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Lesson plan

Teacher: Amirei Diana Maria

School: coala Gimnazial General Nicoale ova Poduri

Grade: III B

Unit: 1. Hello!

Topic: Greeting and introducing each other

Type of lesson: introductory lesson

Skills: listening, speaking, reading

Methods: conversation, drills, games

Classroom interaction: individual work, pair-work, whole-class

Teaching aids: textbook, blackboard, chalk, pictures, video, audio

Students book: Fairyland 3A

Time: 45 minutes


- Ps introduce themselves to the teacher and to eachother

- Ps respond to a listening input by giving the necessary answer

- Ps spell out their names using the English alphabet

- Ps respond to a listening input by repeating sentences from a given dialogue

Stages of the lesson

1. Lead-in

An activity whereby the T and the Ss greet and introduce each other

Time: 2

Interaction: T-Ps, Ps-T

Objectives: Ps answer the Ts question Whats your name and introduce themselves by
saying Im

Procedure: T welcomes the class by saying Hello! and introduces herself (T: Hello! Im
Miss Amirei Diana).

(T already knows the Ps but she will want to refresh her memory regarding their names)

T will then encourage Ps to greet her back (T: Hello! Im miss Amirei. Whats your name? P:

2. Presentation and practice

An activity to present the theme of the unit

Time: 5

Interaction: T-Ps, Ps-T

Materials: Fairyland poster, cut-outs of the characters of the book

Objectives: Ps practice the names of the characters of the book

Procedure: T puts the Fairyland poster on the BB and points to each character and says their
names. Ps repeat the names after the T. This could be done several times. T may also want to
say a few distinctive descriptors of each character making sure she point to the characters as
she does this. (T may also want to have characters cutouts (from Activity Book) and use them
to describe the characters. T may point to all the characters and ask Ps to tell their names.

3. Pre-listening

An activity to set the scene for the following listening exercise

Time: 5

Interaction: T-Ps, Ps-T

Materials: Pupils Books

Objectives: Ps recognise the characters of their textbooks

Procedure: T writes a big 4 on the BB and asks the Ps to open their books at page 4. T reads
the title of the unit and Ps repeat after her. T then reads the instructions and goes through the
pictures of the dialogue and sets the scene by asking questions (T: (pointing to Harry in
picture 1) Look! Its Harry. (pointing to Mona) Whos this? Ps:Mona). T then writes on the
BB: This is Erlina.

4. While-listening

An activity to develop the Ps listening skills

Time: 3

Interaction: T-Ps, Ps-T

Materials: Pupils Books

Objectives: Ps give the response after a listening input

Procedure: T asks Ps to listen to the dialogue and say which picture the sentence on the BB
was taken from. T plays the recording. Ps listen and follow along and complete the task.
After they have listened T elicits the answers (no. 4).

5. Post-listening

Time: 10

Interaction: T-Ps, P-T

Materials: Pupils Books

Objectives: Ps respond to a listening input

Procedure: T reads the instructions for exercise 2, page 5 and explains the task. Ps look at the
example. T asks Whos this? And elicits the correct response (Harry). T points to the other
pictures and asks individual Ps to tell the names of the characters. T allows Ps time to finish
the task. After they finish T checks.

As an Extension exercise T plays the recording again with pauses for Ps to listen and repeat
chorally. Then Ps tale roles and read out the dialogue. T checks Ps intonation and
pronunciation without interfering too often.

6. Speaking practice

An activity to develop Ps speaking skills

Time: 10

Interaction: T-Ps, P-P, Ps

Materials: Pupils Books

Objectives: Ps introduce themselves to their classmate using known structures Whats your

Procedure: T writes on the board I am Pat. The Ps repeat after the T. Then T writes Im Pat.
Ps repeat. T also repeats the procedure with What isand Whats. T explains that the
meaning remains the same but that we use the contracted form more often, especially in

Ps are asked to look at exercise 3, page 5 and T explains the task. T reads the dialogue and Ps
repeat chorally and then they are asked to act out similar dialogues about themselves. Some
pairs may come in front of the class and act out their dialogue.

7. Lets play: My Magic Files

Time: 10

Interaction: T-Ps, P-T, Ps

Materials: Pupils Books

Objectives: Ps create new words from their own names and write it down along with their
own names

Procedure: T reads the title and elicits the meaning of magic. Then T writes her name on the
BB and scrambles the letters of her name and writes her magic name underneath it (A M I R
E I -> R I M E I A). T then writes on the BB My name is Ms Amirei. My magic name is Ms
Rimeia. Ps will be asked to follow the Ts example and scramble the letters of their name and
write down in their NB their magic names.

8. Ending the lesson

An activity to revise the letters of the alphabet

Time: 10

Interaction: T-Ps, P-T

Materials: Pupils Books

Objectives: Ps spell out their names using English letters

Procedure: T writes a letter of the alphabet on the board and tells Ps whose name starts with
that letter to stand up and spell their names before leaving the class.

9. Homework

Time: 1

Interaction: T-Ps
Procedure: T asks Ps to decorate their magic name with colours, glitter or with whatever
they like to use.

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