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Math 360 Assignment 1

Zachary Eman
8 September 2017

: We see [x, y]n,k := ni=1 xi yi n+k i=1 xi (gy)i = hx, gyi.
P P Pn Pn+k Pn+k
1.1 i=n+1 xi yi = i=1 xi (yi )+ i=n+1 xi (yi ) =
We can therefore restate the denition of O(n, k) as the set of matrices A such that hAx, g(Ay)i = hx, gyi
for all vectors x, y Rn+k . Now, hAu, vi = hu, AT vi for any real matrix and vectors, so in particular the
condition becomes hx, gyi = hAx, gAyi = hx, AT gAyi. This can hold for all x, y only if AT gA = g . This is
equivalent to g 1 AT g = A1 . Since g is self-inverse, the criterion becomes gAT g = A1 as desired.

: We see (x, y) = ni=i xi yn+i + 2n i=1 xi (y)i = hx, yi. The arguments of
1.2 i=n+1 xi (yin ) =
the previous exercise now show that Sp(n; R) is the set of matrices A such that 1 AT = A1 . In this
case, 1 = , yielding the desired criterion AT = A1
a b
1.3: By the previous problem, SpR (1) = {A GLR (2)| A = A }. Writing A = , the
T 1

      c d 
0 1 a c 0 1 d b d b
condition becomes 1
= adbc . The left-hand product equals ,
1 0 b d 1 0 c a c a
so clearly the equation holds just if adbc = det(A) = 1. This exactly the condition for A to be in SLR (2), so
we conclude SpR (1) = SLR (2) as subsets of GLR (2). The exact same reasoning also shows SpC (1) = SLC (2).
Finally, Sp(1) := SpC (1) U (2) = SLC (2) U(2) =: SU(2).

1.4: Assume A O(2). The column vectors c1 , c2 of A are orthonormal, so in particular hc1 , c1 i = 1. We can
thus write c1 in polar form (cos , sin )T for some angle . The set of vectors orthogonal to a nonzero vector
in R2 forms a 1-dimensional subspace  of R . (
 sin ,cos ) is orthogonal to c1 , so c2 = ( sin , cos )

sin sin
for some . But 1 = hc2 , c2 i = h , i = 2 , so = 1. We conclude A is of the form
cos cos
cos sin cos sin
or . Any matrix of this form has orthonormal columns, so the condition is
sin cos sin cos
necessary and sucient.
Now, let A be a matrix in SO(2). Since SO(2) O(2), A is of one of the two above forms. If it were of
the second form has
 determinant  cos sin = 1 and so would not be in SO(2). Therefore A must
2 2

cos sin
be expressible as . Any matrix of this form has orthonormal columns and determinant 1, so
sin cos
the condition is necessary and sucient.

1.6 : Let U have an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors u1 , ..., un , v1 , ..., vn satisfying

Jui = vi

i i R : U ui = eii ui , U vi = eii vi
(ui , vj ) = 0, (ui , uj ) = (vi , vj ) = ij
We prove that U is unitary by showing that it preserves the inner product of basis eigenvectors. We compute
hU ui , U uj i = heii ui , eij uj i = ei(j i ) ij = ij

hU ui , U vj i = heii ui , eii vj i = 0
hU vi , U vj i = heii vi , eij vj i = ei(i i j ij = ij
By conjugate linearity of the inner product, U preserves the inner product of any two vectors and is in U(2n).
To prove that U Sp(n) we perform analogous computations for :
(U ui , U uj ) = (eii ui , eij uj ) = ei(i +j ) (ui , uj ) = 0 = (ui , uj )

(U vi , U vj ) = (eii vi , eij vj ) = ei(i +j ) (vi , vj ) = 0 = (vi , vj )

(U ui , U vj ) = (eii ui , eij vj ) = ei(i j ) (ui , vj ) = ij = (ui , vj )
(U vi , U uj ) = (U uj , U vi ) = (uj , vi ) = (vi , uj )
where the skew-symmetry of is exploited in the nal case. Since is bilinear, U preserves its operation
on any two vectors and is in Sp(n).

1.9 : We rst note that since a is irrational, |Ea | = : suppose for the sake of contradiction otherwise.
Ea is generated by g = e2ia and so is cyclic. If it were nite, there would be some m with g m = e2ima = 1.
But then ma would be an integer l, and a = l/m would be rational. We note additionally that for any
, [0, 2), |ei ei | | |. Now, let p S 1 and take  > 0. Select N N such that 2/N <  and
divide the circle into intervals Ik = {ei |N k < N (k + 1)} for k = 0, 1, .., N 1. The Ik are disjoint and
cover S 1 , so by the innite pigeonhole principle there is some index m such that innitely many elements
of Ea lie in Im . Take a1 = e2ian1 , a2 = e2ian2 Ea Ik two such elements. We may represent them in the
form a1 = ei1 , a2 = ei2 with 1 , 2 Ik . Consequently |a1 a2 | |1 2 | < 2/N < . We have also
|1a11 a2 | = |a1 (a1 a2 )| = |a1 ||a1 a2 | = |a1a2 | < . Write a1 a2 = a. For each n N, write a = e
1 1 1 n in

with n [0, 2). Let n be minimal such that n < n1 . Then the intervals In = {e |n < n+1 } cover

S 1 and have width less than . Therefore, if p Ik , |p ak | <  as needed.

an bn a b
1.10: Let An = be a sequence of matrices in M2 (R). An A = exactly if an a, bn b
cn dn c d
and so on for c and d as sequences of real numbers. In the case where An G, we have  bn = cn = 0
a b
for all n and a sequence of real numbers tn such that an = e , dn = e . If An
itn itn a
, we must
c d
have b = lim bn = 0, c = lim cn = 0. Since the absolute value is a continuous function, we must also have
|a| = lim |an | = 1, |d| = lim|dn | = 1. This means there exist real numbers , such  ithat a= e , d = e ,
i i

ei 0 e 0
and A is in the set T = { |, R}. This shows G T . Now, let T . Let k
0 ei 0 ei
be a sequence of positive reals tending to zero. For each natural number k, select an integer nk such that
|eia(+2nk ) ei |= |eia2nk ei(a) | < k (this is possible by the above exercise). We dene a sequence
ei(+2nk ) 0
of matrices An = G. Clearly ei(+2nk ) ei , and we have constructed the nk 's
0 eia(+2nk )
so that eia(+2nk ) ei . This means An A, and A G. A was arbitrary, so T G. Combined with the
reverse inclusion from above, we conclude G = T .

1.11 : Let G be a connected matrix Lie group and N a discrete normal subgroup. Fix a point n N and con-
sider the conjugation map Cn : G G, g 7 gng 1 . This map is continuous, and we have Cn (e) = ene1 = n.
Now, since N is discrete there exists some neighborhood U B (n) of n such that N U = {n}. By the
denition of continuity we can nd some > 0 such that Cn (B (e)) B (n) U . But since N is normal,
the image of Cn is contained in N , so Cn (B (e)) B (n) N = {n}. This shows that each element in a
neighborhood of the identity commutes with n. From group theory, we know that the set of elements that
commute with n forms a subgroup of G. This means that all elements in hB (e)i commute with n. Since G
is connected, hB (e)i = G, and all elements commute with n. n was arbitrary in N , so we conclude that N
lies in the center of G.

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