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# Anomaly Events
# by Maximilian Olbers
# STNH - Banks 1.6.1 Compat

namespace = anomaly

@tier1influencecontact = 7
@tier1influencecontactxenophile = 8
@tier1influencecontactmin = 20
@tier1influencecontactmax = 80

@tier2influencecontact = 10
@tier2influencecontactxenophile = 12
@tier2influencecontactmin = 40
@tier2influencecontactmax = 100

@tier1materialreward = 6
@tier1materialmin = 100
@tier1materialmax = 500
@tier2materialreward = 12
@tier2materialmin = 150
@tier2materialmax = 1000
@tier3materialreward = 18
@tier3materialmin = 250
@tier3materialmax = 1500
@tier4materialreward = 24
@tier4materialmin = 350
@tier4materialmax = 2000
@tier5materialreward = 48
@tier5materialmin = 700
@tier5materialmax = 4000

@tier1influencereward = 6
@tier1influencemin = 40
@tier1influencemax = 100
@tier2influencereward = 12
@tier2influencemin = 80
@tier2influencemax = 175
@tier3influencereward = 18
@tier3influencemin = 125
@tier3influencemax = 250
@tier4influencereward = 24
@tier4influencemin = 150
@tier4influencemax = 300
@tier5influencereward = 36
@tier5influencemin = 250
@tier5influencemax = 500
@tier6influencereward = 48
@tier6influencemin = 300
@tier6influencemax = 600

@tier1unityreward = 6
@tier1unitymin = 100
@tier1unitymax = 500
@tier2unityreward = 12
@tier2unitymin = 150
@tier2unitymax = 1000
@tier3unityreward = 18
@tier3unitymin = 250
@tier3unitymax = 1500
@tier4unityreward = 24
@tier4unitymin = 350
@tier4unitymax = 2000
@tier5unityreward = 48
@tier5unitymin = 700
@tier5unitymax = 4000

@tier1researchreward = 6
@tier1researchmin = 60
@tier1researchmax = 150
@tier2researchreward = 12
@tier2researchmin = 90
@tier2researchmax = 250
@tier3researchreward = 18
@tier3researchmin = 120
@tier3researchmax = 350
@tier4researchreward = 24
@tier4researchmin = 150
@tier4researchmax = 500
@tier5researchreward = 48
@tier5researchmin = 300
@tier5researchmax = 1000

# ROOT = ship scope

# FROM = planet scope

### Thinking Asteroid 1

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.75
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.75.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_mining_station
show_sound = event_scanner
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
from = { orbital_deposit_tile = { clear_deposits = yes } }

option = {
name = anomaly.75.a
hidden_effect = { ship_event = { id = anomaly.80 days = 5 } }

option = {
name = anomaly.75.b
#custom_tooltip = anomaly.75.b.tooltip
from = {
orbital_deposit_tile = {
add_deposit = d_vast_physics_deposit
add_deposit = d_vast_society_deposit
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = "rock_brain"
days = -1

### Thinking Asteroid 2

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.80
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.80.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_mining_station
show_sound = event_structural_collapse
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = anomaly.80.a
leader = { add_trait = leader_trait_carefree }
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = physics_research
value = @tier2researchreward
min = @tier2researchmin
max = @tier2researchmax
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = energy
value = @tier2materialreward
min = @tier2materialmin
max = @tier2materialmax

### Talking Planets

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.85
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.85.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_ship_in_orbit
show_sound = event_alien_signal
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = anomaly.85.a
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = engineering_research
value = @tier2researchreward
min = @tier2researchmin
max = @tier2researchmax

option = {
name = anomaly.85.b
owner = { save_event_target_as = ship_owner }
solar_system = {
every_system_planet = {
surveyed = {
set_surveyed = yes
surveyor = event_target:ship_owner

### Cunning Flora

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.90
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.90.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_big_landing_ship
show_sound = event_alien_nature
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = { from = { orbital_deposit_tile = { clear_deposits = yes } } }

option = {
name = anomaly.90.a
from = {
enable_special_project = {
location = this
owner = root
hidden_effect = { owner = { country_event = { id = story.1 days =
30 } } }

### Cunning Flora followup

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.91
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.90.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_big_landing_ship
show_sound = event_alien_nature
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
custom_tooltip = anomaly.91.a.tooltip
hidden_effect = {
fromfrom = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = "cunning_flora"
days = -1
orbital_deposit_tile = {
add_deposit = d_vast_society_deposit
add_deposit = d_vast_society_deposit

### Pioneer Plaque Aliens, asteroid only

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.95
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.95.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_mining_station
show_sound = event_scanner
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = { owner = { country_event = { id = story.5 days =
30 } } }
hidden_effect = {
owner = { set_country_flag = found_pioneer }

option = {
name = anomaly.95.a
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = "ethic_xenophobe"
has_ethic = "ethic_fanatic_xenophobe"
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = influence
value = @tier1influencereward
min = @tier1influencemin
max = @tier1influencemax

option = {
name = anomaly.95.b
custom_tooltip = anomaly.95.b.tooltip
trigger = {
any_system = {
OR = {
# Commonwealth of Man NPC system
has_star_flag = com_sol
# Tomb World
has_star_flag = nuked_sol
# Early Space Age Humans
AND = {
has_star_flag = primitive_sol
any_planet = {
exists = owner
owner = {
has_country_flag =
leader = {
add_experience = 200
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = engineering_research
value = @tier3researchreward
min = @tier3researchmin
max = @tier3researchmax
begin_event_chain = {
event_chain = "find_sol_chain"
target = this
hidden_effect = {
random_system = {
limit = {
OR = {
# Commonwealth of Man NPC system
has_star_flag = com_sol
# Tomb World
has_star_flag = nuked_sol
# Early Space Age Humans
AND = {
has_star_flag = primitive_sol
any_planet = {
exists = owner
owner = {
has_country_flag =
save_event_target_as = earf
set_star_flag = sol_target
owner = {
set_country_flag = sol_search
create_point_of_interest = {
id = sol.1
name = "sol_1_poi"
desc = sol_1_desc_neutral
event_chain = find_sol_chain
location = event_target:earf

option = {
name = anomaly.95.c
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = engineering_research
value = @tier3researchreward
min = @tier3researchmin
max = @tier3researchmax

# Scope = Ship
# From = System
# FromFrom = Country
# also owner, obv
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.96
title =
desc = {
trigger = {
owner = {
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_xenophile
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophile
text = anomaly.96.desc.neutral
desc = {
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophobe
text = anomaly.96.desc.phobe
desc = {
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_xenophile
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophile
text = anomaly.96.desc.phile
picture = GFX_evt_continental
show_sound = event_scanner
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

trigger = {
from = { has_star_flag = sol_target }
owner = { has_country_flag = sol_search }

immediate = {
from = { remove_star_flag = sol_target }
owner = {
remove_country_flag = sol_search
add_event_chain_counter = {
event_chain = "find_sol_chain"
counter = "found"
amount = 1

option = {
name = anomaly.96.a.neutral
trigger = {
owner = {
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_xenophile
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophile
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = influence
value = @tier2influencereward
min = @tier2influencemin
max = @tier2influencemax
end_event_chain = "find_sol_chain"

option = {
name = anomaly.96.a.phobe
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophobe
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = influence
value = @tier2influencereward
min = @tier2influencemin
max = @tier2influencemax
end_event_chain = "find_sol_chain"

option = {
name = anomaly.96.a.phile
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_xenophile
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophile
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = influence
value = @tier2influencereward
min = @tier2influencemin
max = @tier2influencemax
end_event_chain = "find_sol_chain"

### Pioneer Plaque Humans, asteroid only

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.100
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.100.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_mining_station
show_sound = event_mystic_reveal
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
owner = { set_country_flag = found_pioneer }
option = {
name = anomaly.100.a
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = influence
value = @tier1influencereward
min = @tier1influencemin
max = @tier1influencemax

### Voyager Record Aliens, asteroid only

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.105
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.105.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_mining_station
show_sound = event_radio_chatter
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
owner = {
set_country_flag = found_voyager
country_event = { id = story.1 days = 30 }

option = {
name = anomaly.105.a
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = "ethic_xenophobe"
has_ethic = "ethic_fanatic_xenophobe"
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = influence
value = @tier1influencereward
min = @tier1influencemin
max = @tier1influencemax

option = {
name = anomaly.105.b
custom_tooltip = anomaly.105.b.tooltip
trigger = {
any_system = {
OR = {
# Commonwealth of Man NPC system
has_star_flag = com_sol
# Tomb World
has_star_flag = nuked_sol
# Early Space Age Humans
AND = {
has_star_flag = primitive_sol
any_planet = {
exists = owner
owner = {
has_country_flag =
leader = {
add_experience = 200
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = society_research
value = @tier3researchreward
min = @tier3researchmin
max = @tier3researchmax
begin_event_chain = {
event_chain = "find_sol_chain"
target = this
hidden_effect = {
random_system = {
limit = {
OR = {
# Commonwealth of Man NPC system
has_star_flag = com_sol
# Tomb World
has_star_flag = nuked_sol
# Early Space Age Humans
AND = {
has_star_flag = primitive_sol
any_planet = {
exists = owner
owner = {
has_country_flag =
save_event_target_as = earf
set_star_flag = sol_target
root = {
owner = {
set_country_flag = sol_search
create_point_of_interest = {
id = sol.1
name = "sol_1_poi"
desc = sol_1_desc_neutral
event_chain = find_sol_chain
location = event_target:earf

option = {
name = anomaly.105.c
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = engineering_research
value = @tier3researchreward
min = @tier3researchmin
max = @tier3researchmax

# found sol, voyager

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.106
title =
desc = {
trigger = {
owner = {
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_xenophile
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophile
text = anomaly.106.desc.neutral
desc = {
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophobe
text = anomaly.106.desc.phobe
desc = {
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_xenophile
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophile
text = anomaly.106.desc.phile
picture = GFX_evt_continental
show_sound = event_scanner
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

trigger = {
owner = { has_country_flag = sol_search }
from = { has_star_flag = sol_target }

immediate = {
from = { remove_star_flag = sol_target }
owner = {
remove_country_flag = sol_search
add_event_chain_counter = {
event_chain = "find_sol_chain"
counter = "found"
amount = 1

option = {
name = anomaly.106.a.neutral
trigger = {
owner = {
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_xenophile
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophile
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = influence
value = @tier1influencereward
min = @tier1influencemin
max = @tier1influencemax
end_event_chain = "find_sol_chain"

option = {
name = anomaly.106.a.phobe
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophobe
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = influence
value = @tier1influencereward
min = @tier1influencemin
max = @tier1influencemax
end_event_chain = "find_sol_chain"

option = {
name = anomaly.106.a.phile
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_xenophile
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophile
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = influence
value = @tier1influencereward
min = @tier1influencemin
max = @tier1influencemax
end_event_chain = "find_sol_chain"

### Voyager Record Humans, continental/tropical only

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.110
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.110.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_sentient_AI
show_sound = event_mystic_reveal
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
owner = { set_country_flag = found_voyager }

option = {
name = anomaly.110.a
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = influence
value = @tier1influencereward
min = @tier1influencemin
max = @tier1influencemax

### Genetic Library, asteroid only

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.115
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.115.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_society_research
show_sound = event_laboratory_sound
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes
auto_opens = yes

immediate = { from = { orbital_deposit_tile = { clear_deposits = yes } } }

option = {
hidden_effect = { owner = { country_event = { id = story.5 days =
30 } } }
hidden_effect = {
FROM = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = old_genetic_library
days = -1
orbital_deposit_tile = {
add_deposit = d_vast_engineering_deposit
add_deposit = d_rich_society_deposit

### Monolith Museum, uninhabitable planet only

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.120
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.120.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_alien_city
show_sound = event_scanner
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

trigger = {
owner = { NOT = { has_country_flag = UHB_ANCIENT_RUINS_1_FLAG } }

option = {
name = anomaly.120.a
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = engineering_research
value = @tier3researchreward
min = @tier3researchmin
max = @tier3researchmax
hidden_effect = { owner = { country_event = { id = story.5 days =
30 } } }

option = {
name = anomaly.120.b
custom_tooltip = anomaly.120.b.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
NOT = {
has_ethic = "ethic_xenophobe"
has_ethic = "ethic_fanatic_xenophobe"
has_ethic = "ethic_xenophile"
has_ethic = "ethic_fanatic_xenophile"
hidden_effect = {
owner = {
country_event = { id = story.5 days = 2 }
if = {
limit = {
count_owned_pops = {
limit = {
NOT = { pop_has_ethic =
ethic_xenophile }
count > 12
random_owned_pop = {
limit = {
NOT = {
pop_has_ethic = ethic_xenophile
pop_has_trait = trait_robotic_1
pop_has_trait = trait_robotic_2
if = {
limit = { pop_has_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
pop_remove_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
pop_change_ethic = "ethic_xenophile"
random_owned_pop = {
limit = {
NOT = {
pop_has_ethic = ethic_xenophile
pop_has_trait = trait_robotic_1
pop_has_trait = trait_robotic_2
if = {
limit = { pop_has_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
pop_remove_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
pop_change_ethic = "ethic_xenophile"
random_owned_pop = {
limit = {
NOT = {
pop_has_ethic = ethic_xenophile
pop_has_trait = trait_robotic_1
pop_has_trait = trait_robotic_2
if = {
limit = { pop_has_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
pop_remove_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
pop_change_ethic = "ethic_xenophile"
random_owned_pop = {
limit = {
NOT = {
pop_has_ethic = ethic_xenophile
pop_has_trait = trait_robotic_1
pop_has_trait = trait_robotic_2
if = {
limit = { pop_has_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
pop_remove_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
pop_change_ethic = "ethic_xenophile"
random_owned_pop = {
limit = {
NOT = {
pop_has_ethic = ethic_xenophile
pop_has_trait = trait_robotic_1
pop_has_trait = trait_robotic_2
if = {
limit = { pop_has_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
pop_remove_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
pop_change_ethic = "ethic_xenophile"
random_owned_pop = {
limit = {
NOT = {
pop_has_ethic = ethic_xenophile
pop_has_trait = trait_robotic_1
pop_has_trait = trait_robotic_2
if = {
limit = { pop_has_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
pop_remove_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
pop_change_ethic = "ethic_xenophile"
set_country_flag = eddic_1
country_event = { id = anomaly.121 days = 4 }
else = {
if = {
limit = {
count_owned_pops = {
limit = {
NOT = { pop_has_ethic =
ethic_xenophile }
count > 6
random_owned_pop = {
limit = {
NOT = {
pop_has_ethic =
pop_has_trait =
pop_has_trait =
if = {
limit = { pop_has_ethic =
ethic_xenophobe }
pop_remove_ethic =
pop_change_ethic =
random_owned_pop = {
limit = {
NOT = {
pop_has_ethic =
pop_has_trait =
pop_has_trait =
if = {
limit = { pop_has_ethic =
ethic_xenophobe }
pop_remove_ethic =
pop_change_ethic =
random_owned_pop = {
limit = {
NOT = {
pop_has_ethic =
pop_has_trait =
pop_has_trait =
if = {
limit = { pop_has_ethic =
ethic_xenophobe }
pop_remove_ethic =
pop_change_ethic =
set_country_flag = eddic_2
country_event = { id = anomaly.121 days =
4 }

country_event = {
id = anomaly.121
title =
desc = anomaly.121.desc
picture = GFX_evt_alien_city
show_sound = event_scanner
location = FROMFROM

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
custom_tooltip = anomaly.121.a.tooltip
trigger = { has_country_flag = eddic_1 }
hidden_effect = { remove_country_flag = eddic_1 }
option = {
custom_tooltip = anomaly.121.b.tooltip
trigger = { has_country_flag = eddic_2 }
hidden_effect = { remove_country_flag = eddic_2 }

### Derelict Star Chart, molten planet only

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.125
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.125.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_molten
show_sound = event_ship_thrusters
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = anomaly.125.a
solar_system = {
every_system_planet = {
surveyed = {
set_surveyed = yes
surveyor = root.owner

### Transient Gravitational Anomaly, asteroid only

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.130
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.130.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_wormhole
show_sound = event_space_cloud
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes
auto_opens = yes

trigger = {
FROM = { is_planet_class = pc_asteroid }

option = {
name = anomaly.130.a
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = physics_research
value = @tier3researchreward
min = @tier3researchmin
max = @tier3researchmax
leader = { add_experience = 100 }

### Abandoned Playground, GEN_PLAYGROUND_CAT

# Gives society and engineering research
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.135
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.135.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_alien_city
show_sound = event_administrative_work
location = FROM
is_triggered_only = yes
auto_opens = yes

trigger = {
FROM = {
NOT = {
is_planet_class = pc_asteroid
is_planet_class = pc_gas_giant

immediate = { owner = { country_event = { id = story.5 days = 30 } } }

option = {
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = society_research
value = @tier2researchreward
min = @tier2researchmin
max = @tier2researchmax
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = engineering_research
value = @tier3researchreward
min = @tier3researchmin
max = @tier3researchmax

### Familiar Shrine, AST_SHRINE_1_CAT

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.140
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.140.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_asteroid_approaching_planet
show_sound = event_mystic_reveal
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
closest_system = {
limit = {
NOR = {
has_star_flag = hostile_system
is_same_value = root.solar_system
is_pirate_system = yes
any_planet = { is_colony = yes }
has_access_fleet = root.owner
min_steps = 10
max_steps = 80
set_star_flag = old_gods_system_1@root.owner
closest_system = {
limit = {
NOR = {
has_star_flag = old_gods_system_1@root.owner
has_star_flag = hostile_system
is_same_value = root.solar_system
is_pirate_system = yes
any_planet = { is_colony = yes }
has_access_fleet = root.owner
min_steps = 20
max_steps = 90
set_star_flag = old_gods_system_2@root.owner
closest_system = {
limit = {
NOR = {
has_star_flag = old_gods_system_1@root.owner
has_star_flag = old_gods_system_2@root.owner
is_same_value = root.solar_system
has_star_flag = hostile_system
is_pirate_system = yes
any_planet = { is_colony = yes }
has_access_fleet = root.owner
min_steps = 30
max_steps = 100
set_star_flag = old_gods_system_3@root.owner

option = {
name = "anomaly.140.a"
custom_tooltip = "anomaly.140.a.tooltip"
trigger = { owner = { NOT = { has_ethic =
ethic_fanatic_spiritualist } } }

option = {
name = "anomaly.140.c"
custom_tooltip = "anomaly.140.c.tooltip"
trigger = { owner = { has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist } }

option = {
trigger = {
any_system = { has_star_flag = old_gods_system_1@root.owner }
any_system = { has_star_flag = old_gods_system_2@root.owner }
any_system = { has_star_flag = old_gods_system_3@root.owner }
name = "anomaly.140.b"
owner = {
begin_event_chain = {
event_chain = "old_gods_chain"
target = root.owner
hidden_effect = {
random_system = {
limit = { has_star_flag = old_gods_system_1@root.owner }
save_event_target_as = old_gods_system_1
random_system = {
limit = { has_star_flag = old_gods_system_2@root.owner }
save_event_target_as = old_gods_system_2
random_system = {
limit = { has_star_flag = old_gods_system_3@root.owner }
save_event_target_as = old_gods_system_3
create_point_of_interest = {
id = old_gods_shrine_poi.1
name = "old_gods_shrine_poi_1"
desc = "old_gods_shrine_poi_1_desc"
event_chain = "old_gods_chain"
location = event_target:old_gods_system_1
create_point_of_interest = {
id = old_gods_shrine_poi.2
name = "old_gods_shrine_poi_2"
desc = "old_gods_shrine_poi_2_desc"
event_chain = "old_gods_chain"
location = event_target:old_gods_system_2
create_point_of_interest = {
id = old_gods_shrine_poi.3
name = "old_gods_shrine_poi_3"
desc = "old_gods_shrine_poi_3_desc"
event_chain = "old_gods_chain"
location = event_target:old_gods_system_3

# Entering Old God Shrine system (HIDDEN)

#ship_event = {
# id = anomaly.141
# hide_window = yes
# is_triggered_only = yes
# trigger = {
# owner = { has_event_chain = "old_gods_chain" }
# FROM = {
# OR = {
# has_star_flag = old_gods_system_1
# has_star_flag = old_gods_system_2
# has_star_flag = old_gods_system_3
# }
# }
# }
# immediate = {
# if = {
# limit = { FROM = { has_star_flag = old_gods_system_1 } }
# FROM = { remove_star_flag = old_gods_system_1 }
# owner = { remove_point_of_interest = old_gods_shrine_poi.1 }
# ship_event = { id = anomaly.142 }
# }
# if = {
# limit = { FROM = { has_star_flag = old_gods_system_2 } }
# FROM = { remove_star_flag = old_gods_system_2 }
# owner = { remove_point_of_interest = old_gods_shrine_poi.2 }
# ship_event = { id = anomaly.143 }
# }
# if = {
# limit = { FROM = { has_star_flag = old_gods_system_3 } }
# FROM = { remove_star_flag = old_gods_system_3 }
# owner = { remove_point_of_interest = old_gods_shrine_poi.3 }
# ship_event = { id = anomaly.144 }
# }
# }


ship_event = {
id = anomaly.142
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.142.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_mining_station
show_sound = event_mystic_reveal
location = event_target:shrine

is_triggered_only = yes

trigger = {
owner = { has_event_chain = "old_gods_chain" }
FROM = {
has_star_flag = old_gods_system_1@root.owner

immediate = {
FROM = { remove_star_flag = old_gods_system_1@root.owner }
owner = { remove_point_of_interest = old_gods_shrine_poi.1 }
create_ambient_object = {
type = "shrine_object"
location = solar_system
last_created_ambient_object = {
save_event_target_as = shrine
enable_special_project = {
location = this
owner = root
owner = { set_country_flag = old_gods_benefactress }

option = {
name = "anomaly.142.a"
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.143
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.143.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_mining_station
show_sound = event_mystic_reveal
location = event_target:shrine

is_triggered_only = yes

trigger = {
owner = { has_event_chain = "old_gods_chain" }
FROM = {
has_star_flag = old_gods_system_2@root.owner

immediate = {
FROM = { remove_star_flag = old_gods_system_2@root.owner }
owner = { remove_point_of_interest = old_gods_shrine_poi.2 }
create_ambient_object = {
type = "shrine_object"
location = solar_system
last_created_ambient_object = {
save_event_target_as = shrine
enable_special_project = {
location = this
owner = root
owner = { set_country_flag = old_gods_undaunted }

option = {
name = "anomaly.143.a"


ship_event = {
id = anomaly.144
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.144.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_mining_station
show_sound = event_mystic_reveal
location = event_target:shrine

is_triggered_only = yes

trigger = {
owner = { has_event_chain = "old_gods_chain" }
FROM = {
has_star_flag = old_gods_system_3@root.owner
immediate = {
FROM = { remove_star_flag = old_gods_system_3@root.owner }
owner = { remove_point_of_interest = old_gods_shrine_poi.3 }
create_ambient_object = {
type = "shrine_object"
location = solar_system
last_created_ambient_object = {
save_event_target_as = shrine
enable_special_project = {
location = this
owner = root
owner = { set_country_flag = old_gods_percipient }

option = {
name = "anomaly.144.a"


ship_event = {
id = anomaly.165
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.165.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_mining_station
show_sound = event_mystic_reveal
location = fromfrom

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
owner = {
add_event_chain_counter = {
event_chain = "old_gods_chain"
counter = "shrines_searched"
amount = 1

option = {
hidden_effect = {
fromfrom = { destroy_ambient_object = this }
owner = {
if = {
limit = {
has_completed_event_chain_counter = {
event_chain = old_gods_chain
counter = shrines_searched
country_event = { id = anomaly.168 }


ship_event = {
id = anomaly.166
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.166.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_mining_station
show_sound = event_mystic_reveal
location = fromfrom

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
owner = {
add_event_chain_counter = {
event_chain = "old_gods_chain"
counter = "shrines_searched"
amount = 1

option = {
hidden_effect = {
fromfrom = { destroy_ambient_object = this }
owner = {
if = {
limit = {
has_completed_event_chain_counter = {
event_chain = old_gods_chain
counter = shrines_searched
country_event = { id = anomaly.168 }


ship_event = {
id = anomaly.167
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.167.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_mining_station
show_sound = event_mystic_reveal
location = fromfrom

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
owner = {
add_event_chain_counter = {
event_chain = "old_gods_chain"
counter = "shrines_searched"
amount = 1

option = {
hidden_effect = {
fromfrom = { destroy_ambient_object = this }
owner = {
if = {
limit = {
has_completed_event_chain_counter = {
event_chain = "old_gods_chain"
counter = "shrines_searched"
country_event = { id = anomaly.168 }


country_event = {
id = anomaly.168
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.168.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_metropolis
show_sound = event_mystic_reveal

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
remove_country_flag = old_gods_chain_begun
set_country_flag = completed_old_gods

option = {
name = "anomaly.168.a"
custom_tooltip = "anomaly.168.a.tooltip"
end_event_chain = "old_gods_chain"
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = influence
value = @tier2influencereward
min = @tier2influencemin
max = @tier2influencemax

option = {
name = "anomaly.168.b"
custom_tooltip = "anomaly.168.b.tooltip"
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = energy
value = @tier3materialreward
min = @tier3materialmin
max = @tier3materialmax
end_event_chain = "old_gods_chain"

option = {
name = "anomaly.168.c"
custom_tooltip = "anomaly.168.c.tooltip"
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = society_research
value = @tier3researchreward
min = @tier3researchmin
max = @tier3researchmax
end_event_chain = "old_gods_chain"

option = {
name = "anomaly.168.d"
custom_tooltip = "anomaly.168.d.tooltip"
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_ethic = "ethic_fanatic_spiritualist" }
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = unity
value = @tier3unityreward
min = @tier3unitymin
max = @tier3unitymax
shift_ethic = "ethic_spiritualist"
hidden_effect = {
while = {
count = 3
random_owned_pop = {
limit = {
is_same_species = owner.species
NOT = { has_ethic =
"ethic_spiritualist" }
pop_change_ethic = "ethic_spiritualist"
else = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = unity
value = @tier4unityreward
min = @tier4unitymin
max = @tier4unitymax
end_event_chain = "old_gods_chain"
### What Music They Make, HBL_MUSIC_1_CAT
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.145
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.145.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_landing_ship
show_sound = event_alien_nature
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = { owner = { set_country_flag = HBL_MUSIC_1_FLAG } }

option = {
owner = {
if = {
limit = {
has_tech_option = tech_society_secrets_442
add_tech_progress = {
tech = tech_society_secrets_442
progress = 0.80
else = {
add_research_option = tech_society_secrets_442
add_tech_progress = {
tech = tech_society_secrets_442
progress = 0.5
hidden_effect = {
owner = { country_event = { id = story.3 days = 30 } }

### Below Zro, GAS_ZRO_ICE_CAT

# Adds 2 Zro to gas giant
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.150
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.150.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_gas_giant
show_sound = event_scanner
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = { from = { orbital_deposit_tile = { clear_deposits = yes } } }

option = {
FROM = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = "zro_ice"
days = -1
hidden_effect = {
orbital_deposit_tile = {
add_deposit = d_sr_neutronium_8_deposit

### Illicit Matter, AST_ILLICIT_DARK_CAT

# Adds 2 Dark Matter to asteroid
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.155
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.155.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_mining_station
show_sound = event_activating_unknown_technology
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = { from = { orbital_deposit_tile = { clear_deposits = yes } } }

option = {
hidden_effect = { owner = { country_event = { id = story.5 days =
30 } } }
FROM = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = "dark_matter_funnel"
days = -1
hidden_effect = {
orbital_deposit_tile = {
add_deposit = d_sr_dark_9_deposit

### Purple Rain, TOX_PURPLE_RAIN_CAT

# + Happiness mod
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.160
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.160.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_alien_nature
show_sound = event_alien_nature
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
owner = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = inspired_arts
days = 7200

# Exiled scientist
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.170
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.170.desc"
show_sound = event_airlock
picture = GFX_evt_outpost
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

trigger = {
from = { is_planet_class = pc_frozen }

immediate = {
owner = { set_country_flag = FROZ_BASE_FLAG }

option = {
name = anomaly.170.a
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = physics_research
value = @tier3researchreward
min = @tier3researchmin
max = @tier3researchmax
hidden_effect = {
random_list = {
20 = { ship_event = { id = anomaly.172 days = 5 } }
80 = { ship_event = { id = anomaly.171 days = 5 } }

option = {
name = anomaly.170.b
custom_tooltip = "anomaly.170.b.tooltip"
hidden_effect = {
owner = {
create_leader = {
type = scientist
species = owner_main_species
name = "NAME_The_Exile"
skill = 0
last_created_leader = {
add_experience = 500
set_country_flag = exile_employed

# Exile followup 1
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.171
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.171.desc"
show_sound = event_mystic_reveal
picture = GFX_evt_outpost
location = FROMFROM

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "anomaly.171.a"
hidden_effect = {
owner = { set_country_flag = exile_missing }

# Exile followup 2
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.172
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.172.desc"
show_sound = event_mystic_reveal
picture = GFX_evt_outpost
location = FROMFROM

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
hidden_effect = {
owner = { set_country_flag = exile_missing }

# Stellar Salt
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.175
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.175.desc"
show_sound = event_scanner
picture = GFX_evt_outpost
location = FROMFROM

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "anomaly.175.a"
owner = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = stellar_salt
days = 7200

# Nimkip
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.180
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.180.desc"
show_sound = event_alien_nature
picture = GFX_evt_alien_nature
location = FROMFROM

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = "anomaly.180.a"
trigger = {
owner = {
has_technology = tech_society_xenology_445
NOR = {
has_country_flag = timed_trop_pets
has_policy_flag = interference_passive
hidden_effect = { owner = { country_event = { id = story.1 days =
30 } } }
from = {
while = {
count = 2
random_tile = {
limit = { has_deposit = no }
add_deposit = d_sr_tribbles_6_deposit
hidden_effect = {
owner = {
set_timed_country_flag = { flag = timed_trop_pets days =
1200 }

option = {
name = "anomaly.180.b"
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_militarist
has_ethic = ethic_militarist
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophile
has_ethic = ethic_xenophile
has_policy_flag = interference_passive
has_country_flag = timed_trop_pets
custom_tooltip = "anomaly.180.b.tooltip"
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = influence
value = @tier1influencereward
min = @tier1influencemin
max = @tier1influencemax
hidden_effect = {
owner = {
set_timed_country_flag = { flag = timed_trop_pets days =
1200 }

option = {
name = "anomaly.180.c"
trigger = {
owner = { has_policy_flag = interference_passive }

option = {
name = "anomaly.180.d"
trigger = {
owner = { NOT = { has_policy_flag = interference_passive } }

# Planetary Projection
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.190
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.190.desc"
show_sound = event_radio_chatter
picture = GFX_evt_satellite_in_orbit
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = { from = { orbital_deposit_tile = { clear_deposits = yes } } }

option = {
name = OK
hidden_effect = {
from = {
random_moon = {
set_planet_flag = projecting_moon
enable_special_project = {
location = this
owner = root

# Planetary Projection followup

planet_event = {
id = anomaly.191
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.191.desc"
show_sound = event_radio_chatter
picture = GFX_evt_asteroid_approaching_planet
location = fromfrom

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
custom_tooltip = anomaly.191.a.tooltip
hidden_effect = { owner = { country_event = { id = story.5 days =
30 } } }
hidden_effect = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = projecting_moon
days = -1
orbital_deposit_tile = {
add_deposit = d_vast_engineering_deposit
add_deposit = d_rich_engineering_deposit
surveyed = {
set_surveyed = yes
surveyor = event_target:ship_owner
remove_planet_flag = projecting_moon

# Misty Shores
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.195
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.195.desc"
show_sound = event_mystic_reveal
picture = GFX_evt_ship_in_orbit
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
hidden_effect = { owner = { country_event = { id = story.5 days =
30 } } }
leader = {
add_experience = 200

# Old Geothermal Installation

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.200
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.200.desc"
show_sound = event_structural_collapse
picture = GFX_evt_dead_city
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = { from = { orbital_deposit_tile = { clear_deposits = yes } } }

option = {
hidden_effect = { owner = { country_event = { id = story.5 days =
30 } } }
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = energy
value = @tier2materialreward
min = @tier2materialmin
max = @tier2materialmax
from = {
hidden_effect = {
orbital_deposit_tile = {
add_deposit = d_vast_engineering_deposit
add_deposit = d_rich_engineering_deposit

# Completely Leveled
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.205
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.205.desc"
show_sound = event_structural_collapse
picture = GFX_evt_ship_in_orbit
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
from = {
while = {
limit = {
any_tile = { has_blocker = yes }
random_tile = {
limit = { has_blocker = yes }
remove_blocker = yes

option = {
name = anomaly.205.a
custom_tooltip = "anomaly.205.a.tooltip"

# Dimensional Duplicate
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.210
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.210.desc"
show_sound = event_mystic_reveal
picture = GFX_evt_federation_fleet
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = { owner = { set_country_flag = dimensional_pocketed } }

option = {
leader = {
add_experience = 200
hidden_effect = {
ship_event = { id = anomaly.211 days = 33 }

# Dimensional Duplicate followup

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.211
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.211.desc"
show_sound = event_mystic_reveal
picture = GFX_evt_federation_fleet
location = FROMFROM

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = { fromfrom = { save_event_target_as = dimensional_planet } }

option = {
name = anomaly.211.a
custom_tooltip = anomaly.211.a.tooltip
hidden_effect = {
owner = {
save_event_target_as = owner_country
create_fleet = {
name = "NAME_Other_Science_Ship"
effect = {
set_owner = prev
create_ship_design = {
design = "NAME_Prototype"
ftl = event_target:owner_country
create_ship = {
name = "NAME_From_Beyond"
design = last_created_design
graphical_culture =
prefix = no
upgradable = no
set_location = fromfrom

option = {
name = anomaly.211.b
custom_tooltip = anomaly.211.b.tooltip
hidden_effect = {
ship_event = { id = anomaly.212 }

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.212
hide_window = yes

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
create_country = {
name = "NAME_5th_Dimensionalists"
type = faction
effect = {
establish_communications_no_message = root.owner
establish_contact = { who = root.owner location =
root.solar_system }
save_event_target_as = dimensional
create_fleet = {
name = "NAME_From_Beyond"
effect = {
set_owner = prev
create_ship = {
name = "NAME_Ship_of_Unknown_Origin"
design = "NAME_Dagger"
graphical_culture =
prefix = no
set_location = event_target:dimensional_planet
set_faction_hostility = { set_hostile = yes }

# Cornucopia
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.215
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.215.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_big_landing_ship
show_sound = event_alien_nature
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes
auto_opens = yes

option = {
custom_tooltip = anomaly.215.a.tooltip
hidden_effect = {
from = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = "cornucopia"
days = -1
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_blocker = no
has_deposit = no
add_deposit = d_rich_farmland_deposit
add_deposit = d_farmland_deposit
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_blocker = no
has_deposit = no
add_deposit = d_rich_farmland_deposit
add_deposit = d_farmland_deposit
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_blocker = no
has_deposit = no
add_deposit = d_rich_farmland_deposit
add_deposit = d_farmland_deposit
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_blocker = no
has_deposit = no
add_deposit = d_rich_farmland_deposit
add_deposit = d_farmland_deposit

# Wealth of raw materials

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.220
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.220.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_big_landing_ship
show_sound = event_scanner
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes
auto_opens = yes

option = {
custom_tooltip = anomaly.220.a.tooltip

hidden_effect = {
from = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = "raw_materials"
days = -1
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_blocker = no
has_deposit = no
add_deposit = d_vast_mineral_deposit
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_blocker = no
has_deposit = no
add_deposit = d_vast_mineral_deposit
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_blocker = no
has_deposit = no
add_deposit = d_vast_mineral_deposit
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_blocker = no
has_deposit = no
add_deposit = d_vast_mineral_deposit
# Shadow Play
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.225
title = ""
desc = "anomaly.225.desc"
picture = GFX_evt_ship_in_orbit
show_sound = event_mystic_reveal
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = { from = { orbital_deposit_tile = { clear_deposits = yes } } }

option = {
name = OK
custom_tooltip = anomaly.225.a.tooltip
hidden_effect = {
from = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = shadow_play
days = -1
from = {
orbital_deposit_tile = {
add_deposit = d_vast_society_deposit
add_deposit = d_vast_society_deposit

# Grimacing
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.230
title = ""
desc = {
trigger = { owner = { has_technology = tech_terraforming_base_1 } }
text = anomaly.230.desc.v1
desc = {
trigger = { owner = { NOT = { has_technology = tech_terraforming_base_1
} } }
text = anomaly.230.desc.v2
picture = GFX_evt_cold_barren
show_sound = event_scanner
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = { from = { orbital_deposit_tile = { clear_deposits = yes } } }

option = {
trigger = { owner = { energy > 199 } }
name = anomaly.230.a
custom_tooltip = anomaly.230.a.tooltip
hidden_effect = {
from = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = grimacing
days = -1
orbital_deposit_tile = {
add_deposit = d_vast_physics_deposit
add_deposit = d_vast_physics_deposit

option = {
trigger = { owner = { energy > 199 } }
name = anomaly.230.b
custom_tooltip = anomaly.230.b.tooltip
owner = { add_energy = -200 }
hidden_effect = {
random_list = {
50 = { ship_event = { id = anomaly.231 days = 5 } }
50 = { ship_event = { id = anomaly.232 days = 5 } }

option = {
trigger = { owner = { energy < 199 } }
name = anomaly.230.c
custom_tooltip = anomaly.230.a.tooltip
hidden_effect = {
from = {
orbital_deposit_tile = {
add_deposit = d_vast_physics_deposit
add_deposit = d_vast_physics_deposit
add_modifier = {
modifier = grimacing
days = -1

# Grimacing - can enable special project

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.231
title =
desc = anomaly.231.desc
picture = GFX_evt_atmospheric_entry
show_sound = event_laboratory_sound
location = FROMFROM

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
fromfrom = {
enable_special_project = {
location = this
owner = root.owner

# Grimacing - failed to enable special project

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.232
title =
desc = anomaly.232.desc
picture = GFX_evt_atmospheric_entry
show_sound = event_structural_collapse
location = FROMFROM

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {

# Grimacing - special project followup

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.233
title =
desc = anomaly.233.desc
picture = GFX_evt_physics_research
show_sound = event_mystic_reveal
location = fromfrom

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
fromfrom = {
change_pc = pc_arid
every_tile = { clear_deposits = yes }
random_tile = {
limit = { has_deposit = no }
add_deposit = d_rich_farmland_deposit
random_tile = {
limit = { has_deposit = no }
add_deposit = d_rich_farmland_deposit
random_tile = {
limit = { has_deposit = no }
add_deposit = d_farmland_deposit
random_tile = {
limit = { has_deposit = no }
add_deposit = d_rich_mineral_deposit
random_tile = {
limit = { has_deposit = no }
add_deposit = d_vast_mineral_deposit

option = {
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = physics_research
value = @tier3researchreward
min = @tier3researchmin
max = @tier3researchmax
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = engineering_research
value = @tier3researchreward
min = @tier3researchmin
max = @tier3researchmax

# Lasers through ice

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.235
title =
desc = {
trigger = { owner = { has_second_tier_starting_weapon = yes } }
text = anomaly.235.desc.v1
desc = {
trigger = { owner = { has_second_tier_starting_weapon = no } }
text = anomaly.235.desc.v2
picture = GFX_evt_frozen
show_sound = event_space_battle
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
trigger = { owner = { has_second_tier_starting_weapon = yes } }
hidden_effect = { owner = { country_event = { id = story.5 days =
30 } } }
leader = { add_experience = 100 }

option = {
name = anomaly.235.b
trigger = { owner = { has_second_tier_starting_weapon = no } }
hidden_effect = { owner = { country_event = { id = story.5 days =
30 } } }
owner = {
if = {
limit = { uses_polaron_weapons = yes }
give_technology = { tech = tech_physics_focused_296 }
if = {
limit = { uses_tetryon_weapons = yes }
give_technology = { tech = tech_physics_tetryon_321 }
if = {
limit = { uses_antiproton_weapons = yes }
give_technology = { tech = tech_physics_anti-proton_269 }
if = {
limit = { uses_plasma_weapons = yes }
give_technology = { tech = tech_physics_modulating_241 }
if = {
limit = { uses_disruptor_weapons = yes }
give_technology = { tech = tech_physics_phase_202 }
if = {
limit = { uses_plasma_disruptor_weapons = yes }
give_technology = { tech = tech_physics_modulated_203 }
if = {
limit = { uses_phaser_weapons = yes }
give_technology = { tech = tech_physics_nadion_159 }
if = {
limit = { uses_phaser_weapons_fed = yes }
give_technology = { tech = tech_physics_phase_156 }

# Deceptive Gas Giant

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.240
title =
desc = anomaly.240.desc
picture = GFX_evt_warm_barren
show_sound = event_mystic_reveal
location = FROM

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
from = {
change_pc = pc_barren
change_planet_size = 25

option = {
custom_tooltip = anomaly.240.a.tooltip
leader = {
add_experience = 200
# Eden overrun
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.245
title =
desc = anomaly.245.desc
picture = GFX_evt_alien_nature
show_sound = event_alien_nature
location = from

is_triggered_only = yes

trigger = { from = { is_planet_class = pc_gaia } }

immediate = {
from = {
random_tile = {
limit = { has_blocker = no }
set_blocker = tb_dangerous_wildlife
random_tile = {
limit = { has_blocker = no }
set_blocker = tb_dangerous_wildlife
random_tile = {
limit = { has_blocker = no }
set_blocker = tb_dangerous_wildlife
random_tile = {
limit = { has_blocker = no }
set_blocker = tb_dangerous_wildlife

option = {
leader = {
add_experience = 200
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = society_research
value = @tier4researchreward
min = @tier4researchmin
max = @tier4researchmax

# Olfactory Document
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.250
title =
desc = anomaly.250.desc
picture = GFX_evt_archaeological_dig
show_sound = event_scanner
location = from
is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = anomaly.250.a
hidden_effect = { owner = { country_event = { id = story.5 days =
30 } } }
from = {
enable_special_project = {
location = this
owner = root

# Olfactory followup
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.251
title =
desc = anomaly.251.desc
picture = GFX_evt_archaeological_dig
show_sound = event_default
location = fromfrom

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
leader = {
add_experience = 100
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = society_research
value = @tier3researchreward
min = @tier3researchmin
max = @tier3researchmax

# Ultimate weapon
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.255
title =
desc = anomaly.255.desc
picture = GFX_evt_alien_city
show_sound = event_planetary_riot
location = from

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = anomaly.255.a
hidden_effect = { owner = { country_event = { id = story.5 days =
30 } } }
option = {
name = anomaly.255.b
hidden_effect = { owner = { country_event = { id = story.5 days =
30 } } }
from = {
enable_special_project = {
location = this
owner = root

# Ultimate Weapon followup 1 - starting weapon

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.256
title =
desc = anomaly.256.desc
picture = GFX_evt_alien_city
show_sound = event_default
location = fromfrom

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
if = {
limit = {
owner = {
NOT = {
has_technology = tech_mass_drivers_1
has_country_flag = got_mass
has_country_flag = got_miss
has_country_flag = got_laser
owner = {
# give_technology = tech_mass_drivers_1 FIX THIS LATER
set_country_flag = got_mass
if = {
limit = {
owner = {
NOT = {
has_technology = tech_missiles_1
has_country_flag = got_mass
has_country_flag = got_miss
has_country_flag = got_laser
owner = {
# give_technology = tech_missiles_1 FIX THIS LATER
set_country_flag = got_miss
if = {
limit = {
owner = {
NOT = {
has_technology = tech_lasers_1
has_country_flag = got_mass
has_country_flag = got_miss
has_country_flag = got_laser
owner = {
# give_technology = tech_lasers_1 FIX THIS LATER
set_country_flag = got_laser

option = {
name = anomaly.256.a
if = {
limit = { owner = { has_country_flag = got_mass } }
custom_tooltip = anomaly.256.a.tooltip.mass
if = {
limit = { owner = { has_country_flag = got_miss } }
custom_tooltip = anomaly.256.a.tooltip.miss
if = {
limit = { owner = { has_country_flag = got_laser } }
custom_tooltip = anomaly.256.a.tooltip.laser

option = {
name = anomaly.256.b
trigger = {
owner = {
NOT = {
has_country_flag = got_mass
has_country_flag = got_miss
has_country_flag = got_laser
AND = {
has_technology = tech_mass_drivers_1
has_technology = tech_missiles_1
has_technology = tech_lasers_1

# Ultimate Weapon followup 2 - exotic weapon

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.257
title =
desc = anomaly.257.desc
picture = GFX_evt_alien_city
show_sound = event_mystic_reveal
location = fromfrom

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = anomaly.257.a
trigger = {
NOT = {
OR = {
owner = {
has_technology = tech_lasers_1
NOT = { has_technology = tech_energy_lance_1 }
owner = {
has_technology = tech_mass_drivers_1
NOT = { has_technology =
tech_kinetic_artillery_1 }
owner = {
has_technology = tech_missiles_1
NOT = { has_technology =
tech_swarmer_missiles_1 }
leader = {
add_experience = 200

option = {
trigger = {
owner = {
has_technology = tech_lasers_1
NOT = { has_technology = tech_energy_lance_1 }
# owner = { give_technology = tech_energy_lance_1 } FIX THIS LATER
leader = { add_experience = 200 }

option = {
trigger = {
owner = {
has_technology = tech_mass_drivers_1
NOT = { has_technology = tech_kinetic_artillery_1 }
# owner = { give_technology = tech_kinetic_artillery_1 } FIX THIS LATER
leader = { add_experience = 200 }

option = {
trigger = {
owner = {
has_technology = tech_missiles_1
NOT = { has_technology = tech_swarmer_missiles_1 }
# owner = { give_technology = tech_swarmer_missiles_1 } FIX THIS LATER
leader = { add_experience = 200 }

trigger = {
owner = {
has_technology = tech_energy_lance_1
has_technology = tech_kinetic_artillery_1
has_technology = tech_swarmer_missiles_1
leader = { add_experience = 200 }

# Ultimate Weapon followup 3 - nothing

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.258
title =
desc = anomaly.258.desc
picture = GFX_evt_alien_city
show_sound = event_default
location = fromfrom

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {

# Abandoned Mining Operation on Arctic planet

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.260
title =
desc = anomaly.260.desc
picture = GFX_evt_outpost
show_sound = event_activating_unknown_technology

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = { from = { orbital_deposit_tile = { clear_deposits = yes } } }

option = {
name = anomaly.260.a
custom_tooltip = anomaly.260.a.tooltip
hidden_effect = { owner = { country_event = { id = story.5 days =
30 } } }
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = engineering_research
value = @tier2researchreward
min = @tier2researchmin
max = @tier2researchmax
hidden_effect = {
from = {
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_blocker = no
is_orbital_tile = no
set_building = building_ancient_factory

# Crater drag race

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.265
title =
desc = anomaly.265.desc
picture = GFX_evt_archaeological_dig
show_sound = event_ship_thrusters

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = { from = { orbital_deposit_tile = { clear_deposits = yes } } }

option = {
name = anomaly.265.a
custom_tooltip = anomaly.265.a.tooltip
hidden_effect = { owner = { country_event = { id = story.5 days =
30 } } }
hidden_effect = {
from = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = skid_marks
days = -1
orbital_deposit_tile = {
add_deposit = d_vast_engineering_deposit
add_deposit = d_vast_engineering_deposit

# Artificial Impact
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.270
title =
desc = anomaly.270.desc
picture = GFX_evt_asteroid_approaching_planet
show_sound = event_default

is_triggered_only = yes
immediate = { from = { orbital_deposit_tile = { clear_deposits = yes } } }

option = {
name = anomaly.270.a
custom_tooltip = anomaly.270.a.tooltip
hidden_effect = { owner = { country_event = { id = story.5 days =
30 } } }
hidden_effect = {
from = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = dust_circuits
days = -1
orbital_deposit_tile = {
add_deposit = d_vast_engineering_deposit
add_deposit = d_vast_engineering_deposit
add_deposit = d_vast_engineering_deposit

# Abandoned Thrusters
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.275
title =
desc = anomaly.275.desc
picture = GFX_evt_archaeological_dig
show_sound = event_ship_thrusters

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = anomaly.275.a
trigger = { owner = { NOT = { has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophobe } } }
owner = {
if = {
limit = { NOT = { has_technology =
tech_engineering_inertial_629 } }
give_technology = { tech = tech_engineering_inertial_629 }
else = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = unity
value = @tier1unityreward
min = @tier1unitymin
max = @tier1unitymax
hidden_effect = { owner = { country_event = { id = story.5 days =
30 } } }

option = {
name = anomaly.275.b
trigger = { owner = { has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophobe } }
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = unity
value = @tier1influencereward
min = @tier1influencemin
max = @tier1influencemax
hidden_effect = { owner = { country_event = { id = story.5 days =
30 } } }

# Unusual Tectonics
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.285
title =
desc = anomaly.285.desc
picture = GFX_evt_ship_in_orbit
show_sound = event_scanner

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = { from = { orbital_deposit_tile = { clear_deposits = yes } } }

option = {
name = anomaly.285.a
custom_tooltip = anomaly.285.a.tooltip
hidden_effect = {
from = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = unusual_tectonics
days = -1
orbital_deposit_tile = {
add_deposit = d_vast_engineering_deposit
add_deposit = d_vast_physics_deposit
add_deposit = d_vast_physics_deposit

# Irradiating rock for fun and profit

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.290
title =
desc = anomaly.290.desc
picture = GFX_evt_ship_in_orbit
show_sound = event_ship_bridge
location = from

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
from = {
orbital_deposit_tile = {
clear_deposits = yes

option = {
name = anomaly.290.a

option = {
name = anomaly.290.b
trigger = { owner = { energy > 99 } }
owner = { add_energy = -100 }
from = {
enable_special_project = {
location = this
owner = root

# Special project followup

ship_event = {
id = anomaly.292
title =
desc = anomaly.292.desc
picture = GFX_evt_underground_civilization
show_sound = event_default
location = fromfrom

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
hidden_effect = {
fromfrom = {
orbital_deposit_tile = {
add_deposit = d_vast_mineral_deposit
add_deposit = d_vast_mineral_deposit
add_deposit = d_vast_mineral_deposit

# Gravity emitters
ship_event = {
id = anomaly.295
title =
desc = anomaly.295.desc
picture = GFX_evt_mining_station
show_sound = event_activating_unknown_technology

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = anomaly.295.a
hidden_effect = { owner = { country_event = { id = story.5 days =
30 } } }
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = physics_research
value = @tier3researchreward
min = @tier3researchmin
max = @tier3researchmax
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = engineering_research
value = @tier3researchreward
min = @tier3researchmin
max = @tier3researchmax

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