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Nursing Diagnosis: Acute Confusion

Kimberly Hickey and Gail B. Ladwig

NANDA Definition: Abrupt onset of a cluster of global, transient changes and disturbances in
attention, cognition, psychomotor activity, level of consciousness, or the sleep/wake cycle

Defining Characteristics: Lack of motivation to initiate and/or follow through with goal-directed or
purposeful behavior; fluctuation in psychomotor activity; misperceptions; fluctuation in cognition;
increased agitation or restlessness; fluctuation in level of consciousness; fluctuation in sleep-wake
cycle; hallucinations

Related Factors: 60 years of age; dementia; alcohol abuse; abuse; delirium; uncontrolled pain;
multiple morbidities and medications

NOC Outcomes (Nursing Outcomes Classification)

Suggested NOC Labels

Distorted Thought Control

Information Processing


Neurological Status: Consciousness

Safety Behavior: Personal


Client Outcomes

Cognitive status restored to baseline

Obtains adequate amount of sleep

Demonstrates appropriate motor behavior

Maintains functional capacity

NIC Interventions (Nursing Interventions Classification)

Suggested NIC Labels

Delusion Management

Nursing Interventions and Rationales

Assess clients behavior and cognition systematically and continually throughout the
day and night as appropriate. Rapid onset and fluctuating course are hallmarks of delirium
(Murphy, 2000). The Confusion Assessment Method is sensitive, specific, reliable, and easy
to use (Inouye et al, 1990). Nurses play a vital role in assessing acute confusion because
they provide 24- hours-a-day care and see the client in a variety of circumstances (Marr,
1992). Delirium always involves acute change in mental status; therefore knowledge of the
clients baseline mental status is key in assessing delirium (Flacker, Marcantonio, 1998).

Perform an accurate mental status exam that includes the following:

o Overall appearance, manner, and attitude

o Behavior observations and level of psychomotor behavior

o Mood and affect (presence of suicidal or homicidal ideation as observed by others

and reported by client)

o Insight and judgment

o Cognition as evidenced by level of consciousness, orientation (to time, place, and

person), thought process and content (perceptual disturbances such as illusions
and hallucinations, paranoia, delusions, abstract thinking)

o Attention

Abnormal attention is an important diagnostic feature of delirium (Flacker, Marcantonio,

1998). Delirium is a state of mind, while agitation is a behavioral manifestation. Some
clients may be delirious without agitation and may actually have withdrawn behavior. This
is a hypoactive form of delirium. Some clients have a mixed hypoactive/hyperactive type
of delirium (OKeefe, Lavan, 1999).

Assess and report possible physiological alterations (e.g., sepsis, hypoglycemia,

hypotension, infection, changes in temperature, fluid and electrolyte imbalances,
medications with known cognitive and psychotropic side effects). Such alterations may be
contributing to confusion and must be corrected (Matthiesen et al, 1994). Medications are
considered the most common cause of delirium in the ICU (Harvey, 1996).

Treat underlying causes of delirium in collaboration with the health care team:
Establish/maintain normal fluid and electrolyte balance; establish/maintain normal
nutrition, body temperature, oxygenation (if patients experience low oxygen saturation
treat with supplemental oxygen), blood glucose levels, blood pressure.

Communicate client status, cognition, and behavioral manifestations to all necessary

providers. Monitor for any trending of these. Recognize that clients fluctuating cognition
and behavior is a hallmark for delirium and is not to be construed as client preference for
caregivers (Inouye et al, 1990). Careful monitoring may allow for various symptoms to be
related to various causes and interventions (Rapp, Iowa Veterans Affairs Nursing Research
Consortium, 1997).

Lab results should be closely monitored and physiological support provided as

appropriate. Once acute confusion has been identified, it is vital to recognize and treat the
associated underlying causes (Rapp, Iowa Veterans Affairs Nursing Research Consortium,

Establish or maintain elimination patterns. Disruption of elimination may be a cause

for confusion (Rapp, Iowa Veterans Affairs Nursing Research Consortium, 1997). Changes
in elimination patterns may also be a symptom of acute confusion. Prompt response to
requests for assistance with elimination in addition to timed voids may assist in
maintaining regular elimination, orientation, and patient safety (Rosen, 1994).
Plan care that allows for appropriate sleep-wake cycle. Disruptions in usual sleep and
activity patterns should be minimized as those clients with nocturnal exacerbations endure
more complications from delirium.

Review medication. Medication is one of the most important modifiable factors that
can cause delirium, especially use of anticholinergics, antipsychotics, and hypnosedatives
(Flacker, Marcantonio, 1998).

Decrease caffeine intake. Decreasing caffeine intake helps to reduce agitation and
restlessness (Rapp, Iowa Veterans Affairs Nursing Research Consortium, 1997).

Modulate sensory exposure and establish a calm environment. Extraneous lights and
noise can give rise to agitation, especially if misperceived. Sensory overload or sensory
deprivation can result in increased confusion (Rosen, 1994). Clients with a hyperactive
form of delirium often have increased irritability and startle responses and may be acutely
sensitive to light and sound (Casey et al, 1996).

Manipulate the environment to make it as familiar to the patient as possible. Use a

large clock and calendar. Encourage visits by family and friends. Place familiar objects in
sight. An environment that is familiar provides orienting clues, maintains an appropriate
balance of sensory stimulation, and secures safety (Rosen, 1994).

Identify self by name at each contact; call patient by his or her preferred name.
Appropriate communication techniques for clients at risk for confusion (Rapp, Iowa
Veterans Affairs Nursing Research Consortium, 1997).

Use orientation techniques. However, if client becomes distressed or argumentative

about what is real, do not argue with the client. Rather, explore the emotion behind the
clients nonreality-based statements (Rosen, 1994).

Offer reassurance to the client and use therapeutic communication at frequent

intervals. Client reassurance and communication are nursing skills that promote trust and
orientation and reduce anxiety (Harvey, 1996).

Provide supportive nursing care. Delirious patients are unable to care for themselves
as a result of their confusion. Their care and safety needs must be anticipated by the nurse
(Foreman, 1999).

Identify, evaluate, and treat pain quickly (see care plan for Acute Pain). Untreated
pain is a potential cause for delirium.

Mobilize client as soon as possible; provide active and passive range of motion. Older
clients who had a low level of physical activity before injury are at a particular risk for
acute confusion (Matthiesen et al, 1994).

Provide sufficient medication to relieve pain. Older clients may give inaccurate pain
histories; underreport symptoms; not want to bother the nurse; and exhibit restlessness,
agitation, or increased confusion (Matthiesen et al, 1994).
Because anxiety and sensory impairment decrease the older client's ability to integrate
new information, explain hospital routines and procedures slowly and in simple terms,
repeating information as necessary (Matthiesen et al, 1994).

Provide continuity of care when possible (e.g., provide the same caregivers, avoid
room changes). Continuity of care helps decrease the disorienting effects of hospitalization
(Matthiesen et al, 1994).

If clients know that they are not thinking clearly, acknowledge the concern. Confusion
is very frightening (Matthiesen et al, 1994).

Do not use the intercom to answer a call light. The intercom may be frightening to an
older confused client (Matthiesen et al, 1994).

Keep client's sleep-wake cycle as normal as possible (e.g., avoid letting client take
daytime naps, avoid waking clients at night, give sedatives but not diuretics at bedtime,
provide pain relief and backrubs). Acute confusion is accompanied by disruption of the
sleep-wake cycle (Matthiesen et al, 1994).

Maintain normal sleep/wake patterns (treat with bright light for 2 hours in the early
evening). This facilitates normal sleep/wake patterns (Rapp, Iowa Veterans Affairs Nursing
Research Consortium, 1997).

Home Care Interventions

Monitor for acute changes in cognition and behavior. An acute change in cognition and
behavior is the classic presentation of delirium. It should be considered a medical

Client/Family Teaching

Teach family to recognize signs of early confusion and seek medical help. Early
intervention prevents long-term complications (Rapp, Iowa Veterans Affairs Nursing
Research Consortium, 1997).

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