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2; NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MATHS III QUESTION PAPERS CESF NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CALICUT ‘ Department of Mathematics $3 B.Tech. First Test Series, August 2012 MA2001 Mathematics UT ‘Time; | Hour ‘Answer ALL Questions. Use of statistical tables permitted, Max. marks: 20 1, (i) Define random variable. (ii) Define cumulative distribution function of a random: variable and state some important properties. @ 2. Suppose that airplane engines will fail, when in flight, with probability 1—p independently from engine to engine, If an airplane needs a majority of engines operative to make a successful flight, for what values of p is a five engine plane preferable to @ three engine plane? 6) 3. A consignment of 12 electric motors contains 3 defectives. If 4 motors are randomly selected (without replacement) from this consignment, find the expected number of defective motors in the sample. @) 4. The probability that an electric component will fail in less than 1000 hours of continuous use is 0.25. Use the Normal approximation to find the probability that among 200 such components fewer than 45 will fail in less than 1000 hours of continuous use. : ® 5. Introduce the Gamma random variable and derive its expectation. @ 6. State Chebyshev’s theorem. If X is a Normal random variable with mean 1 and standard , deviation ¢, demonstrate that Chebyshev’s theorem holds for k = 2. -onin ee Pa es ie aa heey Of waiting time of busses «ta given junction shows that the waiting time fullows a normal distribution swish mean (J) 2 minutes and standard deviation (0) |.2 minutes. For a sample of sine 45 of these waiting times, find the probability that the mean of this sample will lie between 1.4 and 2.5 minutes. (b) Iftwo independent random samples of equal size 8 came from normal population having same variance, ‘what is the probability that either sample variance w/l) be at least 7 times as large as the other? a 3. A paint manufacturer wants to determine the average drying time of new interior wall paint. IF for 12 tes ‘areas of equal size, he obtained a mean drying timne of 65.3 minuves «nd-a standard deviation of8.4 minutes, construct a 95% confidence interval for the trac eneary 44. Q “4. (a) Define Type Land Type I errors. (>) Samples of two different brands of light bulls were tested for life-length and the following deta were recorded: Brand X: Sample size n= 7, Mean ® = 891 hrs, Variance 5?=9201 hrs. Brand Y: Sample size m= 10, Mean = 592 hrs, Variance s¢= 4856 hrs. Can this data be an evidence to say that variability in life-tengehs of Brand X bulbs is more than variability ‘in life-lengths of Brand Y bulbs? Assume normality, Use 5% level of significance. o 5. Samples of two different types of television picture tubes were tested for length of fife and follawing data were obtained. ‘Type !: Sample size ny =8, Mean Fy = 1234 hes, $.D. 5; = 36 hrs ‘Type ll: Sample size n; = 7, Mean = 1036 hrs, $.D, s,=40 hrs. Js the difference in the means sufficient to warrant that Type 1 is superior to Type Il regarding length of life? Assume that populations sampled are normal with same variance. Use 1% level of significance? (3) survey of 70 business firms, it was found that 45 ore planning to expand thei eapaiities Wext year fe information contradict the fyypateis that 70% of the firms are planning ur conclusions at 5% level of significance. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CALICUT. Department of Mathematics 83 B.Tech, Second Test Series, October 2012 MA 2001 Mathematics IT Time; 1 Hour Answer ALL Questions. Use of statistical tables permitted. Max. marks: 20 1. a) If 1, x.—.%q) is a random sample of size n taken from a population with pdf F@)=(+A)x", 0 0, find the maximum tikelthood estimator for fL b) Let {56, 78, 14, 28, 66, 98} be a random sample drawn from the following distribution: 1 F@) 12.--+0. Find the maximum likelihood estimate of N. otherwise “ 2. If {&,. x2.%3} is a randomsample taken from a Poisson population with parameter A Tind mean, and variance of the statistic t = "3" Is ¢ an unbissed-estimator for 2 2 3. Describe significance level of a statistical hypothesis test, @ 4, 78 runs with six models ofan experimental engine showed that they operated for24, 28, 21,23, 32 and 22 minutes with a gallon of a certain kind of fuel. Ifthe probability of a type I ecror is t0 be at most 0.01, is this evidence against a hypothesis that on the average this kind of engine willl ‘operate for at least 29 minutes per gallon with this kind of fuel? Assume normality. e 5. A potential buyer of fluorescent lamp bought SO lumps each of two orands, A and BL Upon | ‘esting the lamps, he found that the brand A had a mean life of 1282 brs with a SD of $0 hrs, whereas the brand B had a mean fife of 1208 hrs with a S.D. of 94 rs. AtS% level. can the buyer conclude that both brands have the same mean life? ®) 6. The manufacturer of a precision measuring instrument wishes t Know about the standard deviation in the use of the instrument, An analyst uses the instrument eight times and obtains a sample standard deviation of 0.0006 inch. Compute a 99% confidence interval for the trae ; 2 7. The following are the buming times of chemical flares of samples taken from nwo different formulations. The design engineers are interested in both the mean and variance of the bumine ‘times. Typel : 65 81 57 66 82 9 67 599 7S Typell : 64 71° $3 S9 65 36 69 74 82 79 ‘Test the hypothesis that the population variances are-equal, Use a = 0.1. National Institute of Technology Calicut Department of Mathematics ‘Third Semester B.Tech End Semester Examination, November 2008 MAU 201 — Mathematics 11 ‘Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 50 [Statistical Tables are permitted] 1. Acontinuous random variable X has a pdf f(x) = 3 x osx st Find a and b such that @ P(X a), and (ii) P(X > b) = 0.05. By 2, Define Hypergcometric distribution. Hence obtain its mean, 2 3. Define uniform distribution on the interval ax <. ‘Obtain its moment generating function. 2) 4. Ina Normal distribution. 796 of the items are below 35 and 899% of the items are below 63. Find the mean and variance of the Normal distribution. 3] 5, Suppose we have a random sample of size 2n from a population having mean. and variance 1 $34, be two estimators of 42. nit sry Pees = a’. Let X= DX, and X, 2n fa (1s X, and ¥, unbiased estimators of 2, and @ Which one is a more efficient _ ‘estimator of 44? ‘ vi © From a Normal population. (4 2), arandom samnple of size 91is drawn. o? = 4 and a =0.05 determine a test criterion to test H=20 against 4. >20° power of the test when = 21. a 7. Am opinion poll is conducted among, the residents of a town and the su determine whether a chemical plant should be constructed. If 120 of 200 ‘of 500 county residents favour the proposal, determine whether the favoring the proposal is 3 percentage higher than the percentage of coun Use a = 0.05. ‘Engineers, testing a new are wel 12 technique, classified appearance and X - ray inspection as given below. ai 9, Vita Poisson distribution to the following data and test for goodness of fit at 0.01 Jevel of Significance. No of defectives La 1 2 3 4 s . : Frequency Tae 13 13 8 4 3 [4] explain how you will fit acurve y= ax’ toa set of n points (Xi yD, = 1,2 «+. +m by ' method of least squares. 1h, The two regression lines of the variables x and y are 5x ~ 6y + 90 = 0 and 15x— 8y -130=0. ( entify the regression lines of y onx and x ony? , and (ii) Obtain the mean of x and y. [2] 12. A chemical engineer is investigating the effect of process operating temperature on product yield. ‘The study results in the following data: ‘Temperature, °C (x) :100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 Yield, % (yi 4S SL 54 61 66 70 7 7 85 89 (i Fit a least square line which will enable the engineer to estimate the product yield for a given operating temperature. Hence estimate the product yield when process operating temperature equals 135°C. Determine a 95% confidence interval of the slope i of the fitted regression line, and Gii)Test whether p = 0.9 at 1% level. (6) 13. Table given below reports the words per minute typed on different brands of electronic typewriters by randomly assigned individuals with no prior experience on these machines, after the same amount of instruction. Using ANOVA technique, test the mull hypothesis that the mean words per minute achieved for the three machines is not Lu is significance. Typewriter brand ‘Number of words per minute Ay 62 Ar T2 Ay 79 14, The following data represents the number of units of pro different workmen using 4 different types pf machine a a A dething manatactarer wane to determine which of the 4 different needle desig : 7 M5 7 designs is best for Re ees eee he ee emer iets Hors bn ee eae operon, cherens represent the machines, letters represent needles) the mamufactorer Goths te aunbex Of icles gaacal te cad tk rd cds vis ts Sg a First week at. 7 | | | ] ] {247 |B | a-23 (0-72 | leeterte. | O74 457 22 | D715} | | As2 | o95 | D57 | B15 | ne | D-22 } 1} t ; je10 | ps | css | A52| | 433 | C75 | D-53 | B31 1 } | ning 506 level of significance deermine whether there is 2 difference im the effectiveness Of the mecdles, Alas determine whether there are significant differences attributable to the operators and machines. . The number, of customers who visit a show room on bigear! 2 particular day is a random variable and variance 6.25. With what probability we can assert that there will be ‘more than 8 but fewer than 28 customers? eo 2. The joint density function of two random variables X and ¥ is given by fa y=] ely 0 150 using the significance level @ = 0.05, determine the probability of commiting Type-U errorwhen p= 160. os ‘An experiment is performed to determine whether the averige | ft of ci ete es “ 42 61 39 S.7 271 304 25.0 29.7 11. A coin is tossed until head ocurs and the number of tosses (X) recorded. After repeating the experiment 256 times, the following results were obtained, at 5% level of significance that the observed distribution vof X may be C0) fitted by geometric distribution with parameter, p= > 12. Given the yields per hectare of four different seeds varieties grown on lots treated with three different types of ‘fertilizers, Test at 5% level of significance whether there is crops. a ‘significance difference in yields per hectare (a) due to fertilizers (b) duc to a level of significance. (6) Perform analysis of variance and draw your conclusions at 1% 14, Briefly describe with necessary assumptions, the method of ‘analysis of covariance. Q) seeenesa beens NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GALICUT Department of Mathomatics $3B.Tech. End Semoster Examinations, November 2012 MA2001 Mathematics IT Time: 3 Hours. Answer ALL Questions. Use of statistical tables permitted. Max. marks: 50 @ ‘and B shoot independently until each has hit his own target. The probabilities oftheir hitting the target at each shot aez and > respectively. Find the probability that B will require more shots than A. @) \2.) Define Weibull probability distribution, If X is a Weibull random variable, obtain P[ X > x J, where x is any real number. f (3) | 3. / The length of time for one individual to be served at a restaurant in a city is a random variable having an Nfs exponential distribution with mean of § minutes. Find the probability that a person is served in less than 4 Minutes on at least 5 of the next 7 days, C (3) ¢) Letp be the probabiity that @ coin wil fll head ina single toss. In order to fest He: p => against Hi: p=3, ¢ the ooin is tossed 5 times and Hy is rejected if more than 3 heads are obtained. Find (!) the probability of type | error and (i) power of the test (3) ~The breaking strength of a textile fiber is a normally distributed random variable. A random sample of 15 fiber specimens is selected and their breaking strengths calculated. The sample mean and sample variance are 152.18 and 16.63 respectively. Construct 95% two sided confidence interval for the mean breaking strength the textle fiber. (2) &. Two catalysts are being analyzed to determine how they.affect the mean yield of a chemical process. Pilot ~~ plant data yields the following: Catalyst 1: 2, = 91.73, s? = 3,89 Catalyst 2: np = 8, X, = 93.75, s} = 4.02 Test whether there is a difference in mean yields due to catalysts, at 5% significance level. (3) 7. Ifrandom sample of size n = 10 from a normal population has the mean x = 312 and variance s? = 145, test. the null hypothesis «? = 100 against the alternative hypothesis o? > 100 , at 1% significance level. (2) _78. A total of n = 309 furniture defects were recorded and the defects were classified in to four types A, B, C, and D. Also each piece of furniture was identified by the production shift in which it was manufactured. These counts are presented in the folowing table, | Type of defects Shift 1 Shin2 “| Shit3 | Total A 15 26 33 4 B 2 3t Tr 69 One 45 34 49 | 128 D 13 5 20 38 Total 94 96 119 Use Chi-square statistic, al level of significance a = 0.01, to fest whether the type of furniture defect varies with the shift during which the piece of furniture is produced, i ae ¢ [P.T.0] | xe ica Sah a {na large city A, 20 percent of a random sample of 900 school boys-had a slight physical defect. In another A large city B, 18.5 percent of a random sample 1600 school boys had the same defect. Is the difference between proportions significant at 5% significant fevel? @ {(40.)A quaity contro engineer takes daly samples of n= 4 tractors coming out off an assembly line and on 200 consecutive working days the data summarized in the following table are obtained. Number requiring adjustments: 0 2 3 Number of days 3 01-79 19 1 tis claimed that 10% of the tractors coming off this assembly line require adjustments, At 0.01 level of significance, test whether this claim is true? 4) 11. Explain the method of least squares for curve fitting. Fit an exponential curve using the method of least ‘squares to the following data. x 25 $0 7 100 12 «46150 175 200 y: 16 28 23 2 v0 32 4 42 @ 12, Define correlation coefficient p between two random variables and state some of its properties. (2) 13. Calculate the correlation coefficient forthe folowing data and hence construct 95% confidence interval for population correlation coefficient. ? x «115125 «185 «2007575100 yo 2 ae 0” as B) 414, Introduce one way classification (completely randomized) design of experiments and describe different steps in the analysis of the modal. @ "The following-are the cholesterol contents in miligrams per package that four laboratories obtained for 400 gms packages of three similar diet foods. Diet food 1 | Dietiood2 | Diet food S Laboratory 34 26 28 Laboratory 2 30 20 Saas Laboratory 3 33 30 34 Laboratory 4 35 Ie Wadd ane ‘Perform appropriate analysis of variance at 0.05 level of significance. Fcrafea ose jog rele 1 Cah Sas ane 0) wo caeace Thc EUR denote the treatments and the figures in brackets denote the observations. Column t | Goluma2 [Column 3 Row 4 A(t s Row2 Di Bt ; ‘Row. B12)

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