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The Flagship Research Journal of International Conference

of the Production and Operations Management Society

Volume 2• Number 2 • July - December 2009

Extending Holonic Manufacturing Systems To Achieve

The Virtual Supply Chain Domain

Marcos Ricardo Rosa Georges


Gustavo Nucci Franco

Arbeit Engenharia

Antonio Batocchio
Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Abstract: Increased competition in the global market place has forced companies to seek better products and services,
with lower cost and in a market suitable time. According to the holonic manufacturing paradigm, those requirements
could be achieved if a reconfigurable enterprise were developed from autonomous and intelligent agents that dynami-
cally interact with each other. This system should be able to automatically organize itself in such a way that its functions
were arranged to achieve the finest performance. But if this system was really effective and proactive, it should search
for functionalities beyond its own boundaries; it could obtain better competitive edges if it were gathering external
partners that do some tasks in better ways than it ordinarily does by itself. Hence, the virtual supply chain, in its sense
of distributed enterprises aggregation, can be a natural result of holonic manufacturing systems. This paper illustrates
the advantages of using holonic concepts in the virtual supply chain realm through the self-organization of dynamic
systems, exploring the holonic paradigm as a catalyst to enable this aggregation. Hence holonic manufacturing models
will be seen as important references to virtual supply chains.

Keywords: Virtual Supply Chain; Intelligent Manufacturing Systems; Holonic Manufacturing Systems; Supply Chain
Management; Virtual Enterprises

1. Introduction This paper’s objective is to show that the concept of

holonic management system could help managers to
As a modern approach to gather market opportunities understand the problems of structure, coordination
into a distributed system, virtual enterprises and sup- and discipline of their supply chains. Like the ele-
ply chain management have faced many developmen- ments of these chains, holons – as will be defined in
tal common problems. For instance, a substantial effort part 4 – must obey to systemic goals, but should also
has been dispended to go beyond the heterogeneity be agile and flexible independent decision makers,
of enterprises legacy systems. Further, the attempt to in order to respond in an intelligent way to changes
solve distributed coordination problems between vari- in market demand.
ous self-assertive entities has been a faced challenge.
According to the holonic manufacturing paradigm,
These kinds of problems could hark back to General those requirements could be achieved if a reconfigu-
Systems Theory concepts [von Bertalanffy, 1976]. Do- rable enterprise were developed from autonomous
ing so, any kind of organization could be analyzed and intelligent agents that dynamically interact with
at once and mutually dependent variables could be each other. This system should be able to automati-
found. Once a problem could be described in other cally organize itself in such a way that its functions
environment and a clearer solution be developed, this were arranged to achieve the finest performance. An
image could be transposed to the desired domain. example of such an approach is the study of the ho-
Batocchio, A. Franco, G. N. Georges, M. R. R.: Extending Holonic Manufacturing Systems To Achieve The Virtual Supply Chain Domain
48 Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management 2 (2), pp 47 - 55, C International Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society

lonic manufacturing that uses sociological, economi- define a virtual enterprise as “a set of legally inde-
cal and even biological metaphors to develop more pendent performers of varying types who voluntari-
agile and intelligent manufacturing systems. At the ly co-operate to seize a market opportunity”.
Katholiek Universiteit Lueven, this paradigm was
used to propose a HMS (Holonic Manufacturing In fact, many researches have focused on this out-
System) reference model [Van Brussel et al., 1997]. standing paradigm, but even if many have an under-
Franco & Batocchio (2000) brought such an artifice standing, no common definition exists and a num-
into play to discuss the coordination problem of vir- ber of competing different terms are either referee
tual enterprises. to the same concept or to its different perspectives.
Among them, extended enterprises, supply chains
But if this system were really effective and proac- networks and virtual corporations are commonly
tive, it should search for functionalities beyond its used terms that, although not necessarily synony-
own boundaries; it could obtain better competi- mous, represent the same concept: a temporary alli-
tive edges if it were gathering external partners ance of enterprises that come together to share skills
that do some tasks in better ways than it ordinar- and resources in order to better respond to business
ily does by itself. Hence, the virtual supply chain, opportunities [Camarinha-Matos, 1997].
in its sense of distributed virtual enterprises ag-
gregation, can be a natural result of holonic manu- But a virtual enterprise is not just a collection of
facturing systems. partners. As seen in figure 1 [Spinosa et al., 1998],
it should be interpreted as a collaborative struc-
In this work, the concepts of the holonic manufactur- ture that must avoid the drawbacks of its made-
ing are extended to enable a new virtual clustering up lack of boundaries and gather the paybacks of
approach. It uses some concepts of self-organization its aggregation of core functions. It is a fact that a
of dynamic systems, exploring the holonic para- set of enterprises can be called social, whereas any
digm as a catalyst to enable this aggregation, sup- enterprise acting alone in the market is solitary.
porting the collaboration and coordination between Even though, not all aggregations can be social;
virtual enterprises that compose the virtual supply it is not enough for a group of enterprises to have
chain. Hence, the holonic manufacturing models the same objectives to be social, but its aggrega-
will be seen as important references to virtual sup- tion is a prelude for further collaboration [Franco
ply chain. & Batocchio, 2000].

The coordination problem of a virtual enterprise is

2. VIRTUAL ENTERPRISE AND SUPPLY CHAIN a special issue, since it is a collection of parts-enter-
KEY ASPECTS prises that belong to the system, that behave as of
self assertive units. Each selected enterprise has to
The evolution of new technologies is enabling a attend to the system’s goal, but it also has its own
more effective sharing and exchanging of informa- culture, organization and politics.
tion across individuals and organizations. The con-
cept of virtual enterprise challenges the way indus- Once the definition of virtual enterprise as a net-
trial production systems are planned and managed work of enterprises has been understood, an issue
[Camarinha-Matos et al., 1997]. grows up in mind: which kind of aggregation gets
the best global performance? In fact, this searching
According to the National Industrial Information for an optimal organization has been a pervasive
Infrastructure Protocols (NIIIP) Consortium, a “vir- issue throughout the organization theory history
tual enterprise is a temporary consortium or alliance [von Bertalanffy, 1976; Koffka, 1925]. As it will be
of companies formed to share costs and skills and seen further in this paper, the holonic manufactur-
exploit fast-changing market opportunities” [NIIIP ing can be used as a path to the answer of such a
Consortium, 1998]. Walton & Whicker (1996) say question.
that the “virtual enterprise consists of a series of
co-operating nodes of core competence which form Figure 1 – A virtual enterprise representation
into a supply chain in order to address a specific op- [Spinosa et al., 1998]
portunity in the marketplace”. Ouzonis et al. (1998)
Batocchio, A. Franco, G. N. Georges, M. R. R.: Extending Holonic Manufacturing Systems To Achieve The Virtual Supply Chain Domain
Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management 2 (2), pp 47 - 55, C International Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society 49

Suppliers VE Coordinator Clients

Enterprises Stores

Material flow

The Council of Supply Chains Management Pro- the supply chain’s growing complexity and should
fessionals (CSCMP) defines SCM: “Supply chain possess the following set of characteristics:
management (SCM) encompasses the planning and
management of all activities involved in sourcing • Integration: This is the keyword that appears
and procurement, conversion, and all logistics man- throughout the new generation of supply chain
agement activities. Importantly, it also includes co- because it makes the difference between the old
ordination and collaboration with channel partners, view of logistics as the discrete functions of trans-
which can be suppliers, intermediaries, third party portation and distribution, and the new vision of
service providers, and customers. In essence, supply SCM that links all the participants and activities
chain management integrates supply and demand involved in converting raw materials into prod-
management within and across companies”. ucts and delivering them to consumers at the right
time and at the right place.
The typical way of building an SCM system to deal
with the complex activities in the supply chain is to • Customer-centric service: Providing online com-
integrate several models, e.g. sub-systems such as mitments for orders and schedules is a key factor
ERP (enterprise resources planning), ASP (active to enhancing customer service and gaining a com-
server pages), PDM (product data management) etc., petitive advantage. Many companies envision this
into a single system. The problem is that most of the capability as part of the future SCM strategy. The
sub-systems mentioned above are proprietary and next generation of SCM would solve customers’
their vendors provide interfaces to other types of sub- problems by:
systems (e.g., PDM to ERP), but seldom to another »» Gathering and analyzing knowledge and data
sub-system of the same type from a different vendor about customers’ needs.
(e.g. ERP to ERP), which makes these components »» Identifying partners to perform the functions
dependent on each other. This could make it difficult needed in the demand chain.
to combine different supply chain and enterprise sys- »» Moving the functions that need to be done to
tems due to lack of compatibility among them. the chain member that can perform them most
effectively and efficiently.
All the traditional SCM systems are extremely com- »» Developing and executing the best logistics,
plex by nature and it is quite difficult to optimize transportation, and distribution methods to de-
them as a whole, but using holonic manufacturing liver products and services to consumers in a
systems concepts can change the way the entire sys- timely manner.
tem is understood and optimized.
• Synchronization: Next generation of supply chain
According to Ulieru and Cobzaru (2005) the next suites will have to synchronize supplier planning,
generation of SCM systems will have to deal with production planning, logistics planning, and de-
Batocchio, A. Franco, G. N. Georges, M. R. R.: Extending Holonic Manufacturing Systems To Achieve The Virtual Supply Chain Domain
50 Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management 2 (2), pp 47 - 55, C International Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society

mand planning. These solutions will provide a From the idea that the logic is the basis of the whole
comprehensive view of all supply chain activities Mathematics, according to Bertrand Russell and Al-
and enable management to make more informed bert N. Whitehead, and passing through John von
tradeoff decisions. Supply chain synchronization Neumann’s basic computer architecture and Norbert
is the secret to improving customer service with- Wiener’s “Cybernetics”, the late 20th century has
out increasing inventory investment. witnessed a special collection of works that steered
to the current computational systems. In 1950, Alan
• Agility: SCM systems must be able to process trans- M. Turing encouraged many works with his “Turing
actions rapidly and accurately. In today’s business Test”. That was the replacement of the intelligence
environment organizations must focus on moving definition issue by an empiric test. In one of his es-
information and products quickly through the entire says, Turing wrote: “I believe that at the end of the
supply chain, distribution, assembly manufacture century the use of words and general educated opin-
and supply. The faster do parts, information, and ion will have altered so much that one will be able
decisions flow through an organization, the quicker to speak of machines thinking without expecting to
it can respond to customer needs and orders. be contradicted”.
• Flexibility: Next generation of SCM system can Nevertheless we are on the 21st century and, even
create an advantage by being flexible enough to with exponential technological improvements, no
customize its services to meet the needs of dis- machine succeeds in the attempt to accomplish con-
tinct customer segments or individual accounts. sistently the Turing Test. Computers could win hu-
The flexibility to meet diverse customer needs in a man chess champions over extraordinary matches,
cost-effective way can distinguish a company and but they could not solve a simple problem like the
allow it to serve a wider customer category. construction of a castle with child blocks unless di-
rectly programmed. According to Marvin Minsky,
• Information Protection: In today’s global economy
the major challenge is to give common sense to ma-
it is essential to ensure that information is secure-
chines. That is what is needed for the chess machine
ly protected while various companies (some of
to perceive by itself that the same problem solving al-
which may be competitors) collaborate within the
gorithm could be used to elucidate both problems.
same supply chain.
Returning to our realm, it is possible to see that such
3. Intelligent Manufacturing Systems concepts can be also applied to systems other than
Recently, many efforts has been made to develop ad- machines. Hence, new manufacturing systems have
vanced manufacturing systems that provide rapid been developed, offering new capabilities that allow
response and dynamic reconfigurable structures to the response to pressures like distribution, agility
and customization. Those systems are support to
facilitate flexible and efficient use of manufacturing
decision-making process and they could be repre-
resources in rapidly changing environments [Shen &
sented by higher level knowledge based systems or
Norrie, 1999; Parunak et al., 1997]. Using computa-
upper level automated systems.
tional intelligence features such systems are known
as intelligent manufacturing systems (IMS). How-
ever, when we try to understand the concepts of an 4. The holonic paradigm
IMS, as well as we decide to apply its architectures,
techniques, and methodologies, we should reason The holonic paradigm is based on the work done
about a more capital issue: what is intelligence? by the Hungarian journalist Arthur Koestler in the
late 60’s. His book “The Ghost in the Machine” dis-
Although it is possible to clearly recognize an intel- cusses the nature of complex systems, such as the
ligent behavior, an ultimate definition of intelligence human brain, living beings and societies [Koestler,
is a challenge to cognitive science researches. As a 1967]. Refuting the behaviorist school, which was
specific aspect of such a problem, the development the dominant regulator of the experimental psychol-
of intelligent machines that capture the vitality and ogy at that time, Koestler unveiled some new view
the complexity of human mind is a wish to our soci- of the reasons that allows any evolution process.
ety and it can be found since the Greek mythology.
Koestler mostly strives in the structural and be-
The study and comprehension of the human intel- havioral aspects of complex systems. He asserted
ligence has led to many scientific developments. that any organization with some degree of coher-
Batocchio, A. Franco, G. N. Georges, M. R. R.: Extending Holonic Manufacturing Systems To Achieve The Virtual Supply Chain Domain
Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management 2 (2), pp 47 - 55, C International Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society 51

ence and stability was hierarchically ordered. The not exist anywhere. Koestler proposed the word ho-
Economy Nobel Prize Herbert Simon had already lon (connection of holos, whole in Greek, with the
illustrated this principle in his watchmaker parable suffix on, that indicates part or particle as in proton
[Simon, 1962], noting that hierarchies will evolve and neutron), describing the hybrid nature of these
much more rapidly from elementary constituents components. In holons, the wholes are assertive
that will non-hierarchic systems with the same holistic elements in relation to their subordinated
number of elements. The General System Theory parts, at the same time that they are atomic parts de-
demonstrated the importance of hierarchic struc- pendent on higher levels.
tures to fulfill the whole existence on Earth [von
Bertanffy, 1976]: “a complex system can be faster Koestler also created the word holarchy to refer to a
enhanced from simple structures if there are stable hierarchical organization of holons, as the one seen
intermediate forms”. in figure 2. Holarchies are open-ended at the top and
at the bottom. The top-level holon, being the overall
Koestler’s second conclusion was that, although whole, can still contain smaller components inside.
parts and wholes are easily identified in complex Each holon can also belong to as many holarchies as
systems, parts and wholes in their absolute sense do necessary.

Figure 2 – A holonic structure or holarchy [Bell et al., 1998]

The holonic manufacturing, which refers to the ap- (CIM). The occurrence of changes and disturbances
plication of Koestler’s concepts of holon in the design are considered as normal system occurrences, and
and development of future manufacturing systems, the manufacturing control system shall be able to ef-
was firstly been highlighted by Suda [Suda, 1989]. fectively handle these situations. Therefore, the ho-
The main goal is to reach an intelligent manufacturing lonic manufacturing system is capable to attend to a
system that deals to continuous market changes that larger scale of opportunities, once its intelligent be-
require expressive changes in the production system; havior makes it skilled enough to identify in its local
i.e. systems that can adapt to the new situation easier capabilities a distributed configuration that attends
than a competing system, gaining benefit from this: to a specific requirement.
• Adapting faster than the competition gives a high- But the fundamental holonic concepts are not re-
er benefit in using new opportunities, stricted to highly automated systems. Koestler’s
studies on a range of social and biological organiza-
• Having a lower cost/effort for adaptation allows
profiting from smaller, temporal opportunities. tions show that the holonic paradigm can be as well
applicable to human centered systems [Toh, 1997].
The holonic manufacturing paradigm offers a new At the present time, many researchers have focused
approach to computer integrated manufacturing on the study of small to medium enterprises, the
Batocchio, A. Franco, G. N. Georges, M. R. R.: Extending Holonic Manufacturing Systems To Achieve The Virtual Supply Chain Domain
52 Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management 2 (2), pp 47 - 55, C International Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society

ones that occupy a position at the end of the sup- of functional manufacturing units called holons –
ply chain of large important companies, developing units that display the dual properties of autonomy
technologies to make them more agile. and cooperativeness. A holon as defined by the Ho-
lonic Manufacturing Systems (HMS) [Christensen,
Holonic manufacturing systems [Christensen, 1994] 1994] consists of an information processing part and
have been explored in the past ten years as a new often a physical processing part and can be part of
step towards distributed intelligent architectures for another holon in a nested hierarchy. The activities
manufacturing [Ulieru, et al 2002]. They were also of each holon are determined through cooperation
thought as an alternative solution to traditional ar- with other holons, as opposed to being determined
chitectures (e.g. Computer Integrated Manufactur- by a centralized mechanism.
ing Systems) that have a low capacity to adapt and
react to dynamic changes in the environment such The Holonic Enterprise can be viewed as an infor-
as disturbances and market changes [Ulieru, et al mation ecosystem composed of collaborative but au-
2002]. A holonic manufacturing system is composed tonomous holons, like the figure 3 shows.

Figure 3 - Layers in Holonic Manufacturing defining a Manufacturing Holarchy (Ulieru and Cobzaru, 2005)

Supplier1 Customer1
Supplier2 Customer2
Supplier3 Customer3
Multi-Enterprise Layer

Factory1 Sales1
Factory2 Sales2
Enterprise Layer

Work Work
Area 1 Work Area 3
Area 2

Shop Floor Layer

Cell Layer

Some examples of holons are found in the automotive tems, entirely automatic self-controlling factories (pa-
supply chain, in which successive tiers of suppliers, per, chemicals), computer integrated manufacturing
starting at the nuts and bolts level, assemble parts into (CIM), automatic stock and retrieval systems (AS-RS),
subsystems up to the final product; in the supermarket flight simulators and many other instances.
supply chain, in which hundreds of manufacturers and
third part logistics providers cooperate to deliver the 5. The Self-organization viewpoint
some 50.000 different items available on the shelves; in
research networks, made of teams of scientists work- In a previous section of this paper, we depicted our
ing together to develop new products; and in the web concern about the kind of organization that better
itself. And manufacturing displays, already for many represents an organized system. With such a answer,
years, numerous examples of artificial intelligence it would be easier to achieve virtual enterprises with
and holonic cooperation, like medical diagnostic sys- a better chance of success. In fact, this problem is far
Batocchio, A. Franco, G. N. Georges, M. R. R.: Extending Holonic Manufacturing Systems To Achieve The Virtual Supply Chain Domain
Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management 2 (2), pp 47 - 55, C International Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society 53

from a solution. But our purpose in this paper is to Other definition is the organization as conditional-
show the benefits of using the holonic paradigm in ity, in the sense that it is related to the number of
cluster of enterprises virtually organized. connections between elements. Such an organiza-
tion definition involves the structural as well as
Michel Debrun says that an organization or “frame” functional organization. Consequently, one complex
is self-organized when it is produced by itself [De- system with an elaborated net of connections is not
brun, 1996]. The process of self-organization can be necessarily efficient. That is the point in which the
viewed as the evolution of organized systems with autonomy of elements can be crucial, once it reduces
complexity variation (increasing or diminishing), be the interactions between the system’s elements.
it structural or functional.
There is also a definition related to the organization
But, is it possible to depict precisely our intuition as grouping that is concerned to the way in which
about an organized, ordered and complex system? the elements of a set can aggregate themselves into
Osvaldo Pessoa Jr. cites fifteen definitions that can subsets. If the relationship between the elements of
be found in the literature for such systemic mea- the subsets is larger than the relationship between
sures. One of them, perhaps the clearest one, is the the subsets for all levels, the system is said to be
complexity as number of elements. Thus, the com- modular [Simon, 1962]. According to that principle,
plexity of a system can be defined as the number it is possible to create the simple instance shown in
of elements that compose it. In this sense, a holonic figure 4 [Pessoa Jr., 1996]. It can be seen, as well as
system can be called organized, once some of its at- mathematically proved [Toulouse & Bok, 1978], that
tributes, like modularity and recursivity, reduce the the three leveled cluster is the most organized one
number of “species” into this system. and, hence, the one with the maximum efficiency.

Figure 4 – Example of organization as grouping [Pessoa Jr, 1996]


6. Conclusions It is important to reinforce the concept of hierarchy
that was used. It is not related to the common rela-
In this paper, it was possible to apply the main ho- tionship of boss and employee that is also synony-
lonic concepts to the supply chain domain. It can mous of rigidity. In the holonic context, a hierarchy
be set out from Koestler (1967) discovery that, in its is an opened system of interrelated and recursively
structural and functional aspects, any organism is a hierarchic subsystems, decomposed in a process that
hierarchy of auto-regulated holons that: does not stop until an elementary (but never final)
• Works as autonomous wholes in supra-ordination subsystem is reached.
of its parts; In the last few years, some works have been done
• Works as dependent parts in subordination of up- towards the development of new manufacturing
per control levels; systems based on holonic concepts. The holonic par-
adigm is useful since it discovers innovative ques-
• Works in coordination with its local environment tions about the needs of an organism, whether it is
(other holons and external environment). a colony of animals or an enterprise. In this sense,
Batocchio, A. Franco, G. N. Georges, M. R. R.: Extending Holonic Manufacturing Systems To Achieve The Virtual Supply Chain Domain
54 Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management 2 (2), pp 47 - 55, C International Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society

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Batocchio, A. Franco, G. N. Georges, M. R. R.: Extending Holonic Manufacturing Systems To Achieve The Virtual Supply Chain Domain
Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management 2 (2), pp 47 - 55, C International Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society 55


Marcos Ricardo Rosa Georges has graduation at Matemática Aplicada e Computacional by Universidade
Estadual de Campinas (1998), graduation (incomplete) at Estatística by Universidade Estadual de Campinas
(2005), master’s at Engenharia Mecânica by Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2001) and Ph.D. at Engenh-
aria Mecânica by Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2004). Currently is professor and research at Pontifícia
Universidade Católica de Campinas.

Gustavo Nucci Franco has degree in Mechanical Engineering from Universidade Estadual de Campinas
(1996), Master in Mechanical Engineering from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (1998) and Ph.D. in Me-
chanical Engineering from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2003). He is currently Director of Engineer-
ing Franco Arbeit.

Antonio Batocchio has graduation at Engenharia Mecanica by Universidade de São Paulo (1979) , master’s at
Engenharia Mecânica by Universidade de São Paulo (1987) , Ph.D. at Engenharia Mecânica by Universidade
Estadual de Campinas (1991) and Postdoctorate by University of Minnesota (1996). Currently is professor at
Universidade Estadual de Campinas.

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