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Genetics test Revision Semester 2, 2017

1. What is shape formed by two strands of DNA?

2. What are the names of the nitrogen bases?
3. How do the nitrogen bases pair together?
4. Draw a nucleotide and label each molecule.

5. What types of cells have the same DNA?

6. What type of cells would have different DNA?
7. What is the complementary strand for:

8. What is a chromosome?
9. What is a gene?
10. Which 3 scientists are accredited to discovering DNA?
11. What is a phenotype
12. What is a genotype?
13. A brown haired female crosses with a red haired male. Brown hair is dominant over red hair.
Assign appropriate genotypes and draw a punnett square to show potential offspring.

Female genotype ___________ Male genotype _____________

What % of offspring will have red hair? _____________________

What % of offspring will be heterozygous? _____________________

14. Look at the pedigree below for Tay-Scachs disease (causes destruction of cell sin brain and
spinal cord).

Is this disease a dominant of recessive condition? Explain _________________________________

What is the phenotype of person 15? ____________________

What is the potential genotype(s) of person 15? _______________________

As this is a recessive condition is it possible that it could skip a generation and appear in the next

15. Look at the pedigree below.

Is this pedigree for a dominant of recessive condition? Explain -


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