture, tradition and heritage
Churches Council-to bring all the faith based organization working together in
Business Association-to help in guidance, mentoring the newly entrepreneurs
and networking.
Non-profit organization forum-to share information on how to raise funds and all
Taxi Association-to work together with all stakeholders of the community.
Community forums-Such as CPF to be the community watch dog, community
development workers and community civics organisation.
Student Organization-in order to motivate, support and guide youth as MAP has
four youth empowerment document that will be distributed to youth for free.

Ensure that the members and beneficiaries with their different disciplines and
backgrounds will, through their participation in the organization, add value to
each other so that the performance of the centre will be greater than that of each
member and other participants acting independently.
MAP Organisation will be known as a Community centre which will be a first stop center
of information in interpreting, educating, entertaining, advertising and rendering
services, lastly the owner workers of the community development workers program will
be known as owners where by the chosen 3000 members their children and grand
children will benefit from the Businesses as long as they qualify.

MAP Achievement

MAP organization founders have 16 years experience in Research firstly was

what must be done for rural economic development ,at present is a research
on how to get funding and all information about where to for accreditation or
Affiliation and quotations which all is in order lastly African history & kingdom.
MAP has managed to get the blog from CharitySA the year 2011 on March
which is .
Page from Succeed Business Magazines page 39 May edition 2011.
Managed to create the free website from Woza on line 2012 May.
Vodacom WASP Service, PRSMS line.
More than 20 000 funding application local and internationally.
Member of internationally FUNDFORNGOS.
Nominated internationally by GLOBAL GIVING FOUNDATION for 2013
Managed to have at least a minor sponsor for Research, Equipment,
Transportation and Internet Bundles from the year 2000 till now.

To be transparent, fair and conduct ourselves with honest.

Trustworthy and effective to honor deadlines.
To give support and guidance.
Commit ourselves to the principle equity.
Uphold the values exposed in the skills development act.
Caring for others.

Logo There is no limit on what we can do.

Vision To embraces rural economic development through information feeding, media

empowerment and skills development, and skills transfer

Mission Media action plan community centre is registered non-profit organization that
will address educational, social economic wellbeing of the young people and some
members of Malamulele community.

Malamulele was one of Former Gazankulu District which Gazankulu was a Bantustan
in South Africa, intended by the apartheid government to be a semi-independent
homeland for the Tsonga people. It was located in both the Northern Transvaal, now
Limpopo province and Eastern Transvaal, now Mpumalanga province. It was given self-
rule in 1969, with its capital as Giyani while the District was Mhala, Hlanganani, Ritavi,
lulekanini and Malamulele. That was the tiny Bantustan was situated in the former
Northern Transvaal adjoining Venda, in what is now called the Limpopo province. In
February 1973, Gazankulu (and Giyani as a Capital city) attained self-governing status
under Professor Hudson William Edison Ntsanwisi as Minister of the homeland.

Latitude: -23.00682 and Longitude: 30.68609]

Coordinates: 225816S 304025E / 22.97111S 30.67361E / -22.97111;

30.67361Coordinates: 225816S 304025E / 22.97111S 30.67361E / -22.97111;

Country South Africa

Province Limpopo

District Vhembe

Municipality Malamulele


Total 9.57 km (3.69 sq mi)


Total 13,070 + (486 930)

Density 1,400/km (3,500/sq mi)

Racial makeup

Black African 99.3%

Coloured 0.2%

Indian/Asian 0.3%

White 0.2%
First languages

Tsonga 93.7%

Venda 1.7%

English 1.2%

Other 3.5%

Area code 015

Malamulele shown within South Africa

Location within Limpopo

Malamulele can refer to the town of Malamulele or the area of Malamulele. Both the town
(approximately in the center of the area) and area are in the Limpopo province of South
Africa and predominantly occupied by Tsonga people. The town itself is located 35 km
away from the Punda Maria gate of the Kruger National Park although the borders of it
are against the fence of the Kruger. An example is Ntlhaveni Block H. Malamulele is
situated between Giyani (former Gazankulu Capital) and Thohoyandou (former Venda
capital).243 km away from Polokwane, and 453 km away from Pretoria. Malamulele is
contained within the Newly Malamulele Local Municipality at the far north of Limpopo

Malamulele have three stadiums, Schools sports ground 12, High Schools 45, Primary
Schools 68, Villages 68 ,136 Headman plus Malamulele Township section a to f,
NPO/PBO/FBO 443. Malamulele is approximately 1551.93 km, 1551925652.81 m,
383489.18 acres, 155192.57 hectares, 16704788751.04 feet, or 451.89 square nautical
miles big. It has a perimeter of 178282.865m or 584917.536 feet.

Thanking the Bila Langeni ancestors for being my blood my Genealogy

Thanking the Ndhlovu Gacheni ancestors for being the secret of my life

Thanking the Chauke Mabasa Hlengwe Rhonga for being my womb mothers of my

Thanking the Mabulandlela Tsonga for being my home of five families [Langeni, Hlave,
Mthetwa, Hlengwe and Nwanati]

Thanking the Altar of Africa for being my light three families [Nkonyane, Lekganyane
and Shembe]

Thanking African Kingdoms first three homes [Semantic, Berber and Tuareng] then first
three [Kongo, Kangaba and Aksum] kingdom for being my roots

Thanking African ancestors for being my messengers

Thanking Holy Spirit for being my protector

Thanking Jesus Christ for being my savior

Thanking God of our forefathers, God of Africa, God the creator of the World and Adam
and Eve gave birth to Seth ,Seth father of Enos ,Enos to Cainan to Mahaleel to Jared to
Enoch to Methuseleh to Lamech to Noah to Shem to Arphaxad to Cainan to Sala to
Eber to Peleg to Ragau to Saruch to Nahor to Terah to Abraham to Isaac to Jacob to
Simeon then many years has passed then during Mosses era the grandson of Simeon
was Zurishaddai to Selumiel again many years passed then Semantic to Berber to
Africa to Tuareng to Kongo to Hlubi to Lala to Juwah to Mashiye to Bhila Bileni to
Manukunuku to Ndwandwe Gwambe to Mlangeni Langeni to Bila Xidyela to
Mhlahlandlela Makutsule the first and the last King of Mabulandlela ,Mabulandlela the
Last nation to occupy Africa ,our genealogy is our surname our surname is our
ancestors our ancestors our messengers.

African Traditional Values for the Tribal Authority, Tribal Law and Tribal
Community [from home to nationals]

Holy Bible is an African Constitution an old Testament is experience and

foundation whereby New Testament is the way forward
The world belongs to God with everything on it Psalm 24
Praying God in African way is God father, Son, Holy Spirit and Messenger
According to African messengers there is three styles in life which is Western life
,Traditional life and Altar whereby Africa is practicing only Western styles
whereby the other two is National or family self made and some never do.
God is the head of Jesus Christ, Jesus the head of Man, Man head of a Woman
a Woman the mother of the World a head of the first born Son 1 st Corinthians 11
verse 3.
A first born Son is a leader of a family, second born and others the founders of
their own families
The elders of the family/surname/clan lead the families
A person belongs to the Clan or Surname, Tribe and National Traditional
A first born son marries his uncles daughter [brother of your mother or family
related to them]
Is not a must to follow tradition, what is a must is to follow the Western Law and
Order, we dont judge we support and guide each other
Education doesnt take us from our tradition but it connects us to the World.
Culture is not an attire but is the Traditional or family Values
A lady buried with a husband surname not a fathers surname
Greedy, Selfish and Showoffs is the symptoms of Evil Spirit
A man must stay seven days from the first day of wifes menstruation in order to
live longer
First of September is an African New year according to our Messengers.
A Protest is the concern about something it can be the Memorandum to the
Government or the prayers to the God father, Son, Holy Spirit and Messengers
A wood fire is the symbol of gathering Messengers of the family, surname or clan
but burning things is burning messengers.
Leaders are chosen by God according to Messengers there are three types of
Leader Ship, Leaders chosen by God, Leaders chosen by Messengers and
Leaders chosen by Community automatically it become supported by all three
meaning all are from God [Roman 13]
Curse is real Jacob wanted nothing to do with Simeon [Africa] never wanted his
name to be mention by Simeons Children meaning let us respect our family
leaders ,community leaders and all leaders because God gave them power we
doesnt have.
Clan/Surname must register their members according to family three as each
surname belongs to Clan a Clan to the Nation, Nation to the Tribe, and Tribe to
the Three Kingdoms a Kingdoms to African family to form foundations/Trust Fund
belongs to each Clan not Village as a person belongs to the family.
Any family members breaks the law the penalties goes to the Clan or a family
member get into troubles the Clan held responsible.
Bad luck follows when we dont follow Traditional practices, Bad luck means you
are unclean traditionally you need to be cleansed any family ,clan ,national ,tribe
has their own way to cleanse using African Traditional Consultant / Healers /
Pastors as any nationals on Earth have their tradition and culture.
Everything we are doing we are doing it for our Name and Surname, for the
Surname we are asking God to forgive our forefathers and make them our
Messengers so that when we die we became a good Messengers for our
grandchildren and that our Messengers ca respect us, for our names we are
doing it for our grand children those who will born 50 years later after our death
that they become poured by holy spirit so that they can pass at schools and do
good things, marry and get married
A young man become matured at the age of 23 and a woman become matured
at the age of 18 meaning a good and healthy marriage a man must be six or
more years older than the wives but anything is not wrong for a marriage e.g.
polygamy is not a crime as in eight people five is women.
The Second born, the third born and the other siblings of the family are needed
to have a branch family that will start their branch Altar so that the first born of
that particular branch can start the name of their fathers and they are allowed to
change the surname using the names of their grandfathers or forefathers but not
forgetting family tree whereby the first born is not allowed to change.
Men cannot be judged if he doesnt follow family cultures and create his own
surname and culture but belong to the Clan knowing his family three as we cant
change to be African, a surname is owned by forefathers/ancestors.
Surname is your genealogy an adopted person cannot be a leader belong to
Western Life styles, Traditional Life styles or Altar, they can be members not
leaders same like anyone using his mothers surname they must have double
surname their mothers surname and mothers name until the future generation
moistly men ,Africa is cursed because of the grandfathers mistake meaning we
get blessed or cursed because the past parents the Continent ,Countries and
Surnames belongs to the Clan in traditional way and the person must belong to
Surname traditionally.
Killings or any crime and all evil is a cry for an identity without knowing that you
are crying meanwhile you are also killing you identity and respect to the elder
people is a good luck, a person cannot be a Chief traditionally while the father is
still alive can be a Prince with more responsibility and a woman may be a
Princess or Queen standing for the Leader when is gone.
African Traditional life need to protect our families members from Western life
politics through National Tribal Authority and National Tribal Court.
Anyone owning the land is the Head Man or Chief for his people exercising same
culture and tradition under the Tribal King of Africa and become the African under
African practices.
Former Federal Cities and Towns will continue fall under municipality /
Government whereby the rural economic newly Cities and Towns will belong to
Tribal Community under Villagers for the community members under African
Kingdom Plan[Traditional life Cities to be named After our Messengers] the
former Federal Cities and Town must get back to their former names with its
The World belongs to God ,The World belongs to Messengers and the World
belongs to People meaning everything has steps it means God the head of Jesus
,Jesus the head of Man ,Man head of Woman ,Woman head of first born ,first
born head of siblings step by step that means all leadership are made by God
and we wont be leaders all of us ,we need to respect it ,meaning Cultures and
Tradition is our inheritance from our former leaders our Messengers e.g.
Polygamy is not a sin it has its own reason from our forefathers and Lobola has
been paid by Jacob by working at his uncle Labans field for seven years for
Leah and another seven years for Rachel as we are all sons of Africa ,Africa son
of Simeone , Africa grandson of Jacob and Africas messengers are Abraham
then Shem then Noah then Adam and Eve meaning African never wanted to lost
their roots even praying God of their forefathers not knowing the name.
(Traditional life is the head of the Altar and together the head of Western Life).
Thanking Colonisation for bringing Holly Spirit to Africa through churches like
Roman Catholic Church, Assemblies of God, Apostolic Faith Mission [AFM] and
Education for knowledge the mistake was Money which is Evil but connected the
World through Greedy, Selfish and Show Offs now is the time to get back to our
roots through the power of knowledge [working together with the World as part of
it with our power back]
God created The world / Earth the year 4004 BC (Before the birth of Jesus Christ
/Before Christ) today is 2017 AD (After the birth of Jesus Christ / Anno Domini a
Latin word meaning in the of our Lord Jesus Christ) meaning no one knows when
the earth is going to end perhaps will end the year 4004 if so we need to do the
right things about our past and our future. Past means to pray for forgiveness of
our Forefathers, Future means praying for our grand children those will bear 100
years after our death meaning this is called praying for our Surname and our
Names to come even if you are not affiliated with any Church you are Christian of
Zion even if you dont call yourself Christian, Jesus Christ adopted you the son of
God of Zion, God of our Forefathers AMEN.

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