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Mdulo 1.

Introduccin al problema de la violencia y la delincuencia

Material de apoyo

1. Blum, R. W., C. McNeely, and J. Nonnemaker. 2002. "Vulnerability, Risk and Protection." J Adolesc Healt
2. Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs. What are Community-based Crime Prevention P
3. Burton, Patrick. Centre for Justice and Crime Prevention, Personal correspondence. December 19, 2010.
4. Buvinic, M., A. Morrison and M. Schifter. 1999. "Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Framewo
American Development Bank, Washington DC.
5. Centre for Justice and Crime Prevention. "Building Resilience to Crime and Violence in Young South Afric
No. 4, September 2009.
6. Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation. 2007. "The Violent Nature of Crime in South Africa." C
Johannesburg, South Africa.
7. Collier, Paul. 2006. The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries Are Failing and What Can Be Done Ab
University Press.
8. Cornell University Law School. Legal Information Institute. December 16, 2010.
9. CPTED Ontario. 2010. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design.
10. CSIR, National Crime Prevention Centre. 2000. A Manual for Community-Based Crime Prevention. Pretor
11. Eron, L. D., and L. R. Huesmann. 1986. "The role of television in the development of prosocial and antisoc
Development of Antisocial and Prosocial Behaviour: Research, Theories and Issues. Edited by Olweus, D
Radke-Yarrow (eds.). New York: Academic.
12. Geneva Declaration of Armed Violence. 2008. The Global Burden of Armed Violence Report. Geneva.
13. Gun Control Alliance. "Statistics." December 16, 2010.
14. Habitat Debate. UN-HABITAT. September 2007, Vol. 13, No 3.
15. Halcon, et al. 2003. As cited in World Bank, 2010. "Preventing Crime and Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa:
(forthcoming). Mimeo Manuscript. Washington, DC: World Bank.
16. Homicide rates, by country or territory (2012 or latest year)
17. Inter-American Development Bank. Technical Notes in Violence Prevention. No. 11, School-based Violenc
18. IMF (International Monetary Fund). 2008. "Regional Economic Outlook: Sub-Saharan Africa." World Econ
Surveys. International Monetary Fund, Washington DC.
19. International Centre for the Prevention of Crime (ICPC). 2005. Sharpening the Lens: Private Sector Involv
20. Legal Information Center. "Crime classification and definitions." 16 December 2010. http://public.getlega
21. Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning. 2003. Safe Urban Spaces, Chile.
22. Montreal International Conference. 1999. "Prevention of Crime: Harnessing What Works." Mukum,
23. John. 2007. Corruption in Africa: Causes, Consequences, and Cleanups. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
24. Nedbank ISS. 1999. "The Dangers of Youth? Linking Offenders, Victims and Age." Nedbank ISS Crime In
25. Office of Justice Programs. BJA Bureau of Justice Assistance. Website accessed 30 April 2010.
26. PAHO. 2000. "Juvenile Violence in the Americas: Innovative Studies in Research, Diagnosis and Preventi
Washington DC.
27. McWhirter, J. J., and E. H. McWhirter. 1993. At-risk Youth: A Comprehensive Response. United States: B
28. Schnteich, M. 2000. Rocky Road Ahead? Crime in South Africa over the next ten years. Paper delivered
Conference of the Security Association of South Africa, October 2000. Available at:
29. Shaftoe, H. 2002 Southmead - Is it Getting Better? An Evaluation of Community Safety Initiatives. Bristol:
Shaw, Margaret. 2000. The role of Local Government in Community Safety. International Centre for the P
30. Small Arms Survey. 2008. Geneva Declaration of Armed Violence.
31. Social Assets Summary Report: A new approach to understanding and working with communities. 2008. T
Foundation of Northern Ireland, Belfast.
32. Tonsing, S & Lazarus, S. 2008. Risk and Protective Factors to Male Interpersonal Violence. MRC-UNISA
Injury Lead Programme, 2pp.
33. UN-HABITAT, Safer Cities Programme. 2010. Prevention of Urban Crime. http://www.un-
34. UNODC. 2010. UNODC and Crime Prevention.
35. Vidaver-Cohen, D. 1998. "Public-private partnership as a strategy for crime control: Corporate citizenship
Business and Society Review, September 1998 100(1):21-32.
36. World Bank. 2003. "A Resource for Municipalities: Community Based Crime and Violence Prevention in U
Washington DC: World Bank, Department of Finance, Private Sector and Infrastructure, Latin American R
37. World Bank. 2004. Chapter 6: "Crime and its Impact on Business in Jamaica." Available at:$FILE/
38. World Bank. 2005. Violence against Women. Washington DC.
39. World Bank and UNODC. 2007. "Crime, Violence and Development: Trends, Costs, and Policy Options in
Washington DC: World Bank.
40. World Bank. 2009. The Costs of Violence, Social Development Department. Washington DC: World Bank.
41. World Bank. 2010. Preventing Crime and Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Silent Emergency to be publi
Manuscript. Washington DC: World Bank. World Bank's School based Violence Prevention Toolkit, 2010.
42. World Health Organization. 2003. World Report on Health and Violence. Geneva: WHO.
43. World Health Organization. 2002. World Report on Violence and Health. Geneva: WHO. World
44. Health Organization. 2004. Preventing violence: a guide to implementing the recommendations o the Wor
45. World Health Organization. 2008. The Global Burden of Disease. 2004 Update. Geneva: WHO.


1. Grficos del reporte global de homicidios 2013 de la UNODC

2. Homicide rates at the sub-national level (2012 or latest year)
3. Male homicide rate, by country or territory (2012 or latest year)
4. Percentage distribution of homicide mechanisms, by sub-region (2012 or latest year)

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