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Zacharie Pierre Jean Abraham

Cloutier Gagnon Rene Cauchon Martin Marguerite

Xaint Madeleine dit Lamothe dit L'cossais Langlois
Dupont Roger

Filles Marier FOUNDERS Robert

Jean Franoise Nol Marie Robert Jean HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Drouin
mard Marie Grenier Langlois Crevet Caron Gagnon Marguerite Anne
Bineau Cauchon Pierre-sprit Mdard Cloutier
Radisson Chouart Marguerite
Sieur des Groseilliers Martin

Jean Jacques Jean-Baptiste Jacques tienne
Guyon Mathurine Dodier Caron Bouchard Nolle Racine
Robin Olivier Marin Catherine Marguerite Pierre Touschard
Letardif Barb Boucher Caron Gagnon Miville Louis Marguerite Jeanne Jacques Cartier Gasp, 1534
mard dit Le Suisse Gagn Marie Martin Drouin Source: Library and Archives Canada MIKAN 2896921

Zacharie Guyon Claude
Cloutier Sieur Nol Madeleine le Petit Nol Pierre
Pierre DuBuisson Langlois Miville Bouchard Simard Tremblay
Paradis Barbe Madeleine dit Traversy Louise dir Lombrette Madeleine Ozanne Barb Ignace
Guyon mard Aime Gagn Racine Achon Dodier Gagn
Caron Jean Marie
Cloutier Martin

Claude Jean
Bouchard Langlois
dit Dorval

Pierre Nol Nicolas Pierre Ren Michel Jean Franois tienne Louis Antoine Antoine
Paradis Simard Roussin Tremblay Lavoie Tremblay Simard Bouchard Simard Tremblay Bouchard Louis Perron
Jean-Baptiste Pierre Anne Madeleine Madeleine Marie Marguerite Genevive Marguerite
Bouchard Langlois Dodier Tremblay Paradis Madeleine Bouchard Bouchard Tremblay Marie-Anne Marguerite Rosalie Marie Franoise Marie Marie Genevive Louise Marie
dit Dorval Simard Sasseville Simard Bouchard Perron Morel Letarte Madeleine Gagn Tremblay Jeanne
Marie Simard Tremblay

Anne dit Dorval Dorothe
Paradis Langlois MMXIV Darcy John Bouchard, li Exule

These are the three big founding families of Qubec: On 6 June 1947, Pierre Tremblay (of Randonnai village, Perche, on the edge of Pays d'Ouche)
joined Nol Juchereau in Nouveau France: Pierre Tremblay and Ozanne Achon gave birth to the largest francophone family in North America. In 1657,
Nol Simard left his native France with his father Pierre, a stone mason, by the port of La Rochelle, leaving behind, mother, siblings, friends and relatives
to come to Nouveau France and founded one of the largest Qubecois families. Claude le Petit Bouchard and Julien Fortin were engaged by Robert
Giffard in March 1650, at the White Horse Inn (Htel du Cheval Blanc), situated on the road leading to Rouperoux, St-Cosme-de-Vair, Perche, France.
Upon arriving in Qubec, Claude and his friend Julien went to the seigneurie de Beauport ( situated between where Qubec stands today and the Mount
Morency Falls to the north). Claude had come with some funds of his own (inheriting his father's hemp factory as well as being an accomplished tailor)
and had arrived in New France not as an indentured servant but rather under the protection of Monsieur Giffard with some freedom to travel.

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