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Soils and Foundations 2012;52(1):6980

The Japanese Geotechnical Society

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Prediction of bearing capacity of circular footings on soft clay

stabilized with granular soil
Murat Orneka, Mustafa Lamanb,n, Ahmet Demirc, Abdulazim Yildizd
Mustafa Kemal University, Civil Engineering Department, 31200 Iskenderun, Hatay, Turkey
Adana Science and Technology University, Civil Engineering Department, Adana, Turkey
Osmaniye Korkut Ata University, Civil Engineering Department, 80000 Osmaniye, Turkey
Cukurova University, Civil Engineering Department, 01330 Balcali, Adana, Turkey
Available online 2 February 2012


The shortage of available and suitable construction sites in city centres has led to the increased use of problematic areas, where the
bearing capacity of the underlying deposits is very low. The reinforcement of these problematic soils with granular ll layers is one of the
soil improvement techniques that are widely used. Problematic soil behaviour can be improved by totally or partially replacing the
inadequate soils with layers of compacted granular ll. The study presented herein describes the use of articial neural networks
(ANNs), and the multi-linear regression model (MLR) to predict the bearing capacity of circular shallow footings supported by layers of
compacted granular ll over natural clay soil. The data used in running the network models have been obtained from an extensive series
of eld tests, including large-scale footing diameters. The eld tests were performed using seven different footing diameters, up to
0.90 m, and three different granular ll layer thicknesses. The results indicate that the use of granular ll layers over natural clay soil has
a considerable effect on the bearing capacity characteristics and that the ANN model serves as a simple and reliable tool for predicting
the bearing capacity of circular footings in stabilized natural clay soil.
& 2012. The Japanese Geotechnical Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Bearing capacity; Clay; Field test; Footing; Granular material; Load test; Neural networks

1. Introduction

Recently, there is an increasing demand to construct on

soft subsoils, which were considered unsuitable for con-
Corresponding author. Tel./fax: 90 322 338 67 02. struction in the past. Soft soils, such as normally con-
E-mail addresses: (M. Ornek), solidated or slightly overconsolidated clays, have high (M. Laman), compressibility and low shear strength. They include a (A. Demir), variety of materials such as loose silts, clays, organic soils (A. Yildiz).
and peat. These materials can be found throughout the
0038-0806 & 2012. The Japanese Geotechnical Society. Production and
world. Shallow footings, when built on these soils, have a
hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. low load-bearing capacity and undergo large settlements.
Construction on soft soils often requires the utilisation of
Peer review under responsibility of The Japanese Geotechnical Society ground improvement techniques. Reinforcement of the
doi:10.1016/j.sandf.2012.01.002 soft soils with granular ll layers is a soil improvement
technique that is widely used. Soft soil behaviour can be
Production and hosting by Elsevier improved by totally or partially replacing the inadequate
soils with layers of compacted granular ll.
Author's personal copy

70 M. Ornek et al. / Soils and Foundations 52 (2012) 6980

Physical modelling can be carried out through either a full- The study presented herein describes the use of articial
scale model or a small-scale model in geotechnical engineer- neural networks (ANNs) and the multi-linear regression
ing. Full-scale modelling is generally performed with the real- model (MLR) to predict the bearing capacity of circular
site conditions, such as the ground conditions, loads and shallow footings supported by layers of compacted gran-
stress levels. Hence, the results obtained from this type of ular ll over natural clay soil. The data used to run the
modelling are more accurate than those from other types of network models have been obtained from an extensive
modelling. Despite their operational and nancial disadvan- series of eld tests, including large-scale footing diameters.
tages, large- and full-scale eld tests produce more reasonable The eld tests were performed using seven different footing
results when simulating the soil behaviour and modelling a diameters, up to 0.90 m, and three different granular ll
geotechnical structure. Large-scale eld tests were conducted layer thicknesses. The large-scale testing was performed at
in this study to overcome the shortcomings of small-scale the Adana Metropolitan Municipalitys (AMM) Water
laboratory model tests and to more accurately model the full- Treatment Facility Centre (WTFC) located in the western
scale behaviour of reinforced soil footings. part of Adana, Turkey. A total of 28 tests were conducted
Several experimental and numerical studies have been using a model footing with diameters of 0.06, 0.09, 0.12,
described for the reinforcement of weak soft soils (Ochiai 0.30, 0.45, 0.60 and 0.90 m. The primary objectives of these
et al., 1996; Adams and Collin, 1997; Yin, 1997; Otani et al., large-scale experiments were to model the full-scale beha-
1998; Alawaji, 2001; Dash et al., 2003; Thome et al., 2005; viour of reinforced soil footings more accurately, to
Chen, 2007; Deb et al., 2007). Ochiai et al. (1996) summarised evaluate the performance of granular ll layers stabilizing
the theory and practice of the geosynthetic reinforcement of lls the natural clay soil, with respect to the bearing capacity,
over extremely soft grounds in Japan. Adams and Collin (1997) and to examine the effects of the thickness of granular ll
conducted 34 large-model load tests to evaluate the potential layers. To the best of the authors knowledge, the effect of
benets of geosynthetic-reinforced spread foundations. It was granular ll layers on the bearing capacity behaviour of
concluded that the soil-geosynthetic system formed a composite large-scale footings on natural clay deposits and the
material that inhibited the development of the soil-failure wedge statistical support with articial intelligence have not yet
beneath shallow spread foundations. Otani et al. (1998) studied been investigated in foundation engineering.
the behaviour of a strip foundation constructed on reinforced
clay. The settlement was found to be reduced by increasing the 2. Field tests
reinforcement size, the stiffness and the number of layers. The
load-carrying capacity of foundations has been found to It is known from the literature that most of the experi-
increase more on soil in which reinforcements are provided at mental studies on reinforced soils were conducted using
closer spacing. Alawaji (2001) discussed the effects of reinfor- small-scale laboratory tests. Due to the scale effect, it is
cing sand pads over collapsible soil and reported that a sometimes difcult to accurately model the full-scale beha-
successive reduction in collapse settlement, up to 75%, was viour of reinforced soil in small-scale laboratory tests (Abu-
obtained. Dash et al. (2003) performed model tests in the Farsakh et al., 2008). For this reason, large-scale eld tests
laboratory to study the response of reinforcing granular ll were conducted on natural clay deposits and layers of
overlying soft clay beds and showed that substantial improve- compacted granular ll overlying natural clay deposits.
ments in the load-carrying capacity and a reduction in surface
heaving of the foundation bed were achieved. 2.1. Site characterization
Articial neural networks are a form of articial intelli-
gence; they try to simulate the behaviour of the human A total of 28 eld tests were conducted in the Adana
brain and nervous system. They have the ability to relate the Metropolitan Municipalitys (AMM) Water Treatment
input data and the corresponding output data, which can be Facility Center (WTFC) located in the western part of
dened depending on the single or multiple parameters Adana, Turkey. The soil conditions at the experimental
employed to solve the linear or nonlinear problems. In test site (WTFC) were determined from a geotechnical site
recent years, the use of articial neural networks has investigation comprising both eld and laboratory tests.
increased in geotechnical engineering. Articial neural net- Two test pit excavations (TP1 and TP2) and four borehole
works have been successfully applied to many geotechnical drillings (BH1, BH2, BH3 and BH4) were performed in the
engineering problems, such as pile capacity, settlement of WTFC test area (Fig. 1). The test area had dimensions of
foundations, soil properties and behaviour, liquefaction, 30 m (length) by 11.6 m (width). Test pits of 2.50 m were
earth-retaining structures, slope stability, tunnels and under- excavated and boreholes were drilled with diameters of
ground openings. Comprehensive information on the 0.10 m and depths of 13 m. The borehole drilled on the
above-mentioned applications can be found in the literature south side was 20 m. The ground water level was observed
(Fausett, 1994; Nawari et al., 1999; Wang and Rahman, as being 2.20 m from the borehole drillings. The saturation
1999; Shahin et al., 2001; Juang et al., 2001; Basma and ratio of the clay layer, where the tests were conducted, was
Kallas, 2004; Kung et al., 2007; Cobaner et al., 2008; about 80%. Three subsoil layers were clearly identied by
Kayadelen, 2008; Kuo et al., 2009; Padmini et al., 2008; visual inspection and by the Unied Soil Classication
Cho, 2009; Laman and Uncuoglu, 2009; Samui, 2010). System (USCS). The rst layer, 0.80 m in depth, was
Author's personal copy

M. Ornek et al. / Soils and Foundations 52 (2012) 6980 71

19.6m W


2.8 m BH3

BH4 2.8 m

1.5 m 15 m


Fig. 1. Plan view showing piles, borings and test pits.

SPT (N) from 2.60 to 2.65 along the depths. The values of the
Soil profile
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 undrained shear strengths, cu, were determined by uncon-
Topsoil ned compression tests in the range of 6080 kN/m2. The
average value of undrained shear strength from the triaxial
2.0 tests was obtained as 65 kN/m2. The soil layers were
Silty clay
classied as lightly overconsolidated soil (OCR 12.65)
from odometer tests. The clay content, the water content
Depth (m)

4.0 (CH)
and the unconned strength of the natural clay deposits
along the depths are presented in Fig. 3. Triaxial, con-
solidation and unconned compression tests were con-
ducted on undisturbed soil samples derived from the eld.
BH2 Silty clay
BH3 with sand
BH4 (CL)
Mean 2.2. Details of model footings and granular fill material used

Fig. 2. SPT(N) values measured from boreholes. Seven different footings with diameters of 0.06, 0.09, 0.12,
0.30, 0.45, 0.60 and 0.90 m were used in this study. These
observed as topsoil and was removed before the tests. The rigid, steel footings had thicknesses of 0.02 m for Dr0.12 m
intermediate layer, between the depths of 0.80 m and and 0.03 m for D40.12 m, where D is the footing diameter.
7.0 m, exhibited a silty clay stratum with high plasticity The granular ll material used in the model tests was
(CH). A silty clay layer, with the intrusion of sand (CL), obtained from the Kabasakal region situated northwest of
was observed in the bottom layer to a depth of 10.0 m. Adana, Turkey. Some conventional tests (sieve analysis,
Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) were carried out during moisture content, unit weight, direct shear and proctor tests)
the drilling of each borehole, and the distribution of SPT were conducted on this material. The granular soil was
values with depth is shown in Fig. 2. These values infer prepared at the optimum moisture content value of 7%
that the tested soil was classied as medium stiff clay. and a maximum dry unit weight of 21.7 kN/m3 obtained
Conventional laboratory tests, such as sieve analysis, from standard proctor tests (Fig. 4(b)). The values for the
moisture content, Atterberg limit, specic gravity, stan- internal friction angle and the cohesion of granular ll were
dard proctor, unconned compression, laboratory vane, obtained as 431 and 15 kN/m2, respectively, from direct shear
triaxial and consolidation tests, were performed in the tests. The square-shaped direct shear box had a width of
Geotechnical Laboratory of the Civil Engineering Depart- 60 mm. The specic gravity of the granular soil was obtained
ment at Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey. The clay as 2.64. From the sieve analysis, the granular soil was
content of the soil layers varied from 60% to 70%. The classied as well-graded gravel-silty gravel, GW-GM, accord-
upper homogeneous layer, where all the loading tests were ing to USCS. Fig. 4(a) shows the particle size distribution of
carried out, was classied as high plasticity clay (CH) the natural granular ll material. However, the granular ll
according to USCS. The water content of the stratied soil material used in the laboratory conventional and eld tests
layers varied between 20% and 25%, depending on depth, was obtained by passing natural granular material through a
which was almost the same as, or greater than, the plastic sieve with 4.75-mm openings. The reason was to provide
limit. The specic gravities of the soil layers (Gs) varied homogeneity in the laboratory and eld test conditions.
Author's personal copy

72 M. Ornek et al. / Soils and Foundations 52 (2012) 6980

Clay Content (%) w (%)

50 55 60 65 70 75 80 0 20 40 60 80 100
0.0 0.0

2.0 2.0

4.0 4.0
Depth (m)

Depth (m)
6.0 6.0 wP wL

8.0 8.0 wn

10.0 10.0

12.0 12.0

14.0 14.0

Unconfined Shear Strength (kPa)

0 50 100 150 200


Depth (m)





Fig. 3. Distribution of typical soil characteristics of natural clay soil. (a) Clay content, (b) Water content and (c) Shear strength.

2.3. Experimental set-up and test programme height to achieve the desired density. The compacted
granular ll layer had a moisture content of 7% and a
After obtaining the soil properties of the WTFC test unit weight of 20.20 kN/m3. Load was applied with a
area, 24 piles were constructed. The topsoil was removed hydraulic jack and maintained manually with a hand
before the tests. Then, reaction piles were connected with a pump. The load and the corresponding footing settlement
steel beam. The top surface of the test area was leveled, were measured with a calibrated pressure gauge and two
and the footing was placed on a predened alignment such LVDTs, respectively. The testing procedure was performed
that the loads from the hydraulic jack and the loading according to ASTM D 1196-93 (ASTM, 1997), where the
frame would be transferred concentrically to the footing. A load increments were applied and maintained until the rate
hydraulic jack against the steel beam provided downward of the settlement was less than 0.03 mm/min over three
load. The hydraulic jack and the two linear variable consecutive minutes.
displacement transducers (LVDT) were connected to a Some tests were repeated twice to verify the repeatability
data logger unit and the data logger unit was connected to and the consistency of the test data. The same pattern for
a computer. The granular ll material was placed and the loadsettlement relationship, with a difference in ulti-
compacted in layers. The thickness of each layer was mate load values of less than 2.0%, was obtained. The
changed depending on the footing diameter. The amounts difference was considered to be small, and thus, ignored.
of granular ll material and water needed for each layer The tests were continued until the applied vertical load was
were rstly calculated. Then, the granular ll material was clearly reduced or a considerable settlement of the footing
compacted using a plate compactor to a predetermined was obtained from a relatively small increase in vertical
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M. Ornek et al. / Soils and Foundations 52 (2012) 6980 73


Percentage Finer (%)

70 21.4

k (kN/m3)

50 21.2



0 20.6
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5
Particle Size (mm) (%)

Fig. 4. Typical soil characteristics of granular ll material. (a) Particle Size Distribution (Natural Granular Material) and (b) Optimum Moisture Content.

PC Reaction
Hydraulic pile
Loading beam
Footing LVDT


Granular fill layer
Natural clay soil

Fig. 5. Schematic view of test set-up, loading, reaction system and typical layout of instrumentation.

Q (kN)
load. Detailed information on the testing procedure can be
0 50 100 150 200 250
found by Laman et al. (2009) and Ornek (2009). The general 0
layout of the test set-up is given in Fig. 5.
The research was conducted in two series. Series I
consisted of tests with seven different footing diameters 3
(0.06, 0.09, 0.12, 0.30, 0.45, 0.60 and 0.90 m) on the surface
of the natural clay deposit. Series II was the same as Series
I, except that the footings were placed on the granular ll 6
s/D (%)

layers settled on the natural clay deposit. The granular ll D = 0.06m

layers were designed in three different thicknesses accord- D = 0.09m
ing to the footing diameters (0.33D, 0.67D and 1.00D). D = 0.12m
D = 0.30m
12 D = 0.45m
3. Test results and discussion
D = 0.60m
D = 0.90m
3.1. Series I tests: tests on natural clay deposit 15

In the Series I tests, a total of seven in situ tests were Fig. 6. Curves of load against settlement in Series I tests.
conducted with seven different circular foundations (dia-
meters of 0.06, 0.09, 0.12, 0.30, 0.45, 0.60 and 0.90 m) vertical axes show the load and settlement ratios, respec-
resting on the natural clay deposit. Loadsettlement curves tively. As can be seen in the gure, the bearing capacity
for all sizes are presented in Fig. 6. The horizontal and increased with an increase in the foundation size. Bearing
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74 M. Ornek et al. / Soils and Foundations 52 (2012) 6980

capacities of approximately 190 kN and 1.0 kN were curves for the typical sizes of D 0.09 m and 0.90 m are
obtained for diameters of 0.90 m and 0.06 m, respectively. presented in Fig. 7.
These values were derived at the settlement ratio of 3%. It can be seen from Fig. 7 that the relationship between
The settlement ratio of 3% was obtained for all of the bearing capacity (q)settlement ratios (s/D) for all the
the footing sizes. For D 0.90 m, the natural clay soil curves is fairly linear for small-load ranges, and that the
deposit collapsed and there was no longer load applied relationship is nonlinear for large-load ranges and does not
after s/D 4 3%. Therefore, s/D 3% is used for all the exhibit any peak values. Also, from a comparison of the
footing sizes in order to discuss improvements in the curves for different H/D values, it can be seen that the
bearing capacity. Since the load was applied directly loadsettlement behaviour became stiffer as the H/D ratio
through the natural clay soil in the Series I tests, the increased, due to partially replacing the natural clay soil
settlement pattern generally resembles a typical punching- with a layer of compacted stiffer granular ll, for both
shear failure. D 0.09 m and 0.90 m footing diameters. In the Series II
tests, the bearing capacity is a function of H/D (Madhav
3.2. Series II tests: tests on granular fill layer placed on and Vitkar, 1978; Hamed et al., 1986).
natural clay deposit The contributions of granular ll layers on the bearing
capacity are presented by the term Bearing Capacity Ratio
The effect of the granular ll layer thickness on the (BCR). The term BCR is commonly used to express and
bearing capacity and the settlement behaviour was inves- compare the test data on reinforced and unreinforced soils.
tigated in the Series II tests. In the tests, the granular ll The following well-established denition (Binquet and Lee,
thickness was changed depending on the footing diameter 1975a) is used for BCR:
as 0.33, 0.67 and 1.00D. The bearing capacitysettlement BCR qR =q0 1
q (kPa) where qR and q0 are the bearing capacity for the reinforced
0 200 400 600 800 1000 (granular ll layer placed on natural clay deposit) and
0 unreinforced (natural clay deposit) soils, respectively. The
H = 1.00D
parameters investigated, including the settlement of foot-
H = 0.67D
ing plate, s, are normalised by the diameter of the footing
H = 0.33D
plate, D (Laman and Yildiz, 2003). The bearing capacity
Test Series I obtained at s/D 3% is used to calculate the correspond-
6 ing BCRs. The settlement ratio (s/D) is dened as the ratio
s/D (%)

of the footing settlement (s) to the footing diameter (D).

Fig. 8 shows the relation of BCR to the H/D ratio
9 obtained from the Series II tests using the values of the
bearing capacity evaluated by Eq. (1). H/D is dened as
the ratio of the granular ll thickness (H) to the footing
diameter (D). It is shown that the bearing capacity of all
the circular footings increased when partially replacing the
15 natural clay soil with the compacted stiffer granular ll
q (kPa) 2.0
0 100 200 300 400 500

1 H=0.33D
Test Series I 1.2
D = 0.06m

D = 0.09m
s/D (%)

2 0.8 D = 0.12m
BCR = 0.97+0.59(H/D)
D = 0.30m
R2 = 0.79
D = 0.45m
3 D = 0.60m
D = 0.90m
4 0.00 0.33 0.67 1.00 1.33
Fig. 7. Bearing capacitysettlement curves in Series II tests. (a) D0.09 m
and (b) 0.9 m. Fig. 8. BCR relations in Series II tests.
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M. Ornek et al. / Soils and Foundations 52 (2012) 6980 75

layer, and also that BCR increased with an increase in the Detailed theoretical information about MLPs can be
granular ll thickness for all footing diameters. The BCR found by Haykin (1998). Here, the MLP is trained using
values obtained for D 0.90 m are 1.21, 1.35 and 1.44 for the LevenbergMarquardt technique, because this techni-
H 0.33D; H 0.67D and H 1.00D, respectively. Seven que is more powerful and faster than the conventional
different sets of data were used in Fig. 8 for different gradient descent technique (Hagan and Menhaj, 1994; El-
diameters of footings. The data are close to each other, Bakyr, 2003).
except for the results of H/D 1.00, which are slightly A typical structure of articial neural networks consists
different, so that a simple best t line with an R2 of 0.79 of a number of processing elements, or nodes, which are
was obtained from the regression analysis. usually arranged in layers, namely, an input layer, an
output layer and one or more hidden layers (Fig. 9)
(Haykin, 1998).
4. Overview of articial neural networks Each processing element in a specic layer is fully or
partially joined to many other processing elements via
Articial neural networks are a form of articial intelli- weighted connections. The input from each element in the
gence, which by means of their architecture, try to simulate previous layer (xi) is multiplied by an adjustable connec-
the behaviour of the human brain and nervous system. tion weight (wji). At each element, the weighted input
They have the ability to relate input data and correspond- signals are summed and a threshold value or bias (yj) is
ing output data, which can be dened depending on single added. This combined input (Ij) is then passed through a
or multiple parameters for solving linear or nonlinear nonlinear transfer function (f(.)) (e.g., sigmoidal transfer
problems. Articial neural networks do not require any function and tanh transfer function) to produce the output
prior knowledge or a physical model of the problem to of the processing elements (yj). The output of one proces-
solve it. The nature of the relationship between the input sing element provides the input to the processing elements
and the output parameters is captured by means of in the next layer. This process is summarised in Eqs. (2)
learning the samples in the data set (Shahin et al., 2001; and (3) and illustrated in Fig. 9:
Juang et al., 2001). Articial neural networks can be X
applied successfully to solve problems which have no Ij wji xi qj summation 2
specic solutions and are too complex to be modelled
mathematically or with traditional methods (Thirumalaiah yj f Ij transfer 3
and Deo, 1998; Adeli, 2001). A comprehensive description The propagation of information in the articial neural
of ANNs can be found in many publications (e.g., Hecht- networks starts at the input layer where the network is
Nielsen, 1990; Zurada, 1992; Maier and Dandy, 2000; presented with a historical set of input data and the
Shahin et al., 2001). corresponding (desired) outputs. The actual output of the
In this study, the articial neural network approach, network is compared to the desired output and an error is
namely, multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and multi-linear calculated. Using this error and utilising a learning rule,
regression (MLR) models were used. The results of the the network adjusts its weights until it can nd a set of
eld studies were compared with those obtained by the weights that will produce the input/output mapping that
MLP and MLR approaches. has the smallest possible error. This process is called
An MLP distinguishes itself by the presence of one or learning or training. It should be noted that a
more hidden layers, whose computation nodes are corre- network with one hidden layer can approximate any
spondingly called the hidden neurons of hidden units. An continuous function provided that sufcient connection
MLP network structure is shown in Fig. 9. The function of weights are used (Cybenko, 1989; Hornik et al., 1989). The
the hidden neurons is to intervene between the external objective of the learning is to capture the relationship
input and the network output in some useful manner. The between the input and the output parameters. For this
number of hidden layer neurons is found by performing a purpose, network models are trained using a learning
simple trial-and-error method in all applications. The algorithm. Here, the MLP is trained using the
sigmoid and linear functions are used for the activation LevenbergMarquardt (LM) learning algorithm due to
functions of the hidden and output nodes, respectively. fact that this technique is more powerful and faster than
the conventional gradient descent technique (Hagan and
Menhaj, 1994; El-Bakyr, 2003; Cigizoglu and Kisi, 2005).
Input layer Hidden layer The LevenbergMarquardt algorithm is an approximation
i wij j
wjk of Newtons method, and Hagan and Menhaj (1994)
D (cm) Output layer showed that it is very efcient for training networks which
H (cm) k
q (kPa) have up to a few hundred weights. Although the computa-
s (mm) tional load of the LevenbergMarquardt algorithm is
greater than the other techniques, this is compensated by
the increased efciency and much better precision in the
Fig. 9. Chosen model architecture. results. In many cases, the Marquardt algorithm was
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76 M. Ornek et al. / Soils and Foundations 52 (2012) 6980

found to converge when other back-propagation techni- where p is the total number of training samples and Ep is
ques diverged (Hagan and Menhaj, 1994). If there is a the error for training samplep.
function, V x, which is to be minimised with respect to Ep is calculated by the following equation:
the parameter vector, x, then Newtons method would be

Dx r2 V x1 rV x 4 Ep oi ti 2 12

where r2 V x is the Hessian matrix and rV x is the
In this equation, N, oi and ti represent the total number of
gradient. If we assume that V x is a sum of squares
output neurons, the network output at the ith output neuron
and the target output at the ith output neuron, respectively
(Maier and Dandy, 2000; Shahin et al., 2001). The informa-
V x ei 2 x 5 tion related to the theory and the applications of ANNs may
be found by Rumelhart and McClelland (1986).
then it can be shown that
rV x J T xex 6 5. Articial neural network application

r2 V x J T xJx Sx 7 In this study, articial neural networks were used to

where Jx is the Jacobean matrix and Sx is described as predict the bearing capacity of circular shallow footings
follows: supported by layers of compacted granular ll over natural
clay soil. For this purpose, multilayer feed forward net-
work models have been trained using an LM learning
Sx ei r2 ei x 8
algorithm. The data used to run the network models have
been obtained from the above-mentioned eld tests.
For the GaussNewton method, it is assumed that Details of the eld tests are given in Sections 2 and 3.
Sx  0, and the update of Eq. (4) becomes The problem is proposed to network models by means
Dx J T xJx1 J T xex 9 of three input parameters representing the diameter of the
footing (D), the thickness of the granular ll layer (H), the
The LevenbergMarquardt modication to the Gauss settlement of the footing (s) and one output parameter
Newton method is representing the bearing capacity (q).
Dx J T xJx mI1 J T xex 10 It is common practice to split the available data into two
sub-sets, namely, a training set and an independent
Parameter m is multiplied by a b factor whenever a step validation set (Maier and Dandy, 2000). The literature
would result in an increased V x. When a step reduces offers little guidance when selecting the size of the training
V x, m is divided by b. When m is large, the algorithm and the test samples. Most authors select the ratio of the
becomes the steepest descent (with step 1/m), while for training data and the testing data depending on the
small m, the algorithm becomes the GaussNewton. The particular problem (Kisi, 2005; Sudheer, 2005; Dogan
LevenbergMarquardt algorithm can be considered a et al., 2008). Thus, a total of 751 individual data samples,
trust-region modication to the GaussNewton. The key obtained from experimental studies, were used for the
step in this algorithm is the computation of the Jacobean training and the testing of the network models. The
matrix. For neural network-mapping problems, the terms available data set were divided into two groups, training
in the Jacobean matrix can be computed by a simple and testing data sets, which consisted of 512 and 239 data
modication to the back-propagation algorithm (Mamak samples, respectively. The data samples were selected
et al., 2009). randomly from the available data set to constitute the
The great majority of the civil engineering applications of mentioned data sets. One important aspect here is to make
neural networks are based on the use of the back-propaga- sure that the minimum and the maximum testing data set
tion (BP) algorithm, primarily because of its simplicity fall within the minimum and the maximum training data
(Laman and Uncuoglu, 2009). In the BP algorithm, train- set. The statistical properties and the range in parameters
ing is supervised such that the network connection weights are shown in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. In Table 1,
are adjusted according to the sum of the squares of the parameters, Xmin, Xmax, Xmean, Sx and Csx refer to the
differences between the actual and the target outputs. minimum value, the maximum value, the mean value, the
The goal of the training is to reduce the error function standard deviation value and the skewness coefcient of
iteratively, dened in the form of the sum of the squares of the training and the testing data sets, respectively.
the errors between the actual outputs and the target To develop the best network model, given the available
outputs. Global error, E, can be dened as data set, the training data set should contain all represen-
p tative samples that are present in the available data set
E Ep 11 (Shahin et al., 2004). As seen in Table 1, the data sets
represent the same problem domain such that the
Author's personal copy

M. Ornek et al. / Soils and Foundations 52 (2012) 6980 77

Table 1
Statistical properties of data sets.

Xmin Xmax Xmean Sx Csx

Training data set

D (m) 0.06 0.90 0.48 0.31  0.01
H (m) 0 0.90 0.19 0.24 1.16
s (m) 0 0.053 0.012 0.01 1.16
q (kPa) 0 948.16 351.17 212.55 0.27
Test data set
D (m) 0.06 0.90 0.42 0.28 0.55
H (m) 0 0.90 0.28 0.28 1.18
s (m) 0 0.047 0.012 0.01 1.08
qu (kPa) 0 856.18 350.80 202.88 0.08

Table 2 criteria, until no signicant improvement is observed (Goh,

Ranges of parameters. 1995; Nawari et al., 1999).
Model variable Minimum value Maximum value Range In this study, the performance of various network
models with different numbers of hidden layer neurons
D (m) 0 0.90 0.90 was examined in order to choose an appropriate number of
H (m) 0 0.90 0.90 hidden layer neurons. Hence, two neurons were used in the
s (m) 0 0.053 0.053
q (kPa) 0 948.16 948.16
hidden layer at the beginning of the process, and then the
number was increased step-by-step adding one neuron
until no signicant improvement was noted.
The MLR technique was applied to both the testing and
statistical properties of the data sets are consistent with the training data sets. The following formulas, using the
each other. In any model development process, familiarity MLR technique, were found to offer the best tting
with the available data is of the utmost importance. In statistical measures for the testing and training data sets,
general, different variables span different ranges. In order respectively:
to ensure that all variables receive equal attention during q 83:5D30H 20243s 13
the training process, they should be standardized.
Preprocessing of the data is usually required before q 28:1D 118H 17012s 14
presenting the data samples to the network model when
the neurons have a transfer function with bounded range. where q (kPa) is the bearing capacity, s (m) is the footing
The reasons for scaling the data samples are to initially settlement, H (m) is the granular ll thickness and D (m) is
equalise the importance of the variables and to improve the footing diameter.
the interpretability of the network weights (Goh, 1995). The network models were tried and compared according
Determining an appropriate architecture of the neural to mean absolute relative error (MARE) and mean square
network for a particular problem is an important issue, error (MSE) criteria. These criteria are dened as
since the network topology directly affects its computa- 1X N
9Mimeasured Mipredicted 9
tional complexity and generalisation capability (Kisi and MARE  100 15
N i1 Mimeasured
Uncuoglu, 2005). Multilayer feed forward network models
with one hidden layer can approximate any complex PN
i1 Mimeasured Mipredicted 2
nonlinear function provided a sufcient number of hidden MSE 16
layer neurons is available. In this study, therefore, multi- N
layer feed forward network models containing one hidden In these equations, N and M denote the total number of
layer were used. data samples and bearing capacities, respectively.
Determining the optimum number of hidden layer At the end of these processes, the best performance was
neurons is very important for accurately predicting a obtained from the ANN model which has four neurons in
parameter using articial neural networks. However, there the hidden layer. The chosen model architecture is shown
is no theory for how many hidden layer neurons need to be in Fig. 9.
used for a particular problem. For that reason, the The training of the network models is carried out by
numbers of hidden layer neurons have generally been presenting the training data set involving pairs of input
determined by a trial-and-error method. A common output data. The connection weights are adjusted during
strategy for nding the optimum number of hidden layer the training phase according to the differences between the
neurons is to start with a few neurons and to increase the target output (Mmeasured ) and the actual output (Mpredicted )
number of neurons, while monitoring the performance (Kisi and Uncuoglu, 2005).
Author's personal copy

78 M. Ornek et al. / Soils and Foundations 52 (2012) 6980

Table 3 Table 6
Saved weights from input layer to hidden layer. Results obtained from chosen network model and regression model.

Neuron number I1 I2 I3 MLP MLR

H1 0.872 0.337  2.339 Train MSE (kPa) 501.081 69,133.740

H2 4.547 3.023  27.511 Test MSE (kPa) 1670.661 56,996.477
H3 11.138 8.745  0.824 Train MARE 11.343 51.282
H4 8.427 4.058  7.270 Test MARE 18.420 47.052
R2train 0.988 0.480
R2test 0.950 0.249
Epoch number 63
Table 4 Hidden layer neurons 4
Saved weights from hidden layer to output layer.

Neuron number H1 H2 H3 H4
O1 2.3217  6.0613  5.2341 0.0767 ANN (ANN) R2 = 0.988
MLR (MLR) R2 = 0.480

Predicted Bearing Capacity (kPa)

800 1:1 Line
Table 5
Saved bias values.
Neuron number Bias value

H1 1.2103
H2 4.0043 400
H3 1.8147
H4 3.3966
O1 2.5091 200

The adjustment of the connection weights is continued 0 200 400 600 800 1000
until the mean square error over all the training samples Measured Bearing Capacity (kPa)
falls below a given value or the maximum number of epoch
Fig. 10. Correlation between measured and predicted bearing capacities
is reached. In the training phase, the performance of the in training phase.
network models is monitored at each epoch using the test
data set. In this way, the overtting of the network model
can be prevented. When the training phase was complete, 1000
(ANN) R2 = 0.950
the weights were saved for use in the test phase. The saved (MLR) R2 = 0.249
weights and bias values used in the chosen network model
Predicted Bearing Capacity (kPa)

800 ANN
with four hidden layer neurons are presented in Tables 35. MLR
To compare the results obtained from the network and 1:1 Line
the regression models with the experimental results, the
predicted values were transformed back to their original
values and then MARE and MSE were computed.
The tangent sigmoid, logarithmic sigmoid and pure 400
linear transfer functions were tried as activation functions
for the hidden and the output layer neurons to determine
the best network model (Haykin, 1998). The most appro- 200
priate results have been obtained from the chosen network
model in which the tangent sigmoid and the pure linear
functions were used as the activation function for the 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000
hidden and the output layer neurons, respectively. The
Measured Bearing Capacity (kPa)
programme used in running the network models was
written in Matlab language code. Fig. 11. Correlation between measured and predicted bearing capacities
The MSE (mean square error), MARE (mean absolute in testing phase.
relative error) and R2 (determination coefcient) values of
MLP and MLR, for both training and testing phases, are R2 (0.988) value for the training phase. It also has the
given in Table 6. smaller MSE (1670.661) and MARE (18.420) values and
As seen from Table 6, the MLP model has the smaller the higher R2 (0.950) value for the testing phase. According
MSE (501.081) and MARE (11.343) values and the higher to the statistical analyses, the MLP estimations are better
Author's personal copy

M. Ornek et al. / Soils and Foundations 52 (2012) 6980 79

than those of MLR; they also produce more accurate  A neural network model has been also developed for
results than MLR. It can be seen from Table 6 that the this problem. The input parameters for assessing the
ANN method performs better than MLR in both the bearing capacity of shallow footings by ANNs are the
training and the testing phases. In other words, the neural diameter of the footing (D), the thickness of the
network is able to successfully model the bearing capacity granular ll layer (H) and the settlement of the footing
of shallow footings resting on clay soil. (s). The output of the neural network is the predicted
Figs. 10 and 11 present the measured bearing capacities bearing capacity of the shallow footings in natural clay
versus the predicted bearing capacities by the network deposits.
model with R2 coefcients for the training and the testing  The articial neural network model serves as a simple
phases, respectively. The linear 1:1 lines were also plotted and reliable tool for the bearing capacity of circular
in these gures to discuss the performance of the statistical footings in natural clay soil stabilized with granular ll.
models. It is seen from the gures that for the articial The results produced high coefcients of correlation for
neural network (ANN) model approach, the location the training and testing data of 0.988 and 0.950,
points of the measured and the predicted bearing capacity respectively.
values are scattered around the 1:1 lines for both training  A statistical model based on the articial neural network
and testing phases. On the other hand, the multi-linear approach, namely MLP, was also proposed as an
regression model gives results in a broad band, especially alternative to the MLR technique. MLP produced more
in the training phase. The prediction performance increases accurate results than the MLR technique, and MLP
from 48.0% to 98.8% for the training phase and from gave better results between them in terms of MSE
24.9% to 95.0% for the testing phase, when the determi- ( 501.081), MARE ( 11.343%) and R2 ( 0.988)
nation coefcients (R2) were considered. It is concluded statistics.
that a statistical model based on the articial neural
network approach, namely, MLP, is also proposed as an Nevertheless, this investigation is considered to have
alternative to the MLR technique. MLP produced more provided a useful basis for further research leading to an
accurate results than the MLR technique. increased understanding of the application of soil reinfor-
cement to ultimate bearing capacity problems.
6. Conclusions
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tests, loadsettlement curves were plotted, and articial Research Council of Turkey), Grant no. 106M496, and
neural networks (ANNs) and the multi-linear regression the Cukurova University Scientic Research Project Direc-
model (MLR) were used to predict the bearing capacity of torate, Grant no. MMF2006D28.
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