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334t7 70 Our best ozone resistant drive belt Compound,

33175 50 Especially compounded for steam and hot water service to 275 0 F. Also,
33176 60 good for many mild acids, primary amines, alcohols, caustic soda, Chlorox
33177 70 ketones, iodine, rnercaptalrs, ctc., at -650to 2500F. l)o not use rvith pctro-
33178 80 lcum products.
33817 &3178 70/80 Autornotive break fl uids.

SBR, Buna S

44087 70 For general usc rvith glycol atrcl vcgctatrlc oil basc :trtlotttobilc trt'akc
44088 80 fluids, siliconc oils, acetolre, ME,K, alcohols, rnrl glycol-u'ater radiator
44089 90 fluicls at-800to 2500F. Do not use u'ith petrolcurrr protlucts.

663t7 70 Polyurethane Rubbers and Blends

This polyuretharre Cornpourrd has high tensilc, grcat lbrasi<'rtt resistaltce,
ancl good resistancc to pctrolerrm oils, hydrocarbolt {'ttcls. ()z.()tle, stllt-
light; used for pncurnatic scrvice. Poor cotnpressiott sct ovcr 2000 F',
little resistance to u,ater, acids, ketones, and chloritratccl or ltitro h5'dro-
carbons. Rated at-60oto 2000F.

NBR Blends
77074 40 Odorless ancl tastelcss Conrpounds t<l FDA "Wltitc [.ist" recluirenrents,
77077 70 forcarbonated water, soft drinks, rvine, beer. foucls, nrilk, ctc., at-400
to 2000F.

77505 50 General purpose, inexpcnsive graclc for pctt'olcuttt basc hydraulic oils
775A6 60 and greases, transformer and ntachine oils, SAtl t0 to 40 elrginc oils,
77507 70 tractor oils, watcr to 1800F, animal and vegctabte oils. ptteuntatic scrvice
77508 80 -400to 250( F ( 7507 meets SAE J 120a, Class l).
77509 90
77377 75 Our lowest fricticln Cornpound. For oils, water to 1800 F. and general
services -65oto 2750F'.

77657 70 Underwriters Laboratory approved for gasolinc. naplrtha, kerosene,

liquified petroleum gases and anhyclrous anlmonia-400 to 1200 F. Also
Ui approued for use rvith No. I throggh 6 Fuel Oils-400to 2500F. We
recommend for arontatic and nonaroniatic !){-rtt'olcltm products, etlgittc
oils, gasolines, and ciicscl fucls, 6-{r0o to 2500 F {tneets SAE .ll20a,
Ciass Il-).
77818 80 For pncuntatic or C0 rillcs, llistols, or prcss(lrc: vcsst'ls.

NBR, Blende

88185 s0 For pcsitivc srvcll in aircraft and autonrotii'c pctroleunr base lubricating
88186 60 oils, water-ctlryicrrc glyco! anti-frccze tttixturcs l'roltt-400trl 2750t'-.
88187 70
88507 70 Underwritcrs apl)l'ovcd conrpourirl ior Ljl--29q rlt'r'-cltctttical flrc cxtitt-
guisher servir:e. Alsr: good for pctrolcutu tlils, rvlttcr, att<l ltas a goocl
nreasure of ozone rcsistance (-'i8oic 2500F),

88304 ,10 Highgrade, gencral pui'pose, industrial Corttllouttcls for pr-'tl'olettnt base
88305 50 ht'clraulic oils and gre,lses, engine oi!s, traitsntissioit and lractor fltrids,
88306 60 Freon* ancl oil mixtures, F-11, F-13, F-t4, I-'-1i2, F'113. F-t14. f-ll4B2,
88307 70 F-115, F-218, ancl F-CJl6, u'ater to lU00lt, altitttnl attd vcgctablc oils,'
88308 80 alkalies to 160 F, rnild acids to 1200F, ptlettrtt:ttic sct'vice to 2500F, other-
88309 90 wise ratecl-4Ooto 2750F (8307 nrects SAn.t 1291. ('llss l).


Silicones and Fluo' 'licones

tll077 70 Odorless and tasti .s Compound to FDA "White List" requirements,
for static seals, -8(: ' 4000F.

ll1055, ll1306 50,60 Silicones for higl ''ttperature service in air, oxygen and inert gases.
llt307 70 Meets the requi "nts of AMS3302F, 3303D, 3304D, and 3305E, rcs-
I I 1308 80 pectively. -800tt F. For static seals only.

r I 1504 40 General servicr' ,ndustrial grade silicones for high and low t6mperaturc
I I 1505 50 static service ( liOoto 4000F).
II t506 60
I I 1507 70
I I 1508 80

t1t646 60 Fluorosilicones for petroleum fuels and lubricants, silicone fluids and
I I l(t47 70 lubricants, -900 to 4500 F, silicate ester fluids to 4000 F, and di-ester
I I t648 80 base synthetic lubricants to 3500F. Use for static seals orrly.

ACM or Polyacrylate Rubbers

t 12307 70 For automatic translrtissiotr atrd power stecring fluitls. E P lubricarrts.
I r 2308 80 air and incrt gases, -l0o to 3500F. Strcngth, conrprrrssiorr set :urcl water
I I 2309 90 resistance inferior to Nitrile Compounds.

FPM or Fluorocarbon Elastomcrs

n6407 70 Very good high tenrpcraturc service conrpouncls n'ith lorv srvell in fltrids as
rr 6409 90 petroleum oils, gasoline, LP gas, kerosene, fuel oils. synthetic lubricants
and hydraulic fluids. aromatic and clorinated solvents. Very lou' cornpres-
sion set, -20oto 4500F.

I I 6807 70 Heavy duty service, high ternperature cornporrnd lirr lowest possible
compression set for maxinrunr seal life. (-200to 5000F) Sante fluid service
as 116407 above.

FPM or Fluorocarbon Elastomers

r 19357 70 Extremely good high temperature conrpression set arrd extrusion resis-
I r9359
t90 tance, low swells in hl,drocarbon solvcnts, gasoline, Llt gas, kerosene,
fuel oils, di-ester and silicate ester base fluids ancl lubricants, silicone
fluids and greases, hot air and,inert gases, chlorinated dry cleaning fluids,
many acids and alkalies 6 -200to 4000F (short time to 6000F).

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