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>Visceral Striated Muscle

MUSCLE TISSUE = morphologically identical to skeletal muscle but is restricted to
the soft tissues (tongue, pharynx, lumbar part of the diaphragm
= responsible for movement of the body and its
and upper part of the esophagus)
parts and for changes in the size and shape of internal
= play essential role in speech, breathing and swallowing
>Cardiac Muscle
= characterized by aggregates of specialized, = found in the wall of the heart and in the base of the large
elongated cells arranged in parallel array that have the veins that empty into the heart
primary role of contraction.

Myofilament Interaction - Each muscle cell is a multinucleated syncytium.

= responsible for muscle contraction - Consists of striated muscle fibers held together by
connective tissue


- occupy the bulk of the cytoplasm = small individual muscle cells that form a muscle
fiber during its development Muscle fiber = Skeletal
>Thin Filaments (6-8 nm in diameter, 1.5 um long)
= composed primarily of the protein ACTIN muscle cell
Sarcolemma = Skeletal plasma membrane, its
*each thin filament of fibrous actin (F-actin) is a polymer formed
external lamina and surrounding reticular
from globular actin molecules (G-actin)*
>Thick Filaments (~15 nm in diameter, 1.5 um long)
= composed of the protein MYOSIN II *Nuclei of a skeletal muscle fiber are located in the cytoplasm
= consists of 200 300 myosin II molecules immediately beneath the plasma membrane (sarcolemma)*
*tail portion long, rod shaped that aggregates in a regular
parallel but staggered array CONNECTIVE TISSUE ASSOCIATED WITH
*head portions project out in a regular helical pattern MUSCLE(according to relationship with muscle fibers):

= delicate layer of reticular fibers that immediately surrounds
individual muscle fibers
= cytoplasm of the muscle cells = with only small-diameter blood vessels and finest neuronal
branches, running parallel to the muscle fibers
*ACTIN and MYOSIN II present in most other cell types where
they play a role in cellular activities such cytokinesis, exocytosis >Perimysium
and cell migration. = thicker connective tissue layer that surrounds a group of
fibers to form a bundle or fascicle = with larger blood
TWO PRINCIPAL TYPES OF MUSCLES(according to the vessels and nerves
appearance of contractile cells):
>Striated Muscle = sheath of dense connective tissue that surrounds a collection
= cells exhibit cross striations at the light microscope level of fascicles that constitutes the muscle = with major vascular
>Smooth Muscle and nerve supply
= cells do not exhibit cross striations
= restricted to the viscera and vascular system, the arrector pili Fascicles
muscles of the skin and intrinsic muscles of the eyes *myosin-
= functional units of muscle fibers that tend to
containing myofilaments in smooth muscle are highly labile*
work together to perform a specific function

SUBCLASSIFICATION OF STRIATED MUSCLE(base on *Connective tissue that surrounds both individual muscle fibers
location): and bundles of muscle fibers is essential for force
>Skeletal Muscle *At the end of the muscle, connective tissue continues as a
= attached to the bones tendon or some other collagen fibers that attaches the muscle
= responsible for movement of the axial and appendicular usually to the bone.*
= responsible for the maintenance of body position and posture THREE TYPES OF SKELETAL MUSCLE FIBERS(by color
*extraocular muscles skeletal muscles of the eye that in vivo):
provide precise eye movement
>Red >White >Intermediate

= for athletes that include 400-and 800-m sprinters,

Succinic dehydrogenase &Nicotinamide adenine middledistance swimmers and hockey players
dinucleotide-tetrazolium (NADH-TR) = histochemical
reactions based on oxidative enzyme activity
= confirm the observation seen in fresh tissue >Type IIb Fibers/Fat Glycolytic Fibers
= reveal special types of skeletal muscle fibers = large fibers that appear light pink in fresh specimens and
contain less myoglobin and fewer mitochondria that type I and
type IIa fibers
= low level of oxidative enzymes but exhibit high anaerobic
*Skeletal muscle fibers are characterized by speed of enzyme activity and store a considerable amount of glycogen
contraction, enzymatic velocity and metabolic activity.* = fast-twitch, fatigue prone motor units
= generate high peak muscle tension
BASIS OF CURRENT CLASSIFICATION OF SKELETAL = myosin ATPase velocity of this type is the fastest of all the fiber
= fatigue rapidly due to production of lactic acid
>Contractile Speed determines how fast the fiber can = adapted for rapid contraction and precise, fine movements =
contract and relax constitute fibers of the extraocular muscles and the muscles that
control the movements of the digits
> Enzymatic Velocity (myosin ATPase) determines the rate = have greater number of neuromuscular junctions allowing
at which the enzyme is capable of breaking down ATP more precise neuronal control of movements in those muscles
molecules during contraction cycle = for short-distance sprinters, weight lifters and other field
>Metabolic Profile indicates the capacity for ATP production
by oxidative phosphorylation of glycolysis. *MYOFIBRILS AND MYOFILAMENTS*
= an oxygen-binding protein that closely
= structural and functional subunit of the muscle
resembles hemoglobin found in erythrocytes and
occurs in varying amounts in muscle fibers
= longitudinally arrayed structural subunits
= provides a ready source of oxygen for muscle
= visible in favorable histologic preparations and are
best seen in cross-sections of muscle fibers
(stippled appearance)
= extend the entire length of the muscle cell
= composed of bundles of myofilaments
>Type I Fibers/Slow Oxidative Fibers(red fibers) = small fibers
that appear red in fresh specimens and contain many
mitochondria and large amounts of myoglobin and Myofilaments
cytochrome complexes = individual filamentous polymers of myosin II (thick
= slow-twitch, fatigue resistant motor units filaments) and actin and its associated proteins (thin
= have a great resistance to fatigue but generate less tension filaments)
= actual contractile elements of striated muscle
than other fibers
= bundles of which make up the myofibril
= their myosin ATPase reaction velocity is the slowest of all the
fiber types. surrounded by ER
= typically found in the limb muscles of mammals and in the
breast muscle of migrating birds Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
= (more importantly) they are the principal fibers of the long = well-developed smooth-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum that
muscles of the back in humanswhere they are particularly surround the myofibril = forms a highly organized tubular
adapted to the long, slow contraction needed to maintain erect network around the contractile elements in all striated muscle
posture cells *Mitochondria and glycogen deposits are located between
= make up the muscles of high-endurance athletes such as the
marathon runners myofibrils in association with the sER.*
*TWITCH single brief contraction of the muscle*
>Type IIa Fibers/Fast Oxidative Glycolytic Fibers = principal histologic feature of striated muscle =
(intermediate fibers) evident in H&E-stained preparations of
= the intermediate fibers seen in fresh tissue = medium size longitudinal sections of muscle fibers = (in unstained
with many mitochondria and a high myoglobin preparations), examined with a phase contrast or
content polarizing microscope, which they appear as alternating
= contain large amounts of glycogen and are capable of light (I band) and dark (A band) bands
anaerobic glycolysis
= fast-twitch, fatigue resistant motor units that generate high A band
peak muscle tension = birefringent(they alter polarized light in two planes)

= being doubly refractive are anisotropic Troponin-C (TnC)= smallest subunit of the troponin
*H band (Hell-light) a less dense or light region that bisects complex (18 kilodaltons)
the A band; the bare zone in the myosin filament = it binds Ca2+, the essential step in the initiation of
Troponin-T (TnT) = a 30-kilodalton subunit = binds to
I band tropomyosin, anchoring thr troponin complex
= monorefringent(they do not alter the plane of polarized light) Troponin-I (TnI) = a 30-kilodalton subunit = binds to
= they are isotropic actin, thus inhibiting actin-myosin
*Z line/Z disc (Zwischenscheibe-b/w discs) a dense line that interaction
bisects the I band
*M line (Mitte-middle) a narrow dense line that bisects the APPARATUS OF THICK FILAMENTS:
light H band
- best demonstrated in electron micrographs >Myosin II
= a 510-kilodalton protein
Sarcomere (2-3 um in relaxed mammalian muscle) = composed of two polypeptide heavy chains (222-kilodaltons
= functional unit of the myofibril each) and four light chains
= basic contractile unit of striated muscle = TWO TYPES OF LIGHT CHAINS:
= a portion of myofibril between two adjacent Z lines
Essential Light Chains (18 kilodaltons)
Regulatory Light Chains (22 kilodaltons)
*Arrangement of thick and thin filaments gives rise to the
density differences that produce the cross-striations of the *The phosphorylation by myosin light chain kinase of the
regulatory light chain initiates contraction in smooth muscles.*
Myosin-containing thick filaments about 1.5 um long and Myosin molecules(in striated muscles)
are restricted to the central portion of the sarcomere
= aggregate tail to tail to form bipolar thick myosin filaments
Thin filaments attach to the Z line and extend into the A
band to the edge of the H band = the rod-shaped segments overlap so that the globular heads
project from the thick filament
*In a longitudinal section of a sarcomere, the Z line appears as
a zigzag structure with matrix material the Z matrix, bisecting ACCESSORY PROTEINS:
the zigzag.*
Accessory Proteins
*The Z line and its matrix material anchor the thin filaments from = maintain precise alignment of thin and thick filaments
adjacent sarcomeres to the angles of the zigzag by the actin- = essential in regulating the spacing, attachment, and
binding protein -actinin.* alignment of the myofilaments
= structural protein components of skeletal muscle fibrils that
constitute less than 25% of the total
protein of the muscle fiber
= a double-stranded helix formed from the polymerization of G-
actin (small, 42-kilodalton moleule) = they are polar >Titin (2,500-kilodalton)
= the plus end of each filament is bound to the Z line by = large protein that forms an elastic lattice that anchors thick
actinin filaments in the Z lines
= the minus end extends toward the M line and is protected by = two spring-like portions of the protein adjacent to the thin
an actin-capping protein filaments
= help stabilize the centering of the myosin-containing thick
>Tropomyosin (64-kilodalton protein) filament, preventing excessive stretching of the sarcomere
= consists a double helix of two polypeptides
= it forms filaments that run in the groove between the F-actin > Actinin (190-kilodalton)
molecules in the thin filament = short, bipolar, rod-shaped actin binding protein
= (in resting muscle), together with its regulatory protein = bundles with filaments into parallel arrays and anchors them
(troponin complex) mask the myosin-binding site on the actin at the Z line
>Nebulin (600-kilodalton)
>Troponin = elongated, inelastic protein
= consist of THREE GLOBULAR SUBUNITS: = attached to the Z lines and runs parallel to the thin filaments
= helps the -actinin anchor thin filaments to Z lines = thought
to regulate the length of thin filaments during muscle

development 1. Attachment
The myosin head is tightly bound to the actin
>Tropomodulin (~40-kilodalton) molecule of the thin filament
= small actin-binding protein that is attached to the free portion ATP is absent. (arrangement known as
of the thin filament = actin-capping protein RIGOR CONFIGURATION)
= maintains and regulates the length of the sarcomeric actin
Ends with the binding of ATP to the myosin
= variation of this affect the length-tension relationship during
Rigor mortis- muscular stiffening and rigidity
muscle contraction and therefore influence the physiologic
properties of the muscle >Desmin (53-kilodalton) that begins at the moment of death caused
= type of intermediate filament by lack of ATP.
= forms a lattice that surrounds the sarcomere at the level of the
Z lines, attaching them to one another and to the plasma 2. Release
membrane, thus forming stabilizing cross-links between The myosin head is uncoupled from the thin
neighboring myofibrils filament due to the binding of ATP to the
myosin head.
>Myomesin (185-kilodalton) 3. Bending
= a myosin-binding protein The myosin head advances a short distance
= holds thick filaments in register at the M line in relation to thin filament (bending), caused
by hydrolysis of ATP
>C protein (140-150-kilodalton) (ATP Adenosine diphosphate and
= one of the possible several myosin-binding proteins = serves inorganic phosphate)
the same function as myomesin and forms several Both products (ADP and inorganic
distinct transverse stripes on either side of the M line phosphate) remain bound to the myosin head
Linear displacement of the myosin head
>Dystrophin (472-kilodalton) relative to the thin filament is 5nm
= a large protein which is thought to link laminin = resides in the 4. Force Generation
external lamina of the muscle cell, to actin filaments The myosin head releases
= encoded on the X chromosome which explains why only boys inorganic phosphate and the power
suffer from Duchennes muscular dystrophy *Duchennes stroke occurs.
muscular dystrophy a genetic condition associated with
Effects of release
progressive muscular weakness due to absence of dystrophin
Increase binding affinity between the
myosin head and its new attachment
*To maintain the efficiency and speed of muscle contraction, site
both thin and thick filaments in each myofibril must be aligned The myosin head generates force as it
precisely and kept at an optimal distance from one another.* returns to its original unbent position
Power stroke of the cycle- forced
*When a muscle contracts, each sarcomere shortensand movement of the thin filament along the thick
becomes thicker, but the myofilaments remain the same filament, as the myosin head straightens
length.* ADP is lost from the myosin head
5. Reattachment
The myosin head binds tightly to a new actin
- the sarcomere and I band shortens molecule of the thin filament.
- the A band remains the same length (Rigor Configuration) And the cycle can
- the H band narrows repeat.
- thin filaments penetrate the H band during contraction
Antiparallel Arrangement -Myosin head are arranged as
*To maintain the myofilaments at a constant length, the mirror images on either side of the H band.
shortening of the sarcomere must be caused by an increase in
the overlap of the thick and thin filaments.* *The movement of myosin head pulls the thin filaments into the
A band, thus shortening the sarcomere.
Contraction Cycle

Involves in shortening of a muscle that move the thin

filament along the thick filament. Regulation of Contraction
The 5 Stages of Contraction Cycle
Involves the following:

1. Ca2+ - must be available for the reaction between

actin and myosin.

Removed after contraction *Resting concentration of Ca2+ is restored in the cytosol in less
Rapid delivery and removal of Ca2+- is than milliseconds
accomplished by sarcoplasmic reticulum and
transverse tubular system.
2. Sarcoplasmic Reticulum arranged as series of
networks around the myofibrils
Each network extends form one A-I junction
to the next A-I junction within a sarcomere. Motor Innervation
Terminal cisternae- slightly more regular
ringlike channel, forms at the junction Neuromuscular Junction contact made by the terminal
between A and I bands. branches of the axon with the muscle fiber
ContainsGated Ca2+ release channels Neurilemal (Schwann cell) - covers thin portion of myelin
to release Ca2+ to the sarcoplasm sheath and terminal ends of axon.
Mitochondria and glycogen granules
involved in providing energy for the reactions Motor unit- neuron along with specific muscle fibers
involve in contraction
3. Transverse tubular system or T system consist of *Muscle capable of the most delicate movements have the
T tubule (invaginations of the plasma membrane) fewest muscle fibers per motor neuron in their motor units.
T tubule located between adjacent terminal
cisternae at the A-I junctions Innervation- necessary for muscle cells to maintain their
Voltage-sensor proteins structural integrity.
membrane channels, activated Tissue Atrophy- nerve supply to a muscle is disrupted;
when the plasma membrane thinning of the muscle and its cell

*Triad- complex of T tubule and two adjacent terminal

cisternae Sensory Innervation


Encapsulated sensory receptors in muscles and

Initiation of the Muscle Contraction tendons
Part of the somatic sensory
The depolarization of the T-tubule membrane triggers the
Provides information about the degree of stretching
release of Ca2+ from the terminal cisternae to initiate muscle
and tension in a muscle.
Muscle Spindle
Events leading to contraction of skeletal muscle
Specialized stretch receptor located within the skeletal
1. Nerve impulse travelling along the axon of a motor
neuron arrives at the neuromuscular junction
2. The nerve impulse prompts the release of acetylcholine Consist of two types of modified muscle fibers
into the synaptic cleft that binds into ACh-gate Na+ surrounded by internal capsule
channels causing local depolarization *Fluid-filled space- separates the internal capsule
3. Voltage-gated Na+ channels open, Na+ enters the cell from an outer external capsule.
A. Spindle cells
4. General Depolarization spreads
a. Nuclear bag fiber-contains an
5. Voltage sensor proteins in the plasma membrane of T
aggregation of nuclei in an expanded
tubules change their conformation.
6. At the muscle triads, the T tubules are in close contact
b. Nuclear chain fiber has many nuclei
with the lateral enlargements of the sarcoplasmic
arranged inn chain
reticulum, where gated Ca2+-release channels are
B. Neuron terminals
activated by conformational changes of voltage-sensor
proteins Transmits information about the degree of stretching
7. Ca2+ rapidly released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum in a muscle
into the sarcoplasm Sensory (afferent, Ia) nerve fibers- carry
information from the muscle spindle
8. Ca2+ binds to the TnC portion of the troponin complex
o Spindle cells receive motor innervation
9. The contraction cycle is initiated, and Ca2+ is returned to
from the spinal cord and brain via -
the terminal cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. motor efferent nerve fibers
Ca2+--activated ATPase pump - transports Ca2+ back into the Sensory (afferent, Ib) nerve fibers monitor
muscle tension within an optimal range
terminal cisternae

o Golgi tendon organs When External Lamina disrupted- fibroblasts repair

encapsulated receptors found in the the injured site, with subsequent scar tissue formation.
tendons of muscle and respond to Muscular dystrophies- characterized by progressive
increased tension of the cell. degeneration of skeletal muscle fibers, which places a constant
demand on the satellite cells to replace the degenerated fibers.
Development, Repair, Healing and Renewal has the same types and arrangement of contractile
filaments as skeletal muscle
Myoblast- derived from a self-renewing population of cells and the fibers they form exhibit cross-striations
evident in routine histologic sections intercalated
multipotential myogenic stem cells
Myogenic stem cells originate in the embryo from -densely staining cross-bands exhibited by cardiac
muscle fibers that cross the fibers in a linear fashion
or frequently in a way that resembles the risers of a
a. Unsegmented paraxial mesoderm (cranial muscle
progenitors) or
-represent highly specialized attachment sites
b. Segmented mesoderm of somites (epaxial and
between adjacent cells (linear cell-to-cell attachment);
hypaxial muscle progenitors)
thus, results in fibers of variable length
MyoD transcription factor plays a key role in activation of consists of numerous cylindrical cells arranged end to
muscle-specific gene expressions and differentiation of all
skeletal muscle lineages. some cardiac muscle cells in a fiber may join with two
or more cells through intercalated discs; thus, creating
Myostatin gene- expression of this result to a balancing effect a branched fiber
on skeletal muscle development, which leads to synthesis of
myostatin. Structure
The cardiac muscle nucleus lies in the center of the cell.
Myostatin- exerts an inhibitory effect on muscle growth and this is one feature that helps distinguish them from
differentiation. multinucleated skeletal muscle fibers
transmission electron microscope (TEM) reveals that
Skeletal muscle progenitors the myofibrils of cardiac muscle separate to pass
around the nucleus; thus, outlining a biconical
A. Early myoblasts responsible for formation of juxtanuclear region (rich in mitochondria and
primary myotubes contains the Golgi apparatus, lipofuscin pigment
granules, and glycogen) in which the cell organelles
Primary myotubes
are concentrated
Chainlike structures that extend between
atrial granules
tendons of the developing muscle.
-found in the atria of the heart, measuring 0.3-0.4um
Formed by nearly synchronous fusion of
in diameter, are also concentrated in the juxtanuclear
early myoblasts.
B. Late myoblasts give rise to secondary myotubes
-contain two polypeptide hormones; both hormones
Secondary myotubes are diuretics, affecting urinary excretion of sodium,
Formed in the innervated zone of inhibit rennin secretion by the kidney, inhibit
developing muscle aldosterone secretion by the adrenal gland, inhibit
Continue to form by sequential fusion of contractions of vascular smooth muscle 1. atrial
myoblasts natriuretic factor (ANF) (L. natrium, sodium) 2. brain
Characterized by a smaller diameter, natriuretic factor (BNF) *in congestive heart failure,
more widely space nuclei, levels of circulating BNF increase
and increased number of Numerous large mitochondria and glycogen stores are
myofilaments. adjacent to each myofibril.
cardiac muscle cells are characterized by large
mitochondria that are densely packed between the
Satellite cells - Myogenic precursors of muscle cells
these large mitochondria often extend the full length of
a sarcomere and contain numerous, closely packed
Responsible for the skeletal muscles ability to cristae
regenerate, but their regenerative capacity is limited. concentration of glycogen granules are also located
Normally quiescent and do not express myogenic between the myofibrils
regulatory factors. glycogen granules (structures that store energy) and
After injury, they proliferate and give rise to new mitochondria (structures that release and recapture
myoblasts energy) are located adjacent to the myofibrils that use
When External lamina remain intact- myoblasts the energy to drive contraction The intercalated
fuse within the external lamina to form myotubes, discs represent junctions between cardiac muscle
which then mature to a new fiber cells.

intercalated disc permits cardiac muscle fibers to behave

-represents the attachment site between cardiac as a synctium while retaining cellular
muscle cells integrity and individuality
-appears as a densely staining linear structure that is the position of these gap junctions on
oriented transversely to the muscle fiber -consists of the lateral surfaces of the intercalated
short segments arranged in a steplike fashion disc protects them from the forces
when the site of intercalated disc is generated during contraction
examined with the TEM, the densely The sER in cardiac muscle cells is organized into a single
staining structures seen in the light network along the sarcomere, extending from Z line Z line.
microscope can be attributed to the the sER in cardiac muscle is:
presence of transverse component - not as well organized as that of skeletal muscle -
(that crosses the fibers at a right angle does not separate bundles of myofilaments into
to the myofibrils, analogous to the risers discrete myofibrils
of the stairway) the T tubules in cardiac muscle penetrate into the
a lateral component (not visible in the myofilament bundles at the level of the Z line,
light microscope, analogous to the steps between the ends of the sER networks (1 T tubule per
of the stairway) occupies a series of sarcomere)
surfaces perpendicular to the transverse small terminal cisternae of the sER are in close
component and lies parallel to the proximity to the T tubules to form a diad at the level of
myofibrils the Z line
both components of the intercalated disc the external lamina adheres to the invaginated plasma
contain specialized cell-to-cell junctions membrane of the T tubule as it penetrates into the
between adjoining cardiac muscle cells cytoplasm of the muscle cell the T tubules are:
1. fascia adherens (adhering junction) -larger and more numerous in cardiac ventricular
major constituent of the transverse muscle than in skeletal muscle -less numerous in cardiac
component of the intercalated disc atrial muscle Passage of Ca2+ from the lumen of the T
responsible for its staining in routine tubule to the sarcoplasm of a cardiac muscle cell is
H&E preparations essential to initiate the contraction cycle.
holds the cardiac muscle cells at their depolarization of the T tubule membrane activates
ends to form the functional cardiac voltage-sensor proteins, which are similar in
muscle fibers structure and function to Ca2+ channels
always appears as a transverse in contrast to skeletal muscle, long-lasting
boundary between the cardiac muscle depolarization in cardiac muscle activates these
cells sensors and prompts their slow conformation change
TEM reveals an intercellular space into functional Ca2+ channels; thus, in the first stage of
between the adjacent cells that is filled the cardiac muscle contraction cycle, Ca2+ from the
with electron-dense material resembling lumen of the T tubule is transported to the sarcoplasm
the material found in the zonula of cardiac muscle, which opens gated Ca2+ release
adherens of the epithelia channels in adjacent terminal sacs of the
serves as the site at which the thin sarcoplasmic reticulum (calcium-triggered calcium
filaments in the terminal sarcomere release mechanism, causes a massive and rapid
anchor onto the plasma membrane (in release of additional Ca2+ that initiates subsequent
this way, the fascia adherens is steps of the contraction cycle)
functionally similar to the epithelial the longer-lasting membrane depolarization and
zonula adherens, where actin filaments activation of voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels in the
of the terminal web are also anchored) wall of the T tubule account for an approximately
2. maculae adherentes (desmosomes) 200-millisecond delay from the start of a
bind the individual muscle cells to one depolarization in a cardiac muscle twitch (difference
another between initiation of cardiac and skeletal muscle
help prevent the cells from pulling apart contractions)
under the strain of regular repetitive Cardiac muscle cells exhibit an intrinsic spontaneous
contractions rhythmic contraction.
reinforce the fascia adherens and are evident in embryonic cardiac muscle cells as well as
found in both the transverse and lateral in cardiac muscle cells in tissue cultures cardiac
components of the intercalated discs conducting cells:
3. gap junctions (communicating junctions) -specialized, modified cardiac muscle cells that locally
constitute the major structural element of regulate, coordinate, and initiate the heartbeat -
the lateral component of the intercalated organized into nodes and highly specialized
disc conducting fibers called Purkinje fibers that generate
provide ionic continuity between and rapidly transmit the contractile impulse to various
adjacent cardiac muscle cells; thus, parts of the myocardium in a precise sequence
allowing informational macromolecules both parasympathetic and sympathetic nerve fibers
to pass from cell to cell (this exchange terminate in the nodes:

-sympathetic stimulation accelerates the heartbeat by the remaining sarcoplasm is filled with thin
increasing the frequency of impulses to the cardiac filaments (form a part of the contractile
conducting cells apparatus)
-parasympathetic stimulation slows down the thick myosin filaments are scattered throughout
heartbeat by decreasing the frequency of the the sarcoplasm of a smooth muscle cell
impulses (extremely labile, tend to be lost during tissue
*the impulses carried by these nerves do not initiate preparation, but are demonsrated with TEM using
contraction but only modify the rate of intrinsic cardiac special techniques of preparation)
muscle contraction by their effect at the nodes cytoplasmic densities or dense bodies
Injury and Repair where the thin filaments are attached to, visible
a localized injury that results to death of cells is among the filaments, distributed throughout the
repaired by replacement with fibrous connective tissue sarcoplasm in a network of intermediate filaments
(cardiac function is lost at the site of the injury) containing the protein desmin
this pattern of injury and repair is seen in nonfatal intermediate filaments are part of the
myocardial infarction (MI) cytoskeleton of the cell
-confirmation of suspected MI can be made through vascular smooth muscles contain vimentin
the detection of specific markers in the blood -these filaments
markers are the structural subunits TnI and TnT of the components of the contractile apparatus in
cardiac troponin complex, usually released into the smooth muscle cells
blood stream within 3-12 hours after an MI -TnI levels 1. thin filaments
remain elevated for up to 2 weeks from the time of the contain actin (the smooth muscle
initial injury; thus, it is regarded as an excellent isoform of tropomyosin, involved in
marker for diagnosing MI that has recently occurred the forcegenerating interaction with
Mature cardiac muscle cells are able to divide. myosin II molecules)
through studies concerning hearts removed from contain two smooth muscle-specific
individuals who had received transplants, it was proteins (actin-binding proteins that
revealed that nuclei can undergo mitosis (0.1%) block the myosin-binding site, Ca2+
suggests that damaged cells can potentially be dependent and is also controlled by
replaced the phophorylation of myosin
SMOOTH MUSCLE -caldesmon (120-150 kilodaltons
generally occurs as bundles or sheets of elongated -calponin (34 kilodaltons)
fusiform cells with finely tapered ends no troponin is associated with
fibers (cells), range in length from 20um in the walls smooth muscle tropomyosin
of small blood vessels to about 200um in the wall of the tropomyosin position on the
the intestine, may be as large as 500um in the wall of actin filament is regulated by
the uterus during pregnancy phosphorylation of myosin heads
interconnected by gap junctions (specialized 2. thick filaments
communication junctions between the cells, allowing differ slightly from those found in
passage of small molecules or ions from cell to cell skeletal muscle
and provide communication links that regulate contain myosin II
contraction of the entire bundle or sheet of smooth composed of two polypeptide heavy
muscle) chains and four light chains
smooth muscle cytoplasm stains rather evenly with the polarity of the myosin head is
eosin in routine H&E preparations (because of actin the same along the entire length of
and myosin concentrations) one side of the filament and the
nuclei are located at the center of the cell and often opposite on the opposite side
have a corkscrew appearance in longitudinal sections (sidepolar myosin filament, with
in the noncontracted cells, the nucleus appears as an no
elongated structure with tapering ends, lying in the central bare zone)
center axis of the cell 3. myosin light chain kinase (MLCK)
when the nucleus is included in a cross section of a 130-150 kilodalton
smooth muscle fiber, it appears as a round or circular initiates the contraction cycle after
profile whether the cell is contracted or relaxed its activation by Ca2+ calmodulin
TEM shows that most of the cytoplasmic organells are complex
concentrated at each end of the nucleus (numerous 4. calmodulin
mitochondria, some cisternae of the rER, free 17 kilodalton Ca2+ binding protein
ribosomes, glycogen granules, small Golgi apparatus) related to the TnC found in skeletal
Structure muscle, which regulates the
Smooth muscle cells possess a contractile apparatus intracellular concentration of Ca2+
of thin and thick filaments and a cytoskeleton of a Ca2+-calmodulin complex binds
desmin and vimentin intermediate filaments. to MLCK to activate this enzyme

5. a-actinin Nerve terminals in smooth muscle are observed only in the

31 kilodalton connective tissue adjacent to the muscle cells.
provides structural components to dense bodies nerve fibers pass through the connective tissue within
Dense bodies provide an attachment site for thin filaments the bundles of smooth muscle cells; enlargements in
and intermediate filaments. the passing nerve fiber, or bouton en passant, occur
dense bodies contain a variety of attachment plaque adjacent to the muscle cells to be innervated
proteins, including a-actinin, which anchors both thin smooth muscle cells make contact with neighboring
filaments and intermediate filaments either directly or cells by gap junctions (nexus) Smooth muscle
indirectly to the sarcolemma cells also secrete connective tissue matrix.
Contraction in smooth muscles is initiated by a variety of rER and Golgi apparatus in the perinuclear zone
impulses, including mechanical, electrical, and chemical synthesize both type IV (basal lamina) collagen and
stimuli. type II (reticular) collagen, as well as elastin,
1. mechanical impulses proteoglycans, and multiadhesive glycoproteins
passive stretching of vascular smooth muscle, smooth muscle cells are surrounded by an external
activate mechanosensitive ion channels, leading to lamina except at the junctions
initiation of spontaneous muscle contraction Renewal, Repair, and Differentiation
(myogenic reflex) Smooth muscle cells are capable of dividing to maintain or
2. electrical depolarizations increase their number.
release of neurotransmitters acetylcholine and differentiation of smooth muscle progenitor cells
norepinephrine is regulated by a variety of intracellular and
causes opening of voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels environmental stimuli, and developing muscles exhibit
3. chemical stimuli a wide range of different phenotypes at different
such as those elicited by angiotensin II, vasopressin, stages of their development
or thromboxane A2, leading to muscle contraction serum response factor (RF), a member of the
use second-messenger pathways (inositol MADS-box transcription factor family, has been shown
1,4,5trisphosphate (IP3), G-protein-coupled, nitric to regulate most smooth muscle differentiation
oxide genes
(NO)-cGMP pathways) myofibroblasts developed morphologic and
Smooth muscle cells lack a T system. functional characteristics of smooth muscle cells in
presence of invaginations of the cell membrane that fibroblasts of healing wounds
resemble caveolae myoepithelial cell epithelial cells (sweat glands,
ATP-dependent calcium plumps removes Ca2+ salivary glands, iris,) that acquired the characteristics
from the sarcoplasm and resequestered in the sER of of smooth muscle cells
delivered to the extracellular matrix Contraction of myoid cells of the testis have a contractile function
smooth muscle is regulated by the in the seminiferous tubules
Ca2+calmodulin-myosin light chain kinase system. cells of the perineurium a concentric layer of
an increase in Ca2+ concentration stimulates a connective tissue that surrounds groups of nerve
myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) to phosphorylate fibers and partitions peripheral nerves into distinct
one of the two regulatory light chains of the myosin fascicles, function as contractile cells as well as
molecule transport barrier cells
the Ca2+ binds to calmodulin to form the
Ca2+calmodulin complex, which in turn binds to
MLCK to activate the phosphorylation reaction The
force of smooth muscle contraction may be
maintained for long periods in a latch state.
this latch state of smooth muscle contraction occurs
after the initial Ca2+ dependent myosin
comparable to rigor mortis in striated muscle
Functional Aspects of Smooth Muscle Smooth
muscle is specialized for slow, prolonged
exhibits a spontaneous contractile activity in the
absence of stimuli
usually regulated by post synaptic neurons of the
autonomic nervous system (ANS)
the enteric division is the primary source of nerves to
the muscular layers
although Ca2+ enters the cytoplasm during
depolarization by voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, some
Ca2+ channels, called ligand-gated Ca2+ channels,
are activated by hormones via their secondmessenger

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