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Recurrence formula for generalized optical state truncation by projection synthesis

C. J. Villas-Boas,1 Y. Guimaraes,2 M. H. Y. Moussa,1 and B. Baseia2
Departamento de Fsica, Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos, Via Washington Luiz, Km 235, Sao Carlos, 13565-905 (SP), Brazil
Instituto de Fsica, Universidade Federal de Goias, Caixa Postal 131, 74001-970, Goiania (GO), Brazil.
Received 11 August 2000; published 18 April 2001
A recent work Pegg et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 1604 1998 showed how to generate a running-wave
superposition of zero- and one-photon field states, C 0 0 C 1 1 , by physical truncation of the photon number
superposition making up a coherent state. Here we discuss the extension of this device to the case of N
components: C 0 0 C 1 1 C N N .

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.63.055801 PACS numbers: 42.50.Dv, 03.65.Db

Several interesting states of the quantized electromagnetic Figure 1 shows a sketch of the experimental setup pro-
field are studied nowadays. Among them one can cite the posed in 8 to generate a truncated state C 0 0 C 1 1 (N
number and its complementary phase states 1, the coher- 1). In this figure a single-photon field incident on a 50-50
ent 2 and squeezed states 3, superposition states having symmetric beam splitter 1 BS1, i.e., the input state
the previous basic states as components 4, the interpolating in ab 1 a 0 b , generates a field state
states 5, which vary between two limiting states, going
from one to the other, etc. So, in view of the existence of an 1
abundance of states in quantum optics, it is of interest to ab 1 a 0 b i 0 a 1 b ), 1
know how to prepare these states experimentally, this proce- 2
dure being known in the literature as quantum state engi-
neering 6. The engineering schemes may consider either with the subscripts standing for the two output modes a and
the case of stationary waves prepared inside a high-Q) cav- b. The action of BS1 is described by the unitary operator
ity 6,7 or the case of traveling waves 8,9. In the realm of 15
cavity QED phenomena, Vogel et al. 6 employed a reso-
nant atom-field interaction to build up a trapped field in an R ab exp i 1 a bab , 2
initially empty cavity, while the proposal in Ref. 10 con-
siders both resonant and dispersive atom-field interactions where t 1 cos 1 and r 1 sin 1 are the BS1 reflection and
for the preparation of a general superposition in the empty transmission coefficients, respectively. For the case of a
cavity. An alternative proposal has been presented 11, 50-50 symmetric BS1 in 8, it follows that 1 /4 and t 1
named the sculpture of quantum states, where a coherent r 1 1/2.
state is previously injected into the cavity and the Wigner By measuring the field mode b in the state b
distribution function of the desired state is sculptured, C * 1 1 b iC *
0 0 b , we synthesize the projection of the
through atom-field interaction, from that representing the ini- field mode a in the desired superposition a b ab
tial coherent state, the atoms playing the role of quantum C 0 0 a C 1 1 a . In 8 this procedure was accomplished
chisels. by superposing on the field mode b an auxiliary coherent

In recent work by Pegg, Phillips, and Barnett 8, prepa- field in mode c, c n0 n n , at a second 50-50 sym-
ration of an arbitrary running-wave superposition of the
vacuum and one-photon states, C 0 0 C 1 1 , without using
cavities was demonstrated. In this way, a traveling field
would be available for further applications, including per-
forming measurements on other field states 12,13. The
scheme in 8 obtains the above mentioned superposition by
physical truncation of the photon number superposition mak-
ing up a coherent state. The proposal requires no additional
extension of current experiments and is reasonably insensi-
tive to photodetection efficiency for the fields most likely to
be used in practice. Since the scheme works via a truncation
of the Hilbert space, it has been called a quantum scissors
device 8. As mentioned in 8, states including superposi-
tions of higher photon numbers might be fabricated by su-
perposing fields prepared as superpositions of zero- and one-
photon number states 14. In this connection, we will FIG. 1. Sketch of the experimental setup for generation of a
present here an alternative way to prepare arbitrary truncated traveling wave in our extended superposition of number states. The
states, i.e., C 0 0 C 1 1 C 2 2 C N N , N single-photon fields 1 a and c are incident on beam splitters 1
1,2,3, . . . .. The method is a direct extension of that in 8, and 2, respectively. When a single photon is detected in D b and no
called the optical truncation of a state by projection synthe- counts are registered in D c , then the output state in mode a, out a ,
sis. is prepared in the desired superposition C 0 0 C 1 1 .

1050-2947/2001/635/0558014/$20.00 63 055801-1 2001 The American Physical Society


metric beam splitter BS2 Fig. 1. When a single photon is Since k0,1,2, . . . ,N, having specified the state to be
detected in D b and no counts are detected in D c , the field in prepared, Eq. 8 implies a system of N equations. The solu-
the output mode a will be projected onto the state 0 0 a bility of such a system can be guaranteed if the number of
1 1 a . The projection synthesis of the field mode a will equations is not greater than the number of free variables.
be successfully accomplished if we choose the input state For N3 the system is compatible and extends the results
c such that its vacuum and one-photon amplitudes are found in 8 to N2,3. For N3 the nonlinear system re-
proportional to those for the required state, that is, 0 /C 0 sulting from Eq. 8 will exhibit the same number of free
1 /C 1 . In this case the state of mode b, before passing variables ( 1 , 2 , ). It will be soluble if N3 equations of
though BS2, is given by up to normalization this system are redundant, whose occurrence or not is not
easy to show in view of the nonlinear character of Eq. 8
and approximations coming from the specific numerical
c R bc 1 b 0 c 1* 0 b i 0* 1 b , 3

methods. However, a by-pass procedure circumventing this
where difficulty can easily be implemented as follows. When N
3 we introduce N3 new parameters, substituting for the
R bc exp i 2 bc b c 4 field c entering the BS2 with a convenient discrete su-
perposition of coherent states c 16, all lying over a
is the unitary operator describing the action of BS2. For the circle of radius in the complex plane, having different
case of a 50-50 symmetric BS2 in 8, it follows that 2 phases, and symmetrically located with respect to the real
/4 and t 2 r 2 1/2. axis. In this way, e.g., for N4 we employ the auxiliary
Here, to extend the previous result for the general case state
a C 0 0 a C 1 1 a C 2 2 a C N N a , we will c N c * c )

assume the scheme sketched in Fig. 1, with the input state in
BS1 given by in ab 1 a N1 b and the same coherent 2 n
2N exp cos n n c , 9
state incident on BS2 in the mode c, c n0 n n . We 2 n n!
choose the output of BS2 to be 1 b and N1 c . In this
way, we have the output of BS1, where we set exp(i) and N stands for normalization.
The parameter is the additional parameter to be deter-
out ab R ab in ab , 5 mined for generation of the truncated phase state n0 4
nc .
When we substitute, in Eq. 6 for the input coherent state
whereas, for the whole output, c with the superposition c given in Eq. 9, the recur-
rence formula 8 remains valid, changing 4k to
out abc R bc out ab c ). 6 4k cos(4k). This modification in the auxiliary state
in the input mode c leads to the system of equations for this
We stress that for the present generalized quantum scissors particular case, N4)
1 and 2 are free parameters to be adjusted for the achieve-
ment of the desired state. The choice made for the detection 13 21 13 22 cos 4 1 2 , 10a
in D b and D c allows us to synthesize the projection leading
to the desired output mode a: 1 21 1 22 2 cos 2 2 2/3, 10b

a b 1 c N1 out abc . 7 1 2 3 21 3 22 3 cos 3 4 6, 10c

The foregoing program for calculation of the desired state 21 22 4 cos 4 2 6, 10d
a , when applied step by step for N1,2,3, . . . , allows with solution ( 1 , 2 , , ) given by 0.906, 1.990, 1.477,
one to construct, after lengthy calculations, the following 4.400.
recurrence formula ( stands for normalization: Extending this strategy for N5,6,7, . . . we find that, for

N k arbitrary N3, we must employ the following auxiliary state
1 1
k0 k! Nk ! 3/2

1 2
in the BS2:
Nk 1 k,N k 22 1 k,0 c N m c m* c )

Nk 1 k,N k 21 1 k,0 Nk Nk ,

2 n
8 2N exp cos n m n c .
2 n n! m4
where i r i /t i sin i /cos i , i1,2 and, as mentioned be-
fore, r i (t i ) stands for the reflectance transmittance of the
ith BS. This formula would attain the requirement on the As mentioned above, all the components m exp(im)
experimental parameters involved to generate the desired su- lie over a circle of radius in the complex plane, having
perposition state a C 0 0 a C 1 1 a C 2 2 a different phases, and symmetrically located with respect to
C N N a . Here we will be concerned with the particular the real axis. The recurrence relation 8 remains valid on
case C n 1, for all n0,1,2, . . . ,N (N arbitrary. changing Nk to Nk m4


A little inspection of the experimental scheme Fig. 1

shows that for our choice of selective detection the entire
input in BS1 coincides with the entire output in BS2. So the
net result of our experimental arrangement is the transforma-
tion of the coherent state c entering BS2 into the wanted
state a emerging in BS1. Now, the calculations show that
the ingredient directly responsible for this transformation is
the state b , the output input of BS1 BS2, which con-
nects the coherent state c and the desired state a being
As detailed in 8, the practical realization of the quantum
scissors for the case C 0 0 a C 1 1 a requires a source of a
single photon at the first BS mode b), made to interfere with
the coherent field mode c). This source is obtained from
parametric fluorescence 17. The present scheme, however,
would require a source of N1 photons for engineering a
state with a maximum number of photons equal to N). In this
case we mention the quantum Fock filter scheme proposed FIG. 2. Plot of the nonclassical depth m as a function of the
recently by DAriano et al. 18: such a scheme is able to parameter N, for our truncated state in (N1)-dimensional Hilbert
select a specific Fock component and superpositions of a few space.
number states from a generic input state. So the scheme pro-
posed in Ref. 18 plays a crucial role in the present gener- positive definite, the smoothing effect of the convolution
alized quantum scissors device. transformation is associated with the parameter . In fact, the
R function becomes acceptable as a classical distribution
Accounting for some sensitive points in the scheme pre-
function a positive, definite, and regular function if one
sented above, we first note that the efficiency for single-
considers large enough . In this sense, we say that the
photon detectors is about 70%, while the damping constant
smoothing operation is complete. The minimum value m of
for BSs is considerably smaller, less than 2% in BK7 crys-
all the that complete this operation was adopted in 19 as
tals. Despite the nonunity quantum efficiency of detectors
the nonclassical depth of the quantum state. According to
and the absorptive beam splitters, there are other equally
important experimental nonidealities. For example, the de- this definition, the unit is an upper bound for m since
tectors are required to discriminate between 0,1,2,3, . . . R(z;1)Q(z) z z is always acceptable as a classical
photon arrivals. Since this is currently difficult, an accurate distribution function for any quantum state. On the other
analysis of the errors introduced in engineering a given state hand, we have m 0 for an arbitrary coherent state ,
should also account for this deficiency. since its P function is given by (2) (z )0. Hence, the
For completeness, we will consider a pertinent question range of m is specified by m 0,1 . According to 19, the
emerging in the present consideration: what is the nonclassi- interval m (0,1) defines a quantum state, whereas m 0
cal depth of our truncated state? According to a criterion defines a classical state. So the maximum quantum depth is
introduced by Lee 19, the R function, defined as obtained for m 1.
The application of this criterion to our state (C n 1,n

R z,

d 2w

exp zw

P w , 12
0,1,2, . . . ,N) gives, after lengthy algebra Ln (x) stands
for Laguerre polynomial,

measures the nonclassical depth of a field state. P(w) is the

Glauber-Sudarshan distribution in the coherent representa-
R z,
e z /


tion, satisfying N1 N
n! 1 n
z ln
d 2u n0 ln1 l!

P w exp w 2 u 2 wu * w * u u u ,

13 L (ln)
n z2
. 14

where is the density operator describing a field state and Figure 2 presents a plot of the nonclassical depth as a
is a continuous parameter. For 0, 0.5, and 1 the R func- function of N, showing that the nonclassicality of this trun-
tion coincides with the Glauber, Wigner, and Husimi distri- cated state increases with the dimension of the Hilbert space.
butions ( P, W, and Q), respectively. Hence, R(z, ) interpo- A numerical inspection shows that the nonclassical depth
lates between P and Q, with being the interpolating tends to unity when N not shown in the figure.
parameter that is used to define the degree of nonclassicality
of field states. This paper was partially supported by the Brazilian agen-
Now, since the characteristic of all nonclassical effects is cies FAPESP C.J.V.B., CAPES Y.G., and CNPq B.B.,
that the P functions of quantum states are singular and not M.H.Y.M..


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