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1948 :T.N. Act IlJ Silkworm Diseases

(Prevention and Eradication)
' W I L NADU ACT No. 11 OF 1948'.
~ Ac?1948
(Received the assent of the Governor-General on the
4th March 1938 ; Brst published in the Fort St.
George Gazette on the 16tlt 1948.)
An Act for the prevention and eradication of silknor~n
diseases in the "State of Tomil Nadu].

Tamil Nadu] ; It is l~erebyenacted as follows :-

1. (I) This Act may be callcd the '[Tamil Short title,
Nadu] silk worn^ Diseases (Preveniion and Eradica- extent a n d
tion ) Act, 1948. coinmence-
(2) It exte~ldsto the whole of thc "State of
. Tamil Nadu].
(3) This section sball con7c into fc, at once ;
and the renailling provisicl;~or" this /2cI sil;II CC,IIIC
into fcrce-
(a) at oncc, in '[ 3 t lie i-losur
lniuk of the Salein di:;trict ; rind
- - - .- - - - - - - -- - .-
I T I I i ' ? c " by
ttic -i',lrnil b!n:111 Ad,llli,l[ioil of L.ln. O r ~ l r r ,l9i.''. . . - rc'rd by
\I2 I I I I I\

tllc I'lrn~lN ~ r l uAt1 I:.( >tlon of I-' \'.(' r~co11tlA I ~ I C~: iIc~i,)~01tlc1,
I 9 00
2 For Stntcnlclit of O b j ~ c t snlid Kcnwn., .cc I ; I I I $51 ( ; i o , ~ c
Gazc.(tc7,datctl I l l c ISth N o \ c n i h c ~1047. T',II t l V - A , p,rrc 244.
This Act was extended to thc ni~r:~ctlStcltc of Putll~kkott:~ib y
section 11 o f t h e Tarn11Nltlu Mcrgcd St.rtcs (Law<)Act, 1949 (Tamil
Nadn Act XXXV of 1949).
8 This cxprcssion was cubst itutsd for tllc cuprcs,\ion " Provincc
of Madras" b y t h e Tarn11 Nadu Adal)t;ition of I,n\\is Order, 1970,
which \\as dcemcd t o I~,\vcC O I ~ ~1n10 C I'OSCC011 IIIC 14th J'111t1:1ry
4 This cxprcssion was substitutcil fkr thc cxprcssion " State of
Madras" by thc Tnlvil Nadtl Atl;iptgtion of L::uls Order, IOC;g,
as arncndctl by the Tnniil Natlu Adnpt:ltiol: o f L:IV;S (Second
Arncntl~ncnt)Ordcr, 1969.
6 ' r l ~ cisords " tlic I<ollcpnl t a l ~ ~of
l i thc C;oili~l>ntoredistrict
and" were ol~littcdby clnusc 3 of, and tlic Sclictlule to, the R.fadras ,
Adi~ptationo f LO\VS Ordcr, 1957.

Silkworni Diseases (Prevention [I948:Td.Act If

and Eradication)

(b) in any other part of the '[State of Tamil

Nadu], on such date as the Government may, by
notification, appoint.

(4) The Government may, by notification, r e p 1

all or any of the remaining provisions aforesaid from
any part of the '[State of Tamil Nadul, with effect
from such date as may be specified in the notifi~tion,
but the repeal shall not be deemed to affect the powzr
of theGovernment to extend the provjsions so repealed
to such part under sub-section (3), clause (b).

2. In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant

in the subject or context,-
(a) "area'' means any aiea in ~ h i c hthe pro-
, visions of this Act are in force for the time being ;
(b) "Director" means the '[Director of J n h -
tries and Commerce, Tamii Nadul, or such
officer as the Government may nominat as Director
for all or 'my of t h e purposes of this Ac ; 9
(c) "Government" means the "State) Govern-
ment as defined in section 3, clause (33-a), of the
General Clauscs Act, 1897; Central
Act X of
(d) "notificatjon" means a notilicntion publisl~ai1837-
in the Furl St. Ceorgc Gazette ;
(e) "prebcr~bed " nxruzs prescl ibed by rules rnadc
under this Act;
"xced" means seed cocoons, moths, egg>
and silkwor~llsin the first two stagcs of developmen(;
- -- - - - - - _
exprc\\ii>n \\as substituted for thc cxplcs\~on"State of
Madras" by the Nadu Atl'iplation of L,IH\ Order, 1969, ,,,
amended by thc Tnrnil Nadu h.dapl:ltion of L;Iw\ (Second Amend.
merit) Order, 1969.
This expression war sub$tituted f'yr the cxprcbsion " Directol
of Industries and Comfnercc. Madras by partigraph 4 of, and tllc
Schedule to, the Tam11 Nadu Adaptation of L n ~ s Order 1970
which was deemed to have come into force on the 14th ]uuar; 1969,'
r This word wns substituted for the word $' ProyinciH1 by the
~ d a p t a t i o nOrder of 1950.

.. - . .

1948 ;T.N. Act IIJ Silkworrta Disea$es

(Prevention and Eradication)
(g) "seed area" means an area notified by the

i raising seed cocoons ;

( h ) " seed cocoon " meaus cocoon raised
B from silkworm rearings and intended for reproduc-
tive purposes ;
(i) "seed producer" mcans any person engaged in
all or any of the processes connected with the mnnufac-
iure or disposzl of seeds;
(j) ''seed rearer" Weans any person engaged
in the occupation of rearing silkworms of ally species
with a view to the sale of cocoons, n1oths;eggs or
worms for the purposes of seed, including operations
extending from the incubationof eggs to the harvestin<.
P of cocoons ;
(k) "Ser:'cultural Expert" rneans4the officer who
is the Head of the Serjcultural Section of the '[Depart-
* ment of Industries atid Commerce, Tmil Naduf;
( I ) "silkworm d:sease " mcans the disease of
pebrine flacherie, gasserje, or muscardine or any other
prescribcd disease ;
(nt) "silkworm rearer" means any person
engaged in the occupation of rearing silkworms of any
species, wlth a vicw to the sale of cocoons, moths,
eggs or worms.

3. (1) Every silkworm rearer, seed rearer and seed nut,,to

producer shall be bound to give information forth- furnish
with to the nearest officer who has been duly authori- $f:~iem
zed by the Sericultural Expert in that behalf of thcd.ISBaSBS.
occurrence of any silkworm diseast in the seed, silk-
worm, moth or cocoon, in any premises belonging
to him or under his control, which may come to his
knowledge. a

This expression was substituted for thja c x p r e a h b6DcpwC
m a t of Industries and Commpe, Madras ,' paragraph 4 of,
and the Schedule to, the Tauul Nadu Adaptatwn of ~ W @Qr, L
1970, which was deemed to havo come into for(oon tho 14t@, jaaW

li y":,,.,
:L +," -""
, 3 *<*J*$ < :",by:
in X V,"


Silkworm Diseases [I948 : T.N. Act f i

(Prevention and Eradication)
(2) Every such person shall be deemed to have
had knowledge of the ,occurrence of any such disease
in any premises belonging to him or under his cont~ol,
in the absence of reasonable excuse the burden of
proving which shall lie upon him.

~ispoction 4. (1) The Sericultural Expert or any officer

of premises. authorized by him in this behalf may at all reasonable
times, enter and inspect any land, building, ~essel,
vehicle or place wherein or in any part '[whereof]--
(i) all or any of the processes connected with
the rearing of silkworms oy the manufacture of seed
is carried on, or
!iij seed, ~ilkvrorms,moth or cocoon is stored,
or is be'ing transported,
if he has reason to believe, from personal knowledge
or from information given by any p r s o ~ zand taken
down by him in writing, that any silkworm disease
has occurred in such land, bujlding, vessei, ~ehicle
or place.
(2) Every owner, occupier or other person in-
charge of any such land, building, vessel, vehicle, or
placc shall be bound to give all reasonable faci-
lities to the officer aforesaid in carrying out his ft~nc-
tions under sub-section (I).
Power lo 5. (1) On receipt of iriformation under section 3
measures or on tlw detection of any silkworm disease after
for the inspection under section 4, the Sericultural Expert
eradica- or any officer authorized by him in this behalf, or the
tion of
silk worn^ officer making such inspection, may .take or cause
disease$. to be taken such measures as he may consider neces-
sary or expedient to prevent the spread of the disease
or to eradicate it, being measures referred to in sub-
section (2).
This word was substitt~ted for the word "thereof" by section
4 of, and the Third Schedule to, the Tamil Nadu Repealing
and Amending Act, 1957 (Tamil Nadu Act XXV of 1957) ;
so far as tho added territories are concerned the above amendment
was made by seuipn of, and the Second hhedule to, the Tamil
Nadu (Added Tantonos) Extonsion of Laws Act, 1964 (Tap11Nadu :
Aot 8 of 1964). +#,

f 948 : T.N. Act 111 Silkworm Diseases

(P~.eventionand Eradication)
(2) Such measures may consist of-

(b) the prohibition for a specified period of

the rearing by seedrearcrs of any species of silkworm
in which a silkworlll disease has broken out in a
virulent form ;
(c) any other action which 111ay be prescri-
(3) At least twenty-foar hours' notice shall be
given to the owner or otl~er pessnn j~~-charge
of any object or article which it is intended to destroy
under this section.
6. (1) lf such dcstri~ctionis ordcscd by the Scri- Appcnls.
cultural Expert or an Assistn~:t Se~,lculti~ralExpcst,
the ordcr shall be final.
(?).lf sucll tlcs!rucrion is osc!cictf by Itn oflice,-
infcrior 11.1 rank an Assib~nnt F,c~.icri.l,i~r:!lExp::j.[,
tllc owller or ot!ier p:r-~cjt~ii~-:hni,::i: t j f i l i c ol>jccl 0,.
articlc C O I I C C ~ I I C.i17::y,
~ i :oUr S 01.
\vi! h i l l t 7 . ~ ~ j~f l-l/!i , ~ I,
thc servicc of the ric~ticc~.c!i.i,i<ii Lo ii-1 s . ~ c t i o 5, i ~ sill>-
scctioil (3), appc:il to the Ashistailt Scl ic~,I[ur::Iji;\poi.t
nomillated by the Sei.ic~il!ui.nlI:xpcrt to l~c;!r a1,1,~;~ls
under this scction ; :~11dL l ~ cijidci. of s:,ch Assi4tani
Sericilliusal Expc1.L s11:tll bc lir~;~l.

7. ( 1 ) Any p<rsr)n C\\I\! ~,,\Y'~ICS o r f:~ils to ~ ~ ~ ~ l

comply with any p~ovrsior~,c~l tliis ALI 01. nrty r~llcor
ordcr made tl~csc~ii\clcsshill1 bc. p t i ~ i i \ l ~ ; ~w~tl,
l ) l ~ fillC
which may extclltl t o one I~undrccl I ill)cc\ ; and ally
Court trying any sucli coritritvoi~lion 0 1 . I~!iltrrc 113;ry
direct that any sced, silkworm. 1notl1 o r cocoorl, or
any vessci, rcccpt:lclt: 01' 8pp,ll.,L~its c n n l , rzin::
~ ~ { ilc
same, in respect of which thc'C'nu~.ti \ \ : ~ ~ ~ \ l lthat
c t I \~tcll
contmvcntion or G~ilurc has c\cctt!rcci, s11;rll fol--.
feited to the Gover~ulcnt.i

1030 SiaCWonq D+emt?s (1948 : T.N. Act If

(Rreventfonand Eradication)
(2) No prosecution shall be instituted under
sub-section (1) without the previous sanction of the
Sericultural Expert.
8. No suit, prosecution or other proceeding shall
ofGovern- lie against any officer or servant, of the Government
ment for any act done or purporting to be done under this
05fcersa.d Act, without the previous sanction of the Govern-

Power to 9. (1) The Govenunent may make rules to carry
maka out the purposes of this Act.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the
generality of the foregoing power, such rules may pro-
vide for all or any of the following matters, namely:-
(i) the diseases, if any, whioh should be
treated as silkworm diseases, in addition to those
specified in section 2, clause (I) ;
(ii) the particulars of the information to be
furnished under section 3 and the form in which it
should be furnished ;
(iii) the measures which may be taker1 under
section 5 for eradicating silkworm diseases ;
(iv) the form in which appeals may &: ?,re
ferred under section 6 .

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