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22a) One primary form of primary research that could be undertaken that could improve their potential

for global expansion is observational research, by using this type of primary research the business can
carefully monitor the conditions they will be expecting and plan how they can strategize to
accommodate the expansion on the global scale. A form of secondary research is the use of business
articles that discuss the advantages and disadvantages of expanding into Asian regions therefore
providing a clearer forecast on the venture possibilities.

b) Two factors that pasdfoji need to consider for their product when expanding into asia are the
influences of globalisation and legal regulations. Globalisation is the integrations of economies and the
reductions of barriers relating to trade. Globalisation has opened many opportunities for business to
save costs, improve quality, improve functional efficiency and enhance the profits. A global factor that
will affect the businesses products is different culture. The product may not be suitable for the
traditions and cultures of a particular region, possibly due to religious beliefs and attitudes towards that
product e.g Indians are traditionally against the consumption of beef as it conflicts with religious views.
Another factor that could affect a product whilst expansion is legal regulations, where a product may be
acceptable to manufacture and sell in one country another may be completely against such a product
and it may conflict upon rules and legislations in those regions.

23c) E marketing is a from of promoting a product by the use of the internet. It is a fairly new method of
advertising and is seen to be highly effective. Emarketing has many benefits such being, it is cost
efficient, can be used to target a larger consumer base, can reappear multiple times during a session of
internet use meaning it will stick in the minds of consumers, offers innovative ways of advertising, can
iimprove relations between business and consumer by the use of email promotions and discounts, can
be associated with the certain site the consumer is browsing e.g fashion site may have side panels of
advertisement regarding sales and discounts of shoes. E marketing can be versatile though does have
some drawbacks to its use. It be considered an invasion of privacy, aggrevating/annoying therefore
reflecting poorly on the business, requires maintenance which is an additional cost, constant updating
and may be difficult to effectively advertise amongst global competition.

24a) Strengths: New and possibly innovative compared to other magazines

Up to date trends

Weaknesses: No experience

High competition in a saturated market

Limited brand awareness

Oppurtunities: Large target market

Fresh and new possibly enticing consumers requiring difference and spontaneity.

Threats: People move to an online basis rather than physical magazine

24a) A cash flow statement assess the flow or cash coming into and going out of a business. By the use
of a cash flow statement a business can see their level of liquidity within the business, if it is sufficient
enough to sustain tactical and operational expenses if not and there is a shortage the business can
therefore use strategies such as discount on early payments and factoring. A cash flow statement can
also be interpreted to review the most appropriate financing for a business. It shows how well working
capital is being utilized. If the outflows are greater than inflows this could be dangerous for a business
leaving it insolvent.

b) The closing cash balance is $39000

c) The cash inflows for xyz ltd is $439,000 whilst the cash outflows are $415000 this displays the cash
outflows are slightly less than the cash inflows meaning that the business can sustain its day to day
obligation of payments. This also shows that the business does not require additional financing to
support the business and can ultimately sustain on its revenue. Though some issues with the cash flow
are the poor net cash earned from investing activities and the high repayments of borrowing.

d) One strategy that could be used to effectively improve the already positive cash flow is by distributing
payments. By distributing payments the business will not have such a burden to fund at one point
affecting his liquidity and cash flow, the payments being spread across a period of time will increase the
liquidity of the business and will improve the short term sustainability of a business. Also by distributing
payments a business will be able to be more flexible with the cash in the case of unexpected costs e.g
workers compensation payments, redundancy payouts etc. Distributing payments can also mean
keeping cash at hand until the time the business has to pay, this means that if something arises it will
still have cash and to pay off the debt the business could factor is accounts receivable to make up for the
shortfall of the payment. Also, a prepayment method may be more favourable for the business as it
removes the debt from the business as a liability and results in a better deal.

21a) One input used in the operational process is the leather fabrics used to create the designer
products. This is a material product that can altered into a finished products therefore is considered an
input for the business.

b) Green cross could utilize both sequencing and scheduling in their transformation process.

Scheduling: A tool that could be used for scheduling is a gantt chart, a gantt chart will offer the business
the ability to plan their tasks ahead, and place a start and finished date on particular jobs. It shows how
many jobs are required to be finished and also the projected time they have for each, this can be useful
as it promotes efficiency and productivity in the workplace and can be used to assess actual and planned

Sequencing: A Critical Path Analysis is a tool that is used for showing the most efficient order the
business with be able to achieve the critical path in the shortest time possible, without taking shortcuts.
The CPA is highly beneficial as it shows how long the business will require to finish one task and
therefore provides forecasting on the time necessary to finish multiple tasks simultaneously whilst also
providing how long the side processes may take. By the use of a CPA a business can achieve better
efficiency, productivity and forecasting abilities.
c) Green Cross is a business whom is currently undergoing expansion, during this time the
interdependence between the business operations, finance and hr functions are integral so that there is
success in this venture.


The Operations of the business transforms inputs into the outputs which are sold to return revenue for
finance to redistribute. The operations function will also determine the quality of the product and what
purchases need to be made so that the business can sustain a level of respectable quality. Operations
also consistently applies cost saving methods that will reduce the amount of cash outflows for the
business. Finance funds operations and is integral to budget the function so that an excess amount is
not spent on operations. It also assess the liquidity of the business so that the operational expenses can
be met. The finance sources finance depending on what venture is required by operations for e.g New
Technology for efficiency in operations would mean finance could use leasing.

Operations and Marketing:

Marketing is fundamental for operations as it is the function that promotes the product provided by
operations which attract customers and more sales which results in more profits that can be re invested
into operations for better quality products and technology that could improve productivity and
efficiency. Marketing also determines the appropriate pricing of the product and how it will best suit the
quality of the product, aswell as pricing marketing increases brand awareness for the business which will
better the business chances of applying more sales, marketing also assess changes in the market that
operations will have to be flexible enough to change with. Marketing also provides the most profitable
target market for the business so the operations may begin to expand or contract their product range to
focus on their target.

22A) 4 stakeholders of the hr function are Employees, Employers, Employer Associations, Trade Union

b) One social influence that has impacted upon hrm in Australia is changing work patterns. This refers to
the changes that have taken place within many business due to societal changes of values and beliefs.
The changing work patterns of this country is evident by the greater acceptance of females in the
workplace. This change was brought about due to the greater emphasis of value placed on females in
society, they offer skills and abilities that men cannot provide and are highly appreciated in businesses
today. Another social influence placed on businesses are flexible work hours, work from home days,
annual leave etc. all benefits and entitlements were not as potent in the older days, though due to our
advancements and both parents working these days rather than just the male being the sole
breadwinner the need for flexible hours to take care of children our other personal matters has arisen
and become more valued by employees than a promotion or raise. Also such things as maternity leave
and annual leave have become an obligation due to the government responding to the social
requirements for a work life balance, reducing mental illness, stress, anxiety etc. Businesses recognize
the importance of non monetary benefits that an employee requires over monetary as many individuals
have prioritize other than work.

c) Two processes in Hr that is essential for hrm to be effective are Acquisition and Maintenance.
Acquisition is the process that assess the existing workforce and the requirements of the business in the
long term. It will evaluate if the business needs to attain a new workforce or if the existing can be
trained and developed to be able to achieve the objectives and goals set by the business. It is an integral
process as creates value for the business as the assets of labour is invaluable especially if the acquisition
process is done correctly and the most suitable, highly skilled, highly flexible, well adaptable candidates
are selected to join the hr and add their skills to the benefit of the business. Acquisition can be split in to
3 subprocesses identifying staffing needs, recruitment and selection. Identifying staffing needs refers to
a business examining its current workforce and assessing its abilities and capabilities of achieving the
businesses strategic objectives, it is the process where the business will see the amount of staff it may
require to recruit or simply to retrain its current workforce. If the business requires new staff it must
advertise the vacancy and provide, a job description which is details on what the job is. Job specification
which is what is required by the business including skills, abilities, qualifications and experience and a
remuneration figure, which is a value on how much the job is worth including pay, entitlements and non
monetary benefits. Recruitment is the process of attaining employees by promoting a job vacancy. This
can be done by either internally or externally recruiting.

Internally: A business can promote an existing employee into a position that is vacant or accept and
individual from within the business that applied for the position. By filling the position with current staff
the business can save costs, and time in inducting the individual due to their experience in the business
and can be an incentive for employees to improve their productivity, efficiency and efforts within the
business to achieve the promotion. Some drawbacks on internal recruiting can be that there may be
disputes and disagreements on the deservingness of the promoted employee.

Externally: By externally recruiting the business can attain an individual who is highly skilled, capable,
trained and experienced for that position. By externally recruiting the business can save cost in training
and development. It can externally recruit a candidate to fill a vacancy by:





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