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Volume XIII
Issue 1


Reproduced with Permission from the Copyright holder for use only in Managing Teams_[Term 4 - PGP] taught by Richard Daft
at Indian School of Business, Hyderabad from August 28 - October 01, 2017
Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Volume XIII, Issue 1/ 2013

Employee Motivation Theories and their Applications in Modern


Drogomyretska Mariana
Faculty of Economics and Management
Poltava University of Economics and Trade, Higher Educational Establishment of the
Ukrainian Central Union of Consumer Societies

Abstract arouses an organism to action toward a

desired goal; the reason for action; that which
The essay is dedicated to the gives purpose and direction to behavior [1]. It
determination of the essence of employee goes without saying that motivation is the
motivation in todays business environment. willingness to work at a certain level of
The main need-based and process-based effort. Every employee has different ways to
theories of motivation and the possibility of become motivated. For this reason employers
their application in modern organizations need to get to know their employees very
are considered. The existence of the well and use different tactics to motivate
relationship between employee motivation each of them based on their personal wants
and organizational effectiveness is proved by and needs, values and goals, intentions and
author. expectations.
According to Edwin A. Locke and Gary
Key words: motivation, content theories of P. Latham [2], the concept of motivation
employee motivation, process-based theories refers to internal factors that impel action and
of motivation, to external factors that can act as
JEL classification: M54. inducements to action. We can safely assume
that the internal motivational factors are
created from within the human itself and can
1. Introduction be affected by the wish to perform or self-
development. Instead, the external motivation
Employee motivation is the most burning factors are created from the outside and are
problem faced by employers in todays fast- outside control of an individual. These could
moving business environment. The thing is include organizational policies and practices,
that unmotivated employees prefer to spend working conditions, salary, interpersonal
little or no effort in their jobs, produce low relationships etc. Obviously, motivation can
quality work and leave their job in an influence not only the acquirement of
organization for better proposals. On the persons skills and abilities, but also the way
other hand, employees who feel motivated to and the degree in which these skills and
work are likely to be creative, enthusiastic abilities are exploited.
and productive, turning out high quality work We identified that in the whole world
that they willingly undertake. there are numerous definitions of motivation,
That is why the given essay is dedicated which is logical, because there are many
to the development of better understanding of different personalities, interested in doing
various employee motivation theories and the research in this broad subject area, as well as
determination of possibility of their using in various motivation theories and programs
modern organizations. exist in organizations at all times.
We completely agree with Dwight D.
2. Defining Employee Motivation Eisenhower [3], famous as the thirty-fourth
President of the USA, that motivation is the
The Websters online dictionary defines art of getting people to do what you want to
motivation as the psychological feature that do because they want to do it. Moreover, we

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only in Managing Teams_[Term 4 - PGP] taught by Richard Daft
at Indian School of Business, Hyderabad from August 28 - October 01, 2017
Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Volume XIII, Issue 1/ 2013

have every reason to believe that motivation individuals develop, they work their way up a
is an effective and dynamic instrument in the hierarchy based on the fulfillment of a series
hands of every manager for inspiring the of prioritized needs (see Figure 1).
workforce and creating confidence in them.
Through the employee motivation,
management creates will to work which is
necessary for the achievement of Self-actualization
organizational goals.
Esteem needs
3. Historical Overview of the Field of
Employee Motivation Belongingness and Love needs
Its important to keep in mind that
historical views on motivation, although not Security / Safety needs
always accurate, are of interest for several
reasons. For one thing, these approaches Physiological and Biological needs
provide a foundation for contemporary
thinking about motivation. For another,
because they generally were based on Figure 1. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs,
common sense and intuition, an appreciation an original five-stage model [6]
of their strengths and weaknesses can help
managers gain useful insights into employee On the basis of the given model we can
motivation in the workplace. assume that physiological needs are the basic
One of the first writers to address work needs for sustaining human life. These needs
motivation over a century ago was Frederick include food, shelter, clothing, rest, air,
Winslow Taylor (1856 1915), an American water, sleep etc. They lie at the lowest level
mechanical engineer who believed that in the hierarchy of needs as they have priority
workers are mainly motivated by the over all other individual needs. Unless and
paycheck and they dont like working at all until these basic physiological needs are
[4]. Taylor suggested that workers would satisfied to the required extent, other needs
need very close supervision and that do not motivate an employee in organization.
production should be broken down into small Speaking about security or safety needs, it
but measurable tasks in order to ensure the should be mentioned that these are the needs
highest possible output from workers [5]. connected with the psychological fear of loss
Over time workers got bored with the routine of job, property, natural calamities or
nature of their repetitive tasks, they wanted hazards. An employee wants protection from
something more than just pay. From these such types of fear. He prefers adequate safety
and similar observations we may generalize or security in this regard i.e. protection from
and say that Frederick Taylor was right at the physical danger, security of job, pension for
point he started but wrong on where he old age, insurance cover for life and so on.
believed the need for motivation stopped. The safety needs come after meeting the
physiological needs.
3.1. Content Theory Approach to Social needs, which include such things as
Employee Motivation and the Possibility love and belongingness, occupy the third
of its Application Nowadays position in the hierarchy of needs. Being the
most prominent psychologist of the 20th
By the 1950s, several new models of century, Abraham Maslow (1908 1970)
work motivation emerged, which collectively suggested that an employee is a human being,
have been referred to as content theories. which desires to belong to one or another
Often criticized as being descriptive, these group, regardless if these groups are large or
theories focus on what motivates employees small. By the way, Abraham Maslow argued
to choose certain behaviors. that esteem needs include the need to be
The most recognized of all the content respected by others, need to be appreciated
theories of motivation is Maslows Need by others, need to have power and finally
Hierarchy Theory, which suggests that as prestigious position. Once the previous needs

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only in Managing Teams_[Term 4 - PGP] taught by Richard Daft
at Indian School of Business, Hyderabad from August 28 - October 01, 2017
Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Volume XIII, Issue 1/ 2013

are satisfied, a person feels to be held in growth (G). Actually, existence

esteem both by himself and also by others. corresponds to Maslows physiological and
And, finally, self-actualization needs. This safety needs, relatedness corresponds to
is the highest among the needs of the social needs, and growth refers to Maslows
hierarchy of needs advocated by A. Maslow. esteem needs and self-actualization [8].
Self-actualization is the desire to become Alderfer believed that needs are met in no
what one is capable of becoming. It is a specific order, while Maslows theory states
growth need. Here, a person feels that he that needs are met one by one and in a
should accomplish something in his life. He specific order.
or she wants to utilize his/her potentials to Another content theory of the same period
the maximum extent and desires to become is Herzbergs Two Factor Theory, also
what one is capable of becoming. Though known as the Motivation-Hygiene Theory,
everyone is capable of self-actualization, which postulates that there are certain factors
many do not reach this stage. in the workplace that cause job satisfaction,
Practically, physiological needs of while a separate set of factors cause
employees in modern organizations can be dissatisfaction [9]. Famous American
met by offering a fair competitive wage and psychologist Frederick Herzberg (1923
lunch/coffee breaks so that the employee 2000) classified these job factors into two
feels comfortable that his/her basic needs are categories: hygiene and motivational factors.
satisfied. Next, an organization can ensure Hygiene factors are those job factors
that the work facility is safe, so that which are essential for existence of
employees feel physically safe. Modern motivation at workplace. These do not lead to
organization can also have a fair progressive positive satisfaction for long-term. But if
discipline policy ensuring job security. these factors are non-existent at workplace,
Besides, managers can encourage employees they lead to dissatisfaction. On the contrary,
to participate on work teams and/or sponsor motivational factors motivate employees for
informal gatherings so employees may a superior performance. The motivators
socialize to help meet their social needs. A symbolized the psychological needs that
reward and recognition program for good were perceived as an additional benefit [10].
performance or perfect attendance could help Generally, Herzbergs Two Factor Theory
managers to satisfy the employees esteem can be a valuable aid to managers of modern
needs. Finally, to help satisfy employees organizations because it points out that
self-actualization needs, organizations can improving the environment in which the job
offer in-house development, or offer is performed goes only so far in motivating
reimbursement for tuition or relevant training employees [11].
seminars. Furthermore, McClellands acquired-
On the whole, however, Maslows theory needs theory is the one content theory of
of motivation is widely accepted but there is employee motivation that received the
little empirical evidence to support it in greatest amount of support in modern
modern organizations. The pattern of organizations. According to this scientific
hierarchy of needs may not be applicable approach, individuals acquire three types of
uniformly to all categories of employees, needs as a result of their life experiences
because each person has plenty of needs to be [12]: the need for achievement, the need for
satisfied, which may not necessarily follow affiliation and the need for power. All
Maslows need hierarchy. individuals possess a combination of these
To bring Maslows need hierarchy theory needs, and the dominant needs are thought to
of motivation in synchronization with drive employee behavior.
empirical research, American psychologist Actually, David McClelland (1917
Clayton Alderfer (born in 1940) redefined it 1998), an American psychological theorist,
in his own terms [7]. His rework is called as stated that most people do not possess a
ERG theory of motivation. Instead of the strong achievement-based motivation. Those
five needs that are hierarchically organized, people, who do, display a consistent behavior
Alderfer proposed that basic human needs in setting goals. That is why oorganizations
may be grouped into three categories, namely meet achievement needs by providing
existence (E), relatedness (R) and employees with challenging assignments,

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only in Managing Teams_[Term 4 - PGP] taught by Richard Daft
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Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Volume XIII, Issue 1/ 2013

competitions and rewards for excellent work. Yale School of Management, who was born
Power needs may be met by offering in 1932 in Montreal, Canada.
opportunities for advancement and increased This motivation theory states that if an
responsibility. And employers can meet individual believes he or she can do
affiliation needs by creating a team something then he or she is more likely to
environment that is safe and respectful for all accomplish it. Thoughts and efforts are vital
employees. to this theory because if someone does not
Acquired needs theory indicates the think they are able to do a task, he or she is
following characteristics and attitudes of not likely to put forth much effort. Therefore,
achievement-motivated people in modern motivation is decreased. Failure does not
organizations: motivate a person to try harder. Successes,
achievement of objectives matters more even if they are small, motivate people to
than material or financial reward; improve [13].
greater personal satisfaction is felt by In deciding how much effort to put into a
achieving the goal than from receiving praise work behavior, individuals are likely to
or recognition; consider:
money is regarded as a measure of their expectancy, meaning the degree to
success, but not the end in itself; which they believe that putting forth effort
neither status nor security are prime will lead to a given level of performance;
motivations; their instrumentality, or the degree to
achievement-motivated people constantly which they believe that a given level of
looking for ways of doing things better; performance will result in certain outcomes
achievement-motivated people will or rewards;
gravitate towards jobs and responsibilities their valence, which is the extent to which
that challenge them and satisfy their needs - the expected outcomes are attractive or
for example sales and business leadership unattractive.
and management; On the contrary, Equity Theory attempts
achievement-motivated people have the relational satisfaction in terms of perceptions
capacity to set high personal goals that they of fair/unfair distributions of resources within
believe to be attainable [13]. interpersonal relationships. It was first
Its self-evident that all four of these developed in 1963 by John Stacy Adams, a
content theories are helpful in understanding workplace and behavioral psychologist, who
employee motivation on the basis of needs. asserted that employees seek to maintain
However, other theories of motivation also equity between the inputs that they bring a
have been posited and require consideration. job and the outcomes that they receive from
against the perceived inputs and outcomes of
3.2. Process-Based Theories of Employee others [14]. It is worthwhile to mention that
Motivation, Widely Used in Modern inputs are logically what we give or put into
Organizations our work. Outputs are everything we take out
in return. These terms help emphasize that
Process-based theories of employee what people put into their work includes
motivation are concerned with how many factors besides working hours, and that
motivation takes place. They focus on why what people receive from their work includes
people choose certain behavioral options to many things aside from money [15].
fulfill their needs and how they evaluate their In short, we each seek a fair balance
satisfaction after they have attained their between what we put into our job and what
goals. Two of the most recently popular we got out of it. But how do we decide what
process theories with a cognitive perspective balance can be considered as a fair. The
are the Expectancy and the Equity Theories answer lies in Equity Theory. What matters
of Motivation. here is that the three primary assumptions
Thus, Expectancy Theory is based on how applied to most applications of Equity
we want something and how likely we think Theory in modern organizations can be
we are to get it. The formal framework of summarized as follows [14]:
expectancy theory was developed by Victor employees expect a fair return for what
Vroom, a business school professor at the they contribute to their jobs, a concept

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only in Managing Teams_[Term 4 - PGP] taught by Richard Daft
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Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Volume XIII, Issue 1/ 2013

referred to as the equity norm; should we do about motivation theory? Six

employees determine what their equitable recommendations for the twenty-first
return should be after comparing their inputs century. Academy of Management Review,
and outcomes with those of their coworkers. Academy of Management, United States of
America, 2004, Vol. 29, # 3, pp. 388-403.
This concept is referred to as social
Retrieved from
comparison; 10.2307/20159050?uid=2&uid=4&sid=21102
employees who perceive themselves as 167429047
being in an inequitable situation will seek to [3] Inspirational Quotes for Business and Work
reduce the inequity either by distorting inputs About Motivation by Susan M. Heathfield,
and/or outcomes in their own minds Guide (2013). Retrieved from
(cognitive distortion), by directly altering
inputs and/or outputs, or by leaving the nalquotations/a/quotes_motivate.htm
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Understanding Taylirism and Early
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4. Conclusions
Coming to the conclusion, it is important [5] What is Motivation? Motivation Society for
to note that most organizations which operate motivators and those who are looking for
in different fields are spending so much motivation. Retrieved from http://www.motiv
money trying to inspire employees that they
have spawned an industry, often called as [6] Saul McLeod (2012). Maslows Hierarchy of
the motivation industry. Its a multibillion- Needs. Simply Psychology. Retrieved from
dollar business in which top gurus command
fees of up to $65,000 for a speech. Billions of ml
[7] ERG Theory of Motivation. Retrieved
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from T-shirts to exotic vacations to be /erg-theory-motivation.htm
dangled in front of workers to boost [8] Mason Carpenter, Talya Baner, Berrin
performance. Trouble is, there has been Erdogan (2009). Principles of Management.
exhaustive academic research trying to find Web Books Publishing. Retrieved from
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up almost no evidence that motivational B58/085MB58.html
spending makes any difference. [9] Two Factor Theory or Herzbergs Motivation
In general, motivation offers several Hygiene Theory. Retrieved from
benefits to organizations and their
employees: higher efficiency, reduce of
[10] Herzbergs Two-Factor Theory of
absenteeism, reduce of employee turnover, Motivation. Retrieved from
improvement of a corporate image and good
relations and encouraging of initiative and [11] Motivating Employees. Need-Based
innovation. Thus, we cant disagree with Theories of Motivation. Retrieved from http://
Rick Pitino [16], highly successful and noted
American basketball coach, who said: The /06/BUS208-5.3.pdf
only way to get people to like working hard [12] Acquired needs theory. Strategies for
is to motivate them. Today, people must Managing Change. Retrieved from http://ww
understand why theyre working hard. Every
individual in an organization is motivated by
[13] A-Level Psychology Notes. Motivation.
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[14] Information about Equity Theory.
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[1] Websters Online Dictionary with [15] John Stacey Adams Equity Theory on
Multilingual Thesaurus Translation. Job Motivation. Retrieved from http://www.bu
Definition: motivation. Retrieved from [16] Quotes by Pitino, Rick. Retrieved from
[2] Edwin A. Locke, Gary P. Latham. What

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