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Please solve all the problems. Symbols have their usual meaning. Values of the required parameters are
given in Table 1. Assume standard values for the other required parameters.
Full Marks: 50 Time: 3 Hrs

1. Derive the conditions for the best range and best endurance for the constant altitude and velocity
(hv) program for a jet aircraft when a head wind of speed Vw is present, the aircraft wind speed can
be taken as V. Marks 7
2. Under the assumption of shallow flight during the cruise climb fipd the corrected range in terms
of the altitude gained during the cruise climb. Assume an exponential atmosphere (a = exp( ->..nh),
troposphere). Show that !:::.h = }n log ( ~;). Here, n = 0.7 for the troposphere and n = 1.0 for
the stratosphere. Hence find out the expression for the corrected range in troposphere only. For the
troposphere the specific fuel consumption cis defined as c~, = a 0 2 , l, = a 0 7 and for the stratosphere
_f_ = 1 and TT = _e_ with the suffix 35 denoting the values at the tropopause. Marks 2+3
C3& 35 P3G

3. It is well know that a total of six cruise programs are available, out of which two are having infi-
nite number of solutions. Among the remaining four, show the range in decreasing order. Carry
out this analysis graphically. Moreover, explain how the other two ~re having infinite solutions
analytically. Marks 3+3
4. A light combat aircraft weighs 78,480 Nand has wing area of 25m2 , lift-curve slope of 0.06 per degree,
CL,max --= o.g5, and CD = 0.0254 + 0.178Cz. This aircraft is required to land at an airstrip located at
an altitude of 1000 m (a= o.g074). Assuming that the coefficient of friction between the tires and the
runway is equal to 0.02 and approach glide angle is 3.5 degree, estimate (a) airborne distance includ-
ing flare and (b) ground run. Assume that flaps are lowered at the touchdown and give an increase
in CL,max of 0.5_4 and an increase in CD of 0.05. Further assume that the brakes are simultaneously
applied giving an increment in friction coefficient of0.4. Marks 3+3
5. An aeroplane weighing 45000 N is powered by a single jet engine producing 22000 N thrust along a
line parallel to the mean chord line of the wing from which the angle of attack is measured. The
wings have a planform area of 25m 2 , no lift angle of attack is (o: = -2.2), and the lift curve slope
C = 4.6. Find the radius of a correctly banked 4g turn at an altitude where the relative density

if 0.8, the wing angle of attack then being +8. Work from the first principles and derive formulae
used. Marks 6
6. Carry out the analysis for finding the corner velocity in turning flight. Derive the equations for the
MATR flight envelope and the MSTR flight envelope and draw graphically the limbs of flight envelopes
relating to the equations derived. Marks will be provided only if the equations are correct and are
identified with the proper limbs of the flight envelope. Marks 4+4
7. Show that for dynamic similarity Reynolds number should be same for the ,prototype and the
wind tunnel model. An aircraft flies at a velocity of 250m/ s at 18,000 m altitude where the at-
mospheric pressure is 7,160 N/m 2 and the temperature is -56.5 C. A model of 1/10 scale is to
be tested in high speed wind tunnel. Calculate the static pressure of the tunnel stream neces-
sary to give dynamic similarity if the tunnel static temperature is go C and tunnel stream speed is
287m/s. Marks 4+3
8. Determine the thrust required for a turbojet aircraft weighting 85, 000 N with a wing area of 32m 2 ,
CL,max = 1.50, CD = 0.04 + 0.833Cz, and ntim = 6.0 so that it can execute a sea level coordinated goo
turn in 6 seconds. First derive the equation and then solve the problem. Marks 3+2

Table 1: Parameters and their values

Parameter Value Parameter Value Parameter Value
Po 1.225 kg/m Po 101325 N /m f.Lo 1.714 x 10
To 288.15 }(

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