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TERE TRANSACTIONS ON FOWER ELECTRONICS, VOL 14. NO.3. MAY 1959 sis An RC Load Model of Parallel and Series-Parallel Resonant DC-DC Converters with Capacitive Output Filter Gregory Ivensky. Arkadiy Kats. and Sam Ben-Yaakov Abstract—A novel analytical methodology is proposed and applied to investigate the steady.state processes in voltage-fed parallel and series-parallel resonant dc-dc converters with capacitive output iter. In this methodology, the rectifier, output ‘capacitor, and load are replaced by an equivalent cireuit which includes a capacitor and resistor connected in parallel. Excellent ‘agreement was obtained when comparing numerical values calcu- lated by the proposed model to cycle-by-evcle SPICE simulation and to the numerical results of earlier studies. Index Terms— Approximate methods. circuit analysis, model- ing, resonant power conversion. L. IxtRopuctio XACT analysis of parallel and series-parallel de-de res- fonant converters with capacitive ourput filter (1]-(3) is rather complex due to the fact that the equations include unknown time instances at which the output rectifier and ceases to conduct. The simplified analysis proposed by Steigerwald [4] is based on the method of the first harmonic. ‘This approach is applicable to parallel and series-parallel converters with an LC output filter, but does not cover the cases of a capacitor filter, in which the input current of the rectifier lows for only a part of the switching period. The objectives of the present study are as follows: 1. to develop a simple analytical method for the analys parallel and series-parallel converters with a capacitive output filter (Fig. 1): 2) to obtain easy-to-use formulas and to apply them to dev slop design procedure for this class of converters. is of Il. Maly EQUATIONS DESCRIBING STEADY-STATE PROCESSES The a:lysis was carried out under the following basic assumptions 1) The converter’s elements (switches, transformer, induc tor. and capacitors) are ideal 2) The reflected capacitance of the output filter C, and the capacitances of the input capacitors Ciy (in the case of hali-bridge configuration) are much larger than the Munasengtcectived October 14, 199%; revised uly 13, 1998. Recom. mended by Awocite Editor, K. NEO. “The aun are aith the Power Electonics Labortory, Department of Si"! Computer Engineering, Ben Gusion University of the Neg: ‘ho\— “L105, Isael (email: sby @bguee ee i). et em Teter § OHRS- 8993199) 750-3. by Fie. 1. Halitrdge configuration of 3) parle and ¢b series parallel reso rant dee consents with capacitive wtpur ker capacitances of series and parallel capacitors (C', and, Gy 3) The converter operates in continuous current mode 44) The current iz, of the resonant inductor L,. (Fig. 2) ean be approximated by in = lin sind ay where I: is the peak value and v = 2r ft is normalized time in radians with zero value at , when the rectifier ceases to conduct, fis the switching frequency, and ¢ is time. Experimental and simulation results obtained by Bhat (3] and by us confirm the practical validity of the last assumption. The inductor current iz, flows through the capacitor C; during the nonconducting interval of the rectifier 1), and through the primary of the transformer T during the conduct- (55-29930995 1010) @ 1999 IEEE IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS. VOL. IM. NO. 3. MAY 1999 fe 1 [0,dex) jets e FU T z i ‘00 il i 1 4 La 80 rT i oT o tl mes tt oa il l = OTT { rf 4 re 2 : veg % ms oll | TA r ; ro es yt FT ee 7 1 ope | = of ie —— 1 8 Low J bie 2 Cont an sola waves Fig 3. Regier coiucion angle # asa function he a! cof ing interval of the rectifier #y-2. The rectifier’s conduction angle U2-v; is defined as 9 (Fig. 2). ‘The voltage across the capacitor C,, can be derived by applying the following initial conditions: at vy = 0 when the output rectifier ceases 10 conduct rc, = —N/m, At rv shen the output rectifier begins to conduct again, Yop = Vin, where V;, is the output voltage and 1 is the transformer’s tums ratio (secondary to primary). Applying (1) along with the above boundary conditions. we get 1 agli -wnay-2emil a) Mie : fom = Tg cos ° where = sf The output current ofthe converter /, is equal io the average rectifer’s current Toe Ty = Teves Tem sin dd wy Troe as 5) On the ether hand Ty = Inca = 6 where /R, is the load resistance. From (3) and (6), we find the rectfier’s conduction angle =2un! Vi = ” Relatiunstip 7) is depicted in Fig. 3. should be noted that the vollge and especially the ‘current ms of the transformer's primary uri and iy; (Fig. 2) ssciade high harmonies of significant amplitudes However. the fact that the inductor current iz,, i.e.. the current AC Ral of the unbranched part of the ac circuit. has practically a sine waveform (see experimental results in (3)), only the fundamental harmonics of rr, and rr; will contribute to the output power of the converter. Consequently. an analysis based on fundamental harmonic approximation should provide 2 good approximation Now we find the fist harmonics voltaze and phase angle at the iransformer’s primary (Fig. 4). The primary transformer voltage rr is the voltage ry across the capacitor C, Applying (2) and the condition that ry is equal to 1/1 sal - - (] Fig. S. 1a) Normalized output voltage 1 and ib) mputpsse ange ¢.., ‘erus normalized frequency ~ /-p for uiferentsalues of the ality Fxtor (2: prailel convener, vb or applying (37) - _ dale. Ee (40) tglone Toy = Wo 2 a Tina Equations (40) and (41) are plotted in Fig. 10 as a funetion of 2: The lowest values of these currents and therefore the lowest losses correspond to the case 4) = 0. Applying (4) and (37), we obtain Fine = 191, ———-. (42) oi? ( Neplectng loses (assumption 1) Fin T Via © s into account (42) and (43), we obtain an important ‘expression of the output-to-input voltage ratio which can be useful in the design phase of the converter eM 08 any Vin G2 (3) (4a) 19 os 10 12 18 16 18 2 [a @, oh) input phase angle 1 tala of the sua £9. (ay Noemalized output voltage > Sens normalized Hreguensy =) to i (Q. seven parle! convener when Cs . bad L174 4 sl I al 1 apo fi y toot : = Dar] 1 a a Bor] Fig, 10. Normalized average curens ofthe ranssos (and reverse Aiodes (1, a functions on he input pse angle ss in parallel and series pce sonverters, JIL, OUTPUT CHaRacrERistics Applying the per unit system, the base current unit is choosing t0 be as follows: parallel converter (Figs. Ifa) and 7is,) gs (45) Men IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, VOL. 4, NO. MAY 1959 TABLE 1 Octret-o-tvevt Voutace Ramo (17) OF THE PaRaLLsL DC-DC CosverreR \Wimvocr Teassrorer CowrcTen ey Prorostb Memon asp By Sreicexaato [1] ay [oC Re [Otéeal] ke [Plexi [aR | CAG, | en | Wo | Ve ( a )| 8? | 0129} ex(16)] e018) | e920) | 9.27) | e9.89)] (1) °. 0700 | 1594 | 99.6 | 1.190] -250 | 19 | os | 180 | 20ns] 20 1135 | 2393 | 735 [in| 24s [1613 | 0283 [0917 [oso] 10 940 | 6369 | 529 | 1.120 193 | 3988 Joos] «44s |s.0ss0] 5.0 cosa [3.622 | 667 [1.148 | 230 | 2587 | ars [268s |29780| 30 cosa [1214 | 974 [1203 | 248 [os7es| 0526 [oss [ossea| 1.0 940 [0.6655 | 1139 | 1226 | 229 [o.sooi | osss [0.5331 [oss36] 05 and series-parallel converter (Figs. 1(b) and 7(b}] ae) Trans = . «46 [le VG Equations for the normalized average output current are ob- tained from (28), (31), (32), (36), (45), and (46) as follows: parallel converter (Figs. I(a) and 74a] % Ro! fe le a7 Toon @ , and series parallel converter (Figs. l(b) and 71b)] i RM IG wa be 38) Tae QVE Equations derived in Section If can be used for calculating the output voltage 1; for given parameters of convener elements and given switching frequency (see Table 1), The output current J can be calculated after that from (47) or (48). The exception is short-circuit condition (Ft, = 0) when the average output current J3,,, must be found from other equations, The parallel converter (Figs. 1(a) and 7(a)] (under assump- tion 4) Tosh (49) Ioanp A more exact equation can be derived without the restriction of assumption 4 Joan wy Toaap o aa The series-parallel converter (Figs. 1(b) and 71b)) Joan Thawe oy ‘The equations derived above were applied to elucidate the ‘output characteristics of the converters (Fig. 11, solid curves). The curves are in excellent agreement with simulation results obtained by our group (see the crosses and circles in Fig. 11). They sho agree very well with the results of the complex 3 ell » Fig. 1. The output characteristics of the (a) pale! converter and (6) series parallel converter when C, = Cp solid curves obtained by calculation Using the proposed method, with points fe) and fe) obtained by eyel-by cycle simulation. analysis of Johnson and Erickson (2} and Bhat (3). The output to-input voltage ratios of the parallel converter calculated by the proposed method agree wit the results of Steigerwald {1] to within 2% except for the very low Q case (see Table Table I can be also used as a calculation guid. Note that the determination of output characteristics by the proposed method is much simpler than by more exact analyses (1}-(3)- This benefit is most important for circuit optimization for which the numerical data given in previous studies (1}-{3] may not IVENSRY ral: RC LOAD MODEL OF PARALLEL AND SERIES-PARALLEL DC-DC CONVERTERS su suffice. For example, in [3] the data for the series-paralel converter is given only for the case Cs = Cy. IV. ConcLusions ‘The proposed equivalent circuit method simplifies the anal- ysis and design of parallel and series-parallel resonant de-de converters loaded by a capacitive output filter. In contrast to previous. more exact numerical derivations, which were presented by tables and plots, the analytical relationships derived by the proposed method are more convenient as design tools and in particular for parameter optimization of these types of converters REFERENCES IND RL. Steigerwald, “Analysis ofa resonant transistor de-de converter with espactive output fle,” JEEF Trans. Ind. Electron, vol TE-32. fp. 439-444, Now. 1985, 121 Sb foinson and R. W, Erickson, “Steady-state analysis and design ‘the parallel resonant converter.” JEEE Trans. Power Electron. vol pp. 93-104, Jan. 1988 (3) 90K. S. Bhs, “Analysis and design of senesparalel resonant sonvener with capacitive outprfiter 37 pp. $23-830, Maylune 1991, i) & topolees. ise, EEE Trans. Ind. Applicat, vol. CP Seigervaid, “A comparison of half-bridge resonant converter TEEE Trans. Pomer Eleciron, vOl. 3. pp. 4-182, Apt Gregory Ivensky was bor in Leningrad. USSR, in 1027 He received the Energy Engineer Diploma from the Leningrad Railway Transpor Intute in TOMB and the Candidate and Doctor of Technical Sciences degrees from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute in. 1958 and 1977, respectively From 1951 t 1962, be was a the Central Design ‘Bureau of Urasound and High Frequency Devices. Leningrad. From 1962 o 1989, he was athe Non ‘westem Polytechnic Intute, Leningrad where in 1977 he became a Full Professor inthe Departent ‘of Electronic Devices, Sie 1991 he hasbeen a Professor atthe Deparent of Eletieal and Computer Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva Israel. His research interests inchde power electronic systems such as highpower rectifiers and inverters, induction heating. and) de-de ‘Arkadly Kats vas tor in Marupol, Ukraine in 1966. He received the B.S. degree in electrical en- gineering from Ben-Gurion Unversity ofthe Negev Beer Sheva, Isl in 1995. He is curently work ings towards the MS. degree in electrical and computer engineering He cares outa research program atthe Power Electronics Group ofthe Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Beer Sheva, His fields of iterestincude olde converter design and iegrated magnetics. ‘Sam Ben-Yaakov was bor in Tel Aviv, Ise, in 1939, He received the B.Sc. depre in electrical engineering from the Technion. Haifa Ital, in 196l andthe M'. and PhD. degrees in enginering ‘com the University of California, Los Angeles. in 1967 and 1990. respectively He is presently a Professor at the Deparment of Blectrcal and Computer Enginecrng. Ben-Gurion UUniveraty of he Negev, Beer-Sheva. Istael and heads the Power Eleewonics Group there He served asthe Chairman ofthat deparment from 1985 to 10980, His curent research interests include: power electronics circuits and ‘stems. electrone instrumentation nd engineering education. He aso serves {3 2 consltant fo 4 nomber of commercial compaaies on tarous subjects including analog citeut design, modeling and smalaton, PWM and resonant omvenes and inven, softswitshing techniques, and elecwenic ballasts for Aischarge lamps.

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