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What does F.a.s.t.r.
What does Remember what
characterization character traits are?

mean? Active
Characterization is when an Brave
author shows a characters Patient
personality by how the Responsible
character looks, acts, talks, and
interacts with other characters. Trustworthy
Feelings Text Evidence
Lines from the story
Cite 2-3 pieces of evidence from the text
that show important character traits
expressed through what he/she feels.
actions Text Evidence
Lines from the story
Cite 2-3 pieces of evidence from the text
that show important character traits
expressed through what he/she does.
sayings Text Evidence
Lines from the story
Cite 2-3 pieces of evidence from the text
that show important character traits
expressed through what he/she says.
thoughts Text Evidence
Lines from the story
Cite 2-3 pieces of evidence from the text
that show important character traits
expressed through what he/she thinks.
Text Evidence
Lines from the story
Cite 2-3 pieces of evidence from the text
that show important character traits
expressed through how he/she relates to
other characters in the story.
Include analysis questions:
What is the purpose of the story?
The point of view used in the story enables the
reader to...
The main problem presented in the story is...

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