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//this script is a collection of commonly used functions

global proc zooUtils() {


//returns an array containing the start and end times for the current timeline
global proc float[] zooGetSelectedRange() {
global string $gPlayBackSlider;
float $range[] = `timeControl -q -ra $gPlayBackSlider`;
int $rangeTrue = 1;

if( $range[0]+1 == $range[1] ) {

$range[0] = `playbackOptions -q -min`;
$range[1] = `playbackOptions -q -max`;
$rangeTrue = 0;

return { $range[0], $range[1], $rangeTrue };


global proc string[] zooGetFiles( string $path, string $filespec ){

string $files[] = `getFileList -folder ( $path +"/" ) -filespec $filespec`;
string $dirs[] = {};

for( $file in $files ) if( `filetest -f ( $path +"/"+ $file )` )

$dirs[( `size $dirs` )] = $file;

return $dirs;

//returns a list of immediate children directories under the given directory

global proc string[] zooGetSubDirs( string $path, int $includeRoot ){
string $files[] = `getFileList -folder ( $path +"/" )`;
string $dirs[] = {};

if( `substring $path (size($path)) (size($path))` != "/" ) $path += "/";

for( $file in $files ) if( `filetest -d ( $path + $file )` ) {
if( $includeRoot ) $dirs[( `size $dirs` )] = $path + $file +"/";
else $dirs[( `size $dirs` )] = $file;

return $dirs;

//returns ALL sub directories under a given directory

global proc string[] zooGetRecursedSubDirs( string $path ) {
string $pathsFound[] = {};

if( !`filetest -d $path` ) return {};

if( `substring $path (size($path)) (size($path))` != "/" ) $path += "/";
$pathsFound[0] = $path;
for( $n=0; $n<`size $pathsFound`; $n++ ) {
string $temp[] = {};
$searchPath = $pathsFound[$n];
$temp = `zooGetSubDirs $searchPath 0`;

for( $i=0; $i<`size $temp`; $i++ ) $temp[$i] = $searchPath + $temp[$i]

+ "/";
if( `size $temp` ) for( $t in $temp ) $pathsFound[( `size
$pathsFound` )] = $t;

//just a safeguard
if( $n>100000 ) {
warning "zooUtils::zooGetRecursedSubDirs() has searched 100000
directories, aborting...";

return $pathsFound;

//copies an entire directory tree to the destination path

global proc zooCopyDirTo( string $copyFrom, string $copyTo ) {
string $subdirs[] = `zooGetRecursedSubDirs $copyFrom`;
int $baseLength = `size $copyFrom`+1;

if( !`filetest -d $copyTo` ) sysFile -makeDir $copyTo;

$subdirs = `zooIndexCrop_str $subdirs "1:"`; //the first entry is always the
actual directory we're recursing from
for( $n=0; $n<`size $subdirs`; $n++ ) $subdirs[$n] = `substring $subdirs[$n]
$baseLength (size($subdirs[$n]))`; //strip off the base path so we're left with
paths relative to the base
for( $dir in $subdirs ) if( !`filetest -d ($copyTo+$dir)` ) sysFile -makeDir
($copyTo+$dir); //make sure the destination directories exist
for( $dir in $subdirs ) {
//now copy all the files in each subdir over
string $files[] = `zooGetFiles ( $copyFrom+$dir ) "*.*"`;
for( $file in $files ) sysFile -copy ( $copyTo+$dir+$file )
( $copyFrom+$dir+$file );

//now copy all files in the basedir

string $files[] = `zooGetFiles $copyFrom "*.*"`;
for( $file in $files ) sysFile -copy ( $copyTo+$file ) ( $copyFrom+$file );

//deals with reliably copying a file - if the target directory path doesn't exist
//it gets created
global proc int zooCopyFileTo( string $fromPath, string $toPath ) {
if( !`filetest -f $fromPath` ) return 0;
$toPath = `fromNativePath $toPath`;
string $toks[] = `zooTokenize $toPath "/"`;
$toks = `zooIndexCrop_str $toks ":-1"`;
string $tgtDir = `zooArrayToStr_str $toks "/"`;
if( !`filetest -d $tgtDir` ) sysFile -makeDir $tgtDir;
return `sysFile -copy $toPath $fromPath`;

//loads a file with optional new line stripping
// to strip newline characters, use
// -strip [bool] if true, will strip the newline character from each line
global proc string[] zooReadFile( string $file, string $optionStr ){
//parse optionStr to determine which flags are enabled for this proc
int $strip = 0;

//if we need more options, this will need to use zooFlags

if( $optionStr == "-strip 1" ) $strip = 1;

if( !`filetest -r $file` ) {

warning "zooUtils::zooReadFile() file doesn't exist";
return {};
string $fileContents[] = {};
string $word = "a";
int $fileId = `fopen $file "r"`;

while( `size $word` > 0 ){

$word = `fgetline $fileId`;
if( `size $word` ) {
if( $strip ) $fileContents[( `size $fileContents` )] =
`substitute "\n" $word ""`;
else $fileContents[( `size $fileContents` )] = $word;

fclose $fileId;
return $fileContents;

global proc string[] zooListEnv( string $env ) {

string $paths[] = {};
string $sep = ":";

if( $env == "" ) $env = "MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH";

if( `about -nt` ) $sep = ";";
tokenize `getenv $env` $sep $paths;
return $paths;

//returns the path of a script

global proc string zooGetScriptLocation( string $scriptName ) {
string $scriptPath = "";
$scriptPath = `zooGetFileLocation {} $scriptName "mel"`;
return $scriptPath;

//unlike the get script path, this proc takes a file name including extension
global proc string zooGetIconLocation( string $iconFileName ) {
string $paths[] = `zooListEnv XBMLANGPATH`;
string $buffer[] = {};
string $iconName;
string $ext;
string $scriptPath = "";

tokenize $iconFileName "." $buffer;

for( $n=0; $n<( `size $buffer`-1 ); $n++ ) $iconName = $iconName +
$ext = $buffer[`size $buffer`-1];
$scriptPath = `zooGetFileLocation $paths $iconName $ext` +"/"+ $iconFileName;
$scriptPath = `zooScrubPath $scriptPath`;

return $scriptPath;

//returns the location of a file given a list of paths

global proc string zooGetFileLocation( string $paths[], string $fileName, string
$ext ) {
string $scriptPath = "";

if( !`size $paths` ) $paths = `zooListEnv ""`;

for( $path in $paths ) if( `filetest -f ( $path +"/"+ $fileName +"."+ $ext )`
){ $scriptPath = $path; break; }
if( `match "[\\/]$" $scriptPath` == "" ) $scriptPath += "/";
return $scriptPath;

global proc int zooRoundFloat( float $x ) {

int $lower = (int)$x;
int $upper = (int)$x + 1;
float $dif = $x - $lower;
if( $dif > 0.5 ) return $upper;
else return $lower;

//rounds a float value to a given number of decimal places

global proc float zooRoundFloatTo( float $x, int $places ) {
int $shifter = `pow 10 $places`;
float $rounded = 1.*$x*$shifter;
int $roundedInt = `zooRoundFloat $rounded`;

$rounded = $roundedInt / (float)$shifter;

return $rounded;

//is the first arg less than the second within a tolerance?
global proc int zooEqTol( float $leftSide, float $rightSide, float $tolerance ) {
if( abs($leftSide-$rightSide) <= $tolerance ) return 1;
return 0;

//turns all viewports on or off - speeds up procs that have to use current time
//changes as the viewports no longer need to refresh
global proc zooAllViews( int $state ) {
string $modelPanels[] = `getPanel -vis`;
string $emptySelConn = `selectionConnection`;

for( $panel in $modelPanels ) if( `getPanel -to $panel` == "modelPanel" ) {

isolateSelect -state (!$state) $panel;
if( $state ) modelEditor -e -mlc $emptySelConn $panel;
if( !$state ) deleteUI $emptySelConn;

//sometimes maya needs a little bump to update a window correctly - often this
//is only nessecary with formlayouts
global proc zooBumpWindow( string $windowName ) {
int $w = `window -q -w $windowName`;
evalDeferred( "window -e -w "+ ($w+1) +" "+ $windowName +";" );
evalDeferred( "window -e -w "+ $w +" "+ $windowName +";" );

//given a list of stuff (usually just from the ls command), this proc will filter
//out all the components (given a component string) in the list and return them.
//for example, if you wanted to list all verticies from a list, you would use:
//zooFilterComponent `ls -sl` "vtx";
//you can do likewise for cvs, edges, faces etc...
global proc string[] zooFilterComponent( string $list[], string $componentStr ) {
string $components[] = {};
int $num = `size $list`;

for( $n=0; $n<$num; $n++ ) if( `match ( "^[_a-zA-Z|:][_a-zA-Z0-9|:]+."+

$componentStr +"\[[0-9]+(:[0-9]+)*\](\[[0-9]+(:[0-9]+)*\])*$" ) $list[$n]` != "" )
$components[( `size $components` )] = $list[$n];

return $components;

// returns a set containing all the quick selection sets in the scene
global proc string[] zoolsqss() {
string $sets[] = `ls -sets`;
string $qssSets[] = {};

for( $set in $sets ) if( `sets -q -t $set` == "gCharacterSet" )

$qssSets[( `size $qssSets` )] = $set;

return $qssSets;

//recursively queries set members. see the zooSetRelatives comments for details
//on the args taken
global proc string[] zooQuerySet( string $set, int $parents, int $recursive ) {
string $sets[] = `zooSetRelatives $set 1 $parents $recursive`;
string $objs[] = {};

for( $set in $sets ) {

string $setObjs[] = `sets -q $set`;
for( $obj in $setObjs ) if( `nodeType $obj` != "objectSet" )
$objs[( `size $objs` )] = $obj;

return $objs;

//like listRelatives for sets. the parents arg tells whether you want to
//query child sets or parent sets. the recursive arg simply tells the script
//whether to perform a recursive listing of members
global proc string[] zooSetRelatives( string $set, int $includeSelf, int $parents,
int $recursive ) {
string $sets[] = {$set};
int $maxRecursion = 250;
int $n = 0;

while( 1 ) {
string $nextSets[] = ls("-type","objectSet",`sets -q $sets[$n]`);
if( $parents ) $nextSets = `listConnections -s 0 -type objectSet
$sets = `zooAddArray_str $sets $nextSets`;
if( !$recursive ) break;
else if( !`size $nextSets` ) break;
else if( $n > $maxRecursion ) break; //just in case - yes this means
you can't have nested sets more than $maxRecursion deep... deal with it

if( !$includeSelf ) $sets = `zooIndexCrop_str $sets "1:"`;

return $sets;

//this proc "cleans" a given filepath - removed multiple slashes, makes all
//slashes uniform (unix style)
global proc string zooScrubPath( string $path ) {
$path = `fromNativePath $path`;
int $isUNC = `match "^//" $path` == "//"? 1: 0;
while( `match "/{2,}" $path` != "" ) $path = `substitute "/{2,}" $path "/"`;
if( $isUNC ) $path = "/"+ $path;

return $path;

//resolves a path string. path strings may contain unresolved env var references
//as well as the .. path op
global proc string zooResolvePath( string $path ) {
$path = `zooScrubPath $path`;
string $paths[] = `zooTokenize $path "/"`;
int $num = `size $paths`;

//first resolve any env variables

for( $n=0; $n<$num; $n++ ) {
while( `match "\%[^%]+\%" $paths[$n]` != "" ) {
string $envName = `match "\%[^%]+\%" $paths[$n]`;
string $envVal = `substring $envName 2 (size($envName)-1)`;

$envVal = `getenv $envVal`;

$paths[$n] = `substitute $envName $paths[$n] $envVal`;

//now split the paths up again

$path = `zooArrayToStr_str $paths "/"`;
$paths = `zooTokenize $path "/"`;
$num = `size $paths`;
string $usePaths[] = {};
int $i = 0;

//now resolve any path manipulation

for( $n=0; $n<$num; $n++ ) {
if( $paths[$n] == ".." ) {
$usePaths = `zooIndexCrop_str $usePaths ":-1"`;
else {
$usePaths[$i] = $paths[$n];

return `zooArrayToStr_str $usePaths "/"`;


//opens an explorer window with the given file/directory selected

global proc zooExploreTo( string $filepath ) {
$filepath = `zooScrubPath $filepath`;
if( !`filetest -r $filepath` ) return;
string $cmd = "explorer /n,/e,/select,\""+ `zooReplaceInString $filepath "/"
"\\"` +"\"";
print( $cmd +"\n" );
system $cmd;

//this script is just a simple wrapper around the distanceDimension command -

//because its shit and only returns the shape node. this command returns an array
//containing the distanceTransform node, distance shape node, start locator and end
//also, there are two optional flags (ie they can be empty) that can contain
//to constrain the start and end positions of the distance dimension tool to
global proc string[] zooDistance( string $obj1, string $obj2 ) {
string $dist = `distanceDimension -sp (rand(1000000)) (rand(2000000)) 2364
-ep 284055 (rand(3000000)) (rand(4000000))`; //create a distance node at some
reasonably obscure position - if you choose a position that a locator already
exists at, maya uses that locator instead of creating a new one... very helpful
string $end[] = `listConnections -d 0 ( $dist +".endPoint" )`;
string $start[] = `listConnections -d 0 ( $dist +".startPoint" )`;
string $trans[] = `listRelatives -pa -p $dist`;
string $toReturn[] = { $trans[0], $dist, $start[0], $end[0] };

setAttr ( $start[0] +".t" ) 0 0 0;

setAttr ( $end[0] +".t" ) 1 0 0;
if( `objExists $obj1` ) pointConstraint $obj1 $start[0];
if( `objExists $obj2` ) pointConstraint $obj2 $end[0];

return $toReturn;

//like the distance command above, this is a simple wrapper for creating annotation
//and having the nodes you actually want returned to you. whoever wrote these
//should be shot. with a large gun
global proc string[] zooAnnotate( string $obj, string $text ) {
string $end = zooGetElement_str(0,`spaceLocator`);
string $shape = `annotate -p (rand(1000000)) (rand(2000000)) 2364 -tx $text
string $start = zooGetElement_str(0,`listRelatives -p $shape`);
string $endShape = zooGetElement_str(0,`listRelatives -s $end`);
delete `parentConstraint $obj $end`;
setAttr ( $start +".t" ) 0 0 0;
setAttr ( $endShape +".v" ) 0;
setAttr -l 1 ( $endShape +".v" );
parent $end $obj;

return {$start,$end,$shape};


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