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POST-GRADUATE COURSE d) Define Communication. What are the

Term End Examination December, 2011 common features of human
Elective Course communication ? 6 + 12
First Paper
Time : Four Hours Full Marks : 100
2. Answer any three of the following questions :
( Weightage of Marks : 80% )
12 3 = 36
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance in
the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect spelling, a) Do you find any justification in continuing
untidy work and illegible handwriting. The weightage for with the recommendations of the Mudaliar
each question has been indicated in the margin. Commission in Secondary Education ? Give
valid reasons for your answer. 2 + 10
b) Judge the relationship between Teaching
1. Answer in detail any two of the following
Materials and Teaching Methods with
questions : 18 2 = 36
reference to Applied Linguistics. 12
a) Macaulays Minute was a turning point for
English Education in India. Discuss with c) How did the Structuralists criticize
reference to its merits and demerits. 18 Traditional Grammar ? Do you agree with

b) Judge the significance of using their criticism ? Give reasons for your
Transformational Generative ( TG ) answer. 7+1+4
Grammar in an English Medium First d) Explain the difference in meaning in the
Language English classroom. 18
following structures ( any two ) : 6 2 = 12
c) Define Cognitive Linguistics. In what ways
i) x) Rahul is out of danger. 3
did it differ from Structural Linguistics ?
y) Rahul is out and out in danger. 3
6 + 12

PG-ARTS-20003-G [ P. T. O. PG-ARTS-20003-G
3 PGELT-01 PGELT-01 4

ii) x) The Taj Mahal is the greatest b) Suggestopedia and English Language
mansion of love and memory of Teaching.
love. 3 c) Situational English Language Teaching.
y) The Taj is Maha ( great ) Hall of d) B. F. Skinner and his contribution.
forgotten love, ever remembered. 3
e) Noam Chomsky and his theory of Language
iii) x) Rainbow is a natural arch of Acquisition Device ( LAD ).
colour built in memory of past
f) Derivation and Inflection as used in word
rain. 3
y) Rainbow reminds us of passing
g) Grammar Translation Method of English
rain and sporting colour. 3
Langauge Teaching.
iv) x) Sitting on the gate a scorpion
h) Shannon-Weaver Hypothesis.
stung him. 3
y) A scorpion on the gate stung him
and made him sit down. 3
e) Christian Missionaries laid the foundation
of English Language Teaching in India.
Comment. 12
f) Discuss Krashens theory of Second
Language Acquisition. Do you agree with
him ? 10 + 2

3. Write short notes on any four of the following :
7 4 = 28
a) Role play as a tool of teaching English

PG-ARTS-20003-G [ P. T. O. PG-ARTS-20003-G

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