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PUBLISHED ONLINE: 6 MARCH 2017 | DOI: 10.1038/NNANO.2017.18

Atomic-scale sensing of the magnetic dipolar eld

from single atoms
Taeyoung Choi1, William Paul1, Steffen Rolf-Pissarczyk2,3, Andrew J. Macdonald4,
Fabian D. Natterer1,5, Kai Yang1,6, Philip Willke1,7, Christopher P. Lutz1* and Andreas J. Heinrich8,9*

Spin resonance provides the high-energy resolution needed to distances. This interaction is essential for structural imaging of
determine biological and material structures by sensing weak molecules but its use is currently limited to ensemble measure-
magnetic interactions1. In recent years, there have been ments1. In STM, however, the dipoledipole coupling energies of
notable achievements in detecting2 and coherently control- individual spin centres are too small to detect by tunnelling spec-
ling37 individual atomic-scale spin centres for sensitive local troscopy, even at low temperature. Here, we combine the superior
magnetometry810. However, positioning the spin sensor and energy resolution provided by ESR (also known as electron para-
characterizing spinspin interactions with sub-nanometre pre- magnetic resonance, EPR) with the capabilities of STM (ref. 22),
cision have remained outstanding challenges11,12. Here, we use to measure magnetic dipoledipole interactions in precisely con-
individual Fe atoms as an electron spin resonance (ESR) trolled atomic arrangements of magnetic atoms on a surface, a
sensor in a scanning tunnelling microscope to measure the major step towards structural imaging of individual molecules.
magnetic eld emanating from nearby spins with atomic- Figure 1a shows a schematic of our ESRSTM experiment oper-
scale precision. On articially built assemblies of magnetic ating at low temperature (0.61.2 K). We deposited individual Fe
atoms (Fe and Co) on a magnesium oxide surface, we and Co atoms onto bilayer magnesium oxide (MgO) lms grown
measure that the interaction energy between the ESR sensor on a silver (Ag) substrate (Fig. 1b). The MgO lm reduces the scat-
and an adatom shows an inverse-cube distance dependence tering between the spin of adatoms and the Ag substrate electrons,
(r 3.010.04). This demonstrates that the atoms are predomi- leading to long spin relaxation times23. Both Fe (spin S = 2) and Co
nantly coupled by the magnetic dipoledipole interaction, (S = 3/2) adsorb atop oxygen on MgO, which results in a strong
which, according to our observations, dominates for atom sep- easy-axis magnetic anisotropy perpendicular to the surface
arations greater than 1 nm. This dipolar sensor can determine plane22,24,25. The two lowest energy quantum spin states of the Fe
the magnetic moments of individual adatoms with high accu- atoms on MgO (|, |) are oriented in two opposite out-of-
racy. The achieved atomic-scale spatial resolution in remote plane directions and are split in energy by an out-of-plane magnetic
sensing of spins may ultimately allow the structural imaging eld (Bz)22,24. This Zeeman splitting is measured directly using a
of individual magnetic molecules, nanostructures and radiofrequency (RF) electric eld applied in the tipsample junc-
spin-labelled biomolecules. tion22,26. When the frequency of the continuously applied RF electric
In traditional magnetic resonance experiments, electromagnetic eld is resonant with the Zeeman splitting of an Fe atom, the eld
radiation interacts resonantly with an ensemble of electron or drives spin transitions between the two states, depopulating the
nuclear spins via absorption and emission of photons. This typically ground state from its thermal equilibrium. This change of the state
requires an ensemble of 107 to 1010 spins1. Detecting individual population is detected with a spin-polarized STM tip by tunnelling
spins and their interactions has been pursued by means of magnetoresistance15,22,27, producing the pronounced ESR signal
atomic-scale spin centres such as optically trapped ions4, nitrogen from individual Fe atoms shown in Fig. 2a (Supplementary Section 2).
vacancy centres in diamond810, spins in quantum dots5, dopant We rst focus on the magnetic interaction between two Fe atoms.
atoms in semiconductors6 and single-molecule magnets in break Using atom manipulation, the separations of these atoms were
junctions7. A resolution of 10 nm has been achieved for the con- precisely set to increments of the MgO lattice (Supplementary
trolled positioning and spin-resonant imaging of spin centres in Section 1). We positioned the STM tip above one of the Fe atoms
solid-state materials9,11, while atomic-scale control remains a (sensor atom) in the pair and measured its ESR signal, which
highly challenging goal12. showed two spectral features (Fig. 2a) corresponding to two
The scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) excels at positioning oppositely oriented magnetic states, | and | of the target Fe
individual spin centres with atomic precision, and has been fruitful atom (Fig. 2c). The ESR frequency difference f, which gives the
for studying the magnetic states of atoms and molecules1319. In magnetic interaction energy, grows as the atoms are moved closer
magnetic materials, the magnetic dipoledipole interaction in distance (Fig. 2b, red squares). This measurement was performed
between nearby electron spins is usually eclipsed by much larger on more than ten different atom pairs (Supplementary Section 4)
interactions such as RudermanKittelKasuyaYosida (RKKY)20 and yielded reproducible interaction energies independent of
or superexchange14,21. On the other hand, the dipoledipole inter- the detailed structure of the tip apex, temperature and applied
action dominates for spins in an insulator separated by large magnetic eld (Supplementary Section 5). For FeFe distances

IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, California 95120, USA. 2 Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg 22761, Germany.
Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart 70569, Germany. 4 University of British Columbia & Quantum Matter Institute, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4,
Canada. 5 Institute of Physics, cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland. 6 School of Physical Sciences and Key Laboratory of
Vacuum Physics, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China. 7 IV. Physical Institute, University of Gttingen, Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1,
37077 Gttingen, Germany. 8 Center for Quantum Nanoscience, Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Seoul 03760, Republic of Korea. 9 Physics Department,
Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Present address: Center for Quantum Nanoscience, Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Seoul 03760,
Republic of Korea; Department of Physics, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 03760, Republic of Korea. * e-mail:;


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a VDC b



1 nm

Figure 1 | Experimental set-up for ESRSTM. a, Schematic for sensing the dipoledipole interaction between a sensor atom (Fe) and a target atom. Electron
spin resonance of individual Fe atoms on bilayer MgO/Ag(100) is driven by a radiofrequency electric eld at the tunnelling junction due to VRF. The
out-of-plane magnetic eld Bz sets the resonance frequency. An in-plane magnetic eld Bx mixes the spin states of Fe to increase the ESR signal22.
A spin-polarized (SP) STM tip measures the spin resonance signal via tunnelling magnetoresistance. The target atom creates a local magnetic eld
(dipolar eld) that is detected by the sensor atom (Fe). b, Constant-current STM image of four Fe atoms (0.17 nm apparent height) on the surface.
Imaging conditions are VDC = 0.1 V, I = 10 pA, Bz = 0.18 T, Bx = 5.7 T and T = 1.2 K.

a b
0 FeFe
r3 fit
ESR signal I (fA)

5 FeCo
r3 fit

10 1 Fetall Fe
r3 fit
23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3
f (GHz)

Frequency (GHz)

c Dipole coupled 0.1

Sensor only
2Edd/h f

f0 f

Sensor 0.01
atom 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Sensor Target
atom atom Distance, r (nm)

Figure 2 | Magnetic dipoledipole interaction. a, ESR spectrum (black curve) of an Fe atom when another Fe atom (target) is positioned 2.46 nm away
(Bz = 0.15 T, T = 1.2 K, VDC = 5 mV, IDC = 1 pA, VRF = 10 mVpp). Two Lorentzian ts (red curve) yield the frequency splitting (f ). The two spectral peaks
correspond to the two magnetic states of the target atom because each state of the target atom generates a different local magnetic eld at the sensor
atom. b, Measured splitting as a function of distance r of atom pairs of FeFe (red squares), FeCo (blue circles) and Fetall Fe (green diamonds). The data
are tted to f r for each type of target atom (Supplementary Fig. 5). The slopes give = 3.01 0.04 (FeFe), 2.98 0.04 (FeCo) and 2.94 0.08
(Fetall Fe), indicating a magnetic dipoledipole interaction in each case. The straight solid lines are ts to equation (2), using a xed exponent of = 3 to
extract magnetic moments for each type of target atom. The magnetic moments are 5.44 0.03 (Fe), 5.88 0.06 (Co) and 4.35 0.08 (tall Fe). The
short-range data (r < 1 nm, shaded region) were excluded in the tting process (Supplementary Fig. 6). Error bars in the x and y axes represent uncertainty
in the distance of atom pairs and the measured f error due to frequency drift, respectively (Supplementary Sections 1 and 4). c, Schematic of the energy
levels of the sensor atom, modied by its dipoledipole interaction with the target. The resonant frequency of the sensor atom ( f0) is split into two
frequencies ( f and f) corresponding to the two spin states of the target atom. The two grey arrows represent the respective ESR frequencies in a, and the
difference f = f f is the measured splitting. Edd is the magnetic dipole-dipole energy.


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greater than 1.0 nm, a t of the measured splitting to a power-law Co magnetic moment to be m(Co) z = 5.88 0.06B , which is again
relation f r yields 3.01 0.04, in excellent agreement with the close to free Co (6B)25. We note that the accuracy of our new tech-
exponent = 3 characteristic of the magnetic dipoledipole nique, 1%, is unprecedented for determining magnetic moments
interaction (Supplementary Fig. 5). We found that for atoms separ- of spins on surfaces and should allow stringent tests of theoretical
ated by less than 1 nm (grey region in Fig. 2b), the coupling deviates and computational models.
markedly from a pure dipoledipole interaction, indicating that it is We observed that after some atom manipulation attempts
inuenced by additional interactions such as exchange coupling (10% yield), Fe atoms appeared about 0.06 nm taller than the
(Supplementary Section 4.3). common as-deposited Fe atoms (height of 0.17 nm). We refer to
The magnetic dipoledipole energy between two moments is this species as tall Fe. The tall Fe atoms also sit atop oxygen on
given in general by MgO and can be reversibly switched back to the as-deposited Fe
species by applying a voltage pulse (Supplementary Section 1)28.
0 1  (1)   (1)  (2)  Following the previous analysis, for dimers containing a tall Fe
Edd =  m
m  (2) 3 m  r
 r m (1)
4 r 3 atom, we obtained a power law exponent of 2.94 0.08 and a
magnetic moment of 4.35 0.07B, indicating that the Fe sensor
where 0 is the vacuum permeability, r is the separation between the can indeed be used to measure the magnetic moment of otherwise
magnetic moments, r is a unit vector along the line linking the uncharacterized species. The tall Fe and as-deposited Fe may be
moments, and m  (i) is the magnetic moment of atom i. For Fe on associated with a different charge state of the atoms28, which
MgO, the magnetic moments of the Fe atoms are fully polarized inuences the electron conguration and may result in the difference
in the out-of-plane direction (Fig. 2c) due to the large magnetic ani- in the magnetic moments.
sotropy22,24. As a result, the canting of the moment due to the in- To put these results into perspective, we note that the magnetic
plane magnetic eld can be neglected (Supplementary Section 4.1), moments of Fe and Co atoms on the MgO surface were determined
and the dipoledipole interaction can be simplied to in recent experiments to be 5.2B and 5.4B by multiplet simulations
of X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) spectra24,25.
0 1  (1) (2)  These values are similar to the ones obtained in our ESRSTM
Edd = mz mz (2)
4 r3 experiments. In contrast to ensemble measurements in XMCD
(>1010 atoms)24,25, the present work addresses individual magnetic
The frequency difference of the two ESR peaks (or dips), plotted in species, which offers the ability to distinguish between atoms on
Fig. 2b, becomes f = f f = 4Edd/h, which is four times the mag- different binding sites or with different charge states.
netic dipoledipole energy (Fig. 2c). The measured dipolar inter- The symmetry of a structure is closely connected to the degener-
action was used to extract the magnetic moment of the Fe atoms. acy of its quantum states. In the following, we use a single sensor atom
A single parameter t to equation (2), using a xed exponent of to probe such symmetry of the dipolar eld from several target atoms.
= 3 (red line in Fig. 2b), yields a magnetic moment for Fe of We used STM atom manipulation to assemble four Fe atoms into a
z = 5.44 0.03B . ESRSTM thus provides a new means to square with exactly ten atomic lattice sites (2.877 nm) on a side. First,
measure the magnetic moment of individual atoms with high pre- we placed a fth (sensor) Fe atom off-centre in the square to create
cision. The measured moment of Fe agrees with previous modelling different distances to each target atom. There are 24 = 16 possible
results (5.2B for multiplet modelling guided by X-ray studies24) and states of the target atoms, and each yields a distinct ESR frequency
it approaches that of a free Fe atom (6B), indicating that the orbital on the sensor Fe (vertical lines in Fig. 3). The spectrum shows a domi-
angular momentum is largely preserved24. Our ESR spectral line- nant peak (Fig. 3a), due to target atoms residing most often in their
width of 10 MHz (Fig. 2b) allows us to resolve the distance to a ground states, according to their Boltzmann distribution. For the
target atom to within one atomic lattice site for separations up to purpose of describing the spectrum due to multiple target atoms,
4 nm, a resolution necessary for atomic-scale sensing of the interactions between pairs of target atoms can be neglected
individual spins. because they are much smaller than the Zeeman energies of each
The relative amplitude of the two ESR peaks gives information atom. The sensor atom therefore probes the sum of the magnetic
about the thermal occupation of the two magnetic states of the elds created by all target atoms (Supplementary Section 7).
target atom, which are separated by the Zeeman energy of 0.1 meV Next, we introduced higher symmetry into the structure of
(23 GHz) for the out-of-plane magnetic eld Bz 0.15 T used Fig. 3a by moving the sensor Fe atom to the exact centre of the
here. The larger ESR peak corresponds to the ground state (|) square (Fig. 3b). Because in this case the separation of the sensor
of the target atom, which is occupied with greater probability and the target atoms is equal, many of the ESR peaks of Fig. 3a
(Fig. 2c). The ratio of the two ESR peak heights (0.36 0.05) in become degenerate (thick vertical lines, Fig. 3b). The intensity of
Fig. 2a agrees well with the Boltzmann factor (0.4 at T = 1.2 K) the ESR lines follows the degeneracy of the corner atom states
(Supplementary Section 6). The spin relaxation time of the Fe (1:4:6:4:1), weighted by the corresponding Boltzmann distribution.
target atom was measured by pumpprobe spectroscopy to be For example, the peak at f 0.183 GHz (pink, Fig. 3b) arises
100 s (refs 22 and 23), which is much faster than the data point from the four degenerate cases in which exactly one corner atom
averaging time in the ESR spectrum (1 s). Therefore, the ESR spec- is in its excited state. At 1.2 K, the population of excited states
trum on the Fe sensor statistically samples the thermal population increases, transferring spectral weight to higher-frequency peaks,
of the target Fe spin at each data point. which correspond to progressively more of the corner atoms
The accurate determination of the Fe magnetic moment enables us being in their excited state. Furthermore, this spin structure can
to use the Fe atom as a sensor for measuring the magnetic moment of be used as a local thermometer by tting the ESR spectra to the pair-
other target atoms. More specically, because the sensor Fe moment wise dipoledipole interaction. We nd temperatures from the ESR
is perpendicular to the surface plane, equation (2) allows us to obtain ts of Tt = 0.72 0.02 K and 1.43 0.13 K for Fig. 3b, which agree
the out-of-plane moment of the target atom (Supplementary well with the temperatures measured by a thermometer on the STM.
Section 4.1). For FeCo pairs (blue circles in Fig. 2b), a t to the The magnetic sensing provided by spin-resonant Fe atoms also
power-law relation f r yields = 2.98 0.04, showing that Fe offers a means to perform magnetic imaging in the STM. We illus-
and Co atoms also couple through a magnetic dipoledipole inter- trate this by remotely sensing the position and moment of an
action for r > 1 nm. Using a single parameter t to equation (2) unknown target spin centre. We employ trilateration, the
(blue line in Fig. 2b) we extract the out-of-plane component of the geometrical technique used for macroscopic location by the


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T = 0.6 K

T = 1.2 K

I (fA)


1 nm 120
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
f (GHz)

T = 0.6 K

T = 1.2 K
I (fA)



1 nm 120
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
f (GHz)

Figure 3 | Control of state degeneracy in an engineered nanostructure. a, Five Fe atom structure with four equally spaced corner atoms and a middle Fe
(sensor atom) that is positioned at (3, 1) lattice sites from the centre of the square (oxygen sites indicated by white open circles). The grey line indicates
the ESR frequency of the Fe sensor with all corner (target) atoms in their magnetic ground state. Pink lines indicate ESR frequencies with one of the four
target atoms in the excited state. Additional ESR lines arise (with less intensity) when two or more of the corner atoms are in the excited state. No ESR
transitions are degenerate. b, The Fe sensor atom is placed in the exact centre of the square at 2.034 nm from the four target atoms. This creates a four-fold
symmetry, which leads to degeneracy (1:4:6:4:1) of the excited spin states. For example, the four pink lines in a are now degenerate at f 0.183 GHz. The
ESR signals of a and b were taken at two different sample temperatures: 0.6 K (upper traces) and 1.2 K (lower) measured by a thermometer. The red and
blue solid curves of a and b are modelled based on the dipole energy, the degeneracy of the states and the thermal population of the states. For clarity, the
1.2 K spectra are offset by 60 fA. Imaging conditions: VDC = 10 mV, I = 10 pA, Bz = 0.15 T, T = 1.2 K.

a Sensor 1 b c
0 0.0 0
Sensor 1 0.2
30 Calculated spectrum 30 Sensor 1
Deconvoluted signal (fA)

excluding middle atom 0.4 Lorentzian fit

60 60
0 0
I (fA)

30 Sensor 2 30 Sensor 2
Lorentzian fit
60 60
Sensor 3 Sensor 2
0 0

30 Sensor 3 30 Sensor 3
Lorentzian fit
1 nm 60 60
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.2 0.4
f (GHz) f (GHz)

Figure 4 | Magnetic imaging by using trilateration. a, An STM image of the ve-atom structure (the same image as the Fig. 3a). We measure ESR of each
sensor atom to identify the magnetic moment and location of the middle (assumed to be unknown) atom. b, Measured ESR spectra (T = 0.6 K) from each
sensor atom (black) and the predicted unbroadened spectrum (red) due to all atoms excluding the unknown. c, ESR spectra of b after deconvolving the
effect of the other atoms. The results show ESR spectra (peaks are indicated by black arrows) due solely to dipolar interaction of the unknown atom and
each sensor. An intersection point of the three coloured circles obtained from c is indicated by the black circle in a, which gives a resolution of the unknown
that is better than 0.1B and 0.1 nm.


2017 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.

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Supplementary Information. Extra data or materials are available
from T. Choi ( upon reasonable request. Acknowledgements
The authors thank B. Melior for expert technical assistance and T. Greber for fruitful
Received 5 August 2016; accepted 26 January 2017; discussions. We gratefully acknowledge nancial support from the Ofce of Naval Research.
published online 6 March 2017 W.P. thanks the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) for
fellowship support. A.J.M. acknowledges nancial support from the NSERC CREATE and
PGS D programmes. F.D.N. appreciates nancial support from the Swiss National Science
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Additional information
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6. Pla, J. J. et al. High-delity readout and control of a nuclear spin qubit in silicon.
permissions information is available online at Correspondence and
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requests for materials should be addressed to C.P.L. and A.J.H.
7. Thiele, S. et al. Electrically driven nuclear spin resonance in single-molecule
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8. Grinolds, M. S. et al. Nanoscale magnetic imaging of a single electron spin under Competing nancial interests
ambient conditions. Nat. Phys. 9, 215219 (2013). The authors declare no competing nancial interests.


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