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What Was a Map? The Lexicographers Reply


Chepstow / Wales / UK

Abstract Definitions of the word map are often dis- this non-discriminatory principle the word lexicogra-
cussed in a philosophical spirit, but they have not been pher will be applied to anyone who frames a definition,
previously used as a way of throwing light on cartographic regardless of his or her occupational status. The only
history. In this study, a sample of more than three hun- ground for disqualification is that to reduce the risk of ar-
dred such definitions has been collected from dictionar- ithmetical error, and to avoid tedium, works repeating
ies, encyclopedias, geographical texts, and other writings the same definition in successive editions have not been
of various dates from the mid-seventeenth century to the counted more than once. There is no room to print more
present day. The results clearly deserve statistical and his- than a few extracts from the complete list;2 instead, atten-
torical analysis, and several examples of such analysis are tion will be concentrated on some of the most common
offered for consideration. The most common lexico- elements in map-lexicography, each term being intro-
graphical approach is to treat maps as representations of duced by a bracketed reference to the number of its oc-
the surface of the earth, but for many writers this simple currences and the dates of its earliest and latest recorded
formula has been too general and too crude. Of the alter- use.3
native definitions, few seem conformable to common us- Until recently, lexicographers have hardly ever given
age. Instead, they reflect changing intellectual fashions reasons for differing from their predecessors, and it
among geographers and, in more recent times, cartogra- seems unlikely that their thought processes can be much
phers. In these cases where greater lexicographical re- illuminated by research in the archives of publishing
finement is attempted, a number of motifs can be seen to houses, universities, or individual authors. To under-
emerge, those chosen for discussion being, in historical stand the ebb and flow of fashion in this field would
order, scientific, popular, professional, and philosophi- therefore require wider contextual knowledge and finer
cal. historical judgement than the average map specialist has
at his or her command. It is at least conceivable, however,
though perhaps not very likely, that the intrinsic weak-

HIS paper is based on 321 definitions of the word
nesses of a definition may have something to do with its
map drawn from dictionaries, glossaries, ency-
demise and replacement, and in recognition of this pos-
clopedias, textbooks, monographs, and learned
sibility the statistical facts will be interspersed with a
journals of the period 16491996.1 The sample is neither
number of explanatory suggestions, all inevitably hypo-
random nor structured, but incorporates whatever biases
thetical and some no doubt controversial.
must affect a researcher with limited time and money
who makes occasional use of libraries and bookshops
A Lexicographical Base Level
within the British Isles. No type of source has been delib-
One group of map definitions is so much larger than any
erately excluded: the authors purpose is not to find the
others that it can serve as a standard for the assessment
best definitions but simply to suggest how various ways of
of alternative versions. In words that vary considerably
thinking about maps may have impinged upon the read-
but always seem to bear much the same meaning, the
ing public. Members of the cartographic and academic
map has been equated by dozens of writers with a repre-
professions have been allowed no more authority than
sentation (205: 16491996) in a plane (150: 16491996)
the man or woman in the street, and in furtherance of
of all or part of the earths surface (144: 17331995).4
This has remained a popular opinion from the seven-
J. H. Andrews was formerly associate professor in the Department of Geog- teenth to the late twentieth century, though as Table 2
raphy at Trinity College, Dublin. He wishes to thank Richard Haworth shows it has remained more prevalent in general diction-
for supplying a number of definitions, Paul Ferguson for making available
aries and encyclopedias than among less conservatively
important e-mail correspondence on the word map, and Krystina
Szykula for tracing the article referred to in note 1. Special thanks are also
minded authors. The main lesson to be drawn from it is
due to Edward H. Dahl for several kinds of help and encouragement. that thinking about maps, as distinct from making maps,



General verisimilitude, as in reproduction and perhaps minia-

dictionaries and Other ture, is comparatively rare in this vocabulary, and that
Dates encyclopedias writings Total mirror, strongly castigated in recent map-philosophical
writing, does not occur even once.6 But most of these
1720 or earlier 5 2 7 words involve some idea of spatial correspondence, and
we may note in passing that both delineation and
17211740 4 1 5 drawing seem to hold the further suggestion that a
17411760 4 4 map consists of dots and lines rather than patches of col-
17611780 4 4 8 Representation is a more complex idea than repro-
duction. (For instance, it may be taken to include some
17811800 5 5 degree of misrepresentation, though in our sample this
18011820 4 1 5 proviso is never made explicit.) All its meanings allow the
representative to act in certain circumstances as a substi-
18211840 7 3 10 tute for the object represented: where they differ is in the
weight given to graphic or pictorial communication.
18411860 8 1 9 Thus for the art critic representationalism suggests a close
18611880 5 4 9 resemblance between an image and its referent. In other
forms of graphic expression there need be little or no
18811900 6 3 9 such resemblance: the real-life railway station represented
on a map by a red circle may itself be of any colour. At
19011920 5 11 16 least the circle in this case is (loosely speaking) in the
19211940 20 14 34 same place as its referent, but when an ambassador repre-
sents his country on a state occasion, no one seeing a pic-
19411960 14 19 33 ture of him thus engaged would suppose that both he
and his country exist in the same room. Perhaps it is this
19611980 17 44 61 versatility that has made the word representation so
1981or later 30 76 106 popular in map definitions.8 Twentieth-century lexicog-
raphers, especially, may be inclined to congratulate
Table 1 Definitions of the word map classified by origin and period themselves on their impartiality about the relation of pic-
torial to non-pictorial elements in map-making, secure in
the belief that both language and pictures are in some
way representational. Unfortunately, a fourth use of this
word carries a meaning that is purely verbal, as in (to
Dates encyclopedias Other works Total
borrow an example from a famous dictionary) society is
16491940 86 70 80 not what Balzac represents it to be. The earths surface,
like society, might be represented in Balzacian prose
19411996 82 24 42 that could never be mistaken for a map.
It follows that no definition in which a map repre-
16491996 84 35 56 sents, without qualification, can be wholly satisfactory.
Table 2 Standard definitions as a percentage of all definitions In recent times the definition-makers favourite qualify-
ing adjective for map-representation has been graphic
(37: 194395). This term presents its own problems.
has seldom been considered worthy of the highest intel- Nowadays it is usually taken to exclude writing, as when
lectual rigour. graphics are opposed to script, but to judge from words
The most interesting constituents in definitions of the like autograph and graphology it might also be inter-
standard type are the words representation and sur- preted in an opposite sense. In fact most people would
face. Representation belongs to a group of terms that see both words and images as essential to a map (even if
also includes picture (42: 17551992), delineation the words are only spoken), though only three of our ex-
(38: 17551993), drawing (22: 18701995), projec- amples (191877) refer explicitly to verbal language.
tion (14: 17081835),5 description (13: 16491989), The earths surface might be defined (again loosely
image (10: 197795), figure (6: 17301823), model speaking) as whatever breaks the fall of an object
(5: 192293), expression (5: 193395), diagram (3: dropped from a considerable height. But a fly on a verti-
197880), analogue (2: 198082), resemblance (1: cal window pane, if it could talk, would probably not de-
1717), reproduction (1: 1919), miniature (1: 1936), scribe itself as having left the earths surface, and few
mimicking (1: 1994), matrix (1: 1995) and tran- people seem to regard the drawing of elevations as part
script (1: 1995). It will be noted that the idea of strict of cartography.9 More generally, representation of the

earths surface allows every specimen of landscape art to maps added many pages later almost as an afterthought:
count as a map, whatever the observers angle of vision,
and this too is obviously in conflict with normal usage. The terrestrial or earthly globe is an artificial representation of
Cezanne and Van Gogh were not cartographers. the earth and water under that form and figure of roundness
Considerations of verticality aside, another criticism which they are supposed to have, describing the situation, and
of surface is that it suggests a single object, whereas a measuring the compass of the whole frame, and describing the
map may represent a number of different objects situation and measuring the distances of all the parts . As the
some of them immaterial, such as voting patterns or reli- earth and water are wholly represented upon the globe, so the
gious beliefs. One response is to reduce the semantic im- whole, or any part of either may be described in plano, or upon
portance of the terrestrial surface by allowing mappable a plane surface in a map or sea-chart.16
phenomena to detach themselves from it. Examples of
this approach are a two-dimensional graphic image Our second definition (1689) is simply a schedule con-
which shows the location of things in space, that is in rela- taining a description of the world, &c.17 The next two
tionship to the earths surface10 and a representation examples take a similarly global view before mentioning
normally to scale and on a flat medium of a selection of individual countries: a representation of the whole
material or abstract features on, or in relation to, the sur- globe of the earth, or of some particular country upon a
face of the earth or of a celestial body (see Appendix). plan, or plain superficies;18 a representation of the
Here the meaning of surface may have shifted from a globe of the earth, or of some of its parts upon a plan, or
visible and tangible continuum towards a purely concep- plain superficies.19 It is not until the fifteenth entry, in
tual form perhaps synonymous with geoid. The next 1755, that any geographical unit other than the whole
logical step is for surface to disappear altogether and earth is placed first. It is also notable that where we find
for features to be represented simply in their lateral dis- references to parts, kingdoms, regions or countries as
position.11 The same idea can be found in a charming subjects for cartography at this period the territories in
definition of 1877: [a showing of] the shapes and posi- question are nearly always large enough to be found on a
tions of the features of the earth, not as they rise before normal-sized globe. The same message appears in the ex-
the eye in all the beauties of the sun and air, and in their amples given by those early lexicographers who chose to
vertical, upright forms, but as they are stretched out hor- flesh out their definitions with inessential detail: among
izontally at ones feet.12 The last-mentioned examples possible constituents of a map they mention rivers (26:
must serve as a warning against expectations of chrono- 17081993), hills and mountains (24: 17081992),
logical tidiness in the grouping of map definitions. Each oceans and seas (22: 17211993), cities and towns (19:
of the following sections refers to a particular time-span 17081993), woods (4: 17081956) and islands (3: 1721
but with a considerable overlap; in fact, roughly speak- 30) but until the twentieth century never streets, fields,
ing, each period encloses the next period. or individual buildings.20
Similar considerations explain the emphasis placed
The Scientific Map on the flat drawing surface as a way of distinguishing map
Sketch maps are what you usually think about when you from globe. (Flat may be taken to include the capacity
hear the word map.13 This dictum from the 1970s is for being unrolled or unfolded, but apparently no one
the exact opposite of the truth as recorded two or three has tried to classify the curved regional maps, supposedly
hundred years earlier. In our sample, the seventeenth- cut out of very large-scale globes, that have sometimes
and eighteenth-century perception of maps is essentially been recommended for educational use.)21 To subsume
scientific, their closest links being with mathematics, nav- spherical representation under the general concept of
igation, astronomy, and also with geography as opposed map, as favoured by Arthur Robinson and Barbara
to topography. Today, the inferiority of maps to globes Petchenik, would probably have been regarded in
may survive as a routine ploy in the teaching of map pro- Lockes time as an insult to globes.22 The flatness still re-
jections. In the seventeenth century the comparison was quired by many modern definitions may be a heritage
taken more seriously. John Locke recommended that ge- from these early sphere-fixated years of geo-lexicogra-
ographical education should begin by pointing out coun- phy.
tries on the globe. When a pupil has the natural parts of In 1717 John Green defined a map as a resemblance
the globe well fixed in his memory, he should proceed of the heavens or the earth.23 As it happens, the sky
through elementary arithmetic to the basic concepts of makes no further appearance in our sample until 1829
mathematical geography and by them be made to un- (it is prominent enough afterwards) though star maps
derstand the use of maps, returning finally with im- had been familiar in Europe since the sixteenth centu-
proved comprehension to the globe.14 Isaac Newton ry.24 There is nothing uncartographic about such maps.
appears to have held the same opinion.15 They are plane representations of a sphere or part of a
Lockes comment explains the emphasis on the terres- sphere that happens to be viewed from the inside; in-
trial sphere in the early lexicography of maps. The first deed they are in one respect more map-like than terres-
item in our list actually begins by defining a globe, with trial cartography, because in star maps the observers

view is for practical purposes always orthogonal to the memory of the word mappemonde from which map
surface of the sphere.25 At any rate, most eighteenth-cen- had taken its origin in the sixteenth century. Also rele-
tury definitions of map are dominated by concepts de- vant, perhaps, was the tendency of pioneer English dic-
pendent for their applicability upon the sun and stars. tionary editors to concentrate on hard words and,
An example is Nathan Baileys a general map is a de- perhaps on this account, to favour unnecessarily techni-
scription of the whole earth, with the several countries, cal meanings for expressions that might better have been
islands, seas, rivers etc. therein contained, and also the treated as simple. It would be surprising if these consid-
circles of the globe.26 The circles of the globe are of course erations remained important much later than the time of
lines of latitude and/or longitude (14: 17551906), con- Samuel Johnson, but the general bookishness of defini-
cepts explicitly and influentially imported into English tion-makers may have continued to hold sway in the
lexicography by Samuel Johnson.27 nineteenth century and to some extent afterwards. Book-
Another common expression of geometric ideals at ishness here has a strictly physical sense: it means that
this early period is the claim that maps show the earths throughout this early phase the publics perception of a
surface according to the rules of perspective (8: 1733 map was governed by the kind of academically correct
1823). This seems to mean that every map must be based geographical presentation familiar in printed atlases
on a definite projection, though the word perspective rather than the specialized ad hoc material more charac-
would today be taken to exclude those projections that teristic of single-sheet cartography.
are usually called conventional because they cannot be
generated by the methods of projective geometry. Of The Popular Map
course, some conventional projections, such as Merca- A new trend in nineteenth-century cartography was the
tors, had been invented before the earliest date in our desire to simplify the process of map-reading for those
sample. Perhaps the proliferation of such systems from (typically soldiers and children) whose geographical ed-
the late eighteenth century onwards helped to lower the ucation had been either incomplete or ineffective. An-
merit-bar between two- and three-dimensional repre- other change was an enormous increase in the publics
sentations of the earth, with globes losing their place in consumption of large-scale maps with limited territorial
geographical education and literature as flat maps be- coverage, including town plans, estate maps, and engi-
came more mathematically versatile. However, this may neering surveys, all of them easily comprehensible with-
be giving projections too much credit. Equally convinc- out reference to the earths sphericity.30 The component
ing objections to the globe in the context of mass educa- sheets of a national topographical series may come un-
tion have been its cost, bulk, and fragility. It is certainly der the same heading of user-friendliness to judge
remarkable how seldom globes are mentioned in the from the omission of latitude and longitude in certain
pedagogic literature of the late Victorian era,28 which small-scale British Ordnance Survey maps aimed at a
was also a time when lexicographers began to show pro- popular market.31 The growing use of stiff covers for
portionately less interest in distinguishing them from folded map sheets at the end of the nineteenth century
maps. must have exercised a strong influence here, comparable
A particular legacy from the eighteenth century has with the earlier effect of the atlas in channelling eight-
been the insistence on projection in the modern sense eenth-century notions of a typical map.
(18: 18891992) as well as scale (48: 17791993) in two Meanwhile there had been some radical changes in
of the most famous word-hoards of recent times, the Ox- the philosophy of geographical education. Jean Jacques
ford and Webster dictionaries. Elsewhere it admittedly Rousseaus challenge to Lockes ideas was published as
remained common for the more difficult concept of pro- early as 1780: You wish to teach this child geography
jection to be left out, as for instance when Charles Cotter and you provide him with globes, spheres, and maps.
defined a map as simply a representation of the earths What elaborate preparations! What is the use of all these
surface on a reduced scale.29 Of course, in any terrestri- symbols; why not begin by showing him the real
al map of a large area the exact scale must vary from thing?32 The first maps that Rousseaus ideal pupil en-
place to place, and definitions that ignore this fact can be counters are those he makes himself. However, it was
legitimized only by redefining scale to include the pat- only in the following century, under the influence of
tern of scale differences entailed by a certain projection. Jean Heinrich Pestalozzi and Friedrich Froebel, that it
As a mathematical geographer, Cotter was obviously became generally acceptable for cartography to be
aware of this; with other authors a pluralistic interpreta- learned by the heuristic method.33 Once this happened,
tion of scale seems less convincing, and their neglect of the school premises and their immediate vicinity would
projections is more probably due either to forgetfulness clearly form a more practicable training-ground than
or to a special concern for popular maps as defined be- the whole globe of the earth.
low. These trends were eventually reflected by new defini-
The astro-mathematical bias of early map definitions tions of the word map. Their intellectual pedigree is
can be explained in various ways. One influence on glo- captured, long before the end of the century, in Robert
bal preoccupations may have been an unconscious folk- Sullivans reference to a rude representation of the

schoolroom as it would appear to a person looking kind of committee-led definition (Appendix).40 Profes-
down from the ceiling or, in other words, a map of sionalization could be expected to bring an element of
the schoolroom.34 Twenty-three vertical statements of pragmatism into the defining process, with maps charac-
this kind have been collected from between 1874 and terized as whatever a cartographer might be asked to pro-
1994. The most famous of their authors is Thomas Henry duce in the course of a working day. 41 In the event,
Huxley: If a person in a balloon passed at a great height however, the sympathy between practitioners and theo-
over any part of the earths surface, and sketched in out- rists has proved to be gratifyingly close.
line what he saw directly below, his sketch on a flat sur- Historically the most important achievement of aca-
face like this page would be called a map.35 By this time, demic cartography has been the isolation of physical, bi-
Huxleys method had already been put into practice.36 ological, or social patterns on maps addressed to a
And it was no doubt thanks to the further development specialist readership. This thematic motif can be traced
of aviation and particularly of air photography that such back at least as far as the seventeenth century, but it was
definitions were to remain current until the present day, not until the 1920s and 1930s that it did much to change
at least in dictionaries and school textbooks. A recent ex- the English-speaking cartographers view of the subject,
ample is the representation of (part of) the earths sur- firstly through some noteworthy thematic atlases and lat-
face as seen from above, showing the shape of countries, er through a new generation of textbooks like those of
the position of towns, the height of land, the rivers, John Bygott in Britain42 and Erwin Raisz in the United
etc.37 Verticality achieved its greatest intellectual pres- States.43 In due course, thematic maps were to assume a
tige in Paul Harveys reference to the visually impossible higher intellectual profile than general reference
feat of vertical representation at every point, though this maps, but their direct influence on the process of defini-
may have been meant as a description rather than a defi- tion has been limited. They certainly failed to displace
nition.38 the idea of the terrestrial surface, though this familiar
The balloonists or airmans approach is best suited to lexicographical contrivance was now becoming the dis-
large-scale representations of small areas and therefore embodied possessor of a plurality of features, from
stands at an opposite conceptual extreme to the geo- which the thematic cartographer could make his selec-
graphical definitions reviewed in the previous section. tion, rather than an object in its own right. Other ways of
Its most obvious flaw is that no map thus defined can substituting plural for singular on the face of the earth
show more than a hemisphere, a proviso that would sure- were phenomena (12: 195991),44 relationships (12:
ly have inspired horror and outrage in any seventeenth- 196895), distributions (11: 193391),45 and arrange-
or eighteenth-century writer confronted with a vertical ments (3: 198693), all likely to be characterized as spa-
definition. A less spectacular but still genuine difficulty is tial (34: 194995). The same effect of thematic
that in the aeronauts field of vision only a very small area subdivision has been achieved by defining maps as essen-
immediately below the observer is actually seen from tially selective (12: 195594).
above in the sense intended. Harveys remedy, a vertical Few thematic maps can be interpreted as portraits of
representation at every point, is possible only if the earth the landscape, selective or otherwise. Indirectly, then,
itself can be considered flat, or if maps are equated with thematic cartography must have encouraged a new inter-
globes. Another problem the cartographic representa- est in cartographic conventions, though another factor
tion of immateriality has already been noticed in con- here was probably a reactive backlash against the popu-
sidering the idea of the earths surface. Here it need only larity of vertical viewpoints, as more writers remembered
be added that the prominence given to visual images in that maps and photographs are texturally quite different
vertical definitions shows how little impact thematic whatever their structural similarities. As a cartographers
maps have made upon the lexicographical community. expression, signes conventionnels made its French debut in
1802.46 The progress of its English equivalent seems not
The Cartographers Map yet to have been investigated historically, but conven-
In the mid twentieth century, map definitions began to tional references appear in a cartographic context at
be influenced by two closely related trends. One was the least as early as 182447 and devices such as rhumb lines
growing importance of geography and later, cartogra- and graticules were immortalized as conventional signs
phy in universities and other centres of higher educa- by Lewis Carrolls Hunting of the Snark in 1876. Despite
tion.39 The other was the development of map-making, these precedents, conventional (11: 191293) is less
as distinct from surveying, into a self-conscious profes- common in definitions than might have been expected.
sion, authenticated by the establishment of training In its first sampled occurrence, a map was said most
courses, the foundation of supervisory bodies, the publi- commonly [to represent] in a conventional manner a por-
cation of journals, and the organization of conferences. tion of the earths surface, somewhat as it would be seen
For the first time, the meaning of the term cartography by an eye directly above it, but with additions which
became a matter of practical importance outside the am- render it a summary of observations made on the spot.48
bit of dictionary-making. These developments naturally Most of the additions envisaged here are presumably
lent fresh interest to the word map, generating a new words, though it is in the guise of signs and symbols that

conventionality more often appeared thereafter, belated- agrams to represent non-spatial referents, as in several
ly re-emerging under its own colours when the Royal So- early textbooks of symbolic logic and related subjects.55
ciety of London undertook to define a map in 1966 Finally both subject and map lost all their spatial associa-
(Appendix). Approximately equivalent to convention- tions: since the 1940s, map for mathematicians has
al are abstract (9: 194992), schematized (2: 1990 meant the kind of purely abstract relationship between
94) and various forms of symbolic (21: 190295). Gen- two variables that had been formerly known as a func-
eralized (5: 195992) and simplified (4: 195992) re- tion. This usage is evidently related to the expressions
fer to only one aspect of conventionalism but serve the map onto and map into that became common forty
same broad lexicographical purpose by disclaiming pic- years later as a way of saying establish a correspondence
torial verisimilitude. with. This change of usage can hardly be seen as a mark
Conventional suits the features that distinguish a of intellectual progress: it simply means that map is a
map from an aerial view, but it is not without its own dif- conveniently short word with the advantage of serving as
ficulties. Whether every map is entirely conventional is either a noun or a verb. In general, it seems not unlikely
too awkward a question to discuss here. But one can easi- that for non-mathematicians map will in due course
ly imagine a record of the earths surface that would be lose its present primary terrestrial signification and be-
both graphic and conventional without in any way resem- come more or less synonymous with the sadly unfashion-
bling a map. The word holistic in a definition of 1989 able diagram, thus paralleling (or mapping onto) the
(Appendix) may have been meant to exclude this kind of later history of the word chart.
non-cartographic alternative, but holism is too vague a By the late nineteenth century, extended senses of
concept to do its job very efficiently. map had begun to find their way into the dictionaries.
Perhaps the strongest conceptual link between profes- In the 1880s, for example, John Ogilvie followed an or-
sional and academic cartography has been the so-called thodox geographical entry with the figurative adden-
communication model (15: 196792), first publicized du m: a distinct and precise representation of
by A. Kolacny in 1969 and almost universally adopted in anything.56 In more recent dictionaries, such variations
the following decade.49 A map definition based on the are no longer described as figurative, but they have gen-
idea of transferring information had been suggested in erally taken second place to the traditional signification.
1967 by Janusz Golaski50 but it was not until the 1980s Very few reference books have made a complete surren-
that this notion began to make much lexicographical im- der to Peircian generalization. An unexpectedly preco-
pact in cartographic literature, our second example be- cious example is the definition in Odhams British
ing A. G. Hodgkisss a form of graphic communication Encyclopedia (London, 1933): a representation of the
designed to convey information about the environ- features of one surface on another.57 Like all the other
ment.51 Various arguments have been raised against this definitions under review, this relates to map and not to
theory, which now seems to be falling out of favour.52 its polysyllabic alternatives, but recently there have been
One objection is that a map may be used in ways not in- signs that the word cartography is following the same
tended by its author. Another, especially familiar to map path.58
historians, is that it may not be used at all. Perhaps surprisingly, these changes have been wel-
comed by a number of map specialists, and particularly
The Philosophers Map by historians and philosophers of cartography as op-
Almost throughout its history the word map has been posed to practical cartographers and map users. Robin-
used in a metaphorical sense by poets and other imagina- son and Petchenik were thinking about Peircian
tive writers, and regular sub-uses eventually became es- definitions as early as 1976.59 A year later, Peter Lewis
tablished in technical and academic writing for various committed himself to Maps are scales for measuring the
classes of non-geographical phenomena. Some of these property location, which perhaps can qualify as our best
were also metaphorical: a cognitive psychologists men- example of a clever definition though with some
tal map, for instance, is no more truly cartographic than mental effort it might prove acceptable as well as clever
the black sheep of a family is truly ovine.53 More realisti- if location and measurement were suitably re-inter-
cally, map has been applied to diagrammatically picto- preted.60 In general, it now became common for the
rial representations of objects as diverse as electrical earths surface to be replaced in definitions by spatial
circuits and other flow-line systems, the human brain, information, and among more venturesome authors for
and the genes of a chromosome. But it was philosophers the graphic to go the same way as the terrestrial. Thus in
who took the generalization of the map concept as far as Michael Blakemore and Brian Harleys Concepts, the
it could go. The pioneer seems to have been C. S. Peirce vehicle conveying spatial information became simply a
in 1903: A map of the simplest kind represents all the formal system.61 The non-graphic formal as applied
points of one surface by corresponding points of another to representations of the earth was matched elsewhere
surface in such a manner as to preserve the continuity by structured (7: 197794) and systematic (6: 1970
unbroken, however great may be the distortion.54 A fur- 93). These rather indefinite terms may admittedly have
ther stage in the generalization process was for spatial di- been intended by their users to denote the mathemati-

cal properties of projection, scale, and orientation, or spatiality from the world itself to the observers under-
the visual codes associated with cartographic symbolism, standing of the world. Traditionalists may find this hard
or the rules governing the map-makers selection or to swallow: a regression line can satisfy Harley and Wood-
omission of detail. But, for all the reader knows, their wards definition of a map by being understood spatially
referents could be wholly non-graphic: as Harvey points (in a sense denied to our understanding of the diagonal
out, formal system allows a gazetteer to qualify as a components in the letter A, for instance) but there
map.62 need be nothing spatial about the variables it relates.
A strange feature of this new concern for generality On the highest plane of generality, some philosophi-
has been its extension to the motives of the map-maker, cally minded scholars appear to welcome redefinition
as well as to his or her methods and subject matter. A simply as an aid to thought. To widen the definition of
map, it now appears, may be made for any reason and in map is to emphasize the resemblances between maps
furtherance of any purpose. Readers unversed in the lit- (as previously understood) and certain kinds of non-
erature of cartographic empowerment may wonder why map. Conversely, to narrow the definition, or to resist the
this fact or alleged fact should be dignified by the Inter- process of widening, is to emphasize the differences with-
national Cartographic Association as a matter of defini- in the same set of referents. Since both similarities and
tion (Appendix).63 Perhaps it is part of an attempt to differences undeniably exist, neither of these operations
promote the socialization of cartography by denying that is self-evidently wrong. To the philosopher, with his pre-
maps can be made for their own sakes. dilection for general statements, widening must have
In summary, there seem to be several reasons for the more appeal than narrowing: in the short term it seems
generalization of map. One is essentially trivial the to bring more of the universe within his domain, an intel-
belief among practising cartographers that computer lectually stimulating experience however insecure its log-
disks should be allowed to count as maps a policy ical foundation. In the even shorter term the issue is
adopted by several recent writers who have put digital more straightforward: on the one hand maps is easier
(5: 198992) or virtual on a par with visual and tac- to write than maps and diagrams, on the other hand it
tile in the characterization of cartographic media. This is uncomfortable to be accused of talking nonsense by
may not be particularly logical but at least there is some readers more accustomed to an older definition.
precedent for it: the disk becomes a map by a process of
metonymy, the same trope whereby pianists are asked if The Limits of Lexicography
they have brought their music. One wonders whether The purpose of this paper has been to acknowledge the
this derivative secondary meaning should be treated as a lexicographical record as a window on the history of
harmless colloquialism rather than as essential to a stand- maps, not to suggest a new definition or to endorse any
ard definition. particular old one, or even to suggest that the search for
For map historians there are special advantages in definitions is a desirable activity for the serious student.
broadening the scope of cartography. By specifying a Many famous treatises on cartography have left their sub-
range of authorial motivations they can signal their ac- ject matter undefined, apparently without incurring crit-
ceptance of the above-mentioned belief that many if not icism on that account. We all know what map means
all cartographers cherish some purpose (probably con- sufficiently well to make ourselves understood, and it is
nected with the exercise of political or economic power) unlikely that anyone has ever achieved this knowledge by
other than that of making true statements about the consulting a dictionary. This attitude was rationalized in
world. In the realm of map content the historian can Ludwig Wittgensteins famous discussion of the word
strike a blow against elitism by minimizing the differenc- game. Some words, he suggested, are simply unamena-
es between western and some non-western cartogra- ble to intensional definition, their various uses being
phies. Many of the latter, it is agreed, have been linked not by any single common property but rather by
unconcerned with numerical standards of accuracy. a network of family resemblances. 65 A related argu-
Their products are best accommodated in map defini- ment is that degrees of mappiness form a continuum
tions that make no reference to scale lines, graticules, on which the exact boundaries of the word map are ar-
grids, and compass indicators or for that matter to bitrary and uncertain. Alan MacEachren mentions two
structure, system, and formality. In the same spirit, such scalar progressions, one leading from realism to ab-
cartographic status can now be made available to any so- straction, the other from the cosmic scale to the sub-
ciety that produces certain kinds of diagram or picture: atomic.66 (Perhaps we could add a third, from vertical to
all one need do is redefine the word map. Thus Harley horizontal sight-lines.) Whether these arguments really
and Woodward, in seeking to redescribe the history of invalidate the idea of a dictionary-type definition may be
cartography in non-western countries, have chosen to open to doubt. What we can safely assert by way of con-
define maps as graphic representations that facilitate a clusion is that, as it happens, most definitions of map
spatial understanding of things, concepts, conditions, have failed to match the realities of language use. In fact,
processes or events in the human world.64 A further re- it is their sheer badness that makes them an interesting
buff to old-fashioned objectivism here is the transfer of historical source.

Appendix A symbolized image of geographic reality, representing

COMMITTEE DEFINITIONS selected features or characteristics, resulting from the
A representation on a plane surface, at an established creative efforts of cartographers, and designed for use
scale, of the physical features, (natural, artificial or both) when spatial relationships are of special relevance.
of a part or the whole of the earths surface, by the use of Quoted in Michael Wood, Whither maps and map
signs and symbols, and with the method of orientation in- design, Bulletin of the Society of Cartographers 27 (1993), p.
dicated. Also a similar representation of the heavenly 8. This definition was adopted in 1996 by the general as-
bodies. sembly of the International Cartographic Association
American Society of Civil Engineers, Definition of (ICA News 26 (Summer, 1996), p. 1) with the following
Surveying, Mapping and Related Terms (New York, 1954), p. changes: for efforts of cartographers read effort of its
7. authors execution of choices; for special read prima-
A representation of the earths surface or a part of it, its
physical and political features, etc., or of the heavens, de-
lineated on a flat surface of paper or other material, each
1 A small number of English translations from other languag-
point in the drawing corresponding to a geographical or
es has been included (see especially Stanislaw Pietkiewicz,
celestial position according to a definite scale or projec-
The evolution of the map definition during the last hun-
dred years, Actes du xie Congres International dHistoire des Sci-
L. D. Stamp, A Glossary of Geographical Terms Prepared
ences, Varsovie-Cracovie, 1965/4 (Wroclaw, 1968), pp. 2725)
by a Committee of the British Association for the Advancement of
but none of these translations is the work of the present au-
Science (London, 1961).
A conventional representation, normally to scale and usu- 2 The full texts of the definitions are obtainable from the au-
ally on a flat medium, of a selection of material or abstract thor at the Department of Geography, Trinity College, Dub-
features on or in relation to the surface of the earth, or of lin, Ireland, or on the World Wide Web at:
a heavenly body.
Royal Society, Glossary of Technical Terms in Cartogra- 3 The word recorded here and throughout this paper refers
phy (London, 1966), p. 25. only to the authors sample. This means that not more than
limited significance can be attached to the dates of so-called
A graphic representation, usually on a plane surface and
first and last occurrence. Some of these dates are in any case
at an established scale, of natural and artificial features
on the surface of a part or the whole of the earth or other
4 The figure for planar representation may be supplemented
planetary body. The features are positioned as accurately
by another 18 definitions (1775 1989) that specify paper as
as possible, usually relative to a coordinate reference sys-
the commonest cartographic medium.
tem. Also, a graphic representation of a part or the whole
5 It seems clear from the context that projection in these
of the celestial sphere.
cases does not carry the specialized mathematical meaning
[U.S.] Department of Defense, Glossary of Mapping,
familiar in modern cartography.
Charting and Geodetic Terms (2nd edition, n.p., 1969).
6 J. B. Harley, Historical geography and the cartographic illu-
A representation normally to scale and on a flat medium sion, Journal of Historical Geography 15 (1989), pp. 846; De-
of a selection of material or abstract features on, or in re- constructing the map, Cartographica 26/2 (Spring, 1989), p.
lation to, the surface of the earth or of a celestial body. 4; Denis Wood with John Fels, The Power of Maps (London,
International Cartographic Association Commis- 1993), p. 22. In this connection it may also be noted that the
sion II, Multilingual Dictionary of Technical Terms in Cartog- words scientific and objective occur nowhere in the sam-
raphy (Wiesbaden, 1973), p. 7. ple.
7 The term lineal representation was used in Myliuss School
A holistic representation and intellectual abstraction of
Dictionary of the English Language (London, 1819) and revived
geographic reality intended to be communicated for a
in Chambers World Gazetteer and Geographical Dictionary
purpose or purposes, transforming relevant geographical
(Edinburgh and London, 1957). See also below, note 20.
data into an end-product which is visual, digital or tactile.
8 Several recent cartographic theorists have implicitly shown
ICA Working Group on Cartographic Definitions,
themselves dissatisfied with the concept of representation,
1989, quoted in Commentary, Cartographic Journal 26
for instance John Pickles, Text, hermeneutics and propa-
(l989), p. 115.
ganda maps, in Trevor J. Barnes and James S. Duncan, Writ-
A representation or abstraction of geographical reality: a ing Worlds: Discourse, Text and Metaphor in the Representation of
tool for presenting geographical information in a way Landscape (London and New York, 1992), pp. 193, 227; and
that is visual, digital or tactile. Barbara Belyea, Images of power: Derrida/Foucault/Har-
D. R. F. Taylor, 1991, quoted by C. Board, Report of ley, Cartographica 29/2 (Summer, 1992), pp. 19, especially
Working Group on Cartographic Definitions 1991, ICA p. 8, n. 11. Such writers may be using represent in a narrow
Newsletter, in Cartographic Journal 29 (1992), p. 54. pictorial sense; or they may just be concerned with what is

important and interesting about maps rather than with ques- The Voyages and Works of John Davis the Navigator (London,
tions of lexicography. At any rate, no one seems to have pro- 1880), p. 285). Early dictionary definitions of chart are un-
duced a definition that clearly excludes the idea of helpful in the present context: a typical seventeenth-century
representation. example is paper, parchment or written deed. The word
9 An exception is James Hathway, The Story of Maps & Map- atlas however was often thought to need a reference to the
Making: How Man Has Charted his Changing World From An- whole earth, as in David Booths a collection of maps of the
cient Times to the Space Age (New York, 1960), p. 47, where a ge- different parts of the world (David Booth, An Analytical Dic-
ological section is expressly described as a form of map. tionary of the English Language (London, 1835), p. 211).
For a more important case see below, note 41. 20 An implicitly larger-scale reference occurs in John Ashs
10 J. S. Keates, Cartographic Design and Production (2nd ed., Har- The New and Complete Dictionary of the English Language (Lon-
low, 1989), p. 3. Italics here and elsewhere are mine. don, 1775): A description of a country by lines drawn on pa-
11 G. E. Hutchings, Landscape Drawing (London, 1960), p. 79. per, a picture in which lands and seas are delineated
Surfaces have also been avoided by defining the map as a according to the rules of geography; the site or description
representation of geographical reality, but unless accompa- of an estate according to exact admeasurement. This defini-
nied by a definition of geography, this does no more than tion appeared soon after the beginning of a marked increase
evade the issue. in the output of English estate maps (A. S. Bendall, Maps,
12 George Grove, Geography (London, 1877). Surprisingly, Land and Society: A History, With A Carto-Bibliography of Cam-
Grove is the only author in our sample who mentions hori- bridgeshire Estate Maps, circa 16001836 (Cambridge, 1992),
zontality in the context of a cartographers subject matter. pp. 2930), and reappeared in William Perrys The Synony-
13 P. C. Muehrcke, Map Use: Reading, Analysis and Interpretation mous, Etymological and Pronouncing English Dictionary (Lon-
(Madison, 1978), p. 55, quoted by Michael Blakemore, don, 1805) and in John Walkers A Critical Pronouncing
Communicating information about cartographic communi- Dictionary and Expositor of the English Language (London,
cation, Progress in Human Geography 5/2 (1981), p. 300. The 1838).
same idea is expressed slightly differently in the 1992 edition 21 For an example from the 1870s, see Karl Pearson, The Life,
of Map Use by Phillip C. Muehrcke and Juliana O. Muehrcke Letters and Labours of Francis Galton, ii (Cambridge, 1924), p.
(p. 87). 22.
14 Some thoughts concerning education, first published 22 Arthur H. Robinson and Barbara Bartz Petchenik, The Na-
1693, reprinted in The Works of John Locke, ix (London, 1823), ture of Maps: Essays Toward Understanding Maps and Mapping
pp. 1723. (Chicago and London, 1976), p. 15. The word globe does
15 The doctrine of the globes ought to precede the projec- not appear in the index to this book.
tion of the sphere and making of maps, 25 May, 1694 (H. W. 23 John Green, The Construction of Maps and Globes (London,
Turnbull, ed., The Correspondence of Isaac Newton, iii (Cam- 1717), p. 6.
bridge, 1961), p. 357). Book titles of this period include 24 D. J. Warner, The Sky Explored: Celestial Cartography 1500
Joseph Moxons A Tutor to Astronomy and Geography, Or an Easy 1800 (New York and Amsterdam, 1979). Non-terrestrial plan-
and Speedy Way to Know the Use of Both the Globes Celestial and etary and lunar maps are not explicitly mentioned in the
Terrestrial (London, 1674) and John Harriss Astronomical Di- sample until 1966 despite the mapping of the moon by Jo-
alogues Between a Gentleman and a Lady: Wherein the Doctrine of hannes Hevelius more than three hundred years earlier. See
the Sphere, Uses of the Globes, and the Elements of Astronomy and Klaus Bartels, Vom Mondgesicht zur Mondkarte, Carto-
Geography are Explained in a Pleasant, Easy and Familiar Way. graphica Helvetica 5 (1992), pp. 1116.
Neither of these works deals with maps. 25 Michael Blakemore and J. B. Harley did not make this point
16 Gregorii posthuma: or Certain Learned Tracts Written by John Gre- in their reply to Paul Harveys criticism of their inclusion of
gorie, M.A. and Chaplain of Christ-Church Oxford (London, star charts in map history (B. V. Gutsell, ed., Concepts in the
1649), pp. 257, 285. Gregorys main title is The Description and history of cartography, Cartographica 19/1 (Spring, 1982),
Use of the Terrestrial Globe, but his book is unusual in having pp. 68, 84); see also Harleys review of R. A. Skelton and
two separately titled sections, one on globes, the other on P. D. A. Harvey, Local Maps and Plans from Medieval England in
The description and use of maps and charts universal and The Map Collector 43 (1988), p. 51.
particular. 26 Nathan Bailey, An Universal Etymological English Dictionary
17 Gazophylacium (London, 1689). The Oxford English dic- (London, 1721).
tionary quotes no parallel uses of schedule in this sense. 27 A geographical picture on which lands and seas are delin-
18 J. K[ersey], A New English Dictionary (London, 1702). eated according to the latitude and longitude (Samuel
19 Edward Phillips, The New World of Words (6th ed., London, Johnson, A Dictionary of the English Language (London,
1706). It may also be noted that world-wide coverage had 1755)).
been assumed a century earlier in John Daviss definition of 28 This is well exemplified in J. S. Keltie, Geographical educa-
a chart as a special instrument in navigation, pretending the tion, Royal Geographical Society, Supplementary Papers, i (1886),
cosmographical description of the terrestrial globe, by all pt. 4, no. 1, pp. 439594.
such lines, circles, courses and divisions as are required to 29 Charles Cotter, The Astronomical and Mathematical Founda-
the most exquisite skill of navigation (A. H. Markham, ed., tions of Geography (London, 1966), p. 173. Several definitions

(including that of the British Association: see Appendix) and statistical diagrams (S. Cassettari, A. Fagg and M. Visval-
treat scale and projection as alternatives. In such cases both ingam, Cartography and geographical information sys-
criteria have been included in the word-count. tems, Cartographic Journal 29 (1992), p. 51).
30 See for example David Smith, Victorian Maps of the British 42 John Bygott, An Introduction to Mapwork and Practical Geogra-
Isles (London, 1985). phy (London, 1934).
31 Guy Messenger, The Ordnance Survey One-inch Map of Eng- 43 Erwin Raisz, General Cartography (New York, 1938).
land and Wales, third edition (large sheet series) (London, 1988). 44 The first two occurrences of phenomena in the sample
32 Jean Jacques Rousseau (trans. Barbara Foxley), Emile (Lon- are from translations of non-English definitions (Pietkiewicz,
don, 1911), pp. 1314. The evolution of the map definition during the last hun-
33 F. H. Hayward, The Educational Ideas of Pestalozzi and Frbel dred years, pp. 273, 274).
(London, 1905), p. 44. For an example from the 1820s of the 45 Distribution map was widely adopted during the 1940s in
educational use of classroom plans in England, see Michael the sense later associated with thematic map (see W. V.
J. Wise, An early 19th century experiment in the teaching of Lewis and W. G. V. Balchin, The construction of distribution
geography, Geography 33 (1948), p. 20. maps, Geography 30 (1945), pp. 8692 and W.G.V. Balchin
34 Robert Sullivan, Geography Generalised (48th edition, Dub- and A. W. Richards, Practical and Experimental Geography (Lon-
lin, 1874), p. 8. This passage does not appear in the 38th edi- don, 1952), pp. 11220), but this usage eventually dropped
tion of 1868; intervening editions have not been traced. To out of sight.
judge from their contexts this extract and the next (below, 46 Francois de Dainville, Le langage des gographes (Paris, 1964),
note 35) may reasonably be regarded as definitions, though p. 58.
strictly speaking both authors might insist that other kinds of 47 Report of the select committee on the survey and valuation of Ire-
unspecified object could also qualify as maps. land, British parliamentary papers, H. C. 1824 (445), viii, fol-
35 T. H. Huxley, Physiography: An Introduction to the Study of Na- lowing p. 374. This report dealt with the work of the British
ture (London, 1893; first ed. 1877), pp. 56. Ordnance Survey, but the term convention was not much
36 A. Philip Muntz, Union mapping in the American civil used by Ordnance Survey officers, perhaps because resort to
war, Imago Mundi 17 (1963), p. 93. In the same context see conventions was regarded in the department as an admission
Jan Harvey, A short history of air survey, Bulletin of the Society of failure. See C. F. Closes comment that conventional signs
of University Cartographers 6 (1972), pp. 325. An early exam- are undoubtedly an evil in The ideal topographical map,
ple of the conceptual link between ballooning and cartogra- Geographical Journal 25 (1905), p. 636.
phy is Edgar Allan Poes story, The unparalleled adventure 48 A. T. Summers and E. Stenhouse, A Class Book of Physical Ge-
of one Hans Pfaall (1835), where the earth as seen by a ography (London, 1912), p. 3.
space-travelling balloonist is said to look like a chart ortho- 49 A. Kolacny Cartographic information a fundamental
graphically projected (cited in Eileen Reeves, Reading concept and term in modern cartography, Cartographic Jour-
maps, Word and Image 9 (1993), pp. 612). A still earlier ref- nal 6 (1969), pp. 479; C. Koeman, The principle of carto-
erence, to an actual attempt at this kind of mapping, is in the graphic communication in cartography, International
Hibernian Journal, Dublin, 8 May, 1786. Yearbook of Cartography 11 (1971), p. 174; A. H. Robinson and
37 Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture (Harlow, Barbara Petchenik, The map as a communication system,
1992). Cartographic Journal 12 (1975), pp. 715. A good historical
38 P. D. A. Harvey, The History of Topographical Maps: Symbols, survey of this subject is C. Board, The development of con-
Pictures and Surveys (London, 1980), pp. 1723. Lexicograph- cepts of cartographic communication with special reference
ical considerations were probably not far from Harveys to the role of Professor Ratajski, International Yearbook of Car-
mind, however: in the same year he emphasized the glaring tography 23 (1983), pp. 1929. See also J. S. Keates, Under-
need among map historians for a definition (in the singular) standing Maps (New York, 1982), ch. 9.
of the word map (Gutsell, Concepts, p. 68). The idea of 50 Janusz Golaski, Definition of the map, Third Internation-
ubiquitous verticality is anticipated in W. G. V. Balchin (au- al Congress of Cartography, Amsterdam, 1967, Collection 59
thor and editor), Geography: An Outline for Intending Students (Skelton papers), Centre for Newfoundland Studies Archive,
(London, 1970), pp. 2930. Memorial University of Newfoundland, II/I/2 (3), type-
39 On cartography, see especially Robert B. McMaster, ed., script, pp. 4, 5. Golaskis definition is in two parts: A topo-
U.S. national report to ICA, 1991: history and development graphic transfer, relative to a given part of the earth surface,
of academic cartography, Cartography and Geographic Infor- is a set of signs informing about spatial relations (conditions)
mation Systems 18/3 (July 1991); also Arthur H. Robinson, occurring between objects or phenomena connected with
Geographical cartography then and now, Annals of the Asso- the said part of the earth surface. The map of a given part of
ciation of American Geographers 69 (1979), pp. 97102. the earth surface is a topographic transmitter that informs
40 See especially Christopher Board, Report of working only and solely by means of a disposition on the plane of
group on cartographic definitions, Cartographica 29 (1992), signs designating objects or phenomena.
pp. 546. 51 A. G. Hodgkiss, Understanding Maps: A Systematic History of
41 For instance, The term map is generic and includes geo- their Use and Development (Folkestone, 1981).
graphic maps, plans, charts, sections, 3D models, globes 52 Alan M. MacEachren, How Maps Work: Representation,

Visualization and Design (New York, 1995), pp. 36. the Mediterranean (Chicago and London, 1987), p. xvi; ii (pt
53 E. C. Tolman, Cognitive maps in rats and men, Psychologi- 1): Cartography in the Traditional Islamic and South Asian Socie-
cal Review 55 (1948), pp. 189208. For the later history of ties (Chicago and London, 1992), p. xxii.
mental-map studies see Naomi Eilan, Rosaleen McCarthy 65 Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations (Oxford,
and Bill Brewer, eds, Spatial Representation: Problems in Philoso- 1968, first published 1953), pp. 315. No one seems to have
phy and Psychology (Oxford, 1993), especially chapters 3 suggested that Wittgenstein gave up rather too easily in his
(John OKeefe) and 4 (John Campbell). search for a definition of game. See, however, Hans-Johann
54 Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss, Collected Papers of Glock, A Wittgenstein Dictionary (Oxford, 1996), pp. 1212.
Charles Sanders Peirce, iv (Cambridge, Mass., 1933), p. 400. 66 MacEachren, How Maps Work, pp. 16061. Also Jean Atkin-
Peirce was a cartographer as well as a philosopher: he invent- son, Words in the Mind: An Introduction to The Mental Lexicon
ed the quincuncial projection (John P. Snyder, Flattening the (Oxford, 2nd ed., 1994), pp. 5163.
Earth: Two Thousand Years of Map Projections (Chicago, 1993),
pp. 13637). Rsum On discute souvent des dfinitions du mot carte
55 Diagrams showing logical relationships can be traced to dans un esprit philosophique, mais jusqu maintenant, on nen
the eighteenth century. Their similarity to maps was some- a jamais discut pour jeter de la lumire sur lhistoire de la car-
times noted obliquely, for instance by John Venn (Symbolic tographie. Dans cette recherche, on a recueilli un chantillon
Logic (London, 1881), pp. 121, 437) and Lewis Carroll (W. A. de plus de trois cents dfinitions dans des dictionnaires, des en-
Bartley III, ed., Lewis Carrolls Symbolic Logic (Hassocks, 1977), cyclopdies, des textes sur la gographie et d'autres crits datant
p. 244), but the first writer known to have actually called de la moiti du dix-septime sicle jusqu aujourd'hui. Les r-
them maps is Bertrand Russell (Introduction to Mathematical sultats justifient que l'on en fasse une analyse historique et sta-
Philosophy (London, 1919), p. 60). tistique et lon offre notre rflexion plusieurs exemples de
56 John Ogilvie, The Imperial Dictionary of the English Language telles analyses. L'approche lexicographique la plus commune
(London etc., n.d., circa 1885). The word atlas has been vise traiter les cartes comme des reprsentations de la surface
similarly generalized: William Turners An Atlas of Human de la terre, mais pour plusieurs auteurs cette formule simple a
Anatomy and Physiology was published in Edinburgh as early as t trop gnrale et trop brute. Parmi les autres dfinitions, peu
1857. semblent se conformer l'usage commun. Elles refltent plutt
57 A much earlier though less general example is a delinea- des changements de modes intellectuelles chez les gographes
tion of some portion of a sphere, or of the earth, on a plane et, plus rcemment, chez les cartographes. Dans les cas o lon
(J. E. Worcester, A Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Lan- a essay datteindre un plus grand raffinement lexicographi-
guage (Philadelphia, 1860)). que, on peut voir merger certains motifs. Pour les fins de la dis-
58 Cartographical was used in a purely analogical sense by cussion ces motifs seront, dans lordre historique : scientifiques,
Nelson Godman in The Structure of Appearance (Indianapolis, populaires, professionnels et philosophiques.
2nd ed., 1966), pp. 31718, but the main vehicle for this lex-
icographical revolution has been a series of papers in and af- Zusammenfassung Was war eine Karte? Die Antwort der
ter 1994 by R. Paulston and M. Liebman, cited in Rolland G. Lexikographen Definitionen des Wortes map (Karte) wer-
Paulston, ed., Social Cartography: Mapping Ways of Seeing Social den oft in einem philosophischen Geist diskutiert, aber sie sind
and Educational Change (New York and London, 1996). These bisher nicht dazu herangezogen worden, die Geschichte der
authors also favour the term cartograph, apparently as a Kartographie zu erhellen. Dieser Studie liegt eine Stichprobe
modern equivalent for diagram (Martin Liebman and Rol- von mehr als dreihundert solcher Definitionen zugrunde. Als
land G. Paulston, Social cartography: a new methodology Quellen dienten Wrterbcher, Reallexika, geographische
for comparative studies, Compare, a Journal of Comparative Ed- Lehrbcher und andere Schriften, die zwischen der Mitte des
ucation 24/3 (1994), p. 233 ff.). siebzehnten Jahrhunderts und der Gegenwart erschienen sind.
59 Robinson and Petchenik, Nature of Maps, p. 16. Die Ergebnisse verdienen offensichtlich eine statistische und hi-
60 Peter Lewis, Maps and Statistics (London, 1977), p. 3. storische Analyse, und mehrere Beispiele einer solchen Analyse
61 Michael Blakemore and J. B. Harley, Concepts in the histo- werden vorgelegt. Im hufigsten Fall wurden Karten als Darstel-
ry of cartography: a review and perspective, Cartographica lungen der Erdoberflche definiert, aber viele Autoren haben
17/4 (Winter, 1980), p. 13; Michael Blakemore and J. B. Har- diese einfache Formel als zu allgemein und zu grob angesehen.
ley, The authors reply in Gutsell, Concepts, pp. 823. Von den alternativen Definitionen erscheinen wenige mit dem
62 P. D. A. Harvey in Gutsell, Concepts, p. 68. gewhnlichen Sprachgebrauch vereinbar. Sie reflektieren viel-
63 An earlier purposive definition is: any graphic, conven- mehr wechselnde intellektuelle Moden unter Geographen und,
tional representation of spatial information, drawn for a pur- in jngerer Zeit, unter Kartographen. In diesen Fllen, wo eine
pose (Patrick Bailey, The map in schools: a key, a language verfeinerte lexikographische Behandlung versucht wird, kann
and a set of skills, Cartographic Journal 21 (1984), p. 62). man eine Anzahl von Leitgedanken entdecken. Einige davon
64 J. B. Harley and David Woodward, The History of Cartography, werden diskutiert; diese sind, in historischer Reihenfolge, wis-
I: Cartography in Prehistoric, Ancient, and Medieval Europe and senschaftlich, volkstmlich, berufsbezogen und philosophisch.

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