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Tarea Marzo 2 2017


Pia Pinneapple
Manzana Apple
Zanahoria Carrot
Pepino Cucumber
Naranja Orange
Oliva Olive
Guanbana Soursop
Pimentn Peppers
Lechuga Letucce
Limn Lemon
Papaya Papaya
Mango Mango
Tomate Tomato
Lulo Lulo
Granadilla Passion fruit
Mora Blackberry
Fresa Strawberry
Ciruela Plum
Sandia Watermelon
Berenjena Eggplant - aubergine
Cebolla cabezona .cebolla larga White onion - scallion
Ajo Garlic
Papas Potatoes
Coliflor Cauliflower
Brcoli Broccoli
Remolacha Beet
Habichuela - frijol Kidney Bean - frijol
Arveja vetch
Lenteja lentil
aguacate avocado
Platano plantain

1. Terrible, Just found out that Obama had my wires tapped in Trump Tower just before the
victory. Nothing found.
How low has president Obama gone to tap my phones during the very sacred election
2. Potato
3. Cap by tap
4. Breitbar webside
5. It's pretty cool around thinking: hola hes the president this event just before the victory

The politic violence in Colombia

The political violence is related with the army conflict. In this sense, the government has
building actions of dialogue between the diferents actors of the armed conflict. Since forty years
the government and the guerrillas have dialogues of peace. It was not possible. The political
violence intensified.
In 2012, in the government of the president Juan Manuel Santos, began the current process of
peace. In this process, various sectores of civil society integrated by polyticians, students,
workers, victims, peasants and others began to talk about the politics of justice, reparation and
peace for the victims of the violence. In the present, already this process of peace signed and it is
being implemented.
In 2020, the peace will be the promise fullfilled for all. The country will strengthen the economy
and education at all levels, as a way to maintain equity and social justice. The young people will
have more work opportunities. The families will can enjoy their moments of tranquility and
recreation. The boys and girls, will can play in the park.
The peace is the yearning of all Colombians!!!!!
The political violence
The political violence is related to the armed conflict. In this sense, the government has built
actions of dialogue between the different actors of the armed conflict. For forty years the
government and the guerrillas tried to have peace talks, but it was impossible. So that the
political violence intensified.
In 2012, during the administration of President Juan Manuel Santos, the current peace process
began. In this process, various sectors of civil society integrated by politicians, students, workers,
victims, peasants and others began to talk about the politics of justice, reparation and peace for
the victims of the violence. In the present, this peace agreement is signed and it is being
In 2020, the promise of peace will be fulfilled for all. The country will strengthen the economy
and education at all levels, as a way to maintain equity and social justice. The young people will
have more work opportunities. The families will enjoy their moments of tranquility and
recreation. The boys and girls will play in the park.
The peace is the dream of all Colombians!!!!!
The plans of travel in April of 2017
My family meeting will be in April in 2017. We will travel to the department of Santander
(Colombia) from Thursday13 till 16 Sunday of April. The plans of travel will implie to know
several cities as Bucaramanga, Barrancabermeja, Floridablanca, Velez, Moniquira, etc, etc. In
Bucaramanga we will know the parks; in San Gil will know the park of the Gallineral; in
Barranca will know the Valley of the Chicamocha; in Velez will know the factories of snacks and
finally in Moniquira will visit the factories of hat crafts.
Some people have told me that in Santander the gastronomy is spectacular. By this reason, we
will visit restaurants and tipic places for we enjoy its foods. We will eat, in Bucaramanga,
oriada meat and culonas ants, breads and sweets of Floridablanca or the veleos snacks in
In the Park of Gallineral, we would like to meet your prehispanic architecture, vegetation, fauna
and your crafts.
Maybe, we will go to practice parapent in Valley of Chicamocha. From above, we are flying in
the parapent, we will admire its mountains, its rivers, its geography and its landscapes.
The plans of travel to Santander, we will be driving the car by road from here, Bogot. From
Bogot by Tunja.
Ohhh!!! the plan of vacation will be wonderful.

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