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Renewable Future: Clean Energy For Happy


Renewable Future: Clean Energy For Happy Generations


2nd ESO (Age: 13-14)

100% RENEWABLE ISLAND. First contact with renewable energies.

To recognize the importance and impact on society and the environment of different sources of
energy, renewable and nonrenewable.
To have a critical assessment of the effects of energy use and the importance of a sustainable

2.1. Questionnaire Where do renewable energies come from?, What types of energies are there?
What do I use energy for?
2.2. How would my life change without energy?

AREAS INVOLVED: Technology English

3rd ESO (Age: 14-15)


To use different sources of information including information and communications technology in the
search, selection and processing of information.
To approach school mathematics research in statistical contexts
To meassure quantities expressed in the International System of Units and scientific notation.
To distinguish the different energy sources and their application in power plants for the production
of electricity. To Classify and compare renewable and non-renewable energies.
To Identify the techniques of handling, processing, transportation and storage of electricity.
To understand the electricity invoice.
To transmit the information of the process performed, the results and conclusions with accurate
and appropriate language by oral or written reports.

3.1. Questionnaire Where does energy come from in El Hierro?
Students are given a questionnaire in order to find out the current situation of energy in El
Hierro. They will analyse the necessity of external fossil resources of the island.
3.2. How is energy produced?
3.3. Energy consumption
Students take a questionnaire home to analyse the types of energies and amount of energy
used at home (Tech). With the results obtained students will work on statistics and results will be
Renewable Future: Clean Energy For Happy

displayed in different graphs (Tech & Maths).

3.4. Analysis of results and conclusions
3.5. Visit to the power plant Gorona del Viento" and make a video

AREAS INVOLVED: Technology Physics & Chemistry Maths English

4th ESO (Age: 15-16)


To analyse energy conservation and energy crisis.
To assess the suitability of energy saving and diversification of energy sources. To assess the costs
and benefits of using renewable energy.
To identify some energy transformations that occur in everyday life and in devices or equipment
commonly used.
To understand the types of movement: uniform linear movements, rectilinear uniformly accelerated
and uniform circular.
To analyse the relationship among kinetic, potential and mechanical energies.
To apply the principle of energy conservation to explain some processes of everyday life and to
solve simple numerical exercises.
To understand the relationship between Work and Power and to apply them in solving simple
numerical exercises.
To build prototypes using materials, tools and techniques.
To Analyse experimental data presentation in tables, graphs and their interpretation
To present the process performed, the results and conclusions with accurate and appropriate
language (graphic, numeric, algebraic, etc.), by oral or written reports.

4.1. Wind Energy: Research on this renewable energy.
4.2. Visit to the wind farm of Gorona del Viento"
4.3. Presentation of wind farm to educational community
4.4. We build our aerogenerators
Different models will be built using recycled materials.
Models working. Technical data sheet

AREAS INVOLVED: Technology Physics & Chemistry Maths English

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