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The hormonal control of ejaculation

Giovanni Corona, Emmanuele A. Jannini, Linda Vignozzi, Giulia Rastrelli and Mario Maggi
Abstract | Hormones regulate all aspects of male reproduction, from sperm production to sexual drive.
Although emerging evidence from animal models and small clinical studies in humans clearly point to a role
for several hormones in controlling the ejaculatory process, the exact endocrine mechanisms are unclear.
Evidence shows that oxytocin is actively involved in regulating orgasm and ejaculation via peripheral, central
and spinal mechanisms. Associations between delayed and premature ejaculation with hypothyroidism
and hyperthyroidism, respectively, have also been extensively documented. Some models suggest that
glucocorticoids are involved in the regulation of the ejaculatory reflex, but corresponding data from human
studies are scant. Oestrogens regulate epididymal motility, whereas testosterone can affect the central
and peripheral aspects of the ejaculatory process. Overall, the data of the endocrine system in regulating
the ejaculatory reflex suggest that widely available endocrine therapies might be effective in treating sexual
disorders in these men. Indeed, substantial evidence has documented that treatments of thyroid diseases are
able to improve some ejaculatory difficulties.
Corona, G. etal. Nat. Rev. Urol. 9, 508519 (2012); published online 7 August 2012; doi:10.1038/nrurol.2012.147

Ejaculationthe ejection of seminal fluidis essen- sensation of an ejaculatory inevitability. The true ejacu-
tially a spinal reflex triggered by genital and/or brain lation is then somatically activated from the sacral spinal
stimulation. 1,2 The process has three distinct phases: cord (the mechanical centres at S2S4) by the pudendal
emission, ejection (expulsion, or true ejaculation itself) nerve. Activation of the pudendal nerve provokes rhyth-
and orgasm. The ejaculation reflex is coordinated by the mic contractions of the pelvic floor (bulbospongiosus,
spinal ejaculatory generator (SEG), which is located at bulbocavernosus and levator ani muscles), which force
the T12L1L2 level of the spinal cord (Figure1).1,2 The the ejaculate through the distal urethra. Sensory inputs
SEG regulates the sympathetic, parasympathetic and somatosensory, visceral sensory or proprioceptiveto
motor outflow that prompts ejaculation. This nervous the spinal control centre during sexual activity trigger
outflow is combined by the SEG with inputs of bio- the onset of ejaculation. Finally, orgasm (with its emo-
chemical or mechanical information from the accessory tional, cognitive, perceptive and autonomic aspects) is
sex organs.1,2 the final phase of the reflex that usually coincides with
Supraspinal sites regulate the inhibition and excita- ejaculation.3 However, orgasm can also occur without
Endocrinology Unit, tion of the SEG via an intricate interaction of central ejaculation, for example, in prepubertal boys.4
Medical Department, serotonergic and dopaminergic neurons, as well as the Owing to the expansive nervous components par-
Azienda Usl Bologna
Maggiore-Bellaria auxiliary involvement of other neurotransmitters.1,2 Both ticipating in the ejaculation reflex, that multiple neuro
Hospital, Largo parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves are activated transmitters are involved is unsurprising.510 In this
Nigrisoli2, 40133
Bologna, Italy
in an integrated and time-coordinated fashion, prompt- Review, we discuss the endocrine control of the ejacu-
(G.Corona). School of ing the efferent limb of the reflex (the emission phase). latory reflex. The understanding of the involvement of
Sexology, Department Specifically, the parasympathetic nerves regulate the the endocrine system in the ejaculatory process and
of Experimental
Medicine, University of secretion of seminal fluid from the epithelial cells of the intravaginal ejaculatory latency time (IELT) is still in its
LAquila, Coppito, accessory sex glands, whereas the sympathetic nerves infancy, despite the knowledge that male reproduction is
Building 2 Room
A2/54, Via Vetoio,
(T10L2, the secretory centre) actuate contractility of the largely hormonally regulated.11 Pituitary (oxytocin and
67100 LAquila, Italy epididymis and vas deferens as well as the distal trans- prolactin), thyroidal, adrenal and gonadal hormones
(E.A. Jannini). Sexual port of spermatozoa. Next, the activity of adrenergic might control ejaculation at various levels as well as
Medicine and Andrology
Unit and Department of neurons, which originate in the pelvic plexus, causes con- overall latency time, although few clinical studies are
Clinical tractions of the seminal vesicles and prostate. These con- currently available.1215
University of Florence,
tractions work to expel sperm and seminal fluid into the
Viale Pieraccini 6, posterior urethra, which is adjacent to the bladder neck. Pituitary hormones
50139 Florence, Italy The filling of the posterior urethra in turn prompts the Neurohypophyseal hormones: oxytocin
(L. Vignozzi,
G.Rastrelli, M. Maggi). urethralmuscular reflex, which is accompanied by the The epididymis can store approximately 200 million
immotile sperm, which must be propelled through
Correspondence to:
M. Maggi Competing interests the epididymis and vas deferens during ejaculation. 16 The authors declare no competing interests. Peristaltic-like contractions17 of the head (caput) and

508 | SEPTEMBER 2012 | VOLUME 9

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body (corpus) of the epididymis result in a continual Key points

basal outflow of sperm towards the distal region of the
Oxytocin is actively involved in regulating orgasm and ejaculation via peripheral,
epididymis (cauda).18 Muscle contractions coordinated
central and spinal mechanisms
by adrenergic nerve stimulation are essential for the Peripheral prolactin levels might mirror central serotonergic tone
emission phase of the ejaculatory process. Experimental Associations between delayed ejaculation and premature ejaculation with
sympathetic denervation results in a decrease innot hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, respectively, have been extensively
elimination ofepididymal contractile activity,19 which documented
suggests that other non-neuronal factors take part in Animal models suggest that glucocorticoids might be involved in the regulation
regulating contractility in the epididymis. of the ejaculatory reflex, but data in human are scant
The epididymis is a male target for oestrogens that regulate epididymal motility
Oxytocin is an oligopeptide (composed of nine amino
by conditioning the responsiveness of the contractile hormones and local
acids) synthesized in the supraoptic and paraventricular peptides
nuclei of the hypothalamus that is emitted by the poste- Hypogonadal symptoms and low testosterone levels might reduce the ability to
rior pituitary.20 Although oxytocin-producing neurons ejaculate, which suggests that androgens have a central and peripheral role in
are equally present in the supraoptic and paraventricular the ejaculation reflex
nuclei of both females and males without sexual dimor-
phism,20 oxytocin is best known for its noteworthy role
in lactation and parturition.21 Oxytocin levels are main-
tained at high levels in women to ensure rapid milk
ejection reflex and uterine contractility.22,23
By contrast, the physiological effects of oxytocin
in males have been a matter of intense debate for a Paraventricular
nucleus Medial preoptic
number of years. Debackere and colleagues first postu- nucleus
lated in the 1960s that oxytocin could be released into Locus coeruleus
the circulatory system during sexual activity.24 Using
a cross-circulation technique, they found that manual Paragigantocellular
stimulation (per rectum) of seminal vesicles prompted
a milk-ejection response in the female partner,24 con-
firming that the male genital tract is involved in the
regulation of oxytocin response. Further studies have
demonstrated that an oxytocin surge occurs during male
sexual activity, peaking during 2528 or soon after orgasm
and detumescence.29,30 A study in men around the time
of sexual stimulation and orgasm found an increase in
plasma oxytocin levels immediately after orgasm and
a subsequent rapid decline to baseline levels within
10minutes. 31 Indeed, oxytocin levels in men during
orgasm vary considerably (increases between 20% and Sympathetic centres
360% of the basal level), which matches data from many T12L1
other species including bulls,32 rats and rabbits33 and Emission

stallions.34 Interestingly, experiments of the pharmaco- Spinothalamic cells

logical administration of oxytocinwhich was found to L3L4
Spinal generator
increase the number of ejaculated spermatozoa in dif- of ejaculation
ferent animal species,21,35 including humans36might
have uncovered the hormones specific role in regu-
lating male genital tract motility. Oxytocin treatment
also stimulates invivo37,38 and invitro3537,39 epididymal Somatic (expulsion)
motility. Hence, the oxytocin pathway should be consid- and pasymphatetic
(secretion) centres Bladder
ered for pharmacological interventions in patients with S1S3
ejaculatory disturbances. Pudendal nerve
In the 1980s, a specific oxytocin receptor was identi- Testis Afferent stimuli
Efferent stimuli
fied and characterized in the male pig genital tract.40,41 Motor supply BSM
The receptor was found to be highly expressed in the
epididymis and tunica albuginea, with a lower abundance
in vas deferens41 and seminal vesicles.40 The expression of
a specific oxytocin receptor in the epididymis was further
Figure 1 | Neurological control of ejaculation. Ejaculation is the result of the
demonstrated in several other animal species, including
coordinated contractile activity involving different ejaculatory organs organized by
monkeys,42,43 rabbits,36,44 bulls,45 sheep46 and humans36,43 the spinal ejaculatory generator, located at the T12L1L2 level of the spinal cord.
Although the receptor is localized in both the epithelial Afferent information is received by the spinal ejaculatory generator, which
and muscular cells36,4651 of the epididymis, expression coordinates sympathetic, parasympathetic and motor outflow to induce the
is highest in the smooth muscle cells of the epididymal different phases of ejaculation. Abbreviation: BSM, bulbospongiosus muscle.


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cauda, which is structured in three thick layers 36,43 ventricular system of the brain of sexually energetic male
that mediate forceful contractile activity. By contrast, rats curbed their sexual behaviour (including ejacula-
expression of oxytocin and its receptor in the epididy- tion) and reversed the prosexual effects of apomorphine,
mal caput is primarily localized in the epithelial com- which is a nonselective dopamine-receptor agonist.56 In
partment,36,4749 where they synergistically interact with an experimental rat model of premature ejaculation,
endothelin1.42 Endothelin1 was discovered as a potent rapid ejaculation was characterized by activation of
vasoconstrictor that acts through two distinct receptor an increased number of oxytocin-containing neurons
subtypes: endothelin1 receptor (ETA) and endothelin B (revealed by Fos immunoreactivity) in the supraoptic
receptor (ETB).47,48 Endothelin1 is also produced by the nuclei.57 Injury of the paraventricular nucleus (specifi-
basal epididymal epithelial cells, which are positioned cally, the parvocellular neurons) in male rats reduced
opposite the smooth muscle layers that express the recep- the number of oxytocin-immunoreactive fibres in the
tors and mediate contractility.41,47,48 ETA and ETB are lumbosacral spinal cord, abolished the postejaculation
also expressed in the epithelial cells where they mediate increase of oxytocin levels in the cerebrospinal fluid, pro-
endothelin1-induced oxytocin release.49 longed mount and intromission latencies and reduced
The expression of oxytocin-neurophysin1 (known the postejaculatory interval.54 These observations further
as neurophysin1), which is an oxytocin-synthesis- demonstrate the central role of oxytocin in mammalian
associated protein, and heightened concentrations of sexual behaviour.
OXT mRNA indicates that the human epididymis syn- Central release of oxytocin also mediates functions
thesizes oxytocin alongside endothelin1.49 The cross- with a sensory component, such as those activated
talk and feed-forward interaction between oxytocin during intercourse and orgasm. For example, oxytocin
and endothelin1 presumably supports the autonomous has repeatedly been implicated in sensory-related pair
peristaltic contractions of the epididymis that enables bonding (in animal models as well as in humans):
sperm progression. Computer analysis and time-lapse expression of positive affect, affectionate touch and pro-
videomicrography experiments of the rat epididymis prioceptive contact.58,59 Furthermore, intraventricular
have shown that contractions in the caput are indeed injection of oxytocin increased pain thresholds, whereas
peristaltic and progress is unidirectional towards the central administration (within the supraoptic nuclei) of
cauda.50 Oxytocin dose-dependently increases both the antioxytocin serum decreased the nociceptive thresh-
fluid volume and sperm number in the luminal fluid of old, which suggests that the antinociceptive role of
the cauda within 10minutes of administration (10g the supraoptic nuclei is directly related to the release
and 100g).51 These effects were selectively blunted by of oxytocin.6062
pretreatment with a selective oxytocin antagonist (des The spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB) is a
GlyNH2d(CH2)5[d-Tyr 2,Thr 4] ornithine vasotocin),51 sexually dimorphic motor nucleus in the lower lumbar
which indicates that oxytocin promotes powerful spinal cord that innervates the striated bulbocaverno-
epididymal contractions that directly lead to a consid- sus muscle. The striated bulbocavernosus muscle and
erable increase in the transport of spermatozoa towards its associated levator ani participate in the ejaculatory
the vas deferens and the ejaculate.51 Collectively, these reflex in an androgen-dependent manner, receiving
data support the notion that oxytocin generated in the spinal oxytocinergic projection from the paraventricu-
central nervous system (CNS) upon orgasm could acti- lar nuclei.63 Introduction of lesions to the paraventricular
vate the secretion endothelin1 and oxytocin locally in nuclei with Nmethyld-aspartic acid reduced the
the epididymis, creating a reciprocal and synergic cross- number of oxytocin-immunoreactive fibres at the level of
activation of contractile factors. The distinct upsurge L5L6, which was associated with a significant decrease
of plasma oxytocin levels during orgasm might also in seminal emission at ejaculation (P<0.01).64 However,
promote semen emission during ejaculation and favour the mount, intromission and ejaculatory latencies were
penile detumescence.52 unaffected by these lesions, confirming the role of
A central, extrahypothalamic release of oxytocin oxytocin in the first part of the ejaculatory reflex.64
by the paraventricular nuclei at ejaculation facilitates The effect of the oxytocin antagonist (d(CH 2) 51,
sexual behaviour in several experimental animal studies. Tyr(Me)2,Orn8)oxytocin on ejaculation induced by
Oxytocin-producing neurons project to several extra intracerebroventricular injection of the D(3) dopamine
hypothalamic areas of the CNS and the spinal cord. 53 receptor agonist 7hydroxy2-(diN-propylamino)
In rats, oxytocin concentration increases threefold in tetralin (7-OH-DPAT) was studied in anaesthetized
the cerebrospinal fluid 5minutes after ejaculation and male rats. 65 Using seminal vesicle pressure (SVP),
returns to the basal level within 20minutes.54 In a study of electromyograms of the bulbospongiosus muscle and
male rats free to mate with an amenable female, oxytocin intracavernosal pressure as physiological markers
(injected directly into the cerebral ventricle) shortened of the ejaculatory emission phase, expulsion phase
the ejaculation latency and postejaculatory refractory and of erection, respectively, intravenous injection of
periods and, therefore, facilitated ejaculatory behav- (d(CH2)51,Tyr(Me)2,Orn8)oxytocin did not impair the
iour.55 When administered via an intracerebroventricular seminal vesicle and intracavernosal pressure increases
route, oxytocin also increased the latencies of mount and induced by 7OH-DPAT, but did diminish the bulbo
intromission.33 A selective oxytocin receptor antagonist spongiosus muscle burst frequency (P<0.05).65 When
(d(CH2)5Tyr(Me)[Orn8]vasotocin) delivered into the delivered intracerebroventricularly, the antagonist

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dose-dependently inhibited the sexual responses pro- men and in women,83 who are less prone to postorgasmic
voked by 7OH-DPAT, including the number of ejacu- refractoriness and satiety. Additionally, prolactin levels
lations, latency time, SVP and bulbospongiosus muscle can increase during emotionally stressful or disturbing
responses and latencies. When delivered intrathecally events (including venipuncture) or following stimula-
at the level of the L6 segment, the antagonist reduced tion of the nipple or areola in both men and women.85
the duration of bulbospongiosus muscle responses and The reported prevalence of mild hyperprolactinaemia
the occurrence of ejaculation without affecting intra (defined as >420mU/l or 20ng/ml) in men with sexual
cavernosal pressure; the same result was not observed dysfunction varies, ranging from >13%86 to <2%.78 In
when the agent was delivered at the level of the T13 men with sexual dysfunction, severe hyperprolactinaemia
segment. 65 These results suggest that brain oxytocin (defined as >735mU/l or 35ng/ml) is an infrequent event
receptors mediate the sexual responses evoked by intrac- (<1%).76,78 By contrast, mild forms of hyperprolactinaemia
erebroventricularly delivered 7OH-DPAT, whereas do not contribute to the pathogenesis of male sexual dys-
L6 spinal oxytocin receptors solely affect ejaculation. function,76,78 but severe hyperprolactinaemia (defined as
Furthermore, peripheral oxytocin receptors are mini- >735mU/l or 35ng/ml) can have adverse effects on sexual
mally involved sexual responses induced by the agonist.65 function, hindering sexual desire, erectile function and
Clearly, oxytocin is actively involved in regulat- testosterone production.31,7681
ing orgasm and ejaculation via peripheral, 52 central Prolactin secretion from the pituitary gland is nega-
and spinal mechanisms.66 However, in a double-blind, tively influenced by hypothalamic dopaminergic neurons
placebo-controlled clinical study, intranasal oxytocin had and positively influenced by several factors, some of
no effect on appetitive, consummatory and refractory which have not yet been identified. 87 Among these
sexual behaviour 67 despite anecdotal evidence indicat- prolactin-releasing factors (PRFs) are thyroid-releasing
ing that intranasal oxytocin can facilitate orgasm in an hormone, oxytocin, vasopressin and vasoactive intestinal
otherwise anorgasmic male.68 In summary, although polypeptide.87 A role for serotonin in the regulation of
preclinical data suggests a role for peripheral oxytocin prolactin secretion has also been identifiedascending
receptors in the first part of the ejaculatory reflex (semen serotoninergic inputs from the dorsal raphe nucleus are
emission) and for central receptors in several aspects of thought to be the major activators of PRFs in the para-
male sexuality (including ejaculation), the clinical data ventricular nuclei.88 Accordingly, treatment with both
are scant and inconclusive. More studies that are suf- selective and nonselective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
ficiently large and powered to determine the effect of is associated with hyperprolactinaemia.78,89 Interestingly,
oxytocin on the ejaculation reflex are, therefore, needed. the serotoninergic system suppresses the ejaculatory
reflex at the hypothalamic level.510 In fact, both selective
Adenohypophyseal hormones: prolactin serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which are com-
Human prolactin is a nonglycosylated protein composed monly prescribed for anxiety and depressive symptoms,
of 198 amino acids. Although the monomeric form of and serotonin agonists (used in experimental models)
the protein predominates in circulation, high-molecular- have roles in determining the extension of ejaculatory
weight forms of the protein are also present, such as latency.5,90 The most common adverse sexual effects asso-
macroprolactin (>100kDa), a biologically inactive ciated with SSRIs are delayed ejaculation and absent or
complex of prolactin bound to IgG. 6971 Retrospective delayed orgasm.91 Furthermore, these effects on sexual
analysis of patients with hyperprolactinaemia found function are dose-dependent and can vary within the
that approximately 40% have macroprolactinaemia.71 group of SSRIs used according to which serotonin and
In women, prolactin controls breast development and dopamine reuptake mechanisms are invoked, whether
lactation.71 However, the role of prolactin in men is not prolactin release is induced, the presence of anti
fully understood. cholinergic effects, inhibition of nitric oxide synthase
Deletion of PRL, or of the gene encoding the pro and the propensity for accumulation of the drugs.92 Some
lactin receptor (PRLR), does not affect male reproduc- long-acting 90,93 or specifically designed short-acting
tive fitness,7274 despite the receptor being expressed in SSRIs94 are currently used clinically to treat premature
the male brain, testis, accessory glands 72 and penis.75 ejaculation by virtue of their ejaculation-delaying effects.
However, the effects of the pathological elevation of A poor prolactin response to a serotonergic challenge
prolactin expression on both male reproductive and can be a reflection of impaired central serotonergic func-
sexual behaviour have been well clarified. 71,7678 Many tion95,96 and is associated with thickening of the carotid
studies have demonstrated the marked inhibitory effect artery. These associations suggest that differences in
of hyperprolactinaemia on sexual desire,76,7880 the under central serotonergic responsivity are inversely related to
lying mechanism of which is via action on hypothalamic the likelihood of developing vascular disease.97 Indeed,
GnRH (and, therefore, on testosterone production) and/ determination of even the basal prolactin level can be
or dopamine production and turnover.81 Several studies used as an indicator of blunted central serotonergic
have shown that prolactin levels increase following male function.98 In the brain, serotonin modulates neuronal
orgasm, 31,8284 which might exert negative feedback activity and mediates cognitive function and behaviour,
control on sexual motivation, contributing to the post including the ejaculatory reflex.99102 Men with anxious
orgasmic refractory period. However, the postorgasmic symptoms and disorders commonly exhibit abnormali-
rise in prolactin is modest (1015ng/ml) and similar in ties in serotonin function, therefore, 99 the serotonin


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a Adjusted r = 0.021; P = 0.044 b Adjusted r = 0.067; P = 0.029 [serotonin] receptor2C hyposensitivity and/or sero
2.24 tonin receptor1A receptor hypersensitivity) might be
the origin of some cases of lifelong premature ejacula-
tion.10 This hypothesis has been supported clinically: low
prolactin levels were associated with a higher risk of pre-
mature ejaculation, even after adjusting for confounding
Log10 (PRL) mU/l

2.20 factors that include age, body mass index, medicaments

and smoking habit.98 However, no differences in pro
lactin levels were detected between men with lifelong
or acquired premature ejaculation.98 Thus, secondary
causes of premature ejaculation might primarily influ-
2.16 ence the serotonergic system of the brain, rather than
at the level of prolactin. 98,107,108 Additionally, central
modifications of a serotonergic nature, mirrored by low
prolactin levels both in lifelong and acquired premature
Free-floating anxiety symptoms SIEDY Scale 3 score quartiles ejaculation, might actually be a resultnot a causeof
(MHQ-A score) quartiles the loss of ejaculatory control in men with lifelong pre-
Figure 2 | The association with PRL levels and psychological and anxiety scores.
mature ejaculation. Prolactin levels have also been found
Data were derived from a consecutive series of 2,948 patients (mean age to be positively correlated with reported ejaculatory
51.313.1years) seeking medical care at the Sexual Medicine and Andrology latency (from severe premature ejaculation to anejacu-
Unit and Department of Clinical Physiopathology, University of Florence, Florence, lation), after excluding men with pathological hyper
Italy. Adjusted r values indicate the MHQ score, which is an index of mood and prolactinaemia and adjusting for SSRI use (Figure3a).109
anxious spectrum psychopathology and chronic disease score (a validated index of These data imply that low prolactin levels should be
associated morbidities) adjusted data after excluding subjects with taken into consideration when evaluating patients with
hyperprolactinaemia (defined as >735mU/l or 35ng/ml) or taking
sexual dysfunction, as it can shed some light on ejacula-
antidepressants. a | PRL levels as a function of free-floating anxiety symptoms
(MHQA) score quartiles (IIV). b | PRL levels as a function of SIEDY scale 3 score tory behaviour and might reflect central serotoninergic
quartiles (IIV). Abbreviations: MHQ-A: Middlesex Hospital Questionnaire, anxiety; tone (Figure4).
PRL, prolactin.
Thyroid hormones
Thyroid hormone nuclear receptors are located in all
system is unsurprisingly a major target for therapies tissues including the male genital tract.110 Associations
in this arena.103 The common belief that anxiety is sec- between delayed and premature ejaculation with hypo-
ondary to serotonin overactivity has been debunked thyroidism100 and hyperthyroidism,100,107,111 respectively,
by research that revealed different serotonergic neural have been widely documented in animal models and
circuitry and receptorsrather than global serotonin humans.112,113 Hyperthyroidism in rats (induced by treat-
levelsare mediators of different aspects of anxiety.99 ment with lthyroxin) increases seminal vesicle contrac-
Specifically, genetic variations in the sodium-dependent tion frequency and bulbospongiosus muscle contractile
serotonin transporter, which is crucial to the regulation activity, which indicates that hyperthyroidism can affect
of the serotonin system, and its effects on emotional the ejaculatory emission and expulsion phases. 112 In
characteristics99 has provided a new level of understand- that study, after a 28-day washout period (to determine
ing of the neurobiological and genetic basis of emo- spontaneous recovery from hyperthyroidism) the afore-
tional regulation and anxiety disorders.103 Accordingly, mentioned alterations were reversed,114 confirming the
a meta-analysis of the available evidence clarified that direct role of thyroid hormones in the control of ejacula-
allele variants in the promoter region of the serotonin tion. These results have been replicated in several clinical
transporter gene are associated with selective attention to studies in human patients. In a series of 755 consecutive
negative stimuli strongly implicated in the aetiology and men seeking medical care for sexual dysfunction, includ-
maintenance of anxiety disorders.104 ing premature ejaculation, the prevalence of suppressed
Men with prolactin levels in the lowest quartile show thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)which is a marker
the highest level of free-floating anxiety 98 and the of possible hyperthyroidismwas twofold higher in
highest level of SIEDY Scale 3 score (a validated index patients with premature ejaculation than those reporting
of psychopathology in subjects with sexual dysfunction), normal ejaculatory timing.105
which supports the hypothesis that peripheral prolactin The first multicentre prospective study on this topic
might mirror central serotoninergic tone (Figure2). 105 showed that half of patients with hyperthyroidism also
Furthermore, such hypoprolactinaemia is, in men with have premature ejaculation,100 but curing the under
sexual dysfunction, related to psychobiological features lying illness led to a drastic reduction in this proportion
such as anxiety symptoms and premature ejaculation.98 (to 15%) and a doubling of ejaculatory latency period
Guiltiness during autoeroticism has also been associated (Table1). Premature ejaculation was observed in 72% of
with low levels of prolactin.106 Waldingers neurobiologi- men with hyperthyroidism, but was reduced upon treat-
cal hypothesis states that perturbation of the central ment of the underlying illness(es) in a subsequent pro-
serotonin pathway (specifically, 5hydroxytryptamine spective single-centre study of premature ejaculation.111

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A positive correlation between TSH and IELT was also a

2.40 Adjusted r = 0.050; P = 0.003
observed.111 IELT could be increased threefold in men
with premature ejaculation (n=24) upon therapeutic 2.35
intervention to achieve euthyroidism at follow-up. 111

Log10 (PRL) mU/l

In the euthyroid state, Beck anxiety and International
Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) scores also signifi- 2.25
cantly improved (both P<0.05, Wilcoxon signed rank 2.20
test), which led the researchers to conclude that hyper
thyroidism is a novel and reversible aetiological risk 2.15
factor for premature ejaculation.111 Although Oztrk 2.10
etal.114 obtained similar results in their study of 107 men
consulting an outpatient clinic for premature ejaculation, 0.00
Waldinger etal.115 found no connection between TSH
levels and IELT in a cohort of Dutch subjects with lifelong b
0.30 Adjusted r = 0.046; P = 0.010
premature ejaculation without erectile dysfunction.
To disentangle the data, we conducted a meta-analysis 0.25

Log10 (TSH) mU/l

(Table1) of the available studies comparing the preva- 0.20
lence of hyperthyroidism in patients with premature
ejaculation and in those without (derived from healthy 0.15

men or the general population). In the same analysis, 0.10

we included unpublished data from 855 patients attend-
ing our clinic for premature ejaculation over 12years
(20002012), the characteristics of whom do not differ 0.00
significantly from the previous published sample.107
The prevalence of hyperthyroidism in this unpublished c
group was compared with that found in a sample of 433 19 Adjusted r = 0.042; P = 0.012
men enrolled, from the general population of the same 18
Testosterone (nmol/l)

geographical area, in the European Male Aging Study
(EMAS).116,117 EMAS is a multicentre survey of 3,369
community-dwelling men aged 4079years (mean
6011years) randomly selected from eight European
centres: Florence, Italy; Leuven, Belgium; Malm,
Sweden; Manchester, UK; Santiago de Compostela, 11
Spain; Lodz, Poland; Szeged, Hungary and Tartu, 0
Estonia. Upon analysis of the data of Oztrk etal.114 and Severe Moderate Mild No PE/DE Mild Moderate Severe Anejaculation
Waldinger etal.115as well as of our unpublished evi- PE DE
dencewe found that men with premature ejaculation
have a threefold increased risk of hyperthyroidism com- Figure 3 | Hormone levels as a function of ejaculatory difficulties. Data were
pared with control subjects (Figure5). However, when derived from a consecutive series of 2,948 patients (mean age
separate analyses were performed according to overall or 51.313.1years) seeking medical care at the Sexual Medicine and Andrology
Unit and Department of Clinical Physiopathology, University of Florence, Florence,
lifelong premature ejaculation status, the association was
Italy. Ejaculatory difficulties were categorized using an 8point scale that
not confirmed in subjects with lifelong premature ejacu- corresponds to the continuum of the ejaculation latency.118 0=severe PE
lation (Table1, Figure5). Given that hyperthyroidism is a (ejaculation within 15s or before penetration); 1=moderate PE (if ejaculation
risk factor for erectile dysfunction,100,117 populations with within 30s); 2=mild PE (ejaculation within 60s); 3=no ejaculatory difficulties;
abundant thyroid disorders that induce hyperthyroid- 4=mild DE (ejaculation and climax possible, but only with great effort and after
ism (such as Graves disease, uninodular or multinodular prolonged intercourse); 5=moderate DE (ejaculation and climax possible only
toxic goitre and drug-induced hyperthyroidism) might with autoerotism in the presence of a partner, but not during coitus); 6=severe
DE (ejaculation and orgasm obtained only with autoerotism conducted in the
be predisposed to acquired premature ejaculation, which
absence of a partner); 7=anejaculation. Adjusted r values indicate the MHQ
at least partially explains the difference. score, which is an index of mood and anxious spectrum psychopathology and
To quantify the improvements to IELT in men with chronic disease score (a validated index of associated morbidities) adjusted data
premature ejaculation who achieved euthyroidism,100,111 after excluding subjects with hyperprolactinaemia (defined as >735mU/l or
we conducted a meta-analysis and found that treat- 35ng/ml) or taking antidepressants. a | PRL levels as a function of ejaculatory
ing hyperthyroidism increases IELT by 84.634.2s, difficulty. b | TSH levels as a function of ejaculatory difficulty. c | Testosterone
P=0.001 (Table1). In addition, Carani etal.100 demon levels as a function of ejaculatory difficulty. Abbreviations: DE,delayed
strated that treatment of hypothyroidism reduced ejacu- ejaculation; MHQ, Middlesex Hospital Questionnaire; PE, premature ejaculation;
PRL, prolactin; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone.
latory latency twofold as well as the observed frequency
of delayed ejaculation. Thus, thyroid hormones likely
govern not only the ankle reflex (also known as the pituitary diseases, TSH levels were found to be positively
Achilles reflex) but also the ejaculatory reflex. Similarly, correlated to reported ejaculatory latencies (Figure3b).118
in a study that excluded subjects with low TSH caused by Given that TSH levels are closely linked to thyroid


2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

function by negative feedback, thyroid hormones might Low Ejaculation latency High
also negatively effect ejaculatory latency (Figure4).
Hyperthyroidism, even in its subclinical form,
increased the risk of all-cause mortality in men (by Premature Delayed
approximately 41%).119 Clinical screening and laboratory ejaculation ejaculation
confirmation of thyroid disease are, therefore, strongly Thyroid hormones
advised in men with ejaculatory dysfunction.
Adrenal and gonadal steroids
The major corticosteroid in many mammalian species Hypo Control of ejaculation Hyper
cortisolis generally secreted in response to stressful
Figure 4 | The hormonal regulation of the ejaculatory
stimuli and also during arousal and ejaculation (at least, continuum.
in several animal models). For example, during sexual
excitement in stallions, cortisol is secreted in prepara-
tion for or in anticipation of the physical demands of ejaculatory reflex, data in humans are too preliminary
mounting and breeding. 120 Male animals, including to draw final conclusions. Larger studies are advisable to
horses, boars and pigs,120,121 demonstrate a rise in cor- better understand this topic.
tisol after exposure to a receptive (oestrous) female; at
least in horses this rise is independent of ejaculation.120 Oestrogens
Boars trained to mount a stationary artificial sow and Oestrogens, in particular oestradiol, have roles in regu
ejaculate after digital pressure of the extended penis lating the initial part of the ejaculatory reflexthe
demonstrated this increase in cortisol during ejacula- emission phaseby acting on the epididymis.52 These
tion (with digital pressure) and when ejaculation was epididymal functions were originally attributed to the
not permitted (without digital pressure).122 These data high levels of oestrogen measured in rete testis fluid. 134
suggest that sexual stimulation, but not ejaculation, In fact, P450 aromatase activity, which is partly respon-
activates the limbic circuits and hypothalamic area that sible for the irreversible transformation of androgens
control adrenocortical secretion. However, cortisol to oestrogen, is localized in the testis of several animal
increase could merely reflect the physical component of species135 and in the epididymis of rabbits,44 monkeys,136
sexual stimulation. rats137 and humans.138 The epididymis synthesizes and
Late-onset rises in cortisol (30min after ejacula- responds to oestrogensboth oestrogen receptor and
tion) has been described in horses34 and donkeys,123 (ER and ER) are expressed in the epididymis of several
the significance of which has yet to be established. In animal species,135 including rabbits.44 ER and ER are
anesthetized, captive Felidae species (cheetahs, tigers, profusely localized in the peritubular smooth muscle
leopards and pumas) electroejaculation was associated compartment of the cauda, but are irregularly expressed
with a sharp rise in cortisol levels, that mimics the spike in the epithelial cells of the corpus, at least in mice. 139
elicited by adrenocorticotropic hormone,124,125 which This differential expression of the oestrogen receptors
possibly reflects stress-induced maximal adrenal activ- likely accounts for the two major roles attributed to
ity. Data from rhesus monkeys indicate that cortisol the oestrogens in the epididymis: regulation of luminal
increases considerably after exposure to a sexually recep- fluid reabsorption and sperm concentration (typical of
tive female, although this rise was also independent of the caput epithelium)140 and regulation of epididymal
ejaculation.126 In another primate study, cortisol levels contractility (typical of the muscular compartment of
were correlated positively with the rate of contact and epididymal cauda).
mount as well as with the percentage of tests in which the The oestrogenic regulation of fluid reabsorption and
monkeys had erections.127 By contrast, the cortisol levels sperm concentration has been reviewed elsewhere.140
were reduced in older animals, which was characterized Briefly, the disruption of EReither by complete
by reduced cortisol levels at night.127 genetic knockout or by treatment with a pure anti
Data of this sort in humans are scant. Blood cortisol oestrogenresults in dilution of cauda epididymal
levels, drawn continuously while subjects viewed an sperm, disruption of sperm morphology, inhibition of
erotic film, did not significantly change in male subjects sodium transport and subsequent water reabsorption,
during either arousal or orgasm.128131 Although decreased increased secretion of chloride ions and an eventual
libido is an often-reported sexual complaint of men with decrease in fertility.140
hypercortisolism,132 no effect on orgasm or ejaculation With respect to the oestrogenic regulation of epididy-
has been described thus far. By contrast, in men with mal contractile activity, two distinct animal models of
hypocortisolism (such as those with the autoimmune oestrogen deprivation (inducing hypogonadotropic
Addisons disease) glucocorticoid and mineralocorti- hypogonadism and blocking aromatase activity using
coid replacement therapy is associated with an overall letrozole) have been used to show that endogenous oes-
improvement in sexual function, including orgasm.133 trogens are necessary for the epididymal responsiveness
Hence, although animal studies have documented to the contractile agents oxytocin and endothelin1.44,49
a possible role of adrenal hormones in regulating This epididymal hyporesponsiveness in hypogonadal

514 | SEPTEMBER 2012 | VOLUME 9

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Table 1 | Outcome variables for men with lifelong or acquired premature ejaculation*
Population characteristics Mean age (years) Prevalence of Mean IELT (s)
Waldinger etal.115 (2005)
Study population (n=620): men with LPE NR 14/620 (2.2%) NR
Control population (n=620): general Dutch population NR 16/620 (2.5%) NR
Carani etal.100 (2005)
Study population (n=34): men with hyperthyroidism 43.2 34/34 (100%) 124 30
240 30
Control population: NR NR NR NR
Cihan etal.111 (2009)
Study population (n=43): men with hyperthyroidism 48.0 43/43 (100%) 75.8 99.3
123.2 96.4
Control population: NR NR NR NR
Oztrk etal. 114
Study population (n=107): outpatients with premature ejaculation 45.1 14/107 (8.4%) NR
Control population (n=94): healthy men 48.1 4/94 (4.25%) NR
Corona etal. (2012)||
Study population (n=855): outpatients with premature ejaculation 51.3 LPE 17/322 (5.3%) NR
APE 13/533 (2.5%)
Control population (n=433): EMAS study Florentine sample111 60.1 3/433 (0.5%) NR
*Whenever possible the prevalence of hyperthyroidism in a control population was also reported. Men with hyperthyroidism. Men treated for hyperthyroidism.
Unpublished work. EMAS is a multicentre survey performed on a sample of 3,369 community-dwelling men aged 4079years. Subjects were randomly
selected from eight European cities: Florence, Italy; Leuven, Belgium; Malm, Sweden; Manchester, UK; Santiago de Compostela, Spain; Lodz, Poland; Szeged,
Hungary; and Tartu, Estonia. Only the Florentine sample was considered in this analysis. Abbreviations: APE, acquired premature ejaculation; EMAS, European
Male Aging Study; IELT, intravaginal ejaculation latency time; LPE, lifelong premature ejaculation; NR, not reported.

animals could be normalized by supplementation with Several studies in hypogonadal men have definitively
oestradiol valerate or with tamoxifena selective oes- demonstrated positive effects of testosterone substitution
trogen receptor modulatorbut not with testosterone on restoring sexual desire, spontaneous sexual thoughts
enanthate, confirming the direct role of oestrogens. and attractiveness to erotic stimuli.146 Androgens also
Tamoxifen came to market 30years ago as an empiric, have an effect at the penile level, regulating the forma-
off-label treatment for idiopathic oligospermia, 141 tion and degradation of cGMP, which has central role
and has since been cited by the WHO as the first-line in penile erection. Indeed, testosterone regulates the
treatment for the condition.142 As well as its purported activity of nitric oxide (NO) synthase activity as well as
central effect in stimulating gonadotropin release,141,142 the expression and activity of cGMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic
tamoxifen might also act as an oestrogen agonist in the phosphodiesterase (also known as type 5 phosphodi
epididymis, 143 stimulating epididymal sensitivity to esterase, PDE5); the integrated NOPDE5 system is one
oxytocin and endothelin1.36,44,58 Such an effect would of the most important factors involved in the contractil-
explain, at least in part, the benefit to patients tamoxifen ity of the male genital tract.145,146 Accordingly, PDE5 was
has in normogonadotropic idiopathic oligospermia.144 immunolocalized in all the muscular layers of both the
Oestrogens could positively regulate endothelin1- human and rabbit vas deferens and was found to be nega-
mediated and oxytocin-mediated contractility either tively involved in regulating NO-induced relaxation.147
by inducing the expression of oxytocin receptors or by Moreover, the time-course of PDE5 expression during
activating a calcium-sensitizing transforming protein fetal development parallels the pattern of testosterone
RhoA/Rho-associated protein kinase (Rho/ROCK) receptor expression,148 which confirms the close relation-
system,39 which is a common downstream effector of the ship between androgens and PDE5 system. Accordingly
contractile mechanisms in the epididymis. the dependency of PDE5 expression and activity on
Overall, these data uphold the hypothesis that the testosterone has been shown in other areas of the male
epididymis is a target for oestrogens in males. Oestrogens genital tract such as vas deferens, which indicates a role
act by regulating the expression of proteins involved in for the androgen in semen emission and ejaculation.147
fluid reabsorption in the efferent ductule epithelium and Low levels of testosterone accompanying hypogonadal
epididymal motility via conditioning the responsiveness symptoms are associated with a lower tendency to ejacu-
of the contractile hormones and local peptides. late.107,109,118,149 Indeed, testosterone can affect the ejacula-
tory process109,118 and androgens have extensive influence
Androgens on sexual behaviour in men because of their ability to
Testosterone affects male sexual response at both the act on the central and peripheral nervous system, many
central and peripheral level,145 motivating sexual contact. areas of which are connected to the ejaculatory reflex.


2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

Difference 95% CI Odds ratio for hypertrophic action on the levator ani is a good invivo
in mean hyperthyroidism
predictor of androgen action.155
Corona et al.* 5.419 [1.21624.144] The emission phase of the ejaculatory reflex, which
Oztrk et al.114 2.066 [0.6156.944] relies on the NOPDE5A system, is also influenced by
Overall PE 3.029 [1.1827.766]
testosterone. In an experimental model of hypogonado-
tropic hypogonadism, the vas deferens of testosterone-
Waldinger et al.115 0.872 [0.4221.803] deficient rabbits displayed decreased cGMP degradation
Corona et al.* 12.011 [2.75552.371] and decreased PDE5 expression and activity.147 However,
testosterone administration wholly reversed these
Overall 2.983 [0.22938.796]
lifelong PE conditions, 147 which suggests that hypogonadism-
associated delayed ejaculation is caused by elevated
Overall 3.024 [1.2507.317] inhibitory nitrergic tone on the smooth muscle cells
0.1 1 10 100
of the male genitalia. Testosterone is converted to an
Favours euthyroidism Favours hyperthyroidism
active oestrogen17-oestradiolby cytochrome
P450 aromatase, which is widely expressed throughout
Figure 5 | Weighted odds ratio of hyperthyroidism between men with PE and a the male genital tract (in particular, the epididymis). 52
control population. *Unpublished work. Abbreviation: PE, premature ejaculation. In the epididymis, testosterone and 17-oestradiol can
reverse hypogonadism-induced downregulation of the
Rho/ROCK pathway to restore contractility.39 Thus, low
Box 1 | Levels of control in mammalian ejaculation testosterone levels must be evaluated in all patients with
Central control
delayed ejaculation.
Testosterone regulates the central serotonin pathway in a rat animal Testosterone also facilitates the control of the ejacu-
models.151 In particular, chronic testosterone treatment has been reported latory reflex.109,118 Different testosterone levels can be
to considerably decrease serotonin and its metabolite, 5hydroxyindoleacetic linked to different subsets of ejaculatory disturbances
acid at the level of the hypothalamus level.151 This observation can explain, at (Figure3c). Although delayed ejaculation is associated
least in part, the higher levels of testosterone observed in patients reporting with reduced testosterone levels, abnormally high levels
premature ejaculationa condition associated with an impairment of serotonin are an indication of premature ejaculation. Overall, these
pathway.109,118 However, no specific data are available in humans.
data suggest that androgens have some part in the mech-
Spinal control anism of ejaculation.109,118 Mechanical action of testos-
Animal studies performed in cats and dogs have demonstrated that androgens
terone in ejaculatory control can also be hypothesized.
regulate the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus nerve152 as well as muscles of
the pelvic floor involved in the ejaculatory reflexsuch as the bulbocavernosus,
For example, a hypogonadism-induced reduction in
ischiocavernosus and levator ani muscle.155 No specific evidence has been semen volume149 can disturb the dynamics of the seminal
reported in humans. bolus propulsion and explain why some men have ejacu-
Peripheral control lation difficulties. Furthermore, low testosterone levels
A study of a rabbit model has documented that testosterone regulates the directly reduce ejaculate volume, which might reduce
integrated system of nitric oxide and type 5 phosphodiesterase, one of the most stimulation of the accessory glands (such as the prostate
important factors involved in the contractility of the male genital tract in the and seminal vesicles) that are known androgen targets.
emission phase.147 These data have been recapitulated in humans.147 Finally, testosterone differences could be the result
of sexual disturbances, particularly erectile dysfunc-
tion, which, in turn, might reflect differences in sexual
Furthermore, the medial preoptic area, bed nucleus of behaviour that include copulation frequency.156
the stria terminalis, median amygdala and posterior thal- In summary, several mechanisms link andro-
amus, which are all involved in the supraspinal control gens to the complex ejaculation process (Figure4).
of ejaculation, express androgen receptors.150 Animal Further studies are necessary to completely under-
models have exemplified these central roles for testo stand these mechanisms and how these can be targeted
sterone in mediating sexual behaviour and responses. to treat men with premature ejaculation and other
For example, rats treated for extended periods with sexual dysfunctions.
testosterone expressed considerably lower levels of sero
tonin in the brain (Box1).151 Even at the spinal cord Conclusions
level, nuclei critically involved in controlling ejacula- Evidence amassed on the endocrine control of ejacula-
tion, such as the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus, tion is largely derived from preclinical observations and
are androgen-dependent.152 At least in mature cats, cir- small clinical trials. However, the evidence is compel-
culating androgens can drastically alter the expression ling and suggests that hormones do indeed modulate
of gastrin-releasing peptide in the lower spinal cord,153 the ejaculatory reflex. The notion that premature ejacu-
which mediates the ejaculatory reflex by innervating the lation and delayed ejaculation can be considered two
bulbocavernosus spinal nucleus.154 Interestingly, bulbo- ends of a single continuum has been confirmed experi-
cavernosus muscle is specifically androgen-dependent, mentally.118,157 The endocrine milieu (primarily com-
as are other muscles of the pelvic floor involved in the prising testosterone, thyroid hormones and prolactin)
ejaculatory ejection of the seminal bolus (namely, the has an effect on the ejaculatory process by altering its
ischiocavernosus and levator ani muscles). Indeed, overall latency (Figure4). Although our understanding

516 | SEPTEMBER 2012 | VOLUME 9

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of endocrine regulation of the ejaculatory reflex is still these patients, as was the case in disorders of the thyroid
under development, emerging data are providing insight and testis.
into frequently occurring and rarely studied conditions
such as ejaculatory disturbances. Considering that
hormone production, release, action and metabolism Review criteria
can be easily manipulated by severalalready avail-
An extensive MEDLINE search was performed including the
ablestrategies, understanding the complete endocrine following words oxytocin, prolactin, thyroid hormones,
role is absolutely essential for the successful treatment of adrenal steroids, estrogens, testosterone,
men with sexual disorders such as premature ejaculation. hormones and ejaculation. Results were limited to
Perhaps endocrine therapy of ejaculatory disorders will English-language articles published up to 1 April 2012.
improve both the sexual life and the general health of

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125. Brown, J.L. et al. Adrenalpituitarygonadal investigation, diagnosis and management of the G. Corona and M. Maggi wrote the article. G. Corona,
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captive leopards (Panthera pardus kotiya) Cambridge, 2000). manuscript before submission.


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