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| iN 1g 28 8 «4907792 00K Paci 06282017-0151 RECORDER OF DEEDS CITY OF st. LOUIS, RECORDED-CERTIFIED ON 06/28/2017 3:24 PM SHARON QUIGLEY. CARPENTER [RECORDER OF DEEDS. "4907792 TITLE: Coasteyctive Notice agd Proclamaton Z Vator ali asd Deckratend phony nal Aapellatir., a ee ee GRANTOR (8): Ameyem patochthor Aacestors GRANTEE (8): Mute chthon Tarball Teerf- Ameren GRANTOR’S MAILING ADD) ——_ GRANTEE'S MAILING ADDRES! , Stas LEGAL DESCRIPTION: REFERENCE BOOK & PAGE NUMBER: 393-017 (ML 2/05) Notice by: Freeman Eric Robinson®, now perpetually known as KaLyon Airik-El Bey i! ER | cs state, (EG Zip cxempt/ Nonresident/ Non-Domestic/ Republic; Without the U.S. by order of lex domicilii (Al Moroc/ Amexem/ Washitaw Territory & Empire) Notice for: Greg Abbott, Governor of the State of Texas or the holder of the seat, P.O. Box 12428 ‘Austin, TX 78711-2428; Via Certified Mail No.: 7013 0600 0000 6022 2449, with return receipt Constructive Notice and Proclamation of Nationality and Declaration of Aboriginal Appellation All is Self. Know Thyself. ‘American Aborigine - Amexem Respectfully Sent to the Presently Ruling Powers (Beings Seen and Unseen) and All Elected United States of America Officials and Public Servants of Federal, State, City, and Municipal Governments, Personnel and Corporate Entities: HEAR YE, HEAR YE...[, Freeman Fric Robinson®, a man, with a sound mind, and under no duress, with pure intentions not to defraud, and of my own free will, proclaim my nationality as American ‘Aborigine. My Nationality as American Aborigine began at birth—the twelfth day of the sixth month in the year of nineteen seventy. Alll protections and rights of American Aborigines apply to Freeman Erie Robinson®, AS AN AMERICAN ABORIGINE. I, exercise the right to change my name in honor of my Ancestors ‘who are the true owners of the land called Amexem—now known as North America, Central America, South America, and the adjoining islands. As prisoners of war the ancient languages and customs of my ‘American Aborigine Ancestors were replaced with Christianity, which resulted in my parents giving me a Christian name Freeman Eric (Robinson®). This Christian name does not identify my heritage as an American Aborigine. Therefore, in order to honor my Ancestors’ customs and traditions, and to take my rightful status as an American Aborigine, I declare my new appellation to be perpetually known as KaLyon Airik-E] Bey©. ‘TAKE NOTICE THAT... I, now perpetually known as Kalyon Airik-EI Bey© proclaim my nationality as American Aborigine Having been blessed with several offspring, it has been a great joy watching them grow from birth to their teens. It gratifies me to see how they grow and mature physically, mentally, and spiritually. 1 AM amazed at how they master one skill after another, from sitting up, to crawling, to walking, to talking, to reading, and so forth, They are even at the point now where they are leaming to make decisions about their future education and careers. Constructive Notice and Proclamation of Nationality 17-KLA120670 Page 1of 7 As their father I realize that one day, they will be ready to leave the home to start their higher Jearning/technical training, their careers, and their own families. I will indeed be sad to see them leave; however, I will be more than happy for them because I know that they will be prepared and ready to do so. They will have reached the age of maturity. They will no longer be considered infants, depending on Daddy for everything they need. They will be mature men and women, making important decisions, governing their own affairs, and providing increase for themselves. I believe most fathers and mothers ‘want their offspring to be successful in life and even exceed what they have done. Around 46 years ago, my human soul entered this earthly three dimensional realm through a womb/portal ‘ofa woman, My human soul took on a flesh body as a vehicle to interact within this reality and space known as Earth, Just like my offspring, Itoo grew. I learned one skill after another until I came to the age of maturity and then left my father’s and mother’s home to start my own family. When I left, I was able to govern my own affairs. Ihad a career and was able to provide food, clothing, shelter, and the love needed for my new family. At the time of birth; being under duress from the State of Missouri owned institution, my mother and father where unaware of what the registration of Live Birth meant and what it would do to their offspring. ‘They were unaware that this registration was a contract with the State of Missouri and would make their offspring a ward of the state. They were unaware that the state would steal the name that they gave me and turn it into a Corporate Fiction and that the birth certificate is @ bond with an account number and is worth an estimated value believed to equal to what my energy output would produce over my life time here in this three-dimensional reality. They were unaware that the State of Missouri would overlay my physical (man) being with this Corporate Fiction that they created and bamboozled me into thinking that I am that Corporate Fiction. When truth is, the Corporate Fiction is an imitation body (to be worn for commercial practices), while the man is real flesh and blood—they are two separate entities. That day, my name, my body, my mind, and my soul were hijacked, stolen, and infiltrated by the State of Missouri and taken to the land and sea of commerce to be used as chattel property in slavery and human energy trafficking —which is in violation of my Human Rights. For the past 44 years or so I believed that I was this artificial Corporate Fiction, During this time I was considered an infant—a ward of the State (of Missouri). However, now I realize that I am not a Corporate Fiction. I AM an Autonomous Etemal Limitless Spirit Being of Light joined to a flesh and blood body. IAM a human being. [AM man, 1 AM real. I AM able to think and govern myself. I AM able to provide for my family (Nation) food, clothing, shelter, and love for generations to come. ‘The State of Missouri is not evil. They are only doing their job for those who are not capable to accepting responsibility for their own lives. I accept full responsibility for my life. When I came through that womb/portal over 46 years ago, I came with everything that Ineeded. There ‘was nothing missing. ‘The knowledge of who I am past, present, and future was/is in the DNA of my soul and became a part of the DNA of my mind and body. It is of my opinion, that the State/Presently Ruling Powers are aware of this and go through such a great task to reprogram our minds to forget who wwe are through the use of public education, television programing, radio waves, vaccinations, food, religion, business, slavery, and everything else they can put their hands on. The State/Presently Ruling, Powers do not want us to know who we really are—Autonomous Eternal Limitless Beings of Light joined toa flesh and blood body and that all of the answers that we need are already inside of us (not in some fictional state institution or religious character), Well [ have good news for you. | AM a Human Being—being fully Man/Flesh, Spirit, and Mind. 1 AM of the age of maturity. [AM a majority. I know who | AM. I AM not lost at sea. I AM not a Corporate Constructive Notice and Proclamation of Nationality 17-KLA120670 Page 2 of 7 Fiction. I AM not chattel, an infant, a ward of the state, stateless, a public charge or a minority. 1 AM not a piece of paper or a number. I AM not a servant, subject, slave or some else’s energy source. I AM Not a US/United States Citizen, as described in the 14 Amendment. AM an Autonomous Eternal Limitless Being of Light joined to a flesh and blood body. I and the Creator are one. I AM here on Earth as a man (flesh being with an eternal human soul) to experience all of the beauty that the Earth has to offer. TAKE NOTICE that the Cestui que vie has returned. { have returned with a new name/title, my true earthly Nationality, a sound mind, and at full maturity to reclaim all that was stolen from me. I have the power, will, authority, and duty to self-govern myself. So I demand that all of my stolen energy and resources be retumed to me. Equity will not suffer a wrong to be without a remedy. Tam free and at the end of the day being free or having freedom is all about having the ability to determine the use and distribution of my energy. The problem is, in the world I live in today, the State/Presently Ruling Powers (seen and unseen) want to control where my energy is being used. They don’t want me to have control of my energy and where itis used, Why don’t they want me to have control and power to use my energy for myself? Because they know the true power of the human soul. The hhuman soul is eternal. It is an everlasting source of energy with abilities that are beyond imagination. Human souls have the ability to create. Yes, create as in God-creating abilities. Since these entities want to control the human soul so badly, in my opinion, it makes me believe that they don’t have eternal souls. ‘They are mortal and are limited in power. They don’t have the ability to create like human souls, That is why everything they create is an imitation of the real thing. ‘These entities use technology to do what a human soul can do naturally. ‘They also get human souls to rely on technology so that there would less chance for them to become aware of who they are and their true potential as an eternal source of energy. The true issue isn’t about government control, religion, corporations, or race: although, the Melanated Aboriginal Peoples have been unfairly treated in Amexem since the arrival of the European, with no official apology with reparations made, The real issue is about energy. Our energy is being taking from us physically, mentally, and spiritually. Our body, mind and spirit is being attacked relentlessly every day. We don’t have time to breath or recuperate from day to day. And those who are labeled African ‘American have it even worse, They have to work twice/thrice as hard and still are not guaranteed the job or the loan or just plain fair service. They are constantly battered by the police, put in jail, led to about their true history and Ancestors, not given the best opportunities in education, and so forth. Furthermore, governments (and corporations ie, United States) use statutes, codes, and man-made laws to place restrictions on the God-given rights and freedoms of men and women. Although these restrictions have been villainized and used to do much damage to the families around the world, they have their place; for out of restriction comes a true appreciation and respect for FREEDOM. LET THE RECORDS SHOW that I, Kaylon Airik-E] Bey®, have no quarrels or animosity with the United States government/corporation or any government of the world. Governments and their statutes, codes, and corporate or foreign laws are needed to govern the Lawless; but, I AM Lawful and respect the rights and viewpoints of others. Everything that [need to govern myself and that determines who Lam. came with my soul DNA through the portal/womb over 46 years ago. Therefore, my Word (Law) is all that I need to make any claim, So, in proclaiming my Nationality as American Aborigine, I remove myself from the jurisdictions of the UNITED STATES, STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF| CITY —_—_, and all other jurisdictions of institutions/corporations; as an American Aborigine, submit to the jurisdiction of Self and the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Tribe, As the Elected Officials and Public Servants of Federal, State, City, and Municipal Governments, you hhave been entrusted with land from my Primogenitors, for my beneficial use. The roles were switched Constructive Notice and Proclamation of Nationality 17-KLA120670 Page 3 of 7 along the way, and without full disclosure, I was made the fiduciary of my estate. Today, LET THE RECORDS SHOW, that I resign as fiduciary trustee of FREEMAN ERIC ROBINSONO and I claim my rightful role as Beneficiary of FREEMAN ERIC ROBINSON®. And I have a vested right to the enjoyment of the vested interest in the aforementioned estate/trusts. This Construetive Notice and Proclamation of Nationality and Declaration of Aboriginal Appellation is siving notice that I AM of the age of maturity and majority. That I, being of sound mind, am able to determine where and when to use my God-given eternal energy. My soul/energy is Creator energy. And alone, have the power to lay it down and take it up again. What I bind on earth will be bound in heaven. What I loose on earth will be loosed in heaven, Oral family history, genealogical records, consanguinity, and my DNA substantiate that my ancestry is rich in cultural diversity, and that my Ancestors are from the land of Amexem. My mother’s and father's lineages runs deep in the American Aborigine tribes and covers the territories of North American, South America and Central America, My Ancestors owned these lands long before the Europeans came and ‘occupied these lands. Although we have this great history rich in diversity, my race has been misidentified, in the past, as Negro, Colored, Black, and African American. LET THE RECORDS SHOW THAT... | AM NOT Negro, Colored, Black, or African American. I proclaim my race to be HUMAN, and for your records my legal status is White. | also proclaim that the land Amexem, the Americas, belongs to me and my descendants forever, through the maxims of Equity: Between equal ‘equities the first in order of time shall prevail; Equity will not allow a statute to be used as a cloak for fraud; Equity regards the beneficiary as the true owner. LET THE RECORDS SHOW that no one in Heaven and on Earth can tell me who I AM or use adjectives to describe my three-dimensional appearance and that these lands belong to the American Aborigine people—my Ancestors and descendants. renounce and deny FOREVER all allegiance and fidelity to the UNITED STATES, to the flag of the UNITED STATES, and to any domestic or foreign Kings, Queens, Princes, Potentates, and States. I renounce and deny FOREVER United States citizenship. I also renounce and deny any memberships or allegiances to any and all gods, religions, and churches, including the Roman Catholic Church, Jesus Christ, YHWH, Allah, Mohammed, the Pope, etc. I make this solemn proclamation conscientiously knowing it to be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I exercise my right to abstain from all religions, because when I was a child, I thought as a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things. Allah, Jesus Christ, YHWH, and other gods are unnecessary when one realizes I AM (the power within). ‘The name, Freeman Eric Robinson® (given at birth), was written in all capital letters, FREEMAN ERIC ROBINSON, with the registration of Live Birth in the State of Missouri, and changed to a corpse (corporation), to provide me a vessel to do commerce in this world, 1 thought that simply receiving the full faith and credit for those names was enough to set me free. But now I know that I must lay that name to rest. I view this entity as dead, just as the Federal and State governments do. FREEMAN ERIC ROBINSONO and all derivatives is dead. My birth name, represents the old me, the crucified me, the dead me. This Constructive Notice and Proclamation of Nationality and Declaration of Aboriginal Appellation was created to set the record straight about who I AM, So, today I bury Freeman Eric Robinson, which ported from my mother on the twelfth of the sixth ‘month in the year nineteen seventy. And today, IAM reborn a new man, Kalyon Airik-El Bey®, an Autonomous Eternal Limitless Being of Light joined to a flesh and blood body, with Abundance as one of my many birthrights. I declare my nationality as American Aborigine; and I change my nameltitle to Constructive Notice and Proclamation of Nationality 17-KLA120670 Page 4 of 7 KaLyon Airik-E] Bey®, not to defraud anyone, but to honor my Ancestors, who are indigenous to the Americas over 28,000 years ago. 1, KaLyon Airik-El Bey®, acknowledge, claim and possess, by said Inheritance and Primogeniture, the Freehold Estate of the Lands of my American Aborigine Ancestors including all Unalienable and Substantive Rights, to Be, to Enjoy, and to Act, distinct in my Aboriginal Customs and Culture: and to determine my own political, social, and economic status of my Estate, while turning my heart and mind back to my Fore-Mothers and Fore-Fathers, by Divine and Natural Right. Being American Aborigine, we have and possess the internationally recognized Rights to determine our own status. Further note, I hereby return and reject al liability of the corporate fiction of the chattel branded, 14th Amendment U.S. Citizen, Person, Corporation, known as FREEMAN ERIC ROBINSONC, FREEMAN E. ROBINSON®, FREEMAN ROBINSON® and all derivatives and variations thereof. 1, KaLyon Airik-El Bey®, hereby declare that all physical and spiritual equity, all property (not limited to real and personal, absolute, intellectual, tangible and intangible, visible and invisible), commercial rights to property and all other assets and entitlements and cargo of the commereial vessel, or corporate fiction, known as FREEMAN ERIC ROBINSONG; FREEMAN E. ROBINSON©; FREEMAN ROBINSON©; ROBINSON, FREEMAN ERICO; ROBINSON, F. ERICC and all derivatives and variations thereof, are now the property of KaL yon Airik-Fl BeyO; as I AM the only Authorized Agent and Beneficiary of the commercial vessel with full control, and hold a Superior interest with rights and interest of claim because Equity regards the beneficiary as the true owner. I reserve the tight to use the previously mentioned commercial vessel, in commerce, upon my discretion. 1, KaLyon Airik-E] Bey®, Proclaim and Possess the Unalienable, Substantive Rights and Birthright Inheritance tomy American Aborigine Appellation and Nationality through my Ancestors; and I have, claim and possess the Secured Rights to participate in commerce, and Travel upon the public roadways, byways and highways of our continental union states of America (the Organic Land), also known as the United States of America Republic, absent of foreign, colored or imposed excise taxation constructs invented by the States’ Legislators. A freedom cannot be turned into a commercial activity. There are many, many laws that support my rights as an American Aborigine. All of my rights are substantiated and supported by the following laws, and not limited to: © United States Executive Order 13107 ‘+ United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples ‘The United Nations Charter Universal Declaration of Human Rights Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act Sundry Free Moors Act of 1790 Treaty-based Intemational Law Asan American Aborigine, 1 AM Private and Self-Governed, by The Laws of Nature; Divine Law; Universal and Cosmic Law; and pledge my allegiance to the Constitution, the Great Seal, and the Flag of the AMEXEM AUTOCHTHON Tribe. I, Kalyon Airik-El Bey®, as an American Aborigine, have a Constitutional and Lawful, NON-OBLIGATORY tax status, as opposed to having an Exempt tax status (See the United States Constitution Article 1 referring to Indians not taxed); and maintain respect for every state including the UNITED STATES, its members, its laws, its ordinances, its codes, its customs, its citizens and its traditions. American Aborigines do not fall under the jurisdiction of the United States or the Internal Revenue Service due to our Autochthonous Status. Constructive Notice and Proclamation of Nationality 17-KLA120670 Page Sof 7 Wherefore all parties of interest are authorized by this Constructive Notice and Proclamation of Nationality and Declaration of Aboriginal Appellation, to honor all Substantive Rights reserved for, and to, Kal yon Airik-El Bey®, a Free, Private American Aborigine. All Elected United States of America Officials and Public Servants of Federal, State, City. and Municipal Governments, Personnel and Corporate Entities are to enlist all available and appropriate measures to ensure, and assure, that all My Substantive Rights and Constitutionally secured Rights and Immunities are not violated, not breached, nor abridged. The Natural Being, KaLyon Airik-El Bey© is not to be Arrested nor held for Detention under any circumstances! All those who trespass upon my unalienable rights agree to pay KaLyon Airik-El Bey© one hundred thousand (100,000) ounces of fine .999 silver per offense per person. KaLyon Airik-El Bey® is NON-OBLIGATORY and thus Exempt from Customs, Tarif, Taxation, Owner in Fee permit-deception Constructs, and from any other hindrance or restriction of His Freedoms, Allodial Properties, Compensations, Rights of Travel, or Freedom of Movement on, in, or within, any member or non-member States of the united States of America, ete. The American Aborigine, KaLyon Airik -El Bey®, bearer of this Constructive Notice and Proclamation of Nationality and Declaration of Aboriginal Appellation, is to be treated with all due Respect and in Honor. A freedom cannot be turned into a commercial activity. THIS PROCLAMATION IS LAW. All available and appropriate measures are to be taken to prevent injustice, harm, false arrest, trumped -up charges, or attack on Kal yon Airik - El Bey'sO Physical Body, Property, Personality, Conveyances, Freedoms, and Dignity. Any contracts or agreements entered into while FREEMAN ERIC ROBINSONO was considered an infant, black, Aftican American, a minority, a US Citizen, or a Ward of the State are NULL and VOID ab initio, because they were entered into unknowingly, involuntarily, unwillingly, or unintentionally by a minority who was not age to contract. I do not accept any actual or implied liabilities associated with any compelled benefits of any unrevealed or deceptively-imposed commercial contracts 1, KaLyon Airik-E] Bey®, pledge my National and Political Allegiance to my American Aborigine Nation and being duly Affirmed under Consanguinity; do solemnly, sincerely affirm that the facts contained in this Constructive Notice and Proclamation of Nationality and Declaration of Aboriginal Appellation, by Affirmed Affidavit, are true, to the best of my knowledge, Culture, Customs and Belief’; being actual, correct, not misleading, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented, colored or improper use or purpose; MY WORD BEING THE TRUTH; I place my autograph and seal. Formally known as Freeman Eric Robinson Private American Aborigine All Rights Reserved. Without Prejudice. Constructive Notice and Proclamation of Nationality 17-KLA120670 Page 6 of 7 DEFINITIONS: Acknowledge means to own as a benefit; o receive with respect; to confirm receipt of. ‘Adjudicated means determined finally. American Aborigine means the original melanin-dominant inhabitants of Amexem, distinguished from invaders, explorers, colonists, or pale-face Europeans. Amexem means North America, South America, Central America, including the adjoining Islands. Appellation means a name; a ttl. ‘Competent means duly qualified; having sufficient ability or authority Consanguinity means kinship; blood relationship; relation of people descended from common ancestors. Duly means in proper form or manner; upon a proper foundation. Freehold Estate means an estate in land, or other real property, held for life, and passed on through inheritance, Possess means to have a just right to; to own or be entitled to. Primogeniture means the right of the eldest son to inherit the estate of his father and mother. Represent means to depict; to portray; to symbolize; to stand for. Standing means to remain resolute or firm; to continue unchanged or valid; to appear in court. Status means position or condition with regard to law. Substantive means having a real existence; actual; essential. Ce: Department of Energy Certified Mail number 7013 0600 0000 6022 2425 Ce: Governor of the State of Missouri Certified Mail number: 7013 0600 0000 6022 2456 ‘Ce: United States Commander in Chief Certified Mail Number 7013 0600 0000 6022 2418 Ce: United Nations Secretary General via Certified Mail number 7013 0600 0000 6022 2432 ‘exas Secretary of State via Certified Mail Number 7013 0600 0000 6022 2463 Ce: Missouri Secretary of State via Certified Mail Number 7014 1820 0000 7445 6623 NOTICE: Using a notary on this document does not constitute any adhesion, nor does it in any manner alter any legal status of any of the parties hereto. The purpose of a notary is verification and identification ‘only and not for entrance into any foreign jurisdiction. JURAT State of Texas) dss. County of Denton) Declaring to be of sound mind, and under no duress, Freeman Erie Robinson©, now perpetually known as Kal yon Airik-El 'Bey®, upon providing valid identifications to me, declares to be the age of majority, one eapable of making this “Constructive Notice and Proclamation of Nationality and Declaration of Aboriginal Appellation”, and that this instrument is made with clean hands in good faith, with Explicit Reservation of Rights, acknowledging, executing and certifying this “Constructive Notice and Proclamation of Nationalin ‘aration of Aboriginal Appellation” to be true and correct to the best of my knowledge pursuant to Law, except as to matters stated to be on information and belief, and as to those, believes those to , rue, this 26th day of March, in the year two thousand, seventeen. Notary Stamp ‘A. DICKSON notary Hub Sane ot Tonos eae iy isin ap comber 66,2017 ec. 6% LolT Ec a0 ees Constructive Notice and Proclamation of Nationality 17-KLA120670 Page 7 of 7 2 a 8 8 gs z 2 &

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