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Folic Acid and Epilepsy ment in grain, which was mandated by the Centers for Disease
Control in 1998.

Martha J. Morrell, M.D.

What Are the Effects of AEDs on Folic Acid?
Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, The Neurological Men and women receiving some AEDs are at risk for low lev-
Institute, New York, New York els of serum and red blood cell folic acid. Serum and red blood
cell folate are reduced in up to 90% patients receiving pheny-
Folic acid has been a topic of discussion within the epilepsy com- toin (PHT), carbamazepine (CBZ), or barbiturates (2). AEDs
munity for several decades. Folic acid was initially suspected to be that do not induce cytochrome P450 enzymes are not associ-
epileptogenic (1), but that concern has been resolved, as research ated with low levels of folic acid. Lamotrigine (LTG), an AED
has demonstrated that folic acid in less than supraphysiologic con- that has weak folate properties in vitro, had no effects on se-
centrations does not promote seizures. Epileptologists are now con- rum or red blood cell folate in 14 patients on short-term treat-
cerned that folic acid may be too low in persons with epilepsy tak- ment and in an additional 14 patients who had been treated
ing some antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). Low serum and red blood cell for up to 5 years (3). Patients on zonisamide (ZNS) had serum
levels of folic acid in women of childbearing potential increase the folate levels that were no different than controls (4).
risk of fetal birth defects. For men and women, low levels of folic Data on valproate (VPA) effects on folic acid are conflict-
acid are associated with elevated homocysteine and an increased ing. Most authors report that valproate does not reduce folate
risk for cardiovascular disease. A convincing argument now develops levels (4,5) but may interfere with folate metabolism by inhib-
that routine folic acid supplementation is important for women iting glutamate formyl transferase, an enzyme mediating the
and men receiving AEDs. pathway that produces folinic acid (6).

What Does Folic Acid Do? What Happens When Folic Acid Levels Are Low?
Folic acid is a carrier of hydroxymethyl and formyl groups and Folic acid deficiency is associated with elevated levels of
is involved in the synthesis of purines and thymine, required homocysteine, and this phenomenon appears to be promi-
for the formation of DNA. The conversion of homocysteine to nent in those receiving enzyme-inducing AEDs (7,8). Ho-
methionine requires the enzyme methionine synthetase and mocysteine levels are elevated both at fasting and after me-
uses methyltetrahydrofolate as a methyl donor and vitamin thionine loading in persons receiving CBZ, PHT, phenobarbital
B12 as a cofactor. Folic acid promotes cellular growth and (PB), and primidone (PRM) (9). Adults receiving VPA, an in-
maturation of red blood cells, and deficiency of folic acid is as- hibitor of cytochrome P450 enzymes, had lower homocysteine
sociated with reduced growth and with a megaloblastic anemia. levels fasting and after methionine loading than did controls
(9), although children on VPA had low folic acid and elevated
How Is Folic Acid Obtained? homocysteine levels (10). In one study of persons receiving
CBZ or PHT for epilepsy, folic acid levels were lowest and ho-
Folic acid is present in fresh green vegetables, liver, yeast, and
mocysteine levels highest in persons homozygous for a com-
some fruits. Cooking reduces folate content by as much as
mon mutation in the methylenetetrahydrofolate gene (11).
90%. Most individuals in the United States consume 50 to
This suggests that drug-gene interactions may predict folate
500 g of folic acid, in part provided by the folic acid supple-
and homocysteine changes in response to AEDs.

Address correspondence to Martha J. Morrell, M.D., Columbia What Are the Clinical Consequences of Low
Presbyterian Medical Center, The Neurological Institute, 710 West Folate and Elevated Homocysteine?
168th Street, New York, NY 100322603. E-mail: mm987@ Folic acid deficiency is classically associated with megaloblastic
anemia but is rarely associated with neurological abnormalities
Epilepsy Currents Vol. 2, No. 2 (March/April) 2002 pp. 3134
Blackwell Publishing Inc. unless accompanied by a deficiency of B12 as well (pernicious
American Epilepsy Society anemia). Folate deficiency induced experimentally in animals
32 Clinical Science

by folate antagonists or by a folate-deficient diet produces in- women giving birth in Ireland (27). Serum and red blood cell
trauterine growth retardation and congenital malformations, folate were determined at a median of 15-weeks gestation. Al-
even with a period of deficiency as short as 2 days early in ges- though risk was highest in women with RBC folate levels of
tation (12). In women with epilepsy, low serum and red blood less than 340 nmol per L (150 ng/mL), there was a continuous
cell folate levels are associated with an increased incidence of gradation of risk, suggesting that folate supplementation may
spontaneous abortions and malformations (2,1315). have a wide-reaching benefit. These data suggest that folate
Hyperhomocysteinemia is associated with vascular disease, supplementation in women with RBC folate levels of less than
including cerebrovascular disease, and may also be associated 340 nmol/L will reduce the risk of a neural tube defect by
with neurodegenerative disease (16). Supplementation with folic more than 85%.
acid, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride), and vitamin B12
(cyanocobalamin) readily normalizes homocysteine levels (16). How Should Folic Acid Be Provided?
Neural tube defects (anencephaly and spina bifida) are Folate must be present within the first 25 days postconception
more frequent in children born to mothers with low folic acid in order to protect against malformations of the neural tube. A
and B12 levels and high homocysteine levels. In one study, missed menstrual cycle is usually not noticed until the 15th-
women with fetuses with neural tube defects had lower B12 as day postconception. Forty percent of pregnancies are un-
well as folate levels (17). A second study found that mothers of planned, and 50% of women with planned pregnancies do not
children with neural tube defects had significantly elevated ho- consult a health care provider prior to conception (28).
mocysteine levels (18). The defect may be related to abnormal- Therefore, folate supplementation should be given rou-
ities in the activity of the enzyme methionine synthetase. Me- tinely to women of childbearing potential. The Canadian Col-
thionine synthetase is critical for methylation in a number of lege of Medical Geneticists recommend that 0.8 to 5.0 mg/day
biologic processes, including the production of myelin basic of folic acid be given to women who are at increased risk of
protein and DNA biosynthesis. Both folate and B12 are re- having offspring with neural tube defects and who are plan-
quired as cofactors for methionine synthetase. VPA-mediated ning a pregnancy (29). The United States Public Health Ser-
neural tube defects are postulated to be related to VPA effects vice recommends that all women of childbearing age in the
on methionine synthesis and DNA hypomethylation via inhi- United States capable of becoming pregnant consume 0.4 mg/
bition of methionine synthetase (19). day of folic acid for the purpose of reducing their risk of hav-
ing a child affected with a neural tube defect (30). Women
What Are the Effects of Supplementation
who have already had a child with a neural tube defect are en-
with Folic Acid? couraged to consult their physician regarding appropriate
Supplementation with folic acid appears safe even up to doses folate dosage and to refer to the 1991 Centers for Disease
as high as 15 mg/day. The U.S. Food and Drug Administra- Control guideline suggesting a dosage of 4 mg/day, based on
tion has directed that oral tablets of folic acid not exceed 1 mg the MRC recurrent risk study.
because of concerns brought forward more than 30 years ago Whether women with epilepsy require a higher dose than
that folic acid in large amounts might counteract the antisei- 0.4 mg/day is not known. The American College of Obstetric
zure effects of AEDs and increase the seizure frequency in some and Gynecologic Physicians educational bulletin (1996) rec-
children (20). Although that concern is no longer held by epi- ommends preconceptional folic supplementation for women
leptologists, the dosage restriction persists. with seizure disorders (31), and the American Academy of
Folate may protect against birth defects by overcoming an Neurology practice parameter (1998) recommends routine
abnormality in homocysteine metabolism. Occurrence (21 supplementation of folic acid 0.4 mg to 4 mg/day for women
23) and recurrence studies (24,25) have conclusively shown of childbearing potential receiving AEDs (32,33). However,
that folate supplementation significantly reduces the risk of these recommendations may not be routinely incorporated
neural tube defects in children born to nonepileptic women. into clinical practice. Certainly before the American Academy
The risk of occurrent neural tube defects is reduced by 60% of Neurology and American College of Obstetric and Gyneco-
with doses as low as 0.4 mg/day (23) and the risk of recurrent logic Physicians recommendations were issued, it was not
neural tube defects reduced by 72% with a 4 mg/day supple- common practice to provide folic acid before conception and
ment (25). The occurrence of other major malformations (ex- not even during all pregnancies. In the United Kingdom, 67%
cept cleft lip and palate) is also reduced by periconceptional of those attending an antenatal clinic for the first time were
folate supplementation (26). unaware of recommendations regarding folate supplementa-
A dose-response effect of plasma folate levels on neural tion, and only 37% of those who were aware had received that
tube defects was demonstrated in a large case control study of information prior to conception (34). In one retrospective
Clinical Science 33

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