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Researcher: Florensa Jumima Lily INSTRUMENT VALIDATION FORM Page: 1

Identification of Research Problem: The Implementation of Peer Validator:


Name of Instruments/Cycle: Mentor Teachers Observation Occupation:

Form/Cycle 1

Topic/Sub-topic:Statistics/ Class/Semester: XI/I

Researcher: Florensa Jumima Lily INSTRUMENT VALIDATION FORM Page: 2

No. Indicator Statement/Question Evaluation

No Improvements Needed Need Improvements
1 Teacher chooses some students to be the Teacher chooses some students to be
tutors who have higher academic skill tutors who have higher academic skill
2 Teacher trains all the tutors before the Teacher trains all the tutors before the
learning process learning process
3 Teacher divides all students into some Teacher divides all students into some
groups which each group has one tutor groups that consist students who have
different academic skill and each group
has one tutor
4 Teacher explains what should tutor and Teacher gives explanation about the what
tutee do in their group tutor and tutee should do clearly
5 Teacher delivers the material to all Teacher delivers the material to all
students students clearly
6 Teacher gives tasks to the students Teacher gives task to the students about
the material that they have learned before
7 Teacher asks tutor to help tutees who have Teacher gives chance to the students to
difficulty ask questions to tutors when they have
Teacher gives chance to the students to
listen to their tutors explanation
8 Teacher supervises all the groups and Teacher gives chance to tutors to ask
helps the group who have difficulty question when they cannot answer their
tutees questions
Teacher gives chance to the tutors to
explain again about the material to their
tutees clearly
9 Teacher gives a written test to students to Teacher gives post test to all students to be
be done individually done individually
Researcher: Florensa Jumima Lily INSTRUMENT VALIDATION FORM Page: 2
Researcher: Florensa Jumima Lily INSTRUMENT VALIDATION FORM Page: 3

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