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Occupational safety and health (K3) conditions of companies in Indonesia are

generally estimated to be low including the number of workplace accidents which

resulted in disability and deaths. Yet the progress of the company is determined the
role of quality of workforce.

cara menggunakan apar


Due to the increasingly complex nature of the industrial sector, there are many
sources of potential fire hazards. Fire hazard is one of the main enemies in every
production activity. By paying attention to the many adverse effects caused by fire
hazards suffered by both workers and employers then it is time in the working
environment to provide safety means to maintain the health and safety of workers
especially in the industrial field vulnerable to fire risk. But the current reality of the
use of various materials, machinery, work tools, energy, poor work processes, lack
of skills and job training, and the absence of knowledge about the source of danger
in industrialization has the potential to cause a fire. jual pemadam kebakaran

Fire is an event that occurs due to uncontrolled energy sources. This cycle contains
sequences by series of events (dynamics events) that start from pre events, events
and cycles and the consequences that accompany it. The incident will be created if
the conditions and some of the originator conditions are met, especially during

There are points that are the basic requirements that if the control fails will trigger the
event, then it will enter the stage uncontrollable and difficult to extinguish. Conditions
such conditions include there are materials that can burn, such as oil, natural gas,
paper, wood and even dry grass and so forth. Where the combustible material is in
certain conditions and encounters the originator immediately will immediately cause
a fire. While the originator itself causes quite a lot of them lightning energy, open fire,
electricity even just spark sparks. Recent research and surprising fire lighters can
also arise due to the frequency of mobile phones.

The incidence of the initial fire continues to be a great fire only takes under 4 minutes
or 10 minutes. The 4 -10 minute time dimension results from an assessment and
experiential study in which the fire stage has not developed and expanded. After
more than that time, the fire will develop into a flame of growth and become full
steady fire with temperatures reaching 600 degrees Celsius to 1000 degrees
Celsius, which is in a difficult stage to extinguish. Only hydrant devices and the like
can reduce and extinguish alat pemadam api .

The initial fire cycle leading to uncontrollable conditions is caused within minutes of
the initial minutes of the fire event, there is a spate of feedback that accelerates the
flame itself. The feedback sequence is an increase in temperature or temperature
that will speed up the evaporation of a liquid or sublimation of a burning object and
inhalation of air (oxidation) and speed up the occurrence of a fire point. The short
time and the feedback events are the determinants of the acceleration of the level of
the flames. If not done systematically handling will end tragically and cause
widespread losses. Sometimes it brings a human toll.

Why did that happen? There are some questions that are sometimes difficult to
answer in general in the face of time under 4 minutes and it becomes the classic
answer why and why fire events always occur without the preventable or minimized
occurrence. God's destiny, disasters or more extreme blame the officers his PMK is
slow and slow.

Fire is an undesirable event for everyone and an accident that is fatal. This fire can
result in a huge loss of both material and immaterial losses. For example the loss of
life, property, and the cessation of the process or the course of a production /
activity, if not dealt with immediately, it will affect the inhabitants. In case of fire
people will be busy themselves, they prefer to save personal items rather than stop
the source of the danger of fire, this is unfortunate because with such circumstances
the occurrence of fire will increase. With the development and progress of rapid
development, the risk of fire is increasing. Population increasingly crowded, the
construction of office buildings, residential areas, industry that is growing so as to
cause vulnerability and in case of fire requires special handling

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