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A customer calls the customer service line.

He says that since he had to wait so long, he is now in a hurry and

doesnt have much time to speak. Which of the following is the most important response from the
Adjusting his conduct to the customers need by showing desire to complete the task quickly and effective.

A customer has called with a complex problem. You decide to gather the information you need to check the
issue and assure the customer that you will call them back within an hour. However, while you are working on
the matter, one of your colleagues informs you that there is a long line of customers at the register and asks
you to come and help. What is the best response in this situation?

Take a few moments to consider how much time you need to finish working on your customers problem and
see if you can spend some time helping at the register.

A customer approaches you and says: The service here is just horrible! What would you say to her?
I am sorry to hear that. What is it about the service that disappointed you today?

When an upset customer is describing a problem, which action should be avoided?

Gently asking the customer to calm down so that you can help them.

A customer is asking for a product which he saw on the stores website. However, it is currently out of
stock. The customer is disappointed and upset.
Choose the best response for handling the situation and the response that should be best avoided.
Best response: Show him a similar product that you think would suit his needs and offer a refund if
he is not satisfied.
Worst response: Apologize and explain that since the product is out of stock there is nothing you
can do.
A customer is asking you for information about a new product. Since you were on sick leave for the last
few days, you havent had a chance to catch up on all the information on the product.
1=very ineffective, 2=somewhat ineffective, 3=neither effective nor ineffective, 4=somewhat effective,
5=very effective
Try to get information from the booklet that is provided with the product (3 neither effective nor
Ask a colleague to help (5 Very effective).
Apologise and ask the customer to check with someone else (2 somewhat nor effective).
Explain the situation to the customer and apologise that you cant be of help (1 very ineffective).
Ask the manager to help the customer (4 somewhat effective).

Quel est le premier facteur qui influence les attentes du client?

Les caractristiques personnelles du client.
A person approaches you and tells you of many complaints he has about your department. You
should first:
Check into the legitimacy of his complaints.
You overhear your boss giving a client the name of a person to contact for some information. You know
this person is no longer the one to reach for this information. The client is still in the office. What, if
anything, should you do?
Give the individual the correct name, and explain that your boss was not aware of a different
person being responsible to provide the information.
When it comes to resolving conflicts:
I prefer give and take.

You are asked to push a particular viewpoint with a client. The request makes perfect business sense but
you happen to not believe in the particular notion you are to advocate. How do you deal with the
I try to do my best to "pull it off".

Mise en situation 1:
M. Ppin est client chez vous depuis plusieurs annes. Il na jamais t un client facile, mais depuis
quelque temps cest pire que pire!. Il rouspte, utilise le sarcasme et conteste tout; vous avez
limpression quil ne cherche que la confrontation et quil veut sen prendre vous personnellement.

Rester positif et ne pas sengager dans une spirale ngative.

Ne pas prendre personnel.
Se concentrer sur le problme du client et non pas sur son attitude.
Se poser la question : que dsire le client et comment puis-je lui obtenir?
Laisser de ct vos motions et prjugs.
Poser des questions directes pour bien saisir le sens de son message et ventuellement
comprendre le problme.
Toujours grer les rencontres comme si ctait la premire fois.

Mise en situations 2 :
Mme Beauregard est nouvellement cliente chez vous; une cliente qui reprsente un potentiel dachat
important. Ce matin, la premire heure, elle se prsente vos bureaux, manifestement trs frustre. Elle
se dit insatisfaite des produits quelle a achets et due du service quelle a reu quand elle a fait part de
son problme au tlphone hier. Vous tentez dintervenir pour diminuer sa colre, mais elle ne vous laisse
aucune chance de parler.
Les clients insatisfaits ou frustrs ont deux besoins: ils ont besoin dans un premier temps dexprimer leur
frustration, ce quils ressentent, puis que leur problme soit rsolu.
Il faudrait en premier lieu laisser le client sexprimer sans linterrompre, afin de ne pas envenimer les
choses. Comme technique, utilisez lcoute active.
couter, ce nest pas seulement se taire. Il est souvent ncessaire daider le client bien exprimer son
point de vue en reformulant ses propos (par ex. : si je comprends bien; donc, vous me dites; en
dautres mots, vous dites; vous suggrez donc)
Dans les deux premires mises en situation, il est recommand dviter les phrases connotation ngative
comme vous avez tort de penser cela, ce nest pas ma faute, vous tes le premier vous en
plaindre, laissez-moi parler, etc.

Mise en situation 3:
M. Aim est une personne du troisime ge qui utilise rgulirement vos services. Il se prsente vos
bureaux et aimerait ressortir avec une garantie de service. En fait, il veut comprendre quoi sont dues
les interruptions de service et sil est possible den tre avis. noter que M. Aim nutilise pas Internet.

Les experts suggrent tout simplement darticuler et de parler lentement (sans tomber dans lexcs ni
infantiliser le client).

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