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Math Vocabulary

Lesson 2.5
Rational function: A function of the form
where a(x) and b(x) are polynomial functions, and b(x) / 0
Asymptote: a line or curve that a graph approaches
Vertical Asymptote : The line x=c is a vertical asymptote
of the graph of f if
Horizontal Asymptote: The line y=c is a horizontal
asymptote of the graph of f if
Oblique Asymptote: An asymptote that is neither
horizontal nor vertical that occurs when the degree of the
numerator of a rational function is exactly one more than
the degree of the denominator. Also called a slant
Holes: Removable discontinuities on the graph of a function
that occur when the numerator and the denominator of the
function have common factors. The holes occur at the zeros
of the common factors.

Lesson 3.1
Algebraic functions: A function with values that are
obtained by adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing,
constants and the independent variable or raising the
independent variable to a rational power.
Transcendental functions: A function that cannot be
expressed in terms of algebraic operations, such as an
exponential or logarithmic function.
Exponential functions: A function of the form ,
where x is any real number and a and b are real number
constants such that a / 0, b is a positive, and b / 1.
Natural Base: The irrational number e, which is
approximately equal to 2.718281828
Continuous compound interest: interest that is
reinvested continuously so that there is no waiting period
between interest payments.

Lesson 3.2
.Logarithmic function with base b: A function of the
form where b > 0, b / 1, and x > 0, which is the
inverse of the exponential function of the form
Logarithms: In the function , y is called the logarithm,
base b, of x. Usually written as and is read log base
b or x
Common logarithm: A logarithm with base 10, usually
written log x
Natural Logarithm: A logarithm with base e, written ln x.

Lesson 3.3
*No Vocabulary*

Lesson 3.4
*No Vocabulary*

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