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# Colony Events
# Written by Niclas Karlsson
# STNH - Banks 1.5 Compat

namespace = colony

@tier1influencecontact = 7
@tier1influencecontactxenophile = 8
@tier1influencecontactmin = 20
@tier1influencecontactmax = 80

@tier2influencecontact = 10
@tier2influencecontactxenophile = 12
@tier2influencecontactmin = 40
@tier2influencecontactmax = 100

@tier1materialreward = 6
@tier1materialmin = 100
@tier1materialmax = 500
@tier2materialreward = 12
@tier2materialmin = 150
@tier2materialmax = 1000
@tier3materialreward = 18
@tier3materialmin = 250
@tier3materialmax = 1500
@tier4materialreward = 24
@tier4materialmin = 350
@tier4materialmax = 2000
@tier5materialreward = 48
@tier5materialmin = 700
@tier5materialmax = 4000

@tier1influencereward = 6
@tier1influencemin = 40
@tier1influencemax = 100
@tier2influencereward = 12
@tier2influencemin = 80
@tier2influencemax = 175
@tier3influencereward = 18
@tier3influencemin = 125
@tier3influencemax = 250
@tier4influencereward = 24
@tier4influencemin = 150
@tier4influencemax = 300
@tier5influencereward = 36
@tier5influencemin = 250
@tier5influencemax = 500
@tier6influencereward = 48
@tier6influencemin = 300
@tier6influencemax = 600

@tier1unityreward = 6
@tier1unitymin = 100
@tier1unitymax = 500
@tier2unityreward = 12
@tier2unitymin = 150
@tier2unitymax = 1000
@tier3unityreward = 18
@tier3unitymin = 250
@tier3unitymax = 1500
@tier4unityreward = 24
@tier4unitymin = 350
@tier4unitymax = 2000
@tier5unityreward = 48
@tier5unitymin = 700
@tier5unitymax = 4000

@tier1researchreward = 6
@tier1researchmin = 60
@tier1researchmax = 150
@tier2researchreward = 12
@tier2researchmin = 90
@tier2researchmax = 250
@tier3researchreward = 18
@tier3researchmin = 120
@tier3researchmax = 350
@tier4researchreward = 24
@tier4researchmin = 150
@tier4researchmax = 500
@tier5researchreward = 48
@tier5researchmin = 300
@tier5researchmax = 1000

#Trouble in Paradise
planet_event = {
id = colony.2001
title =
desc = colony.2001.desc
picture = GFX_evt_smugglers_in_bar
show_sound = event_conversation
location = root

trigger = {
has_owner = yes
original_owner = yes
is_homeworld = no
owner = {
is_ai = no
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_militarist
has_ethic = ethic_militarist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_pacifist
has_ethic = ethic_pacifist
NOT = { has_country_flag = colony_event_ethic_diverge }
has_ground_combat = no
is_occupied_flag = no
num_pops > 3
is_capital = no
OR = {
is_planet_class = pc_continental
is_planet_class = pc_tropical
is_planet_class = pc_gaia
NOT = {
has_planet_flag = colony_event

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
set_planet_flag = colony_event
owner = {
set_timed_country_flag = { flag = colony_event_ethic_diverge days
= 1825 } # 5 years

option = {
name = colony.2001.a
custom_tooltip = colony.2001.a.pacifist.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_militarist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_militarist
hidden_effect = {
random_pop = {
limit = {
is_non_sentient_robot = no
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_pacifist
has_pop_flag = pop_changed_ethics
set_timed_pop_flag = { flag = ethic_diverge_from_militarist
days = 7 }
pop_diverge_ethic = yes #Scripted effect controlled by the
pop flag set before it
random_pop = {
limit = {
is_non_sentient_robot = no
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_pacifist
has_pop_flag = pop_changed_ethics
set_timed_pop_flag = { flag = ethic_diverge_from_militarist
days = 7 }
pop_diverge_ethic = yes
random_pop = {
limit = {
is_non_sentient_robot = no
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_pacifist
has_pop_flag = pop_changed_ethics
set_timed_pop_flag = { flag = ethic_diverge_from_militarist
days = 7 }
pop_diverge_ethic = yes
option = {
name = colony.2001.a
custom_tooltip = colony.2001.a.military.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_pacifist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_pacifist
hidden_effect = {
random_pop = {
limit = {
is_non_sentient_robot = no
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_militarist
has_pop_flag = pop_changed_ethics
set_timed_pop_flag = { flag = ethic_diverge_from_pacifist
days = 7 }
pop_diverge_ethic = yes
random_pop = {
limit = {
is_non_sentient_robot = no
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_militarist
has_pop_flag = pop_changed_ethics
set_timed_pop_flag = { flag = ethic_diverge_from_pacifist
days = 7 }
pop_diverge_ethic = yes
random_pop = {
limit = {
is_non_sentient_robot = no
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_militarist
has_pop_flag = pop_changed_ethics
set_timed_pop_flag = { flag = ethic_diverge_from_pacifist
days = 7 }
pop_diverge_ethic = yes
option = {
name = colony.2001.b
custom_tooltip = colony.2001.b.pacifism.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_pacifist
has_ethic = ethic_pacifist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_egalitarian
hidden_effect = {
random_pop = {
limit = {
is_non_sentient_robot = no
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_pacifist
has_pop_flag = pop_changed_ethics
set_timed_pop_flag = { flag = ethic_diverge_from_militarist
days = 7 }
pop_diverge_ethic = yes
add_modifier = {
modifier = suppressed_opposition
days = 3600
set_timed_planet_flag = {
flag = suppressed_opposition_flag
days = 3600
option = {
name = colony.2001.b
custom_tooltip = colony.2001.b.military.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_militarist
has_ethic = ethic_militarist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_egalitarian
hidden_effect = {
random_pop = {
limit = {
is_non_sentient_robot = no
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_militarist
has_pop_flag = pop_changed_ethics
set_timed_pop_flag = { flag = ethic_diverge_from_pacifist
days = 7 }
pop_diverge_ethic = yes
add_modifier = {
modifier = suppressed_opposition
days = 3600
set_timed_planet_flag = {
flag = suppressed_opposition_flag
days = 3600
#Follow up if colony is destroyed to remove modifier
planet_event = {
id = colony.2002
hide_window = yes

trigger = {
has_planet_flag = suppressed_opposition_flag

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
remove_modifier = suppressed_opposition
remove_planet_flag = suppressed_opposition_flag

#Submerged Cruiser
planet_event = {
id = colony.2005
title =
desc = colony.2005.desc
picture = GFX_evt_ocean
show_sound = event_sensor_ping
location = root

trigger = {
has_owner = yes
original_owner = yes
is_homeworld = no
sector_controlled = no
owner = {
is_ai = no
has_technology = tech_spaceport_3
NOT = { has_country_flag = colony_submerged_cruiser }
has_ground_combat = no
is_occupied_flag = no
num_pops > 4
num_pops < 8
is_capital = no
NOT = {
has_planet_flag = colony_event
OR = {
is_planet_class = pc_continental
is_planet_class = pc_tropical
is_planet_class = pc_gaia
is_planet_class = pc_ocean

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
set_planet_flag = colony_event
owner = { set_country_flag = colony_submerged_cruiser }

option = {
name = colony.2005.a
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_materialist
enable_special_project = {
owner = root
location = root
option = {
name = colony.2005.a
trigger = {
owner = {
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_materialist
enable_special_project = {
owner = root
location = root
option = {
name = colony.2005.b
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
NOT = { has_technology = tech_spaceport_4 }
owner = {
if = {
limit = {
has_tech_option = tech_spaceport_4
add_tech_progress = {
tech = tech_spaceport_4
progress = 0.60
else = {
add_research_option = tech_spaceport_4
add_tech_progress = {
tech = tech_spaceport_4
progress = 0.20
option = {
name = colony.2005.b
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
has_technology = tech_spaceport_4
NOT = { has_technology = tech_spaceport_5 }
owner = {
if = {
limit = {
has_tech_option = tech_spaceport_5
add_tech_progress = {
tech = tech_spaceport_5
progress = 0.60
else = {
add_research_option = tech_spaceport_5
add_tech_progress = {
tech = tech_spaceport_5
progress = 0.20
option = {
name = colony.2005.b
trigger = {
owner = {
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
NOT = { has_technology = tech_spaceport_4 }
owner = {
if = {
limit = {
has_tech_option = tech_spaceport_4
add_tech_progress = {
tech = tech_spaceport_4
progress = 0.60
else = {
add_research_option = tech_spaceport_4
add_tech_progress = {
tech = tech_spaceport_4
progress = 0.20
option = {
name = colony.2005.b
trigger = {
owner = {
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
has_technology = tech_spaceport_4
NOT = { has_technology = tech_spaceport_5 }
owner = {
if = {
limit = {
has_tech_option = tech_spaceport_5
add_tech_progress = {
tech = tech_spaceport_5
progress = 0.60
else = {
add_research_option = tech_spaceport_5
add_tech_progress = {
tech = tech_spaceport_5
progress = 0.20
#Follow-up 1
planet_event = {
id = colony.2006
desc = colony.2006.desc
picture = GFX_evt_big_landing_ship
show_sound = event_ship_thrusters
location = root

is_triggered_only = yes
immediate = {
owner = {
save_event_target_as = "me"

option = {
name = colony.2006.a.material
custom_tooltip = colony.2006.a.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_materialist
hidden_effect = {
create_fleet = {
name = "NAME_Seaborn_Flotilla"
effect = {
set_owner = event_target:me
create_ship_design = {
design = "NAME_Sword"
ftl = event_target:me
create_ship = {
name = "NAME_Seafallen_Cruiser"
design = last_created_design
upgradable = no
set_location = root
add_modifier = {
modifier = ship_master_cruiser
days = -1
owner = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = streamlined_ship_design
days = -1
option = {
name = colony.2006.a.phile
custom_tooltip = colony.2006.a.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophile
has_ethic = ethic_xenophile
hidden_effect = {
owner = {
save_event_target_as = "me"
create_fleet = {
name = "NAME_Seafallen_Cruiser"
effect = {
set_owner = event_target:me
create_ship_design = {
design = "NAME_Sword"
ftl = event_target:me
create_ship = {
name = "NAME_Seafallen_Cruiser"
design = last_created_design
upgradable = no
set_location = root
add_modifier = {
modifier = ship_master_cruiser
days = -1
owner = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = streamlined_ship_design
days = -1
option = {
custom_tooltip = colony.2006.a.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophile
has_ethic = ethic_xenophile
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_materialist
hidden_effect = {
owner = {
save_event_target_as = "me"
create_fleet = {
name = "NAME_Seaborn"
effect = {
set_owner = event_target:me
create_ship_design = {
design = "NAME_Sword"
ftl = event_target:me
create_ship = {
name = "NAME_Seafallen_Cruiser"
design = last_created_design
upgradable = no
set_location = root
add_modifier = {
modifier = ship_master_cruiser
days = -1
owner = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = streamlined_ship_design
days = -1
#Follow-up 2
planet_event = {
id = colony.2007
desc = colony.2007.desc
picture = GFX_evt_hangar_bay
show_sound = event_ship_bridge
location = root

is_triggered_only = yes

option = {
name = colony.2007.a.phobe
custom_tooltip = colony.2007.a
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
hidden_effect = {
owner = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = streamlined_ship_design
days = -1
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = minerals
value = @tier1materialreward
min = @tier1materialmin
max = @tier1materialmax
option = {
name = colony.2007.a.phile
custom_tooltip = colony.2007.a
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophile
has_ethic = ethic_xenophile
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
hidden_effect = {
owner = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = streamlined_ship_design
days = -1
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = minerals
value = @tier1materialreward
min = @tier1materialmin
max = @tier1materialmax
option = {
name = GOOD
custom_tooltip = colony.2007.a
trigger = {
owner = {
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophile
has_ethic = ethic_xenophile
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
hidden_effect = {
owner = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = streamlined_ship_design
days = -1
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = minerals
value = @tier1materialreward
min = @tier1materialmin
max = @tier1materialmax
#Follow-up 3
planet_event = {
id = colony.2008
desc = colony.2008.desc
picture = GFX_evt_burning_settlement
show_sound = event_structural_collapse
location = root

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_building = yes
is_ruined = no
set_ruined = yes #remove_building = yes

option = {
custom_tooltip = colony.2008.a.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = engineering_research
value = @tier1researchreward
min = @tier1researchmin
max = @tier1researchmax
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = minerals
value = @tier1materialreward
min = @tier1materialmin
max = @tier1materialmax
option = {
name = CURSES
custom_tooltip = colony.2008.a.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_materialist
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = engineering_research
value = @tier1researchreward
min = @tier1researchmin
max = @tier1researchmax
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = minerals
value = @tier1materialreward
min = @tier1materialmin
max = @tier1materialmax
option = {
custom_tooltip = colony.2008.a.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = engineering_research
value = @tier1researchreward
min = @tier1researchmin
max = @tier1researchmax
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = minerals
value = @tier1materialreward
min = @tier1materialmin
max = @tier1materialmax

#A Change of Heart
planet_event = {
id = colony.2010
title =
desc = {
trigger = {
hidden:owner = {
switch = {
trigger = has_ethic
ethic_fanatic_spiritualist = { text =
colony.2010.desc.spirit }
ethic_spiritualist = { text = colony.2010.desc.spirit
ethic_fanatic_materialist = { text =
colony.2010.desc.material }
ethic_materialist = { text =
colony.2010.desc.material }
default = { text = "ERROR" }
picture = GFX_evt_smugglers_in_bar
show_sound = event_conversation
location = root

trigger = {
has_owner = yes
original_owner = yes
is_homeworld = no
owner = {
is_ai = no
is_country_type = default
OR = {
AND = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
root = {
any_owned_pop = {
has_ethic = ethic_materialist
AND = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_materialist
root = {
any_owned_pop = {
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
NOT = { has_country_flag = colony_event_ethic_diverge }
has_ground_combat = no
is_occupied_flag = no
count_pops = {
limit = { is_non_sentient_robot = no }
count > 3
is_capital = no
NOR = {
has_planet_flag = colony_event
is_artificial_planet = yes
is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
set_planet_flag = colony_event

owner = {
set_timed_country_flag = { flag = colony_event_ethic_diverge days
= 1825 } # 5 years

option = {
name = colony.2010.a.material
custom_tooltip = colony.2010.a.material.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_materialist
hidden_effect = {
#while = {
# limit = {
# any_owned_pop = {
# NOT = {
# has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
# }
# is_non_sentient_robot = no
# }
# }
# count = 3
# random_owned_pop = {
# limit = {
# NOT = { has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist }
# is_non_sentient_robot = no
# }
# pop_change_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
# }
add_modifier = {
modifier = spiritualist_attraction
days = 7200 # 20 years
every_owned_pop = {
limit = {
is_non_sentient_robot = no
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
add_modifier = {
modifier = opinion_respected
days = 7200
option = {
name = colony.2010.a.spirit
custom_tooltip = colony.2010.a.spirit.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
hidden_effect = {
#while = {
# limit = {
# any_owned_pop = {
# NOT = {
# has_ethic = ethic_materialist
# }
# is_non_sentient_robot = no
# }
# }
# count = 3
# random_owned_pop = {
# limit = {
# NOT = { has_ethic = ethic_materialist }
# is_non_sentient_robot = no
# }
# pop_change_ethic = ethic_materialist
# }
add_modifier = {
modifier = materialist_attraction
days = 7200 # 20 years
every_owned_pop = {
limit = {
is_non_sentient_robot = no
has_ethic = ethic_materialist
add_modifier = {
modifier = opinion_respected
days = 7200
option = {
name = colony.2010.b
custom_tooltip = colony.2010.b.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
#NOT = { has_country_flag = deficit }
energy > 99
has_country_resource = {
type = minerals
amount > 99
owner = {
add_minerals = -100
add_energy = -100

option = {
name = colony.2010.c.spirit
custom_tooltip = colony.2010.c.spirit.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
hidden_effect = {
random_list = {
40 = { planet_event = { id = colony.2011 days = 160 } }
#good results
60 = { planet_event = { id = colony.2012 days = 160 } }
#bad results
set_planet_flag = event_subjugate_materialists
option = {
name = colony.2010.c.material
custom_tooltip = colony.2010.c.material.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_materialist
hidden_effect = {
random_list = {
40 = { planet_event = { id = colony.2011 days = 160 } }
#good results
60 = { planet_event = { id = colony.2012 days = 160 } }
#bad results
set_planet_flag = event_subjugate_spiritualists

#good results
planet_event = {
id = colony.2011
title =
desc = {
trigger = {
hidden:owner = {
switch = {
trigger = has_ethic
ethic_fanatic_spiritualist = { text =
colony.2011.desc.spirit }
ethic_spiritualist = { text = colony.2011.desc.spirit
ethic_fanatic_materialist = { text =
colony.2011.desc.material }
ethic_materialist = { text =
colony.2011.desc.material }
default = { text = "ERROR" }
picture = GFX_evt_throne_room
show_sound = event_celebration
location = root

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
if = {
limit = {
has_planet_flag = event_subjugate_spiritualists
every_owned_pop = {
limit = {
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
pop_change_ethic = ethic_materialist

add_modifier = {
modifier = materialist_attraction
days = 7200 # 20 years
if = {
limit = {
has_planet_flag = event_subjugate_materialists
every_owned_pop = {
limit = {
has_ethic = ethic_materialist
pop_change_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
add_modifier = {
modifier = spiritualist_attraction
days = 7200 # 20 years

option = {
name = PRAISE
custom_tooltip = colony.2011.a.spirit.tooltip
trigger = {
has_planet_flag = event_subjugate_materialists
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
hidden_effect = {
remove_planet_flag = event_subjugate_materialists
option = {
name = OOPS
custom_tooltip = colony.2011.a.spirit.tooltip
trigger = {
has_planet_flag = event_subjugate_spiritualists
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
hidden_effect = {
remove_planet_flag = event_subjugate_spiritualists
option = {
name = OOPS
custom_tooltip = colony.2011.a.material.tooltip
trigger = {
has_planet_flag = event_subjugate_materialists
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_materialist
hidden_effect = {
remove_planet_flag = event_subjugate_materialists
option = {
custom_tooltip = colony.2011.a.material.tooltip
trigger = {
has_planet_flag = event_subjugate_spiritualists
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_materialist
hidden_effect = {
remove_planet_flag = event_subjugate_spiritualists
#bad results
planet_event = {
id = colony.2012
title =
desc = colony.2012.desc
picture = GFX_evt_burning_settlement
show_sound = event_planetary_riot
location = root

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
remove_planet_flag = event_subjugate_spiritualists
remove_planet_flag = event_subjugate_materialists
if = {
limit = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_materialist
add_modifier = {
modifier = spiritualist_attraction
days = 7200 # 20 years
### Add disrespected opinion
every_owned_pop = {
limit = {
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
add_modifier = {
modifier = opinion_disrespected
days = 3600
if = {
limit = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
add_modifier = {
modifier = materialist_attraction
days = 7200 # 20 years

### Add disrespected opinion

every_owned_pop = {
limit = {
has_ethic = ethic_materialist
add_modifier = {
modifier = opinion_disrespected
days = 3600

option = {
custom_tooltip = colony.2012.a.spirit.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
option = {
name = CURSES
custom_tooltip = colony.2012.a.material.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist

#Odd Factory
planet_event = {
id = colony.2015
title =
desc = colony.2015.desc
picture = GFX_evt_alien_city
show_sound = event_activating_unknown_technology
location = root

trigger = {
has_owner = yes
original_owner = yes
is_homeworld = no
owner = {
is_ai = no
NOT = { has_country_flag = colony_odd_factory }
has_ground_combat = no
is_occupied_flag = no
num_pops > 3
free_building_tiles > 0
is_capital = no
NOR = {
has_planet_flag = colony_event
is_planet_class = pc_ringworld_habitable
is_planet_class = pc_habitat

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
set_planet_flag = colony_event
owner = {
set_country_flag = colony_odd_factory
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_building = no
has_grown_pop = no
has_growing_pop = no
has_blocker = no
set_building = building_odd_factory
random_list = {
30 = { set_planet_flag = colony_factory_kidnap }
35 = { set_planet_flag = colony_factory_breaks }
35 = { set_planet_flag = colony_factory_no_effect }

option = {
custom_tooltip = colony.2015.a.tooltip
#Follow-up: Kidnap
planet_event = {
id = colony.2016
title =
desc = colony.2016.desc
picture = GFX_evt_alien_city
show_sound = event_ghost_town
location = root

trigger = {
has_owner = yes
original_owner = yes
is_homeworld = no
owner = {
is_ai = no
has_ground_combat = no
has_planet_flag = colony_factory_kidnap
any_tile = {
has_grown_pop = yes
has_building = building_odd_factory

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 4

immediate = {
random_pop = {
limit = {
tile = {
has_building = building_odd_factory
kill_pop = yes

option = {
name = OK
custom_tooltip = colony.2016.a.tooltip
hidden_effect = {
random_pop = {
limit = {
has_pop_flag = doomed_by_factory
kill_pop = yes
remove_planet_flag = colony_factory_kidnap
random_list = {
50 = { set_planet_flag = colony_factory_kidnap_sequel }
30 = { set_planet_flag = colony_factory_breaks }
20= { set_planet_flag = colony_factory_no_effect }
#Follow-up: Kidnap 2
planet_event = {
id = colony.2017
title =
desc = colony.2017.desc
picture = GFX_evt_alien_city
show_sound = event_ghost_town
location = root

trigger = {
has_owner = yes
original_owner = yes
is_homeworld = no
owner = {
is_ai = no
has_ground_combat = no
has_planet_flag = colony_factory_kidnap_sequel
any_tile = {
has_grown_pop = yes
has_building = building_odd_factory

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 4
immediate = {
random_pop = {
limit = {
tile = {
has_building = building_odd_factory
kill_pop = yes

option = {
name = colony.2017.a
custom_tooltip = colony.2017.a.tooltip
add_modifier = {
modifier = scared_population
days = 7300
hidden_effect = {
remove_planet_flag = colony_factory_kidnap_sequel
option = {
name = colony.2017.b
custom_tooltip = colony.2017.b.tooltip
add_modifier = {
modifier = secured_factory
days = 7300
hidden_effect = {
remove_planet_flag = colony_factory_kidnap_sequel
#Follow-up: Breaks
planet_event = {
id = colony.2018
title =
desc = colony.2018.desc
picture = GFX_evt_burning_settlement
show_sound = event_structural_collapse
location = root

trigger = {
has_owner = yes
original_owner = yes
is_homeworld = no
owner = {
is_ai = no
has_ground_combat = no
has_planet_flag = colony_factory_breaks
any_tile = {
has_grown_pop = yes
has_building = building_odd_factory
mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 6

immediate = {
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_building = building_odd_factory
set_ruined = yes #remove_building = yes

option = {
name = colony.2018.a
custom_tooltip = colony.2018.a.tooltip
hidden_effect = {
remove_planet_flag = colony_factory_kidnap_sequel
remove_planet_flag = colony_factory_breaks
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_prev_building = building_odd_factory
add_deposit = d_immense_energy_deposit
option = {
name = colony.2018.b
custom_tooltip = colony.2018.b.tooltip
hidden_effect = {
remove_planet_flag = colony_factory_kidnap_sequel
remove_planet_flag = colony_factory_breaks
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_prev_building = building_odd_factory
add_deposit = d_immense_mineral_deposit
#Follow-up: No effect
planet_event = {
id = colony.2019
title =
desc = colony.2019.desc
picture = GFX_evt_alien_city
show_sound = event_administrative_work
location = root

trigger = {
has_owner = yes
original_owner = yes
is_homeworld = no
owner = {
is_ai = no
has_ground_combat = no
has_planet_flag = colony_factory_no_effect
any_tile = {
has_grown_pop = yes
has_building = building_odd_factory

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 6

immediate = {

option = {
name = GOOD
hidden_effect = {
remove_planet_flag = colony_factory_no_effect
#Follow-up: Destroyed
planet_event = {
id = colony.2020
title =
desc = colony.2020.desc
picture = GFX_evt_burning_settlement
show_sound = event_structural_collapse
location = root

is_triggered_only = yes

trigger = {
NOT = { has_planet_flag = odd_factory_destroyed }
from = {
has_prev_building = building_odd_factory

immediate = {
set_planet_flag = odd_factory_destroyed

option = {
name = colony.2018.a
custom_tooltip = colony.2020.a.tooltip
hidden_effect = {
remove_planet_flag = colony_factory_found
remove_planet_flag = colony_factory_no_effect
remove_planet_flag = colony_factory_breaks
remove_planet_flag = colony_factory_kidnap
remove_planet_flag = colony_factory_kidnap_sequel
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_prev_building = building_odd_factory
add_deposit = d_vast_energy_deposit
if = {
limit = {
has_modifier = secured_factory
remove_modifier = secured_factory
if = {
limit = {
has_modifier = scared_population
remove_modifier = scared_population
option = {
name = colony.2018.b
custom_tooltip = colony.2020.b.tooltip
hidden_effect = {
remove_planet_flag = colony_factory_found
remove_planet_flag = colony_factory_no_effect
remove_planet_flag = colony_factory_breaks
remove_planet_flag = colony_factory_kidnap
remove_planet_flag = colony_factory_kidnap_sequel
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_prev_building = building_odd_factory
add_deposit = d_vast_mineral_deposit
if = {
limit = {
has_modifier = secured_factory
remove_modifier = secured_factory
if = {
limit = {
has_modifier = scared_population
remove_modifier = scared_population

#What Separates Us
planet_event = {
id = colony.2025
title =
desc = {
trigger = {
hidden:owner = {
switch = {
trigger = has_ethic
ethic_fanatic_xenophobe = { text =
colony.2025.phobe.desc }
ethic_xenophobe = { text = colony.2025.phobe.desc }
ethic_fanatic_xenophile = { text =
colony.2025.phile.desc }
ethic_xenophile = { text = colony.2025.phile.desc }
default = { text = colony.2025.desc }
picture = GFX_evt_burning_settlement
show_sound = event_planetary_riot
location = root

trigger = {
has_owner = yes
original_owner = yes
owner = {
is_ai = no
has_ground_combat = no
is_occupied_flag = no
num_pops > 4
is_capital = no
NOR = {
has_planet_flag = colony_event
is_artificial_planet = yes
any_pop = {
is_enslaved = no
NOT = {
is_same_species = owner
any_pop = {
is_same_species = owner
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_xenophobe

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
set_planet_flag = colony_event
owner = { save_event_target_as = MyEmpire }

option = {
name = colony.2025.a
custom_tooltip = colony.2025.a.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophile
has_ethic = ethic_xenophile
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
hidden_effect = {
owner = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = immigrants_protection
days = 7300
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = influence
value = @tier2influencereward
min = @tier2influencemin
max = @tier2influencemax
every_owned_pop = {
limit = {
is_same_species = owner
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
add_modifier = {
modifier = pop_angered
days = 7300
option = {
name = colony.2025.a.phobe
custom_tooltip = colony.2025.a.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
owner = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = immigrants_protection
days = 7300
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = influence
value = @tier2influencereward
min = @tier2influencemin
max = @tier2influencemax
hidden_effect = {
every_owned_pop = {
limit = {
is_same_species = owner
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
add_modifier = {
modifier = pop_angered
days = 7300
option = {
name = colony.2025.a.phile
custom_tooltip = colony.2025.a.phile.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophile
has_ethic = ethic_xenophile
owner = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = immigrants_protection
days = 7300
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = influence
value = @tier2influencereward
min = @tier2influencemin
max = @tier2influencemax
hidden_effect = {
every_owned_pop = {
limit = {
is_same_species = owner
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
add_modifier = {
modifier = pop_angered
days = 7300
every_owned_pop = {
limit = {
OR = {
NOT = { is_same_species = owner }
has_ethic = ethic_xenophile
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophile
add_modifier = {
modifier = pop_pleased
days = 3600
option = {
name = colony.2025.b
custom_tooltip = colony.2025.b.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_militarist
hidden_effect = {
random_pop = {
limit = {
NOT = { is_same_species = owner }
kill_pop = yes
every_owned_pop = {
limit = {
OR = {
NOT = { is_same_species = owner }
has_ethic = ethic_xenophile
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophile
add_modifier = {
modifier = pop_angered
days = 3600
option = {
name = colony.2025.b.phobe
custom_tooltip = colony.2025.b.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_xenophobe
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_militarist
hidden_effect = {
random_pop = {
limit = {
NOT = { is_same_species = owner }
kill_pop = yes
every_owned_pop = {
limit = {
OR = {
NOT = { is_same_species = owner }
has_ethic = ethic_xenophile
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_xenophile
add_modifier = {
modifier = pop_angered
days = 3600

planet_event = {
id = colony.2030
title =
desc = {
trigger = {
hidden:owner = {
switch = {
trigger = has_ethic
ethic_fanatic_xenophobe = { text =
colony.2030.desc.phobe }
ethic_xenophobe = { text = colony.2030.desc.phobe }
ethic_fanatic_spiritualist = { text =
colony.2030.desc.spirit }
ethic_spiritualist = { text = colony.2030.desc.spirit
ethic_fanatic_militarist = { text =
colony.2030.desc.military }
ethic_militarist = { text = colony.2030.desc.military
default = { text = colony.2030.desc }
picture = GFX_evt_smugglers_in_bar
show_sound = event_mystic_reveal
location = root

trigger = {
has_owner = yes
original_owner = yes
is_homeworld = no
owner = {
NOT = { has_country_flag = colony_assassin }
is_ai = no
any_country = {
is_ai = yes
is_country_type = default
has_communications = prev
their_opinion = {
who = prev
value < -50
root = {
owner = {
has_communications = prevprev
num_pops > 4
has_ground_combat = no
is_occupied_flag = no
exists = leader
is_capital = no
NOR = {
has_planet_flag = colony_event
is_artificial_planet = yes

is_triggered_only = yes
#mean_time_to_happen = {
# months = 40

immediate = {
set_planet_flag = colony_event
owner = {
set_country_flag = colony_assassin
save_event_target_as = MyCountry
random_country = {
limit = {
is_ai = yes
is_country_type = default
has_communications = prev
their_opinion = {
who = prev
value < -50
root = {
owner = {
has_communications = prevprev
save_event_target_as = AssassinEmpire
leader = {
kill_leader = { type = governor show_notification = no}

option = {
name = colony.2030.a
custom_tooltip = colony.2030.a.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_pacifist
has_ethic = ethic_pacifist
hidden_effect = {
event_target:AssassinEmpire = {
add_opinion_modifier = {
who = event_target:MyCountry
modifier = assassination_forgiven
option = {
name = colony.2030.b
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = influence
value = @tier3influencereward
min = @tier3influencemin
max = @tier3influencemax
option = {
name = colony.2030.c
trigger = {
owner = {
influence > 49
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_militarist
has_ethic = ethic_militarist
has_ethic = ethic_pacifist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_pacifist
owner = { add_influence = -50 }
add_modifier = {
modifier = fear_as_control
days = 3600
option = {
name = colony.2030.d
trigger = {
owner = {
influence > 49
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_militarist
has_ethic = ethic_militarist
owner = {
add_influence = -50
add_modifier = {
modifier = fear_as_control_militarist_p2
days = 3600
add_modifier = {
modifier = fear_as_control_militarist
days = 3600

planet_event = {
id = colony.2035
title =
desc = {
trigger = {
hidden:owner = {
switch = {
trigger = has_ethic
ethic_fanatic_spiritualist = { text =
colony.2035.desc.spirit }
ethic_spiritualist = { text = colony.2035.desc.spirit
ethic_fanatic_materialist = { text =
colony.2035.desc.material }
ethic_materialist = { text =
colony.2035.desc.material }
default = { text = colony.2035.desc }
picture = GFX_evt_microscopic_life
show_sound = event_laboratory_sound
location = root

trigger = {
has_owner = yes
original_owner = yes
is_homeworld = no
is_capital = no
sector_controlled = no
owner = {
is_ai = no
NOT = { has_country_flag = colony_infected }
num_pops > 5
has_ground_combat = no
is_occupied_flag = no
NOR = {
has_planet_flag = colony_event
is_artificial_planet = yes

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
set_planet_flag = colony_event
set_planet_flag = colony_infected_active
owner = {
set_country_flag = colony_infected
random_pop = {
limit = {
is_growing = no
add_modifier = {
modifier = alien_infection
days = -1
hidden_effect = {
set_pop_flag = spreading_infection
random_list = {
33 = { set_timed_pop_flag = { flag =
alien_infection_timer days = 15 } }
33 = { set_timed_pop_flag = { flag =
alien_infection_timer days = 30 } }
33 = { set_timed_pop_flag = { flag =
alien_infection_timer days = 45 } }
random_pop = {
limit = {
is_growing = no
NOT = { has_modifier = alien_infection }
add_modifier = {
modifier = alien_infection
days = -1
hidden_effect = {
set_pop_flag = spreading_infection
random_list = {
33 = { set_timed_pop_flag = { flag =
alien_infection_timer days = 15 } }
33 = { set_timed_pop_flag = { flag =
alien_infection_timer days = 30 } }
33 = { set_timed_pop_flag = { flag =
alien_infection_timer days = 45 } }
random_pop = {
limit = {
is_growing = no
NOT = { has_modifier = alien_infection }
add_modifier = {
modifier = alien_infection
days = -1
hidden_effect = {
set_pop_flag = spreading_infection
random_list = {
33 = { set_timed_pop_flag = { flag =
alien_infection_timer days = 15 } }
33 = { set_timed_pop_flag = { flag =
alien_infection_timer days = 30 } }
33 = { set_timed_pop_flag = { flag =
alien_infection_timer days = 45 } }

option = {
name = colony.2035.a
custom_tooltip = colony.2035.a.tooltip
trigger = {
free_building_tiles > 0
hidden_effect = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = infectious_disease
days = -1
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_blocker = no
has_building = no
set_building = building_quarantine
option = {
name = colony.2035.a
custom_tooltip = colony.2035.b.tooltip
trigger = {
free_building_tiles < 1
hidden_effect = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = infectious_disease
days = -1
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_blocker = no
has_building = yes
NOT = {
has_building = building_capital_1
has_building = building_capital_2
has_building = building_capital_3
set_building = building_quarantine
option = {
name = colony.2035.c
custom_tooltip = colony.2035.c.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
influence > 99
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_militarist
has_ethic = ethic_militarist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_authoritarian
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_pacifist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_egalitarian
has_government = gov_military_dictatorship
has_government = gov_star_empire
has_government = gov_despotic_hegemony
has_government = gov_totalitarian_regime
has_government = gov_despotic_empire
has_government = gov_constitutional_dictatorship
has_government = gov_irenic_bureaucracy
has_government = gov_direct_democracy
has_government = gov_rational_consensus
has_government = gov_moral_democracy
owner = {
add_influence = -100
hidden_effect = {
owner = { set_country_flag = alien_infection_isolated }
every_owned_pop = {
limit = {
OR = {
has_modifier = alien_infection
has_pop_flag = spreading_infection
kill_pop = yes
random_list = {
25 = { planet_event = { id = colony.2036 days = 30 } }
25 = { planet_event = { id = colony.2036 days = 60 } }
50 = { }
option = {
name = colony.2035.c.spirit
custom_tooltip = colony.2035.c.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
influence > 99
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_militarist
has_ethic = ethic_militarist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_authoritarian
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_pacifist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_egalitarian
has_government = gov_military_dictatorship
has_government = gov_star_empire
has_government = gov_despotic_hegemony
has_government = gov_totalitarian_regime
has_government = gov_despotic_empire
has_government = gov_constitutional_dictatorship
has_government = gov_irenic_bureaucracy
has_government = gov_direct_democracy
has_government = gov_rational_consensus
has_government = gov_moral_democracy
owner = {
add_influence = -100
hidden_effect = {
owner = { set_country_flag = alien_infection_isolated }
every_owned_pop = {
limit = {
OR = {
has_modifier = alien_infection
has_pop_flag = spreading_infection
kill_pop = yes
random_list = {
25 = { planet_event = { id = colony.2036 days = 30 } }
25 = { planet_event = { id = colony.2036 days = 60 } }
50 = { }
option = {
name = colony.2035.c.badguy
custom_tooltip = colony.2035.c.tooltip.kill
trigger = {
owner = {
influence > 99
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_militarist
has_ethic = ethic_militarist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_authoritarian
has_government = gov_military_dictatorship
has_government = gov_star_empire
has_government = gov_despotic_hegemony
has_government = gov_totalitarian_regime
has_government = gov_despotic_empire
has_government = gov_constitutional_dictatorship
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_pacifist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_egalitarian
has_government = gov_irenic_bureaucracy
has_government = gov_direct_democracy
has_government = gov_rational_consensus
has_government = gov_moral_democracy
owner = {
add_influence = -100
hidden_effect = {
owner = { set_country_flag = alien_infection_isolated }
every_owned_pop = {
limit = {
OR = {
has_modifier = alien_infection
has_pop_flag = spreading_infection
kill_pop = yes
random_list = {
25 = { planet_event = { id = colony.2036 days = 30 } }
25 = { planet_event = { id = colony.2036 days = 60 } }
50 = { }
option = {
name = colony.2035.c.material
custom_tooltip = colony.2035.c.tooltip.kill
trigger = {
owner = {
influence > 99
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_materialist
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_militarist
has_ethic = ethic_militarist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_authoritarian
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_pacifist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_egalitarian
has_government = gov_military_dictatorship
has_government = gov_star_empire
has_government = gov_despotic_hegemony
has_government = gov_totalitarian_regime
has_government = gov_despotic_empire
has_government = gov_constitutional_dictatorship
has_government = gov_irenic_bureaucracy
has_government = gov_direct_democracy
has_government = gov_rational_consensus
has_government = gov_moral_democracy
owner = {
add_influence = -100
hidden_effect = {
owner = { set_country_flag = alien_infection_isolated }
every_owned_pop = {
limit = {
OR = {
has_modifier = alien_infection
has_pop_flag = spreading_infection
kill_pop = yes
random_list = {
25 = { planet_event = { id = colony.2036 days = 30 } }
25 = { planet_event = { id = colony.2036 days = 60 } }
50 = { }


planet_event = {
id = colony.2036
title =
desc = colony.2036.desc
picture = GFX_evt_microscopic_life
show_sound = event_red_alert
location = root

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
random_pop = {
limit = {
is_growing = no
add_modifier = {
modifier = alien_infection
days = -1
set_pop_flag = spreading_infection
random_list = {
33 = { set_timed_pop_flag = { flag = alien_infection_timer
days = 15 } }
33 = { set_timed_pop_flag = { flag = alien_infection_timer
days = 30 } }
33 = { set_timed_pop_flag = { flag = alien_infection_timer
days = 45 } }
random_pop = {
limit = {
is_growing = no
NOT = { has_modifier = alien_infection }
add_modifier = {
modifier = alien_infection
days = -1
set_pop_flag = spreading_infection
random_list = {
33 = { set_timed_pop_flag = { flag = alien_infection_timer
days = 15 } }
33 = { set_timed_pop_flag = { flag = alien_infection_timer
days = 30 } }
33 = { set_timed_pop_flag = { flag = alien_infection_timer
days = 45 } }
random_pop = {
limit = {
is_growing = no
NOT = { has_modifier = alien_infection }
add_modifier = {
modifier = alien_infection
days = -1
set_pop_flag = spreading_infection
random_list = {
33 = { set_timed_pop_flag = { flag = alien_infection_timer
days = 15 } }
33 = { set_timed_pop_flag = { flag = alien_infection_timer
days = 30 } }
33 = { set_timed_pop_flag = { flag = alien_infection_timer
days = 45 } }

option = {
name = colony.2035.a
custom_tooltip = colony.2035.a.tooltip
trigger = {
free_building_tiles > 0
hidden_effect = {
owner = { remove_country_flag = alien_infection_isolated }
add_modifier = {
modifier = infectious_disease
days = -1
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_blocker = no
has_building = no
set_building = building_quarantine
option = {
name = colony.2035.a
custom_tooltip = colony.2035.b.tooltip
trigger = {
free_building_tiles < 1
hidden_effect = {
owner = { remove_country_flag = alien_infection_isolated }
add_modifier = {
modifier = infectious_disease
days = -1
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_blocker = no
has_building = yes
NOT = {
has_building = building_capital_1
has_building = building_capital_2
has_building = building_capital_3
set_building = building_quarantine
option = {
name = colony.2036.c
custom_tooltip = colony.2035.c.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
influence > 49
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_militarist
has_ethic = ethic_militarist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_authoritarian
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_pacifist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_egalitarian
has_government = gov_military_dictatorship
has_government = gov_star_empire
has_government = gov_despotic_hegemony
has_government = gov_totalitarian_regime
has_government = gov_despotic_empire
has_government = gov_constitutional_dictatorship
has_government = gov_irenic_bureaucracy
has_government = gov_direct_democracy
has_government = gov_rational_consensus
has_government = gov_moral_democracy
owner = {
add_influence = -50
hidden_effect = {
owner = { set_country_flag = alien_infection_isolated }
every_owned_pop = {
limit = {
OR = {
has_modifier = alien_infection
has_pop_flag = spreading_infection
kill_pop = yes
option = {
name = colony.2036.c.spirit
custom_tooltip = colony.2035.c.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
influence > 49
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_militarist
has_ethic = ethic_militarist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_authoritarian
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_pacifist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_egalitarian
has_government = gov_military_dictatorship
has_government = gov_star_empire
has_government = gov_despotic_hegemony
has_government = gov_totalitarian_regime
has_government = gov_despotic_empire
has_government = gov_constitutional_dictatorship
has_government = gov_irenic_bureaucracy
has_government = gov_direct_democracy
has_government = gov_rational_consensus
has_government = gov_moral_democracy
owner = {
add_influence = -50
hidden_effect = {
remove_planet_flag = colony_infected_active
remove_planet_flag = infection_warning
owner = {
remove_country_flag = alien_infection_1_cured
remove_country_flag = alien_infection_2_cured
remove_country_flag = colony_infected_active
remove_country_flag = alien_infection_isolated
every_owned_pop = {
limit = {
OR = {
has_modifier = alien_infection
has_pop_flag = spreading_infection
kill_pop = yes
option = {
name = colony.2036.c.badguy
custom_tooltip = colony.2035.c.tooltip.kill
trigger = {
owner = {
influence > 49
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_militarist
has_ethic = ethic_militarist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_authoritarian
has_government = gov_military_dictatorship
has_government = gov_star_empire
has_government = gov_despotic_hegemony
has_government = gov_totalitarian_regime
has_government = gov_despotic_empire
has_government = gov_constitutional_dictatorship
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_pacifist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_egalitarian
has_government = gov_irenic_bureaucracy
has_government = gov_direct_democracy
has_government = gov_rational_consensus
has_government = gov_moral_democracy
owner = {
add_influence = -50
hidden_effect = {
remove_planet_flag = colony_infected_active
remove_planet_flag = infection_warning
owner = {
remove_country_flag = alien_infection_1_cured
remove_country_flag = alien_infection_2_cured
remove_country_flag = colony_infected_active
remove_country_flag = alien_infection_isolated
every_owned_pop = {
limit = {
OR = {
has_modifier = alien_infection
has_pop_flag = spreading_infection
kill_pop = yes
option = {
name = colony.2036.c.material
custom_tooltip = colony.2035.c.tooltip.kill
trigger = {
owner = {
influence > 49
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_materialist
has_ethic = ethic_materialist
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_militarist
has_ethic = ethic_militarist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_authoritarian
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_pacifist
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_egalitarian
has_government = gov_military_dictatorship
has_government = gov_star_empire
has_government = gov_despotic_hegemony
has_government = gov_totalitarian_regime
has_government = gov_despotic_empire
has_government = gov_constitutional_dictatorship
has_government = gov_irenic_bureaucracy
has_government = gov_direct_democracy
has_government = gov_rational_consensus
has_government = gov_moral_democracy
owner = {
add_influence = -50
hidden_effect = {
remove_planet_flag = colony_infected_active
remove_planet_flag = infection_warning
owner = {
remove_country_flag = alien_infection_1_cured
remove_country_flag = alien_infection_2_cured
remove_country_flag = colony_infected_active
remove_country_flag = alien_infection_isolated
every_owned_pop = {
limit = {
OR = {
has_modifier = alien_infection
has_pop_flag = spreading_infection
kill_pop = yes
planet_event = {
id = colony.2037
hide_window = yes

mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 20
trigger = {
has_planet_flag = colony_infected_active
any_pop = {
has_pop_flag = spreading_infection

immediate = {
random_pop = {
limit = {
is_growing = no
NOT = {
has_pop_flag = spreading_infection
has_pop_flag = alien_infection_immunity
has_modifier = alien_infection
set_pop_flag = spreading_infection
planet_event = {
id = colony.2038
hide_window = yes

mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 15

trigger = {
has_planet_flag = colony_infected_active
any_pop = {
has_pop_flag = spreading_infection
NOT = {
has_pop_flag = alien_infection_immunity
has_modifier = alien_infection

immediate = {
random_pop = {
limit = {
has_pop_flag = spreading_infection
NOT = { has_modifier = alien_infection }
add_modifier = {
modifier = alien_infection
days = -1
random_list = {
33 = { set_timed_pop_flag = { flag = alien_infection_timer
days = 15 } }
33 = { set_timed_pop_flag = { flag = alien_infection_timer
days = 30 } }
33 = { set_timed_pop_flag = { flag = alien_infection_timer
days = 45 } }
planet_event = {
id = colony.2039
hide_window = yes

mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 22

trigger = {
has_planet_flag = colony_infected_active
NOT = { has_planet_flag = healing_in_progress }
has_growing_pop = yes
count_pops = {
limit = { has_modifier = alien_infection }
count > 1
any_pop = {
has_modifier = alien_infection
NOT = { has_pop_flag = alien_infection_timer }

immediate = {
if = {
limit = {
count_pops = {
limit = { is_growing = no }
count > 1
random_pop = {
limit = {
has_modifier = alien_infection
is_growing = no
NOT = {
has_pop_flag = alien_infection_timer
has_pop_flag = alien_infection_immunity
tile = {
NOT = {
has_building = building_quarantine
kill_pop = yes
else = {
random_pop = {
limit = {
has_modifier = alien_infection
is_growing = yes
NOT = {
has_pop_flag = alien_infection_timer
has_pop_flag = alien_infection_immunity
tile = {
NOT = {
has_building = building_quarantine
kill_pop = yes
planet_event = { id = colony.2046 }
planet_event = { id = colony.2047 }
planet_event = {
id = colony.2040
title =
desc = colony.2040.desc
picture = GFX_evt_microscopic_life
show_sound = event_red_alert
location = root

trigger = {
has_planet_flag = colony_infected_active
NOT = {
has_planet_flag = infection_warning
owner = {
has_country_flag = alien_infection_2_cured
count_pops = {
limit = {
has_modifier = alien_infection
has_pop_flag = spreading_infection
count > 4

immediate = {
set_planet_flag = infection_warning

option = {
name = OK
planet_event = {
id = colony.2046
title =
desc = colony.2046.desc
picture = GFX_evt_microscopic_life
show_sound = event_red_alert
location = root

is_triggered_only = yes
trigger = {
NOT = {
has_planet_flag = disease_first_blood

immediate = {
set_planet_flag = healing_in_progress

option = {
name = colony.2046.a
hidden_effect = {
set_planet_flag = disease_first_blood
remove_planet_flag = healing_in_progress
option = {
name = colony.2046.b
hidden_effect = {
set_planet_flag = disease_no_updates
set_planet_flag = disease_first_blood
remove_planet_flag = healing_in_progress
planet_event = {
id = colony.2047
title =
desc = colony.2047.desc
picture = GFX_evt_microscopic_life
show_sound = event_red_alert
location = root

is_triggered_only = yes

trigger = {
has_planet_flag = disease_first_blood
NOT = { has_planet_flag = disease_no_updates }

immediate = {
set_planet_flag = healing_in_progress

option = {
name = CURSES
trigger = {
owner = {
NOT = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
hidden_effect = {
remove_planet_flag = healing_in_progress
option = {
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist
has_ethic = ethic_spiritualist
hidden_effect = {
remove_planet_flag = healing_in_progress
planet_event = {
id = colony.2041
title =
desc = colony.2041.desc
picture = GFX_evt_microscopic_life
show_sound = event_laboratory_sound
location = root

trigger = {
has_planet_flag = colony_infected_active
NOT = {
has_planet_flag = healing_in_progress
has_planet_flag = plague_progress_made
owner = {
NOT = {
has_country_flag = alien_infection_2_cured
any_tile = {
has_building = "building_quarantine"
exists = pop
pop = {
has_modifier = alien_infection

mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 20

immediate = {
set_planet_flag = healing_in_progress
set_timed_planet_flag = { flag = plague_progress_made days = 21 }

option = {
hidden_effect = {
remove_planet_flag = healing_in_progress
owner = {
if = {
limit = {
has_country_flag = alien_infection_1_cured
NOT = { has_country_flag =
alien_infection_2_cured }
set_country_flag = alien_infection_2_cured
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag =
alien_infection_1_cured }
set_country_flag = alien_infection_1_cured
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_building = "building_quarantine"
exists = pop
pop = {
has_modifier = alien_infection
pop = {
remove_modifier = alien_infection
remove_pop_flag = spreading_infection
remove_pop_flag = alien_infection_timer
set_pop_flag = alien_infection_immunity
planet_event = {
id = colony.2045
title =
desc = colony.2041.b.desc
picture = GFX_evt_microscopic_life
show_sound = event_laboratory_sound
location = root

trigger = {
has_planet_flag = colony_infected_active
NOT = {
has_planet_flag = healing_in_progress
has_planet_flag = plague_progress_made
owner = {
NOT = {
has_country_flag = alien_infection_2_cured
any_tile = {
exists = pop
pop = {
has_modifier = alien_infection
NOT = {
any_tile = {
has_building = "building_quarantine"
exists = pop
pop = {
has_modifier = alien_infection

mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 90

immediate = {
set_planet_flag = healing_in_progress
set_timed_planet_flag = { flag = plague_progress_made days = 21 }

option = {
hidden_effect = {
remove_planet_flag = healing_in_progress
owner = {
if = {
limit = {
has_country_flag = alien_infection_1_cured
NOT = { has_country_flag =
alien_infection_2_cured }
set_country_flag = alien_infection_2_cured
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_country_flag =
alien_infection_1_cured }
set_country_flag = alien_infection_1_cured
random_tile = {
limit = {
exists = pop
pop = {
has_modifier = alien_infection
pop = {
remove_modifier = alien_infection
remove_pop_flag = spreading_infection
remove_pop_flag = alien_infection_timer
set_pop_flag = alien_infection_immunity
planet_event = {
id = colony.2042
title =
desc = colony.2042.desc
picture = GFX_evt_physics_research
show_sound = event_celebration
location = root

trigger = {
has_planet_flag = colony_infected_active
owner = { has_country_flag = alien_infection_2_cured }
any_tile = {
has_building = "building_quarantine"
exists = pop
pop = {
has_modifier = alien_infection
any_tile = {
NOT = { has_building = "building_quarantine" }
exists = pop
pop = {
OR = {
has_modifier = alien_infection
has_pop_flag = spreading_infection

mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 7

immediate = {
remove_planet_flag = colony_infected_active
remove_planet_flag = infection_warning
owner = {
remove_country_flag = alien_infection_1_cured
remove_country_flag = alien_infection_2_cured
remove_country_flag = colony_infected_active
every_owned_pop = {
remove_modifier = alien_infection
remove_pop_flag = spreading_infection
remove_pop_flag = alien_infection_timer
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_building = "building_quarantine"
remove_building = yes
remove_modifier = infectious_disease

option = {
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = influence
value = @tier3influencereward
min = @tier3influencemin
max = @tier3influencemax
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = unity
value = @tier3unityreward
min = @tier3unitymin
max = @tier3unitymax
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = society_research
value = @tier2researchreward
min = @tier2researchmin
max = @tier2researchmax
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_prev_building = building_quarantine
set_building = building_plague_memorial
planet_event = {
id = colony.2048
title =
desc = colony.2042.desc
picture = GFX_evt_physics_research
show_sound = event_celebration
location = root

trigger = {
has_planet_flag = colony_infected_active
NOT = { has_planet_flag = healing_in_progress }
owner = {
has_country_flag = alien_infection_2_cured
any_tile = {
exists = pop
pop = {
has_modifier = alien_infection
any_tile = {
NOT = { has_building = "building_quarantine" }
exists = pop
pop = {
OR = {
has_modifier = alien_infection
has_pop_flag = spreading_infection

mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 75

immediate = {
remove_planet_flag = colony_infected_active
remove_planet_flag = infection_warning
owner = {
remove_country_flag = alien_infection_1_cured
remove_country_flag = alien_infection_2_cured
remove_country_flag = colony_infected_active
every_owned_pop = {
remove_modifier = alien_infection
remove_pop_flag = spreading_infection
remove_pop_flag = alien_infection_timer
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_building = "building_quarantine"
remove_building = yes
remove_modifier = infectious_disease

option = {
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = influence
value = @tier3influencereward
min = @tier3influencemin
max = @tier3influencemax
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = society_research
value = @tier2researchreward
min = @tier2researchmin
max = @tier2researchmax
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_prev_building = building_quarantine
set_building = building_plague_memorial
planet_event = {
id = colony.2043
title =
desc = colony.2044.desc
picture = GFX_evt_city_ruins
show_sound = event_ghost_town
location = root

trigger = {
has_planet_flag = colony_infected_active
owner = {
NOT = {
has_country_flag = alien_infection_2_cured
has_country_flag = alien_infection_isolated
count_pops = {
limit = {
OR = {
has_modifier = alien_infection
has_pop_flag = spreading_infection
has_pop_flag = alien_infection_immunity
count < 1

mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 7

immediate = {
remove_planet_flag = colony_infected_active
remove_planet_flag = infection_warning
owner = {
remove_country_flag = alien_infection_1_cured
remove_country_flag = alien_infection_2_cured
remove_country_flag = colony_infected_active
every_owned_pop = {
remove_modifier = alien_infection
remove_pop_flag = spreading_infection
remove_pop_flag = alien_infection_timer
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_building = "building_quarantine"
remove_building = yes
remove_modifier = infectious_disease

option = {
name = colony.2043.a
planet_event = {
id = colony.2044
title =
desc = colony.2043.desc
picture = GFX_evt_city_ruins
show_sound = event_laboratory_sound
location = root

trigger = {
has_planet_flag = colony_infected_active
owner = {
NOT = {
has_country_flag = alien_infection_isolated
num_pops > 1
count_pops = {
limit = {
OR = {
has_modifier = alien_infection
has_pop_flag = spreading_infection
count < 1

mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 7

immediate = {
remove_planet_flag = colony_infected_active
remove_planet_flag = infection_warning
owner = {
remove_country_flag = alien_infection_1_cured
remove_country_flag = alien_infection_2_cured
remove_country_flag = colony_infected_active
every_owned_pop = {
remove_modifier = alien_infection
remove_pop_flag = spreading_infection
remove_pop_flag = alien_infection_timer
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_building = "building_quarantine"
remove_building = yes
remove_modifier = infectious_disease

option = {
name = colony.2043.a
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = influence
value = @tier3influencereward
min = @tier3influencemin
max = @tier3influencemax
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = society_research
value = @tier2researchreward
min = @tier2researchmin
max = @tier2researchmax
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_prev_building = building_quarantine
set_building = building_plague_memorial

# Clerical Errors
planet_event = {
id = colony.2050
title =
desc = colony.2050.desc
picture = GFX_evt_dead_city
show_sound = event_planetary_riot
location = root

trigger = {
has_owner = yes
original_owner = yes
is_homeworld = no
is_capital = no
has_ground_combat = no
is_occupied_flag = no
num_pops > 10
free_building_tiles > 0
any_tile = { has_building = yes }
NOR = {
has_planet_flag = colony_event
is_artificial_planet = yes
owner = {
is_ai = no

is_triggered_only = yes

immediate = {
set_planet_flag = colony_event

option = {
custom_tooltip = colony.2050.a.tooltip
hidden_effect = {
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_blocker = no
has_building = no
set_blocker = tb_decrepit_dwellings
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_blocker = no
has_building = no
set_blocker = tb_failing_infrastructure
option = {
name = colony.2050.b
#custom_tooltip = colony.2050.b.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
influence > 99
energy > 499
NOT = {
#has_policy = democratic_utopia
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_authoritarian
has_ethic = ethic_authoritarian
owner = {
add_influence = -100
add_energy = -500
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = unity
value = @tier2unityreward
min = @tier2unitymin
max = @tier2unitymax
option = {
name = colony.2050.c
#custom_tooltip = colony.2050.b.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
influence > 49
energy > 249
OR = {
#has_government = democratic_utopia
has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_authoritarian
has_ethic = ethic_authoritarian
owner = {
add_influence = -50
add_energy = -250
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = unity
value = @tier2unityreward
option = {
name = colony.2050.d
custom_tooltip = colony.2050.d.tooltip
trigger = {
owner = {
OR = {
has_government = gov_despotic_hegemony
has_government = gov_totalitarian_regime
has_government = gov_despotic_empire
has_government = gov_constitutional_dictatorship
has_government = gov_military_commissariat
has_government = gov_citizen_republic
has_government = gov_megacorporation
has_government = gov_military_dictatorship
has_government = gov_star_empire
owner = {
add_monthly_resource_mult = {
resource = influence
value = @tier2influencereward
min = @tier2influencemin
max = @tier2influencemax
hidden_effect = {
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_building = yes
NOT = {
has_building = building_capital_1
has_building = building_capital_2
has_building = building_capital_3
set_ruined = yes
pop = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = pop_angered
days = 7300
random_tile = {
limit = {
has_building = yes
is_ruined = no
NOT = {
has_building = building_capital_1
has_building = building_capital_2
has_building = building_capital_3
set_ruined = yes
pop = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = pop_angered
days = 7300

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