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8119287 Tx:4907792 00K page 06282017-0149 RECORDER OF DEEDS. RECORDED-CERTIFIED ON 06/28/2017 3:34 PM ‘SHARON QUIGLEY-CARPENTER [RECORDER OF DEEDS. mittee: Amevem Antoelton Tribal Trast Charta Bere tne ot, old GRANTOR (S): A mexem Autvchton Ancestors GRANTEE (8): Amexem Autocdthon Trrbal Trust GRANTOR’S MAILING ADDRESS: I fexas - GRANTEE’S MAILING ADDRESS: Yo a : LEGAL DESCRIPTION: REFERENCE BOOK & PAGE NUMBER: 339-017 (ML 2/05) Exit ABODEL CH, at ZT Apached, AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON TRIBAL TRUST CHARTA Constructive and Public Notice Certified Mail number: 7013 0600 0000 6022 2425 Christopher Clark Desehene Director, Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs ULS. Department of Energy Greetings Mr. Deschene: TAKE NOTICE and respond to the following truths: TAM hereafter perpetually known as Kalyon | 1 AM hereafter perpetually known as Akina Aitik-El Bey®, formally known as Freeman | Kuris-E] Bey©, formally known as Christine Eric Robinson®, pursuant to the Constructive } Allison Diane (Solomon) Robinson©, Notice and Proclamation of Nationality and | pursuant to the Constructive Notice and Declaration of New Appellation; Proclamation of Nationality and Declaration of New Appellation; ‘TAKE NOTICE THAT...We, Kaylon Airik-El Bey© and Akina Kuris-E] Bey®, the natural born aborigine blood of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON—the American Aborigine descendants of the Ancient OLMECS and AZTECS and the descendants of the CHATA, WASHA, YAMASSE, WASHITAW, ARAWAK, and KWAPA Ancestors and Autochthons of Amexem, now known as North America, South America, Central America, and the adjoining islands—deliver this ‘onstructive and Public Notice to bring forth the legal and lawful standing and status of the ‘AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON ‘Tribe, established under the authority of AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Ancestors, now filed with your office for the purpose of official notification of ‘American Aborigine nationality, “white” legal status, and existence and intent of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Tribe. The various tribal members of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Tribe are recognized through consanguinity, DNA tests, ancestral records, or affidavits of identity. The corpus of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Tribal Trust includes the Land of Amexem—North AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON TRIBAL TRUST CHARTA Page 1 of6 ‘CONSTRUCTIVE AND PUBLIC NOTICE South America, Central America, and the adjoining islands—and is perpetual with the duration of Mother Earth. AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT... This honorable, respectful, and proper Constructive and Public Notice formally notifies you of the eagerness and dedication of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Tribe to establish our lawful, political, and legal status and standing while coexisting within the territorial boundaries known to the world communities as the United States of America, Excerpt from AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON TRIBAL TRUST CHARTA TURTLE ISLAND LAKOFFICHI TERRITORY This Tribal Trust Charta is developed and organized by the ratification of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON TRIBAL TRUST CHARTA and is embodied and made complete by the People of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Tribe through the adoption of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Constitution as established by the Tribal Trust Charta of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON, ‘Autographed and Sealed by the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Tribal Trust Council members, hereafter referred to as the Calivo Cirele. ‘The Clans and Tribes of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON inhabit the ancestral territories of Turtle Island, or the LaKoffichi Territory, known to the world communities as North America, which is confirmed by the ratification of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Tribal Trust Charta Autographed and Sealed, recognized under customary Intemational Law, Noticed to and acknowledged by all of the following via United States Postal return receipts: the Commander in Chief of the United States via Certified Mail Number 7013 0600 0000 6022 2418; the Department of Energy, Tribal ‘and Intergovernmental Affairs, Office Of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs via Certified Mail number 7013 0600 0000 6022 2425; the Secretary General of the United Nations vvia Certified Mail number 7013 0600 0000 6022 2432; the Governor of the State of Texas via Certified Mail Number 7013 0600 0000 6022 2449; the Governor of the State of Missouri via Certified Mail Number 7013 0600 0000 6022 2456; the Texas Secretary of State via Certified Mail Number 7013 0600 0000 6022 2463; and the Missouri Secretary of State via Certified Mail Number 7014 1820 0000 7445 6623. The AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON People, by Tribal Trust Charta resolution of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Calivo Circle, provides documentation of history, nationality, identity, and standing as AMERICAN ABORIGINE, established herein via CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE AND PROCLAMATION OF NATIONALITY AND DECLARATION OF ABORIGINAL APPELLATION Noticed to and acknowledged by all of the aforementioned State offices, via United States Postal return receipts with the aforementioned Certified Mail Numbers. History, identity and American Aborigine standing for the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Tribe is also provided via the following: Racial Integrity Act of 1924, repealed in 1967; and the NAAIP International Affidavit and Notice of Constructive Fraud Identity Theft, Unlawful Conversion, AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON TRIBAL TRUST CHARTA Page 2 0f6 CONSTRUCTIVE AND PUBLIC NOTICE Economic Deception and Ethnic Cleansing Against American Aborigine People and Demand for Identity Correction (misidentification and genocide claims against the United States), Commerce Department file number 150387, sent via Certified Mail Numbers 7012 1010 0001 9134 1317 and 7012 1010 0001 9134 1300; and ancestral birth records All names, people, titles, and individuals stated within this trust are property of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Tribe, and are protected by the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON TRIBAL TRUST CHARTA perpetually, including, but not limited to: all physical and spiritual equity; all property—real and personal, absolute property, intellectual property, tangible and intangible property, visible and invisible property; commercial rights to property and all other assets and entitlements and cargo of the commercial vessels, or corporate fictions, known as FREEMAN ERIC ROBINSONO and CHRISTINE ALLISON DIANE (SOLOMON) ROBINSONG and all derivatives and variations thereof; and all property created and owned by Kal yon Airik-El Bey [Father] (formally known as Freeman Erie Robinson®) and Akina Kuris-El Bey [Mother] (formally known as Christine Allison Diane (Solomon) Robinson) including, but not limited to: [Offspring] Solomon Eric Kami Robinson®, now perpetually known as Gokou Kame-El Bey®; David Elijah Anthony Robinson®, now perpetually known as Nurw Dayved-El Bey; and Hannah Elisabeth Abigail Robinson, now perpetually known as Inu Hanu-El Bey®. All natural ands formally and currently inhabited by the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Tribe and lands located within the boundaries of the tribal territories of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Tribe, which are herein claimed as intellectual and real property of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON ‘TRIBAL TRUST CHARTA, including, but limited to: Texas, Missouri, Mississippi, Arkansas, ‘Tennessee, Louisiana, New York, Florida, and California: Beginning at the Latitude 48,220287° North and the Longitude 124.4834? West, thence South 88,63° East for 1,241,411.25 perches to the Latitude 46.873465° North and the Longitude 68.314147° West, thence South 30.5° West for 546,886.47 perches to the Latitude 25.547707° North and the Longitude 80.878322° West, thence ‘North 78.49° West for 819,919.05 perches to the Latitude 32.95480S° North and the Longitude 117.240523° West, thence North 25.38° West for 373,328.26 perches to the place of the Beginning, containing 2,581,325,245.203 acres, known to the communities of the world as AMERICA. The main location of the trust is within the LaKoffichi Territory, also known by some as , Texas, having the following metes and bounds: Beginning at the Latitude ‘North and the Longitude aa 1° West, thence due East for perches to the Latitude {IMEEENF® North and the Longitude IMIINININN1° West, thence due South for hom Sean to the Latitude 39NNNINEP North and the Longitude SME West, thence North [MB3° West for [P81.25 perches to the Latitude [338° North and the Longitude 1051° West, thence due North forll76.88 perches to the place of the Beginning, containing 654,768,826 acres. (Our American Aborigine Ancestors granted this Tribal Trust Charta upon the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON for the purpose of future incorporations and protections for the sustainable development and benefit of the People of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Tribe, issued and approved by said Tribe and subject to ratification by a vote of the members of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Calivo Circle, END EXCERPT. INTENT Its the intent of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Tribe to provide sacred and cultural knowledge necessary in rebuilding and perpetuating the ancient cultural ways while exercising our right to self-determination and sustainable economic, social, and cultural development required to AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON TRIBAL TRUST CHARTA Page 3 0f6 ‘CONSTRUCTIVE AND PUBLIC NOTICE exercise the sovereignty and integrity of the bloodlines of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Tribe. It is also the intent of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Tribe to enter into relations with other states. “The laws set up by men change and are amended from time to time; which makes them subject to corruption. However, Maxims, Common Law, Laws of Nature, and Divine Law are consistent and change not. Therefore, the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON use the aforementioned laws as the foundation in the creation of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON CONSTITUTION. The |AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Tribe shows “respect for the laws of foreign states, especially when those laws identify autochthons” rights within foreign jurisdictions.” AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON aboriginal rights are supported by: ‘© United Nations Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples on 14 December 1960, UN GA/Res 1514(XV); «Provisions of customary and Treaty-based International Law; «Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by the General Assembly A/61/L/67 September 7, 2007; United Nations Declaration of Indigenous Rights 2007; Universal Declaration of Human Rights; «49 Statute 3097 Treaty Series 881; © United States Executive Order 12803; Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act; International Organization Immunities Act December 9, 1945; © Sundry Free Moors Act of 1790, ‘The AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON ‘Tribal Trust Charta is established under the International Hague Trust Convention. In regard to the United Nations, this notice provides NAAIPi with appointed plenary authority and representation on behalf of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON ‘Tribe in a fiduciary role to benefit the members of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON tribe. This Constructive and Public Notice is presented by the following appointed representatives to establish this first Public Notice based on the abovementioned tribal declarations, the representatives are heretofore known as: Kalyon Airik-Fl Bey®, formally known as Freeman Erie Robinson© and Akina Kuris-E] Bey©, formally known as Christine Allison Diane Robinson© Of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Tribe whose clan families have endured years of fraud and destruction, with forced adherence to provisions of substandard in-humane existence because of the colonizing legacy of the United States of America. The continuance of degrading standards and theft of property and culture have resulted in the near annihilation of our people physically AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON TRIBAL TRUST CHARTA Page 4 of6 ‘CONSTRUCTIVE AND PUBLIC NOTICE and spiritually, and such acts are rejected by the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Tribal people from the beginning to the present. ‘The names, roll numbers, and other information provided to establish the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Tribal Trust, in accordance with the Hague Trust Convention, lends truth and validation of lawful and legal rights and status of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Tribes and clans of this Sacred Tribal Trust established via the provisions of American Indian Law, ‘Customary International Law, United States Law and the Law of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Ancestors. “Through the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Tribal Trust, all cultural and commercial activities, tribal owned lands, properties, and peoples shall be protected in accordance with the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Tribal Trust Charta’s Orders, Constitution, Declarations, Constructive Notices, ‘and other lawful constructs, with mutual understanding and in harmony with the United States of ‘America and the world. Therefore, by the authority vested in and granted to us, by our Ancient ‘Ancestors, and the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Tribe, we present this CONSTRUCTIVE and PUBLIC NOTICE to your office and to the world. This concludes this valid and CONSTRUCTIVE and PUBLIC NOTICE. Cc: Governor of the State of Texas Certified Mail number 7013 0600 0000 6022 2449 Ce: Governor of the State of Missouri Certified Mail number: 7013 0600 0000 6022 2456 Co: United States Commander in Chief Certified Mail Number 7013 0600 0000 6022 2418 Ce: United Nations Secretary General via Certified Mail number 7013 0600 0000 6022 2432 Ce: Texas Secretary of State via Certified Mail Number 7013 0600 0000 6022 2463 Ce: Missouri Secretary of State via Certified Mail Number 7014 1820 0000 7445 6623 ~ Additional Information Available Upon Request -~ Please send all correspondence o the address below: Akina Kuris-El Bey, Minko Imanumpeshi (Chief Secretary) of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTON TRIBE HEI Texos State Republic (MED AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON TRIBAL TRUST CHARTA Page 5 of 6 ‘CONSTRUCTIVE AND PUBLIC NOTICE Christine Allison Diane Robinson®, hereinafter tribally known as Akina Kuris-El Bey Minko Imanumpeshi (Chief Secretary) of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTON TRIBE NOTICE: Using a notary on this document does not constitute any adhesion, nor does it in any manner alter any legal status of any ofthe parties hereto, The purpose of @ notary is verification and identification only and not for entrance into any foreign jurisdiction JURAT State of Texas) dss. County of Denton) Declaring to be of sound mind, and under no duress, Freeman Brie Robinson, hereafter tribally known as Kal-yon Airik-El Bey© and Christine Allison Diane Robinson, hereafter tribally known as Akina Kuris-El Bey®, upon providing valid identifications to me, declare to be the age of majority, capable of making this Constructive and Public Notice, and that this, Constructive and Public Notiee is made with clean hands in good faith, with Explicit Reservation of Rights, acknowledging, executing and certifying this Constructive and Publie Notice to be true and correct tothe best of my knowledge pursuant to Law, except as to matters stated to be on information and belief, and as to those, believes those to be true, this 26th day of “March, in the year twp thousand, seventeen, Seal ‘A. DICKSON Notary Publi, State of Texas, My Commission Expites Sacer 358 Dec. 6 dort My commission Expires AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON TRIBAL TRUST CHARTA Page 6 of 6 CONSTRUCTIVE AND PUBLIC NOTICE AFFIDAVIT and CERTIFICATE OF MAILING We, KaLyon Airik-El Bey and Akina Kuris-El Bey, certify that on the 227 tay of March, in the year two thousand seventeen, the following documents were mailed to the recipients indicated below, by the following United States Postal Certified Mail Numbers: Trem | Document # Document Description Number # of pas T TPRLAT20670 Tonstrucive Notice and Proclamation of Nationality 7 ‘and Declaration of Aboriginal Appellation 7 TEARIDIOT Constructive Notie and Proclamation of Nationality 7 and Declaration of Aboriginal Appellation 3 — "AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON TRIBAL TRUST 6 CHARTA Constructive and Public Notice 7 —_ Constructive Notice and Declaration of First Tribal a Rolls of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON TRIBE Form ACM 170527 | Affidavit and Certificate of Mailing z Total of five documents with a combined total of thirty pages, including this Affidavit and Certificate of Mailing. Eric Greitens, Governor of the State of Missouri CERTIFIED MAIL 7013 0600 0000 6022 2456 Office of Missouri Governor P.O. Box 720 Jefferson City, Missouri 65102 Received: Item #1 Copy; Item #2 Copy; Item #3 Copy; Item #5 Original United States Commander in Chief CERTIFIED MAIL7013 0600 0000 6022 2418 Donald J. Trump The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW ‘Washington, District of Columbia 20500 Received: Item #1 Copy; Item #2 Copy; Item #3 Copy; Item #5 Copy United Nations Secretary General CERTIFIED MAIL 7013 0600 0000 6022 2432 ‘Secretary-General Antonio Guterres 405 Bast 42nd Street ‘New York, New York 10017 USA. Received: Item #1 Copy; Item #2 Copy; Item #3 Copy; Item #4 Copy; Item #5 Copy ‘Texas Secretary of State CERTIFIED MAIL 7013 0600 0000 6022 2463 ‘Texas Secretary of State, Rolando Pablos P.O. Box 12887 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2887 Received: Item #1 Original; lem #2 Original; Item #3 Original; Item #5 Original AFPIDAVIT and CERTIFICATE OF MAILING Form ACM 17-0327 Page 1 of2 Missouri Secretary of State CERTIFIED MAIL 7014 1820 0000 7445 6623 Jobin R. Asheroft £600 West Main Street Jefferson City, Missouri 65101 Received: Item #1 Copy; Item #2 Copy; Item #3 Copy: Item #5 Copy Office of the Governor CERTIFIED MAIL 7013 0600 0000 6022 2449 Governor of the State of Texas Greg Abbott P.O. Box 12428 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2428 Received: Item #1 Original; Item #2 Original; lem #3 Copy; Item #5 Original Christopher Clark Deschene CERTIFIED MAIL 7013 0600 0000 602.2425 Director, Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs, DOE Office of Indian Energy 1000 Independence Ave. SW Room 8E-060 Washington, District of Columbia 20585 Received: Item #1 Original; Item #2 Original; tem #3 Original; Item #4 Original; Item #5 Original John D. Krohn CERTIFIED MAIL 7015 1520 0000 2293 4168 Director of Intergovernmental and External Affairs Office of Congressional and Intergovemmental Affairs 1000 Independence Ave., SW ‘Washington, District of Columbia 20585 Received: Item #1 Copy; Item #2 Copy; Item #3 Copy: Item #4 Copy; Item #5 Copy We, KaLyon Airik-El Bey and Akina Kuris-E! Bey, being of sound mind and under no duress, affirm, certify and attest that the aforementioned documents were deposited atthe United States Postal Service, on the 2 7™ day of March, in the year two thousand seventeen, using the aforementioned Certified Mail Numbers. We now place our autographs and seals. Kbpe het Elbe KaLyon Airik-El Bey, American Aborigine Dhar, Karin Ef Bay Akina Kuris-EI Bey, American Aborigine AFFIDAVIT and CERTIFICATE OF MAILING Form ACM 17-0327 1% Complete items 1, 2, and 3 ‘Print your name and address onthe reverse {0 that we can return the card to you. 3LETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVER musi A Sinatue 18 Attach this card to the baok ofthe maiipioce, ‘or onthe front if space permits. Ths esd to Antonio Guferres United Nations Secretary General] 40s East Y2nd Street New fet, New York /0U7 Bb aiken ages Sioa Fonton i? ITYES, eer delvery acres No 5 Sovesipe Srenileeso wa IT gS me See ee 9590 9402 1755 6074 8968 2 Seca wcconiey Oferta Ei arbor ITH SSeS HED ES Ste omen Sen Sere 7013 Ob00 O000 bO2e 2432 | Reetcted Delivery PS Form S811, uy 2016 PSN SIONS — Donets Ratn Ros wplete items 1, 2, and 3. A. 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