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TOEFL iBT Speaking Overview 2. Independent Tasks 1 and 2
Questions are based on knowledge and experience.
rtn!1 15 seconds to prepare and 45 seconds to speak.
Speaking 6speaking Total time /30
Task 1:
tasks 20 minutes
> Make a choice within a category.
2 Independent Prep time: > Describe a person, place, object, event, or activity.
tasks 15-30 seconds l> Example: Describe the person you admire most and explain
4 Integrated Response time;
tasks 4s-60 seconds Task 2:
li> Make a choice between two options.
J> Example: Do you prefer to study alone or i n a group? Explain

3. Integrated Tasks 3 and 4 4. Integrated Tasks 5 and 6

Read a passage, listen to a passage, and answer a Listen to a passage and answer a question about it.
question on the relationship between them.
Task 5: Campus task
Task 3: Campus task > Listen to a conversation about a student problem.
l> Read a university notice.
li> Summarize t he problem and suggestions made to resolve i t .
l> Listen to two students discuss the notfce.
l> Question: Which student has a strong opinion and why? l> State which suggestion you p refer and why.
Task 4: Academic task Task 6: Academic task
l> Read a short passage on academic topic. )> Listen to the lecture with general information and two main
l> listen to a lecture. points.
J> Question: Show how examples from the lecture relate to a J> Summarize genera/Information and how it relates to the main
definition or concept from the reading. points.
45 seconds to read, 75 seconds to listen, 30 seconds to One to t wo minut es to listen, 20 seconds to prepare,
prepare, and 60 seconds to speak and 60 seconds to speak

5. Speaking 6. Independent Tasks: Preparing

Narrator w ill tell you to put on headphones and adjust See and hear the question.
microphone volume. Begin to prepare after the beep. You'll see the clock
count down.
Computer guides you through speaking tasks.
l> no need to press NEXT or OK Prepare simple outline using key words only.
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7. Independent Tasks: Responding 8. Integrated Tasks

Narrator: Example: Task 4
l> "Get ready to answer the question. l> Read and take notes on a short academic passage.

l> " Begin speaking alter the beep. l> Listen and take notes on a related lecture.

You will hear the beep, then see the clock begin to
count down. s 1w.. ..,v ......... 1

)> Answer the question according to outline. .1_..1 J ..::.1,._ "":lCT>ia

l> Speak clearly. ---------------------------------------------

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9. Integrated Tasks: Responding 10. Top Score Features

Narrator: Delivery
l> "Get ready to answer the question." l> clear. fluid, and well-paced ,
l> "Begin preparing after the beep. l> understandable pronunciation

Make an outline using your notes. 1> natural rhythm, stress, and Intonation , ' ,
language Use
When answering,
\> appropriate word choice
speak clearly.
)> correct grammar Including basic
l> use familiar grammar and vocabulary.
and complex structures
Topic Development

11. Topic Development 12. Who Scores Your Response?

Develop topic fully: Between three and six certified ETS raters score your
Answer question completely. response.
l> Make a topic statement and support Response is scored from zero to four.
it with two main points and added detail.
l> Present facts In a logical order and Final score Is out of 30. transinons to connect Ideas.
Integrated tasks :
l> integrate from a reading and listening passage.
) Summarfze and paraphr.rse

How to Approach a TOEFL iBT Speaking Task "t\ - : -

l. Read the question carefuJiy and make sure you understand it. If you do not respond
directly to the exact question posed, you will lose points.
2. For Independent tasks, make a brief outline and foiJow it when you respond to the
question. For instance, write three key words indicating your choice, reason 1, and reason
2. This will ensure that your answer is logical and organized, which will earn you points.
3. For Integrated tasks, always take notes while reading or listening. You will not have
access to this information while you are answering the questions.
4. For Integrated Tasks 3 and 4, take side-by-side notes (reading notes on the left and
listening notes on the right) so that you can easily see connections between the reading
and listening material.
5. For each lntegrated task, mark up your notes so that they can be used as an outline.
For example, number main points, and underline the supporting details you want to
discuss. For Tasks 3 and 4, draw lines connecting points in the listening to those in the
6. Always make a topic statement that directly answers the question.
7. When making a topic statement, make an effort to use synonyms for key words in
the question to demonstrate your knowledge of vocabulary.
8. Make sure you support your topic statement with reasons, details, and examples.
You get points for a well-developed answer.
9. Use transitions in outlining reasons and examples. For instance, say First or Second
and For instance or For. example. This will make your response more cohesive and thus
easier to understand.
10. With Integrated tasks, make an effort to paraphrase information from the reading and
listening passages. You will score lower if you simply repeat what you have heard or read.
11. Pronounce your words clearly, and speak at a normal pace. Avoid hesitating. Do your
best to speak continuously. xxxix

12. Speak in thought groups, emphasizing one focus word per thought group. This will help
you sound more like a native speaker.
13. Use grammar and vocabulary that you know well and feel comfortable using. The
TOEFL exam is not the time to be trying out new words or structures. You want to be as
accurate as possible.
14. Monitor the time as you prepare and answer each question. When responding, adapt
your response depending on the amount of time you have remaining. For example, if you
finish early, add a conclusion.

Task-based Internet Speaking Activities h -

Find a Speaking Partner

Find a speaking partner who wants to practice TOEFL with you online.
Go to, and join the online practice community. Enter your email
address, and choose a password.
Click on Discussion Board.
Compose a message asking whether anyone wants to practice studying for the TOEFL
speaking section with you. Alternatively, reply to one of the many requests for a
speaking partner already listed.

Set up a Learning Exchange

Set up a language learning exchange with an English speaker who wants to learn your language.

Audio-visual PowerPoint: Writing i - . ,.

Group D: View the PowerPoint presentation online. Take notes on the slides. Afterwards,
explain the information to your partners.

TOEFl iBT Writing Overview 2. Integrated Writing Task

Reading Passage
iMi!.!!IM@@IMEI! l> You have three minutes to read and take notes on a 251>-300
Writing Integrated: 20 1SI>-22S /30 word academic passage.
read, listen, arid minutes l> Usually has three main points.
write l> After you read the passage, it will disappear
but will reappear when you hear
lndel)endent: 30 300
the question and begin to write.
knowledge and minutes

3. Integrated Writing Task 4. Integrated Writing Task

Listening passage Writing your essay
two to three minutes l> 20minutes
developed with three main points Question:
You will only hear the lecture l> Summarize main points and show how they support the
once. reading; OR
l> Take complete and accurate l> Summarize main points and show how they cast doubt on the
notes. reading


5. Text Tools 6. Top Score Features

Copy: cuts highlighted text The essay Is on topic and addresses both parts of the
Cut: copies highlighted t ext question.
Paste: pastes copied or cut text The essay:
Undo: Undoes last action
summarizes listening and readi11g content.
relates readona to lostening.
Redo: Redoes action you just undid is written ln a logical order (coherent) with sufficient detail
Word count: shows number of words written (progression).
Enter (twice): starts new paragraph
includes transitions to make it cohesive.
l> contains a range of vocabulary and

7. Independent Writing Task 8. Top Score Features

Plan, write, and edit in 30 minutes. The essay is on topic and answers all aspects of the
State opinion. question.
Give reasons, details, and examples to support The essay
> is coherent: written on a logical order.
> shows evidmce of progression: main poonts are supported
with sufficient detail.
> is unifled every sentence relates to the thesis statement
> is cohesive. Ideas connect with transitions.
> includes ranse of vocabulary
and grammatical structures.

9. Scoring 10. Example Independent Writing

Essay is scored from zero to five.
Essays are scored by four ETS raters.
The final writing score is out of 30.
Scoring Rubric

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How to Approach the TOEFL iBT Integrated Essay 1

1. Take side-by-side notes with reading notes on the left and listening notes on the right.
This will make it easier to figure out the relationship between the main points from the two
2. Skim the reading. Note the three main points.
3. Read the passage. Complete your notes with main supporting details as you read.
4. Remember, the reading will reappear on the computer screen as you write.
Nevertheless, it is valuable to have its structure clearly summarized, since this wi ll
simplify the outlining process for you.
5. Listen to the lecture, and take careful notes on the three main points and
corresponding details. You will only hear the passage once; therefore, you need to take
detailed and accurate notes.

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6. While listening, determine whether the listening passage supports or contradicts the
reading. More often than not, the lecture will cast doubt upon the reading.
7. Listen specificaUy for points that cast doubt on or support the reading. Underline
these points as you listen.
8. The question will ask you to summarize the main points in the lecture and show how
they either support or cast doubt upon the reading.
9. Use your notes to make an outline. Number the main points in the lecture. Draw
lines connecting these main points to corresponding points from the reading. Underline
relevant information from both sources.
10. Keep the following outline in mind as you compose yoUT essay:
Introduction: Topic of listening passage and whether it supports or contradicts topic
of reading passage
Listening main point 1
Corresponding point from the reading with relevant detail
Listening main point 2
Corresponding point from the reading with relevant detail
Listening main point 3
Corresponding point from the reading with relevant detail
Conclusion: Summary of the introduction and main points iftime allows.
11. Paraphrase information from both the listening and the reading passages. You will
lose points if you copy. In fact, you will receive a score ofO if your essay consists solely
of information copied from the reading passage and a score of 1 if you have not included
any information from the lecture.
12. Use citation language such as According to the reading .. . or The professor discusses ...
to cite information from the two sources.
13. To simplify matters, always use the present tenses. Use the present simple tense
most often.
14. Use transitions, transitional phrases, and other cohesive devices (synonyms,
pronouns, and determiners) to connect your ideas.
15. Note your word count. Write at least 150-225 words so that you can adequately develop
your essay.
16. Monitor the time carefully. Leave three to five minutes at tbe end of your writing time
to edit your essay. Check content, flow, sentence variety, grammar, word choice, and
mechanics such as spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. This step is very important. It
is preferable to write less, but write it well , than to write more, but write it poorly. See the
Integrated Writing Editing Checklist on pages 448-49.

How to Approach the TOEFL iBT Independent Essay -,

1. Use your time wisely. Set aside five minutes for pre-writing, 20 minutes for writing, and
five minutes for editing.
2. Pre-writing
Analyze the question. Understand that it is asking you to state your opinion and support
this opinion with reasons, details, and examples. Paraphrase the question in your mind.
QuickJy decide on a position. Choose the position you can most easily support.
Brainstorm reasons and details to support your position. Try to think of broad
reasons that encompass sub-reasons.
Compose an outline either on paper or on the computer screen.


Write a thesis statement. Answer the question, and introduce your two main points.
Brainstorm synonyms for key words in the question.
3. Writing
Write the introduction. Write a general statement and a more specinc statement
(optional). Restate the question, and write a thesis statement.
Write the body paragraphs. Choose main points that can be divided into sub-points.
For instance, choose broad reasons. Provide at least three or four supporting details in
each body paragraph. Connect your body paragraphs using transitions.
Write the conclusion. Paraphrase the thesis, summarize main points, and predict an
outcome, make a suggestion, or draw a conclusion.
Keep your eye on the clock and on the word count. You need to write approximately
300 words to adequately respond to the question.
4. Editing
Once you are finished, edit your essay. Check content, flow, cohesion, sentence variety,
grammar, word choice, and mechanics such as spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.
See the Independent Essay Editing Checklist on pages 451 - 52.

Task-based Writing Activities h -

Start a Speed-writing Journal

Using any word-processing program, open a new folder, and call it Speed Journal. Write
for a minimum of 10 to 15 minutes per day, and save each dated entry in your Speed
Journal folder. Discuss your daily activities and how you feel about them. Write about your
progress with your studies and your goals for the future. Write about anything that interests
you. To determine your writing speed , count the number of words you have written. Once
you have identified the number of words, divide it by the number of minutes you wrote
for. This will give you your words-per-minute (wpm) speed. Try to write as quickly as
possible. With practice, your writing speed will increase. Keep track of this progress.

Start an Independent Essay Journal

Open a new folder, and call it Essay Journal. Write a minimum of one 300-word Independent
essay per week. Choose topics from the TOEFL website. Follow the advice on How to
Approach the Independent Essay task on the previous page. Time yourself, and keep track
of your writing speed. If possible, have a native speaker correct your essay and give you
feedback. Alternatively, share your essay with a classmate and ask for a peer review, or
evaluate it yourself using the following checklist.

Independent Essay Evaluation Checklist
Cl Does the essay follow the organization and development outlined in the
Independent Essay Checklist on pages 60-61?
Cl Does the essay display unity? In other words, does everything in the essay
relate to the thesis statement?
Cl Is the essay coherent? That is to say, are the ideas presented in a logical order?
Cl Is the essay cohesive? Are transitions and other cohesive devices such as syn-
onyms, rephrased ideas, and reference words used to connect ideas effectively?
Cl Is there a range of vocabulary, and is the word choice appropriate?
Cl Is there a range of grammatical structures, and are they used correctly?
Cl Are the sentences varied?
a Is the essay free of errors in paragraphing, punctuation, capitalization, and

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