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No. 0 / October 2014 January 2015

Explore, learn and reach / Percorrer, aprender e alcanar No. 0 / outubro 2014 janeiro 2015

How can we create a National Educational Evaluation Policy?

Como se constri uma Poltica Nacional de Avaliao da Educao?

O Programa Mexico City: Durango: Notes for

da Reforma Educating Avaliar como an integral,
Educativa in difficult forma de vida feasible and
Emilio Chuayffet environments Hctor Eduardo consensual
Chemor Luis Ignacio Vela Valenzuela strategy
Snchez Gmez Members of the
Governing Board

de ingresso
ao Sistema
Docente do
Margarita Poggi,
Laura Fumagalli
y Nstor Lpez
The logbook
Gazette of National Educational Evaluation Policy No. 0 / October 2014 January 2015


Tlaxcala: The implementation of national

educational evaluation policies
Toms Munive Osorno

Juan Yahir, a success story
We can fly
in San Luis Potos
Sylvia Schmelkes
Irma Hernndez Martnez and Silvia
FROM THE DESK Socorro Corts Torres

An agenda for educational

Evaluation must be related to education
Why a gazette? improvement through evaluation
Luis Ignacio Snchez Gmez
Francisco Miranda Lpez

Main challenges for the Evaluation Unit

From evaluation to action: OTHER VIEWS

of the National Education System
the Education Reform Program
Emilio Chuayffet Chemor
Jorge A. Hernndez Uralde

OUR OWN VOICE A strategy for supervision and
observation of the Competitive Teacher

Building the National Policy on

Evolution and perspectives of Mexicos
Educational Panorama: Indicators
from the National Education System
Placement Exam in the Professional
Teaching Service

Educational Evaluation: Perspectives Agustn Caso Raphael WITHOUT A PASSPORT

and contributions for a comprehensive
Teresa Bracho, Eduardo Backhoff, Gilberto

The transformation of institutional

Entry evaluation for Mexicos
Guevara, Sylvia Schmelkes and Margarita management within INEE Professional Teaching System: Between
Zorrilla Luis Castillo Montes technical clarity and political complexity


Margarita Poggi, Laura Fumagalli
and Nstor Lpez

Puebla: Educational Evaluation

Autonomy, administrative management
and the future of INEE OUR PENS
as a decision-making tool
Jorge Cruz Bermdez
Miguel ngel de Jess Lpez Reyes


Teaching and assessment: the perception
Durango: The educational role
of individuals participating in education
of evaluation as a way of life
in the state of Tlaxcala
Hctor Eduardo Vela Valenzuela inee
Adriana Carro Olvera

Gazette of National Educational Evaluation Policy, Year 1, No. 0, October 2014-January 2015,
is a publication of the National Institute for Educational Evaluation by the Educational Policy inee Facebook
and Regulations Unit, under the care of the General Directorate of Guidelines for Educational
Improvement. Jos Mara Velasco 101, pb, San Jos Insurgentes, Benito Jurez, Mxico, D. F.,
inee Youtube
C. P. 03900. Tel. (+52.55), exts. 1215 y 1045.
Dirio de bordo
Gazeta da Poltica Nacional de Avaliao Educativa No. 0 / outubro 2014 janeiro 2015


possvel voar
Tlaxcala: Implementao das polticas
nacionais de avaliao educativa
Toms Munive Osorno

Juan Yahir, um caso de sucesso
Sylvia Schmelkes
em San Luis Potos
DA ESCRIVANINHA PLANO DE AO Irma Hernndez Martnez e Silvia Socorro

Uma agenda para a melhora
Corts Torres

Por que uma gazeta?
educativa a partir da avaliao A avaliao deve relacionar-se
VOZES DA CONFERNCIA Francisco Miranda Lpez com educar

Da avaliao ao:

Principais desafios da Unidade de
Luis Ignacio Snchez Gmez

O Programa da Reforma Educativa Avaliao do Sistema Educativo Nacional
Emilio Chuayffet Chemor Jorge A. Hernndez Uralde OUTROS OLHARES

Evoluo e perspectivas do Panorama

Estratgia de superviso e observao

Construindo a Poltica Nacional

Educativo do Mxico: Indicadores do
Sistema Educativo Nacional 2013
dos Concursos no Servio Profissional
Docente 2014
de Avaliao Educativa: Enfoques Agustn Caso Raphael
e contribuies para uma estratgia
A transformao da gesto institucional
Teresa Bracho, Eduardo Backhoff, Gilberto
Guevara, Sylvia Schmelkes e Margarita do INEE: Contribuies da Unidade de A avaliao de ingresso ao Sistema
Zorrilla Planejamento, Coordenao Profissional Docente do Mxico: entre a
e Comunicao Social clareza tcnica e a complexidade poltica
NOSSOS DESAFIOS Luis Castillo Montes Margarita Poggi, Laura Fumagalli

Puebla: A avaliao formativa como

Autonomia, gesto administrativa
e Nstor Lpez


ferramenta para a tomada de decises e o futuro do
Jorge Cruz Bermdez Miguel ngel de Jess Lpez Reyes

Durango: A avaliao como uma forma
de vida em sua funo formativa

Docncia e avaliao: A percepo dos
Hctor Eduardo Vela Valenzuela inee
atores educativos no estado de Tlaxcala
Adriana Carro Olvera
Gazeta da Poltica Nacional de Avalao Educativa, Ano 1, No. 0, outubro 2014-janeiro 2015,
uma publicao do Instituto Nacional para a Avaliao da Educao a cargo da Unidade de inee Facebook
Normatividade e Poltica Educativa, aos cuidados de: Direco-Geral de Directrizes para a
Melhoria da Educao. Jos Mara Velasco 101, pb, San Jos Insurgentes, Benito Jurez, C. E.
inee Youtube
P. 03900, Mxico, D. F. Tel. (+52 555) 5482 0900, exts. 1215 y 1045.

INGLS Gazette of National Educational Evaluation Policy

HANDWRITTEN WORDS why our decisions should bring about a posi- Tlanchitanitantit nak kintatsokgnikn nem
tive transformation of that which is not work- milakn: Welcome to our pages, which are also
We can fly ing in our schools and classrooms. How can yours.1
we achieve this without adequate information We hope that here you will find elements
at the right time? How can we make decisions for building upon a solid foundation.
with no evidence? How can we design educa-
tional policies to improve education without 1 Translations from Spanish to Totonca were
evaluation? made by Epifanio Garca Hernndez, Coordi-
Having a comprehensive knowledge of the nator of the Casa de la Palabra Florida, of the
educational system allows one to face the fac- Centro de las Artes Indgenas (), Papantla,
tors that enable or impede quality education Veracruz.
with equity. Being transparent and sharing re-
sults helps us to be informed and thus make
better decisions.
From time to time, when the indigenous FROM THE DESK
Totonaca people decide that it is time to teach
more children in their community to fly, they Why a gazette?
go out together dressed in white to go deep
into the jungle in search of the best tree. In the
presence of the wisest elders and listening to
the music of the flute and the drum, they dance
and ask the Earth for permission to cut down
S S V the tree, and they draw out from within all the
Board Member and President of the National strength that they possess as an ancient, living
Institute for Educational Evaluation (INEE) and respected group of people. As soon as the trunk is clean, they pull it with this communal
strength along the way and sing for many kilo-

N ot long ago we embarked upon this task of

closely observing what happens in Mexi-
can schools. The same happened dozens of
meters while laughing: they will build a school
for the young flyers; together they will raise the
pole, they will plant it in the ground once again;
years before, they the indigenous Totonaca then they will dress the children in colorful at-
peoples began to preserve their knowledge tire and at the top of the pole they will place a
about community life, learning, ways to fly, the drum that the teacher will dance on before the
use of the word and vanilla. We began to look students release the cords from their legs and
for methodologies for evaluating school dy- spin fearlessly around the sun.
namics and for measuring the achievements of Such an endeavor is only made possible
each boy and girl who studies in our classrooms
while they imagined navigating the skies with
multicolor ropes and looking into mirrors that
when there is communication, respect, unity,
and faith in a common objective: learning. In
the case of the Ritual Flyers Ceremony, this is
W e have hundreds of millions of words with
which to communicate, starting with
those that are symbolic and universally recog-
reflected the sun. a millenarian act; in our case, it is in constant nized, up until those that are very specific and
With open arms towards life talakk ki- transformation. This is why this Gazette of Na- later become concepts.
makxpankn xla latmat, as the Totonacan fly- tional Educational Evaluation Policy exists, a There are words with such a specific mean-
ers they have irradiated light in the air since space where we share multiple visions regard- ing that they cease to be merely that and become
the Pyramid of Niches in Tajn had color. They ing the public educational policies in Mexico concepts in themselves. The sum of five, seven or
were proud that the world appreciated their and in the world so as to learn about the experi- nine letters which, together, explain a great idea.
essence that has lasted throughout time and ences that strengthen us and so that together One of these kind of words is close to dy-
knows the values that keep them together in we may walk this path towards the kind of ing along with the last speaker of its language.
modern times. learning we want as a country and that which Therefore, the women, the words, the entire lan-
At the National Institute for Educational we are striving for. guage, all die. And along with them the history
Evaluation (INEE), with a multidisciplinary team When the Totocanaca people are finally of an ethnic group that is part of who we are as
of specialists, we gave birth to the National able to get the tree to the site where the school humanity. When it disappears, no one will ever
Policy of Educational Evaluation in order to will be opened, they work in an orderly fashion pronounce it again.
face the challenges together. Our only mission some with ropes, others with planks over With it will also disappear its huge and im-
is to contribute to improvement in education. several hours until they are able to set their portant meaning. It is a word for conversation;
Before, unaccompanied, and today, after the re- dream in motion. Pull! they yell strength! no more will it be said as chat, dialogue or talk. It
cent Educational Reform, within a system that They dont stop until the sun goes down. In the was used for starting conversations, but it wasnt
is working thanks to the participation and com- same way, let us allow ourselves using our a hello, good morning, lets have a talk. No, it was
mitment of many others like you, dear reader, knowledge, listening and taking each step with much more simple: a sound of bird, a light feath-
who find themselves heading the educational dedication, talent and vision to raise the tree er, a starting click, an on button.
systems of the Mexican entities within the from which firm policies will arise in order to It is a verb voice that brings two actions to-
framework of the National System of Educa- move along with this educational task, and to gether: listen-decide.
tional Evaluation. We all play preponderous navigate the sky and our reality without fear, For those speakers, it was a motivating push
roles to assure that things happen. And this is like powerful and strong flyers. to start the race, like leaping into the air with


eyes closed and arms open to fly over a conflict Youll never do it, mister. We set off on this journey in the company
without being touched by it while we calmly de- What did you say? What do you want to of all of the educational heads of this country,
cide how to act. do? researchers and members of INEE who accepted
It is useful for peace and agreements in any Nothing, nothing! I dont want to do any- the challenge and express their opinions in this
situation: personal and apparently irreparable; thing! number 0 of the gazette. Our starting word:
intimate without the need of yelling; in a group Then why are you so afraid of not doing Gazette. Our goal: to listen. The common aim
for conciliating different ideas; in an academic it?... Write it on the board: Ill never do it. that we propose: let us create the education we
setting for expressing a difficult model in a way Ill never doo her. want. We evaluate and learn to observe.
that is comprehensible to many; in a democratic You got the pronoun wrong. This is for the If we were in front of the blackboard, we
situation for coming to agreements by listen- indirect complement, Ill explain it to you later. would write the following in chalk: we will do
ing to one another patiently; in learning so as Correct it. You should use it. And do is spelled it. If we were Ymana people, when looking at
to allow for young people to appropriate more with one o. each other we would say: Mamihlapinatapai.
knowledge; but it doesnt exist anymorethe Ill never do it. Let us do what we all wish for the children of
word is dying. Okay, what do you think that it stands our schools: to improve. Let us get to know
How can we live with one another without for? each other while reading each other here.
this word that became a concept due to its great I dont know.
meaning? A term for building citizenship and Alright then, its absolutely necessary that 1
learning that just like me, another person has we find out what it means because that is what futuro/_.html
their opinions and if we want to live peacefully frightens you. 2 Tr. Note: In this text, America refers to the en-
we have to build an educational project togeth- tire America from Alaska to the Patagonia
er, hand in hand, whether it be in the home, in In all kinds of human relationships, fear can not only the United States.
our relationships, at work, in our community become a wall that is as insurmountable as the 3 Pennac, D. (). Mal de Escuela. Barcelona:
or throughout the nation. Together, listening to borders that hundreds of citizens cross in search Random House Mondadori, p. .
one another, as opposed to remaining in soli- of a better reality, but in this case there are no
tude, because we wont achieve our goal by go- walls that detain the possibilities. Today we are
ing about it in different ways without disrupt- opening the dialogue. In the Gazette it is not VOICES FROM THE CONFERENCE
ing our freedom. a fear of being the first to speak or of listening
Mamihlapinatapai is the Ymana word to the other person that holds us back. On the From evaluation to
for some, it is the most concise word in the contrary, the decision to know and to open our-
world 1 that together with Cristina Calderon, selves up to an infinity of ideas is what motivates action: the Education
indigenous Chilean considered to be a Living
Treasure of Humanity by the United Nations
us. For this reason the first edition is born.
The Gazette of National Educational Eval- Reform Program
Education, Science and Culture Organization uation Policy responds to a real necessity: to
(UNESCO) is the last representative of the south- listen to one another and to know what each
ernmost language of the planet, a culture that person is doing for education on their front. The Education Reform is a first step
is disappearing. When my sister Ursula passed It also responds to a conviction that exists towards improving the quality of
away, I was left all alone, without anyone to talk within the National Institute for Educational education in Mexico. This article
to. Since then, Cristina Calderon is the only Evaluation (INEE): to learn by observing, to
person who is able to express herself in the lan- watch carefully, and then evaluate so as to sup- presents the general challenges
guage that the people of Tierra del Fuego used port the design of educational policies. It ex- currently being faced by the National
for more than six thousand years within the ists because of a legal order to coordinate the Education System and points to
boundaries of America.2 National System of Educational Evaluation, evaluation as a basis for the creation
Its meaning: a look between two people, which comes from INEE law. With this publica- of a fair and equitable education.
each one of them hopes that the other will do tion we wish to encourage a common agenda
something that both of them wish for, but nei- for the construction of the National Policy on
ther of them dares to start, as in consensus, love Educational Evaluation.
or politics, arts that are acquired in spaces be- This is how the Gazette becomes word- E C C
yond books, but rather in the day to day work, voice-verb that overcomes fear and shows a Secretary of Public Education in Mexico
based on experience and pain throughout life, crucible of educational and evaluation projects
with one blow after the other. of each entity that coexist so as to make up the
Although we sometimes think that starting
a dialogue is an impossible task, with or with-
out the dying word, our necessity to commu-
national project that we are working towards.
We should read ourselves in these pages
from within INEE through the writings of the
T he reform driven by President Enrique Pea
Nieto not only incorporates quality and
equity as principles by which education in our
nicate ourselves continues to be like breathing heads of the different areas. From the heart of country should be based, but also establishes the
itself it is innate. the Conference of the National System for Edu- necessary mechanisms for guaranteeing them by
In a dialogue between a middle school cational Assessment, we will hear different vi- creating the National Evaluation System.
teacher and a young man who is considered to sions thanks to the spaces given to its members. All educational agents need to rely on per-
be a bad student, Daniel Pennac, author of Mal Let us close our eyes and we will surely fly. In tinent and opportune information that con-
de escuela3 is standing in front of the blackboard each section of this edition like the agonizing firms that the materials, methods, organization
in a classroom similar to many others that ex- of the word ymana there is a look between and infrastructure, as well as the work of the
ist in the world. He presents a real conversation two people who wish for something that simply teachers and directors, are effectively directed
about that which is impossible: needs to be encouraged into becoming a dialogue. towards attaining the maximum level of stu-

Gazette of National Educational Evaluation Policy

To earn the trust of teachers, directors, autonomy different schools have and the partici-
students and parents, now that the reform pation of parents and directors.
gave a degree of certainty to educational With these results, an index of shortages
agents, in the results of the assessment was made so as to locate the schools that most
processes and that they will have a real and needed attention. Thus , public schools
positive impact in the school environment. at elementary and secondary levels were deter-
mined to have a greater level of educational lag.
In short, our main challenge is for the The Educational Reform Program be-
evaluations beyond generating valuable data gan last August . Its budget, which is over
about the level of advancement and completion ,,, pesos, will be destined towards
of objectives, results and methods to sustain the construction, remodeling and modification
decisions that provoke positive changes for the of spaces, and to provide the hydro-sanitary in-
system as a whole. frastructure and access to potable water. This of
course will also include the basic equipment for
The Educational Reform Program the classrooms.
The Educational Reform program is an example However, better educational facilities
of how Pea Nietos government is using the are only a part of the number of factors that
assessment instruments to transform teaching combat the problem of educational lag and
based on concrete data and the analysis of spe- dropouts. This is why this administration con-
dent achievement. Therein lies the fundamen- cific problems. sidered that it was essential to add elements
tal importance of evaluation. This public policy originates from the infor- to the program that would strengthen the
mation provided by the census that the Nation- autonomy of management and the functions
The Challenges for Today al Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) of the supervisors, and also promote an envi-
Nearly two years after having initiated this pro- carried out from September to November last ronment of co-responsibility with parents and
cess of change, we have made important steps year. This unprecedented effort underlined an society, as well as monitor transparency and
forward with the creation of the National Co- updated panorama of our surroundings. accountability.
ordination of Professional Teaching Service, Thanks to this exercise, we had the opportu- With these programs in place, Pea Ni-
the completion of a Census of Schools, Teach- nity to know that . million children and ado- etos government indicates that assessment is
ers, and Students in elementary and special lescents attend our classrooms in elementary, not only a measurement process, nor can it be
education (CEMABE), the establishment of the secondary and special education, and there are reduced to mere pondering of elements, but
National Conference of the National Evalua- more than a million teachers teaching in classes. that it implies a kind of action that encourages
tion System and the organization of competi- We also reported on the prevailing relationship learning and the will to transform things in or-
tive examinations in elementary, secondary and between student academic achievement and the der to build a more just and equitable reality for
preparatory education, amongst other actions. infrastructure of the school centers, the level of children and young people of Mexico.
However, in all relevant and long-reaching
efforts, there are some urgent challenges that
have been foreseen that need to be attended to:
To build a living culture in regards to evalu- OUR OWN VOICE
ation, starting in the classrooms. We should
dissipate the ideas that relate evaluation to
punishment or stigma, and favor those that
conceive it as a process that potentiates the
Building the National T B, E B,

educational system as a whole;

To strengthen the relationship between
Policy on Educational G G, S S,
federal, state and municipal governments Evaluation: Perspectives Members of the Governing Board of
since the educational formation of new
and contributions for a
generations is a shared task. This active and
dynamic cooperation will guarantee that
teachers, directors, and schools throughout
comprehensive strategy T he recent reforms to Articles and of
the Political Constitution of the United
Mexican States (CPUM) creates modifications
the Mexican Republic will all have the same to the structure, planning, operation and as-
opportunities; There are five visions that propose sessment of the mandatory education system
To design comprehensive assessment sys- a roadmap in this article that and grants a number of powers to the National
tems that take knowledge into account, Institute for Educational Evaluation (INEE). One
value specific competencies and abilities, summarizes the regulatory, conceptual of these faculties is the coordination of the
and incorporate quantitative and qualita- and methodological foundations to National System for Educational Evaluation
tive elements; move forward with a comprehensive, (), which should formulate comprehen-
To develop evaluations that takes into ac- feasible and consensus-based proposal sive, systematic and continuous policies, as well
count the particularities in which educa- of the National Policy on Educational as programs and strategies.
tion takes place in different regions of the This document is divided into four sec-
country and not reduce them to standard- Evaluation, for the operation of the tions in order to describe the public issue that
ized tests; National System for Educational needs to be solbed by policy: to create a com-
Evaluation. mon agenda of educational assessment that


creates the grounds for the policy and present out the inequalities that exist starting at the and other elements that contribute to the com-
the aspects to consider in its implementation. initial phases of basic education. This is due to pliance of its aims, with the objective of con-
It also describes the work proposal for continu- the fact that those who attend community and tributing to guarantee of quality in educational
ing with the creation of the National Policy on rural preschools have fewer achievements in services offered by the State and by individuals
Educational Evaluation (PNEE). the scholastic areas that were evaluated. These with official recognition to grant educational
gaps between social strata continue throughout studies. This is with the aim to comply with the
The public issue that responds to elementary and secondary education and have right to a quality education with equity, start-
a greater effect on students enrolled in commu- ing with evaluation exercises that will produce
Unfavorable educational nity courses, Conafe schools, rural and indig- results that will allow us to make decisions for
indicators and results enous elementary schools, and telesecundaria improvement.
The INEE report titled The Right to a Qual- distance learning schools. Moreover, over-age To advance in this direction, INEE Law speci-
ity Education identifies a number of problems children obtain poorer results than other stu- fies that the projects and actions within the
within the mandatory school system that vio- dents at their level. framework of the SNEE should be carried out
late the exercise of rights in itself. Some of the Basing itself on these indicators, the report according to the PNEE in a manner that makes
problems detected were: low levels of coverage concludes that quality with equity in access, them pertinent to the necessities of educational
for Preschool and Upper Secondary Educa- school retention and educational results con- services. According to Article 17 of said law, this
tion; inequality in attendance and retention in tinue to be the main set of issues that need to policy will establish the objectives, methods, pa-
schools, especially amongst the population of be attended to. It also highlights the fact that rameters, instruments and procedures for evalu-
indigenous children, who have long workings state intervention has not been so effective in ation. It will also lay out the guidelines derived
days and live in small rural areas, and inequal- bringing about a solution to educational ineq- from the results of the evaluation, the quantita-
ity in academic advancement depending on a uity and that the majority of public programs tive and qualitative indicators, the achievements,
childs place of residence and the type of edu- in education have been inertial. While it is true consequences and mechanisms for divulging the
cational services they are enrolled in. Ethnicity they have sought to solve a diverse range of results, the space between evaluations of people,
is another factor and indigenous peoples are public problems, they have done so in a frag- institutions and the National Education System
those who suffer the greatest discrimination. mented manner. (SEN) as a whole, the actions for establishing a
In regards to the educational infrastruc- culture of educational evaluation, and other ele-
ture, the report highlights the fact that the Evaluation does not help the formulation ments established by INEE.
greatest setbacks and shortages are found in of redesigning of educational policies In this framework, and as a coordinator of
isolated indigenous and rural zones and that Added to the points previously described, The the SNEE, the Institute has proposed to identify
an inverse relationship exists between the size Use of the Results of INEE Evaluation by Educa- the intersecting spaces between educational is-
of the community and access to services and tional Authorities, a study carried out in , sues that are highlighted by research and civil
minimal school infrastructure. When it comes and the critical inventories of the institutions society, on the one hand, and by the mandates
to organizing and pedagogical conditions there that apply educational evaluation at both Ba- of the new educational and assessment legisla-
are notable disadvantages that are mainly found sic and Upper Secondary levels, which were tion, on the other. It will also look at the pro-
in the schools located within contexts of greater ordered by INEE in , identified that evalu- posals established by the National Develop-
social marginalization. Another problem is the ation has a limited use in the processes of the ment Plan and the Sector Education Program
inadequate school practices in the preschool, formulation of educational policies and in the of the current government.
elementary and secondary school grounds improvement of school practices. When taking these references into ac-
where there are rules and punishments that This is accented because the sharing of the count, it is believed that the selection of the
violate childrens rights. majority of local evaluation does not go beyond issues and priorities in assessment developed
When looking at the levels of student edu- the realm of their own institutional spaces; in within the framework of the SNEE should start
cational achievement, the report points other words, the entities lack an informational from the dialogue with the different people
system of results and the local areas tend to involved in education so as to identify: a)
function as operative instances for applying convergences, differences, tensions and omis-
national or international tests. They also pres- sions; b) the issues of educational policies
ent serious restrictions in the area of technical (management autonomy, quality with equity,
training related to educational evaluation. professionalization of teachers, amongst oth-
Together, the unfavorable indicators and ers); c) the factors that condition the decisions
results in Basic and Upper Secondary Educa- and interventions; d) the resources, strengths,
tion, as well as their limited use, are defining restrictions and tools that are available or
elements for grasping the size and character of needed to solidify the PNEE.
the public problem that PNEE seeks to resolve. In this process of dialogue, one of the Insti-
tutes challenges is the creation and definition
A common agenda for of the urgent issues for the different roles that
educational evaluation make up the SNEE, and to establish the formu-
When taking into account the indicators and lation and design of the PNEE. As a result, an
results of mandatory education as well as the important part of this policy brings with it a
still limited achievements in educational evalu- process of intense debate about the expected
ation, we revisit the necessity to redesign and outcomes and decisions that will be made (or
strengthen the National System of Educational that will be reported), which will be derived
Evaluation (SNEE), defined in Articles and from the test results and the policy itself.
of INEE law as an organic and articulated set In summary, according to the legal basis
of institutions, processes, instruments, actions that circumscribes the evaluation tasks of the

Gazette of National Educational Evaluation Policy


SNEE, some of the questions that need to be an- compliance with the processes of the compo-
swered in regards to this policy have to do with nents and the results of the mandatory educa- Puebla: Educational
what to assess, for what purposes, at what mo- tion system. This assessment should consider
ments, how often, who will be responsible for the development phases of the policy and the Evaluation as a decision-
evaluation and what resources will be used.
The next step in designing the PNEE has to
effects expected on each phase, the context in
which it is implemented, and the scenarios in making tool
do with identifying the political instruments on which it evolves, as well as the individuals in-
hand for its implementation and the restric- volved with the policy.
tions that it will be faced with in practice. How can we make assessment
Draft proposal for designing the PNEE become a useful mechanism for
Implementation of the PNEE The questions about what the PNEE is, how it decision-making? How can we
The implementation process should take into should be created and what dimensions it cov-
account the complexity of the cooperation ers, are stipulated in the legal framework. How- bridge the gap between learning and
between diverse parties involved, the orga- ever, it is necessary to ignite the discussion on educational results of public and
nizational model of the institutions employ- its scope and implications, participating indi- private schools? This article shows
ing the policys resources and a set of criteria viduals, and the specificities and feasibility of the efforts Puebla has made in order
of feasibility that consider political pressure its implementation. to improve student achievement.
and ideological preferences as well as the legal The starting point is for the policy to re-
framework and financial and institutional re- volve around the attributions of INEE:
To design and implement measurements
Feasibility that correspond to the components, pro-
The feasibility of the budget should be contem- cesses or results of the system;
plated so as to identify the availability of exist- To issue the guidelines to those who are
ing resources for the implementation of the subjected to local and federal authorities
, the areas in which they can be stream- in education so as to carry out the corre-
lined and the alternative sources of finance. The sponding evaluation functions that are per-
three areas that need to be examined: legal fea- tinent to them;
sibility, which allows for the verification that the To generate and divulge information and,
policy is framed within higher legislation and based on that data, issue relevant guide-
that there are no restrictions for its application; lines for improving the quality of educa-
political feasibility, which shows the advantages tion and its equity as essential factors in the
and disadvantages of the context it will operate search for social equality.
in, starting with an analysis of the motivations,
beliefs, resources that exist amongst the indi- This is why, in a first effort to bring about
viduals involved; and administrative feasibility, a collective reflection that involves and invites
which identifies the organizational and techni- the key individuals participating the SNEE, the
cal resources that will be available for the ap- Institute set out to gather first-hand informa-
plication of the PNEE. tion based on the comments and observations J C B
of the educational authorities that make up the Secretary of Public Education
Sustainability SNEE Conference. for the state of Puebla
The continuation or institutionalization of the Detailed information was requested in or-
PNEE will depend on being able to integrate it- der to determine the most relevant issues and
self within the structure of organizations that
implement it, generating a group of individu-
als with skills and a commitment to the policy,
their order of preference, the main risks in the
implementation processes and the challenges
for evaluation and follow-up of the PNEE. With
C ompulsory education in Puebla is faced
with a great challenge to develop quality
and equity. Not only are there great challenges
and establishing procedures of continuous as- this data, a state-by-state fact sheet will be from the overall results of our public schools,
sistance, amongst other things. compiled and validated by the educational au- it is also necessary to ensure that the students
In this sense, one of the most unfavorable thorities. With the purpose of enriching the ini- that are further behind academically show an
elements for the continuity of the policy is the tial proposal, the vision, necessities and federal above-average improvement in order to raise
rotation of the personnel that are responsible for and state proposals will be integrated. equity indicators.
its implementation. On the contrary, its appro- This strategy is expected to be complement- The recent reorganization of the Depart-
priation by a vast number of people positively ed through working sessions called regional ment of Education of the state of Puebla, which
contribute to its sustainability, even though it dialogues, with the four groups of federal enti- incorporates all compulsory levels (from pre-
should be considered as an ongoing process. ties that we formed within the Conference, as school to high school) within only one sub de-
well as a meeting with different authorities of partment, has provided us with an opportunity
Follow-up and evaluation the federation. Their intention will be to create to comprehensively analyze the needs and pos-
By way of public policy, the PNEE should con- a close space for communication between the sible solutions in our education sector, and al-
template a system for follow-up and evaluation Governing Board and educational authorities lows us to become aware of the need for better
that is regular, continuous and systematic. The so as to compare points of view, approaches, information on the quality that is achieved at
purpose here is to generate information in or- work risks and strategies, and innovative ways each educational level so as to know the impact
der to appraise the advances and the level of to mitigate them. this will have on the next level.


It is within this context that Puebla has year, after the first two months are completed, tive work of the institutions at this level, joined
implemented educational assessment exercises in order to make it part of the students grades together within the State Committee for Plan-
in recent months that have allowed us to take and so that they are motivated to take it. ning and Programming of High School Educa-
corrective action. This is being done with the tion (CEPPEMS), Puebla managed to advance
intention to give more support to the students Challenges in educational assessments places in ENLACE results since the beginning of
and schools that show the greatest need. Here The assessment process poses challenges that the administration, three and a half years ago,
are some details. we have solved in different ways. In regards to according to the results recently released by the
the exams design we developed our own test- Secretary of Public Education (SEP).
Priorities in state evaluation ing tool for Exadi. However, in the case of the Not only have we achieved third place in
Our priority is for evaluate to become a useful second grade test we turned to INEE for support Communications and fourth in Mathematics
diagnostic tool for decision-making. We want so as to ensure technical quality and provide on a national level, but also in the latter subject
and need the results of any evaluation exercise sound results. for the first time we have more young people
to turn into actions for correcting the problems The application of the exams has been car- with Excellent results, the highest in the four
detected: what teaching and management skills ried out by individuals who are external to the levels, than compared with Insufficient.
to reinforce, where to focus efforts and resourc- schools. This measure seeks to ensure confi- Similarly, in students from the most
es, and how to best support students in pursuit dence in the results, but also represents a high disadvantaged socioeconomic quintile ob-
of fairness that leads us to quality. cost that we seek to limit by turning to the De- tained better results than those from the high-
We recently launched two standardized partments infrastructure throughout the state. est quintile in .
tests at different levels. One was applied with The analysis and dissemination of test re- Finally, in that same subject, the gap be-
the support of the National Institute for Educa- sults are aimed at supporting decision-making tween the results of the public and private
tional Evaluation (INEE) to students who com- processes: in the case of Exadi, high school in- schools has declined and now accounts for just
pleted second grade in any of the partici- stitutions receive individualized results of their one and a half percentage points. In this way
pating schools in the Intensive Care Program students; also the young peoples school of ori- we contribute to quality while working towards
(PAI). This evaluation, including key aspects gin is identified in order to report these results equity.
of basic literacy and numeracy, identified who to those responsible in the middle schools. In
needed to strengthen these elements in order regards to the second grade test, the results are The role of INEE in the National System for
to offer them a summer course with the support shared with both teachers from the previous Educational Evaluation
of students in their final years of educational school year and the current one. Still there is al- To extend the benefits of the evaluation we
degree programs in public and private institu- ways the feeling that we could have performed consider that INEE has to cover two immediate
tions in the state. The course was carried out additional analysis to make other types of deci- needs:
with materials developed for this purpose and sions. The first point is the establishment of an
was received with great enthusiasm by parents Using this information, we are able to iden- evaluation framework for basic education to
and students. It also had the strong support of tify specific challenges: allow states to know our results with accuracy
the vast majority of teachers and principals of and timeliness, in addition to making account-
the participating schools. Validity and confidence in the testing tool ability possible. It will be essential that schools
While this was a success in terms of the Transparency and efficiency in application have access to uncontrolled diagnostic evalu-
perception of the participants, we must ap- Extent and relevance of the analysis ations that took place before those that are
ply the same test to all students entering third Opportunity and precision in the dissemi- controlled so that they have time to react and
grade, so that we can compare the results of the nation of test results combine general training exercises with high-
students who attended the course and know its Targeting and effective use of the results impact training exercises.
added value. The second point is the promotion of a true
We applied the second evaluation effort at We are aware of these challenges because culture of evaluation that permeates society:
the beginning of last school year with around the assessment has already offered valuable and that students are accustomed to taking periodic
, students who entered state high specific fruits for the state of Puebla. Since the standardized tests; that teachers see these ex-
schools. It was called the High School Entrance inception of this administration we used the ercises as an opportunity to identify needs and
Exam (Exadi) and we applied it at the end of results of the high school edition of the Na- take necessary actions to meet them; that man-
the school year, so it was possible to identify tional Assessment of Academic Achievement agers and supervisors routinely use these results
schools with lower added value, as well as the in Schools (ENLACE) to identify opportunities to guide their support and design corrective
subjects in each group that required additional and target resources to schools with greater measures; that parents demand their results and
support. The Exadi will be applied this school academic needs. With the strong and effec- participate with the teacher in addressing areas
where opportunities exist; that state and federal
education officials design and operate specific
mechanisms to support teachers and schools;
and that society deems it a necessary exercise
for educational improvement. This will require
a major effort by federal and state authorities in
order to accompany the process.

1 The also includes preschools and

middle schools. All schools are offered teacher
and management training, supervising person-
nel training, support for parents and participa-
tion in federal programs.

Gazette of National Educational Evaluation Policy

HOW WE FACE OUR CHALLENGES era in the history of the country, and with it the Some of the answers to these questions
need to propel new actions. emerge from educational evaluation as a fun-
Durango: The The Constitutional Reform in the damental element for making decisions and for
area of education and the proclamation of the defining actions for precise aims.
educational role of respective secondary laws aim to attain quality In Durango we view assessment as more
evaluation as a way in all aspects of education: our country needs
excellent teachers and better educational mate-
than a mere tool, but rather as a way of life in its
serious, systemic, systematic and documented
of life rials, to renovate the infrastructure and equip-
ment of its institutions, to have connectivity
educational role. It is an integral process in
which the main actors should be assessed in
and, above all, to modify management process- their work in education: directors and supervi-
es. Herein lies our commitment. The Education sors, teachers and students, management pro-
Reform is organized around a set of compre- cesses on an institutional and school level, as
hensive policies. It is a relevant and determin- well as results and impacts.
ing moment that we should take advantage Evaluation offers sound elements for for-
of and appreciate in its magnitude for social mulating innovating educational policies that
transformation. The change in legislation does are congruent with reality. It is also useful in
not act on its own, therefore it is essential that designing improvement strategies focused on
we renovate daily behavior in every institution school issues, improving materials and supplies
and office of the National Education System in a that teachers, students and parents receive,
way that modifies the Mexican peoples culture promoting new proposals for school manage-
of being and doing. ment driven towards the autonomy of educa-
In reference to the quality of basic educa- tional centers and, of course, transparent plans
tion, we recognize that we have a great challenge for accountability.
when analyzing the data that came out of the We recognize a great possibility within the
national and international assessments, such as National Institute for Educational Evaluation
the PISA assessment in which showed that (INEE) for having reliable, legitimate and objec-
Mexico reached a basic level of 39% in reading, tive evaluations, a great support for federal en-
% in Mathematics, and % in Science. Or tities, a fortress. Through its investigations we
the Excale test that produced results that set us will have clarity in the definition of educational
below the basic level (% in reading, .% in policies that will contribute to quality education.
mathematics and % in writing in sixth grade, Structural changes in society are created,
Government institutions play a as well as 36% in reading, 52% in Mathematics more often than not, through the transforma-
fundamental role in supporting and % in writing in ninth grade).1 tion of the educational institutions. Experience
the Mexican Education System In Durango the results of the Nation- shows that education precedes evolution and
al Assessment of Academic Achievement in that the countries with a higher level of educa-
on its path to an optimal level of School Centers (ENLACE). showed that although tion are the nations with greater stability in all
performance and quality. How the educational achievement levels National As- senses of the word. This is why a priority issue
can this be achieved? This article sessment of Academic Achievement in School in any society is education, because it is what
discusses how Durango has signed Centers (ENLACE) basic education are not exactly truly has an influence in the development of
onto the Education Reform in order desirable, year after year we continue to improve quality of life for people.
in elementary education. Also, they show that To implement the Educational Reform im-
to reach this goal. the main challenges are found in secondary edu- plies moving by inertia and resistance, as well
cation particularly in the subject of Spanish as taking advantage of experiences and efforts
H E V V and that our preparatory education achieved of the training institutions, teacher trainers,
Secretary of Education for first position in the country for three consecu- skills, and research and innovation.
the state of Durango tive years. This situation commits us to redouble We turn to all educational agents with the our efforts and continue implementing strate- conviction that the national call to insert our-
gies for raising learning levels, giving preference selves into a comprehensive, systematic assess-
to assessment. ment process that is transparent and timely, in

O ur countrys educational service has a his-

tory that is rich in experience and success
in research and interventions made by great
The National Education System has an in-
valuable opportunity that, if not taken advantage
of, will have a very high cost for society, which
order to recognize our strengths and the areas
for opportunity, will allow us to be better pub-
lic servants and, at the same time, significantly
men and women who dedicated their body and will be reflected in the short term and long term: contribute to social well-being.
soul to education. However, nowadays it is im- greater social decomposition and fewer oppor- Durango is part of this approach. The in-
portant to recognize a weakening in the edu- tunities for human development and economic stitutions have joined together with full re-
cation of new generations which has brought growth, along with the consequent frustration spect for the law. With commitment, dialogue
about unfortunate consequences for a conflict- and the deterioration of self-image, as well as and effort they have organised the recent hir-
ed society that fearfully advances towards an changes in forms of social coexistence. ing process for jobs in school administration
uncertain future and that requires fundamental From this viewpoint, it would be conve- and supervision. This has allowed us to be one
changes arising from school themselves. nient to reflect upon how to reach quality and of the first states to carry out a coordinated
This moment of large scale national re- equity in education. What should be improved? process such as that described in which an in-
forms that we are experiencing and feeling Who are the agents of change? Is it possible to novative precedent is noted, in as far as the
including the Education Reform marks a new achieve the objective? Secretary of Public Education (SEP) as well as


in INEE define in corresponding guidelines and HOW WE FACE OUR CHALLENGES cation. Under this approach, those who diag-
mechanisms. nosed this last area, basic education, took three
The assessment processes for teachers, Tlaxcala: The priorities into account quality, inclusion and
which have been characterized by their ability equity, and infrastructure and focused on
to attend to legal guidelines given by the new implementation of the schools that required greater attention.
federal legislation, have been accepted by the
majority of in-service teachers. This is without national educational Once these areas were identified, efforts
were concentrated on learning improvement.
underestimating the uncertainty caused by the
fear of assessment, which is why it is necessary
evaluation policies With this purpose in mind, links were estab-
lished with the support of federal programs.
to revise the instruments and mechanisms used In accordance with the law, a transition from
to serve the purpose of promoting a culture of an administration centered on programs to
assessment directed towards improvement. The article describes the experience one that is centered in school autonomy was
In regards to the students in basic educa- of Tlaxcala that is focused on schools sought.
tion in Durango, in lieu of a standardized test with greater need; providing a quality The priority of state education policy was
such as ENLACE, internal tests have been applied based on two references: the first was the im-
to elementary and middle school levels with education that is both inclusive plementation of paths towards the Basic Im-
the objective of designing and implementing and equitable is more than simply provement System (SBM), which in its intensive
local strategies that are made to improve learn- complying with an institutional phase was made up of the School and Zone
ing in the curriculum content which has been mandate. It also involves observing Technical Councils; the second was the contri-
identified as having a greater frequency of er- the current and emerging needs of an bution of the achievement of basic skills: learn-
rors. These tests and results of ENLACE have al- ing to learn and learning to coexist.
lowed for the designing of alternative measures educational system. The first implies monitoring students
of attention such as the Strategic Program for learning in three aspects: Reading, Writing
Educational Improvement (PEME), aimed at sec- T M O and Mathematics. This places the student at
ondary schools, which consists of academically Secretary of Education for the center of the process. The second refer-
influencing in raising the quality of students the state of Tlaxcala ence monitors the learning environments in
through the involvement of all those with a role the classroom and the school climate of co-
in education. existence for learning. This process places the
There is still a lot of ground to cover in
the area of implementing a National System
of Educational Evaluation (), and we join
T he education system in Tlaxcala has a Di-
rectorate of Educational Evaluation, which
is the administrative unit responsible for imple-
school at the center of attention.
On a formal basis, this is how the articula-
tion of national educational policies have been
that task with complete determination for the menting assessment policies established by the driven by means of a local strategy through the
good of the children and youth of Durango. We governing body of this sector on a national level and by the two basic skills expressed in the
are determined and committed to become one in basic and preparatory education. The Direc- path to improvement.
of the entities with best assessment practices. torate collaborated with this governing body, This effort implied a great level of coordi-
We hope to bridge the gap in our coordination and with the National Assessment of Academic nation between the three different director-
with INEE and with the federal agencies of SEP Achievement in School Centers (ENLACE) to ap- ates mentioned. This included the formation,
in order to create the and to improve the ply its own test in the state. as of October , of the Local Basic Educa-
quality of education. To this date, we have been researching the tion Technical Committee, the superior inter-
perception of bullying in public and private disciplinary governing body, which reports on
1 Conference given by Dr. Eduardo Backhoff Es- schools at basic education levels in collabora- advances in policies and strategies at all levels,
cudero, Governing Board Member of INEE, . tion with the Directorate of Basic Education types and forms. Reports are also made on fed-
of the Educational Services Unit of Tlaxcala eral and state basic education programs. The
(USET) and the state Secretary of Public Educa- joint efforts on behalf of all individuals working
tion (SEPE). in education are in accordance with the institu-
As part of local strategies legally regulat- tional mandate to offer a quality, inclusive and
ed proposals and assessed by the Sub-Depart- equitable education.
ment of Basic Education from the federal level
coordination between three directorates was Hubs of organization
initiated: Planning, Evaluation and Basic Edu- From a cross-educational perspective ver-
tical ascending and descending, amongst all
levels, types and forms of basic education; and
horizontal, amongst teachers, students, direc-
tors, supervisors, sector authorities, areas of
coordination, departments and directorates
an organisational structure was established that
is functional, sensitive and flexible to changes
and arising needs that the education policy de-
mands at a federal and state level.
The process of realization of this organisa-
tional hub has involved a sustained process that
started this year in January. At the beginning,
new operating rules were presented that give

Gazette of National Educational Evaluation Policy

priority to the school and demand greater unity This cultural transition from punitive amount of three million pesos that will be used
of efforts in order to achieve the integration of testing to another method that will identify to strengthen educational inclusion.
the local strategy. learning opportunities implies a process of With assessment being taken on as a line of
Using census-based sources from schools individual conversion that starts with a change analysis of the national education policies that
and in accordance with educational indica- in perceptions on behalf of all of those involved, are taking shape in the different states at vary-
tors including enrollments, dropouts, failures, including parents. ing rhythms and levels of impact, in Tlaxcala
achievements, intra-curricular and school grad- Under these assumptions, one of the first the efforts are being guided towards improving
uation efficiency, the schools where state and steps towards cultural conversion in the state the function of advice by accompaniment. This
federal resources are focused were identified. took into account for the organization of the is due to the fact that to advise and to accompa-
The selection of schools for establishing different educational units and the Depart- ny are two activities that, when efficiently con-
priorities and assigning the participation of ment as well. nected, involves the sector head, the supervisor,
federal programs was guided by the following In compliance with these directions given the director and, with greater responsibility, the
criteria: priority was given to the schools by the Secretary of Public Education (SEP), the technical-pedagogical advisor.
that presented Insufficient and Elemental lev- local strategy identified the schools in which Institutional support and encouragement
els; more were chosen based on their loca- the efforts of said administrative units would has implications for the figures referred to in
tion within rural marginalized zones and due to be concentrated. As a result of this unified vi- terms of both implementation and assessment.
their insufficient organization. Upon prioritiz- sion of intervention the efforts were guided From a public policy perspective design,
ing the criteria on inclusion and educational through the following federal programs: Full- makeup and implementation - said advice is
equity, another schools were selected. time Schools (PETC), Quality Schools (PEC), related to all of the educational process. This
Safe School (PES), National Scholarships (PNB), function is emphasized because the associ-
Priorities for evaluation Professional Teaching Development (PDPD), for ated assessment which is carried out after
Based on the situation revealed by the diagno- the Strengthening of Quality in Basic Educa- implementation - in one of its endonormative
sis the priorities in educational evaluation in tion (PDCEB), and for Educational Inclusion and variables, make it possible to accompany the
the state deal with learning amongst students, Equity (PIEE). implementation process, train the capacities of
groups and schools. From this perspective, the the individuals involved in education, and make
Educational Evaluation Directorate of the Sec- Path to improvement adjustments along the way.
retary of Education for the State of Tlaxcala Amongst the different solutions that have been Only in this way will the attendants own
advises on the elaboration of test questions set in motion we find the advance shipment advantages join the benefits of given assess-
which focus on classroom skills. This is done of supplies to the heads of the sectors so as to ment. This should not be taken as a follow-up
in coordination with the Basic Education Di- elaborate the paths to improvement at school to planning, but rather as a capacity for adjust-
rectorate. and school administrative levels. ing oneself to the very dynamic that is assumed
Furthermore, through the Professional As part of the possible beneficial solutions in the document of the paths to improvement
Teaching Development Program training has schools registered onto the federal programs. in each School And Zone Technical Council,
been organized in order to support the elabo- In addition, resources were assigned to the which intends to become the benchmark that
ration of the test questions. At the same time, specific schools that needed attention, those will take on a life in each teaching collective and
practical demonstrations of acquired knowl- that besides having obtained Insufficient and will be the expression of the understanding of
edge are being contemplated during which stu- Basic levels of achievement in the - reality and of the capacity for adjusting to the
dents present learning processes and outputs. ENLACE tests, also had high marginalization culture of each school.
They will be assessed by means of qualitative rates. Resources were subsequently given to
instruments such as rating scales, rubrics or other multi-grade schools that responded to
observation sheets, amongst others. the rural-urban classification and to some that
are located in rural areas.
Educational assessments in Tlaxcala The support of federal programs started
Given that the Educational Reform implies a re- gradually in the following order: first with PETC;
orientation process that, amongst other things, next, to avoid duplicity, with PEC and PES, and
means moving from scale assessments (nation- later, as a result of the states participation in a
al, state or regional) to those that are contextu- financing competition, thirty thousand million
alized with the student, classroom, school and pesos was assigned to the Project for Innova-
the school zone (such as practical demonstra- tion in Reading, Writing and Mathematics,
tions, for example), the challenge not only lies which is applicable to second grade students.
in consolidating this type of test established By means of a census-based list provided by
by the National Institute of Educational Evalu- the Department of Registry and Certification,
ation (INEE) but rather in articulating the re- this project identified groups at this grade
sults of both types of assessment. level that will be accompanied in three learning
In education it is important to have assess- fields: reading, writing and mathematics. The
ment references that sustain the decision-mak- aim is to improve their achievement rates.
ing processes on the critical reflection of the Finally, within the framework of the PDCEB,
student, the teacher, the director and the su- the state competed for and obtained the finan-
pervisor. For this reason, the cultivating of this cial support of seven million pesos that will be
process represents a fundamental element for applied to selected schools in order to improve
evaluating learning and assuring that it is able learning assessment strategies. In regards to
to comply to the fullest in learning assessment the PIEE, the different levels, types and forms
and improvement. of basic education obtained financing in the


ROADMAP provides evidence for awareness of the gaps legal framework. Besides carrying out evalua-
between reality and desire which also generate tions, the Institute now has the power to regu-
An agenda for relevant regulations for reducing those gaps, late purposes, uses and conditions under which
thus strengthening capacities and proposing the assessment will be developed that educa-
educational paths to improvement are viable and sustain- tional authorities and other individuals within
improvement through able in order to bring educational necessities
and capacities together with legal compliance.
the system will implement. On an internal level
UNPE coordinates itself and issues regulations
evaluation Evaluation is therefore perpendicular to the
main areas of the Educational Reform: based on
that are oriented towards the regulation of eval-
uation processes that are carried out by the ed-
the legality that sustains it, the new institutional ucational authorities within the framework of
definition is called to transform its manage- the SPD and the SNEE. With the clear support of
What is the role of evaluation when ment and improve the performance of its key the council members of the Governing Board
faced with the task improving individuals and educational results. The new of our Institute, from this unit many guidelines
education? This article shows responsibilities that the Constitutional Reform have been issued that have, up until now, regu-
and the secondary corresponding law give to lated both the evaluation processes and the dif-
a fundamental challenge that the National Institute for Educational Evalua- ferent figures and operating procedures that
will require coordination in the tion (INEE) allow us to establish very clear lines allow for the implementation of the competi-
development of the evaluations and that have meeting points with the reorganiza- tive teacher placement exams of the and
the strengthening of capacities. This tion and institutional transformation of the Na- the promotion to mangement positions for the
will serve as a basis for implementing tional Educational System (SEN). It is sufficient 2014-2015 school year.
to mention the responsibilities of the Institute As part of the Institutes responsibilities of
guidelines that strengthen individuals in order to regulate the assessment processes overseeing the evaluation processes it regulates,
participating in the educational of the Professional Teaching Service (SPD), to the first supervision and monitoring strategies of
structure and recognize the coordinate the National System for Educational the operations developed within the SPD frame-
capabilities the National Education Evaluation and to orient the National Policy on work were implemented. With this measure,
System. Educational Evaluation (PNEE), as well as to carry there was access to first-hand information on
out evaluation and measurements of the differ- the legality, transparency and objectivity of the
ent components of the SEN and issue improve- processes, which made it possible to share the
ment guidelines to orient policies and programs identified problems with education authorities
F M L to be developed by the educational authorities. and assist in their timely attention, thus seeking
Head of the Educational Policy With these new legal responsibilities different at all times to guarantee the rights of applicants
and Regulations Unit bases are set for supporting and making the re- to enter the public education service. lationship between assessment and educational In the search for alternatives for strength-
improvement an effective one. Within the Regu- ening local capacities in order to support the

T he current Educational Reform in Mexico

has manifested three main strategic con-
cepts for reorganization: a) the new legal archi-
lations and Educational Policy Unit (UNPE), INEE
has put forward tasks that seek to attend to a
fundamental part of that relationship.
assessment process, through UNPE, the Insti-
tute has been able to create a Strategy for As-
sessor Certification. These assessors will have
tecture oriented to the redesign of the educa- Although the tasks of the UNPE are compli- the important task of supporting the evalua-
tional structures; b) a scaffolding of policies to mentary to the rest of the Units that make up the tion of teaching performance, which is a vital
give support to the implementation of a legal Institute, and subsidiaries in the fulfillment of its issue for the process of promotion, recogni-
agenda and to the transformation of system mission, they have a level of specificity which the tion and stability considered by the SPD. As a
management; c) a new educational model that core and strategic parts rely on so that assess- core part of that strategy The Initial Assessor
seeks to restructure the relationship between ment may contribute to improvement in educa- Training Program was launched. The program
the educational amenities and aims. tion: a) the regulation of assessment processes aims to develop and strengthen the knowledge
This triad seeks to install a distinctive ratio- developed in the country and that will play an and assessment skills of teachers in basic and
nality to the system, its operation and its results important role in informing the decisions made high school education, thereby accompanying
so as to guarantee the right to a quality educa- for improvement in education; b) the educa- certification processes. This proposal is esti-
tion for all. This right, which is inalienable by tion, training and certification of assessors that mated to complete the certification of at least
definition, has the basis of legality, and as a will support and develop diverse evaluations for one thousand assessors in both basic and high
condition for its fulfillment, social, institutional improvement in education; c) the issuance of school education, so that the initial tasks of
and pedagogical integration of educational and guidelines for orienting the decisions made in teacher performance assessment foreseen will
social subjects. Ergo: quality as a right is modi- regards to educational policy, and the interven- be addressed in the SPD calendar on a medium
fied both socially and institutionally by means tions of individuals participating in education term basis.
of permanent improvement of the subjects, that seek to improve the processes and results This initiative will build the basic founda-
structures, functions and tasks within the sys- within the realm of their competence. tion of what will be the System of Assessors,
tem. In this regard, improving education be- in which, from a comprehensive, flexible and
comes a great mechanism for attending to the Regulating and strengthening capacities: articulated educational background, partici-
demands for equity and attention to diversity, uses and conditions for the participation pants profiles, roles and tasks will be defined
and also for innovation and development that of otherindividuals in a manner that corresponds with the needs
are required by the people of our country. The regulatory faculty of INEE is, without a expressed in the development of different eval-
Within this context, evaluation appears doubt, one of the more novel instruments that uation processes to be defined as part of the
to be a fundamental tool for educational and has been created by the Educational Reform, agenda of the Institute and of federal and state
social integration of quality in education: it and it has been expressed very clearly within its educational authorities.

Gazette of National Educational Evaluation Policy

Supporting policy decisions and Although the improvement agenda that has To issue improvement guidelines based
interventions for the improvement of been installed within INEE, through its UNPE, has on the evidence and information provided
quality education and social equality very important legal, organizational and tech- by educational evaluation, studies and re-
In regards to the guidelines - a crucial issue in nical mechanisms for making it effective; it also search. This should take into account the
assuring the relationship of evaluation with im- implies challenges that should be anticipated processes that are central to validation
provement in education - through UNPE, INEE and faced in a decisive manner. The basic risk from the individuals involved, as well as the
will conclude and disseminate the Guidelines will be to evaluate a lot and improve very little, feasibility analysis for making them practi-
Issuance Model. Using the model as a basis, the since it will be necessary to measure or evalu- cal and sustainable;
first improvement guidelines will be formulated. ate not only as a means for detecting problems, To set up an INEE improvement agenda
Along with the evaluation of educational pro- anomalies, inequities, inadequacies, deficien- throughout the entire education system,
grams and policies, which is also a core task of cies or suboptimal performance, but above all, seeking to create synergies and strategic
the unit, this will allow for compliance with the to improve through a distinct type and scope of articulation to enforce the relationship
constitutional provision of issuing guidelines to interventions that clearly set objects, purposes between evaluation (regulation, measure-
contribute to the decisions aimed at improving and processing times. ment, evaluation, skills, guidelines) and
the quality of education and its equity as an im- This increased risk and the urgent focal improvement in education (policies, pro-
portant factor in the pursuit of social equality. points arising from it must be present in each grams, actions, interventions);
Because of the importance of the guidelines and every one of INEEs efforts, but they should To create a new educational public agenda
in the technical and political realms, different also be public issues addressed through dia- with input from the SNEE and the PNEE,
conditions and requirements will be taken into logue with key actors called to take part in the which would not only show the transparen-
consideration. This is due to the fact that the re- outcome of educational reform under current cy and accountability of the education sys-
lationship between evidence from evaluations circumstances. This should include the partici- tem, but also allow for increased efficiency,
and issuing guidelines is neither simple nor pation of education authorities, Mexican teach- effectiveness and equity with criteria of
mechanical. Therefore, this evidence will have ers, Congress, civil society and academia. quality and continuous improvement in the
to be accompanied by the analysis of studies use of its resources, the development of its
and research on the subject matter or problems Immediate points of attention functions and the fulfillment of its results.
identified in the evaluation process, and the The initial work experience and lessons learned
factors that contribute elements for causal in this short but intense working within INEEs The legal basis provided by the educational
analysis should be recognized. UNPE allow us to raise the urgent need to keep reform is a point for takeoff as well as for land-
Additionally, the guidelines built on this track of the particularly relevant points that need ing. But along the way, the participation of all
sequential and analytical technique will be to be strengthened in the immediate future: stakeholders will be necessary. This should
subject to at least three validation processes: a) imply a bold and relevant institutional coordi-
that it corresponds to those directly involved, To issue guidelines to allow for the regula- nation, and a public evaluation policy to lead
to gauge the relevance, the real and potential tion of the various evaluation components the efforts, capitalize on opportunities, share
effects, the meaning of a proposal for improve- of the SEN in a transparent, impartial, and strengths and create common projects for re-
ment in terms of the demands for change that objective manner that is in accordance with solving weaknesses.
it presents and viability; b) the consultation the law; The SNEE, along with the evaluation policy
with academic and technical groups to the To regulate, promote and strengthen re- that will be its backbone, will surely move in
guidelines provided by the research with best sources and capabilities that contribute that direction. In this scenario and faced with
practice experiences and with the educational to the application of measurements and the actors it calls upon - INEE, educational au-
evidence that surfaces from the comparative evaluations that are technically robust, fair, thorities and other social and political actors
educational studies; c) the approval by the edu- contextualized, systematic and compre- - may be offered the best arguments that can
cation authorities, in order to gauge the feasi- hensive, which allow for the contribution be made, the strongest evidence that can be
bility of guidelines and to clarify the financial, of evidence of problems having to do with contributed and, above all, the relevant guide-
organizational, legal and political that can be educational quality and equity reflected in lines that can be issued to prove that, with the
recognized in its implementation. the levels of institutional performance and passing of time, evaluation has been effective
The technical basis and causal analysis, in various educational subjects; in improving education in Mexico, which will
addition to the validation processes will have To train senior evaluators and strengthen undoubtedly be a symbol of development, well-
to be articulated, mutatis mutandis, with the institutional capacities at national and local being and national greatness.
next stage of the implementation of guidelines, levels to enable innovation and educational
which will be the responsibility of educational development with the criteria of quality
authorities. Therefore, it will be necessary to cre- and equity;
ate mechanisms for monitoring, follow-up and
evaluation of its implementation and outcomes.
This will provide valuable information that will
recognize the systems capabilities for bringing
about desired and necessary changes. The evalu-
ation agenda will also be able to provide its own
feedback so as to more precisely determine the
problem and issues-related factors that should
be addressed with measurements, evaluation,
standards, training strategies, and guidelines for
improvement and the deployment of INEEs en-
tire program deployment.


ROADMAP Assessing performance in teachers, include evaluation processes and instruments

directives, supervisors and other figures of that will be used in performance evaluation and
Main challenges for the National Education System
Amongst the diverse activities for the assess-
in those that are clearly defined as being aimed
at promotion and recognition in the -
the Evaluation Unit of ment of the performance of teachers, directives,
supervisors and other figures of the National Ed-
school year calendar.
In addition, for the examinations for
the National Education ucation System, we find the structure for regu- entering the SPD, the guidelines will be present-
lating the evaluation processes derived from the ed which include those that will adjust some
System Professional Teaching Service Law, and the cre- processes in order to improve profiles, param-
ation of a conceptual and methodological frame- eters and indicators as well like evaluation in-
work that guides the lines of research related to struments, grading application and processes,
the efficient application of strategies and instru- and the integration of corresponding prioriti-
ments for the evaluation of teacher performance zation lists.
Educational evaluation involves within the national context.
many challenges. Some of the main One of the elements to consider within the Developing educational results assessments
issues are professionalization, the conceptual framework is the development of a for a new generation of students
professional teachers profile that is useful as a Another short-term challenge that the UESEN is
development of adequate tests or reference for establishing the following aspects: faced with is developing educational outcomes
optimal school resources. This article what an efficient teacher should know and assessment for the new generation of students.
analyzes the challenges that our know how to do, the performance standards The purpose is to generate useful information
countrys school system must address and levels that should be taken into account and knowledge that serves as a basis for deci-
in search of better results. in evaluation processes, and the framework of sion-making for education policies on behalf
common interpretation for all who use the in- of the authorities, and also for developing the
formation derived from the evaluations. guidelines of INEE itself, accountability to Mexi-
In order to integrate this profile, besides the can society, and also for decisions that are made
review of specialized literature and the gather- by authorities and schools, and the develop-
J A. H U ing of national and international experiences, ment of educational research.
Head of the Evaluation Unit of an initial channel for communication was In order to design new national exams
the National Education System of INEE opened with the teachers at a grassroots level that will be used starting in , we so as to ascertain their opinions as to which take advantage of the experience the country
aspects to evaluate, performance levels, the in- has attained in national assessment of educa-
From the set of responsibilities that, in accor- struments that can be used and the conditions tional achievement, taking into account both
dance with the Organic Statute of the National of the context that contribute to their practice. strengths and weaknesses under the following
Institute for Educational Evaluation (INEE), With this first consultation, focus groups of references:
the Evaluation Unit of the National Education preschool, elementary, middle and high school
System (UESEN) is responsible for - two are of teachers in their different types of service were . The exams should establish whether Mexi-
crucial importance in the compliance with the interviewed about the essential aspects to take can students, upon completion of a certain
Institutes mission: to design and develop the into account the statements of reference. This grade level are able to apply the knowledge
measurements and evaluation of the compo- data will be used to design self-assessment in- and skills learned at school to relevant situ-
nents, processes and results of the National struments that will be made available to teach- ations in cultural, social and family life;
Education System (SEN), in order to generate ers so that they may have access to tools for . In procedures related to design, develop-
information and useful knowledge about the assessing their current performance. They will ment, application and corresponding anal-
quality of education in diverse schools and so- thus be able to take the necessary measures for ysis we should incorporate elements that
ciocultural contexts, as well as to establish and their preparation and be held accountable for consider the ethnic, linguistic and cultural
integrate the technical guidelines that educa- assessment processes that will be implemented diversity of Mexican people. This should be
tional authorities will be subject to in order to in for evaluating permanence, recognition done in a way that identifies and controls
carry out the design, development and analysis and promotion within the Professional Teach- other elements that could cause cultural
of the assessment that they are responsible for. ing Service (SPD) framework. bias;
For both responsibilities opportunities and In regards to the regulation of these pro- . An articulated model of sample and cen-
challenges are opened that should be faced with cesses, it will be necessary to develop evalu- sus-based schemes of assessment appli-
strength and imagination so as to guarantee, in ation schemes that will be used in the proce- cation should be generated. They should
the first case, technically sound and well-found- dures for retention, promotion in the same guarantee validity, reliability and compara-
ed developments, but that above all relate to position, or in services and service recognition. bility in the results;
the necessities of improvement in educational This would apply to the in-service teachers as . It will be essential to have a model of con-
services that are offered to the countrys diverse well as those who entered the SPD in . Like- textualized results where the achievement
population; and, in the second case, technical wise, technical criteria and specific protocols results are quality indicators that the school
guidelines are created within the frame of refer- with which to dictate and elaborate the corre- can work with and where the relative effort
ence that guide the evaluation work carried out sponding recommendations, such as: profiles, of the schools is proportionate with the
by educational authorities and to consider the performance parameters and indicators for comparative aims;
aspects that assure its technical quality. teachers, management, supervisors and the . We should gradually integrate a diagnosis
The following is a description of the chal- other figures of the SEN, which should be pro- of the value of the emotional life of the stu-
lenges and opportunities of greater relevance posed to INEE and the National Coordination of dents as a factor of our own interest that
that UESEN faces in short and medium terms. Professional Teaching Service. This would also explains academic achievement.

Gazette of National Educational Evaluation Policy

Finally, it is important to emphasize the tinent for the SEN to assure quality education. dards of international law, in communities
challenges that will be faced on short and me- We must also assess the way that INEE incorpo- in states and with the presence of indig-
dium-term bases in regards to the evaluation rates diversity so as to enrich the educational enous languages. Proposals will be derived
of the components of the educational program: experience and to promote intercultural co- from those results for the creation of evalu-
resources and processes available to schools, existence. It is therefore necessary to develop ation guidelines for indigenous contexts and
the mandatory education curriculum, and the a framework of reference that establishes an elements for the formulations of educational
recognition, attention and incorporation of di- adequate level of consideration so that it is improvement guidelines.
versity into the National Education System. pertinent to the diverse contexts and groups, As we know, there are multiple, complex
and mechanisms for preventing a certain type challenges INEE faces in the evaluation of the
Maintaining the recognition of the right to of measurement from putting certain peoples SEN. These range from the sound establishment
education and the rights in education at a disadvantage. of evaluation design to the technical consolida-
In the current institutional framework the as- Given that Mexicos greatest diversity is tion of methodologies to use in the completion
sessment of educational program is sustained sociocultural, during INEE has imple- of its mission, with the aim of implementing as-
in the recognition of both the right to educa- mented a consultation of indigenous com- sessment that is pertinent, fair and, above all,
tion and in the rights in education. This per- munities in regards to educational evaluation. useful for decision-making that is oriented to
spective has allowed us to have an initial for- This has been designed with the highest stan- assure quality education for all.
mulation of the basic conditions that schools
should have so as to offer teaching and learn-
ing opportunities. This includes the cross hubs
of inclusion and human rights. These condi-
tions vary from aspects related to the basic
infrastructure, furniture and equipment to
the availability of teachers during the school
year, the existence of school mechanisms for
monitoring the performance of teachers and
students, the types of school organization, the
use of time focused on the curriculum and the
coexistence that takes place in school, amongst
other elements.
In this sense, there is a medium-term plan
for applying evaluation of the educational of-
fer every four years about the basic conditions
for teaching and learning in the schools of each
level of mandatory education, based on the na-
tional examples of different types of schools.
In the evaluation will start at the Primary
Education; in we will continue with Upper
Secondary Education; in Preschool; and in
Lower Secondary Education.
The evaluation of educational programs and
methods is a new field within INEE. Although
the curriculum has been a reference for this
work, it has not been an object for analysis in
itself. For this reason, evaluation is being devel-
oped that is oriented towards analyzing (from
the different educational fields) the proposed
curriculum in a longitudinal manner from
preschool to high school. Comparisons with
other countries will also be formulated. These
two measurements will be complemented with
research on curriculum implementation by
means of large-scale qualitative methodologies.
This year we are starting with an evaluation of
the field of Natural Sciences and in , the
goal is to develop another assessment of Civic
and Ethical Education, and another for either
Language or Mathematics.

Incorporating diversity in the evaluation

The explicit incorporation of diversity in IN-
EEs evaluations is perhaps one of the greatest
challenges: we must analyze whether it is rec-
ognized and attended to in a way that is per-


ROADMAP functions they are responsible for; c) to generate of basic education. As of the edition, high
and disseminate information in order to issue school indicators were integrated, thus comply-
Evolution and guidelines that contribute to decision-making ing with one of the main duties of INEE: to de-
for improving the quality and equity of educa- velop and maintain a method that allows for the
perspectives of Mexicos tion as an essential factor in the search for social objective evaluation of the quality of the Nation-
Educational Panorama: equality.
For its part, Article 6 of the Law of INEE
al Education System at both levels.

Indicators from (LINEE) establishes that evaluation consists of

issuing value judgments when comparing the
We are faced with a paradigm shift of SEN that
the National Education results of a measurement or an observation of will also revolutionize the SNEE. In compliance
System SENs components or processes with a previously
established reference point.
with the five constructs considered by the Edu-
cational Panorama of Mexico, we will present a
In this regard, the evaluation results make set of topics to be analyzed so as to strengthen
up part of the SNEE (LINEE, Art. ), and INEE has the SIE by means of the incorporation of new in-
The National System of Educational the responsibility for designing, implementing dicators and statistics. Through the PEM, the goal
Evaluation takes on new meaning in and maintaining a system of indicators and re- is to stabilize reported data, which implies moni-
the light of Education Reform. This is sults as well as disseminating information that is toring each indicator registered on a yearly basis
useful for the evaluation of and to promote or with the frequency needed for each one. This
due to the fact that, after evaluating a culture of evaluation (LINEE Art. ). also means strengthening the constructs using
each educational component, it In this new legal framework, the abovemen- statistics that will allow for the expansion of the
should issue appropriate guidelines to tioned measurements and evaluation should measurement of SENs components, processes
help improve its quality so as to have provide information and knowledge about the and results. These will be useful for establishing
a positive impact on social equality. quality of education and create guidelines that guidelines that allow INEE to contribute to the
contribute to the decision-making process of improvement of educational quality and equity.
educational authorities. In addition, the future versions of the Pan-
A C R This is how the Educational Panorama of orama should publish a series of time indicators
Head of the Information and Promotion Mexico is positioned as one of the main instru- so as to facilitate their use in the design and feed-
of the Culture of Evaluation Unit of INEE ments used by the Institute to inform about the back on public policies, assessment, research situation regarding SEN, which will be strength- and innovation in SEN and the SNEE, giving pref-
ened and evolve to adjust to the new legal reality erence to those that measure the evolution of the
Constitutional framework and both in constitutional and regular legal terms those systems components.
regular legal framework so as to contribute greater elements that allow When referring to the international educa-
INEE to comply with its constitutional duty. tional indicators that Mexico should produce, a

W ith the Constitutional Reform that took

place in February, , the National
Institute for Educational Evaluation (INEE) ac-
In regards to the census of schools, teach-
ers, and students of Basic and Upper Secondary
Education, the Panorama will have an influence
plan has been established for obtaining informa-
tion that is demanded by Education at a Glance
of the Organization of Economic Cooperation
quired new responsibilities in the area of edu- on the decisions made by educational authori- and Development (OECD). For this purpose, we
cational evaluation. With recent laws and modi- ties, which will make it possible to produce a work with the institutions that participate in this
fications of the regular existing laws, the legal new generation of indicators and statistics. The issue, such as the Secretary of Public Education
framework for education was expanded in order same will occur with the results of the LGSPD and (SEP) and the National Institute of Statistics and
to give special importance to educational assess- the creation of databases related to the enroll- Geography (INEGI).
ment. This was done to such an extent that it ac- ment, retention and retention of teachers in SEN. Amongst the pending indicators to report
quired a constitutional position. Similarly, the formation and introduction of are: A. What are the earnings premiums from
The rd Article of the constitution estab- the Comprehensive System of Evaluation Results education?, A. What are the incentives to invest
lishes the characteristics of education in Mexico, (SIRE) which is currently undergoing a con- in education?, A8. What are the social outcomes
guarantees its quality and determines the figure ceptual design process will allow the different of education?.
of the National Education System (SEN), which units of INEE and SEN users to have relevant in-
is regulated by, amongst other regulatory provi- formation for assessing the quality of mandatory Sector Education Program 2013-2018
sions, the General Law of Education, the Gener- education in the country. In particular, this will With the aim of verifying the level of compli-
al Law of Professional Teaching Service (LGSPD) make it possible to broaden the integration base ance with the objectives and goals of SEN (LINEE,
and the Law of the National Institute for Educa- and information analysis by means of a data re- Art. ) in future editions, the PEM will incorpo-
tional Evaluation. In more specific terms, frac- pository with components, processes and results rate a section for monitoring the indicators
tion IX (added to the Reform in ) establishes of SEN, much of which will be geo-referenced. of Basic and Upper Secondary Education estab-
the creation of the National System for Educa- lished in the Sector Education Program -
tional Evaluation (SNEE) to guarantee quality in The Educational Indicators System of . This should be based on the baseline for
its services. This is done under the coordination The indicators that appear in the Educational and on the goal established for . Given
of INEE, which is an institution that has the fol- Panorama of Mexico (PEM) and that pertain to INEEs function, indicators of coverage, inclu-
lowing constitutional obligations, amongst oth- the Educational Indicators System (SIE) were sion and educational equity should be analyzed.
ers: a) to design and carry out measurements published in . Table 1 shows its evolution
that correspond to the components, processes up to the present, in compliance with the con- Program Structure
or results of the system; b) to issue guidelines structs. Within the context of the SNEE the evolution
that federal and local educational authorities will From to the SIE of the PEM was of public spending on education should be
be subject to when carrying out the assessment only centered on information of the subsystem documented by means of new indicators and

Gazette of National Educational Evaluation Policy

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
statistics. In this regard the program structure
for spending establishes a framework of refer- Table 1: The Structure and Dimension of the National Education System
ence with information on the transformation
of educational investment that is based on the Social Context 20 32 10 16 15 17 13 10 12 11 11
administrative, economic and functional classi-
fication through its Budget Key (Cp). This identi- Agents and
17 29 8 12 8 6 4 11 9 14 12
fies the budget for educational functions, which Resources
allows us to determine general objectives and Access and
5 5 18 17 9 10 7 10 11 10 11
resources assigned to the achievement of public Trajectory
policies. In order to do so, we must follow the
evolution of the Cp on the basis of changes in the
Processes and 10 22 5 5 3 2 5 3
set of Budget Programs (Pp) that make up the
calculable spending on education, both federal
and federalized, taking into account its methods: Educational
direct subsidy and production of goods and ser- 9 11 6 9 6 6 5 5 7 12 6
vices (S,U, B, E).1
With this information we will be able to Source: Educational Panorama of Mexico.
analyze the trajectory of the main programs
of Basic and Upper Secondary Education, and
create strategic indicators for measuring their
performance levels within the context of edu-
cational policy. This will be feasible as soon as
there is an advance in the development of the
database of education spending.
This vision is important for examining
whether the investment, amongst other things,
is compliant with the United Nations concept
of equity, which is issued through the UN Chil-
drens Fund. This implies that every person has
the opportunity to survive, develop themselves observed trends and/or stationary behavior, Target population
and attain their potential without discrimina- without accounting for the goals expected (ex- The PEMs current reports show the number and
tion, prejudice or favoritism. In this respect, a ante) and goals obtained (ex-post). With re- tempo of the population growth amongst chil-
contribution would be sought for the creation search that is currently being done by INEE, the dren and youth who are at an ideal age for Ba-
of additional indicators besides those contem- feasibility of developing annual indicators that sic and Upper Secondary Education. However,
plated by the PEM so that public intervention show the level of inertiality in spending of the the information should be better developed so
gives priority to the groups with a greater level Pp in basic and high school education are being as to connect these reports with the program
of disadvantage. analyzed while taking into account the expected structure for spending and with the education-
and obtained goals. This will allow us to have a al programs with modalities that offer goods
Distributive incidence of spending better idea of the contribution to investment in and services, and channel subsidies in other
in public education education in favor of equity. words, S, U, B, and E modalities. In this regard,
With the objective of analyzing and offering evi- indicators can be designed for those that not
dence of the recent evolution of the distributive Indexes for spending analysis only take into account the target populations,
incidence of public education spending, the in- From Reynolds-Smolensky. This results from the difference but also the potential and assisted populations.
clusion of these indicators based on microsimu- between the Gini index that calculates household income
lation exercises will be analyzed in future edi- (pre-spending) and that, which is estimated after adding Educational innovation indicators
tions of the Educational Panorama of Mexico. that income to the benefits, each household receives from The possibility for developing a set of indicators
The PEM will also take into account the indicators education spending (post-spending). A positive value indi- linked to specific social and educational objects
that show whether spending is progressive or re- cates that spending improves income distribution. should be analyzed with the aim of strengthen-
gressive, and its incidence as it passes through ing the PEM. In this regard, the ability to mea-
all of the levels of education. The result will be a From Cuasi-Gini (concentration of spending). This is a coef- sure educational innovation is seen as being an
valuable tool for policy-makers. ficient of the Gini index of spending distribution. If this has essential element of a strategy for improvement
Public spending is progressive (or regres- a negative value and its absolute value is greater, it means in education.
sive) if the transfers that benefit a person are that the program benefits are given to people with lower The OECDs recent publication, Measuring
proportionately less (or greater) in regards to income. Innovation in Education: A New Perspective, by
their income, as it increases. Stephan Vincent Lancrin (), offers new per-
From Kakwani. This index is used to measure how progres- spectives for using a rigorous methodology for
Inertial spending sive or regressive spending is. This is defined as the differ- taking on the issue of the measurement of inno-
The inertiality of spending is a topic that ence between the Cuasi-Gini index on education spending vation in the education system in the following
should be given more attention within the con- and the Gini index coefficient of in income before spending areas: a) new products or services; b) new pro-
text of education spending. This is defined as (pre-spending), where negative (or positive) values repre- cesses; c) organizational changes. For example,
the assigning of financial resources of federal sent progressive (or regressive) spending and therefore a the following indicators could be developed:
programs, taking into account the previous more (or less) equitable income distribution. a) innovation in the assessment methods used
years budget, updated to include inflation and in the classroom; b) innovation in the use of


computers in the classroom; c) innovation in ROADMAP It is important to recognize that these chal-
feedback mechanisms in schools; d) innovation lenges also present the opportunity for consoli-
in formative assessment, amongst others. The transformation dating a balanced and collaborative federalism
as a background scenario for educational as-
Demography (projections of institutional sessment in the country. There is also a possi-
of supply and demand)
Lastly, is important to mention the research
management within bility of doing so on the basis of the harmonious
framework of intergovernmental relationships.
that is taking place in INEE in the area of projec- INEE: Contributions The substantial task of the Institute to as-
tions of supply and demand of basic and high sess quality, performance and results of man-
school education services that will allow us to of the Planning, datory education, and establish guidelines for
estimate at national, state and municipal
levels the necessary installed capacity for Coordination and Social its improvement requires the creation of a
new governance framework that allow for bet-
preschool, elementary, middle and high school
services to attend to the growing flow of stu-
Communication Unit ter sustained public decisions that are relevant,
feasible and shared in the area of educational
dents that will enroll in these levels in the com- evaluation.
ing years. This framework will have to offer clear
With the discrepancy in estimates between Both the renewed context and the rules, based on law, for all of participating in-
supply and demand for educational services, it need for new governance framework dividuals. It should also provide regulations
will be possible to create effectiveness indica- define this historic moment of the that encourage openness, transparency and
tors of the SEN that guide decision-making for accountability. The existence of the Planning,
the sake of greater equity. National Institute for Educational Coordination and Social Communication Unit
The demographic and educational tran- Evaluation (INEE). This article breaks of INEE is justified by these challenges. It is the
sitions have had important consequences in down the creation of clear rules for administrative unit that has a statutory respon-
terms of the demand for educational services. all individuals and regulations that sibility for building this new institutional eco-
The projections indicate an annual decrease encourage openness, transparency system.
in the number of students that will attend el-
ementary and middle school, and a simultane- and accountability. A new network for institutional
ous increase in the demand for USE services, in management
line with international experience. The timing INEE has begun the transformation of its in-
is just right for analyzing the dimension of the L C M stitutional management using the Education
additional installed capacity necessary to at- Head of the Planning, Coordination and Reform as a basis. The assumption was that
tend to the growing demand for high school Social Communication Unit of INEE autonomy implied an organic and functional
education. redesign of the Institute. During a new
The themes described and the possibil- network was formed that would give life to that
ity incorporating them into the Educational
Panorama of Mexico either as indicators or
statistics should be analyzed collectively
T he transition of the National Institute for
Educational Evaluation (INEE) to an auton-
omous constitutional organism implies diverse
which was stipulated in the Law and its regula-
tions. This new institutional framework is be-
ing implemented as of .
with specialists within the Institute and in the challenges. Some of these are found within Alongside these organizational changes,
Specialized Technical Councils of INEE so as to the sphere of institutional management trans- the Planning, Coordination and Social Com-
determine their technical feasibility in accor- formation while others are in the realm of the munication Unit is responsible for designing a
dance with the methodology developed for the creation of a new government framework of platform oriented towards institutional devel-
System of Educational Indicators. decision-making. opment. The work of this unit is to contribute

1 Secretary of Finance and Public Credit. Classifi-

cation of Budget Programs (Pp).

Gazette of National Educational Evaluation Policy

bases that allows for an orderly visualiza- tion of a technological base to support the
tion of the essential challenges and for the processes that unbind an organization as a
definition of courses of action for meeting strategic decision.
Institutional Rules them. The wager is that in the defining of d. An effective and efficient organization.
In accordance with Article 75 of the Organic Statute strategic objectives, activities, goals and Institutional planning that is based on a
of the National Institute for Educational Evaluation, indicators, the organization carries out strategic focus exercise will allow us to ob-
the Planning, Coordination and Social Communication exercises of greater cross-curriculum plan- tain more with less and reach our goals in
Units main functions are: to coordinate the integration ning, integration, alignment and articula- a timely and effective manner. A bottom-
of the Strategic Development Program on a short, me- tion. The purpose is not to implement a up building process should be motivated,
dium and long-term bases, and to monitor its imple- planning model but rather to motivate the thus encouraging work formats that are
mentation; to coordinate the formulation of the National creation of a new culture in favor of institu- sustained in collegiality and participatory
Evaluation Policy and, through the president, submit it tional planning that is capable of being held development.
to the Conference for consideration; to coordinate the accountable for the organizations perfor- e. An organization that assesses its perfor-
monitoring of the implementation of the National Evalu- mance. mance. For this to happen, sound mecha-
ation Policy; to propose legal policies and provisions b. An organization with institutional nor- nisms and tools for evaluation and follow-
for the operation of the National System for Educational mality. INEEs most important challenge is up should be developed for permanent
Evaluation, and also to monitor its implementation; to the implementation of the orders derived adaptation. INEE is not exempt from assess-
plan and coordinate the management and operations from the Reform in the area of educational ment. Therefore the development of the
of the different collegiate bodies of the Institute and the assessment. However, this must be done in Planning and Coordination System (SIPCO)
Board; to coordinate and monitor the strategic binding a context of development and the organic, is essential. This will allow to give us indi-
issues between the Institute and educational authorities, structural and functional remodeling, cators on the advances in the accomplish-
media and non-governmental organizations. which brings with it additional challenges. ment of institutional objectives.
Normality implies building a basis for the f. A socially responsible organization. The
institutions stability. formulation of the social communication
c. An organization oriented towards or- policy allows us to establish efficient mech-
to the definition of a specific profile: a better ganizational innovation. Efforts need to anisms, not only for the targeted distribu-
prepared organization that is able to respond be invested that will lay the groundwork tion of information through diverse media,
to its surroundings, is more pertinent and fo- for generating the capacities for adapting but also for citizen awareness, participation
cused, with greater political and management to changing surroundings. The incorpora- and collaboration. The activity of commu-
capacities, capable of dealing with the social nication and feedback should be directed
demands and expectations related to assess- to society as a whole and, as a priority, the
ment and, amongst other issues, to develop teachers of mandatory education.
channels of communication and spaces for Integrated Councils g. An open organization. Adhering to the
feedback with the different social actors in as- Following the mandate, during 2014 INEE has integrated principles of transparency and account-
sessment, particularly Mexican teachers. nine councils for consultation and advisory: a) the ability, with instruments that promote the
The institutional profile that is being built Council on State Relations (CONVIE), which is made up participation of teachers and society. More-
contemplates the following traits: of public functionaries and those responsible for evalu- over, needs to establish a closer, more
ation in the different states; b) the Social Consultation symmetrical and plural relationship with
a. An organization with a strategic vision. Council on Educational Evaluation (CONSCEE), made up citizens that is mediated by technology.
It should be supported with the formula- of representatives of civil society organizations; c) the h. An organization with coordination ca-
tion of a Strategic Program for Institutional Pedagogical Evaluation Council (CONPE), made up of pacity. It is of strategic importance to move
Development on a medium and long-term teachers and directors who work in mandatory educa- forward using coordination models that al-
tion; d) six Specialized Technical Councils (CONTE), made low us to support the work and decision-
up of national and international specialists and experts. making processes of the collegiate bodies
foreseen in the Organic Statute. Effective
criteria and mechanisms should be estab-
lished that allow for the organization of the
work aligned with results. In the broadest
sense, the coordination recognizes that au-
tonomy does not mean isolation.
i. An organization that encourages knowl-
edge. The tasks derived from the colle-
giate bodies planning and management,
as well as communication and dissemina-
tion, should be at the service of a greater
objective: the distribution of knowledge
and the greater access.
j. An organization that is a pillar in the cre-
ation of a new institutional framework.
The Educational Reform appeals to the de-
velopment and consolidation of a new in-
stitutional framework for the National Ed-
ucation System. We have the opportunity


to consolidate INEE as a trustworthy organi- The Planning Unit considers it necessary to attempt that tries to establish a new governance
zation that provides certainty and sustains lay the foundation for the formulation of an in- framework would also expand and strengthen
its work in a broad recognition on both of tegration proposal for the SNEE. This should use those capacities based on shared visions and
social and political levels. The essential tool the reference of a broad conceptual framework consensus on the means of concretization.
for accomplishing this mission is the inte- aligned with the governance of the coordina- We urgently need to move from a model
gration and development of the National tion, collaboration and cooperation capacities that proposes a relationship between federal
System for Educational Evaluation (SNEE). amongst the diverse participating individuals, formulators and state executors to one that
governments and institutions. This should be establishes spaces for co-governance and deci-
The construction of a new done in a manner that does not encourage he- sion-making, which contributes to the systems
governance framework: SNEE gemonic protagonists. legitimacy and efficiency, and to attend to the
The is not a new concept. There are refer- Within the SNEE there should be a place for social demands in the area of educational as-
ences to the necessity of its integration from a the increase in relational schema of a multiplic- sessment and quality in the services offered.
federal point of view as far back as the begin- ity of individuals and the political capacity to To conclude, we noted that the legitimacy
ning of the s. However, it is with the Educa- institutionally process the problems that arise. of the SNEE will rest on its capacity to earn trust,
tional Reform and INEE Law that the theme has If we accept that the issue of system governance which assumes that the individuals involved
been given a legal base and large-scale political assumes a complex interaction, then it should have adhered to a series of principles and values
support. be prepared to contemplate factors related to and commit to reaching consensus on central
Its integration exists in diverse scenarios: transparency, the cohesion of political and man- aspects and generate willingness for negotiation
legal, political, technical and management-re- agement objectives, as well as the grounds for based on respect for plurality.
lated, amongst others. In particular, the issue legitimacy in the quality of the its decisions. Finally, trust will be forged by the interest of
must be discussed and agreed upon with the With the passing of time the SNEE should all individuals involved in defining procedures
educational authorities that make up the Con- consolidate institutional capacities in the area for a transparent and binding decision-making
ference. of educational assessment for its members. Any process.


Autonomy, and budget, and with a capacity for deciding on It acts in a manner that is distant from po-
its internal organization and operation. litical or partisan interests;
administrative As noted in fraction IX of the third article Its actions are governed by the principles
management and the of the constitution and in the Law that created
it, INEE is a new and different institution. It was
of legality, impartiality and equality before
the law;
future of transformed into a binding, technical, regulating
body that guarantees the rights of the National
In tasks that are technically highly special-
ized and necessary for the State (technical
System of Educational Evaluation in preschool, autonomy), it is independent in its deci-
elementary, middle and high school education. sion-making and actions;
Twelve years have passed since the In this regard INEE is one of the twelve ex- It has a budget for compliance with its re-
birth of the National Institute for isting bodies with constitutional autonomy in sponsibilites and administrative indepen-
Educational Evaluation () in our country at the time of this publication, with dence (budget autonomy); and
which the permanent constitution has incor- It decides its regulations, organization, op-
2002. The Institute was reorganized porated nine autonomous functions from the eration and processes of planning, execu-
in 2012, and in September 2013 it Mexican State, some of which are regulatory, tion, monitoring and assessment in order
was reconstituted and endowed with others guarantors of rights, others technical, to comply with its functions (organization-
greater constitutional status. Today, it and others which are punitive and for research al and management autonomy) (Carpizo,
is a public interest organization with (Table 1). ).
Constitutional autonomy gives INEE spe-
a legal personality, its own assets, cific characteristics, among which the most The creation of autonomous constitutional
technical autonomy, management and prominent include: organisms in our country is established in the
budget, with the ability to decide its processes of the reform of the public sector
internal organization and operation. Its powers are established by the National that emerged from the New Public Manage-
Constitution; ment (NGP)1, which intends to resolve the po-
It doesnt depend on any of the three pow- litical limitations of the government and bu-
M J L R ers (Executive, Legislative and Judicial) reaucracies; its hierarchal organization; the
Head of the Administrative Unit of INEE with which it maintains a relationship of arbitrariness, incorrect behavior and technical coordination but not subordination; incompetence; and the problems of social in-
Its decisions and actions, as well as its ac- effectiveness and economic inefficiency. It has

T he National Institute for Educational Eval-

uation (INEE) was born in , reorganized
in , and reestablished and given a greater
countability mechanisms with the Legisla-
tive Power, are subjected to constitutional
been justified as a means for public administra-
tion to resolve and overcome State fiscal crises
(Culebro, ). The main argument is that the
constitutional importance in September, . It is part of the Federal Public Administra- decrease in the size of the State and the intro-
Today it is a public interest organism with a le- tion, therefore its functions are doctrin- duction of management tendencies encourages
gal personality, its own patrimony, autonomy in ally of public interest and a priority for the the Government to provide better goods and
the areas of technical knowledge, management State; services in such a way that the relationships be-

Gazette of National Educational Evaluation Policy

Table 1. Autonomous Constitutional Bodies

Full Constitutional
Autonomous Constitutional Body Year of Creation Function1 Mission
1 Universities and UNAM 1910 19292 Guarantor of Rights To provide Higher Education.
2 Superior Agrarian Tribunal 1992 1992 Regulatory To provide agrarian justice to guarantee
land tenure.
3 Bank of Mexico (Banxico) 1925 1994 Technical/regulatory To ensure the stability of the buying
power of the national currency.
4 Federal Electoral Institute (IFE/INE) 1990 1996 Technical/regulatory To strengthen the regime of the political
parties, assure citizens the exercise of
their political rights, and to safeguard
the authenticity and effectiveness of
the vote.
5 National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) 1990 1996 Guarantor of Rights To protect human rights.
6 National Institute of Statistics, Geography 1983 2006 Technical To satisfy the needs of statistical and
and Information Technology (INEGI) geographical information, to coordinate
the National System of Statistical and
Geographical Information, to formulate
the Federal Public Administrations IT
and to promote the use of information
technology in Mexican society.
7 National Institute for Educational 2002 2013 Guarantor of Rights/ To guarantee the provision of quality
Evaluation (INEE) technical/regulatory educational services, coordinate the
National System for Educational Evalua-
tion, evaluate the quality of the national
education system, and define the evalu-
ation processes for enrollment, promo-
tion, recognition and stability in the
Professional Teaching Service.
8 Federal Commission for Economic Competence 1993 2013 Regulatory To protect the process of competence
(Cofece)3 and efficient market operation.
9 Federal Telecommunication Institute (IFT)4 1996 2013 Regulatory To regulate radio, networks and provision
of public broadcast and telecommunica-
tion services.
10 National Council for the Evaluation of Social 2006 2014 Technical To measure poverty and evaluate social
Development Policy (Coneval) development programs and policy.
11 Federal Institute for Access to Public Informa- 2002 2014 Guarantor of Rights To guarantee citizens right to public
tion and Data Protection (IFAI) governmental information and to the
privacy of their personal information.
12 Prosecutor General of the Republic (FGR)5 1934 2014 Guarantor of Rights / To ensure effective and efficient justice
punitive and research in accordance with the principals of
legality, judicial certainty and respect for
human rights.
tween the State and society are favored (Pardo,
Source: Adapted from: Ugalde, Luis Carlos. En la marea de la baja calidad del Estado, Nexos, May 2014.
). The values on which this new adminis-
trative philosophy is founded are efficiency, 1 The classification was made based on the typology of Pedro Salazar Ugarte. Las demasiadas autonomas, Nexos,
result-based orientation and accountability February, 2014.
(Pardo, ).2 2 The 1929 Organic Law of UNAM emerged so as to give autonomy to this university, but it was not complete au-
This new paradigm that many authors iden- tonomy. In 1933, another Organic Law was promulgated that strengthened the institutional autonomy, as was also
tify as being post-bureaucratic, has modified the done with the law approved in 1945 that consolidated university autonomy. However, it was not until 1980 with the
operation and performance of the public sector, reform to the Third Article of the Magna Carta that UNAM attained constitutional autonomy.
which encourages: a) Complex and hybrid or- 3 Previously the Federal Commission for Competency.
ganizations, due to the development of vertical 4 Previously the Federal Telecommunication Commission.
5 Previously the Attorney Generals Office of the Republic.
and horizontal specialization, the decentral-
ization of functions and a greater autonomy


Table 2. Main Activities of the Administrative Unit. First Semester, 2014

in decision-making; b) Structural changes that
reduce the hierarchies with the aim of giv- Area Action
ing organizations greater flexibility; c) Civilian
employment services; d) Strategic planning
Institutional Administrative Elaboration and reformulation of diverse legislation that regulates the administra-
Legislation tive processes of the Institute in the exercise of its constitutional autonomy in the
expressed in the definition of a mission, vi-
sion, objectives and goals of the organizations; area of human resources, budget, and material resources and general services.
e) Transformation of a governmental cul- Human Resources Design and execution of the Emerging Procedure for Hiring Personnel.
ture with the introduction of quality systems;
f) New forms of control and regulation, amongst Financial Resources The restructuring of the 2014 budget along with the reworking of the Annual
which the most noteworthy are the so-called Activities Program (PAA), in coordination with the Planning, Coordination and Social
performance assessment systems that intend Communication Unit.
to attain better governmental performance; g)
Transparency and accountability that promote
Material Resources and Provision of ordinary services.
evaluation that is sustained in the construction General Services Remodeling and rental of a property for the new main offices of INEE.
and measurement of performance indicators Physical gathering of the verification of goods that make up the fixed asset of
(Felie, ; Culebro, ; Pardo, ). the Institute.
Despite the criticism of the NGP for its
technical and intergovernmental emphasis,
Information Technology Inventory of systems, authorization of voice services, data, e-mail, assignment of
and Technical Services equipment and specialized software installation.
its concern with efficiency and the tools it has
developed are a useful contribution and are a Creation of the Technological Development Committee.
reference so that the Administration Unit may Definition of the operation model of the Project Management Office and concep-
contribute to the defining of INEE as an autono- tual gathering of technological needs of the administrative units so as to integrate
mous constitutional body that is capable and the project portfolio.
effective, and also facilitate and give support to
its task as coordinator of the National System
Legal Services Issuance of guidelines, criteria, procedures and diverse formulated regulations for
for Educational Evaluation (SNEE). the Institution.
Complying with the constitutional man- Attention to requests for defense of immunities and labor lawsuits.
date of INEE demands the creation of admin- Precision of institutional agreements and contracts.
istrative processes as support for the develop-
ment of institutional tasks. In this framework,
Accountability and trans- Attention to audits and acquisition of external auditing services.
the actions that the Administrative Unit has
parency Attention to information requests.
taken, which are summarized in Table 2, seek Operation of the Information Committee of INEE and the Commission for Transpar-
to generate optimal conditions for the Insti- ency and Access to Public Information.
tution to flourish within the provisions that
regulate the organisms that are executors of
Inter-institutional Rela- Establishment of working relationships with diverse institutions of public admin-
tions istration and other areas so as to coordinate actions and learn about experienc-
public resources.
The current priority actions being devel- es that could enrich institutional duties. These include: the Secretary of Finance
oped by the Administrative Unit are: and Public Credit, the Superior Auditory Office of the Federation, the Bank of
Mexico, the Federal Institute for Access to Information (IFAI), National Electoral
a) The design of organizational proposals that Institute (INE), the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development
consolidate the operation of the Institution; Policy (Coneva), the Federal Commission for Economic Competence (Cofece) and
b) The revision and implementation of the In- the National Institute for Public Administration.
tegrated Internal Control Model;
c) The development of the Strategic Planning
System that integrates the use of informa- Source: Administrative Unit. January-June 2014 Report on Administrative and Financial Management.
tion technologies;
d) The design of the Professional Career Ser-

Gazette of National Educational Evaluation Policy

e) The elaboration of the General Services oncile stability and change, but that specify of the capacity and directive effectiveness of the
Manual; mainly willingness, cohesion, coordination government: governability and governance. The
f ) The conclusion of the General Organiza- and collaboration of the individuals involved in two approaches refer to the same problem, but
tion Manual and of the manuals on admin- education so as to make the right to a quality their response has different proposals, orienta-
istrative procedures. This is all within the education a reality for all and to recognize the tions and emphases. Aguilar, Luis F. (). La
perspective of a friendly and efficient ad- assessment of the National Education System nueva gobernanza pblica. Ctedra Magistral:
ministration. as a strategy for its improvement. La Gobernanza de los Asuntos Pblicos. Cen-
tro de Gobernanza Pblica y Corporativa. Uni-
From this vision of aims and strategies the
versidad del Turabo. Puerto Rico. The focus on
The key to success in the transformation Administrative Unit is committed to the cre-
governability considers that the management
of INEE, with its sights on complying with its ation of a common language that enables the
problem is resolved if the government is given
constitutional mandate and coordinating the diverse components of INEE to reach the high the required capacities (institutional, fiscal,
SNEE, resides in its capacity to balance continu- goals that society and the State demand of it. administrative, coactive) to direct society,
ity and change in other words, to take advan- while the focus on governance points out that
tage of competencies and acquired institutional 1 This term was adopted during the s and the government is and agent of direction that is
learning and be flexible in order to obtain new has been used to design tools, principles and necessary but insufficient and thus is obliged to
knowledge based on the competencies and ex- transformations that have occurred within the coordinate with different actors so that they may
periences of those who are part of the and governments of many countries, as well as a set participate in the design and implementation
those who have recently been incorporated into of transformations in the public sector (Hood, of actions. See Aguilar and Bustlo M. ().
the new Institution, with the object of explor- C, ). Gobernanza y Evaluacin: una relacin poten-
ing more and better possibilities. 2 From a more comprehensive perspective that cialmente fructfera. Revista Gestin y Anlisis
The creation of a new INEE requires ideas, it is not possible to explain in this space, there de Polticas Pblicas. Nueva poca, N , July
capacities, structures, and processes that rec- have been two lines of response to the problem - December.


Teaching and homogeneous and reflects contrasts, inequities

and imbalances.
assessment: the
perception of individuals Teachers perspectives: the weight of
participating in Evaluation processes cover a diverse range of
topics and aims in education. In order to im-
education in the state prove we must delve into teachers thoughts on
of Tlaxcala assessment. What do they think? How do they
react? What impact does it have on their work?
What do they expect and what do they get out
of these processes?
How can we find and identify the A study conducted by the Evaluation Di-
perceptions and tensions that basic rectorate of the Secretary of Education of the
education teacher have in regards to State of Tlaxcala during the second half of
sought to understand and identify percep-
educational assessment? The article tions and tensions around educational assess-
takes up a study of the Evaluation ment among primary school teachers. It shows
Directorate of the Secretariat of Public that teachers from Tlaxcala have a good level
Education of the state of Tlaxcala of schooling: almost all of its members have
during the second half of 2013 and an undergraduate degree, and an increasingly
growing number of them have some sort of
offers keys to advance the issue. graduate degree.
One can observe that a significant percent-
A C O age (.%) of teachers were hired on their
The Coordination of Educational Research academic qualifications (based on results or
of the Directorate of Educational Evaluation by means of a selection process). However, a
of Tlaxcala higher percentage (.%) were hired based on less academic means (inheritance, union
merits, recommendation or by purchasing the

I n Mexico the vast culture of evaluation in-

cludes the education sector; however, this
practice still raises controversy that is widely
contract). Without undermining the training
that teachers have, this reality is an argument
for strengthening the mechanisms for profes-
accepted by some and rejected by others. The sional development and assessment of in-ser-
degree of knowledge, satisfaction and value vice teachers, as currently established by the
teachers are given in regards to evaluate pro- General Law of Education and the General Law
grams applied in basic education is far from of Professional Teaching Service.


Moreover, this study shows that teach- them. The majority (%) said that never, rarely It is necessary to consider testing as a
ers have contradictory perceptions about the or only when there is assessment, does manage- means for school improvement, not an end
usefulness of assessments. A high percentage ment implements activities to support them. in itself. In other words, the amount of time a
(%) of them say it provides useful informa- This implies that the attitude the authorities teacher has been in service should not be used
tion for improving performance in the class- have towards the person who is being evaluated as an excuse to just pass them, but rather to
room and increasing student learning while varies between hostile, negative and indifferent. achieve the teaching objectives of the corre-
identifying their needs, but % believe it is a In spite of it all, teachers report being very sponding educational level.
distraction from teaching activities. satisfied and somewhat satisfied with their par- To consolidate the notion amongst teach-
The theoretical goal of assessment is to ticipation in assessment. Even though positive ers that assessment is an inherent part of their
improve, which coincides with the opinion of and negative opinions coexist, they are pre- teaching performance, as opposed to some far-
the majority of teachers in Tlaxcala (%). This dominantly found in the first category: % and removed, added or optional process, will be the
reflects a positive perception of assessment as %, respectively. path to eliminating the view that it only serves
they believe that it serves to improve the qual- Finally, as to the question of what they as a distraction from their main work.
ity, practice and school curriculum. want to obtain from the assessment process, a Given the perception held by teachers, it
However, only % think that the assess- positive expectation is observed: % say they would be essential to review the role of other
ment processes contribute to improving par- hope to learn and improve, while other types individuals who participate in education (di-
ents perceptions and participation at school. of motivating elements (better pay, recognition, rectors and superior authorities) before, during
Although the tests are not aimed at teachers thanks and opportunities) represent only 20% and after assessment.
improving this perception, they do give guide- of the responses. The same percentage believes Positive assessment is consolidated when
lines for revising the role of parents in two that assessment will result in negative aspects the teacher receives compensatory benefits and
ways: a) the manner in which they participate (observations, disqualifications and penalties). motivation: improved salary, recognition or re-
at school so as to foster teaching and learning; When contrasting this with what teachers wards, amongst others.
b) the extent and manner in which the regula- have actually achieved from assessment, the Despite its geographical extension, its lines
tory provisions (particularly the General Law of percentages are slightly modified as the positive of communication, its historic tradition as a
Social Participation) are met in schools. expectation remains above %, but the moti- teacher-training state, in Tlaxcala there is still
This optimistic view of teachers has a vating factors have a significant increase, going a heterogeneous way of thinking towards as-
strong relationship with the time spent prepar- from % to % while aspects containing a sessment, and this still presents itself as a non-
ing for assessment. Most of them state that they negative connotation decrease from % to %. consolidated practice amongst all individuals
are constantly preparing themselves for assess- This means that some of the teachers rec- involved in education. With this in mind, ef-
ment and only a small percentage mention do- ognized that besides allowing them to improve forts should be focused on establishing these
ing so a week ahead of time. their performance, assessment also helps them processes not only in a mechanical and bureau-
This reveals two points: a) constant prepa- to obtain some compensatory elements such cratic manner, but as a conscious and enriching
ration can mean a lot of concern (school and recognition for their work. action of teaching work. Consequently, there
social pressure for positive results influences will be a decrease in the current polarization in
the teaching work); b) the short time spent Assessment that is inherent regards to testing: trust or mistrust, acceptance
preparing can mean a lot of confidence in their to performance or refusal.
work or a lack of interest in testing. Improving the mechanisms for entry into the For us, evaluation represents a specific
Those involved in education closely fol- teaching profession - while taking into account form of knowing and relating oneself with re-
low all evaluation processes, and its results are the fulfillment of the academic and administra- ality in order to improve it. It has to do with
widely awaited by society in general. However, tive requirements and confirming the knowl- a transformative praxis that, in order to have a
teachers say they do not receive a positive cor- edge, skills and attitudes needed for this work profound impact, requires the activation of the
relation in regards to the support they should - will serve to improve teachers perceptions cultural, social and political levers that are most
receive from the school management, as it of assessment and contribute to improving the relevant within the contexts in which they are
seems that the weight of the tests lies solely on quality of education. active.


Juan Yahir, a success

story in San Luis Potos
Like many Mexican students, Juan I H M
State Coordinator of the Pedagogical
E ducational assessment has become routine
practice for the improvement of the pro-
cesses of school management and pedagogical
Yahir faces difficult conditions in
his educational process, but when Councils of the Department of Education management in the classroom. The assessment
of the state of San Luis Potos results are basic inputs to guide institutional
the school, parents, teachers and efforts and, more specifically, the design of rel-
directors all work together, solutions evant strategies that promote a better quality of
with results beyond expectations are S S C T student learning as the center and rationale of
always found. The story in this article General Coordinator of Evaluation and the educational system.
is told from the very heart of this Monitoring of the Department of Education The purpose of this text is to share the fac-
of the state of San Luis Potos tors that influenced the results obtained in the
experience. Childrens Knowledge Olympics (OCI) in

Gazette of National Educational Evaluation Policy

which the student Juan Yahir Gonzalez Ramirez

obtained first place on a national level. For this
purpose a field study was conducted in order to
gain the views and experiences of the student,
his parents, his teacher and the principal of the
elementary school.

The high percentages of participation of San
Luis Potosi in external assessment convened
by the Secretary of Public Education (SEP) and
the National Institute for Educational Evalua-
tion (INEE): National Assessment of Academic
Achievement in School Centers (ENLACE), OCI
Exam for Quality and Educational Attainment
(Excale) and the International Program for
Student Assessment (PISA), shows the strong
impulse given to the culture of assessment in
In this context the childrens participation
stands out in the OIC assessment which year
after year meets the purpose of rewarding aca-
demic excellence amongst sixth grade students.
It also opens windows of learning for students,
teachers, principals, supervisors and parents,
who capitalize on information that would guide
them to better teaching strategies and innova-
tions in teaching practice.
Since the OCI assesses students in
mainstream, indigenous, community and pri-
vate elementary schools. The first stage of the
test application is census-based, selecting the won first place in the OCI, a student of the Lib- They turn in their schoolwork, I check it and
best students to participate in the second stage. eracion Public Rural School, which is located in underline the misspelled words in red so that
The results of the second stage define the win- Gogorron Viejo (Pozo del Carmen), in the mu- they can correct them. Then we work with the
ning student on a national level. The subjects of nicipality of Villa de Reyes. subjects from the class plan; the contents of the
Spanish, Mathematics, Science, History, Geog- The characteristics of the context in which planning are looked at and students participate
raphy and Civics and Ethics are all evaluated. the school is located, including a high level of individually or in small groups.
In , students were registered marginalization, motivated us to look into the In an interview the school director, Miguel
which resulted in the largest number of par- factors that influenced this success story. ngel Escobar Cndido, notes that the organi-
ticipants in the state. For the third consecutive Juan Yahir is an only child. His parents zation and the working environment also con-
year San Luis Potosi obtained first place in the work in a small business. His father studied up tribute to the good level of learning: From the
OCI on a national level. to middle school, and his mothers last level of time I arrived at this school, which was almost
A determining factor in keeping the inter- schooling was elementary school. In his teach- six years ago, there has been a lot of work. At
est of individuals involved in education and ers opinion, during the last three years that the 8 oclock the bell rings and then we go to the
promoting processes of pedagogical interven- student was with her, he was characterized as classrooms to work. We have different ways of
tion is the timely returning of the results of the being studious, dedicated and responsible with providing teachers with all kinds of material.
first stage of the OCI, which are disseminated his homework. He generally asks questions There is a very large commitment to education.
on a state level through the different school about that which he does not understand, he The care and support of Juan Yahirs par-
levels within approximately ten business days enjoys reading, and uses the books available ents is another favorable factor for his aca-
after the test date. Those results are provided in the school and in the classroom. During demic performance. His father, Juan Gonzlez
by form classes, sectors, zones, schools and the most recent school year he read books, Vzquez said: More than anything, I try to do
groups, and personalized reports are issued for which is registered in the reference cards that a survey, I ask him questions according to the
each student so as to help identify the critical are kept at the school. books. His mother, Martha Ramirez Laguna,
contents those that show more than % of Teaching intervention was also a factor that says: I support him from here, I stay in the
incorrect answers and immediately give feed- favored the results. The teacher Jess Yaneth shop as long as necessary.
back on the teaching and learning processes. Quirino Quistin refers to a normal school day:
We say good morning and start by reading a The use of the results
Positive factors book. We often read chapters from books and of external assessment
On a national level San Luis Potosi obtained the children listen and sometimes ask ques- When asked about what influenced him to ob-
first place in the OCI in and with tions about what they think will happen next tain first place on the OIC nationally Juan Yahir
two students from the Justo Sierra Elementary or how the story will end. Afterwards, we con- says, The first stage of the exam is the main
School, located in the urban area of the state tinue with the anthology workbook, which is one, because when I get the results then I see
capitol. In Juan Yahir Gonzalez Ramirez the dictation of the words from some texts. what I missed and I practice these questions


in order to apply them to the second test. Af- teachers and peers that are based on mutual re- and support of parents who are in a situation
ter the first exam I got a small sheet of paper spect, and having clear goals in mind. He says: of poverty as in the case of the community, and
Report of Personalized Results which gave The truth is, any child can achieve what I have the continued demand for support from edu-
the correct and incorrect answers. The teacher achieved, but one always has to make an effort. cational authorities to address equipment and
gave me a copy of the first stage exam, and told In the teachers opinion the value of work- infrastructure needs of the campus.
me to bring it to school every day and each day ing with children starting at the beginning of Juan Yahirs parents share a valuable con-
I went over two questions with her. She ex- the school year is reiterated: Especially in tribution that they make clear to all parents:
plained the procedure with similar questions. mathematics, which is most difficult. We start- Support your children, dont abuse them, give
Meanwhile, the teacher Yaneth Jesus states: ed working on understanding the problems and them a lot of loving and above all, pay attention
The director gave us the results and we fo- identifying the algorithm. In her experience, to them.
cused on the wrong answers. The students were she suggests the use of a students questions in
asked about what they found most difficult, and order to resolve any doubts they may have and A learning situation worth repeating
we saw what topics were related to these ques- small group work as strategies that promote In this case, the states efforts to issue reports
tions and we explored them further. better learning. She also expresses the benefits of test results to the key players, the students, is
The principal added: Starting at the begin- of working in the School Technical Council noteworthy. It is also worth mentioning the role
ning of the school year, I give them a photocopy where the problems and situations of each of of the educational structure for the dissemina-
of the electronic version of last years exams, the children are analyzed. This space allows tion and correct pedagogical use of the results
among other materials, for them to work with. them to get to know the students, the context by teachers as mediating elements in learning
The results caused the supervisor, Elia Aguilar and the problems they face. In particular, she improvement.
Muoz, to visit us, although we also checked sees external assessments as a learning oppor- The peculiar characteristics of a brilliant
on the Internet and gave the information to the tunity: They are important because they give student are of no less importance. In this case
teachers. In analyzing the results, we focused on us a vision of the country: if we are doing well, the student was smart enough to take advan-
the mistakes, and we worked at a group level to what we need and what we can do to improve. tage of the conditions of the rural context,
study those contents in order to reinforce them. In the directors opinion, in this success which added to the demonstration of learning
All of this gave us good results with Yahir. story, aspects highlighted are those such as the due to their harmonious nature.
presence and use of books in school so that stu- The experience analyzed shows the value
Shared visions dents have more information that helps them of the work of each participating individual in
From the perspective of the winning student develop research skills, the analysis of the exam education, who each do their part and even a
his assessments are focused on spending more results as a reference in class to reinforce the bit more. This is, without a doubt, an experi-
time on his studies, relationships with his topics of greatest difficulty, the cooperation ence we can all learn from.


Evaluation must be
related to education
do I select one of , schools? Almost simul-
Even in difficult environments, taneously, I recognized that we do not have a
middle schools are changing and mechanism that allows us to obtain and sys-
have made progress. Here are the tematize best school practices in educational
assessment and was thus faced the second
experiences of some of the schools question: How do you identify them in a short
that have undergone a transformation amount of time? I then consulted with my oper-
under the guidance of its directors ational structures and got some clues, of which
and the work of the school collective, the most solid and convincing ones came from
a process that included the the school directors themselves. So I started to
learn and recognize the invaluable work of edu-
application of evaluation strategies. cational assessment applied by the key players
Much remains to be done, here there in school transformation. From the experiences
are three exceptional cases from one received, three middle schools were chosen
of the largest cities in the world. because this level represents our greatest chal-
lenge in terms of quality. All three schools are
in the delegation of Iztapalapa one of the
L I S G most vulnerable, insecure areas of Mexico City
Head of the Federal Administration and respond to our commitment to equity.
of Educational Services in Mexico City The following text is a review of the rich- ness of these experiences. Maybe they are not
rich in breadth in regards to their methodologi-

W hen I received the invitation from the

National Institute for Educational Eval-
uation (INEE) to write about the experience of
cal development, but they most certainly are
terms of the effort each school makes for the
quality and their interest in transforming them-
assessing a school, my first question was: how selves, on the basis of the evidence gathered.

Gazette of National Educational Evaluation Policy

Middle School #204 (Day Shift) cated in Cuitlahuac, an area bordering the Cen- improvement in the intensive phase. Once the
Hermilo Novelo Torres tral Market and that is considered to be highly direction was established, the director asked
Has students in the morning shift and is marginalized with a large population of home- the group the following question: How can we
located in one of the most vulnerable regions less youth. The middle school has a full-time promote learning with teachers and the educa-
of Iztapalapa: San Miguel Teotongo. The schedule and participates in the Safe Schools tional community from leadership roles?
leadership of Director Leticia Moreno has Program. It is precisely this collaborative and reflec-
allowed for the transformation of the school Since her arrival in March the direc- tive work that enables teachers to feel like they
previously known as prison # into tor knew that her mission was to transform the are part of a community that learns and is will-
a place that has a greater level of demand school. She also knew that to do so she would ing to change. While we might say that it is an
and community protection. Among other need the support of all of the participating indi- emerging assessment experience because we
accomplishments, some of the noteworthy viduals and institutions, and a clear diagnosis of still cannot determine the impact on the learn-
changes have been a decrease in absenteeism, the problems the school was facing. ing improvement or the physical transforma-
failure and violence. Nine years ago, before The first step was to inspire her school col- tion of the school, it is an example of what we
Moreno arrived, the outlook was bleak. She lective with a phrase from the worlds most fa- want to achieve with the implementation of the
describes it as follows: I found an abandoned mous detective, Sherlock Holmes, created by Education Reform in the Mexico Citys elemen-
and physically abused school. There was distrust the Escotish writer Arthur Conan Doyle, who tary schools, in which:
and aggression in the collective environment. said: It is a capital mistake to theorize before
There was deterioration in the relations of the one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist 1) The management fully commits to the stu-
entire educational community composed of facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit dents learning improvement and the qual-
teachers, parents and students. facts. She later shared with them the diagnosis ity of the school from an comprehensive
The director sought to radically change the of the school, which showed that it had a capac- viewpoint;
image of the school: I understood that the first ity of 700 students and was receiving . There 2) The supervision can be an ally and support
thing we had to change was the physical aspect was a lot of movement at the school, many stu- the process of the path to improvement;
in order to change the interpersonal relation- dents entering and leaving during the school 3) The teachers collective, supported by the
ships. year, as well as a high rate of absenteeism and new structure, becomes a learning commu-
This is how she first involved the parents, failures. In the latest data from the National As- nity and a force for the schools transforma-
students and teachers, who joined the task in sessment of Academic Achievement in Schools tion.
spite of their skepticism and disillusionment. (), the Middle School # had fallen in
After presenting the first diagnosis, aware- ranking. After the presentation Bernal reflect-
ness was raised about the true situation of the ed with school members on questions such as:
school and a team was formed to start working What happens when a student performs below Initial conditions of the Middle School #119
on its transformation. A mathematics teacher the expected level in three or more subjects? 29 youth fall into self-mutilation or cutting; 41 suffer
explained: When I started here, the school had What are the existing support mechanisms from depression; 10 are linked to Centers for Juvenile
no order and it was divided. The director has for the recovery of a student, once deficiency Integration for problems in the streets or petty crimes,
understood how to lead the school, resolve dif- has been detected? These and other core is- and 20 work in the Central Market in order to survive.
ferences, negotiate and dialogue. sues for increasing the schools performance
The president of the Parents Association were discussed. At that moment, she took the
mentioned: The schools work has been very opportunity to go into depth on the analysis of
complete. The director is a very demanding the students conditions. At the time, the Unit Technical Middle School #
person with the students, and this makes it so for Special Education and Inclusive Education In the Progresista neighborhood of the del-
that they receive a very good education. As the (UDEEI) helped youth with issues of truancy, egation of Iztapalaba, under the leadership of
board of directors, we try to make it better. risk of drug dependence or any type of disabil- the director of both shifts, Ignacio Mendoza
The leadership of the director, with the sup- ity. Using this diagnosis, questionnaires were Hernndez, Technical Middle School # has
port of the sub-director, has enabled the trans- given to students and teachers. The first was undergone a drastic transformation. Upon
formation of the school, as the video De oruga a applied to students and had the objective arrival he and the teachers promoted the de-
mariposa (From Caterpillar to Butterfly), avail- of learning young peoples opinions about the velopment of a general diagnosis that yielded
able on YouTube, gives testimony to.1 factors that motivated, helped or hindered the three very serious problems: first the learning
Likewise, the work of the School Techni- development of their skills in school so as to
cal Council, by means of the path to improve- identify strengths and areas of opportunity. The
ment, is allowing for the centralization of efforts questionnaire applied to teachers empha-
in learning. From the perspective of the Federal sized the identification of the issues of greatest
Elements for the diagnosis of the Technical
Administration of Educational Services of Mex- difficulty for the teaching-learning process. Middle School #91
ico City (AFSEDF), the internal assessment of the For the director, assessment must be re- Schedules, structure, history and the background of the
school has to be self-managed and participatory, lated to education, not only grading, while school, staff, the level of student achievement as seen
encouraged by the principles of Paulo Freire, for the Supervisor of Zone and head of this in the results of the Metropolitan Commission of Public
where the process of awareness is developed school, every action implemented should be Institutions of High School Education (COMIPENS), the
in the diagnosis and guides the steps towards monitored, as is being done in this school, and ENLACE test, the Advance Registration and Distribution
school transformation and collective decision- it must be measured by considering parameters System (AFIS) and the Diagnostic Instrument for Middle
making under the directors leadership. and evaluation criteria to identify what is being School Enrollment (Idanis). There was also an analysis
improved. Both thoughts defined a commit- regarding material and infrastructure needs: material
Middle School #119 ment to educational assessment, that is, to that needs, existing conditions, fixed assets, among others
Director Ana Luisa Bernal has only been at the which serves to change direction and improve, aspects.
Middle School # for a few months. It is lo- and that is vital for encouraging the path to


situation, high rates of failure and dropout; on DOSSIER OTHER VIEWS

the other hand, a rather complicated situation
of coexistence with the school having a reputa- A strategy for the school year - at state and federal
tion for being violent, both inside and outside
school, and a third issue related to addiction supervision and levels and correspond to teaching and technical
teaching roles (Article of the LGSPD).
problems coupled with the steady decline in the
student population.
observation of the In order to promote transparency and le-
gality in the competence exams, and to also
The first strategy applied by the director Competitive Teacher provide them with certainty and credibility,
was to engage teachers and then define a plan
for improvement. Three aspects to work on Placement Exams in the based on its roles regarding the Professional
Teaching Service, the Institute launched a
were identified: communication, the internal
organization of the school and the constant
Professional strategy for monitoring and observation in co-
ordination with federal and state educational
professional development of teachers. Then Teaching Service authorities.
a communication strategy and an open-door
policy on technology use were developed. The This comprehensive account of the ' Supervision Mechanism
director reports: We have two Facebook sites. supervision and monitoring strategy During the corresponding application dates,
One is called Technical Middle School # and of Competitive Teacher Placement installed a Monitoring Center that was
the other, We Learn Better Together With- organized around the following areas of work:
out Violence, with over , participants [...] Exams in the 2014 Professional
Meanwhile, as teachers we made use of What- Teaching Service provides a detailed a) Gathering Reports. A strategy for gathering
sApp and in this way we share information im- overview as well as the following information by telephone was deployed us-
mediately. elements: regulatory characteristics ing the application of short forms to su-
Six working committees were created characteristics, the coordination and pervisors (INEE designated) in the SEP State
amongst the teachers collective: Culture, Hy- Monitoring Centers and 90 INEE supervi-
giene and Health, Academic Innovation, Stu- accreditation process, international sors appointed at the application headquar-
dent Issues and External Security, Commit- evaluation and verification ters in states (Oaxaca and Michoacn
tee for Creative Reading and Assessment, and stages, a self-critical balance and and did not participate). This allowed for
along the strategic line that the Middle School recommendations for improvement. data collection at key moments and start
#91 has promoted and which includes assess- and end times of each of the stages of the
ment of students academic performance, and implementation of the instruments;
institutional assessment. E P b) Documentation of incidents. Five zones
The work that started three years ago has R U INEE were organized for the development of
borne fruit that is mainly visible in increasing this activity. Four of them included seven
enrollment, improving coexistence and in-
creased levels of pupil achievement. The teach-
er Ambrosio states: Students have also felt a
A ccording to the provisions of the fifth in-
terim article of the General Law of Profes-
sional Teaching Service (LGSPD), on July and
to eight states, while a fifth focused spe-
cifically on applications for complimentary
evaluation and indigenous languages. In
change in their school because they are more , , competitive teacher placement exams each area, a senior official of the Institute
participatory and enjoy the activities that are were held for the Enrollment in Basic (EB) and was named as the supervisor in charge. As
offered, mainly those related to reading. Upper Secondary Education (USE) Education the intermediary of headquarters, the
The director also uses the desired prospec- Service, as established in Chapter III of the supervisors used WhatsApp, text messages
tive scenario to motivate the educational com- Second Title of the LGSPD. Likewise, on July , and phone calls to communicate between
munity to join efforts in transforming their competitive placement exams and assess- Supervisors of State Monitoring Centers
school. The Technical Middle School #91/2021 ment processes were held and operated for the and Site Supervisors. This allowed for the
exercise motivated teachers, parents and stu- Promotion to Management Positions in USE. creation of state and regional networks
dents create the school they desired school After this process, using the provisions of for quick and effective reporting of any
and, on that basis, collectively develop steps to the guidelines and technical criteria issued by incidents, which facilitated appropriate
reaching that goal. the National Institute for Educational Evalua- monitoring and attention. This work strand
In summary, this is the challenge we have tion (INEE), the Secretary of Public Education was also boosted by the information from
at AFSEDF and our desired scenario is clear. We (SEP) continued with the phase of data collec- an INEE link with the National Monitoring
want a School of the Reform, so it is up to us tion, analysis and classification of assessment Center of the National Coordination of
to join efforts in order to make it happen every instruments, and in August, , it published Professional Teaching Service (CNSPD);
day, without losing the tempo of the direction. the national results and individualized reports c) Social Communication. This was based on
The example of these three middle schools of all examinees who participated in the evalua- the monitoring the news in print or elec-
located in urban zones of principal concern, tion process of the Enrollment in Basic (EB) and tronic media, and also on the monitoring of
highlights the need for systematic mechanisms Upper Secondary Education (USE) Education social media messages that occurred dur-
that allow us to identify best assessment prac- Service, and the Promotion to Management ing the application dates;
tices that encourage peer learning. What better Positions in USE for the - school year. d) Call Center for Citizens Service. Questions,
way to develop strategies for internal assess- Finally, from August to May , with concerns and complaints from the public
ment of schools, with the experience of other strict adherence to the priority lists issued by the about the development of the application
school directors who, in similar circumstances; Competitive Teacher Placement Exam, educa- process were recorded. Pieces of informa-
we have invested in educational improvement. tion authorities and decentralized bodies will tion were aligned with the reports from
assign all the newly created positions, existing other areas of work in order to contrast or
1 definitive vacancies and those that occur during coordinate relevant information.

Gazette of National Educational Evaluation Policy

Through these actions, the following was

achieved: a) an institutional presence in each
of the state monitoring centers, in different
randomly selected application sites, and in
most of the public events for the announce-
ment of job assignments; b) assurance of com-
pliance with regulations; c) in-person supervi-
sion of the processes; d) obtaining of first-hand
During the application dates (programmed
and rescheduled) and in public events for the
announcement of job assignments in Basic
Education (EB) and Upper Secondary Education
(USE), a total of supervisors were mobilized
which made it possible for INEE to:

Cover the total number of monitoring of-

fices in both Basic () and Upper Second-
ary Education ();
Have a presence in of the EB sites
(.%, of every sites);
Have a presence in of the sites in USE
(%, of every sites);
Cover of the sites (.%) considered
in the rescheduled applications1;
Mobilize a total of supervisors for public
events for the announcement of job assign-
ments, covering the majority of the events noted that the Institute designed a guide that Description of the processes for the
for EB and for USE. Of the participating described the purpose, methodology, scope of verification of regulations
states in the competitive teacher placement responsibilities, and, functions and activities The Competitive Teacher Placement Exams
exams in EB, INEE attended of the events during each phase of the competitive teacher were developed without any major setbacks
(.%)2; and of the participating states placement exam. A questionnaire was also de- in of the states on July , and .
in the competitive teacher placement ex- signed that served as the basis for monitoring The exams for Michoacan and Oaxaca were
ams in USE, there was at least one supervi- and observation, and allowed for the issuance rescheduled to take place at sites in Mexico
sor present in at least one of the events in of the corresponding reports. City: from July to August () and July
each of the states (.%)3. The following is a summary of the main (USE).
strengths and elements that need improvement During the exams minor unexpected
Observer coordination and accreditation (associated with the verification rules) derived events were identified that did not put the va-
In addition to these actions, the Institute ac- from the observation and monitoring strategy lidity of the evaluation processes at risk. The
credited non-governmental organizations, previously described. following are brief descriptions of situations
civil society and parents, as well as public that were subject to the in-person supervision
universities. The following was accomplished: International evaluation of the Institute: opening of sites; delivery of ma-
a) civil society was represented in a process of Between July and , a group of ob- terials; assistance for personnel assigned to the
high national interest; b) the presence of ob- servers from the United Nations International application process; beginning and end of ap-
servers deterred some individuals from incur- Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) with plication dates; protection of materials; and job
ring in irregularities during the process; c) the its headquarters in Buenos Aires, Argentina, assignments according to priority lists.
information gathered supported INEEs supervi- visited states and collected information
sion process and added to the objectivity and for an external evaluation of the Competitive Opening of sites
transparency. Teacher Placement Exams for the Profession- Although last-minute venue changes were re-
al Teaching Service in the - school corded in some states due to logistical and
In summary, during the application dates year. Thanks to this the Institute has able to gath- operational reasons, they were generally ade-
in EB and USE, a total of , observers er: a) a technical opinion on the design of the quate, easily accessible and had the established
participated (, and ,, respec- assessment process for entry and promotion; infrastructure and equipment. Note that in all
tively). The following figures stand out: b) external monitoring of the implementation of the sites the indicated guideline of one class-
In the EB applications, out of venues of this process. room for every 30 examinees was fulfilled, as
were covered: of . For the development of this external evalu- were the security conditions established by the
In USE it was possible to have a presence in ation, seven state sites were taken into consid- respective protocol.
nearly % of the sites: of . eration4. At those sites interviews and observa- In general, the opening of the sites was
tions were made of situations where instruments done in a timely and adequate manner, al-
With the intention of guiding the activi- (tests) were implemented. In states adjacent though there were some delays because of mi-
ties of supervisors and observers, it should be to these sites only interviews were applied.5 nor problems and logistical issues.


Delivery of materials complications, except that some suitable ex- and in coordination with educational au-
Overall, the materials (application booklets and aminees were not properly and fully notified to thorities;
answer sheets) were sufficient and adequate for ensure their attendance. This is because many To revise general and specific guidelines in
meeting the foreseen application needs. In EB of them did not meet the academic require- order to adjust or strengthen them accord-
some problems such as incomplete distribution ments, and the information was not clear and ing to timeframes, legal requirements and
of materials (which was quickly corrected) were relevant enough. To correct this situation a the real conditions in the states;
observed; others had to do with the distribution second public event for the announcement of To revise and improve the assessment in-
of an inadequate booklet on testing of appli- job placements took place in which all missing struments using analysis and technical vali-
cants in Telesecundaria distance learning edu- examinees were convened in order to give them dation.
cation, which in some cases caused the need for detailed information about the situation of
repeat testing.6 available job positions and hiring requirements. 1 Re-application of the Telesecundaria (Distance
Some errors were also detected in the prep- The remaining problems had to do with the Learning Lower Secondary Education - all
aration of material for indigenous teachers, lack of seats or because the geographical affilia- sites), rescheduling of Michoacn y Oaxaca en
which meant small delays, especially for large tion did not suit some examinees. EB ( of sites), online re-application in USE
capacity venues. ( of sites) and rescheduling of Michoacn
In USE there were delays caused by prob- Outcomes and recommendations and Oaxaca in USE ( of sites).
lems with entering the password in the relevant The scale of the application process and the 2 The states that were not visited were: Aguas-
networks and less by reprogramming the appli- amount of resources mobilized throughout the calientes, Chiapas, Michoacn, Nayarit, Oaxaca
cation, and, in fewer cases, with the reschedul- country for its proper development8 - in addition and Tabasco. In five of these states, a supervisor
ing of the application.7 to the regulatory framework and the expectation was not assigned due to the urgency by which
they received the agenda, while in Oaxaca no
caused by the Educational Reform - fully justi-
supervisor was assigned due to security issues.
Assistance for personnel assigned to the fies the development of the application dates, the
3 The states that were not visited were: Aguas-
Application Process grading process and the elaboration of priority
calientes, Baja California y Coahuila. This was
The assistance for personnel in the implemen- lists, as well as the mechanism of job placement. due to the urgency by which they received the
tation phase was generally high. On the ap- Although there were problems, they were mi- agenda.
plication dates of July , and , the site nor ones which are normal in operations of this 4 Nuevo Len, Sonora, Jalisco, Puebla, Zacatecas,
coordinator, the application coordinator, the nature. They were resolved accordingly without Yucatn and Mxico City.
personnel who applied the exams, INEE super- affecting transparency, objectivity, impartiality 5 situations of exam applications were ob-
visors, education authorities, national and, in and fairness in the process9. served, and interviews were made. of those
some states, international observers were all in However, this does not mean that there are interviews were made with Public Servants of
attendance. no areas for improving and strengthening these the Secretaries of Education in the states,
Although the attendance of observers ac- operations. The following are some of the areas with union representatives in the states, with
credited by the Institute was noteworthy, in worth mentioning: technical workers and with public servants of
some cases the observers left as the hours INEE.
passed. This was due to issues that did not have To foresee the actions that need to be ar- 6 For instance: July (Telesecundaria Option D).
to do with the original design of the operational ranged so as to have a timeframe that is in 7 For instance: July (online application in Up-
issues, such as changing locations without no- accordance with the development of the per Secondary Education -USE-)
tice or the observers own decisions to leave. task; 8 In the Competitive Teacher Placement
To avoid any last minute venue changes Exam of the SPD, , candidates partici-
Beginning and end of the application dates when possible and inform the examinees pated and , positions were convened (EB
In general, the beginning and end of the ap- ahead of time; and USE); , hours (EB and USE), and
plication dates was done in a timely manner. To strengthen the design, supervision of management positions for USE. In EB, the at-
However, some sites began and ended later production and distribution of application tendance rate of the registered candidates was
than planned. For example, in USE, in some ven- materials, in terms of safety, relevance, 87.0%, while it was .% in USE (SNRSPD, ).
9 In the case of the problem detected in telese-
ues they could not start the online test time due congruency, availability and sufficiency;
cundaria the affected population was less than
to problems with entering the passwords and To review the duration of application peri-
% and they were rescheduled. In the case of the
server crashes. In some cases this meant delays ods, especially when they pertain to indig-
problem with the online exam for Upper Sec-
of up to minutes, and others (fewer cases), enous populations; ondary Education (USE) the affected population
the rescheduling of the application. To guarantee adequate application condi- was less than % and they were successfully re-
tions, and the availability of equipment and scheduled.
Protection of materials software for online applications;
In very few cases, due to the distance between To issue calls for exams with relevant infor-
the site and the monitoring center, the trans- mation: application phases, requirements
portation of materials had to be postponed for for job placement and hiring criteria;
the following day. In all of these cases, the trans- To strengthen inter-institutional coordina-
portation of the materials did take place and the tion on a federal level and with states to as-
integrity of those materials was assured. sure the application operations and mecha-
nisms for immediate response;
To improve planning for accreditation and
Allocation of places according to the assignment of observers at application
priority lists sites;
Public events for the announcement of job To strengthen the supervision processes of
placements generally took place in accordance INEE so as to better articulate its observa-
with what was available and without major tion role with decision-making capacity

Gazette of National Educational Evaluation Policy


Entry evaluation for

Mexicos Professional
Teaching System:
Between technical
clarity and political

How was the first Competitive

Teacher Placement Exam for the
Professional Teaching Service
(SPD) observed from outside of
Mexico,? This article describes the
basic aspects of the design and
development of the SPD exam for
entry and promotion in basic and
high school education in Mexico,
as seen through the eyes of the
International Institute for Educational
Planning, UNESCO, in Buenos Aires.

M P object, based on a frame of reference and in ticle 3 of the Constitution that proclaims
Director of , Buenos Aires finding empirical evidence to substantiate the the citizens right to quality education and value judgments that are issued. Since this pro- the responsibility of the State to guarantee
cess is guided by the conditions and require- it. The Institute has defined five principles
L F ments specific to any investigation, this type of that should guide educational assessment:
Coordinator of Technical Assistance evaluation is described as evaluative research. a) its purpose is to improve educational
Programs, Training and Research of In that denomination, emphasis is placed on quality and equity; b) they should all be
, Buenos Aires the particular purpose of this research, which is opportunities to assess equity in the pro- not only to explain a phenomenon but to make vision of resources, in the management
a value judgment based on evidence. of the educational process, and in results;
N L An evaluation is necessary to explain the c) evaluation should only guide the deci-
Coordinator of Education and Equity Proj- criteria that make up the frame of reference sions that produce results that will lead to
ects of IIPE , Buenos Aires and that will sustain value judgments that will justice; d) recognition, measurement and be made. In this case IIEP-UNESCO Buenos Aires attention to diversity; e) participation.
drew on three main criteria:

U ndoubtedly, the assessment process for

entry and promotion in the Professional
Teaching Service in Basic and Upper Secondary
1. Adjustment of the design for the purposes of
the Competitive Teacher Placement Exam
The activities developed were centered on
the analysis to which the fieldwork was added.
Three dimensions were defined for both activities
Education in Mexico for the - school process for teaching degree applicants; and fieldwork, which are presented in Table 1.
year is an important milestone in the Educa- 2. Adaptation to current regulations, to the The fieldwork suggested renewing infor-
tional Reform that is being implemented in this extent that the evaluation design and im- mation in order to observe the design pro-
country. The International Institute for Educa- plementation actions are defined within cess of the candidates Competitive Teacher
tional Planning Organization of the United Na- the law. In this case, specific reference was Placement Exam strategy and to analyze and
tions Educational, Scientific and Cultural Or- made to the Constitution of the United evaluate the implementation of the first phase
ganization (UNESCO IIEP-Buenos Aires), in the Mexican States, the General Education (publication and dissemination of the call for
framework of a collaboration agreement with Law, the General Law on Professional candidates, previous registration, receipt and
the National Institute for Educational Evalua- Teaching Service Act and the National In- review of the documentation provided) and
tion (INEE), has conducted an international ex- stitute for Educational Evaluation; the second phase (implementation of the as-
ternal evaluation of that process. Its aim is to 3. Adjustment of the design to the principles sessment tool) of the competitive teacher
issue a technical and evaluative review of its of INEE given that it establishes that a cen- placement exam. The planned strategies for
design and implementation. tral reference of evaluations made by this the implementation of the third phase (quali-
Any type of evaluation is a systematic pro- institution, or of those that are carried out fication, formation of lists of priority and al-
cess of producing knowledge about the studied within its guidelines, is referred to in Ar- location of seats) would also be included.


Table 1. Dimensions and variables according to study objectives

pecially because they call for a review of specific
Variables aspects of candidates assessment.
Dimensions Objective 2. Evaluation of the The first relates to the tension between cen-
Objective 1. Evaluation of the Design Process tralism and federalism. The Education Reforma
Process Implementation
and the evaluation are being shared by the new
Political Institutional Relationships contemplated in the design Institutional Relationships that areas of responsibilities between the Federal and
institutional of the Competitive Teacher Placement Exam process for occur throughout the different local states. A process of recentralization is seen
entry into the Professional Teaching (SPD). phases of the competitive in which state officials perceive an undermining
Political and institutional relationships that were teacher placement exam of their opportunity to participate in decision-
developed during the design process. process. making, and point to the fact that their actions
Characteristics of institutional are restricted to the implementation of those in-
relationships. dicated by the federal government.
On the one hand, a critical position is main-
tained in which certain unease is noted due to the
Technical Relevance to each one of the phases and actions Level of adjustment to the loss of authority in the overall process and, on the
designed for the exam process. design of each one of the other, the recognition of the relevance of this re-
Arrangement and articulation between phases and instances of the competitive centralization process in light of the political con-
actions. teacher placement exam text that frames the Reform. In any case, Mexico
process. must be careful to avoid any decision taken out-
Relevance and reliability side the law which acquires political legitimacy.
in producing answers to A second tension is the result of an almost
inevitable comparison between this assessment
unforeseen situations.
and that which was being applied six years ago.
Logistical Feasibility conditions for the steps included in the Material conditions. Indeed, it is not the first time that Mexico ap-
organizational proposal, which should include both the production of Organizational conditions plies a test for entry into the teaching profession.
the tools used for the Competitive Teacher Placement in each of the phases In the framework of the Alliance for Quality
Exam operation and its application during the mentioned. Education (), a test that was oriented to the
corresponding dates. selection of teachers for available job placement
was applied. This represented a valuable prec-
edent for those who had the responsibility to
observations of the application process of the faithful to the design. Specifically, the actions implement the Competitive Teacher Placement
assessment tool were also made. were adapted to INEE guidelines drafted for that Exam, because it allowed them to accumulate
Over thirty-five documentary sources, purpose, thus giving full legitimacy to the oper- experience in this type of action. Therefore, an
from decrees, laws, guidelines and programs to ation. It is worth mentioning that the decisions important point is to identify and communicate
technical documents were analyzed. The field made along the way, which arose from unfore- the differences and turning points to avoid con-
work related to monitoring the implementa- seen situations that were not contemplated in tinuities that may threaten the identity of this
tion phase of the SPD assessment process was the design, were addressed - at least in the cases new evaluation scheme.
developed as scheduled, between July 12 and that were observed by making appropriate in- Finally, the absence of observers from parent
19, 2014 in twenty states of Mexico. Eighty in- quiries and considering the general principles organizations became visible. The information
terviews took place with officials from the Sec- and guidelines set by INEE. collected enables us to outline two hypotheses.
retariats of Education, union representatives Another highlight is the recognition and The first would be associated with a commu-
and officials of INEE. In addition forty-two test expectations among respondents. Although nication problem, which is why these organi-
situations in Basic and High School Education criticism and observations were identified, they zations - whose links with the network of the
were observed, as were the other tests used on were part of a dialogue marked by general ap- countrys educational institutions are weaker -
the above dates. proval and recognition of the work being pur- were unaware of the possibility of promoting the
sued by the Institute and the National Coordi- participation of its members as observers.
Findings and ratings of the process nation of SPD. The second, which is more commonly pres-
Beyond reviewing aspects or suggestions that Regarding INEE, the main highlights are its ent in interviews, suggests that the require-
could be made for possible improvements, it is new institutionalism and legitimacy that the ments that an organization must fulfill to join
noted that the whole process of teacher assess- new supporting regulatory framework provides the network of observers are very high, which
ment can be rated as successful. Beneath this it with, as well as the recognition of those who leaves out parent organizations, which have a
statement are some points that can be noted in now lead this organism. The positive assess- more precarious level of institutionalism.
regards both to design and implementation. ment by individuals extends to the fact that This point should be revised in order to pro-
In regards to the first point, it is adapted to through this operation, the teacher selection mote equal opportunities for different actors in
the objectives of candidate assessment for en- process is consolidated at the beginning of the society so that they may take on the role of ob-
try into the Professional Teaching Service, and professional degree, and to the Educational Re- servers, which is an aspect that is promoted by
shows internal consistency. While it is accepted form as a whole. the very principles of INEE in regards to partici-
that the idea is extremely complex, the general pation, equity and promotion of diversity.
assessment is that it is responsive to the com- Tensions and recentralization
plexity of the evaluation process that is being During fieldwork, a set of tensions were identi- Conclusion
proposed. fied surrounding the design and implementation There is no doubt that the decision to imple-
In terms of implementation it is notewor- of the Competitive Teacher Placement Exam for ment equitable and transparent criteria and
thy that the process took place in a way that was entry into the SPD that should be emphasized, es- procedures that enable the development of

Gazette of National Educational Evaluation Policy

processes for entry and promotion in the SPD could be interpreted as an expression of a deci- The external assessment by IIPE-UNESCO
is an essential condition for improving educa- sion that is fully accepted by the Mexican state, Buenos Aires has tried to contribute in order
tional quality. But it also implies a major politi- and led to the reality that it has the ability to to meet this challenge, providing another look
cal challenge when these new criteria intend to mobilize both human, financial and logistical at the process that is starting in Mexico, with
change existing practices that are corrupted by resources. The tensions that were identified the conviction that this is the beginning of a
arbitrariness and patronage, adding to the ini- could be decoded as an expression of the dif- reform that will not only be beneficial for new
tiatives extreme complexity. ficult political balance that an initiative like this generations of Mexicans, but also be a great
The successful implementation and legiti- requires in the circumstances in which this am- contribution to the debate on education in the
macy achieved in the education community bitious Reform takes stage. region.


Sylvia Irene Schmelkes del Valle Gilberto Ramn Guevara Niebla Hctor Eduardo Vela Valenzuela
Sociologist with a Masters degree in Educa- Bachelor of Biology with a Masters degree in Industrial Engineer with a Masters degree in
tional Research. Educational researcher since Science. Honorary Doctorate from the Autono- Public Administration. He has dabbled profes-
1970. She has been the academic director of the mous University of Coahuila and the Universi- sionally in the areas of education, science and
Centre for Educational Studies (CEE); Cinvestav dad Veracruzana. He has been the director of technology, economic development, public
researcher; advisor to the Secretary of Public Social Sciences at the UAM; Undersecretary of works and environment. He is known for his
Education (SEP); President of the Governing Basic Education at the SEP; coordinator of Edu- performance in the Federal and State Public
Board of the Centre for Educational Research cational Research at the Nexos Foundation; ad- Administration and the Legislature. He has
and Innovation of OECD; General Coordinator visor to the Secretary of Public Education; di- been state coordinator of Technological Educa-
of Intercultural and Bilingual Education for rector of the Mexican Institute for Educational tion, general director of the Construction of the
the SEP and director of the Research Institute Research, of the Educacin magazine and Secretariat of Education of Durango, as well as
for Development in Education (INIDE). She re- of the Center for Educational Research and Secretary General of Government and repre-
ceived Mara Lavalle Urbina award and the Jan Teacher Development. Author of numerous sentative of that state.
Amos Comenius Medal. national and international publications.
Jorge Cruz Bermdez
Eduardo Backhoff Escudero Margarita Mara Zorrilla Fierro Bachelor of Law with a specialization in Public
Bachelor in Psychology and a PhD in Education. Bachelor of Science in Education with a Mas- Administration. He has been in charge of the
Member of the National System of Researchers. ters degree in Educational Research and a Doc- office of the Secretariat of Basic Education in
He has served as professor of psychology and torate in Education. She has been in the field of Puebla. He has also been an IFE legislative aide,
director of the Institute for Educational Re- education for years. She has been a profes- a full member of the Mexican Academy of In-
search and Development at the UABC. He has sor, educational evaluation researcher; Director ternational Law, Secretary General of the Na-
taught more than undergraduate and gradu- of Educational Development at the Aguascali- tional Academy of History and Geography, and
ate courses, published around articles and entes Institute of Education, Director of Educa- president-elect of the National Honor Legion of
is the author of 14 books. Project reviewer for tion and Training in the Educational Develop- Mexico. He has held various positions in ENP.
CONACYT and member of the editorial boards ment Unit in the States, of the Undersecretariat As Undersecretary of High School Education of
of five scientific journals. Coauthor of EXHCOBA, for Planning and Coordination of the SEP, and Puebla, he helped the state reach first place na-
EXUMAT and EXHCOBA assessments and respon- the General Director of INEE. Author of numer- tionally and improve their performance on the
sible for developing EXCALE. He was an advisor ous national and international publications on ENLACE exam.
for TALIS and PISA . education.
Toms Munive Osorno
Teresa Bracho Gonzlez Emilio Chuayffet Chemor Elementary school teacher specializing in
Doctor of Social Science with a Specialty in Bachelor in Law. He was a professor, researcher mathematics with a doctorate in Pedagogy.
Sociology. Member of the National System of and alternate council member of the National Professor and director of primary and middle
Researchers, the Mexican Academy of Sciences Autonomous University of Mexico. He has school education, university professor. He was
and the Advisory Board of the Equitas Founda- been a federal prosecutor for consumers, del- founding director of the Ecole Normale Supri-
tion of Chile. She chaired the Mexican Council egate of the then Department of Mexico City, eure de Tlaxcala and of the Special Education
of Educational Research. She has been a re- mayor of Toluca, Vice President of the Institute Department of the Autonomous University
searcher at CIDE and at the Harvard Center for of Public Administration, Secretary of Educa- of Tlaxcala. He has been Municipal President
Latin American Studies. She has evaluated na- tion, Culture and Social Welfare, Government and Secretary of Public Education of Tlaxcala
tional educational policies of Conafe, PRONABES, Secretary and Governor of the State of Mexico, during the administrations of Tulio Hernndez
CONACYT, Conaculta, SEP, INEA and the Quality President of the General Council of the Federal Gmez, Beatriz Paredes Rangel and currently
Schools Program. Author of numerous national Electoral Institute (IFE); Secretary of the Inte- with Mariano Gonzlez Zarur. He also chairs
and international publications on education. rior of the Republic; Technical Secretary of the the Cacaxtla Foundation.
National Political Council of the PRI, federal
representative, among others positions.


Luis Ignacio Snchez Gmez Laura Fumagalli Agustn Caso Raphael

Bachelor and Master in Sociology, PhD in Com- Bachelor in Education and a elementary school Bachelor of Economics and Master of Arts.
munication and Sociology. He was general di- teacher with a Masters degree in Education He has taught at ITAM and at the Universidad
rector of the Ecological Rescue of Chapultepec and Society and Doctor of Social Sciences. She Iberoamericana. He received the National
Zoo Trust; advisor to the mayor; IMJUVE general has taught elementary, college and graduate Prize in Economics and his work was published
manager; director the Program for Training level education; educational researcher at FLAC- by the Editorial LIMUSA. For over years, he
Program for Policymakers on Youth in Central SO Argentina and in the Department of Educa- has worked in national and international pub-
and the president of the OIJ; President of the tional Research of the Ministry of Education of lic administration. He collaborated with the
Latin American Caribbean Center for Youth Buenos Aires. She has worked in the Ministry Inter-American Development Bank and has
and representative of the Mexican Government of Education of Argentina. She is coordina- held leadership positions at the National Bank
in international forums. Author of publications tor of IIEP-UNESCO Buenos Aires in technical of Mexico, Petrleos Mexicanos, the Institute
on social and political issues. He taught several assistance, training and evaluation research for Urban Action and Social Integration, Cona-
courses at UNAM. programs developed in Brazil, Ecuador, Chile, supo and the Secretariats of Energy, Interior
Mexico and Uruguay. and Finance.
Irma Hernndez Martnez
Professor of Elementary Education from the Nstor Lpez Luis Castillo Montes
Benemrita and the Centenaria Escuela Nor- Sociologist. Project Coordinator for Education Bachelor of Communication, Masters degree
mal of San Luis Potosi. Bachelor of Middle and Equity of the IIEP-UNESCO Buenos Aires and in Public Management and Doctoral Candidate
School Education with a specialty in Math- of the SITEAL. He has been coordinator of UNI- in Political Science and Government. Special-
ematics, with a Masters degree in Middle CEF projects in Argentina, a consultant with na- ist in institutional planning and evaluation of
School Education from the Graduate School tional and international agencies in analyzing government policies and programs. Expert in
of Education of Nuevo Len and in Education the labor market, living conditions and educa- formulating strategies for digital government,
from the Tec de Monterrey. She has teaching tion, professor at the University of Buenos Ai- consultant for restructuring and innovation in
experience at elementary, middle, training and res, the University of Cuyo, FLACSO Argentina, public management. He participated in the ed-
graduate education levels. She currently serves and a visiting lecturer at the Autonomous Uni- ucational reform of Aguascalientes, the Quality
as State Coordinator of the Pedagogical Coun- versity of Barcelona. His current focus is on the Schools Program, the restructuring of the SEP
cils of Secretariat of Education of the state of study of social structure in Latin America. He and the First National Census of Databases and
San Luis Potosi. has published several works on social dynamics Information Systems in the Education Sector,
and education. among others.
Silvia Socorro Corts Torres
Professor of Elementary Education from the Francisco Miranda Lpez Miguel ngel de Jess Lpez Reyes
Escuela Normal Experimental de Matehuala. Doctor of Social Sciences and recipient of the Bachelor of Business Administration with a
Bachelor Lower Secondary Education with a Mexican Academy of Sciences Award. He has Masters degree in Public Labor Administra-
specialty in Spanish and studies in Masters of been a professor, academic coordinator and re- tion. He has served as area director of the
Science in Education by the Pedagogical Insti- searcher at the Latin American Faculty of So- National Security Commission, director of
tute of Graduate Studies of Celaya, Guanajuato. cial Sciences, general coordinator of the Lower Planning, Administration and Finance at the
Supervisor of Middle School Education. She Secondary Educational Reform, Mexicos rep- National Council for Educational Develop-
has teaching experience at primary, Lower Sec- resentative to the European Union in the area ment, general director of the National Regis-
ondary, training and graduate education levels. of education for Alfa-Tuning Project, and con- try of Population and Personal Identification,
She currently serves as General Coordinator of sultant to the United Nations on Upper Sec- Coordinator of Planning and Promotion of the
Assessment and Monitoring of the Secretariat ondary Education, education policy and teach- Council for Standardization and Certification
of Education of the state of San Luis Potosi. er education. Member of the National System of Professional Competence; General Manager
of Researchers. He has published several texts of Planning and Programming in Mexico City,
Margarita Poggi on education and educational policy. and Mexicos consul in Los Angeles.
Bachelor in Education. Director of the Regional
Office Buenos Aires IIEP-UNESCO. She has taught Jorge A. Hernndez Uralde
graduate and masters degrees at different uni- Bachelor in Psychology with a Masters degree
versities, and has been a consultant to interna- in Higher Education. He was general director
tional and national agencies. She has coordi- of Upper Secondary Education at the Secre-
nated research teams and has been responsible tariat of Public Education and Technical Sec-
for training projects. She has served as National retary of the National Commission on Upper
Director of Information and Evaluation of Edu- Secondary Education. At the National Centre
cational Quality in Argentinas Ministry of Edu- for the Evaluation of Higher Education, he was
cation. Author of publications on educational coordinator of the National Entrance Exami-
evaluation, management training and educa- nation for Upper Secondary Education, Gen-
tional institutions. eral Director of Special Programs and General
Exit Exams for Bachelor Degree Programs.

PORTUGUS Gazeta da Poltica Nacional de Avaliao Educativa

por isso que as nossas decises devero trans- 1 Nota da tradutora: os indgenas totonacas so
formar positivamente aquilo que no funciona conhecidos no contexto mexicano principal-
possvel voar dentro da escola e da sala de aula. Como con-
seguir isso sem a informao adequada no mo-
mente por duis elementos, a baunilha e a cerim-
nia com os Voadores, ambos relacionados
mento oportuno? Como decidir sem evidn- regio de Papantla. A baunilha est presente nos
cias? Como elaborar polticas educativas para relatos religiosos pr-hispnicos da regio de Ve-
melhorar a educao sem avaliao? racruz, assim como os voadores de Papantla, cuja
Conhecer o Sistema Educativo integral- tradio se mantm viva at hoje. Em poucas pa-
mente permite enfrentar os fatores que possi- lavras, trata-se de uma estrutura de madeira com
bilitam ou impedem a qualidade educativa com pelo menos 20 metros de altura na qual quatro
equidade. Ser transparentes e divulgar resulta- homens sobem e voam, amarrados pelos ps e
dos nos ajudam a conhecer e a tomar as mel- com os braos abertos, girando sobre o eixo do
hores decises. mastro, sempre acompanhados de msica e com
s vezes, quando os indgenas totonacas a indumentria tradicional.
decidem que hora de ensinar a mais crianas 2 Tradues do espanhol ao totonaca realizadas
de sua comunidade a voar, eles saem juntos por Epifanio Garca Hernndez, Coordenador da
Casa de la Palabra Florida, do Centro das Artes
vestidos de branco para se enfiar na selva
Indgenas (), Papantla, Veracruz.
em busca da melhor rvore. Diante dos ancios
mais sbios e escutando a msica da flauta e
do tambor, danam e pedem permisso terra
para cort-la, e retiram de seu interior a fora
que eles, como grupo milenar vivo e respeitado,
possuem. Uma vez que o tronco est limpo, eles DA ESCRIVANINHA
S S V o puxam com essa fora comunal ao longo do
Conselheira Presidente do Instituto Nacional caminho e cantam por quilmetros, enquanto Por que uma gazeta?
para a Avaliao da Educao riem: construiro uma escola para crianas voadoras; juntos levantaro o pau, que metero
de novo na terra, para ento vestir-se de cores

H algum tempo iniciamos esta tarefa de

observar de perto o que acontece na escola
mexicana. De igual forma, muitas dcadas antes,
com as crianas e, na ponta, colocaro um tam-
bor sobre o qual o professor danar antes que
seus alunos soltem as cordas de suas pernas e
eles os indgenas totonacas comearam a girem sem medo em torno do sol.
preservar seus saberes sobre a vida comunitria, Empreender s possvel quando h co-
a aprendizagem, as formas de voar, o uso da pa- municao, respeito, unio e f em um objetivo
lavra e da baunilha.1 Ns comeamos a buscar comum: a aprendizagem. No caso da Cerim-
metodologias para avaliar a dinmica escolar e nia Ritual de Voadores, este ato milenar; no
medir as conquistas de cada criana que estuda nosso caso, est em constante transformao.
em nossas salas de aula, enquanto eles sulcavam Eis aqui a razo de ser desta Gazeta da Polti-
o cu com laos multicoloridos em suas cabeas ca Nacional de Avaliao Educativa, na qual
e espelhos que refletiam a luz do sol. hoje compartilhamos mltiplas vises acerca
Com os braos abertos vida talakk ki- das polticas pblicas educativas no Mxico e
makxpankn xla latmat, como dizem os voa- no mundo para conhecer as experincias que
dores totonacas , irradiam luz nos ares desde nos tornam fortes e percorrer juntos os camin-
que a Pirmide dos Nichos, em Tajn, tinha cor,
orgulhosos de que o mundo aprecie sua essn-
cia, que perdura ao longo do tempo, e conhea
hos em direo aprendizagem que queremos
como pas e pela qual trabalhamos.
Quando os totonacas conseguem final-
E xistem centenas de milhes de palavras
para comunicar-nos, desde as simblicas
e universais, reconhecidas por muitos, at
os valores que os fazem seguir juntos na mod- mente levar a rvore ao lugar onde ser aberta aquelas muito especficas que se convertem em
ernidade. a escola, trabalham ordenadamente uns com conceitos.
Desde o Instituto Nacional para a Avaliao cordas, outros com alavancas durante horas, H palavras com um significado to especial
da Educao (, em sua sigla em espanhol), at que conseguem colocar de p o seu sonho. que deixam de ser s isso para se tornarem toda
com uma equipe multidisciplinar de especial- Puxem! gritam , fora! No param at que uma concepo; a soma de cinco, sete ou nove
istas, damos luz Poltica Nacional de Avalia- o sol se oculte. De igual maneira, permitamo- letras que explicam, juntas, uma ideia genial.
o Educativa para enfrentar juntos os desa- nos colocar de p utilizando nosso saber, es- Uma dessas est a ponto de morrer junto
fios, com a nica misso de contribuir para a cutando e deixando em cada passo empenho, com a ltima falante de sua lngua.
melhoria da educao. Antes, sem companhia, talento e viso a rvore da qual emanem Morrem, ento, a mulher, o vocbulo, a ln-
e hoje, aps a recente Reforma Educativa, em polticas firmes para transitar nesta tarefa edu- gua inteira e, com ela, a histria de um grupo
um sistema que funciona graas participao cativa, e sulcar juntos o cu e a realidade sem tnico que forma parte do que somos como hu-
e compromisso de muitos como voc, querido temor, como voadores poderosos e fortes. manidade. Vai-se, ningum mais a pronunciar
leitor, que se encontram frente dos sistemas Tlanchitanitantit nak kintatsokgnikn de novo.
educativos das 32 entidades mexicanas no mar- nem milakn: Bem-vindo s nossas pginas, Vai-se com ela, tambm, seu enorme e va-
co do Sistema Nacional de Avaliao Educativa. que so suas.2 lioso significado. uma palavra para conver-
Todos ns desempenhamos um papel pre- Desejamos que encontrem aqui elementos sar, mas no se pronuncia como conversao,
ponderante para que as coisas aconteam. para construir em terra firme. dilogo ou bate-papo. Servia para iniciar uma


conversa, mas no era um oi, bom dia, queria escola,2 expe uma conversao real acerca do Comeamos na companhia de todos os
discutir isso contigo. No, era mais simples: um impossvel: titulares educativos do pas, pesquisadores e
som de ave, uma pluma leve, um clic de incio, Nunca vou conseguir, senhor. membros do que aceitaram o desafio e ex-
um on. O que voc est dizendo? O que voc pressam suas opinies neste nmero 0. Nossa
uma voz verbo que une duas aes: quer conseguir? palavra de partida: Gazeta. Nossa meta: escu-
escutar-decidir. Nada de nada! No quero conseguir tar. O fim comum que propomos: construamos
Para esses falantes, era um empurro de nada! a educao que queremos; avaliemos, aprenda-
nimo para comear a corrida, como se jogar E ento por que voc tem tanto medo de mos a observar.
de olhos fechados e braos abertos e voar sobre no conseguir?... Escreve no quadro: nunca vou Se estivssemos diante do quadro negro,
o conflito sem que ele nos toque, enquanto de- consegui-lo. escreveramos com giz: vamos consegui-lo.
cidimos com calma como agir. Nunca vou conceguir-lhe Se fssemos ymanos, diramos ao olhar-nos:
til para a paz e o acordo em toda situao: Voc se confundiu de pronome. Este Mamihlapinatapai. Faamos o que todos ns
pessoal e aparentemente irremedivel; ntima para o complemento indireto, mais tarde vou desejamos pelas crianas em nossas escolas:
sem necessidade de gritos; grupal para conciliar explic-lo. Corrige. Voc tem que utilizar o lo. melhorar. Comecemos lendo-nos aqui.
ideias distintas; acadmica para expressar um E conseguir com s.
modelo dif cil de maneira compreensvel para Nunca vou concegui-lo 1
muitos; democrtica para fazer acordos escu- Bom, e o que voc acha que esse lo sig- futuro/1406816310_738367.html
tando-nos com pacincia; de aprendizagem, nifica? 2 Pennac, D. (2008). Dirio de Escola. Rio de Ja-
para fazer com que os interlocutores jovens se No sei. neiro: Rocco. (Traduo libre).
apropriem de mais um conhecimento; mas no Pois bem, absolutamente necessrio
vai mais existir A palavra est morrendo. que investiguemos o que quer dizer, porque
Como viver, ento, com o outro sem essa isso o que te d medo.
palavra que, por sua enorme significao, se assim que, nas relaes humanas de
transformou em conceito? Um vocbulo para qualquer mbito, o temor se converte muitas
construir cidadania e aprender que tanto ele vezes em um muro to intransponvel quanto
quanto eu temos opinies e que, se queremos as fronteiras que centenas de cidados cruzam
viver pacificamente, precisamos construir buscando melhorar sua realidade, mas no h
de igual para igual um projeto escolar, de lar, de aqui paredes que impeam possibilidades: hoje
casal, de trabalho, de comunidade ou de nao. abrimos o dilogo. Na Gazeta no o medo de
Juntos, escutando-nos, e no em solido, pois dizer a palavra inicial nem de escutar o outro o
no o conseguiramos de maneiras distintas que impede; pelo contrrio, o que a impulsiona
sem perturbar a nossa liberdade. a deciso de conhecer e nos abrir infinidade de
Mamihlapinatapai1 a palavra ymana ideias. Por isso nasce esta primeira edio.
para alguns, a mais concisa do mundo que, A Gazeta da Poltica Nacional de Avalia-
junto com Cristina Caldern, indgena chilena o Educativa responde a uma necessidade
considerada Tesouro Vivo da Humanidade pela real: escutar-nos e conhecer o que cada um faz
Organizao das Naes Unidas para a Educa- em sua trincheira pela educao; a uma convic-
o, a Cincia e a Cultura (), a ltima o que existe desde o Instituto Nacional para
representante da lngua mais austral do plane- a Avaliao da Educao (, em sua sigla em
ta, uma cultura que desaparece: quando minha espanhol): aprender observando, olhar cuida-
irm rsula faleceu, fiquei sozinha, sem nin- dosamente, avaliar para ento apoiar a elabo-
gum com quem falar. Desde ento, Cristina rao de polticas educativas; e a um mandato
Caldern a nica pessoa capaz de se expressar de Lei, que coordenar o Sistema Nacional de
no idioma que os homens da Terra do Fogo usa- Avaliao da Educao que deriva da Lei do
ram para dialogar durante mais de seis mil anos . Trata-se de impulsionar uma agenda co-
nos confins da Amrica. mum para a construo da Poltica Nacional da
Seu significado: um olhar entre duas pes- Avaliao Educativa.
soas quando as duas esperam que a outra faa assim que a Gazeta se torna palavra-
algo que ambas desejam, mas que ningum se voz-verbo que rompe medos e mostra o crisol
dispe a comear, como o consenso, o amor ou de projetos educativos e de avaliao de cada
a poltica, artes adquiridas para alm dos livros, entidade que convivem para se constiturem no
no fazer dirio, na experincia e na dor ao longo projeto de nao pelo qual trabalhamos.
da vida, com um golpe atrs do outro. Devemos ler-nos nestas pginas desde o
Embora s vezes pensemos que iniciar um interior do atravs dos textos de seus titu-
dilogo uma tarefa impossvel, com ou sem lares de unidade. Desde o seio da Conferncia
a palavra moribunda, nossa necessidade de do Sistema Nacional de Avaliao para a Edu-
comunicar-nos continua como a de respirar: cao, conheceremos distintas vises, graas
inata. aos espaos destinados a seus membros.
Em um dilogo entre um professor de en- Em cada uma das sees desta edio, fe-
sino fundamental II e um jovem considerado chamos os olhos e voamos seguros como a
mau aluno, diante do quadro negro de uma palavra ymana que agoniza de que um olhar
sala de aula como muitas das que existem no entre duas pessoas que desejam algo s precisa
mundo, Daniel Pennac, autor de Dirio de de um incentivo para se converter em dilogo.

Gazeta da Poltica Nacional de Avaliao Educativa

Fortalecer a relao entre os governos chega a 7,5 bilhes de pesos, ser destinada
federal, estadual e municipal, j que a for- construo, reforma e habilitao de espaos, e
Da avaliao ao: mao das novas geraes uma tarefa a fornecer saneamento bsico e acesso a gua
compartilhada. Esta cooperao, ativa e potvel, sem esquecer, claro, do material bsi-
O Programa da Reforma dinmica, garantir que docentes, coorde- co das salas de aula.
Educativa nadores, diretores e demais atores escolares
em toda a Repblica Mexicana contem com
No entanto, contar com melhores insta-
laes s uma parte do conjunto de fatores
as mesmas oportunidades. que combatem a problemtica do desamparo
Elaborar sistemas integrais de avaliao e abandono escolar, razo pela qual a atual ad-
A Reforma Educativa um primeiro que considerem conhecimentos, valorem ministrao determinou que era indispensvel
passo para melhorar a qualidade da competncias e habilidades especficas acrescentar ao programa elementos que for-
educao no Mxico. Este artigo e incorporem elementos quantitativos e talecessem a autonomia de gesto e a funo
qualitativos. dos supervisores, assim como promover um
expe os desafios gerais enfrentados Gerar avaliaes que tomem em conta as ambiente de corresponsabilidade com os pais e
atualmente pelo Sistema Educativo particularidades sob as quais se educa nas a sociedade, alm de vigiar a transparncia e a
Nacional e apresenta a avaliao distintas regies do pas, sem reduzi-las a prestao de contas.
como base para a construo de uma provas padronizadas. Com programas como este, o governo
educao justa e equitativa. Considerando que a reforma dotou os agen- encabeado pelo presidente Pea mostra que
tes educativos de certezas, fazer com que avaliar no s um processo de medio, nem
professores, coordenadores, diretores, alu- se reduz a uma mera ponderao de elementos,
E C C nos e pais tenham a confiana de que os re- mas implica uma ao que incentiva a apren-
Secretrio de Educao Pblica do Mxico sultados dos processos de avaliao tero um dizagem e a vontade de transformar as coisas impacto real e positivo no ambiente escolar. para construir uma realidade mais justa e equi-
tativa para as crianas e os jovens do Mxico.

A reforma empreendida pelo presidente

Enrique Pea Nieto no s incorporou
a qualidade e a equidade como os princpios
Em suma, nosso maior desafio fazer com
que as avaliaes, alm de gerar dados valiosos
sobre o grau de avano e cumprimento de ob-
sobre os quais a educao no nosso pas deve jetivos, resultados e mtodos, apoiem decises
se apoiar; tambm estabeleceu os mecanismos que detonem mudanas positivas para o siste-
necessrios para garanti-los ao criar o Sistema ma como um todo.
Nacional de Avaliao Educativa.
Todos ns, como agentes educativos, pre- O Programa da Reforma Educativa
cisamos contar com informaes pertinentes Um exemplo de como o governo do presidente
e oportunas que comprovem que os materi- Pea Nieto est utilizando os instrumentos de
ais, os mtodos, a organizao e a infraestru- avaliao para transformar o ensino a partir
tura, assim como o trabalho dos professores e de dados concretos e da anlise de una prob-
dos coordenadores e diretores, esto dirigidos lemtica especfica o Programa da Reforma
efetivamente a alcanar o sucesso mximo dos Educativa.
alunos. Eis ento a importncia fundamental da Esta poltica pblica tem sua origem na
avaliao Educativa. informao proporcionada pelo Cemabe rea-
lizado pelo Instituto Nacional de Estatstica e
Os desafios de hoje Geografia (, em sua sigla em espanhol) de
Quase dois anos depois de ter iniciado este setembro a novembro do ano passado; esforo
processo de mudana, j demos passos impor- indito que delineou um panorama atualizado
tantes com a criao da Coordenao Nacional do nosso entorno.
do Servio Profissional Docente, a realizao Graas a este exerccio, tivemos a oportuni-
do Censo de Escolas, Professores e Alunos da dade de saber que 23 milhes e meio de crianas
Educao Bsica e Especial (Cemabe, em sua e adolescentes frequentam as salas de aula da
sigla em espanhol), a instalao da Conferncia educao bsica, e especial do pas, assim como
Nacional do Sistema Nacional de Avaliao e a mais de um milho de professores em ativida-
implementao de concursos pblicos para a de. De igual forma, notamos a relao imperan-
educao bsica, ensino fundamental e ensino te entre o sucesso acadmico dos estudantes e
mdio, entre outras aes. a infraestrutura dos centros escolares, o grau de
No entanto, em todo esforo relevante de autonomia das instituies e a participao dos
amplo alcance se vislumbram certos desafios pais, coordenadores e diretores.
que devem ser encarados como prioridades: A partir destes resultados foi elaborado um
ndice de carncias, a fim de localizar as insti-
Construir, desde a sala de aula, uma cultura tuies cujo atendimento era prioritrio. Assim,
viva acerca da avaliao. Devemos dissipar foi determinado um universo de 20 mil escolas
as ideias que a relacionam a castigos ou es- pblicas de educao bsica que se encontravam
tigmas e favorecer aquelas que a concebem em condies de maior desamparo.
como um processo que potencializa o siste- O Programa da Reforma Educativa iniciou-
ma educativo em sua totalidade. se no ltimo dia 18 de agosto. Sua verba, que


O presente documento se divide em quatro so, a permanncia e os resultados educativos
NOSSAS VOZES partes para descrever o problema pblico continuam sendo o principal eixo problemtico
que essa poltica busca resolver: formar uma que deve ser atendido. Tambm se destaca que
Construindo a Poltica agenda comum de avaliao educativa que a a interveno do estado tem sido pouco efetiva
fundamente e expor os aspectos a serem con- em responder desigualdade educativa e que
Nacional de Avaliao siderados para sua implementao, assim como a maioria dos programas pblicos em educa-
Educativa: Enfoques e a proposta de trabalho para continuar a con-
struo da Poltica Nacional de Avaliao Edu-
o inercial, pois, embora busquem resolver
diversos problemas, o fazem de maneira frag-
contribuies para uma cativa (, em sua sigla em espanhol). mentada.

estratgia integral O problema pblico ao qual a A avaliao educativa no ajuda

responde na formulao ou reelaborao da
poltica educativa
Indicadores e resultados educativos Unidos aos pontos descritos, El uso de los re-
desfavorveis sultados de las evaluaciones del por las
O Relatrio 2014 do , El derecho a una edu- autoridades educativas, estudo elaborado em
cacin de calidad, identifica um conjunto de 2012, e os inventrios crticos de instituies
problemas no sistema de educao obrigatria que realizam a avaliao educativa tanto em
que prejudicam o exerccio do direito mesma, educao bsica quanto em ensino mdio, en-
entre eles: baixo nvel de cobertura em educa- comendados pelo em 2013, identificam
o infantil e ensino mdio; desigualdade na que a avaliao tem um uso limitado nos pro-
frequncia e permanncia na escola, em especial cessos de formulao da poltica educativa e na
entre a populao infantil indgena, a que trab- melhoria da prtica escolar.
alha jornadas extensas e a que vive em pequenas Isto se acentua porque a difuso da maioria
reas rurais, e desigualdade no avano escolar das avaliaes locais no vai alm do mbito de
das crianas de acordo com seu lugar de residn- seus prprios espaos institucionais; ou seja,
cia e o tipo de servio educativo em que esto as entidades carecem de um sistema de infor-
matriculadas, assim como por sua condio mao de resultados e as reas locais tendem
tnica, sendo as comunidades indgenas as que a funcionar como instncias operativas para a
sofrem o tratamento discriminatrio mais grave. aplicao de provas nacionais ou internacio-
Em relao infraestrutura educativa, o nais, alm de apresentarem srias restries em
Relatrio destaca que as maiores carncias es- matria de formao tcnica relativa avalia-
to nas zonas indgenas e rurais dispersas, e que o educativa.
So cinco as vises que propem existe uma relao inversa entre o tamanho da Em conjunto, os indicadores e resultados
um plano de ao neste artigo, que localidade e o acesso a servios e infraestrutura desfavorveis na educao bsica e ensino m-
sintetiza os fundamentos normativos, mnima escolar. Quanto s condies orga- dio, assim como o limitado uso dos mesmos,
nizacionais e pedaggicas, foram observadas so elementos definitivos para dimensionar
conceituais e metodolgicos para desvantagens principalmente nas escolas local- e caracterizar o problema pblico que a
avanar em uma proposta integral, izadas em contextos de maior marginalizao busca resolver.
factvel e consensual da Poltica social.
Nacional de Avaliao Educativa, Outro problema o inadequado clima es- Uma agenda comum
para a operao do Sistema Nacional colar nas unidades de educao infantil e en- de avaliao educativa
sino fundamental, onde existem regulamentos Considerando os indicadores e resultados da
para a Avaliao da Educao. e castigos que violam os direitos das crianas. educao obrigatria, assim como os alcances
Quanto aos nveis de resultados positivos ainda limitados da avaliao educativa, se re-
T B, E B, dos estudantes, o Relatrio 2014 ressalta a ex- toma a necessidade de reelaborar e robustecer
G G, S S, istncia de desigualdades desde o comeo da o Sistema Nacional de Avaliao Educativa
M Z educao bsica, j que aqueles que frequentam (, em sua sigla em espanhol), definido nos
Conselheiros da Junta de Governo do unidades de educao infantil comunitrias e Artigos 11 e 12 da Lei do como um con-
de zonas rurais tm menos xito nos campos junto orgnico e articulado de instituies, pro-

A recente reforma aos Artigos 3 e 73 da

Constituio Poltica dos Estados Unidos
Mexicanos (, em sua sigla em espanhol)
formativos avaliados. Essas lacunas entre estra-
tos se mantm no ensino fundamental e afetam
principalmente os alunos matriculados em cur-
cessos, instrumentos, aes e demais elementos
que contribuem para o cumprimento de seus
fins, com o objeto de contribuir para garantir
estabelece modificaes na estrutura, plane- sos comunitrios, escolas do Conselho Nacio- a qualidade dos servios educativos prestados
jamento, operao e avaliao do sistema de nal de Fomento Educativo (Conafe, em sua sigla pelo Estado e pelos particulares com reconhe-
educao obrigatria e outorga um conjunto em espanhol), escolas rurais, indgenas e de en- cimento de estudos vlido oficialmente. Isto
de faculdades ao Instituto Nacional para a sino distncia feito com recursos audiovisuais com o fim de cumprir com o direito a uma edu-
Avaliao da Educao (, em sua sigla em (telesecundarias). cao de qualidade com equidade, a partir de
espanhol), entre elas a coordenao do Sistema Alm disso, os estudantes em condio de exerccios de avaliao cujos resultados permi-
Nacional de Avaliao Educativa (, em sua distoro idade/srie obtm resultados inferi- tam tomar decises para melhorar.
sigla em espanhol), o qual deve formular polti- ores aos dos demais. Para avanar nessa direo, a Lei do
cas integrais, sistemticas e contnuas, assim Com base nestes indicadores, o Relatrio especifica que os projetos e aes dentro do
como programas e estratgias. conclui que a qualidade com igualdade no aces- marco do devero ser realizados con-

Gazeta da Poltica Nacional de Avaliao Educativa

forme , de forma que sejam pertinentes diversos atores, o modelo organizacional das Elaborar e implementar as medies que
s necessidades dos servios educativos. De instituies executoras dos recursos da poltica correspondam a componentes, processos
acordo com o Artigo 17 dessa lei, esta poltica e um conjunto de critrios de factibilidade que ou resultados do sistema;
estabelecer os objetos, mtodos, parmetros, considerem tanto as presses polticas e prefer- Expedir as diretrizes s quais as autori-
instrumentos e procedimentos de avaliao; ncias ideolgicas quanto os marcos legais e dades educativas federal e local estaro su-
as diretrizes derivadas dos resultados da aval- restries financeiras e institucionais. jeitas para executar as funes de avaliao
iao; os indicadores quantitativos e qualita- que lhes correspondem; e
tivos; os alcances, as consequncias e os me- Factibilidade Gerar e difundir informao e, com base
canismos de difuso dos resultados; a distino A factibilidade oramental deve ser contemp- nesta, emitir diretrizes relevantes para mel-
entre avaliao de pessoas, de instituies e do lada com o fim de identificar a disponibilidade horar a qualidade da educao e sua equi-
Sistema Educativo Nacional (, em sua sigla de recursos existentes para a implementao da dade como fatores essenciais na busca da
em espanhol) em seu conjunto; as aes para , as reas nas quais estes podem ser racio- igualdade social.
estabelecer uma cultura da avaliao educativa nalizados e as fontes alternativas de financia-
e os demais elementos determinados pelo . mento; factibilidade legal, que permita verificar Por isso, em um primeiro esforo de re-
Dentro deste marco e como coordenador se a poltica se enquadra em um ordenamento flexo coletiva que envolva e convoque os
do , o Instituto se props a identificar os superior e no tem restries para ser executa- atores-chave do , o Instituto se props a
espaos de interseo entre os problemas edu- da; factibilidade poltica, que mostre as adversi- recopilar informao de primeira mo a partir
cativos que a investigao e a sociedade civil dades e vantagens do contexto no qual operar, dos comentrios e observaes das autoridades
apontam, de um lado, e os mandatos da nova a partir de uma anlise das motivaes, crenas educativas que conformam a Conferncia do
legislao educativa e de avaliao, do outro, e recursos dos atores envolvidos; e factibilidade .
assim como as proposies estabelecidas no administrativa, que identifique os recursos or- Foram solicitadas informaes pontuais
Plano Nacional de Desenvolvimento e no Pro- ganizacionais e tcnicos disponibilizados para a para determinar os temas mais relevantes e sua
grama Setorial de Educao do atual governo. execuo da . ordem de preferncia, os principais riscos nos
Tomando em conta estes referentes, se processos de implementao e os desafios para
considera que a seleo dos assuntos e priori- Sustentabilidade a avaliao e seguimento da . Com base
dades de avaliao desenvolvidos no marco do A continuao ou institucionalizao da nisso, uma ficha tcnica por estado ser con-
deve partir do dilogo com os distintos depender, entre outras coisas, de sua integra- struda e validada pela autoridade educativa.
atores envolvidos, a fim de identificar: a) as o na estrutura das organizaes que a imple- Com a finalidade de enriquecer a proposta ini-
convergncias, diferenas, tenses e omisses; mentam, de que seja criado um grupo de atores cial, sero integradas a viso, as necessidades e
b) os temas da poltica educativa (autonomia de com aptides e compromisso com esta poltica, as propostas federais e estaduais.
gesto, qualidade com equidade, profissional- e de que sejam estabelecidos procedimentos de Espera-se complementar esta estratgia
izao dos docentes, entre outros); c) os fatores assistncia contnua. atravs de sesses de trabalho, denominadas
que condicionam as decises e intervenes, e Neste sentido, um dos elementos mais dilogos regionais, com os quatro grupos de
d) os recursos, os pontos fortes, as restries e desfavorveis para a continuidade da poltica unidades federativas que se conformaram no
as ferramentas com as quais se pode contar ou a rotatividade do pessoal que a implementa. marco da Conferncia, alm de uma reunio
que so necessrias para concretizar a . Por outro lado, sua apropriao por um vasto com distintas autoridades da federao, que
Neste processo de dilogo, o Instituto tem nmero de pessoas contribui positivamente buscaro gerar um espao prximo de comuni-
entre seus desafios ajudar na construo e para sua sustentabilidade, embora se deva con- cao entre a Junta de Governo e as autoridades
definio de temas prioritrios para os distin- siderar que se trata de um processo progressivo. educativas, com a finalidade de compartilhar
tos atores que conformam o e fundamen- pontos de vista, enfoques, riscos e estratgias
tar a formulao e a elaborao da . Em Seguimento e avaliao de trabalho e inovao para mitig-los.
consequncia, parte importante desta poltica Como poltica pblica, a deve contemplar
implica um processo de intenso debate sobre os um sistema de seguimento e avaliao regular,
fins esperados e as decises a serem tomadas contnua e sistemtica. O propsito gerar in-
(ou que sero informadas), derivadas dos resul- formao para valorar os avanos e o grau de
tados das provas e da prpria poltica. cumprimento dos componentes, processos e
Em sntese, de acordo com a base norma- resultados do sistema da educao obrigatria.
tiva que circunscreve as tarefas de avaliao do Esta avaliao dever considerar as fases de de-
, algumas das perguntas que devero ser senvolvimento da Poltica e os efeitos esperados
respondidas em relao a esta poltica giraro em cada uma delas, o contexto no qual imple-
em torno do que avaliar, com quais propsi- mentada e os cenrios em que evolui, assim
tos, em que momento, com que periodicidade, como os agentes envolvidos.
quem sero os responsveis da avaliao e quais
recursos sero utilizados. Proposta de trabalho para
O passo seguinte para a elaborao da a elaborao da
consiste em identificar os instrumentos Os questionamentos acerca do que a ,
de poltica disponveis para implement-la como deve ser construda e quais dimenses
e as restries que sero enfrentadas em sua abarca esto indicados na normatividade; no
execuo. entanto, necessrio dar a largada discusso
de seus alcances e implicaes, atores, especifi-
Implementao da cidades e factibilidade de implementao.
O processo de implementao deve tomar em O ponto de partida a agenda da Poltica
conta a complexidade da cooperao entre girando em torno das atribuies do :


melhor os alunos na busca de uma equidade letivo, uma vez que se conclua o primeiro bi-
NOSSOS DESAFIOS que nos conduza qualidade. mestre, para que seja parte das notas parciais
Recentemente iniciamos duas avaliaes dos estudantes, fazendo com que se sintam
Puebla: A avaliao padronizadas em diferentes nveis. Uma foi motivados a participar.
aplicada com o apoio do Instituto Nacional
formativa como para a Avaliao da Educao (, em sua Os desafios da avaliao educativa
ferramenta para a sigla em espanhol) aos alunos que concluram
o segundo ano do ensino fundamental em algu-
O processo de avaliao impe desafios que
resolvemos de diferentes maneiras. Quanto
tomada de decises ma das 200 escolas participantes no Programa
de Ateno Intensiva (). Esta avaliao, que
elaborao do exame, ns construmos nosso
prprio instrumento para o Exadi. Entretanto,
Como fazer com que as avaliaes se incluiu aspectos essenciais de leitura e escrita no caso do exame para o segundo ano do en-
convertam em um mecanismo til e habilidades numricas bsicas, identificou sino fundamental, recorremos ao apoio do
para a tomada de decises? Como aqueles que precisavam reforar tais elementos para assegurar sua qualidade tcnica e oferecer
para que recebessem um curso de vero com o solidez nos resultados.
diminuir a lacuna entre aprendizagem apoio de estudantes dos ltimos anos da gradu- A aplicao dos exames fica a cargo de re-
e resultados educativos das escolas ao em pedagogia nas instituies pblicas e sponsveis externos s escolas. Esta medida
pblicas e particulares? Este artigo particulares do estado. O curso foi realizado busca garantir a confiana nos resultados, mas
mostra os esforos de Puebla para com materiais elaborados para esse fim e foi representa um custo alto que buscamos reduzir
melhorar o rendimento de seus recebido com grande entusiasmo pelos pais e recorrendo ao apoio da estrutura da Secretaria
estudantes, alm de ter contado com o apoio em todo o territrio estadual.
alunos. decisivo da grande maioria dos docentes e di- A anlise e a difuso de resultados esto
retores das escolas participantes. orientadas a apoiar a tomada de decises: no
J C B Ainda que isso tenha sido um grande caso do Exadi, as instituies de ensino m-
Secretrio de Educao Pblica do sucesso do ponto de vista dos participantes, dio obtm os resultados individualizados de
estado de Puebla necessrio aplicar o mesmo exame a todos os seus alunos; alm disso, a escola de origem estudantes que iniciam o terceiro ano, de ma- dos jovens identificada para reportar esses
neira que possamos comparar os resultados dos resultados aos responsveis pelas unidades de

A educao obrigatria em Puebla tem o

grande desafio de crescer em qualidade e
equidade. No s h grandes desafios nos re-
alunos que frequentaram o curso, para conhec-
er seu valor agregado.
O segundo esforo de avaliao foi feito
ensino fundamental II. No exame de segundo
ano do ensino fundamental, seus resultados
so compartilhados com os docentes, tanto do
sultados globais de nossas escolas pblicas; no incio do ano letivo passado, com os cerca ano letivo anterior quanto do atual. No entanto,
tambm necessrio fazer com que as mais de 120 mil estudantes que ingressaram ao en- sempre fica a sensao de que poderamos ter
atrasadas academicamente mostrem um avan- sino mdio estadual. Foi chamado Exame de realizado anlises adicionais para tomar outro
o superior mdia para elevar os indicadores Ingresso ao Ensino Mdio (Exadi, em sua si- tipo de decises.
de equidade. gla em espanhol) e se aplicou no final do ano Disso tudo, podemos identificar desafios
A recente reorganizao da Secretaria de letivo, o que possibilitou identificar as escolas especficos:
Educao Pblica do estado de Puebla, que in- com menor valor agregado, assim como as
corpora todos os nveis obrigatrios de edu- matrias nas quais cada grupo requeria apoio Validez e confiabilidade do instrumento
cao infantil a ensino mdio em uma s adicional. O Exadi ser aplicado neste ano Transparncia e eficincia na aplicao
Subsecretaria nos oferece uma oportunidade
de analisar de maneira integral as necessidades
e possveis solues de nosso setor educativo, e
nos permite sensibilizar-nos diante da necessi-
dade de contar com melhores informaes sobre
a qualidade alcanada em cada nvel educativo,
devido ao impacto que ter no seguinte nvel.
A partir deste contexto, Puebla implemen-
tou nos ltimos meses exerccios de avaliao
formativa que nos permitiram tomar aes cor-
retivas, sempre com a inteno de apoiar mais
os alunos e as escolas que mostram maior ne-
cessidade. A seguir so expostos alguns detalhes.

Prioridades em matria
de avaliao da entidade
Nossa prioridade que as avaliaes se conver-
tam em um mecanismo de diagnstico til para
a tomada de decises. Queremos e necessita-
mos que os resultados de qualquer exerccio de
avaliao se convertam em aes para corrigir
os problemas detectados: quais habilidades do-
centes e diretivas devem ser reforadas, onde
focalizar esforos e recursos e como apoiar

Gazeta da Poltica Nacional de Avaliao Educativa

Amplitude e pertinncia da anlise e supervisores utilizem sistematicamente esses Isso requerer um esforo muito importante
Rapidez e preciso na difuso de resul- resultados para orientar seus apoios e elaborar de acompanhamento do processo pelas Autori-
tados aes corretivas; que os pais exijam seus resulta- dades Federais e Estaduais.
Focalizao e eficcia no uso dos resul- dos e participem com o docente no atendimento
tados das reas de oportunidade; que os funcionrios 1 O pai inclui tambm 100 escolas de educao in-
educativos estaduais e federais criem e operem fantil e 200 de ensino fundamental II. A todas as
Somos conscientes destes desafios porque mecanismos concretos para atender a docen- escolas so oferecidas capacitao docente e di-
a avaliao j rendeu frutos valiosos e concre- tes e escolas; e que a sociedade o considere um retiva, formao do pessoal de superviso, apoio
tos ao estado de Puebla. Desde o incio da atual exerccio necessrio para a melhora educativa. aos pais e participao em programas federais.
administrao, estamos utilizando os resulta-
dos da Avaliao Nacional de xito Acadmico
em Centros Escolares (, em sua sigla
em espanhol) de Ensino Mdio para identificar
oportunidades e focalizar recursos s escolas Durango: A avaliao
com maiores necessidades acadmicas. Com o
trabalho decidido e eficaz das instituies desse como uma forma de vida
nvel, reunidas no seio da Comisso Estadual
para o Planejamento e Programao do Ensino em sua funo formativa
Mdio (, em sua sigla em espanhol),
conseguimos fazer com que Puebla avanasse 20 As instituies governamentais tm
posies no desde o incio da adminis- um papel fundamental para que o
trao, h trs anos e meio, de acordo com os Sistema Educativo Mexicano alcance
resultados divulgados recentemente pela Secre-
taria de Educao Pblica. um nvel timo de desempenho
No s ocupamos agora o terceiro lugar e qualidade em cada um de seus
nacional em Comunicao e o quarto em componentes. Como conseguir isso?
Matemtica, mas tambm conseguimos ter, Este artigo aborda a forma como
pela primeira vez, mais jovens com resul- o estado de Durango se somou
tado Excelente (o maior dos quatro nveis) em
Matemtica do que com Insuficiente. Reforma Educativa para alcanar
De igual forma, em 2014 os estudantes prove- este fim.
nientes da faixa percentual (20%) mais desfavore-
cida em termos socioeconmicos obtiveram mel- H E V V
hores resultados que os 20% mais altos em 2010. Secretrio de Educao do estado
Finalmente, nessa mesma matria, a lacuna de Durango
entre os resultados das escolas pblicas e par-
ticulares diminuiu at representar atualmente
apenas uno e meio ponto porcentual. Assim in-
centivamos a qualidade pelo caminho da equi-
O servio educativo em nosso pas tem uma
histria fecunda em experincias e suces-
sos em pesquisa e interveno, proporcionada
poltica integral; um momento conjuntural e
determinante que devemos aproveitar e dimen-
sionar em sua magnitude para a transformao
por grandes homens e mulheres dedicados de social. A mudana da legislao no age por si
O papel do no Sistema Nacional para corpo e alma educao; no entanto, na atuali- mesma; indispensvel renovar o atual cotidi-
a Avaliao da Educao dade, preciso reconhecer um enfraquecimento ano de cada instituio e cada sede do Sistema
Para ampliar os benef cios da avaliao, acredit- na formao das novas geraes, o que gera Educativo Nacional, de maneira que isto modi-
amos que o deve cobrir duas necessidades lamentveis consequncias a uma sociedade em fique a cultura do ser e do fazer dos mexicanos.
de forma imediata: conflito que avana temerosa por um futuro in- Em relao qualidade da educao bsica,
Em primeira instncia, o estabelecimento de certo e que exige transformaes profundas que reconhecemos um desafio maisculo ao analisar
um esquema de avaliao para a educao bsica surjam da prpria escola. os dados extrados de avaliaes nacionais e in-
que permita aos estados conhecer os resultados Os tempos de reformas nacionais de larga ternacionais, como 2009, na qual o Mxico
com veracidade e rapidez, alm de tornar pos- escala que estamos vivendo e sentindo entre obteve um nvel bsico de 39% em Leitura, 51%
svel a prestao de contas. Ser fundamental elas a Reforma Educativa marcam uma nova em Matemtica e 48% em Cincias; ou como a
que as escolas tenham acesso a diagnsticos de era na histria do pas, o que nos obriga a impul- Exame para a Qualidade e o xito Educativo (Ex-
aplicao no controlada em anos prvios s sionar novas aes. cale, em sua sigla em espanhol), cujos resultados
avaliaes controladas, de maneira que possam A Reforma Constitucional em matria edu- nos posicionam abaixo do nvel bsico (18% em
reagir com tempo e para que os exerccios for- cativa, de 2013, e a promulgao das respectivas Leitura, 17.4% em Matemtica e 63% em Escrita
mativos e os de alto impacto sejam combinados. leis secundrias tm como objetivo alcanar a no sexto ano do ensino fundamental, assim como
O segundo ponto a promoo de uma qualidade em todos os aspectos: nosso pas re- 36% em Leitura, 52% em Matemtica e 56% em
verdadeira cultura da avaliao que permeie a quer excelentes professores e melhores materiais Escrita no oitavo ano do ensino fundamental).1
sociedade: que os alunos estejam acostumados educativos, renovar a infraestrutura e os equi- Em Durango, os resultados da Avaliao
a fazer periodicamente avaliaes padroniza- pamentos das instituies; ter conectividade e, Nacional de xito Acadmico em Centros Esco-
das; que os docentes vejam esses exerccios sobretudo, modificar os processos de gesto. A lares (, em sua sigla em espanhol) 2013
como uma oportunidade para detectar neces- est o nosso compromisso. A Reforma Educativa evidenciam que, embora os nveis de resulta-
sidades e atuem para resolv-las; que diretores favorece a articulao em torno de uma linha de dos positivos na educao bsica no sejam os


desejados, continuamos superando a cada ano Implementar a Reforma Educativa implica o propsito do fomento a uma cultura avaliativa
os alcances no ensino fundamental I. Alm transitar por inrcias e resistncias, assim como orientada melhora.
disso, esses dados mostram que os principais aproveitar as experincias e esforos das institu- Quanto aos alunos de educao bsica em
desafios se encontram no ensino fundamental ies formadoras e atualizadoras de docentes, Durango, diante da ausncia de uma prova pa-
II, particularmente em Espanhol, e que o ensino sua tradio, sua pesquisa e inovao. dronizada como a , foram aplicadas aval-
mdio vem ocupando o primeiro lugar no pas Acudamos, todos ns, agentes educati- iaes internas para o ensino fundamental, com a
por trs anos consecutivos, situao que nos vos, com convico ao chamado nacional para finalidade de elaborar e implementar estratgias
compromete a redobrar esforos e seguir imple- inserir-nos em processos de avaliao integral locais tendentes melhora da aprendizagem de
mentando estratgias para elevar os nveis de sistemtica, transparente e oportuna, para re- contedos curriculares que foram identificados
aprendizagem, privilegiando a avaliao. conhecer acertos e reas de oportunidade cujo como pontos com maior frequncia de erros. Estas
O Sistema Educativo Nacional tem uma atendimento nos permita ser melhores servi- avaliaes e os resultados da permitiram
oportunidade inestimvel que, se no for dores pblicos e, com isso, contribuir significa- formular alternativas de atendimento como o Pro-
aproveitada, ter um custo muito alto para a tivamente para o bem-estar social. grama Estratgico de Melhora Educativa (),
sociedade, que afetar o curto e o mdio prazo: Durango j parte deste enfoque. As insti- dirigido s escolas de ensino fundamental II,
maior decomposio social e menores oportuni- tuies se somaram com pleno respeito ao es- que consiste em influir academicamente para el-
dades de desenvolvimento humano e crescimen- tabelecido na Lei; com compromisso, dilogo e evar a qualidade dos alunos mediante o envolvim-
to econmico, acompanhados pela consequente trabalho, foi realizado o recente concurso para a ento de todos os atores educativos.
frustrao e o deterioro da autoimagem, assim obteno de vagas de direo e superviso esco- H ainda um longo caminho por percorrer
como a alterao das formas de convivncia. lar, o que nos permitiu ser um dos primeiros esta- na implementao do Sistema Nacional de Aval-
Desde esta tica, convm refletir sobre como dos a realizar de forma coordenada um processo iao Educativa, ao qual nos somamos com plena
alcanar a qualidade e equidade da educao: o como o descrito, marcando assim um precedente determinao pelo bem das crianas e jovens
que melhorar? Quem so os agentes geradores inovador, ao mesmo tempo que a Secretaria de duranguenses. Estamos empenhados e compro-
de mudana? Existe a possibilidade de alcanar Educao Pblica () e o definem os par- metidos em tornar-nos uma das entidades com
o objetivo? metros e mecanismos correspondentes. melhores prticas avaliativas; desejamos ter uma
Algumas respostas a estas perguntas emer- Os processos de avaliao docente, carac- ponte de coordenao com o e com as in-
gem da avaliao educativa como elemento fun- terizados por atender os parmetros normativos stncias federais da para a construo do
damental para a tomada de decises e a definio emitidos pela nova legislao federal, foram acei- Sistema Nacional de Avaliao Educativa (,
de aes com fins precisos. tos pela maioria dos professores em servio, sem em sua sigla em espanhol) e a melhoria da quali-
Em Durango, conceituamos a avaliao, mais desestimar a incerteza que o temor avaliao, dade educativa.
do que como uma ferramenta, como forma de razo pela qual necessrio reformular os instru- 1 Conferncia do Dr. Eduardo Backhoff Escudero,
vida em sua funo formativa, sria, sistmica, mentos e mecanismos para que cumpram com conselheiro do inee, 2014.
sistemtica e documentada. Um processo inte-
gral no qual se devem avaliar os atores principais
no fato educativo: diretores e supervisores, do- NOSSOS DESAFIOS
centes e alunos, processos de gesto institucional
e escolar, assim como resultados e impactos. Tlaxcala: Implementao O artigo expe a experincia
A avaliao oferece elementos fundamenta- tlaxcalteca enfocada nas escolas
dos para formular polticas educativas inovadoras das polticas nacionais de com maior necessidade. Oferecer
e congruentes com a realidade; elaborar estrat-
gias de melhora centradas na problemtica esco- avaliao educativa uma educao de qualidade, inclusiva
lar; aperfeioar os materiais e insumos recebidos e equitativa mais que cumprir
pelos professores, alunos e pais; propiciar novos com um mandato institucional, pois
enfoques de gesto escolar com o incentivo implica observar as necessidades
autonomia dos centros escolares e, obviamente, reais e emergentes de um sistema
esquemas transparentes de prestao de contas.
Reconhecemos no Instituto Nacional para a educativo.
Avaliao da Educao (, em sua sigla em
espanhol) a grande possibilidade de ter uma
avaliao confivel, legtima e objetiva, um T M O
grande apoio s entidades federativas, uma for- Secretrio de Educao do estado
taleza. Atravs de suas exploraes, poderemos de Tlaxcala
ter clareza na definio de polticas educativas
que auxiliem na qualidade educativa.
As mudanas estruturais na sociedade so
geradas muitas vezes pela transformao das
instituies educativas. A experincia demon-
O sistema educativo em Tlaxcala conta com
a Direo de Avaliao Educativa, unidade
administrativa responsvel por implementar as
stra que a educao precede evoluo e que os polticas de avaliao estabelecidas pelo rgo
pases com maior nvel educativo so as naes que rege esta rea a nvel nacional em Educao
com maior estabilidade em todos os sentidos; Bsica e Ensino Mdio. A Direo incursionou
por isso, o tema prioritrio de toda sociedade neste ltimo com a Avaliao Nacional de xito
o educativo, porque a verdadeira alavanca que Acadmico em Centros Escolares (, em
influi no desenvolvimento da qualidade de vida sua sigla em espanhol), a qual continua sendo
dos povos. aplicada na entidade.

Gazeta da Poltica Nacional de Avaliao Educativa

At o momento, investigamos a percepo supervisores, chefes de setor, coordenaes, Em educao importante ter referentes
do bullying em escolas pblicas e particulares departamentos e direes , estabeleceu-se avaliativos que sustentem a tomada de decises
de educao bsica em colaborao com as Di- um esquema de operao funcional, sensvel e desde a reflexo crtica do aluno, do professor,
rees de Educao Bsica da Unidade de Ser- flexvel s mudanas e necessidades emergentes do diretor e do supervisor, razo pela qual a
vios Educativos de Tlaxcala (, em sua sigla que a poltica educativa a nvel federal e estad- culturizao deste processo se constitui como
em espanhol) e da Secretaria de Educao Pbli- ual demanda. um elemento fundamental para que a avaliao
ca do Estado (, em sua sigla em espanhol). A concreo desta articulao implicou um da aprendizagem esteja em condies de cum-
No marco da estratgia local proposta processo contnuo iniciado em janeiro deste prir a mxima de avaliar para aprender e para
normatizada e assessorada pela Subsecretaria ano. Inicialmente, foram divulgadas as novas melhorar.
de Educao Bsica federal , foi possvel ar- regras de operao, que priorizam a escola e Esta transio cultural da prova puni-
ticular trs direes: planejamento, avaliao requerem uma maior conjugao de esforos tiva quela que permite identificar as oportuni-
e educao bsica. Dessa forma, aqueles que para alcanar a integrao da estratgia local. dades de aprendizagem implica um processo
diagnosticaram esta ltima, tomaram em conta A partir de uma base censual de escolas e de converso individual que parte da mudana
trs prioridades qualidade, incluso e equi- em funo de indicadores educativos, entre os nas percepes dos atores implicados, inclu-
dade, e infraestrutura e determinaram as es- quais se encontram matrcula, desero, re- indo os pais.
colas que requerem maior ateno. provao, aproveitamento, eficincia intracur- Sob estes pressupostos, uma das primeiras
Uma vez identificadas estas prioridades, ricular e terminal, foram identificados aqueles aes encaminhadas converso cultural na
os esforos se concentraram na melhoria da que se enfocam nos recursos federais e estad- entidade contemplou a articulao das diferen-
aprendizagem, para a qual foram estabelecidos uais. tes unidades educativas e da prpria Secretaria.
vnculos com os apoios dos programas federais. A seleo de escolas para estabelecer prio- Cumprindo as orientaes da Secretaria
Alm disso, buscou-se, como estabelecido pela ridades e atribuir a participao dos programas de Educao Pblica (, em sua sigla em es-
normatividade, transitar de uma administrao federais regeu-se pelos seguintes critrios: panhol), a estratgia local identificou as escolas
centrada nos programas a outra, centrada na foram priorizadas as 703 que apresentaram para concentrar os esforos dessas unidades
autonomia da escola. nveis de resultado Insuficiente e Elementar; administrativas. Como resultado desta viso
A prioridade da poltica educativa estadual foram selecionadas mais 44 por sua localizao unificada de interveno, os esforos foram
se baseou em dois referentes: o primeiro, a im- em zonas rurais marginalizadas e por sua or- reforados atravs dos programas federais:
plementao dos planos do Sistema Bsico de ganizao incompleta, e, ao priorizar o critrio Escolas de Horrio Integral (, em sua sigla
Melhora (, em sua sigla em espanhol), que de incluso e equidade educativa, outras 120 em espanhol), Escolas de Qualidade (, em
conformou, em sua fase intensiva, o Conselho foram localizadas. sua sigla em espanhol), Escola Segura (),
Tcnico Escolar e de Zona; o segundo, a contri- Nacional de Bolsas (), de Desenvolvimento
buio para alcanar as competncias bsicas: Prioridades em matria de avaliao Profeissional Docente (), para lo Forta-
aprender a aprender e aprender a conviver. Com base na situao revelada pelo diagnsti- lecimento da Qualidade na Educao Bsica
A primeira implica monitorar a aprendiza- co, as prioridades da avaliao educativa na en- (, em sua sigla em espanhol), e para la
gem dos alunos em trs aspectos: Leitura, Es- tidade so a aprendizagem dos alunos, grupos Inclusin y la Equidad Educativa (, em sua
crita e Matemtica, colocando-os no centro do e escolas. Desde esta perspectiva, a Direo de sigla em espanhol).
processo; a segunda monitora os ambientes de Avaliao Educativa da Secretaria de Educao
aprendizagem na sala de aula e o clima escolar do estado de Tlaxcala assessora a elaborao de Plano de Melhora
de convivncia para a aprendizagem, centrando contrapartidas com o enfoque por competn- Entre as solues que iniciadas se encontra o
o processo na escola. cias na sala de aula, em coordenao com a Di- envio antecipado de insumos aos chefes de
Assim tornou-se possvel, no plano formal, reo de Educao Bsica. setor para a elaborao de planos de melhora a
a articulao das polticas educativas nacionais Por outro lado, atravs do Programa de nvel escola e superviso escolar.
mediante a estratgia local atravs do e Desenvolvimento Profissional Docente, foram Nesse pacote foram registrados os pro-
das duas competncias bsicas formuladas no organizadas capacitaes para apoiar a elabo- gramas federais que beneficiariam cada escola.
Plano de Melhora. rao das contrapartidas. De igual forma, so Adicionalmente, os recursos foram destinados
Este esforo implicou uma grande coorde- contempladas demonstraes prticas do con- a escolas focalizadas que, alm de terem alcan-
nao entre as trs direes mencionadas. A hecimento adquirido, nas quais os alunos ex- ado apenas os nveis Insuficiente e Elementar
isso se somou a conformao, desde outubro pem processos e produtos de aprendizagem nos resultados da 2012-2013, tinham
de 2013, do Comit Tcnico Local da Educao que sero avaliados mediante instrumentos altos ndices de marginalizao.
Bsica, rgo superior interdisciplinar no qual qualitativos, como escalas estimativas, rubricas Posteriormente, foram dados a outras esco-
se informam trimestralmente os avanos da ou fichas de observao, entre outros. las com nveis variados que respondiam clas-
estratgia em todos os nveis, tipos e modali- sificao rural-urbana e algumas localizadas no
dades, assim como dos programas federais e A avaliao educativa em Tlaxcala meio rural.
estaduais da educao bsica. A conjuno de Dado que a Reforma Educativa implica um pro- O apoio dos programas federais comeou
esforos por parte de todos os atores educativos cesso de reorientao que, entre outras coisas, de maneira gradual, de acordo com a seguinte
vai ao encontro do mandato institucional de significa transitar das avaliaes de escala (na- ordem: primeiro o ; depois, evitando a
oferecer uma educao de qualidade, inclusiva cionais, estaduais o regionais) s contextualiza- duplicidade, o e o , e posteriormente,
e equitativa. das do aluno, da sala de aula, da escola e da zona como resultado da participao da entidade no
escolar (como as demonstraes prticas, por concurso por financiamento, foram destinados
Eixos de articulao exemplo), o desafio no s est em consolidar 30 bilhes de pesos ao Projeto de Inovao de
Desde uma perspectiva interescalar vertical este tipo de prova estabelecida pelo Instituto Leitura, Escrita e Matemtica, aplicvel ao se-
ascendente e descendente, entre os nveis, tipos Nacional para a Avaliao da Educao (, gundo ano do ensino fundamental.
e modalidades da educao bsica; assim como em sua sigla em espanhol) , mas tambm em Este projeto identificou, mediante uma lista
horizontal, entre alunos, professores, diretores, articular os resultados de ambas as avaliaes. censual proporcionada pelo Departamento de


Registro e Certificao, 222 grupos desse nvel PLANO DE AO

que sero acompanhados em trs campos do
conhecimento: leitura, escrita e matemtica, a Uma agenda para a las, fortalecendo capacidades e propondo vias de
fim de melhorar seus ndices de aproveitamento. melhoria executveis e sustentveis, para aproxi-
Finalmente, no marco do , em uma melhora educativa a mar as necessidades e capacidades educativas do
concorrncia obteve-se o apoio de sete milhes
de pesos, que sero aplicados nas escolas sele- partir da avaliao cumprimento do direito.
A avaliao, portanto, transversal aos eix-
cionadas para melhorar as estratgias de aval- os da Reforma Educativa: sua nova definio in-
iao da aprendizagem. No marco do , os stitucional convocada, com base na legalidade
diferentes nveis, tipos e modalidades da Edu- Qual o papel da avaliao na que a sustenta, a auxiliar a reestruturao do
cao Bsica receberam um financiamento de melhora da educao? Este artigo sistema, a transformar sua gesto e a melhorar
trs milhes de pesos, que sero utilizados para mostra um desafio fundamental, o desempenho de seus atores-chave e de seus
fortalecer a incluso educativa. resultados educativos. As novas atribuies
Uma vez assumida a avaliao como linha razo pela qual ser necessrio que a Reforma Constitucional e a lei secundria
de anlise das polticas educativas nacionais articular o desenvolvimento das correspondente outorgam ao Instituto Nacio-
que esto se concretizando nas entidades com avaliaes com a funo reguladora e nal de Avaliao para a Educao (, em sua
diferentes ritmos e impactos, em Tlaxcala os o fortalecimento de capacidades para sigla em espanhol) permitem estabelecer linhas
esforos sero dirigidos a melhorar a funo de que sirvam de base para implementar muito claras que tm pontos de encontro com a
assessoria por acompanhamento. Isso se deve reorganizao e transformao institucional do
ao fato de que assessorar e acompanhar so diretrizes que fortaleam os atores Sistema Educativo Nacional (). Basta men-
duas atividades que, acopladas eficientemente, da estrutura educativa e reconheam cionar as atribuies do Instituto para regular
envolvem o chefe de setor, o supervisor, o dire- as capacidades do Sistema Educativo os processos de avaliao do Servio Profis-
tor e, com maior responsabilidade, o assessor Nacional. sional Docente (), coordenar o Sistema Na-
tcnico-pedaggico. cional de Avaliao Educativa (, em sua si-
A assessoria por acompanhamento tem gla em espanhol) e orientar a Poltica Nacional
implicaes para as figuras referidas tanto em F M L de Avaliao Educativa (, em sua sigla em
sua implementao quanto em sua avaliao. Titular da Unidade de Normatividade espanhol), assim como para realizar avaliaes
Desde uma perspectiva de poltica pblica, essa Poltica Educativa do INEE e medies dos diferentes componentes do
assessoria se relaciona a todo o processo edu- , e emitir parmetros e diretrizes de melho-
cativo. Esta funo enfatizada em virtude de ria para orientar polticas e programas a serem
que a avaliao concomitante realizada aps
a implementao , em uma de suas variantes
endoformativas, permitir acompanhar o pro-
A atual Reforma Educativa no Mxico exps
trs eixos estratgicos de reorganizao:
a) uma nova arquitetura legal orientada
desenvolvidos pelas autoridades educativas.
Com estas novas atribuies legais, so funda-
das bases distintas para apoiar e tornar efetiva a
cesso de implementao, formar as capacidades reelaborao das estruturas educativas; b) uma relao entre avaliao e melhora educativa. O
dos atores educativos e fazer ajustes quando j base de poltica para dar suporte implementa- confiou tarefas Unidade de Normativi-
estiver em curso. o da agenda legal e transformao da gesto dade e Poltica Educativa () que buscam
Somente desta forma sero somadas aos do sistema, e c) um novo modelo educativo que atender uma parte fundamental dessa relao.
benef cios da avaliao situada as vantagens busca reestruturar a relao entre os meios e os Embora as tarefas da sejam comple-
prprias da concomitante, que no se toma fins educativos. mentares s do resto das Unidades que confor-
como o seguimento do que foi planejado, mas Esta trade busca instalar uma raciona- mam o Instituto e auxiliares no cumprimento
sim como a capacidade de se ajustar dinmica lidade distinta em relao ao sistema, seu fun- de sua misso, elas tm um nvel de especifi-
prpria assumida no documento dos Planos de cionamento e seus resultados, com a finalidade cidade no qual recaem partes medulares e es-
Melhora em cada Conselho Tcnico Escolar e de garantir o direito a uma educao de quali- tratgicas para que a avaliao contribua para
de Zona, o qual pretende se constituir como a dade para todos, direito que, por definio, melhora educativa: a) a regulao dos proces-
referncia que ganha vida em cada equipe do- inalienvel, tem como fundamento a legalidade sos de avaliao que se desenvolvam no pas
cente e ser a expresso de sua compreenso da e, como condio de realizao, a habilitao e que devero ter um papel importante para
realidade e de sua capacidade de se adequar social, institucional e pedaggica dos sujeitos fundamentar as decises de melhora educativa;
cultura de cada escola. educativos e sociais. Portanto, a qualidade como b) a formao, capacitao e certificao de
direito se habilita social e institucionalmente avaliadores que apoiaro e desenvolvero as di-
atravs da melhora permanente dos sujeitos, versas avaliaes para a melhora educativa, e c)
das estruturas, das funes e das tarefas dentro a emisso de diretrizes para orientar as decises
do sistema. Assim, melhorar a educao se con- de poltica educativa, assim como as interven-
verte no grande mecanismo para atender as de- es dos atores educativos para melhorar os
mandas de equidade e de ateno diversidade, processos e resultados no mbito de sua com-
assim como as de inovao e desenvolvimento petncia.
que as diferentes populaes de nosso pas re-
querem. Regular e fortalecer capacidades: usos e
Neste contexto, a avaliao aparece como condies para a participao de outros
uma ferramenta fundamental para a habilitao atores
educativa e social da qualidade da educao: con- A faculdade regulatria do , sem dvida,
tribui com evidncias que abordam as lacunas uma das tarefas mais inovadoras que a Reforma
entre a realidade e o desejo, ao mesmo tempo em Educativa lhe outorgou, expressa de maneira
que geram as normas pertinentes para reduzi- muito clara em sua estrutura legal. Alm de

Gazeta da Poltica Nacional de Avaliao Educativa

realizar avaliaes, o Instituto tem agora a Esta iniciativa construir o piso bsico do Alm disso, a base tcnica e a anlise causal,
faculdade de regular as finalidades, usos e que ser o Sistema de Avaliadores, no qual, a somadas aos processos de validao, tero que
condies sob os quais se desenvolvam as aval- partir de uma trajetria formativa integral, se articular, mutatis mutandis, com a seguinte
iaes implementadas pelas autoridades edu- flexvel e articulada, sero definidos perfis, etapa de execuo das diretrizes, que correr
cativas e outros atores do sistema. As normas funes e tarefas para os participantes, em cor- a cargo das autoridades educativas, razo pela
orientadas a regular os processos de avaliao respondncia com as necessidades expostas qual ser necessrio gerar mecanismos de
realizados pelas autoridades educativas no pelo desenvolvimento dos distintos processos monitoramento, seguimento e avaliao de sua
marco do e do so coordenadas e emi- de avaliao que se definam na agenda do In- implementao e seus resultados. A partir dis-
tidas pela . Desta Unidade, com o apoio stituto e das Autoridades Educativas Federais e so, informaes valiosas estaro disponveis, as
decisivo dos conselheiros da Junta de Governo Estaduais. quais permitiro reconhecer as capacidades do
de nosso Instituto, saram todos os parmetros sistema para propiciar as mudanas desejadas e
que vm regulando, at o momento, tanto os Apoiar as decises de poltica e as necessrias, e a agenda de avaliao poder ser
processos de avaliao quanto as distintas figu- intervenes para a melhora educativa pela retroalimentada para determinar com maior
ras e procedimentos operativos que permitiram qualidade e a igualdade social preciso os temas-problema e fatores associad-
a implementao dos Concursos de ingresso ao Em relao s diretrizes tema de importn- os que devero ser abordados com as medies,
e a promoso a cargos com funoes de di- cia crucial para consolidar a relao da aval- avaliaes, normas, estratgias de formao,
reao para o ano letivo 2014-2015. iao com a melhora educativa , o , diretrizes de melhoria e de todo o desdobra-
Alm disso, como parte da atribuio do atravs da , concluir e difundir o Mod- mento programtico do .
Instituto de supervisar os processos de avalia- elo de Emisso de Diretrizes, com base no qual Embora tenha mecanismos muito impor-
o que regula, foram implementadas as pri- sero formulados os primeiros preceitos para tantes de ordem legal, organizacional e tcnica
meiras estratgias de superviso e observao melhorar. Isto, acompanhado da avaliao de para torn-la efetiva, a agenda para a melhoria
das operaes desenvolvidas no marco do . programas e polticas educativas, que tambm instalada no atravs de sua implica
Com isso, foi possvel dispor de informao de uma tarefa medular da Unidade, permitir desafios que devem ser previstos e enfrentados
primeira mo sobre a legalidade, transparn- cumprir com a disposio constitucional de com deciso. O risco sumrio ser avaliar mui-
cia e objetividade dos processos, o que tornou emitir diretrizes para contribuir para as de- to e melhorar pouco, posto que ser necessrio
possvel compartilhar com as autoridades edu- cises tendentes a melhorar a qualidade da medir ou avaliar no s para detectar prob-
cativas os problemas detectados e auxiliar em educao e sua equidade, como fator essencial lemas, anomalias, inequidades, insuficincias,
seu atendimento oportuno, buscando a todo na busca da igualdade social. deficincias ou desempenhos abaixo do espe-
momento garantir os direitos dos candidatos a Devido importncia das diretrizes nos rado, mas tambm, sobretudo, para melhorar
entrar no servio pblico educativo. planos tcnico e poltico, sero tomadas em atravs de intervenes de distinta natureza e
Por outro lado, na busca de alternativas considerao distintas condies e requerimen- alcance que fixem com claridade objetos, fins e
de fortalecimento de capacidades locais para tos, pois a relao entre a evidncia proporcio- tempos de transformao.
apoiar os processos de avaliao, o Instituto, nada pelas avaliaes e a emisso de diretrizes Este risco maior e os focos de ateno pri-
atravs da , gerou a Estratgia de Certifi- no nem simples nem mecnica. Por isso, essa oritria que se derivem do mesmo devem estar
cao de Avaliadores, os quais tero a impor- evidencia dever estar acompanhada da anlise presentes em todos e cada um dos esforos do
tante tarefa de apoiar a valorao do desem- e dos estudos e pesquisas sobre o tema em , mas tambm devero ser questes (pub-
penho docente, tema vital para os processos questo ou do problema identificado pela aval- lic issues) atendidas atravs do dilogo com os
de promoo, reconhecimento e permanncia iao, e devero ser reconhecidos os fatores que atores-chave convocados a protagonizar o de-
previstos no . Como parte medular dessa agreguem elementos anlise causal. senlace da Reforma Educativa na conjuntura
estratgia, deu-se incio ao Programa de For- Adicionalmente, as diretrizes construdas atual, entre os quais se destacam as autoridades
mao Inicial de Avaliadores, cuja finalidade sobre esta sequncia tcnica e analtica devero educativas, os professores mexicanos, o con-
desenvolver e fortalecer os conhecimentos ser submetidas a, pelo menos, trs processos de gresso, a sociedade civil e as universidades.
e habilidades de avaliao do pessoal docente validao: a) o que corresponde aos atores di-
de educao bsica e ensino mdio e, com isso, retamente envolvidos, para calibrar a pertinn- Pontos de ateno imediata
acompanhar os processos de certificao. Com cia, os efeitos reais e potenciais, o significado A experincia inicial de trabalho e as lies
esta proposta espera-se certificar pelo menos de uma proposta de melhoria em funo das aprendidas neste curto porm intenso perodo
mil avaliadores de educao bsica e ensino exigncias de mudana formuladas e a viabi- dentro da do permitem considerar
mdio, atendendo assim as tarefas iniciais de lidade; b) a consulta com grupos acadmicos e a impostergvel necessidade de no perder de
avaliao do desempenho docente previstas no tcnicos para contrastar as diretrizes com os vista pontos de especial relevncia que neces-
calendrio de mdio prazo do . resultados que proporciona a pesquisa, com as sitam ser fortalecidos no futuro imediato:
experincias de boas prticas e com a evidncia
gerada pelos estudos educativos comparados, e
c) a aprovao por parte das autoridades edu-
cativas, para calibrar a factibilidade da diretriz
e esclarecer as restries de ordem financeira,
organizacional, jurdica ou poltica que podem
ser reconhecidas em sua implementao.


Emitir parmetros que permitam regular, de educativas, considerando os processos proporcionou um ponto de partida e, ao mes-
maneira transparente, imparcial, objetiva e centrais de validao por parte dos atores mo tempo, de chegada. No entanto, em seu tra-
apegada ao direito, os distintos processos envolvidos, assim como a anlise de sua jeto, ser necessrio contar com a participao
de avaliao concernentes aos componen- factibilidade para torn-las executveis e de todos os atores, com uma audaz e pertinente
tes do . sustentveis. coordenao institucional e com uma poltica
Regular, promover e fortalecer recursos e Instalar a agenda de melhoria do em pblica de avaliao que permita conduzir os
capacidades que auxiliem na realizao de todo o sistema educativo, buscando gerar esforos, capitalizar oportunidades, compartil-
medies e avaliaes tecnicamente robus- sinergias e articulaes estratgicas para har fortalezas e construir projetos comuns para
tas, justas, contextualizadas, com carcter tornar efetiva a relao entre avaliao resolver as debilidades.
sistemtico e integral, que permitam pro- (regulao, medies, avaliaes, capa- O e a poltica de avaliao que ser
porcionar evidncias dos problemas de cidades, diretrizes) e melhoria educativa sua coluna vertebral seguramente caminharo
qualidade e equidade educativa refletidos (polticas, programas, aes, intervenes). nesse sentido. Neste cenrio e diante dos atores
nos nveis de desempenho institucional e Construir uma nova agenda pblica edu- que convoca o , as autoridades educati-
dos diversos sujeitos educativos. cativa com as contribuies do e da vas e outros protagonistas sociais e polticos ,
Formar avaliadores de alto nvel e fortalecer , que, alm de mostrar transparncia ser possvel oferecer os melhores argumentos,
as capacidades institucionais nos mbitos e prestao de contas do sistema educativo, proporcionar as evidncias mais contunden-
nacional e local que permitam a inovao e permita incrementar sua eficincia, efetivi- tes e, principalmente, emitir os parmetros e
o desenvolvimento educativo com critrios dade e equidade sob critrios de qualidade as diretrizes pertinentes para constatar, com o
de qualidade e equidade. e de melhoria contnua no uso de seus re- tempo, que a avaliao serviu para melhorar a
Emitir diretrizes de melhoria a partir das cursos, no desenvolvimento de suas fun- educao no Mxico, o que ser, sem dvida,
evidncias e da informao proporciona- es e no cumprimento de seus resultados. smbolo de desenvolvimento, bem-estar e gran-
das pelas avaliaes, estudos e pesquisas A base legal que a Reforma Educativa nos deza nacional.


Principais desafios da informao e conhecimento til sobre a quali-

dade da educao em contextos escolares e so-
Um dos elementos a serem considerados no
marco conceitual o desenvolvimento de um per-
Unidade de Avaliao cioculturais diversos, assim como estabelecer fil da docncia profissional que sirva de referente
e integrar os parmetros tcnicos aos quais as para estabelecer os seguintes aspectos: o que um
do Sistema Educativo autoridades educativas esto sujeitas para reali- docente eficaz deve conhecer e saber fazer; os pa-
Nacional zar a elaborao, desenvolvimento e anlise das
avaliaes que lhes correspondem.
dres e nveis de desempenho que devem ser con-
templados nos processos de avaliao, e o marco
Para ambas as atribuies se abrem reas de interpretao comum para todos os usurios
de oportunidade e de desafio que devem ser da informao derivada das avaliaes.
A avaliao educativa implica muitos enfrentadas com firmeza e imaginao a fim de Para a integrao deste perfil, alm da re-
desafios, entre os quais se destacam a garantir, no primeiro caso, desenvolvimentos viso da literatura especializada e da recupera-
profissionalizao, o desenvolvimento tecnicamente slidos e bem fundamentados, o de experincias nacionais e internacionais,
mas, sobretudo, pertinentes s necessidades de abriu-se um primeiro canal de comunicao
de exames adequados ou os recursos melhoria dos servios educativos que so ofe- com os professores em um marco de proximi-
escolares ideais. Este artigo analisa os recidos s distintas populaes do pas, e, no dade, a fim de conhecer suas opinies sobre os
desafios que o sistema escolarizado segundo caso, parmetros tcnicos que se con- aspectos que devem ser avaliados, os nveis de
de nosso pas deve atender em busca stituam em um marco de referncia que oriente desempenho, os instrumentos que podem ser
de melhores resultados. os trabalhos para as avaliaes que as autori- utilizados e as condies do contexto que con-
dades educativas realizem e para considerar os tribuem para sua prtica.
aspectos que assegurem sua qualidade tcnica. A partir deste primeiro exerccio de consul-
A seguir so descritos os desafios e as opor- ta, sero realizadas entrevistas a grupos focais
J A. H U tunidades de maior relevncia que a en- de docentes de educao infantil, ensino funda-
Titular da Unidade de Avaliao do Sistema frenta em curto e mdio prazo. mental e ensino mdio, em seus diferentes tipos
Educativo Nacional do de servio, sobre os aspectos substantivos a ser- Avaliar o desempenho: em considerados para esse marco de referncia.
um dos maiores desafios A partir da, sero elaborados instrumentos de

D o conjunto de atribuies que, em confor-

midade com o Estatuto Orgnico do In-
stituto Nacional para a Avaliao da Educao
Entre as diversas atividades para avaliar o de-
sempenho dos docentes, diretores, supervi-
sores e demais figuras do Sistema Educativo
autoavaliao que sero postos disposio dos
docentes, com a finalidade de que contem com
ferramentas para valorar o ponto em que se en-
(, em sua sigla em espanhol), a Unidade Nacional se encontram o acompanhamento contra seu desempenho e possam, por inicia-
de Avaliao do Sistema Educativo Nacional para regular os processos de avaliao de- tiva prpria, tomar medidas para sua prepara-
(, em sua sigla em espanhol) deve as- rivados da Lei do Servio Profissional Do- o, diante dos processos avaliativos que sero
sumir, duas tm uma importncia crucial para cente e a construo de um marco conceitual implementados em 2015 para a permanncia,
o cumprimento da misso do Instituto: elabo- e metodolgico que oriente linhas de pesquisa reconhecimento e promoo no marco do Ser-
rar e desenvolver as medies e avaliaes dos relacionadas aplicao eficaz de estratgias e vio Profissional Docente ().
componentes, processos e resultados do Siste- instrumentos para a avaliao do desempenho Quanto regulao desses processos, de-
ma Educativo Nacional (), a fim de gerar docente no contexto nacional. vero ser desenvolvidos esquemas de avaliao

Gazeta da Poltica Nacional de Avaliao Educativa

que sero utilizados nos procedimentos de validez, confiabilidade e comparabilidade de Cincias Naturais e a expectativa desen-
permanncia, promoo na mesma funo ou dos resultados. volver, em 2015, outra sobre Formao Cvica
no servio e reconhecimento no servio, tan- 4. Ser fundamental contar com um modelo e tica e mais uma para os campos de Lngua
to dos docentes do quanto daqueles que de resultados contextualizados, em que os ou Matemtica.
ingressaram ao servio em 2014. Alm disso, resultados de xito sejam um indicador da
so considerados os critrios tcnicos e proto- qualidade do trabalho da escola e no qual o Incorporar a diversidade nas avaliaes
colos especficos com os quais sero valoradas esforo relativo da equipe escolar seja devi- A incorporao explcita da diversidade nas
e elaboradas as recomendaes corresponden- damente ponderado com fins comparativos. avaliaes do , talvez, um dos maiores
tes, ou seja: perfis, parmetros e indicadores do 5. A valorao de aspectos da vida afetiva e val- desafios: deve-se analisar se a diversidade
desempenho de docentes, diretores, supervi- orativa dos estudantes dever ser integrada reconhecida e atendida de maneira pertinente
sores e demais figuras do , que devero ser progressivamente como fator de interesse pelo para assegurar uma educao de
propostos ao pela Coordenao Nacional prprio e explicativo do xito acadmico. qualidade, assim como avaliar a forma em que
do Servio Profissional Docente; assim como incorporada para enriquecer a experincia edu-
processos e instrumentos de avaliao que Por ltimo, importante destacar os de- cativa e promover a convivncia intercultural.
sero utilizados na avaliao do desempenho e safios que sero enfrentados a curto e mdio Assim, necessrio desenvolver o marco de
nas que tenham fins de promoo e reconheci- prazo em relao avaliao de componentes referncia que fundamente sua adequada con-
mento, definidas no calendrio para o perodo da oferta educativa: os recursos e processos siderao para que seja pertinente aos diversos
escolar 2014-2015. com os quais as escolas contam, o currculo da contextos e grupos, e os mecanismos para evi-
Adicionalmente, no concurso de ingresso educao obrigatria e o reconhecimento, o at- tar que uma medio ponha em desvantagem
ao em sua edio 2015, sero apresentadas endimento e a incorporao da diversidade no certas populaes.
as diretrizes aos quais alguns processos devero Sistema Educativo Nacional. Dado que no Mxico a maior diversidade
se ajustar para melhorar tanto os perfis, par- a sociocultural, o implementou em 2014
metros e indicadores quanto os instrumentos Manter o reconhecimento uma consulta a comunidades indgenas sobre a
de avaliao, a aplicao e os processos de qual- do direito educao avaliao educativa que foi elaborada nos mais
ificao e integrao das listas de classificao No marco institucional atual, a avaliao da altos padres do direito internacional, em um
correspondentes. oferta educativa se sustenta no reconhecimen- conjunto de 50 comunidades de 19 estados e
to tanto do direito educao como dos direi- 30 lnguas indgenas. De seus resultados sero
Avaliaes de resultados tos na educao. Esta perspectiva torna pos- extradas propostas de parmetros de avaliao
educativos de nova gerao svel uma primeira formulao das condies em contextos indgenas e elementos para a for-
Outro desafio no curto prazo enfrentado pela bsicas que as escolas devem ter para oferecer mulao de diretrizes para a melhora educativa.
desenvolver as avaliaes de resultados oportunidades de ensino e aprendizagem, Como se observa, os desafios enfrentados
educativos de nova gerao, com o propsito de tendo como eixos transversais a incluso e os pelo na avaliao do so mltiplos e
gerar informao e conhecimento til que sirva direitos humanos. Essas condies vo desde complexos, desde a slida fundamentao dos
de base para a tomada de decises em polti- aspectos de infraestrutura bsica, mobilirio e projetos avaliativos at a consolidao tcnica
cas educativas por parte das autoridades, assim equipamento at a disposio de docentes du- das metodologias a serem utilizadas no cum-
como para o desenvolvimento de diretrizes do rante o ano letivo, a existncia de mecanismos primento de sua misso, a fim de implementar
prprio , a prestao de contas sociedade escolares para o seguimento do desempenho avaliaes pertinentes, justas e, principalmente,
mexicana, as decises tomadas pelas autori- de professores e estudantes, as formas de or- teis para a tomada de decises orientadas a as-
dades e equipes escolares e o desenvolvimento ganizao escolar, o uso do tempo centrado no segurar uma educao de qualidade para todas
da pesquisa educativa. currculo e a convivncia escolar, entre outras. e todos.
Para a elaborao dos novos exames nacio- Neste sentido, conta-se com um plano de
nais que comearo a operar em 2015, deve-se mdio prazo para realizar, a cada quatro anos,
aproveitar a experincia que o pas acumulou avaliaes sobre as condies bsicas para o en-
em avaliaes nacionais de xito educativo, sino e a aprendizagem nas escolas de cada um
considerando tanto seus acertos quanto suas dos nveis da educao obrigatria, com base
debilidades, sob as seguintes orientaes: em mostras nacionais de distintos tipos de es-
colas. Em 2014 se inicia a avaliao do ensino
1. Os exames devem determinar se os es- fundamental I; em 2016, ser a vez do ensino
tudantes mexicanos, ao conclurem sua mdio; em 2017, educao infantil e, em 2018,
formao em um determinado nvel edu- ensino fundamental II.
cativo, so capazes de aplicar os conheci- A avaliao de contedos e mtodos educa-
mentos e habilidades aprendidos na escola tivos um campo novo dentro do . Embora
a situaes relevantes de sua vida cultural, o currculo tenha sido um referente, no foi um
social e familiar. objeto de anlise em si mesmo. Para isso, esto
2. Nos procedimentos de elaborao, desen- sendo elaboradas avaliaes orientadas a anal-
volvimento, aplicao e anlise correspon- isar, por campos formativos, a proposta cur-
dentes, devem ser incorporados elementos ricular de maneira longitudinal, desde a edu-
que considerem a diversidade tnica, lin- cao infantil at o ensino mdio, ao mesmo
gustica e cultural da populao mexicana, tempo que se formulam anlises comparativas
de maneira que sejam identificados e contro- com outros pases. Estas duas medies sero
lados outros que possam causar vis cultural. complementadas por estudos sobre imple-
3. Dever ser gerado um modelo articulado mentao curricular mediante metodologias
de esquemas amostrais e censuais de qualitativas e de larga escala. Neste ano, esta-
aplicao das avaliaes que garantam a mos comeando com uma avaliao do campo



Evoluo e perspectivas a qualidade e a equidade da educao como fator Avaliaes (, em sua sigla em espanhol)
do Panorama Educativo essencial na busca da igualdade social.
Por sua vez, o Artigo 6 da Lei do
atualmente em processo de elaborao concei-
tual permitir s unidades do e aos usu-
do Mxico: Indicadores estabelece que a avaliao consiste em emitir ju-
zos de valor ao comparar os resultados de uma
rios do contar com informao relevante
para avaliar a qualidade da educao obrigatria
do Sistema Educativo medio ou observao de componentes ou pro- no pas. Em particular, possibilitar a ampliao
da base de integrao e a anlise da informao
Nacional cessos do com um referente previamente
estabelecido. atravs de um repositrio de dados com compo-
Neste sentido, os resultados das avaliaes nentes, processos e resultados do , muitos
formam parte do (, Art. 13), e o dos quais estaro geo-referenciados.
O Sistema Nacional de Avaliao tem a atribuio de elaborar, implementar
Educativa adquire um novo e manter um sistema de indicadores e resulta- O Sistema de Indicadores
significado luz da Reforma dos, assim como de difundir informao que Educativos do
sirva para a avaliao do e para fomentar Os indicadores que aparecem no Panorama
Educativa, posto que, aps avaliar os uma cultura da mesma (, Art. 27). Educativo do Mxico () e que pertencem
componentes do sistema, deve definir Neste novo marco jurdico, tais medies ao Sistema de Indicadores Educativos () fo-
diretrizes adequadas que contribuam e avaliaes devem gerar informao e conhe- ram publicados em 2003. O Quadro 1 mostra
para melhorar sua qualidade, de cimento sobre a qualidade da educao e dire- sua evoluo at o presente, em conformidade
maneira que repercuta positivamente trizes que contribuam para que as autoridades com os constructos.
educativas tomem decises. De 2003 a 2009, o do se centrava
na igualdade social. assim que o Panorama Educativo do Mxico somente em informaes do subsistema de
() se inscreve como um dos instrumentos Educao Bsica; a partir da edio 2010, se in-
principais atravs dos quais o Instituto divulga tegram os indicadores de Ensino Mdio, cum-
A C R a situao do , que ser fortalecida e evoluir prindo assim um dos encargos centrais do :
Titular da Unidade de Informao e Fomento para se adequar nova realidade jurdica, tanto desenvolver e manter um mtodo que permita
da Cultura da Avaliao do constitucional como ordinria, a fim de agregar valorar de forma objetiva a qualidade do Siste- maiores elementos que permitam ao cum- ma Educativo Nacional em ambos os nveis.
prir seu encargo constitucional.
Marco constitucional e marco Em relao aos censos de escolas, profes- Perspectiva
jurdico ordinrio sores e alunos de educao bsica e de ensino Estamos diante de uma mudana paradigmti-
mdio, o Panorama influir na deciso das ca do que revolucionar tambm o .

C om a Reforma Constitucional de fevereiro de

2013, o Instituto Nacional para a Avaliao
da Educao (, em sua sigla em espanhol)
autoridades educativas, o que possibilitar a
produo de uma nova gerao de indicadores
e estatsticas. O mesmo acontecer com os re-
Em conformidade com os cinco constructos
considerados pelo Panorama Educativo do M-
xico, expe-se a seguir um conjunto de temas
adquiriu novas responsabilidades em matria de sultados da e a construo de bases de cuja anlise tornar possvel o fortalecimento
avaliao educativa; com as recentes leis e mo- dados relacionadas com a entrada, a promoo do , mediante a incorporao de novos indi-
dificaes s ordinrias existentes, ampliou-se e a permanncia dos docentes no . cadores e estatsticas. Atravs do , os dados
o marco normativo da educao para outorgar Nesta ordem de ideias, a conformao e im- reportados sero estabilizados, o que implica
especial importncia avaliao educativa, a tal plantao do Sistema Integral de Resultados das dar seguimento a cada indicador registrado
grau que esta adquiriu categoria constitucional.
O Artigo 3 constitucional estabelece as ca-
ractersticas da educao no Mxico, garante sua 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
qualidade e determina a forma do Sistema Edu-
cativo Nacional (, em sua sigla em espanhol), Cuadro 1: Estructura y dimensin del Sistema Educativo Nacional
regulado, entre outras disposies, pela Lei Geral
de Educao, Lei Geral do Servio Profissional Contexto
20 32 10 16 15 17 13 10 12 11 11
Docente () e Lei do Instituto Nacional para social
a Avaliao da Educao (, em sua sigla em
Agentes e
espanhol). Especificamente, sua frao (adi- 17 29 8 12 8 6 4 11 9 14 12
cionada na Reforma de 2013) estabelece a cria- recursos
o do Sistema Nacional de Avaliao Educativa Acesso e
() para garantir a qualidade de seus servios, 5 5 18 17 9 10 7 10 11 10 11
sob a coordenao do , instncia que, entre
suas obrigaes constitucionais, deve: a) elaborar Processos
e realizar as medies que correspondam a com- educativos 10 22 5 5 3 2 5 3
ponentes, processos ou resultados do sistema; b) e gesto
expedir as diretrizes s quais se sujeitaro as auto- Resultados
ridades educativas federal e local para executar as 9 11 6 9 6 6 5 5 7 12 6
funes de avaliao que lhes correspondem, e c)
gerar e difundir informao para emitir diretrizes
Fonte: Panorama Educativo do Mxico.
que contribuam para as decises que melhorem

Gazeta da Poltica Nacional de Avaliao Educativa

ano aps ano ou com a frequncia prpria de educao, com base na classificao adminis- O gasto pblico progressivo (ou regres-
cada um, assim como fortalecer os constructos, trativa, econmica e funcional, atravs de sua sivo) se as transferncias com as quais uma
a partir de estatsticas que permitam ampliar a Chave Oramentria, que identifica o ora- pessoa beneficiada so proporcionalmente
medio dos componentes, processos e resul- mento destinado a funes de educao, o que menores (ou maiores) em relao a sua renda
tados do . Isso ser til, entre outras coisas, permite determinar objetivos gerais e recursos medida que esta aumenta.
para fundamentar as diretrizes que permitam designados consecuo das polticas pbli-
ao contribuir para a melhoria da qualida- cas. Para isso, necessrio seguir a evoluo Gasto inercial
de e equidade educativas. da Chave Oramentria a partir das mudanas Um tema ao qual se deve prestar maior ateno
Alm disso, desejvel que as verses fu- no conjunto dos Programas oramentrios que no contexto do gasto educativo o da inercia-
turas do Panorama publiquem sries de tempo constituem o gasto programvel em educao, lidade do gasto, entendida como a atribuio
de indicadores, a fim de facilitar seu uso na tanto federal como federalizado, tomando em de recursos financeiros a programas federais,
elaborao e retroalimentao de polticas p- conta suas modalidades: subsdio direto e pro- tomando em conta o oramento do ano ante-
blicas, avaliao, pesquisa e inovao do e duo de bens e servios (, , , ).1 rior, atualizado pela inflao e pelo comporta-
do , dando preferncia aos que meam a Com esta informao ser possvel analisar mento tendencial e/ou estacional observado,
evoluo dos componentes de tais sistemas. a trajetria dos principais programas de educa- sem ter em conta as metas esperadas (ex-ante)
Em relao aos indicadores internacionais o bsica e ensino mdio e construir indicado- e obtidas (ex-post). Com base em estudos em
de educao que o Mxico deve produzir, foi res estratgicos para conhecer seu desempenho andamento do , ser analisada a viabilida-
estabelecido um plano para obter a informao no contexto da poltica educativa. Isso ser fac- de para desenvolver indicadores anuais que de-
solicitada por Education at a Glance, da , tvel uma vez que haja avanos no desenvolvi- monstrem o grau de inercialidade do gasto dos
razo pela qual se trabalha com as instituies mento da base de dados do gasto em educao. Programas oramentrios em Educao Bsica
que participam no tema, como a Secretaria de Esta viso importante para examinar se o e Ensino Mdio, tomando em conta as metas
Educao Pblica () e o Instituto Nacional investimento, entre outras coisas, cumpre com esperadas e obtidas. Isto permitir ter uma me-
de Estatstica e Geografia (). o conceito de equidade da Organizao das lhor ideia da contribuio para o investimento
Entre os indicadores com relatrios pen- Naes Unidas, atravs do Fundo das Naes em educao a favor da equidade.
dentes se encontram: A6. What are the earnin- Unidas para a Infncia, que implica que todas
gs premiums from education?, A7. What are as pessoas tenham a oportunidade de sobrevi- Populao-alvo
the incentives to invest in education? e A8. ver, se desenvolver e alcanar todo seu potencial Os relatrios atuais do mostram o nmero
What are the social outcomes of education?. sem discriminao, vis ou favoritismo (, e o ritmo de crescimento da populao em ida-
2010). Em relao a isso, a ideia contribuir de idnea para Educao Bsica e Ensino M-
Programa Setorial de Educao 2013-2018 com a gerao de indicadores adicionais aos j dio. No entanto, a informao dever ser mais
Com a finalidade de verificar o grau de cum- contemplados no , a fim de que as interven- desenvolvida para vincular esses relatrios es-
primento dos objetivos e metas do (, es pblicas deem prioridade aos grupos em trutura programtica do gasto e aos programas
Art. 12) em futuras edies, o poder in- maior desvantagem. educativos de modalidades que oferecem bens
corporar uma seo de seguimento aos 12 in- e servios e que canalizam subsdios, ou seja,
dicadores de Educao Bsica e Ensino Mdio Incidncia distributiva do programas de modalidades , , e . Podem
estabelecidos no Programa Setorial de Educa- gasto pblico em educao ser elaborados indicadores para aqueles que to-
o 2013-2018, razo pela qual ser necessrio Com o objetivo de analisar e proporcionar mem em conta no s as populaes-alvo, mas
partir da linha de base para 2012 e da meta es- evidncia sobre a evoluo recente da in- tambm as potenciais e as atendidas.
tabelecida para 2018. Dada a funo do , cidncia distributiva do gasto pblico em
deve-se analisar os indicadores de cobertura, educao, em futuras edies do Panorama Indicadores de inovao educativa
incluso e equidade educativa. Educativo do Mxico ser analisada a incluso A fim de fortalecer o , a possibilidade de
destes indicadores baseados em exerccios de desenvolver um conjunto de indicadores vincu-
Estrutura programtica microssimulao. Assim, o tomar em lados a objetos sociais e educativos especficos
No contexto do , deve-se documentar e conta os indicadores que permitam verificar tambm deve ser analisado. Parte-se do concei-
avaliar a evoluo do gasto pblico em educa- se o gasto progressivo ou regressivo e sua to de que a habilidade para medir a inovao
o atravs de novos indicadores e estatsticas. incidncia medida que avana em todos os educativa essencial em uma estratgia de me-
Em relao a isso, a estrutura programtica do nveis de educao, o que ter como resultado lhoria da educao.
gasto estabelece o marco de referncia para uma valiosa ferramenta para os formuladores O trabalho recente da , Measuring
conhecer a transformao do investimento em de polticas. Innovation in Education: A New Perspective, de


Stephan Vincent Lancrin (2014), oferece novas possvel construir indicadores de eficcia do ndices para analisar o gasto
perspectivas para abordar, com uma metodolo- que orientem a tomada de decises em prol de De Reynolds-Smolensky. Resulta da diferena
gia rigorosa, a medio da inovao no sistema uma maior equidade. entre o ndice de Gini calculado sobre a renda
educativo em matria de: a) novos produtos ou As transies demogrficas e educativas tm familiar (pr-gasto) e a estimativa depois de
servios; b) novos processos, e c) mudanas or- consequncias importantes para a demanda por somar a essa renda os benef cios do gasto em
ganizacionais. A ttulo de exemplo, os seguin- servios em educao. As projees marcam educao recebidos por cada famlia (ps-gas-
tes indicadores poderiam ser desenvolvidos: uma reduo anual no nmero de estudantes to). Um valor positivo indica que o gasto me-
a) inovao nos mtodos de avaliao utili- que tero acesso ao ensino fundamental e um lhora a distribuio da renda.
zados em sala de aula; b) inovao no uso de aumento simultneo da demanda por servios De Cuasi-Gini (concentrao do gasto).
computadores em sala de aula; c) inovao em de ensino mdio, alinhadas com a experincia um coeficiente de Gini da distribuio do gas-
mecanismos de retroalimentao nas escolas, e internacional, razo pela qual o momento atual to. Se este toma um valor negativo e seu valor
d) inovao em avaliao formativa, entre outros. propcio para dimensionar a capacidade instala- absoluto maior, significa que os benef cios do
da adicional necessria para atender a crescente programa se observam entre as pessoas com
Demografia (projees de oferta e demanda) demanda em ensino mdio. menor renda.
Por ltimo, cabe ressaltar que a pesquisa em an- Os temas descritos e sua possvel incorpora- De Kakwani. usado para medir a progres-
damento no , em matria de projees de o em mdio prazo ao Panorama Educativo do sividade ou regressividade do gasto, determi-
oferta e demanda de servios de educao bsi- Mxico como indicadores ou como estatsti- nado como a diferena entre o Cuasi-Gini do
ca e ensino mdio, permitir estimar a nvel cas devem ser analisados de maneira colegia- gasto em educao e o coeficiente de Gini da
nacional, estadual e municipal a capacidade da com especialistas no interior do Instituto e no renda antes de realizar o gasto (pr-gasto), em
instalada necessria de servios de educao in- seio dos Conselhos Tcnicos Especializados do que os valores negativos (ou positivos) repre-
fantil, ensino fundamental e ensino mdio para prprio , a fim de determinar sua viabilida- sentam um gasto progressivo (ou regressivo)
atender um fluxo crescente de estudantes que de tcnica com apego metodologia desenvol- e, portanto, uma distribuio mais (ou menos)
cursaro estes nveis nos prximos anos. vida para o Sistema de Indicadores Educativos. equitativa da renda.
Com as estimativas de defasagem entre
oferta e demanda por servios educativos, ser
1 Secretaria da Fazenda e do Crdito Pblico.
Classificao de Programas Oramentrios.


A transformao da
gesto institucional do
A transformao do Instituto Nacional para
a Avaliao da Educao (, em sua
sigla em espanhol) em um organismo autno-
Nova estrutura para a gesto institucional
O iniciou a transformao de sua gesto
institucional a partir da Reforma Educativa. A
INEE: Contribuies mo constitucional implica diversos desafios.
Alguns deles se encontram na esfera da trans-
aceitao da autonomia implicou a reelabora-
o orgnica e funcional do Instituto. Durante
da Unidade de formao da gesto institucional e outros no
mbito da construo de um novo esquema de
2013, deu-se forma a uma nova estrutura que
permitisse tornar realidade o disposto na Lei
Planejamento, governo para a tomada de decises. e sua regulamentao. A partir de 2014, este
Coordenao e importante reconhecer que os desafios
tambm apresentam a oportunidade de consol-
nova armao institucional est em processo
de implementao.
Comunicao Social idar um federalismo equilibrado e colaborativo
como pano de fundo para a avaliao educativa
no pas, assim como a possibilidade de faz-lo Normas institucionais
a partir de um esquema harmnico de relaes De acordo com o Artigo 75 do Estatuto Orgnico do
O contexto renovado e a necessidade intergovernamentais. Instituto Nacional para a Avaliao Educativa, a Unidade
do novo marco de governabilidade A tarefa substancial do Instituto avaliar de Planejamento, Coordenao e Comunicao Social
a qualidade, o desempenho e os resultados da tem como principais funes: coordenar a integrao do
definem este momento histrico do Programa Estratgico de Desenvolvimento Institucio-
educao obrigatria, e fundamentar diretrizes
Instituto Nacional para a Avaliao para sua melhora requer o estabelecimento nal de curto, mdio e longo prazo e dar seguimento
da Educao (INEE, em sua sigla de um novo marco de governana que possibil- a sua implementao; coordenar a formulao da
em espanhol). Este artigo explica ite decises pblicas mais bem sustentadas, rel- Poltica Nacional de Avaliao e submet-la, atravs do
evantes, factveis e compartilhadas em matria presidente, considerao da Conferncia; coordenar
a construo de regras claras o seguimento implementao da Poltica Nacional de
para todos os atores e as normas de avaliao educativa.
Avaliao; propor polticas e disposies normativas
Este marco ter que oferecer regras claras
que incentivem a abertura, a para todos os atores, fundadas na Lei, assim
para o funcionamento do Sistema Nacional de Avaliao
transparncia e a prestao de contas. Educativa; coordenar a elaborao e integrao de
como em normas que incentivem a abertura, um programa de trabalho para o Sistema Nacional de
transparncia e prestao de contas. Avaliao Educativa, assim como dar seguimento a sua
A Unidade de Planejamento, Coordenao implementao; planejar e coordenar a gesto e fun-
L C M e Comunicao Social do tem sua razo de cionamento dos distintos rgos colegiados do Instituto
Titular da Unidade de Planejamento, Coor- ser nestes desafios. a unidade administrativa e da Junta, assim como coordenar e dar seguimento
denao e Comunicao Social do estatutariamente responsvel pela construo aos temas estratgicos de vinculao entre o Instituto deste novo ecossistema institucional. e as autoridades educativas, meios de comunicao e
organismos no governamentais.

Gazeta da Poltica Nacional de Avaliao Educativa

Paralelamente a estas mudanas orga- e ferramentas slidas para a avaliao e de do trabalho alinhado a resultados. Em um
nizacionais, a Unidade de Planejamento, Coor- seguimento para a adaptao permanente. sentido mais amplo, coordenar tambm
denao e Comunicao Social a responsvel O no est isento de ser avaliado. Para reconhecer que a autonomia no significa
por elaborar uma plataforma orientada ao de- tanto, fundamental o desenvolvimento do isolamento.
senvolvimento institucional. O trabalho da Un- Sistema para o Planejamento e Coordena- i. Uma organizao que incentiva o conhe-
idade contribuir para a definio de um perfil o (), que permitir contar com in- cimento. As tarefas derivadas do planeja-
especfico: uma organizao mais preparada dicadores do avano na consolidao dos mento e da gesto de rgos colegiados,
para responder ao seu entorno, mais pertinente objetivos institucionais. assim como da comunicao e difuso, de-
e enfocada, com maiores capacidades polticas f. Uma organizao posicionada socialmente. vero estar a servio de um objetivo maior:
e de gesto, capaz de fazer frente s exigncias A formulao da poltica de comunicao a distribuio do conhecimento e a amplia-
e expectativas sociais relativas avaliao e, en- social nos permite estabelecer mecanismos o das margens de acesso.
tre outros temas, desenvolver canais de comu- eficientes, no s de distribuio de infor- j. Uma organizao que seja um pilar na cria-
nicao e espaos de retroalimentao com os mao focalizada atravs de meios diver- o de uma nova institucionalidade. A Re-
distintos atores sociais da avaliao, especial- sos, mas tambm de entendimento, par- forma Educativa apela ao desenvolvimento e
mente com os professores do Mxico. ticipao e colaborao cidad. A atividade consolidao de uma nova institucionalidade
O perfil institucional que se constri con- de comunicao e retroalimentao dever para o Sistema Educativo Nacional. Temos a
templa as seguintes caractersticas: estar dirigida ao conjunto da sociedade e, oportunidade de consolidar o como
de maneira prioritria, s professoras e uma organizao confivel, que proporcione
a. Uma organizao com viso estratgica. professores de educao obrigatria. certezas e que apoie seu trabalho em um am-
Deve apoiar-se na formulao de um Pro- g. Uma organizao aberta, apegada aos plo reconhecimento social e poltico. A fer-
grama Estratgico de Desenvolvimento princpios da transparncia e prestao de ramenta fundamental para ter sucesso nessa
Institucional de mdio e longo prazo que contas, com instrumentos que promovam misso a integrao e desenvolvimento do
permita, de maneira ordenada, visualizar a participao dos professores e da socie- Sistema Nacional para a Avaliao Educativa
os desafios fundamentais e definir cursos de dade. Neste sentido, o requer que se (, em sua sigla em espanhol).
ao para enfrent-los. A aposta de que, estabelea, mediada pela tecnologia, uma
na definio de objetivos estratgicos, ativi- relao mais estreita, simtrica e plural
dades, metas e indicadores, a organizao com a cidadania.
realize exerccios de maior transversalidade, h. Uma organizao com capacidade de coor- Conselhos integrados
denao. estratgico avanar em modelos Atendendo ao mandato, durante 2014 o inee integrou
integrao, alinhamento e articulao. O
nove Conselhos de consulta e assessoria: a) o Conselho
propsito no implementar um modelo de coordenao que permitam apoiar o
de Vinculao com as Entidades Federativas (convie),
para o planejamento, mas sim impulsionar trabalho e a tomada de decises dos rgos
integrado por servidores pblicos e responsveis pela
a criao de uma nova cultura a favor do colegiados previstos no Estatuto Orgnico.
avaliao das entidades federativas; b) o Conselho
planejamento institucional, capaz de dar Devem-se estabelecer critrios e mecanis- Social Consultivo de Avaliao da Educao (conscee),
conta do desempenho da organizao. mos efetivos que permitam a organizao integrado por representantes da organizao da
b. Uma organizao com normalidade in- sociedade civil; c) o Conselho Pedaggico de Avaliao
stitucional. O desafio mais importante do (conpe), integrado por professores e diretores em
a implementao dos mandatos funes de educao obrigatria e d) seis Conselhos
derivados da reforma em matria de aval- Tcnicos Especializados (conte), integrados por especia-
iao educativa. No entanto, isso deve ser listas nacionais e internacionais.
feito em um contexto de desenvolvimento
e redimensionamento orgnico, estrutural
e funcional, que resulta em desafios adicio-
nais. A normalidade implica construir uma
base para a estabilidade da instituio.
c. Uma organizao orientada inovao or-
ganizacional. necessrio investir esforos
que tendam a fixar as bases para gerar ca-
pacidades de adaptao a entornos em con-
stante mudana. A incorporao de uma
base tecnolgica de apoio aos processos
ativados pela organizao uma deciso
d. Uma organizao eficaz e eficiente. Um
planejamento institucional baseado em um
exerccio de enfoque estratgico permitir
conseguir mais com menos e alcanar nos-
sos propsitos dentro do esperado. Deve-se
incentivar a construo de baixo para cima,
estimulando formas de trabalho que se
apoiem no colegiado e no desenvolvimento
e. Uma organizao que avalia seu desempen-
ho. Para isso, deve desenvolver mecanismos


: Construo de um novo PLANO DE AO

marco de governabilidade
O , como conceito, no novo. Existem Autonomia, gesto so de interesse pblico e prioritrias para o
referncias necessidade de sua integra-
o desde a tica federal pelo menos desde administrativa e o futuro Atua afastado de interesses polticos ou
princpios da dcada de noventa. No entanto,
somente com a Reforma Educativa e a Lei do do
Seus atos se regem pelos princpios de le-
que o tema conta com uma base jurdica galidade, imparcialidade e igualdade pe-
e um respaldo poltico de alta envergadura. Doze anos se passaram desde o rante a Lei;
Sua integrao discorre por diversos cenri- nascimento do Instituto Nacional para Tem independncia de deciso e ao em
os: o jurdico, o poltico, o tcnico e o de gesto, a Avaliao da Educao (INEE, em sua tarefas tcnicas altamente especializadas,
entre outros. Particularmente, o tema deve ser necessrias para o Estado (autonomia tc-
discutido e levado a um consenso entre as auto- sigla em espanhol) em 2002. Em 2012 nica);
ridades educativas que integram a Conferncia. ele foi renovado e, em setembro de Conta com oramento para o cumprimen-
Desde a perspectiva da Unidade de Planeja- 2013, foi refundado e dotado de maior to de suas atribuies e independncia ad-
mento, necessrio fundamentar a formulao hierarquia constitucional. Hoje, um ministrativa (autonomia oramental); e
da proposta de integrao do tomando organismo de interesse pblico com Decide suas normas, organizao, func-
como referncia um marco conceitual amplo alin- ionamento e processos de planejamento,
hado governabilidade das capacidades de coor- personalidade jurdica, patrimnio execuo, seguimento e avaliao para o
denao, colaborao e cooperao entre diversos prprio, autonomia tcnica, de cumprimento de suas funes (autonomia
atores, governos e instituies, no qual no sejam gesto e oramental, com capacidade organizacional e de gesto) (Carpizo, 2009).
incentivados protagonismos hegemnicos. para decidir sua organizao e
No seio do deve-se dar espao ao in- funcionamento internos. A criao de organismos constitucionais
cremento de esquemas relacionais de uma mul- autnomos em nosso pas se enquadra nos
tiplicidade de atores e capacidade poltica de processos de reforma do setor pblico surgi-
processar institucionalmente os atritos deriva- M J L R dos a partir da Nova Gesto Pblica (),1
dos. Se partirmos do pressuposto de que o tema Titular da Unidade de Administrao que pretendeu resolver as limitaes polticas
da governabilidade do sistema supe a interao do INEE do governo e as burocracias; sua organizao
complexa, ento devemos estar preparados para hierrquica; a arbitrariedade, condutas indevi-
contemplar fatores relativos transparncia, das e incompetncia tcnica; e os problemas de
coeso de objetivos polticos e de gesto, assim
como ao sustento de legitimidade na qualidade
de suas decises.
C omo afirma a frao do artigo terceiro
constitucional e a Lei que o criou, o Insti-
tuto Nacional para a Avaliao da Educao
ineficcia social e ineficincia econmica. Jus-
tificou-se como uma forma de administrao
pblica para resolver e superar crises fiscais de
Com o tempo, o deve consolidar ca- (, em sua sigla em espanhol) um Instituto Estado (Culebro, 2007). Seu argumento princi-
pacidades institucionais em matria de avalia- novo e diferente. Foi transformado em rgo pal consiste em que a diminuio do tamanho
o educativa para seus integrantes. Qualquer vinculante, tcnico, regulador e garantidor do Estado e a introduo de tcnicas gerenciais
tentativa que pretenda estabelecer um novo de direitos do Sistema Nacional de Avaliao propiciam o fornecimento de melhores bens
marco para a governabilidade deve ampli-las Educativa (, em sua sigla em espanhol) na e servios pelo Governo, de tal forma que as
e fortalec-las, a partir de vises comuns e con- educao infantil, ensino fundamental e ensino relaes entre Estado e sociedade so favore-
sensos em suas formas de concreo. mdio. cidas (Pardo, 2005). Os valores sobre os quais
urgente transitar de um modelo que Assim, o hoje um dos 12 rgos com esta nova filosofia administrativa se funda so a
prope uma relao entre formuladores fed- autonomia constitucional existentes em nosso eficincia, a orientao a resultados e a presta-
erais e executores estaduais a um que instaure pas, no momento da redao deste texto, aos o de contas (Pardo, 2005).2
espaos de cogoverno e deciso, que contribua quais o poder constituinte permanente in- Este novo paradigma, que muitos autores
para a legitimidade e eficincia do sistema e corporou nove funes autnomas ao Estado identificam como ps-burocrtico, modificou
para o atendimento das demandas sociais em mexicano, algumas reguladoras, outras garan- o funcionamento e desempenho do setor p-
matria de avaliao educativa e de qualidade tidoras de direitos, algumas tcnicas e outras blico, propiciando: a) Organizaes complexas
na prestao de seus servios. punitivas e de investigao. e hbridas, devido ao desenvolvimento da espe-
Para concluir, observamos que a legitimi- A autonomia constitucional proporciona cializao vertical e horizontal, da descentraliza-
dade do descansar em sua capacidade de ao caractersticas especficas, entre as o de funes e de uma maior autonomia nas
gerar confiana, o que supe que os atores en- quais se destacam: decises; b) Mudanas estruturais que reduzem
volvidos estaro dispostos a aderir-se a uma s- Suas faculdades so estabelecidas pela as hierarquias para dar maior flexibilidade s
rie de princpios e valores, que se comprometam Constituio da Nao; organizaes; c) Servios civis de emprego; d)
a alcanar consensos sobre aspectos nucleares e No depende de nenhum dos trs poderes Planejamento estratgico expresso na definio
gerem predisposio negociao baseada no (Executivo, Legislativo e Judicirio), com os de uma misso, viso, objetivos e metas das or-
respeito pluralidade. quais guarda relao de coordenao, mas ganizaes; e) Transformao da cultura gov-
Finalmente, a confiana ser construda no de subordinao; ernamental com a introduo de sistemas de
pelo interesse de todos os atores envolvidos em Suas decises e aes, assim como os me- qualidade; f) Novas formas de controle e regu-
definir procedimentos para uma tomada de de- canismos de prestao de contas frente ao lao, entre as quais se destacam os chamados
cises transparente e vinculatria. Poder Legislativo, se sujeitam ao controle sistemas de avaliao do desempenho, que pre-
constitucional; tendem um melhor desempenho governamen-
parte da Administrao Pblica Federal, tal; e g) Transparncia e prestao de contas,
razo pela qual doutrinalmente suas funes que promovem a sustentao da avaliao na

Gazeta da Poltica Nacional de Avaliao Educativa

Tabela 1. rgos constitucionais autnomos

Ano de Autonomia
rgo constitucional autnomo Funo1 Misso
criao constitucional plena
1 Universidades e UNAM 1910 1929 2 Garantidor de direitos Oferecer ensino superior.
(Universidade Nacional
Autnoma do Mxico)
2 Tribunal Superior Agrrio 1992 1992 Regulador Proporcionar justia agrria para garantir a
posse da terra.
3 Banco do Mxico (Banxico) 1925 1994 Tcnico/regulador Proporcionar estabilidade do poder
aquisitivo da moeda nacional.

4 Instituto Federal Eleitoral (IFE/INE) 1990 1996 Tcnico/regulador Fortalecer o regime de partidos polticos,
assegurar aos cidados o exerccio de seus
direitos polticos, velar pela autenticidade e
efetividade do voto.
5 Comisso Nacional de Direitos 1990 1996 Garantidor de direitos Proteger os direitos humanos.
Humanos (CNDH)
6 Instituto Nacional de Estatstica, 1983 2006 Tcnico Satisfazer as necessidades de informao
Geografia e Informtica (INEGI) estatstica e geogrfica, coordenar o
Sistema Nacional de Informao Estatstica
e Geogrfica, formular a poltica informtica
da Administrao Pblica Federal e
incentivar o uso das tecnologias da
informao na sociedade mexicana.
7 Instituto Nacional para a 2002 2013 Garantidor de Garantir a prestao de servios educativos
Avaliao da Educao (INEE) direitos/ tcnico/ de qualidade, coordenar o Sistema Nacional
regulador de Avaliao Educativa, avaliar a qualidade
do sistema educativo nacional e definir
os processos de avaliao para ingresso,
promoo, reconhecimento e permanncia
no Servio Profissional Docente.
8 Comisso Federal de 1993 2013 Regulador Proteger o processo de concorrncia e o
Concorrncia Econmica funcionamento eficiente dos mercados.
9 Instituto Federal de 1996 2013 Regulador Regular o espectro radioeltrico, as redes
Telecomunicaes (IFT)4 e a prestao dos servios pblicos de
radiodifuso e telecomunicaes.
10 Conselho Nacional de Avaliao 2006 2014 Tcnico Medir a pobreza e avaliar os programas e a
da Poltica de Desenvolvimento poltica de desenvolvimento social.
Social (Coneval, em sua sigla em
11 Instituto Federal de Acesso 2002 2014 Garantidor de direitos Garantir o direito dos cidados informao
Informao e Proteo de Dados pblica governamental e privacidade de
(IFAI) seus dados pessoais.
12 Promotoria Geral da Repblica 1934 2014 Garantidor de Proporcionar justia eficaz e eficiente,
(FGR)5 direitos/punitivo e de apegada aos princpios de legalidade,
investigao certeza jurdica e respeito aos direitos

Adaptado de: Ugalde, Luis Carlos. En la marea de la baja calidad del Estado, Nexos, maio de 2014.

1 A classificao foi feita com base na tipologia de Salazar Ugarte, Pedro (2014). Las demasiadas autonomas, Nexos.
2 A Lei Orgnica da UNAM de 1929 surge para dar autonomia a esta universidade, mas no se trata de autonomia completa. Em 1933 foi promul-
gada outra Lei Orgnica que fortaleceu a autonomia institucional, assim como a aprovada em 1945, que consolidou a autonomia universitria. No
entanto, somente em 1980 a autonomia constitucional foi alcanada com a reforma do Artigo 3 da Carta Magna.
3 Antes Comisso Federal de Concorrncia.
4 Antes Comisso Federal de Telecomunicaes.
5 Antes Procuradoria Geral da Repblica.


construo e medio de indicadores de resul- Tabela 2. Principais atividades realizadas pela Unidade de Administrao.
tados (Felie, 1996; Culebro, 2006; Pardo, 2005). Primeiro semestre de 2014
Apesar das crticas por seu acento
tcnico e intragovernamental, sua preocupa- mbito Ao
o pela eficincia e as ferramentas que de-
senvolveu constituem uma til contribuio e Elaborao e reformulao de normatividade variada que rege
so referncia para que a Unidade de Admin- Normatividade administrativa os processos administrativos do Instituto, no exerccio de sua
istrao ajude a definir o como um rgo institucional autonomia constitucional, em matria de recursos humanos,
constitucional autnomo, capaz e eficaz, e para oramento, e recursos materiais e servios gerais.
que facilite e d suporte ao seu trabalho como
coordenador do Sistema Nacional de Avaliao Elaborao e implementao do Procedimento Emergencial de
Recursos humanos
Educativa (, em sua sigla em espanhol). Contratao de Pessoal.
Cumprir com o mandato constitucional do Reestruturao do oramento 2014 de maneira paralela
exige conceber os processos administrati- reelaborao do Programa Anual de Atividades (PAA), em
vos como apoio ao desenvolvimento das tarefas Recursos financeiros
coordenao com a Unidade de Planejamento, Coordenao e
institucionais. Neste marco, as aes que a Uni-
Comunicao Social.
dade de Administrao empreendeu, sintetiza-
das na tabela 2, buscam gerar condies ideais Prestao de servios ordinrios.
para que a Instituio floresa no marco das Adequaes de espaos e aluguel do imvel para a nova sede do
disposies que regem os organismos execu- Recursos materiais
tores de recursos pblicos. e servios gerais
Levantamento fsico de verificao dos bens que conformam o
As aes prioritrias desenvolvidas atual- ativo fixo do Instituto.
mente pela Unidade de Administrao so:
Inventrio de sistemas, habilitao de servios de voz, dados,
a) A elaborao de propostas organizacionais correio eletrnico, distribuio de equipamento e instalao de
que consolidem o funcionamento da Insti- software especializado.
Informtica e servios
tuio; Criao do Comit de Desenvolvimento Tecnolgico.
b) A reviso e implementao do Modelo In- Definio do Modelo de operao do Escritrio de Gesto de
tegrado de Controle Interno; Projetos e levantamento conceitual de necessidades tecnolgicas
c) O desenvolvimento do Sistema de Plane- das unidades administrativas para integrar o portflio de projetos.
jamento Estratgico que integra o uso das
tecnologias da informao; Expedio de parmetros, critrios, procedimentos e
d) A estruturao do Servio Profissional de normatividade variada formulada pela Instituio.
Servios jurdicos
Carreira; Atendimento a processos de amparo e julgamentos trabalhistas.
e) A elaborao do Manual de Servios Concreo de convnios e contratos institucionais.
Gerais; e Atendimento a auditorias e contratao de servios de auditoria
f) A concluso do Manual Geral de Organiza-
Prestao de contas e externa.
o e dos manuais de procedimentos admin-
transparncia Atendimento a solicitaes de informao.
Funcionamento do Comit de Informao do INEE e da Comisso de
Tudo isso na perspectiva de uma administ- Transparncia e Acesso Informao Pblica.
rao amigvel e eficiente. Estabelecimento de relaes de trabalho com diversas instncias
A chave do sucesso para a transformao da administrao pblica e outras instituies, a fim de coordenar
do , com vistas a cumprir seu mandato aes e conhecer experincias que possam enriquecer o
constitucional e coordenar o , reside em trabalho institucional; destacam-se: Secretaria da Fazenda e
sua capacidade de equilibrar continuidade e
Crdito Pblico, Auditoria Superior da Federao, Banco do
mudana, isto , de aproveitar as competn- Vinculao interinstitucional
cias e aprendizagens institucionais adquiridas
Mxico, Instituto Federal de Acesso Informao (IFAI), Instituto
e de ser flexvel para obter novos conhecimen- Nacional Eleitoral (INE, Conselho Nacional de Avaliao da
tos a partir das competncias e experincias Poltica de Desenvolvimento Social (Coneval), Comisso Federal
daqueles que integram o e dos recente- de Concorrncia Econmica (COFECE) e Instituto Nacional de
mente incorporados nova Instituio, com o Administrao Pblica.
objetivo de explorar mais e melhores possibi-
lidades. Fonte: Unidad de Administracin. Informe de Gestin Administrativa y Financiera. Janeirojunho 2014.
Construir o novo requer ideias, capa-
cidades, estruturas e processos que reconciliem
estabilidade e mudana, porm necessrio,
sobretudo, disposio, coeso, coordenao e
colaborao dos atores educativos para tornar
realidade o direito a uma educao de quali-
dade para todos e reconhecer a avaliao do

Gazeta da Poltica Nacional de Avaliao Educativa

Sistema Educativo Nacional como estratgia DE VIVA VOZ

para melhorar.
Com esta viso de propsitos e estratgias, Docncia e avaliao: 49.9%, o fez por meios menos acadmicos
a Unidade de Administrao est comprometida
com a construo de uma linguagem comum que A percepo dos atores (herana, mritos sindicais, recomendao ou
compra). Esta realidade, sem menosprezar a
possibilite aos diversos componentes do al-
canar as altas metas que sociedade e Estado lhe
educativos no estado de formao profissional dos professores, um
argumento para reforar os mecanismos de
exigem. Tlaxcala atualizao e avaliao do docente em servio,
tal como estabelece atualmente a Lei Geral de
1 Este termo foi adotado durante os anos 1990 e Educao () e a Lei Geral do Servio Profis-
serve para elaborar ferramentas, princpios e sional Docente ().
transformaes ocorridos nos governos de mui- Como conhecer e identificar as Por outro lado, este estudo indica que os
tos pases, assim como um conjunto de transfor- percepes e tenses da avaliao professores tm uma percepo contraditria
maes no setor pblico. em relao utilidade das avaliaes. Uma alta
educativa entre os docentes da
porcentagem, 70%, defende que as avaliaes
2 Desde uma perspectiva mais integral, que no educao bsica? O artigo retoma proporcionam informao til para melhorar o
pode ser abordada neste espao, so duas as um estudo da Direo de Avaliao desempenho na sala de aula, melhorar a apre-
linhas de resposta ao problema da capacidade e da Secretaria de Educao Pblica do ndizagem dos alunos e identificar suas neces-
eficcia diretiva do governo: a governabilidade sidades, mas 43% considera que elas so um
e a governana. Os dos enfoques se referem estado de Tlaxcala durante o segundo
semestre de 2013 e oferece chaves elemento de distrao das atividades docentes.
ao mesmo problema, mas suas respostas tm
O objetivo terico de avaliar melhorar,
proposies, orientaes e acentos diferentes. para avanar no tema. o qual coincide com a opinio da maioria dos
Aguilar, Luis F. (2014). La nueva gobernanza
pblica. Ctedra Magistral: La Gobernanza de
professores de Tlaxcala (70%). Isso reflete uma
los Asuntos Pblicos. Centro de Gobernanza A C O percepo positiva da avaliao, pois eles con-
Pblica y Corporativa. Universidad del Turabo. Coordenao de Pesquisa Educativa sideram que serve para melhorar a qualidade,
Puerto Rico. O enfoque de governabilidade con- da Direo de Avaliao Educativa as prticas e o currculo escolar.
sidera que o problema diretivo se resolve ao de Tlaxcala No entanto, somente 52% acha que os pro-
dotar o governo das capacidades requeridas (in- cessos avaliativos contribuem para melhorar
stitucionais, fiscais, administrativas, coativas) a percepo e participao dos pais na escola.
para dirigir a sociedade, enquanto o enfoque de
governana afirma que o governo um agente
de direo necessrio porm insuficiente, e, por-
N o Mxico, a vasta cultura da avaliao
inclui o setor educativo; entretanto, a
implementao das avaliaes ainda gera con-
Embora as provas no tenham o propsito mel-
horar essa percepo dos professores, so teis
para rever o papel dos pais em duas vertentes:
tanto, est obrigado a coordenar-se com dife- trovrsia: muito aceita por alguns e rejeitada a) a maneira como eles participam na escola
rentes atores para que estes participem na elab- por outros. O grau de conhecimento, satisfao para favorecer os processos de ensino e apren-
orao e implementao de aes. Vide Aguilar e autoconfiana dos docentes em relao aos dizagem, e, b) a medida e a forma como as dis-
y Bustlo M. (2010). Gobernanza y Evaluacin: programas de avaliao aplicados educao posies normativas (em particular, a Lei Geral
una relacin potencialmente fructfera. Revista bsica est longe de ser homogneo e reflete de Participao Social) so cumpridas nos cen-
Gestin y Anlisis de Polticas Pblicas. Nueva contrastes, inequidades e desequilbrios. tros escolares.
poca, N 4, julhodezembro. Esta viso otimista dos docentes tem uma
A percepo dos docentes: forte relao com o tempo que dedicam a sua
o peso das avaliaes preparao para as avaliaes. A maioria afir-
Os processos de avaliao abarcam temticas ma que se prepara de maneira permanente e s
e finalidades do fato educativo muito diversas. uma porcentagem mnima indica que o faz com
Para melhor-los necessrio aprofundar-se no uma semana de antecedncia.
pensamento dos docentes sobre as avaliaes, Isso reflete dois pontos: a) a preparao
ou seja: o que pensam delas? Como as recebem? permanente pode significar muita preocupao
Qual o impacto que tm em seu trabalho? O (a presso escolar e social para obter resulta-
que esperam e o que obtm desses processos? dos positivos move o trabalho docente), e b) o
Um estudo realizado pela Direo de Aval- pouco tempo dedicado preparao pode sig-
iao da Secretaria de Educao Pblica do Es- nificar muita confiana em seu trabalho ou falta
tado de Tlaxcala durante o segundo semestre de interesse nas provas.
de 2013, com o objetivo de conhecer e identi- Todas as avaliaes so minuciosamente
ficar percepes e tenses acerca da avaliao seguidas pelos atores educativos e seus resulta-
educativa entre os docentes de educao bsica, dos so amplamente esperados pela sociedade
mostra que o magistrio tlaxcalteca conta com em geral. No obstante, os professores comen-
um bom nvel de escolaridade: praticamente a tam que no percebem uma correlao posi-
totalidade de seus integrantes tem estudos de tiva quanto ao apoio que deveriam receber por
graduao, e um nmero cada vez mais cres- parte da direo escolar, pois parece que o peso
cente tem ps-graduao. das provas recai exclusivamente sobre eles. A
Observa-se que uma porcentagem impor- maioria (60%), afirma que nunca, muito poucas
tante, 30.8%, incorporou-se ao magistrio por vezes ou s quando h avaliaes a direo im-
qualidades acadmicas (resultados ou con- plementa atividades para apoi-los. Isso indica
curso); no entanto, uma porcentagem maior, que as autoridades tm uma atitude que oscila


entre hostil, negativa e indiferente queles que confirmao dos conhecimentos, habilidades minuir a polarizao atual em relao s pro-
so avaliados. e atitudes apropriadas para a atividade servir vas: confiana ou desconfiana, aceitao ou
Apesar de tudo, os docentes se mostram en- para melhorar a percepo dos professores das rejeio.
tre Muito satisfeitos e Relativamente satisfeitos avaliaes e contribuir para melhorar a quali- Para ns, a avaliao pressupe uma forma
com sua participao nas avaliaes. Mesmo dade da educao. especfica de conhecer e se relacionar com a
quando coexistem as opinies positivas e nega- necessrio considerar as provas como um realidade para melhor-la. Trata-se de uma
tivas, as primeiras so predominantes: 62% e meio para a melhoria escolar, e no como um prxis transformadora que, para incidir em
30%, respectivamente. fim em si mesmas; isto , o tempo de trabalho profundidade, requer ativar os aspectos cul-
Finalmente, diante do questionamento do docente no deve ser utilizado para passar nas turais, sociais e polticos mais relevantes dos
que desejam obter dos processos de avaliao, provas, mas sim para alcanar os objetivos in- seus contextos atuao.
observa-se uma expectativa positiva: 60% afir- strucionais do nvel educativo correspondente.
ma que espera aprender e melhorar, enquanto Consolidar nos professores a concepo de
outros elementos motivadores (melhoria sala- que as avaliaes so parte inerente de seu de-
rial, reconhecimento, agradecimentos e opor- sempenho docente, e no um processo alheio,
tunidades) representam somente 20%. Esta agregado ou opcional, ser o caminho para
mesma porcentagem considera que as avalia- eliminar a opinio de que elas s servem para
es implicam aspectos negativos: observa- distrai-los de seu trabalho principal.
es, desqualificaes e sanes. Dada a percepo dos professores, seria
Ao contrastar esses dados com o que os fundamental rever o papel dos outros atores
professores realmente obtiveram das avalia- educativos (diretores e autoridades superiores)
es, as porcentagens se modificam ligeira- antes, durante e depois das avaliaes.
mente, j que a expectativa positiva se mantm A valorao positiva se consolida quando o
acima de 50%, mas os elementos motivadores docente recebe benef cios compensatrios e de
tm um sensvel aumento, passando de 20% a motivao: melhoria salarial, reconhecimentos
38%, enquanto os aspectos com uma conotao ou prmios, entre outros.
negativa diminuem de 20% a 10%. A pesar de sua extenso geogrfica, suas
Isto significa que uma parte dos docentes vias de comunicao e sua histrica tradio
reconhece que as avaliaes, alm de permitir- como entidade formadora de docentes, em
lhes melhorar seu desempenho, lhes ajudam a Tlaxcala ainda existe um pensamento hetero-
obter alguns elementos compensatrios, como gneo sobre as avaliaes, que se apresentam
o reconhecimento de seu trabalho. como uma prtica ainda no consolidada em
todos os atores educativos. Considerando isso,
A avaliao inerente ao desempenho os esforos devem ser dirigidos a assentar es-
Melhorar os mecanismos de entrada ao ser- tes processos no s de maneira mecnica e
vio docente, considerando o cumprimento burocrtica, mas como uma ao consciente
dos requisitos acadmico-administrativos, e a e enriquecedora do trabalho docente. Isso di-


Juan Yahir, um caso de I H M O propsito deste texto visibilizar os fa-

Coordenadora Estadual dos Conselhos tores que influenciaram o resultado obtido na
sucesso em San Luis Pedaggicos da Secretaria de Educao do Olimpada do Conhecimento Infantil ()
Potos estado de San Luis Potos
2014, na qual o aluno Juan Yahir Gonzlez
Ramrez conquistou o primeiro lugar nacional.
Para tanto, foi realizado um trabalho de campo,
S S C T a fim de recuperar as opinies e experincias do
Como muitos estudantes mexicanos, Coordenadora Geral de Avaliao e prprio aluno, de seus pais, de sua professora
Juan Yahir enfrenta condies dif ceis Seguimento da Secretaria de e do diretor da escola de ensino fundamental.
em seu processo educativo, mas, Educao do estado de San Luis Potos Antecedentes
quando h trabalho em conjunto As elevadas porcentagens de participao de San
entre a escola, os pais, professores Luis Potos nas avaliaes externas convocadas
e diretivos, sempre se encontram
solues e os resultados vo alm A avaliao educativa se converteu em uma
prtica sistemtica para a melhoria dos
processos de gesto escolar e de gesto ped-
pela Secretaria de Educao Pblica () e pelo
Instituto Nacional para a Avaliao da Educao
(, em sua sigla em espanhol) Avaliao Na-
do esperado. Essa a histria contada
aggica na sala de aula. Os resultados das aval- cional de xito Acadmico em Centros Escolares
desde sua essncia neste texto. iaes constituem insumos bsicos para orien- (, em sua sigla em espanhol), , Exame
tar os esforos institucionais e, em particular, a para a qualidade e o xito educativo (Excale, em
elaborao de estratgias pertinentes que pro- sua sigla em espanhol) e Programa Internacional
movem uma melhor qualidade da aprendiza- para a Avaliao de Estudantes (, em sua sigla
gem dos alunos como centro e razo de ser do em ingls) do uma mostra do forte incentivo
sistema educativo. cultura da avaliao nas escolas.

Gazeta da Poltica Nacional de Avaliao Educativa

Neste contexto, destaca-se a participao aula. Durante o ltimo ano letivo, leu 22 livros, o em formato digital, para que possam us-los.
das crianas na avaliao da que, ano aps o que se comprova nas fichas de consulta con- Os resultados chegaram a ns pela supervisora,
ano, cumpre com o propsito de premiar a ex- servadas na escola. Elia Muoz Aguilar, mas tambm pesquisa-
celncia escolar dos alunos e alunas do sexto A interveno docente tambm foi um fa- mos na internet e entregamos as informaes
ano do ensino fundamental. Alm disso, abre tor que favoreceu os bons resultados. A pro- aos professores. Analisando os resultados, nos
janelas de aprendizagem para alunos, docen- fessora Jess Yaneth Quirino Quistin afirma concentramos mais nos erros; trabalhamos por
tes, diretores, supervisores e pais, que capital- que, em um dia normal de aula: Damos bom grupo, estudando os contedos para refor-
izam a informao orientando-a em direo a dia, comeamos a leitura de algum livro, nor- los. Tudo isso nos deu um bom resultado com
melhores estratgias de ensino e inovaes na malmente por episdios; as crianas escutam o Juan.
prtica docente. e s vezes pergunto o que elas acham que vai
Desde 2004, a avalia os alunos das acontecer depois ou como a histria vai ter- Vises compartilhadas
escolas de ensino fundamental gerais, indge- minar. Depois continuamos com o caderno da Desde a perspectiva do aluno triunfador, suas
nas, comunitrias e particulares. Na primeira antologia, que o ditado de palavras de alguns apreciaes se concentram em um maior in-
etapa, a aplicao da prova censual, selecio- textos; eles me entregam, eu reviso, sublinho de vestimento de tempo ao estudo, no relaciona-
nando os melhores estudantes, que participam vermelho as palavras que esto mal escritas e mento com seus professores e colegas baseado
na segunda etapa, cujos resultados definem o eles tm que corrigir. Ento trabalhamos com no respeito mtuo e em ter metas claras. Na
aluno vencedor a nvel nacional. So avaliadas as matrias do plano de aula; vemos os conte- verdade, qualquer criana pode alcanar o que
as disciplinas Espanhol, Matemtica, Cincias dos do planejamento e os alunos participam de eu alcancei, mas sempre necessrio que cada
Naturais, Histria, Geografia e Formao Cvi- maneira individual ou em pequenos grupos. um se esforce, diz.
ca e tica. Em entrevista, o diretor da escola, Miguel Na percepo da professora do grupo, isso
Em 2014 registrou-se a cobertura mais alta ngel Escobar Cndido, ressalta que a orga- reitera o valor de trabalhar com as crianas des-
no estado, com a participao de 67.036 alunos nizao e o ambiente de trabalho tambm con- de o incio do ano letivo: Principalmente em
e, pelo terceiro ano consecutivo, San Luis Po- tribuem para alcanar um bom nvel de apren- matemtica, que no que eles mais tm dificul-
tos obteve o primeiro lugar nacional na . dizagem: Desde que cheguei escola, h quase dade. Comeamos a trabalhar a compreenso
Um fator determinante para manter o in- seis anos, sempre muito trabalho. s oito j dos problemas e identificar o algoritmo. A
teresse dos atores educativos e promover pro- est tocando o sinal e todos entrando nas salas partir de sua experincia, ela sugere o uso do
cessos de interveno pedaggica a devoluo de aula: vamos trabalhar! Garantimos que os questionamento aos alunos para resolver suas
oportuna dos resultados da primeira etapa da professores recebam todo tipo de material de dvidas, assim como o trabalho em pequenos
, que so divulgados a nvel estadual atravs vrios modos. O compromisso com a educao grupos, como estratgias que favorecem uma
da estrutura do nvel educativo em um tempo muito grande. melhor aprendizagem. Tambm menciona os
aproximado de dez dias teis aps a data de A ateno e o apoio dos pais de Juan Yahir benef cios do trabalho no Conselho Tcnico
aplicao. Estes resultados so fornecidos por so outros dos fatores favorveis para seu bom Escolar, onde so analisados os problemas e
modalidade, setor, zona, escola e grupo, alm rendimento escolar. Seu pai, Juan Gonzlez situaes de cada criana. Este espao permite
de serem enviados relatrios personalizados Vzquez, comenta: Acima de tudo, tento fazer que eles conheam os alunos, o seu contexto e
por aluno, com o propsito de ajudar a identifi- uma sondagem, pergunto de acordo com os liv- os problemas que enfrentam. De maneira par-
car os contedos crticos que mostram mais ros, enquanto a me, Martha Ramrez Laguna, ticular, ela reconhece as avaliaes externas
de 60% de respostas incorretas e realimentar diz: Eu apoio ele daqui, fico na loja o tempo como uma oportunidade de aprendizagem:
os processos de ensino e aprendizagem de ma- que for necessrio. So importantes porque nos do uma viso do
neira imediata. pas: se estamos bem, o que nos falta e o que
Uso dos resultados das avaliaes externas deve ser feito para melhorar.
Fatores positivos Ao perguntar a Juan Yahir sobre o que influiu
A nvel nacional, San Luis Potos obteve o pri- para que conquistasse o primeiro lugar nacio-
meiro lugar da em 2012 e 2013 com dois alu- nal na , ele responde: A prova da primeira
nos da Escuela Primaria Justo Sierra, localizada etapa o principal porque, quando recebo os
na zona urbana da capital do estado. Em 2014, resultados, vejo o que eu errei e treino nessas
o vencedor foi o menino Juan Yahir Gonzlez perguntas para ser melhor na segunda prova.
Ramrez, aluno da Escuela Primaria Rural Lib- Depois da primeira prova, recebi uma folhinha
eracin, localizada em Gogorrn Viejo (Pozo del o Relatrio de Resultados Personalizado
Carmen), no municpio de Villa de Reyes. que indicava as respostas corretas e incorre-
As caractersticas do contexto com alto grau tas. A professora me deu uma cpia da prova
de marginalizao no qual a escola se localiza da primeira etapa, me disse que levasse todo
motivaram a indagar sobre os fatores que con- dia pra aula e junto com ela eu revisava duas
triburam para esta experincia bem-sucedida. perguntas por dia. Ela me explicava o procedi-
Juan Yahir filho nico. Seus pais se dedi- mento com problemas parecidos.
cam a um pequeno comrcio. A escolaridade J a professora Jess Yaneth afirma: O
de seu pai de ensino fundamental completo e diretor nos entregou os resultados e ns nos
a de sua me de ensino fundamental incom- enfocamos nas respostas incorretas. Pergunta-
pleto. Na opinio de sua professora, durante mos aos alunos o que eles acharam mais dif cil,
os trs anos que conviveu com Juan, o aluno vimos quais temas se relacionavam com essas
se caracterizou por ser muito estudioso, dedi- perguntas e aprofundamos com eles.
cado, cumpridor de suas tarefas; geralmente O diretor da escola acrescenta: Desde o in-
pergunta o que no entende, gosta muito de cio do ano letivo eu entrego a eles as provas an-
ler, usa muito os livros na escola e na sala de teriores, entre outros materiais, em fotocpias


Na opinio do diretor, neste caso de sucesso
se destacam aspectos como a presena e o uso
de livros na escola para que os alunos contem
com mais informao que lhes permita desen- A avaliao deve
volver competncias de pesquisa; a anlise dos
resultados da avaliao como referente para re- relacionar-se com Escola de Ensino Fundamental II Diurno
No. 204 Hermilo Novelo Torres
forar em aula os temas de maior dificuldade; a
colaborao e apoio dos pais em um contexto
educar Tem 700 alunos no turno matutino e est loca-
lizada em uma das regies mais vulnerveis de
de pobreza como o que a comunidade se en- Iztapalapa: San Miguel Teotongo. A liderana
contra; e o contnuo pedido de apoio s autori- da diretora Leticia Moreno permitiu transfor-
dades educativas para atender necessidades de Mesmo em entornos complexos, as mar essa escola antes conhecida como o
equipamento e infraestrutura da escola. instituies de ensino fundamental II presdio 204 em uma unidade que tem cada
Os pais de Juan Yahir tambm contribuem esto mudando e alcanando avanos. vez maior demanda e proteo da comunidade.
com uma viso muito valiosa que estendem a Entre suas conquistas, destaca-se a diminuio
todos os demais pais: Apoiem seus filhos, no A seguir se expem exemplos de de absentesmo, reprovao e violncia. H nove
os maltratem, deem muito carinho e, sobretu- algumas escolas que souberam se anos, antes que Moreno estivesse na direo, o
do, deem ateno. transformar sob a orientao de panorama era desolador. Ela o descreve assim:
seus diretores e o trabalho da equipe Encontrei uma escola abandonada e maltratada
Concluso escolar, aplicando estratgias de fisicamente. No ambiente da equipe havia des-
Neste caso, destaca-se o esforo da entidade confiana e agresso. Existia um deterioro nas
para elaborar relatrios de devoluo de resul- avaliao. Ainda h muito por fazer, relaes de toda a comunidade educativa con-
tados de avaliao aos principais destinatrios: afirma o autor, que apresenta trs formada por professores, pais e alunos.
os alunos. O papel da estrutura educativa para casos excepcionais em uma das A diretora buscou mudar radicalmente a
sua difuso tambm chama a ateno, assim maiores cidades do mundo. imagem da unidade: Entendi que a primeira
como, de maneira concreta, o uso pedaggico coisa que tinha que mudar era o aspecto f sico,
desses relatrios por parte dos professores para mudar as relaes interpessoais.
como elementos mediadores na melhora da Assim, envolveu primeiro os pais, os alunos
aprendizagem. L I Snchez Gmez e os docentes, que se uniram tarefa, ainda que
No menos importantes so as caractersti- Titular da Administrao Federal de Servios com ceticismo e desiluso. Aps a apresenta-
cas particulares de um aluno brilhante, inteli- Educativos no Distrito Federal o do primeiro diagnstico, todos tomaram
gente o suficiente para aproveitar as condies conscincia da verdadeira situao da escola e
do contexto rural que, quando bem harmoni- uma equipe foi formada para iniciar sua trans-
zadas, se somam na demonstrao do que foi
A experincia analisada evidencia o valor
Q uando recebi o convite do Instituto Nacio-
nal para a Avaliao da Educao (,
em sua sigla em espanhol) para escrever so-
formao. Um docente de Matemtica explica:
Quando entrei, a escola era desorganizada e
estava desarticulada. A diretora soube condu-
do trabalho de cada um dos atores educativos, bre a experincia de avaliao de uma escola, zir a escola, resolver as diferenas, negociar e
que fazem sua parte e at um pouco mais. Sem minha primeira pergunta foi: como selecionar dialogar.
dvida, uma experincia com a qual todos ns uma escola de um universo de 4.097? Quase J a presidenta da Associao de Pais men-
podemos aprender. simultaneamente reconheci que no temos um ciona: O trabalho da escola muito completo.
mecanismo que nos permita obter e sistema- A diretora uma pessoa muito exigente com
tizar as boas prticas escolares em avaliao os alunos, o que faz com que eles recebam
educativa e me defrontei com a segunda inter- uma educao muito boa. Ns, como mesa di-
rogao: como identific-las em pouco tempo? retiva, buscamos que a escola esteja cada vez
Consultei, ento, minhas instncias operativas melhor.
e obtive algumas pistas, sendo as mais slidas e A liderana da diretora, com o apoio do
contundentes as dos prprios diretores das es- subdiretor, permitiu transformar a escola,
colas. Assim, comecei a aprender e reconhecer como atesta o vdeo De oruga a mariposa, dis-
o inestimvel trabalho de avaliao formativa ponvel no YouTube.1
que utilizam os atores-chave da transformao Alm disso, o trabalho no Conselho Tcni-
escolar. Das experincias recebidas, foram es- co Escolar, mediante o plano de melhora, est
colhidas trs de ensino fundamental II porque permitindo centrar os esforos na aprendiza-
este nvel representa nosso maior desafio em gem. Desde a perspectiva da Administrao
termos de qualidade. As trs se localizam na Federal de Servios Educativos no Distrito Fe-
zona de Iztapalapa uma das reas mais vul- deral (, em sua sigla em espanhol), a ava-
nerveis e com maior insegurana do Distrito liao interna da escola tem que ser autogerida
Federal e respondem ao nosso compromisso e participativa, nutrida pelos princpios de Pau-
com a equidade. lo Freire, em que o processo de conscincia se
Relato, abaixo, a riqueza destas experin- desenvolve no diagnstico e guia os passos para
cias. Talvez no com a amplitude de seu desen- a transformao escolar e a tomada de decises
volvimento metodolgico, mas sim no esforo coletivas sob a liderana do diretor. Atualmen-
que cada escola faz pela qualidade e por seu te, a reflexo-ao um processo simultneo
interesse em se transformar partindo das evi- para a transformao cotidiana na escola.

Gazeta da Poltica Nacional de Avaliao Educativa

Escola de Ensino Fundamental II No. 119 tal como est sendo feito nesta escola, e deve- um plano de melhora. Foram identificados trs
A diretora Ana Luisa Bernal est h apenas al- se medir considerando parmetros e critrios aspectos a serem trabalhados: a comunicao,
guns meses na Escola de Ensino Fundamental de avaliao para identificar em quais aspectos a organizao interna da escola e a atualiza-
II No. 119, situada em Cuitlhuac, na zona vi- existe uma melhora. Ambos os pensamentos o permanente dos docentes. Ento uma
zinha Central de Abastos, considerada de alta definiram um compromisso pela avaliao for- estratgia de comunicao e uma de poltica
marginalidade e com uma numerosa populao mativa, ou seja, pela avaliao que serve para de portas abertas foram desenvolvidas a par-
de jovens moradores de rua. A escola de Ensino mudar o rumo e melhorar, e que vital para tir do uso da tecnologia. O diretor comenta:
Fundamental II tem horrio integral e participa alimentar o Plano de Melhoria na fase intensi- Temos duas pginas. Uma se chama Escuela
no Programa Escola Segura. va. Uma vez estabelecido o rumo, a diretora fez Secundaria Tcnica No. 91 e a outra, Juntos
Desde a sua chegada, em maro de 2014, a com que toda a equipe considerasse a seguinte sin violencia se aprende mejor, com mais de
diretora sabia que sua misso era transformar pergunta: como possvel promover a aprendi- 3.500 participantes []. Paralelamente, junto
a escola. Era claro para ela que, para conseguir zagem desde a funo diretiva com os docentes com os professores, usamos WhatsApp e, des-
isso, precisaria do apoio de todos os atores e de e a comunidade educativa? ta maneira, compartilhamos a informao de
um claro diagnstico dos problemas que en- Justamente este trabalho colaborativo e re- forma imediata.
frentava. flexivo permite que os docentes se sintam parte Foram criados seis comits de trabalho en-
O primeiro passo foi inspirar a sua equipe de uma comunidade que aprende e est dispos- tre a equipe docente: Cultura; Higiene e Sade;
escolar com uma frase do detetive mais famoso ta a se transformar. Embora se possa dizer que Inovao Acadmicai, Assuntos Estudantis;
do mundo, Sherlock Holmes, criado pelo es- uma experincia incipiente de avaliao, j que Segurana exterior e comit de leitura criativa
critor escocs Arthur Conan Doyle, que dizia: ainda no possvel constatar o impacto na me- e Avaliao e na linha estratgica impulsiona-
um erro capital teorizar antes de ter dados. lhora da aprendizagem nem na transformao da pela Escola No. 91 se incluem a avaliao do
Sem perceber, a pessoa comea a deformar os fsica da escola, um exemplo do que quere- desempenho acadmico dos estudantes e a ava-
fatos para que se ajustem s teorias, em vez de mos alcanar com a implementao da Refor- liao institucional.
adaptar as teorias aos fatos. Posteriormente, ma Educativa nas escolas de educao bsica do O trabalho iniciado h trs anos est ren-
compartilhou com eles o diagnstico da esco- Distrito Federal, no qual: dendo frutos que se projetam fundamental-
la, o qual expunha que a unidade tinha uma mente no incremento da matrcula, na melhora
capacidade de 700 alunos e recebia 538; havia 1) A direo se compromete plenamente com da convivncia e no incremento dos nveis de
muitos movimentos de altos e baixos durante a melhora da aprendizagem dos alunos e aproveitamento escolar. O professor Ambrosio
o ano letivo, assim como um alto absentesmo com a qualidade da escola em uma viso indica: Os alunos tambm esto percebendo
e reprovao. Nos ltimos dados da Avaliao integral; uma mudana em sua escola, pois so mais par-
Nacional de Sucesso Acadmico em Centros 2) A superviso uma aliada e apoia o proces- ticipativos e desfrutam das atividades que lhes
Escolares (, em sua sigla em espa- so do plano de melhoria; so oferecidas, principalmente as relacionadas
nhol), a Escola de Ensino Fundamental II No. 3) A equipe docente, apoiada na nova estru- com a leitura.
119 tinha piorado. Ao finalizar a apresentao, tura, se converte em uma comunidade de O diretor utiliza tambm o cenrio pro-
Bernal refletiu com a equipe com perguntas aprendizagem e em uma fora de transfor- spectivo desejado para motivar a comunidade
como o que acontece quando um estudante mao da escola. educativa a somar esforos para transformar
se desempenha abaixo do esperado em trs ou sua escola. O exerccio Secundaria Tcnica No.
mais matrias?, quais so os mecanismos para Escola de Ensino Fundamental II 91/2021 motivou os professores, pais e alunos
apoiar a recuperao de um estudante, uma Tcnico No. 91 a construrem a escola desejada, e, com essa
vez que uma deficincia detectada?, assim No bairro Progresista da zona de Iztapalapa, base, a desenvolver coletivamente os passos
como outros pontos cruciais para incrementar sob a liderana do diretor de ambos os turnos, para chegar a ela.
o desempenho da escola. Nesse momento, ela Ignacio Mendoza Hernndez, a Escola de Ensi-
aproveitou para aprofundar a anlise das con- no Fundamental II Tcnico No. 91 passou por
Elementos para o diagnstico da Escola de Ensino
dies dos alunos. Naquela poca, a Unidade uma drstica transformao. A chegada de Ig-
Fundamental II Tcnico No. 91
de Educao Especial e Educao Inclusiva nacio Mendoza promoveu junto aos docentes a
Foram analisados os horrios, a estrutura, a histria e
(, em sua sigla em espanhol) apoiava 83 elaborao de um diagnstico geral que iden- os antecedentes da escola, a equipe, a situao quanto
jovens por absentesmo, riscos de dependn- tificou trs problemas muito fortes: por um ao nvel de xito acadmico dos estudantes atravs dos
cia qumica ou alguma necessidade especial. A lado, a situao de aprendizagem, altos ndices resultados da Comisso Metropolitana de Instituies
partir de tal diagnstico, foi feita uma pesquisa de reprovao e de desero; por outro lado, Pblicas de Ensino Mdio (Comipems), da prova enlace,
com alunos e professores. O primeiro questio- uma situao de convivncia bastante compli- do Sistema Antecipado de Inscrio e Distribuio (SAID)
nrio foi aplicado a 150 alunos e tinha como cada com uma fama de escola violenta dentro e do Instrumento de Diagnstico para Alunos de Novo
objetivo conhecer a opinio dos jovens sobre os e fora da unidade; e um terceiro assunto rela- Ingresso no Ensino Fundamental II (IDANIS). Tambm foi
fatores que motivavam, ajudavam ou dificulta- cionado com problemas de vcios somados considerado o que se refere aos requerimentos materiais
vam o desenvolvimento de suas capacidades na diminuio constante da populao estudantil. e de infraestrutura: necessidades de materiais, condies
escola, a fim de identificar pontos fortes e reas A primeira estratgia seguida pelo diretor dos existentes, o ativo fixo, entre outros aspectos.
de oportunidade. O questionrio aplicado a 42 foi envolver os professores para depois definir
docentes se concentrou em identificar os temas Em suma, este o desafio que temos na
de maior dificuldade para seu processo de ensi- Condies iniciais da Escola de Ensino e o nosso cenrio desejado est claro.
no-aprendizagem. Fundamental II No. 119 Queremos A escola da Reforma, razo pela
Para a diretora, a avaliao deve relacio- 29 jovens de diferentes anos escolares caem na qual devemos unir esforos para tornar isso
nar-se com educar, no unicamente com atri- automutilao ou cuting; 41 sofrem de depresso; 10 realidade cotidianamente, sem perder o ritmo
buir uma nota, enquanto para a Supervisora esto vinculados aos Centros de Integrao Juvenil por nem o rumo.
da Zona 3 e responsvel por esta escola, toda problemas na rua ou delitos menores e 20 trabalham na O exemplo destas trs escolas em zonas
ao implementada deve ter um seguimento, Central de Abastos para sobreviver. de principal ateno expressa a necessidade de


contar com mecanismos sistemticos que nos Existe maneira melhor de desenvolver estrat- diretoras que, em igualdade de circunstncias,
permitam identificar boas prticas de avaliao gias de avaliao interna das escolas do que se apostaram na melhora educativa?
que estimulem a aprendizagem entre pares. apoiando na experincia de outros diretores e 1


Estratgia de superviso
e observao dos
D e acordo com o estabelecido no artigo
quinto transitrio da Lei Geral do Servio
Profissional Docente (), nos dias 12 e 13
30 entidades federativas (Oaxaca e Micho-
acn no participaram). Isso permitiu cap-
tar informaes nos momentos e horrios-
Concursos no Servio de julho de 2014 foram realizados os concursos
para ingresso ao Servio na educao bsica e
chave de incio e fim de cada uma das fases
de aplicao dos instrumentos.
Profissional Docente ensino mdio, estabelecido no Captulo III do
Ttulo Segundo da . De igual forma, em
b) Documentao de incidentes. Foram orga-
nizadas cinco zonas para o desenvolvimen-
2014 19 de julho de 2014 foram implementados e re- to desta atividade. Quatro delas incluram
alizados os concursos e os processos de avalia- entre sete e oito entidades, enquanto uma
o para a Promoo a Cargos com Funes de quinta se centrou especificamente em apli-
Este relato integral da estratgia Direo no Ensino Mdio. caes de avaliao complementar e lngua
de superviso e observao dos Depois disso, com base no disposto nas indgena. Em cada zona, um funcionrio de
Concursos no Sevicio Profissional diretrizes e critrios tcnicos emitidos pelo In- alto nvel do Instituto foi nomeado como
stituto Nacional para a Avaliao da Educao supervisor responsvel, o qual, atravs de
Docente 2014 proporciona, alm (, em sua sigla em espanhol), a Secretaria uma comunicao via WhatsApp, mensa-
de um panorama detalhado de Educao Pblica () continuou com a gens de texto e ligaes telefnicas, foi o
caractersticas do dispositivo, fase de captao, anlise e qualificao dos in- intermedirio entre a sede central do inee
processo de coordenao e strumentos de avaliao, e, no ms de agosto e os Supervisores de Centros de Monitora-
certificao, avaliao internacional de 2014, publicou os resultados nacionais e os mento Estaduais e os Supervisores de Sede.
relatrios individualizados de todos os candi- Com isso foi possvel gerar Redes Estaduais
e etapas de verificao , um balano datos que participaram no processo de aval- e Regionais para o rpido e efetivo relatrio
autocrtico e recomendaes de iao tanto de Ingresso ao Servio quanto de dos incidentes relevantes, o que facilitou
melhora. Promoo a Cargos com Funes de Direo o seguimento e o atendimento correspon-
em Ensino Mdio para o ano letivo 2014-2015. dentes. Esta vertente de trabalho se alimen-
Finalmente, a partir de agosto do mesmo tou tambm da informao fornecida pelo
ano e at o ms de maio de 2015, as autori- vnculo entre o e o Centro Nacional de
dades educativas e os organismos descentral- Monitoramento da Coordenao Nacional
izados preenchero, com apego estrito s lis- do Servio Profissional Docente ().
tas de classificao geradas pelo Concurso, a c) Comunicao Social. Teve como base o
totalidade dos novos cargos criados, das vagas monitoramento das noticias na mdia im-
definitivas disponveis e das que sejam criadas pressa ou eletrnica, assim como o segui-
durante o ano letivo 2014-2015, de origem es- mento das mensagens em redes sociais
tadual e federal, correspondentes a funes do- geradas durante a jornada de aplicao.
centes e tcnico-docentes (Artigo 13 da ). d) Centro Telefnico de Atendimento ao
A fim de favorecer a transparncia e legali- Cidado. Dvidas, inquietudes e denn-
dade dos Concursos, assim como de dar certeza cias do pblico sobre o desenvolvimento
e credibilidade aos mesmos, o Instituto, com do processo de aplicao foram registra-
base em suas atribuies em matria do Servio das. Cortes de informao alinhados aos
Profissional Docente (), deu incio, em coor- relatrios das outras reas de trabalho
denao com as autoridades educativas federais foram dispostos com a finalidade de con-
e estaduais, a uma estratgia de superviso e ob- trastar ou triangular a informao cor-
servao. respondente.Com isso, foi possvel: a) ter
presena institucional em todos os centros
Dispositivo de superviso de monitoramento estaduais, em distintas
Durante os dias de aplicao correspondentes, sedes de aplicao selecionadas de modo
o instalou um Centro de Monitoramento, aleatrio e na maioria dos atos pblicos
organizado de acordo com as seguintes reas de de atribuio de vagas; b) verificar o cum-
trabalho: primento da normatividade; c) supervisar
presencialmente os processos, e d) obter
a) Levantamento de relatrios. Desenvolveu- informao de primeira mo.
se uma estratgia de levantamento de in-
formao via telefnica a partir da aplicao Assim, durante as jornadas de aplicao
de formulrios breves a 30 supervisores do (calendarizadas1 e reprogramadas2) e nos atos
designados aos Centros Estaduais de pblicos de atribuio de vagas em Educao
Monitoramento da e a 90 supervisores Bsica e em Ensino Mdio, foram mobilizados
do inee designados s sedes de aplicao em 492 supervisores em total, com os quais o :

Gazeta da Poltica Nacional de Avaliao Educativa

- Cobriu o total de centros de monitoramen- Avaliao internacional material incompleto (resolvidos rapidamente);
to tanto em Educao Bsica (30) como em Entre os dias 12 e 19 de julho de 2014, um grupo outros no tocante distribuio de um caderno
Ensino Mdio (30)3. de observadores das Naes Unidas do Institu- inadequado nas provas de candidatos em en-
- Teve presena em 78 das 345 sedes da Edu- to Internacional de Planejamento da Educao sino distncia feito com recursos audiovisuais
cao Bsica (22.6%, 1 em cada 4 sedes). () da , com sede em Buenos Aires, (telesecundaria). Isto gerou, em alguns casos, a
- Teve presena em 97 das 689 sedes de En- Argentina, visitou 20 entidades federativas e re- necessidade de repetir a prova.10
sino Mdio (14%, 1 em cada 7 sedes). copilou informao para uma avaliao externa Tambm foram detectados alguns erros
- Cobriu 52 das 88 sedes (59.1%) considera- da estratgia de avaliao para ingresso ao Ser- na preparao do material para docentes ind-
das nas aplicaes reprogramadas4. vio Profissional Docente em educao bsica e genas, o que representou pequenas demoras,
- Mobilizou, para os atos pblicos de atri- ensino mdio para o ano letivo 2014-2015. Gra- especialmente para as sedes com um maior
buio de vagas, um total de 52 Super- as a isso, o Instituto pde contar com: a) uma nmero de participantes.
visores com os quais se cobriu a maioria opinio tcnica sobre a elaborao do processo No Ensino Mdio houve atrasos devido a
dos eventos tanto para Educao Bsica de avaliao de ingresso e promoo e b) um problemas para inserir as senhas nas redes cor-
como para Ensino Mdio. Assim, das 31 monitoramento externo da implementao do respondentes e, em menor proporo, devido
entidades que ofereceram vagas em con- processo de avaliao de ingresso e promoo. reprogramao da aplicao.11
curso na Educao Bsica, 25 delas (80.6%)5 Para o desenvolvimento desta avaliao ex-
foram preenchidas, e das 27 entidades que terna, foram consideradas sete entidades-sede7 Comparecimento do pessoal
ofereceram vagas no Ensino Mdio por nas quais foram realizadas entrevistas e obser- designado para a aplicao
meio de concurso, um supervisor cobriu vaes de situaes de aplicao de instrumen- O comparecimento do pessoal na fase de apli-
pelo menos um evento em 24 entidades tos (provas) e 13 entidades vizinhas s sedes,8 cao foi alto, em geral. Nas jornadas dos dias
(88.9%)6. nas quais foram feitas somente entrevistas.9 12, 13 e 19 de julho, compareceram o coorde-
nador de sede, o coordenador da aplicao, os
Coordenao e certificao de observadores Descrio dos processos de verificao aplicadores, os supervisores do , as autori-
Alm disso, o Instituto certificou 37 organiza- normativa dades educativas, os observadores nacionais e,
es no governamentais, organizaes da Os Concursos aconteceram sem maiores con- em algumas entidades, os observadores inter-
sociedade civil e de pais, assim como de uni- tratempos em 30 das 32 entidades planejadas nacionais.
versidades pblicas. Com isso, foi possvel: a) nos dias 12, 13 e 19 de julho. As provas em Mi- Embora tenha sido notvel o compareci-
que a sociedade civil fosse representada em choacn e Oaxaca se reprogramaram em sedes mento de observadores certificados pelo Insti-
um processo de alto interesse nacional, b) que do Distrito Federal: de 28 de julho a 1 de agosto
a presena de observadores dissuadisse alguns (educao bsica) e de 29 a 31 de julho (ensino
atores de incorrer em irregularidades durante mdio).
os processos, e c) que a informao obtida Durante os concursos foram identificados
apoiasse o processo de superviso do e imprevistos menores que no puseram em ris-
aumentasse a objetividade e transparncia do co sua validez. Aqui so descritas brevemente
processo. as situaes que foram objeto da superviso
Em resumo, um total de 1.698 observadores presencial do Instituto: abertura de sedes; en-
participou das jornadas de aplicao em educa- trega de materiais; comparecimento do pessoal
o bsica e ensino mdio (1.150 e 548, respec- designado para a aplicao; incio e trmino das
tivamente). Destacam-se as seguintes cifras: jornadas de aplicao; resguardo de materiais e
atribuio de vagas conforme as listas de clas-
- Nas aplicaes de Educao Bsica, 9 em sificao.
cada 10 Sedes foram cobertas: 333 de 345.
- No Ensino Mdio, foi registrada presena Abertura de sedes
em quase 50% das sedes: 296 de 689. Embora tenham sido registradas mudanas
de sede de ltima hora em algumas entidades
Deve-se destacar que, com a inteno de federativas por razes logsticas e operativas,
orientar as atividades de supervisores e obser- em geral foram suficientes, de fcil acesso e
vadores, o Instituto elaborou um guia no qual com a infraestrutura e equipamento estabelec-
so descritos os propsitos, a metodologia, os idos. Cabe destacar que em todas cumpriu-se
alcances de suas responsabilidades, as funes o regulamento indicado de uma sala para
e as atividades de cada um durante as fases do cada 30 candidatos, alm de disporem das
concurso; tambm foi elaborado um formulrio condies de segurana estabelecidas pelo re-
que serviu de base para a superviso e a obser- spectivo protocolo.
vao e permitiu a emisso dos relatrios cor- Em geral, a abertura das sedes foi feita den-
respondentes. tro do esperado, apesar de alguns atrasos por
A seguir se apresenta um resumo das prin- problemas menores e questes de logstica.
cipais fortalezas e elementos a serem aper-
feioados (associados s reas de verificao Entrega de materiais
normativa) que derivam da estratgia de super- Em termos gerais, os materiais (cadernos de apli-
viso e observao descrita. cao e folhas de resposta) foram suficientes e
adequados para cobrir as necessidades previstas
de aplicao. Na Educao Bsica foram obser-
vados alguns problemas como a distribuio de


atribudo um supervisor pela rapidez com que

tuto, em alguns casos este se reduziu conforme fortalecer estas operaes. Entre outras, con- a agenda foi recebida, enquanto em Oaxaca ne-
passavam as horas, por questes alheias ao vm mencionar as seguintes: nhum supervisor foi atribudo por questes de
projeto original da operao, como a mudan- Prever com maior antecedncia as aes a segurana.
a de sedes sem aviso prvio, ou a decises serem instrumentadas, para ter tempos de 6 As entidades s quais no se compareceu foram:
prprias dos observadores. acordo com o desenvolvimento das tarefas. Aguascalientes, Baja California e Coahuila, isso
Evitar, dentro do possvel, as mudanas de devido rapidez com que a agenda foi recebida.
Incio e trmino das jornadas de aplicao ltima hora na definio das sedes de apli- 7 Novo Len, Sonora, Jalisco, Puebla, Zacatecas,
Em geral, o incio e trmino das jornadas de cao e informar oportunamente aos can- Yucatn e Distrito Federal.
aplicao aconteceram dentro do esperado. didatos. 8 Tamaulipas, Coahuila, Baja California Sur, Mi-
No obstante, algumas sedes iniciaram e ter- Fortalecer a elaborao, a superviso da choacn, Colima, Hidalgo, Veracruz, Aguas-
minaram depois do previsto. Por exemplo, em produo e a distribuio dos materiais de calientes, San Luis Potos, Campeche, Tabasco,
Ensino Mdio, em algumas sedes no foi pos- aplicao em termos de segurana, per- Estado de Mxico e Quertaro.
9 Foram observadas 42 situaes de aplicao
svel comear a tempo a prova online devido a tinncia, congruncia, disponibilidade e
de exame e foram realizadas 80 entrevistas, das
problemas para inserir as senhas e saturao suficincia.
quais 53 foram com Funcionrios das Secretar-
dos servidores. Isso representou, em alguns Rever a durao dos perodos de aplicao,
ias de Educao das entidades, 22 Represent-
casos, atrasos de at 90 minutos e em outros especialmente no que se refere populao antes sindicais nos estados, 2 cargos tcnicos e 3
(em menor proporo), a reprogramao da indgena. funcionrios do .
aplicao. Garantir condies adequadas de aplica- 10 A saber: a) 23 de julho (Telesecundaria Opo
o, disponibilidade de equipamento e soft- D).
Resguardo de materiais ware para as aplicaes online. 11 A saber: 20 de julho (aplicao online em En-
Em muito poucos casos, devido distncia Emitir editais com informao relevante: sino Mdio)
entre a sede e o centro de monitoramento, o fases de aplicao, requisitos para a atri- 12 Este Instituto teve conhecimento da realizao
traslado teve que se adiado para o dia seguinte. buio de vagas e critrios de contratao. de um segundo evento complementar de atri-
Em todos os casos o traslado foi feito e a inte- Fortalecer a coordenao interinstitucional buio de vagas de ensino mdio no dia 28 de
gridade dos materiais foi garantida. a nvel federal e com as entidades federati- agosto do ano em curso, para resolver alguns
Atribuio de vagas conforme as listas de vas para consolidar as operaes de aplica- problemas como indicado anteriormente.
classificao o e os mecanismos de resposta imediata. 13 No concurso 2014 do SPD, 193.619 candida-
Os atos pblicos de atribuio de vagas Melhorar o planejamento para a certifica- tos participaram e 4.415 vagas foram convoca-
transcorreram, em geral, conforme o disposto e o e atribuio de observadores nas sedes das (educao bsica e ensino mdio); 132.324
sem grandes complicaes, exceto pelo fato de de aplicao. horas (educao bsica e ensino mdio) e 445
que alguns candidatos que resultaram idneos Fortalecer os processos de superviso do cargos de Direo para ensino mdio. Em edu-
no foram devida e plenamente notificados para articular melhor sua funo de cao bsica, a taxa de comparecimento dos
para garantir seu comparecimento. Isto porque observao com capacidade resolutria, candidatos registrados foi de 87.0%, enquanto
muitos deles no cumpriam com os requisitos em coordenao com a autoridade educa- em ensino mdio foi de 80.4% (SNRSPD, 2014).
acadmicos, e a informao no foi suficiente- tiva. 14 Para o caso do problema detectado em telese-
mente clara e pertinente. Para resolver este im- Revisar as diretrizes gerais e especficas cundaria, a populao afetada foi de menos de
1%, mesma que foi atendida com a reprograma-
passe, foi realizado um segundo ato pblico de para adequ-las ou fortalec-las em funo
o da aplicao. No caso do problema do exame
atribuio de vagas12 ao qual foram convocados dos tempos, dos requerimentos legais e das
online em ensino mdio, a populao afetada foi
todos os candidatos faltantes para informar- condies reais das entidades federativas.
menor a 1.9%, e esta foi atendida satisfatoria-
lhes com detalhes a situao das vagas dis- Revisar e melhorar os instrumentos de
mente com a respectiva reprogramao.
ponveis e os requisitos para a contratao. avaliao a partir da anlise e da validao
Alguns problemas permaneceram porque tcnica.
no havia suficientes vagas livres ou porque a
adscrio geogrfica no convinha a alguns dos
candidatos. 1 Os dias 12 e 13 de julho para educao bsica e
o dia 19 de julho para ensino mdio.
Balano e recomendaes 2 A saber: a) 23 de julho (Telesecundaria Opo
A escala da operao de aplicao e a quan- D), b) 28 de julho a 1 de agosto (educao bsi-
tidade de recursos mobilizados em todo o pas ca em Michoacn e Oaxaca), c) 20 de julho (apli-
para seu adequado desenvolvimento13 alm cao online em ensino mdio), d) 29 a 31 de
de considerar o marco normativo e a expecta- julho (ensino mdio em Michoacn e Oaxaca).
tiva gerada pela Reforma Educativa, justifi- 3 Em Oaxaca e Michoacn no foram instalados
cam plenamente o desenvolvimento das jorna- centros de monitoramento estaduais nos dias
das de aplicao, o processo de qualificao e a 12, 13 e 19 de julho, pois os concursos foram
conformao das listas de classificao, assim
4 Reaplicao de exame de Telesecundaria (todas
como o mecanismo de atribuio de vagas. Em-
as 16 sedes), reprogramao de Michoacn e
bora tenha havido problemas, foram menores,
Oaxaca em Educao Bsica (12 de 32 sedes),
normais em operaes desta natureza, e foram reaplicao online em ensino mdio (12 de 17
resolvidos de maneira adequada sem afetar a sedes) e reprogramao de Michoacn e Oaxaca
transparncia, objetividade, imparcialidade e em ensino mdio (12 de 17 sedes).
equidade do processo.14 5 As entidades s quais no se compareceu foram:
No entanto, isso no significa que no exis- Aguascalientes, Chiapas, Michoacn, Nayarit,
tam reas de oportunidade para melhorar e Oaxaca e Tabasco. Em cinco delas, no foi

Gazeta da Poltica Nacional de Avaliao Educativa


A avaliao de ingresso Docente em Educao Bsica e Ensino Mdio as aes orientadas a sua implementao
ao Sistema Profissional no Mxico para o ano letivo 2014-2015 con-
stitui um marco importante na Reforma Edu-
se encontram dentro da legalidade. Neste
caso, tomou-se como referncia especfica
Docente do Mxico: entre cativa implementada neste pas. O Instituto
Internacional de Planejamento da Educao,
a Constituio Poltica dos Estados Unidos
Mexicanos (), a Lei Geral do Servio
a clareza tcnica e a Cincia e Cultura (-, em sua sigla Profissional Docente () e a Lei do In-

complexidade poltica em espanhol), Buenos Aires, no contexto de

um acordo de colaborao com o Instituto Na-
stituto Nacional para a Avaliao da Educa-
o (, em sua sigla em espanhol).
cional para a Avaliao da Educao (, em c) Adequao do projeto aos princpios do
sua sigla em espanhol), realizou uma avaliao , j que estabelece que um referente
internacional externa desse processo, centrada central das avaliaes realizadas por esta
em emitir uma opinio tcnica e valorativa so- instituio ou daquelas que se executem
bre sua elaborao e implementao. sob suas diretrizes o disposto no Artigo
Toda avaliao supe um processo 3 da Constituio citada, que proclama
sistemtico de produo de conhecimento so- o direito dos cidados a uma educao
bre o objeto estudado, fundado em um marco de qualidade e a responsabilidade do Es-
de referncia e na busca de evidncia emprica tado de garanti-la. Alm disso, o Instituto
que permita fundamentar os juzos de valor que definiu cinco princpios que devem reger
sejam emitidos. Dado que esse processo est as avaliaes educativas: a) seu propsito
orientado pelas condies e requisitos prpri- melhorar a qualidade e a equidade educati-
os de uma pesquisa, este tipo de avaliaes vas; b) todas devem ser oportunidades para
designado como pesquisas avaliativas. Nessa avaliar a equidade da proviso de insumos,
denominao se acentua o propsito particu- da conduo do processo educativo e dos
lar destas pesquisas, que no s explicar um resultados; c) a avaliao s deve orientar
fenmeno, mas tambm emitir um juzo de as decises cujos resultados derivem em
valor baseado em evidncias. justia; d) o reconhecimento, valorizao e
Em uma avaliao necessrio explicar os ateno diversidade, e e) a participao.
critrios que constituem o marco de referncia
e que sustentaro os juzos de valor que sero As atividades desenvolvidas se centraram
emitidos. Neste caso, o - Buenos na anlise documental qual se somou o tra-
Aires recorreu a trs critrios principais: balho de campo. Para ambos se definiram trs
dimenses, apresentadas na tabela 1.
Como se observou, fora do Mxico, a) Adequao do projeto aos propsitos do O trabalho de campo se props a relevar
o primeiro Concurso do Servio processo de avaliao dos candidatos a en- informao para conhecer o processo de elabo-
trar na carreira docente. rao da estratgia de avaliao dos candidatos,
Profissional Docente (SPD, em sua
b) Adequao s normas vigentes, ou seja, e analisar e avaliar a implementao da pri-
sigla em espanhol)? Este artigo em que medida o projeto da avaliao e meira fase (publicao e divulgao do edital,
descreve aspectos bsicos da
elaborao e desenvolvimento da
avaliao de ingresso e promoo Tabela 1: Dimenses e variveis de estudo segundo objetivos
ao SPD em educao bsica e Variveis
ensino mdio no Mxico do ponto Dimenses
Objetivo 1. Avaliao da elaborao do Objetivo 2. Avaliao da
de vista do Instituto Internacional processo implementao do processo
de Planejamento da Educao da Relaes institucionais contempladas na
UNESCO, em Buenos Aires. elaborao do processo de avaliao para o Relaes institucionais que se do ao
Poltica ingresso ao Servio Profissional Docente (SPD, em longo das diferentes fases do concurso.
M P institucional sua sigla em espanhol). Caractersticas das relaes institucionais.
Diretora do - Buenos Aires Relaes polticas e institucionais que se desenvolveram no processo de elaborao.

L F Grau de adequao ao projeto de cada uma

Pertinncia de cada uma das fases e aes das instncias do processo do concurso.
elaboradas para a avaliao.
Tcnica Pertinncia e solvncia na produo de
Ordem e articulao entre fases e aes.
respostas a situaes no contempladas
ou previstas.
Coordenador de Projetos de Educao e
Equidade do - Buenos Aires Condies de viabilidade dos passos que a
Condies materiais. Logstica proposta contempla, tanto para a produo dos
Condies organizacionais presentes em
organizacional instrumentos a serem utilizados na operao de
cada uma das fases mencionadas.

S em dvida, o processo de avaliao de in- avaliao como para sua aplicao nas datas
gresso e promoo ao Servio Profissional correspondentes.


inscrio prvia, recepo e reviso da docu- correspondentes e contemplando as diretrizes de aes. Por isso, um ponto importante iden-
mentao entregue) e da segunda fase (aplica- e princpios gerais definidos pelo . tificar e comunicar as diferenas e os pontos de
o do instrumento de avaliao) do concurso, Outro ponto que merece destaque o re- inflexo para evitar continuidades que possam
assim como a conhecer as estratgias previstas conhecimento e as expectativas entre os ent- atentar contra a identidade deste novo esquema
para a implementao da terceira fase (atri- revistados. Embora tenham sido identificadas de avaliao.
buio de notas, conformao de listas de clas- crticas e observaes, estas se enquadram em Por ltimo, fez-se visvel a ausncia de ob-
sificao e provimento de cargos). Ademais, um dilogo marcado pela aprovao geral e o servadores provenientes de organizaes de
foram feitas observaes in situ do processo de reconhecimento da tarefa empreendida pelo pais. A informao coletada permite esboar
aplicao do instrumento de avaliao. Instituto e a Coordenao Nacional do . duas hipteses. A primeira se vincularia a um
Foram analisadas mais de 35 fontes docu- Em relao ao , se ressalta funda- problema de comunicao, devido ao qual es-
mentais, desde decretos, leis, diretrizes e pro- mentalmente sua nova intencionalidade e a tas organizaes cuja articulao com a rede
gramas, a documentos tcnicos. O trabalho de legitimidade dada pelo novo marco normativo de instituies prprias do campo educativo
campo vinculado ao monitoramento da fase que a sustenta, assim como o reconhecimento mais fraca no foram informadas da pos-
de aplicao do processo de avaliao do daqueles que hoje lideram este rgo. A valo- sibilidade de promover a participao de seus
se desenvolveu, tal como estava programado, rao positiva por parte dos atores se estende membros como observadores. A segunda, mais
entre 12 e 19 de julho de 2014 em 20 unidades ao fato de que, por meio desta operao, o pro- presente nas entrevistas, mostra que os requisi-
federativas do Mxico, nas quais foram realiza- cesso de seleo de professores no incio da tos que uma organizao deve cumprir para ser
das 80 entrevistas com funcionrios das Secre- carreira profissional se consolida, assim como o parte da rede de observadores so muito altos,
tarias de Educao, representantes de grmios conjunto da Reforma Educativa em geral. o que deixa de fora as organizaes de pais, cuja
e funcionrios do . Alm disso, foram ob- institucionalidade mais precria.
servadas 42 situaes de provas em educao Tenses e recentralizao Este ponto deveria ser revisto para pro-
bsica e ensino mdio e de outras provas apli- No trabalho de campo foi identificado um mover a igualdade de oportunidades dos dife-
cadas nas datas mencionadas. conjunto de tenses acerca da elaborao e rentes atores da sociedade, a fim de que possam
implementao da operao de avaliao para somar-se funo de observadores, aspecto
Descobertas e valoraes do processo ingresso ao que merece ser destacado, es- que promovido desde os prprios princpios
Independentemente dos aspectos a serem re- pecialmente porque nos convida a revisar as- do em termos de participao, equidade e
vistos ou das sugestes que podem ser feitas pectos especficos da avaliao dos candidatos. a promoo da diversidade.
para eventuais melhorias, cabe destacar que o A primeira delas a tenso entre central-
conjunto do processo de avaliao de docentes ismo e federalismo. A avaliao e, em geral, a Concluso
pode ser valorado como bem-sucedido. Subja- Reforma Educativa na qual esta se enquadra es- No cabe dvida de que a deciso de imple-
zem a esta afirmao alguns pontos que podem to atravessadas por uma redefinio da diviso mentar critrios e procedimentos que pos-
ser destacados tanto na elaborao quanto na de responsabilidades e reas de incumbncia sibilitem o desenvolvimento de processos de
implementao. entre o Estado Federal e as unidades federati- ingresso e promoo ao justos e transpar-
Em relao elaborao, esta se adequa aos vas. possvel apreciar nos fatos um processo entes uma condio necessria para fazer com
objetivos da avaliao dos candidatos a entrar de recentralizao, no qual os funcionrios dos que a qualidade da educao melhore. Porm,
no Servio Profissional Docente e mostra uma estados veem seu espao de participao na to- ao mesmo tempo, um grande desafio poltico se
grande coerncia interna. Embora se reconhea mada de decises enfraquecido e afirmam que constitui quando esses novos critrios preten-
que sumamente complexa em sua concepo, sua atuao se restringe implementao de dem mudar as prticas pr-existentes viciadas
a valorao feita desta fase de que esta re- aes determinadas pelo Estado. de arbitrariedade e clientelismo, somando uma
sponde complexidade prpria do processo de Defende-se, por um lado, uma leitura crti- complexidade extrema iniciativa.
avaliao que se prope realizar. ca, na qual se destaca um mal-estar pela perda O sucesso na aplicao e a legitimidade
Quanto implementao, cabe destacar de atribuies no processo geral e, por outro, alcanados na comunidade educativa pode-
que foi executada de modo fiel ao projeto. Espe- o reconhecimento da pertinncia deste pro- riam ser interpretados como a expresso de
cificamente, as aes se ajustaram s diretrizes cesso de recentralizao, em vista do contexto uma deciso assumida plenamente pelo Estado
redigidas pelo para este fim, dando assim poltico em torno Reforma. Em todo caso, fica mexicano e transformada em realidade pela ca-
plena legitimidade operao. Vale mencionar registrado o alerta para evitar que uma deciso pacidade que o pas tem de mobilizar recursos,
que as decises tomadas a modo de improviso, tomada e legitimada no marco de uma conjun- tanto humanos quanto financeiros e logsticos.
a partir de situaes no previstas no projeto, tura poltica especfica se consolide como um As tenses identificadas poderiam ser decodi-
foram abordadas pelo menos nos casos ob- aspecto estrutural que transcenda o contexto e ficadas como a expresso do dif cil equilbrio
servados atravs da realizao das consultas se projete em direo ao futuro, independente- poltico que uma iniciativa como esta requer na
mente do cenrio poltico que se consolide. conjuntura em que se inscreve esta ambiciosa
Uma segunda tenso resulta da quase in- Reforma.
evitvel comparao entre esta avaliao e a A avaliao externa realizada pelo -
que vinha sendo aplicada h seis anos. De fato, Buenos Aires buscou colaborar para
no a primeira vez que se aplica no Mxico que seja possvel vencer este grande desafio, ofe-
uma prova para a entrada carreira docente. recendo outra viso do processo que se inicia no
No marco da Aliana pela Qualidade da Edu- Mxico, com o convencimento de que este o
cao (2008), foi aplicada uma prova orientada comeo de uma reforma que significar no s
seleo de professores para o acesso a vagas um benefcio para as novas geraes de mexica-
disponveis. Este fato representava um ante- nos, mas tambm uma grande contribuio para
cedente muito valioso para aqueles que tiveram o debate educativo na regio.
a responsabilidade de implement-lo, porque
lhes permitiu acumular experincia neste tipo

Gazeta da Poltica Nacional de Avaliao Educativa


Sylvia Irene Schmelkes del Valle Gilberto Ramn Guevara Niebla Jorge Cruz Bermdez
Sociloga com mestrado em Pesquisa Educa- Graduado em Biologia com mestrado em Cin- Graduado em Direito com especialidade em
tiva. Pesquisadora da educao desde 1970. cias. Doutor Honoris Causa pela Universidade Administrao Pblica. Foi o responsvel pelo
Foi diretora acadmica do Centro de Estudos Autnoma de Coahuila e pela Universidade despacho da Subsecretaria de Educao Bsica
Educativos; pesquisadora do Centro de Pes- Veracruzana. Foi diretor de Cincias Sociais da de Puebla; assessor legislativo do ; acadmi-
quisa Mexicano (Cinvestav, em sua sigla em Universidade Autnoma Metropolitana (); co da Academia Mexicana de Direito Interna-
espanhol); assessora do secretrio de Educa- subsecretrio de Educao Bsica da ; co- cional; secretrio geral da Academia Nacional
o Pblica; presidente da Junta de Governo ordenador de Pesquisas Educativas da Funda- de Histria e Geografia, e presidente eleito da
do Centro de Pesquisa e Inovao Educativas o Nexos; assessor do secretrio de Educao Legio de Honra Nacional do Mxico. Des-
da Organizao para a Cooperao e o Desen- Pblica; diretor do Instituto Mexicano de Pes- empenhou diversos cargos na Escola Nacional
volvimento (, em sua sigla em espanhol); quisas Educativas, da revista Educacin 2001 e de Ensino Mdio (, em sua sigla em espan-
coordenadora geral de Educao Intercultural do Centro de Pesquisa Educativa e Atualizao hol). Como subsecretrio de Ensino Mdio de
e Bilngue da Secretaria de Educao Pblica de Professores. Autor de numerosas publica- Puebla, fez com que o estado ficasse em 1o lugar
() e diretora do Instituto de Pesquisas para o es nacionais e internacionais. nacional e melhorasse seu rendimento na Aval-
Desenvolvimento da Educao. Publicou mais iao Nacional de xito Acadmico em Centros
de 150 trabalhos. Recebeu o prmio Mara La- Margarita Mara Zorrilla Fierro Escolares (, em sua sigla em espanhol).
valle Urbina e a medalha Jan Amos Comenius. Graduada em Cincias da Educao com mes-
trado em Pesquisa Educativa e doutorado em Toms Munive Osorno
Eduardo Backhoff Escudero Educao. Atua na rea educativa h 40 anos. Mestre normalista com especialidade em
Graduado em Psicologia e doutor em Educa- Foi docente; pesquisadora de avaliao educa- Matemtica e doutor em Pedagogia. Professor e
o. Membro do Sistema Nacional de Pesquisa- tiva; diretora de Desenvolvimento Educativo diretivo de ensino fundamental, catedrtico uni-
dores. Atuou como professor de Psicologia e no Instituto de Educao de Aguascalientes; di- versitrio. Foi diretor fundador da Escola Nor-
diretor do Instituto de Pesquisa e Desenvolvi- retora de Formao e Capacitao na Unidade mal Superior de Tlaxcala e do departamento de
mento Educativo da Universidade Autnoma de Desenvolvimento Educativo nos Estados, da Educao Especial da Universidade Autnoma
de Baja California (). J ministrou mais de Subsecretaria de Planejamento e Coordenao de Tlaxcala. Foi Presidente Municipal e Secre-
70 cursos de graduao e ps-graduao, publi- da , e diretora geral do Instituto Nacional trio de Educao Pblica do mesmo estado du-
cou cerca de 75 artigos, e autor de 14 livros. para a Avaliao da Educao (, em sua rante as administraes de Tulio Hernndez G-
Revisor de projetos do Conacyt e membro de sigla em espanhol). Autora de numerosas pub- mez, Beatriz Paredes Rangel e, atualmente, com
comits editoriais de cinco revistas cientficas. licaes nacionais e internacionais sobre edu- Mariano Gonzlez Zarur. Alm disso, preside a
Coautor das avaliaes Exame de Habilidades cao. Fundao Cacaxtla.
e Conhecimentos Bsicos (Exhcoba), Exame
de Colocao em Matemtica (Exumat, em sua Emilio Chuayffet Chemor Luis Ignacio Snchez Gmez
sigla em espanhol) e Exame de Competncias Graduado em Direito. Foi catedrtico, pes- Graduado e mestre em Sociologia, doutor em
Bsicas (Excoba), e responsvel pelo desen- quisador e conselheiro suplente da Universi- Comunicao e Sociologia. Foi diretor geral
volvimento do Exame para a Qualidade e o dade Nacional Autnoma do Mxico. Foi pro- do Fideicomisso para o Resgate Ecolgico do
xito Educativo (Excale, em sua sigla em espan- curador federal do consumidor; delegado do Zoolgico de Chapultepec; assessor do chefe de
hol). Foi assessor do 2012 e 2013. Departamento do Distrito Federal; prefeito de Governo; diretor geral do Instituto Mexicano
Toluca; vice-presidente do Instituto de Admin- da Juventude (Imjuve); diretor do Programa de
Teresa Bracho Gonzlez istrao Pblica, secretrio de Educao, Cul- Capacitao de Responsveis de Polticas de Ju-
Doutora em Cincias Sociais com especialidade tura e Bem-estar Social, secretrio de governo ventude na Amrica Central e presidente da Or-
em Sociologia. Membro do Sistema Nacional e governador do Estado do Mxico; presidente ganizao Ibero-americana da Juventude ();
de Pesquisadores, da Academia Mexicana de do Conselho Geral do Instituto Federal Eleito- presidente do Centro Latino-americano do Ca-
Cincias do Conselho Assessor da Fundao ral (); secretrio de governao da Repbli- ribe da Juventude e representante do Governo
Equitas do Chile. Presidiu o Conselho Mexi- ca; secretrio tcnico do Conselho Poltico Na- Mexicano em fruns internacionais. Autor de
cano de Pesquisa Educativa. Foi pesquisadora cional do Partido Revolucionrio Institucional publicaes relacionadas a temas sociais e polti-
do Centro de Pesquisa e Docncia Econmicas () e deputado federal, entre outros. cos. Ministrou diversas ctedras na .
(, em sua sigla em espanhol) e do Centro
de Estudos Latinoamericanos de Harvard. J Hctor Eduardo Vela Valenzuela Irma Hernndez Martnez
avaliou polticas educativas nacionais do Con- Engenheiro Industrial com mestrado em Professora de Ensino Fundamental I pela Ben-
selho Nacional de Fomento Educativo (Conafe), Administrao Pblica. J atuou profission- emrita e Centenria Escola Normal de San
Programa Nacional de Bolsas para o Ensino Su- almente nas reas de educao, cincia e tec- Luis Potos. Graduada em pedagogia para o
perior (Pronabes), Conselho Nacional de Cin- nologia, desenvolvimento econmico, obras Ensino Fundamental II com especialidade em
cia e Tecnologia (Conacyt em sua sigla em es- pblicas e meio ambiente. Destacou-se por seu Matemtica, mestra em Ensino Mdio pela Es-
panhol), Conselho Nacional para a Cultura e as desempenho na Administrao Pblica Federal cola de Graduados de Nuevo Len e em Edu-
Artes (Conaculta), , Instituto Nacional para e Estadual e no Poder Legislativo. Foi coorde- cao pelo Instituto Tecnolgico de Monterrey.
a Educao de Adultos (), e do Programa nador estadual de Educao Tecnolgica, dire- Tem experincia como docente nos nveis edu-
Escolas de Qualidade. Autora de numerosas tor geral do Comit de Construo de Escolas e cativos de ensino fundamental, normal e ps-
publicaes nacionais e internacionais sobre subsecretrio de Servios Educativos da Secre- graduao. Atualmente trabalha como Coorde-
educao. taria de Educao de Durango, assim como se- nadora Estadual dos Conselhos Pedaggicos da
cretrio geral de governo e deputado do mesmo Secretaria de Educao do Governo do Estado
estado. de San Luis Potos.


Silvia Socorro Corts Torres Nstor Lpez Luis Castillo Montes

Professora de Ensino Fundamental I pela Es- Socilogo. Coordenador de projetos de Educa- Graduado em Comunicao, mestre em Gern-
cola Normal Experimental de Matehuala. o e Equidade do - Buenos Aires e cia Pblica e doutorando em Cincia Poltica e
Graduada em pedagogia para o Ensino Mdio do Sistema de Informao de Tendncias Edu- Governo. Especialista em planejamento insti-
com especialidade em Espanhol e estagiria de cativas na Amrica Latina (). Foi coor- tucional e avaliao de polticas e programas
mestrado em Cincias da Educao pelo Insti- denador de projetos na Argentina; con- governamentais. Especialista em formulao
tuto Pedaggico de Estudos de Ps-graduao sultor de organismos nacionais e internacionais de estratgias para o governo digital, consultor
de Celaya, Guanajuato. Supervisora de ensino em anlise de mercado de trabalho, condies para restruturao e inovao em gesto pbli-
fundamental II. Tem experincia como docente de vida e educao; docente na Universidade ca. Participou na reforma educativa de Aguas-
em ensino fundamental, normal e ps-gradua- de Buenos Aires, Universidade de Cuyo, Flacso calientes, no Programa Escolas de Qualidade,
o. Atualmente trabalha como Coordenadora Argentina e docente convidado na Universi- na reestruturao da e no Primeiro Censo
Geral de Avaliao e Seguimento da Secretaria dade Autnoma de Barcelona. Sua atividade se Nacional de Bases de Dados e Sistemas de In-
de Educao do Governo do Estado de San Luis centra no estudo da estrutura social na regio formao do Setor Educativo, entre outros.
Potos. latino-americana. Publicou diversos trabalhos
sobre dinmica social e educao. Miguel ngel de Jess Lpez Reyes
Margarita Poggi Graduado em Administrao de Empresas
Graduada em Educao. Diretora da Sede Re- Francisco Miranda Lpez com mestrado em Administrao Pblica
gional Buenos Aires do Instituto Internacional Doutor em Cincias Sociais e Prmio da Aca- do Trabalho. Atuou como diretor de rea da
de Planejamento da Educao (-). demia Mexicana de Cincias. Foi professor- Comisso Nacional de Segurana; diretor de
Foi professora de ps-graduao e mestrado pesquisador e coordenador acadmico na Fac- Planejamento e de Administrao e Finanas
em distintas universidades e consultora de or- uldade Latino-americana de Cincias Sociais; do Conselho Nacional de Fomento Educativo;
ganismos internacionais e nacionais. Coord- coordenador geral da Reforma de Ensino Fun- diretor geral do Registro Nacional de Popula-
enou equipes de pesquisa e foi responsvel por damental II; representante do Mxico na Unio o e Identificao Pessoal; coordenador de
projetos de formao. Atuou como Diretora Europeia na rea de educao para o Projeto Planejamento e Promoo do Conselho de
Nacional de Informao e Avaliao da Quali- Alfa-Tuning e consultor das Naes Unidas Normalizao e Certificao de Competn-
dade Educativa no Ministrio da Educao da para ensino mdio, poltica educativa e forma- cia Laboral; diretor geral de Planejamento e
Argentina. Autora de publicaes sobre avalia- o docente. Membro do Sistema Nacional de Programao no Distrito Federal e cnsul do
o educativa, formao de diretivos e institu- Pesquisadores. Publicou vrios textos de edu- Mxico em Los Angeles.
ies escolares. cao e poltica educativa.

Laura Fumagalli Jorge A. Hernndez Uralde

Graduada em Educao e professora de peda- Graduado em Psicologia com mestrado em
gogia para ensino fundamental I com mestrado Ensino Superior. Foi diretor geral do ensino
em Educao e Sociedade, doutora em Cin- mdio da Secretaria de Educao Pblica e se-
cias Sociais. Foi docente de ensino fundamen- cretrio tcnico da Comisso Nacional de En-
tal I, superior e ps-graduao; pesquisadora sino Mdio. No Centro Nacional para a Aval-
de educao na Faculdade Latino-americana iao do Ensino Superior, foi coordenador do
de Cincias Sociais (Flacso) Argentina e na Exame Nacional de Ingresso ao Ensino Mdio,
Direo de Pesquisa Educativa da Secretaria diretor geral adjunto de Programas Especiais e
de Educao de Buenos Aires. Trabalhou no dos Exames Gerais de Egresso da Graduao.
Ministrio da Educao da Argentina. coor- titular da Unidade de Avaliao do Sistema
denadora do - Buenos Aires em Educativo Nacional no .
programas de assistncia tcnica, formao e
pesquisa avaliativa, desenvolvimentos no Bra- Agustn Caso Raphael
sil, Equador, Chile, Mxico e Uruguai. Graduado em Economia e mestre em Artes.
Foi docente no Instituto Tecnolgico Autno-
mo do Mxico () e na Universidade
Iberoamericana. Recebeu o Prmio Nacional
de Economia e seu trabalho foi publicado pela
Editorial Limusa. Por mais de 35 anos atuou na
administrao pblica nacional e internacio-
nal. Colaborou com o Banco Interamericano
de Desenvolvimento e ocupou cargos diretivos
no Banco Nacional do Mxico, Petrleos Mexi-
canos, Instituto de Ao Urbana e Integrao
Social, Companhia Nacional de Subsistncias
Populares (Conasupo) e nas secretarias de En-
ergia, Governao e Fazenda e Crdito Pblico.
Gazeta da Poltica Nacional de Avaliao Educativa

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