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Logan Malaney

Mr. Hawkins

Modern World History-P, Period 6

8 October 2015

Why is the Separation of Powers as important today as it was when our founders wrote the

U.S. Constitution?

The Separation of Powers is an essential part of our government. Separation of Powers is

the separation of government into three branches: the Legislative, the Executive and the Judicial.

The Legislative branch consists of Congress, which are the Senate and the House of

Representatives. They make laws. The Executive branch consists of the President, who executes

laws. Lastly the Judicial branch is made up of the Supreme Court and all courts beneath it. It

enforces the laws and declares them constitutional or not. The Separation of Powers is as

important today as it was when our founders wrote the Constitution because it prevents tyranny

and too much power in one branch.

Separation of Powers was important to our founders because they didnt want tyranny in

their government. Our founding fathers came from an oppressive English monarchy, so naturally

they did not want another oppressive rule. Our founding fathers believed strongly in the thinkers

of the enlightenment and one of these ideas was Separation of Powers. They also believed in the

natural rights and thought the only way to protect these rights was to keep the government

separated into three branches. In our constitution, Articles I, II, and III are all dedicated to the

Separation of powers, stating each branch and exactly what they do. James Madison said, The

accumulation of all powers, legislative, judicial, in the hands, whether of one, a few, or many,
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and whether hereditary, self appointed, or elective, may be justly pronounced the very definition

of tyranny. He is saying no matter how it is done, having all branches of government in one is

the definition of tyranny. Our fathers believed the separation of powers was important then, but

now its more important than ever.

Separation of Powers is more important today than ever before because there are current

issues going on that involve Separation of Powers. Today, there have been many issues involving

separation of powers in our government. One problem we faced regarding separation of powers

was when President Roosevelt was in office. He was trying to put more judges on the Supreme

Court so he could pass acts easier. This is a big Separation of Powers problem because this

would have made the executive and judicial branches mostly controlled by him. It would have

left the legislative branch weak and defenseless against a government superpower. Then the

judicial and executive branches could do whatever they want which is tyranny. Also another

more recent example is that President Obama wasnt enforcing laws. He decided that homeland

security wouldnt deport illegal immigrants out of the country if they met certain requirements.

That is going directly against the Congresss laws. That is a big infringement on the separation of

powers. The President is not doing what he is supposed to do, enforce laws. Separation of

Powers is more important than it ever has been before.

To prevent tyranny and too much power in one branch of government is why separation

of powers is as important today as when our founding fathers wrote our constitution. Separation

of Powers is essential to having a good government that is free of tyranny

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I certify that I am a student at Elise P. Buckingham Charter Magnet High

School, in the 10th grade and that I am the sole author of this submission.

Full Name: Logan Malaney

Address: 218 Vanden Ct. Vacaville, CA 95687

Phone Number: 707-689-8555

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Teachers Name: Mr. Hawkins

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