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Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) and Iron Concentration in Tambaqui,

Colossoma macropomum, Iron Absorption

Paulo Henrique Rocha Aride1

University Center Nilton Lins, Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology, Manaus, Amazon
State, Brazil

Marcio Soares Ferreira, Rafael Mendonca Duarte,

and Alzira Miranda de Oliveira
National Institute of Amazon Research, Laboratory of Ecophysiology and Molecular Evolution,
Manaus, Amazon State, Brazil

Danival Vieira de Freitas, Andre Luis Wendt dos Santos,

and Sergio Ricardo Nozawa
University Center Nilton Lins, Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology, Manaus, Amazon
State, Brazil

Adalberto Luis Val

National Institute of Amazon Research, Laboratory of Ecophysiology and Molecular Evolution,
Manaus, Amazon State, Brazil

Abstract. Tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum, were satisfy the requirements of fish. These elements
fed with three vitamin C levels and two iron levels for are necessary to promote the formation of
21 d: Diet 1 without vitamin C and with 30 mg of iron/kg;
Diet 2 with 100 mg of vitamin C and 30 mg of iron/kg; and
bone structure, electron transfer, acidbase
Diet 3 with 100 mg of vitamin C and 300 mg of iron/kg. equilibrium, and osmoregulation (NRC 1993;
Mortality was not observed during the feeding experiment. Canli and Atli 2003). In addition, the Amazon
There were no changes in hematological parameters in fish water types present low levels of these metals
that were fed the different diets. Iron contents in liver, (Aride et al. 2007).
muscle, and plasma were significantly different in fish fed
Metals are introduced into the aquatic system
with different iron content in the diets; when associated
with vitamin C, changes were observed only for plasma by leaching from rocks and soil and by volcanic
iron. Therefore, tambaqui exhibits varied iron absorption eruptions, but mainly by human activities such
in response to different levels of iron with and without as mining and industrial processes (Gutenmann
vitamin C, a conclusion consistent with findings for other et al. 1988; Zhou et al. 2008). Recently, the use
species of fish.
of fertilizers has also contributed to this process
(Adeyeye et al. 1996). Iron has been used
Fish, like other animals, absorb required widely in many countries to reduce available
minerals through feeding and from the aquatic phosphate in freshwaters. Typically, iron is
environment (NRC 1993). Elements such as added to reservoirs in the form of acidic
calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, ferric sulfate liquor that contains other trace
zinc, copper, and selenium are found in water, metals, including titanium, manganese, zinc,
but not always in sufficient concentrations to and nickel (Dalzell and Macfarlane 1999; Duis
and Oberemm 2000).
Iron is essential for the proper functioning
Corresponding author. of organs and tissues of animals, including
Copyright by the World Aquaculture Society 2010


fish. It plays a critical role in oxygen trans- air, heat, oxidizing enzymes, and multivalent
port and cellular respiration (Lim et al. 2000), cations (Andersen et al. 1998). AA prevents
and is one of the most important micronutrients the formation of insoluble Fe composites and
with an active function in the immune system assists in the absorption of iron that becomes
(Bhaskaram 1988; Lim et al. 2000). Character- absorbable after reduction to its ferrous state in
istically, the different valences of iron allow it the stomach. AA also participates in releasing
to accept or donate electrons and participate in iron from transferrin and ferritin, which is later
redox reactions (Baker et al. 1997). incorporated into hemoglobin or other essential
Fish absorbs the soluble iron in water through composites (Affonso et al. 2007), and may
the intestinal membrane (NRC 1993; Cooper function as a Fe-chelating agent (Halliwell and
et al. 2006). Feeding is considered the major Gutteridge 2000).
source of iron uptake, although absorption The aim of the present study is to evaluate
through the gills does occur, but only to a the effects of dietary AA associated with iron
limited extent, as iron is present only in small and the influence of iron levels in tambaqui
quantities in natural bodies of water (Halver iron absorption and hematological parameters
1988). (Fig. 1).
In biological systems, iron is found in com-
plex forms such as hemoglobin, myoglobin,
Materials and Methods
heme enzymes (mitochondrial and microsomal
cytochrome, catalysts and peroxides), and non- Juvenile tambaqui (62 4 g, mean SD,
heme compounds such as transferrin, ferritin, for 90 [n] animals) were obtained from a local
and flavoproteins (Halver 1988; NRC 1993). In fish farm. For the experimental feeding period
vertebrates, ferritin is present in tissues such of 21 d, 10 fish were placed in each of the nine
as liver, spleen, bone marrow, heart, kidney, (3 treatments, 3 replicates) continuously aer-
intestinal mucosa, and blood (Geetha and Desh- ated experimental units, 60 L glass aquaria. The
pande 1999). Iron deficiency has been described water temperature was maintained at 26 C, pH
in some fish species, including brook trout was maintained at 5.8 0.5 (mean SD), the
(Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchill 1814), carp level of dissolved oxygen was 5.6 mg/L, and
(Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus 1758), and eel total ammonia level was 0.2 mg/L throughout
(Anguilla japonica Temminck and Schlegel all the experiments. Fish were fed a commercial
1847). The effects of iron deficiency may diet for 6 d prior to the onset of the experimen-
involve microcytic anemia and a decreased red tal diet.
blood cell count and hemoglobin. In most cases, Three diets were formulated with or without
however, iron deficiency does not affect the vitamin C (Sigma Chemical Co., St Louis, MO,
growth rate of fish (Halver 1988). Like iron USA) and with different iron (Sigma Chemical
deficiency, excess iron also causes problems in Co.) concentrations (Table 1). The methodol-
fish because of its toxic effects which include ogy used to determine the diet composition has
reduced growth rate, increased mortality, diar- been described by Asca (1985). The diets were
rhea, and decreased hepatic function (NRC prepared in the Laboratory of Food Technology
1993). at INPA. All diets contained 80 UI of vita-
Ascorbic acid (AA) is essential for most min E per kilogram of feed, as vitamin E is
teleost fish species, both as a cofactor in an important substrate for synergism with AA.
hydroxylation reactions in living tissues and Experimental diets were stored in a freezer until
as important enzymes to involve in redox 15 min before administration.
reactions (Franke et al. 2005). AA is not After feeding on the experimental diets
synthesized by fish because of the absence for 21 d, fish were anesthetized in a solu-
of l-gulonolactone which is necessary for AA tion containing 100 mg/L of anesthetic (MS-
oxidization (Lovell 1998). AA is one of the 222, Syndel Laboratories Ltd, Vancouver, BC,
most labile vitamins; it is easily oxidized by Canada). Hematocrit, red blood cell count, and

diet 1
10 diet 2
diet 3

Muscle iron (g/g wet sample) 8 A


diet 1
diet 2
diet 3
Liver iron (g/g wet sample)




160 B



diet 1
diet 2
diet 3
Plasma iron (g/g wet sample)



Figure 1. Iron levels in blood plasma, liver, and muscle of tambaqui fed experimental diets for 21 d. Diet 1 without
vitamin C and with 30 mg of iron/kg of diet; Diet 2 with 100 mg of vitamin C and 30 mg of iron/kg of diet; and Diet 3
with 100 mg of vitamin C and 300 mg of iron/kg. Bars with different superscripts are significantly different (P < 0 .05).

Table 1. Proximate composition, iron and vitamin C that the presence of vitamin C improves tissue
concentration in experimental diets. absorption of iron, and this finding corroborates
Diet 1 (%) Diet 2 (%) Diet 3 (%) previous findings (Dabrowski and Kock 1989;
Lygren et al. 1999). There were no significant
Moisture 10.2 10.4 9.8
Crude protein 29.6 28.5 29.9
differences in either the hematological parame-
Crude lipid 10.3 9.8 9.7 ters or plasma glucose levels in fish that were
Fiber 1.6 1.5 1.5 fed the studied range of diet compositions. No
Ash 7.1 6.6 6.8 mortality was observed during the experimen-
Carbohydrate 41.2 43.2 42.3 tal period. Increases in hematocrit, red blood
Fe 30 mg 30 mg 300 mg
AA 0 100 mg 100 mg
cell count, and hemoglobin were observed in
tambaqui that were fed diets supplemented
AA = ascorbic acid; Fe = ferric chloride.
with vitamin C. Similar effects have been
observed in channel catfish (Ictalurus puncta-
hemoglobin were immediately determined in tus Rafinesque 1818) (Lim et al. 2000) and
blood samples drawn from the caudal vein the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar Linnaeus
using heparinized syringes. The animals were 1758) (Sandnes et al. 1990). The increase in
sacrificed to collect white muscle and liver the number of red blood cells in tambaqui was
samples. probably because of the effect of AA on ery-
The white muscle and liver tissue sam- thropoiesis, first suggested by Dinning (1962)
ples were weighted in sterile plastic tubes and Cox (1968) (Table 2). AA is necessary for
and digested with 10% HNO3 at the ratio the release of ferritin-bound iron from the liver
of 5:1 (volume : tissue weight) for 48 h at for erythropoiesis (Bhaskaram 1988).
80 C. The samples were then centrifuged at The absorption of iron by the liver and
10,000 g/10 min and 50 L of the supernatant white muscle in animals that were fed Diet 2
diluted in 1% HNO3 . The levels of iron in tis- (30 mg of iron and 100 mg of vitamin C/kg
sues were measured using a graphite furnace of diet) increased significantly. This represents
atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Perkin about three times the amount observed for
Elmer, AAnalyst 800) (Lemly 1997; Medina channel catfish, I. punctatus, that were fed
et al. 1998; Campillo et al. 2000). a diet containing 3000 mg of vitamin C and
Hematological results (hematocrit, red blood 30 mg of iron/kg of diet (Lim et al. 2000). High
cell count, and hemoglobin) were used to levels of AA have been reported to interact
determinate corpuscular constants (mean cor- with metallothionein, a copper-binding protein,
puscular volume MCV, mean corpuscular and to alter the metabolism of copper in the
hemoglobin MCH, and mean corpuscular liver (Hsu and Shiau, 1999). The increase
hemoglobin concentration MCHC) according in the iron concentration in tambaqui muscle
to the methodology described by Brow (1976). was similar to that described by Lorentzen
Plasma glucose levels were determined using a (1998) in Atlantic salmon (Maage et al. 1990).
portable reader (Advance). However, this increase suggests that dietary
The results are shown as mean SEM. Sta- supplementation with iron is not reflected in
tistical differences among means were analyzed muscle iron concentration. Although we did
using one way analysis of variance (ANOVA, not assess iron toxicity in the present study,
all pairwise) with Tukey test, assuming a 95% consumption of diets high in iron may result in
confidence interval (P < 0.05) (Zar 1996). poor growth rates and decreased food utilization
efficiency (Lim et al. 2000). The early stages of
iron deficiency may induce changes in various
Results and Discussion enzyme systems for which iron is essential
The effect of AA in hematological parame- (Franke et al. 2005). Excess iron has also
ters of fish varies because of water chemistry been shown to increase the generation of lipid
and dietary factors. Our results demonstrate peroxidation products (Galan et al. 1984).

Table 2. Blood hemoglobin concentration (Hb), hematocrit (Ht) and red blood cell count (Rbc), mean corpuscular
volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), and
glucose of tambaqui which were fed a diet supplemented with either 30 mg/kg of iron without vitamin C, 30 mg/kg of iron
and 100 mg/kg of vitamin C, or 300 mg/kg of iron and 100 mg/kg of vitamin C.

Diet treatment 0 mg AA/30 mg Fe 100 mg AA/30 mg Fe 100 mg AA/300 mg Fe

Hb (g/dL) 7.5 0.72 8.3 0.98 8.0 0.88
Ht (%) 27.3 0.71a 30.3 0.56b 29.7 0.72b
Rbc (106 mm3 ) 1.5 0.32 1.6 0.25 1.8 0.25
MCV (m3 ) 179.8 3.23a 188.7 3.82b 165.0 4.09c
HCM (pg) 49.6 1.63a 51.8 1.01b 44.5 0.99c
CHCM (%) 27.6 0.48 27.4 0.46 26.9 0.44
Glucose (mg/dL) 51.2 2.50ab 54.1 2.22a 48.8 1.56b
AA = ascorbic acid; Fe = ferric chloride.
Values with different superscripts within rows are significantly different (P < 0.005).

A decrease in iron may occur in the tissues Increased iron concentration in the diet did
of fish that are fed diets low in iron, but sup- not result in significant changes in hematologi-
plemented with vitamin C. This effect may cal parameters, glucose levels (Table 2), or iron
be because of vitamin Cs important role in absorption by the liver or muscle tissue. This
the release of iron from ferritin in the liver, is consistent with results from previous studies
as well as in the transport of iron from the from other fish species, such as Atlantic salmon
plasma to the liver and its subsequent incor- (Bjrnevic and Maage 1993; Lim et al. 2000).
poration into tissues (Franke et al. 2005). For Reduced hematological parameters under iron
Atlantic salmon, S. salar, a hepatic iron con- deficiency signs are well documented in human
centration of 30 g/g of wet tissue is insuffi- beings and several animals besides fish (Sayers
cient to maintain erythropoiesis and the stability et al. 1994; Ye et al. 2007). An observed effect
of some hematological parameters (Andersen of increased dietary iron concentration associ-
et al. 1998). Our results suggest that tambaqui ated with vitamin C in tambaqui was a signifi-
liver absorbs, with high efficiency, the iron cant decrease in plasma iron concentration. This
present in food when associated with vitamin C; decrease can be attributed to a small increase in
otherwise, this capacity is decreased. The con- iron in the liver of tambaqui that were fed an
centration of iron in plasma decreased signifi- iron-supplemented diet. Consumption of diets
cantly in animals that were fed diets containing high in iron decreased the efficiency of food uti-
vitamin C and iron. This decrease may suggest a lization, which implies some degree of iron tox-
faster iron clearance from plasma with redistri- icity. High levels of iron may lead to oxidative
bution to other tissues. Alternatively, it may be damage to cells as a result of increased cata-
related to the capacity of vitamin C chelation lase activity. Alternatively, iron-deficient diets
of Fe (Halliwell and Gutteridge 2000). Baker may induce changes in various enzyme systems
et al. (1997) also reported only minor increases where iron is an essential element (Andersen
in plasma iron concentration in African catfish et al. 1996).
(Clarias gariepinus Burchell 1822) that were Animals that were fed a diet supplemented
fed a diet high in iron (6300 mg of iron/kg with 300 mg of iron and 100 mg of vitamin C
wet diet). presented similar levels of hepatic iron as those
AA is reportedly involved in the metabolism of animals fed diets with 100 mg vitamin C
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et al. 1990; Andersen et al. 1998). No gross of Andersen et al. (1998) for Atlantic salmon,
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