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Applied Composite Materials 5: 289–304, 1998.

© 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


An Assessment of the Double-Notch Shear Test for

Interlaminar Shear Characterization of a
Unidirectional Graphite/Epoxy under Static and
Fatigue Loading ‡


Department of Mechanical Engineering, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada

(Received 5 August 1996; accepted 21 May 1997)

Abstract. This research explores a modified testing technique for measuring interlaminar shear
properties of orthotropic composite materials. An existing test method (double-notched test method)
is examined here to characterize the interlaminar shear properties (strength and fatigue life) of a
unidirectional ply under both static and fatigue loading conditions. No complicated fixture is required
for the testing method which is beneficial for fatigue testing of the materials. The testing method
is verified by a finite element technique where an optimized geometry for the specimen is found.
AS4/3501-6 graphite/epoxy material is used in this study. The experimental results show that final
failure occurs in the gage area for both static and fatigue loading conditions. Moreover, a reasonable
amount of scatter for both the static strength and fatigue life is achieved.

Key words: composites, interlaminar shear test method, static, fatigue, characterization, double-
notched test.

1. Introduction
Interlaminar shear strength is defined as the shear strength at rupture in which
the plane of fracture is located between the layers of reinforcement of a plastic
reinforced structure [1]. To measure the interlaminar shear strength of a material,
a reliable and simple method must be found. The method must also be able to
determine fatigue properties of the material (such as fatigue life). In this research,
a test method is devised to measure interlaminar shear strength (Syz ) and fatigue
life of a unidirectional ply under interlaminar shear stress as a necessary contribu-
tion to a complete set of three-dimensional material properties. Figure 1 depicts a
‡ Previously published in Applied Composite Materials 5(1), 1998, 49–64. However, much to our
regret, due to a technical problem the last page of the article was omitted.
? PhD Student
?? Assistant Professor

VTEX(P) PIPS No.: 186535 (acmakap:mathfam) v.1.15

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Figure 1. Three-dimensional geometry of a layer of composite material.

specially orthotropic material showing that there are essentially two planes which
have similar material appearance (x-y and x-z), thus shear strength Sxy and Sxz are
similar. The shear strength Syz is different and tends to be weaker than the other
two shear strengths. Accordingly, the test methods suitable for measuring Sxy and
Sxz are not applicable to Syz , thus another test method must be utilized.
The four main methods for determining the interlaminar shear strength of a
material are the short beam shear test [2–6], the four-point shear test [6, 7], the
Iosipescu test [6, 8–11] and the notched coupon [1, 6, 12–15]. Different authors
have shown that the short beam shear test [2–6], and four point shear test [6, 7]
are not reliable test methods. Moreover, a pure interlaminar shear stress can not be
induced which results in a complex fracture [8]. Also to measure the interlaminar
shear strength (Syz ), by utilizing these methods, a 90◦ unidirectional ply must be
used. It is clear that a 90◦ unidirectional ply can fail in matrix failure mode, caused
by σyy , before failure ever happens under interlaminar shear stress σyz . Therefore
it is very difficult to use these methods to measure the interlaminar shear strength
(Syz ).
The Iosipescu testing method has been examined extensively [6, 8–11]. Many
investigators verified the Iosipescu testing method as a highly effective and reliable
method. However measuring the interlaminar shear strength (Syz ) of a unidirec-
tional ply by this method is difficult. Notably, the fixture can be damaged during
fatigue tests. Furthermore, the type of specimen needed is complicated, as seen by
tests performed by Gipple and Hoyns [16] for measuring the interlaminar shear
stiffness and strength of a unidirectional AS4/3501-6 material system.
Unlike the Iosipescu test, the double-notched test method requires no extensive
set-up or fixture and the specimen (Figure 2) is simple. These features make the
double-notched test method attractive for fatigue testing. Markham and Dawson
[12] performed a study of the notched coupon test and they concluded that the
specimen always fails in shear. They also reported consistent results with fracture
occurring in a single plane unlike the complex fracture occurring with the short

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Figure 2. Specimen dimensions (all configurations are possible by varying notch depth d,
notch width w, notch distance l and specimen thickness t, according to Table I).

beam shear test. These results and the simplicity of the testing method in static
and fatigue loading conditions led to the belief that this may be an appropriate
testing method. However, there are some disadvantages mentioned in the literature
about this testing method which are summarized in the following. Munjal [6] found
that it was difficult to control the notch depth in the notched coupon test and thus
had quite a scatter in the results. Chiao et al. [8] postulated that the shear strength
data obtained in by this testing method was lower than that by other methods.
Tarnopol’skii and Kincis [13] discussed the disadvantages of this test method by
testing samples with nonsymmetrically placed notches. Fixtures for prevention
of specimen bending were necessary and the results were highly sensitive to the
accuracy of cutting the notches.
This study examines all the disadvantages postulated by other authors, and
shows that all these difficulties can be eliminated by selecting a proper specimen
geometry found by finite element analysis.

2. Description of the Problem

The double-notched specimen test is selected as suggested in the ASTM Standard

D 3846-79 reapproved 1985 [14] for reinforced plastics and further investigated in
the ASTM Standard D 2733-70 [1] for reinforced plastics at elevated temperatures.
This standard suggests two methods for finding shear strengths. Method A, tested
in compression, requires that a clamp be placed at the midsection of the specimen
for a distance of 65 mm and tightened evenly so as not to damage the specimen.
This should result in an interlaminar shear-type failure. Method B does not require
a clamp and is tested in tension to failure. Method A will be referred to as clamped
and method B will be referred to as unclamped. It is desired to study the behaviour
of a double-notched sample under these two testing conditions. This is performed
by applying a finite element analysis and through an experimental program.
The behaviour of the double-lap shear specimen is similar to the notched coupon,
with interlaminar shear failure being introduced at the interface of two layers. Pre-
vious results [15] showed a non uniform stress region over the failed area but were
influenced by large and almost equal shear stress concentrations at each end of the
failure plane resulting in a variation in the shear strength. It is thus desired to see

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Table I. Different configurations for the double-notched specimen.

a (mm) W (mm) d (mm) l (mm) t (mm)

w1 , w2 , w3 66.67 1.13, 2.29, 4.57 1.59 6.35 3.17

d1 , d2 , d3 66.67 2.29 1.52, 1.59, 1.66 6.35 3.17
l1 63.50 2.29 1.59 12.70 3.17
l2 66.67 2.29 1.59 6.35 3.17
l3 68.26 2.29 1.59 3.175 3.17
t16 , t24 , t32 66.67 2.29 1.06, 1.59, 2.17 6.35 2.12, 3.18, 4.33

whether these results also occur in a notched specimen and what effect variations
of the notch size has on the results.
In order to induce pure interlaminar shear (σyz ) in the gage area of a double-
notched specimen, a 90-degree lay-up must be used. However, the material is
weaker in matrix tension than in interlaminar shear loading. Therefore, a ten-
sile load applied to a double-notch specimen with 90-degree lay-up results in a
tensile matrix failure prior to failure in interlaminar shear. There are two solu-
tions to this problem. The first solution is to use (0/90)s laminate instead of a
90-degree lay-up. However, experimental evidence show that failure for this con-
figuration occurs between the 0 and 90 degree layers. On the other hand, it is
known that the strength of the material in matrix compression loading is higher
than in matrix tension. Therefore, the second solution is to apply a compressive
load instead of a tensile load on a 90-degree lay-up. However, the disadvantage
of the second method is the possibility of out-of-plane deformation, which can be
avoided by using clamps. The clamp used in this study and clamp dimensions are
shown in Figure 3. Various testing programs are also analyzed, including using
a specimen of pure 90 degree layers or a hybrid of 90 degree layers being sup-
ported by 0 degree layers. Analysis is also performed of whether better results
are obtained from testing the sample in tension or compression, with or without
The specimens of dimensions as given in Figure 2 and Table I were considered
for analysis. The coupon was a laminated composite plate consisting of 16, 24 or
32 layers. The composite plate configuration was (9016 ), (9024 ) or (9032 ) in the
The effect of notch width was first examined by Tarnopol’skii et al. [13] who
stated that the double-notch shear test is very sensitive to the accuracy of cutting
the notches. To examine this difficulty, three different widths: w1 , w2 , and w3 are
analyzed in this study. Another disadvantage of the double-notched shear test given
by Munjal [6] and Chiao et al. [8], is said to be the difficulty in accurately cutting

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Figure 3. Clamp used to eliminate the out-of-place deformation (dimensions are in mm).

the notches to the prescribed depth (see Figure 2). Thus a study was undertaken to
analyze the depth effect by testing three different notch depths: d1 , d2 , and d3 . These
depths correspond to half of the thickness of the specimen, an overcut (too deep),
or an undercut (too shallow). The distance at which the notches are cut (see ‘l’ in
Figure 2) is also variable due to the difficulty in machining the specimen accurately.
Thus three distances between the notches were examined: l1 , l2 , and l3 . The final
analysis was to determine the effect of the specimen thickness. Three specimen
thicknesses were examined: t16 , t24 , and t32 , corresponding to either 16, 24, or 32

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plies. Due to the difficulty in manufacturing thick specimens, more than 32 plies
would not be feasible. Less than 16 plies, was also undesirable due to sensitivity to
external effects, including out-of-plane deformation. Different configurations for
the notched specimen are summarized in Table I.
The material used in this study is AS4/3501-6 with the following material
properties: longitudinal modulus (Exx = 150 GPa), transverse or normal modulus
(Eyy = Ezz = 8 GPa), in-plane shear modulus (Exy = Ezx = 5 GPa), out-of-plane
shear modulus (Eyz = 3 GPa, calculated by transversely isotropic assumption),
Poisson’s ratios (νxy = 0.3, measured) and (νxz = νyz = 0.3, assumed), trans-
verse or normal tensile strength (Yt = Zt = 53.98 MPa), transverse or normal
compressive strength (Yc = Zc = 203.69 MPa) and the interlaminar shear strength
(Syz = 42 MPa, as measured in this study). The material properties were measured
in the Composite Materials Laboratory of McGill University.

3. Finite Element Analysis

To predict the behaviour of the notched coupon, a stress analysis is performed using
the SDRC I-DEAS finite element software [17]. The specimen was modeled using
eight-node quadrilateral isoparametric elements. Since the stresses between the two
notches are of main interest, elements were concentrated in this area. Even though
shear stresses are of great importance to the problem at hand, nonlinear material
properties were not considered in this work. The softening effect of nonlinear shear
stress/strain behaviour could have an impact on the final stress analysis.


By considering plane stress conditions in y-z plane (Figure 2), a cross section of
the specimen can be modeled by two-dimensional finite elements. Since there is
no symmetry with respect to y-axis, the entire cross section of the specimen in
y-z plane is modeled. The boundary conditions for the unclamped case are shown
in Figure 4(a). One end of the specimen is fixed and an edge pressure is applied
to the thickness at the other end. Moreover, to simulate the gripped ends of the
testing machine, the displacement of the nodes in the gripped area were fixed in
z-direction (Figure 4(a)).
The displacement field of the nodes in the gauge area is examined for the
unclamped model (Figure 4(b)). The out-of-plane deformation, observed by fi-
nite element analysis and by experimental techniques, is due to the antisymmetric
geometry of the specimen. To eliminate this behaviour, a simple clamp (Figure 3) is
used. To simulate the clamped case in the finite element model, fixed displacement
boundary conditions in z-direction are applied on appropriate nodes in the clamped
region (Figure 4(c)). Note that not all nodes under the clamped area are fixed.
The induced bending due to loading means that only some parts of the clamp are

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Figure 4. Load and displacement boundary conditions.

applying pressure to the specimen to keep it from bending. The appropriate nodes
were found by an iterative process.


The results of the finite element analysis are presented here for various notch
widths, depths, lengths and specimen thicknesses.

3.2.1. Loading Analysis

ASTM Standard D 2733-70 [1] suggests applying tensile loading on the notched
specimen with or without a clamp (method A and B). The specimen in tension
created positive σyy and σzz stresses whereas the specimen in compression created
negative σyy and σzz stresses. Since the material in the matrix direction is weaker
in tension than in compression, it is desired to keep the normal stresses negative so
that they do not cause failure. Thus the compression version of the test was chosen.
The results of the stress analysis of the specimen with or without a clamp under
compressive loading are shown in Figure 5. The stresses in the gage area, between
notches, from point A to B (Figure 2) are plotted (Figure 5). The results indicate
that the σyy and σzz stresses in the gage area were reduced by adding the clamp and
the stress concentrations at the notch tips were reduced. As shown in this figure,
the stresses are normalized with respect to their related strengths. To normalize

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Figure 5. Stress analysis of clamped and unclamped specimen.

Figure 6. The results of stress analysis for different notch widths.

σyy and σzz stresses, they were divided by the strength in transverse direction (Y )
which is assumed to be equal to the strength in normal direction (Z). The tensile
stresses are normalized by tensile strength and compressive stresses are normalized
by compressive strength. The interlaminar shear stress (σyz ) is normalized by the
interlaminar shear strength. The σyz stress exhibited the same behaviour with lower
stress concentrations at the notches and adding the clamp increased the shear stress
in the gage area which is favored. With the clamp, interlaminar shear stress (σyz )
becomes the dominant stress, thus most likely to cause failure. The clamped speci-
men or method A tested in compression is thus the preferred case and is considered
from here on.

3.2.2. Effect of the Notch Width

The effect of the notch widths w1 , w2 and w3 was examined. Three different models
(w1 , w2 and w3 ) are considered with dimensions given in Figure 2 and Table I. The
results of stress analysis for the clamped conditions show that the variation of the
notch width does not alter the σyy , σzz and σyz stresses significantly. For example,

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Figure 7. The results of stress analysis for different notch depths (overcutting and exact give
nearly identical stress results).

the variation of σzz for the three models is shown in Figure 6. This indicates that
the notch width does not have an important influence on specimen strength.

3.2.3. Effect of the Notch Depth

The effect of the notch depths d1 , d2 and d3 was examined. Three different models
(d1 , d2 and d3 ) are considered with dimensions given in Figure 2 and Table I. It
would seem likely that if the depth of the notch is more than half the depth of
the specimen, or overcut, then bending stresses should occur in the gauge area.
Also, if the depth of the notch is less than half the depth of the specimen, or
undercut, then compressive stresses should occur in the gauge area. To examine the
effect of the notch depth, stress analyses for different notch depths are performed
and it was determined that the change of depth did not effect the stresses in the
gauge area, but alters the normal stress σzz near the notch locations (Figure 7).
Undercutting causes higher magnitudes of σzz normal stress at the notch location.
Also it causes higher positive σzz just inside the notch location which can lead to
premature failure. Therefore, it is concluded that undercutting should be avoided
during manufacturing. There is no significant change in the behaviour of transverse
stress (σyy ) and interlaminar shear stress (σyz ) with varying the notch depth.

3.2.4. Effect of the Length Between Notches

The effect of the length between notches was studied. Three different models (l1 , l2
and l3 ) are considered with dimensions given in Figure 2 and Table I. The results of
the stress analysis indicate that if the distance between the notches is too close then
high σyy and σzz stresses exist and the interlaminar shear stress, σyz , also increases.
Normal and shear stresses are lowered by increasing the notch length. The variation
of σzz for three cases is shown in Figure 8. Therefore, a proper notch length can be
selected by examining the transverse and normal stresses (σyy and σzz ) compared
to the strength of the material in these directions. Although doubling or halving

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Figure 8. The results of stress analysis for different notch lengths.

Figure 9. The results of stress analysis for different specimen thickness.

the notch length changes the state of stress, however the state of stress is not very
sensitive to small variations of the notch length. Therefore the effect of a small
variation of the notch length about a nominal value is not critical.

3.2.5. Effect of the Specimen Thickness

The specimen thickness effect was then investigated. For this study, three thick-
nesses were examined which correspond to t16 , t24 , and t32 , or 16 plies, 24 plies
and 32 plies. The dimensions are given in Figure 2 and Table I. It was determined
that by increasing the amount of layers the transverse and normal stresses (σyy and
σzz ) remained the same. However the interlaminar shear stress (σyz ) increases with
increasing the number of plies (Figure 9). It is concluded that to perform a better
test, the number of plies should be as high as possible.

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3.2.6. Summary of Theoretical Findings

Based on the finite element analysis of different samples, the (9024 ) lay-up with
a notch width of w = 2.286 mm, notch depth of d = 1.5875 mm, notch distance
of l = 6.35 mm, and total length of L = 139.7 mm (Figure 2) was selected for
the experimental studies. It is also recommended that the notches be cut exactly
(neither undercut nor overcut).

4. Experimental Program
To examine the analytical study an experimental program is conducted. The de-
scription of the experimental setup and the results are explained in the following


The specimens used in this research were made of unidirectional AS4/3501-6. The
unidirectional prepreg sheets were aligned and processed in an autoclave. The
individual specimens were then cut from the sheets to the length and width as
described in Figure 2 using a diamond impregnated saw. A critical aspect of the
manufacturing was the cutting of the notches. Since some tolerance exists in the
thickness from the curing process, the average thickness of the gage area of each
specimen was found and divided in half. After clamping the specimen into a milling
machine the depth was then cut into the specimen at one end using a fast cutting
speed (1500 rpm) and small depth increments to reduce microcracking. The same
process was then used on the other side to a depth of the total thickness minus the
depth of the existing notch. This ensured no overcutting of the notches.


Tests were performed using an MTS 810 testing system, equipped with hydraulic
grips and computerized for data acquisition. Displacement and load were moni-
tored for static experiments. In fatigue tests, maximum and minimum displace-
ment, load as well as number of cycles were monitored. Static tests were per-
formed under displacement control, while the fatigue tests were carried out under
load control conditions. To avoid temperature effects, which could degrade the
material properties, fatigue tests were performed at frequencies less than 10 Hz.
All tests were performed in ambient temperature. The simple clamp was used to
eliminate the out-of-plane deformation caused by the antisymmetric geometry of
the specimen as described in Section 3.1 (see Figure 3). The nuts of the clamp were
tightened by using a torque wrench to 0.113 + 0.000, −0.028 nm.

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(a) thickness too small

(b) overcut notches

(c) undercut notches

Figure 10. Final static failure mode of double-notched specimen (overcut and undercut) with
(90)24 configuration.

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Figure 11. Final static failure mode of double-notched specimen (exact cut) with (90)24


In the following sections, the results of experiments to verify the results of the
finite element analysis are summarized. Moreover, the results of static and fa-
tigue characterization of AS4/3501-6 graphite/epoxy unidirectional material under
interlaminar shear stress are presented.

4.3.1. Verification of the Finite Element Results

To verify the results of the finite element study, an experimental program is con-
ducted. Several static tests on double-notched specimens yielded unsuccessful re-
sults, three of which are shown in Figure 10. Figure 10(a) shows the result of a
test where the thickness was too small, i.e., the (90)16 configuration. As shown, the
specimen failed at the notch location rather than on the line connecting the notches.
In Figures 10(b) and 10(c), thicker (90)24 samples are examined and overcutting
and undercutting are studied. As shown, failure occurs near the location of stress
concentrations and correct modes of failure in the gage area are not achieved for
these cases. Finally, samples with (90)24 configurations are manufactured by the
exact cut procedure explained in Section 4.1, and tested under static loading con-
ditions. The test result is shown in Figure 11. As shown, the specimen failed under
interlaminar shear stress, right in the gage area. The successful mode of failure
for this configuration verifies the results obtained by finite element analysis. By
achieving the successful mode of failure using the (90)24 ply specimens, samples
with (90)32 configurations need not be manufactured.

4.3.2. Characterization of AS4/3501-6 Graphite/Epoxy Unidirectional Material

The results of static experiments for measuring the interlaminar strength of the
material under out-of-plane shear loading using (9024 ) specimens are summarized.
The results are shown in Figure 12, compared with the results of Gipple and Hoyns

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Figure 12. Static strength measurements for out-of-plane shear.

Figure 13. Final fatigue failure mode of double-notched specimen (exact cut) with (90)24

[16] using the Iosipescu method. The average magnitude for the interlaminar shear
strength is about 42 MPa which is about 30% higher than that of measured by
Gipple and Hoyns [16]. By considering the reasonable standard deviation achieved,
it is concluded the experimental scatter is acceptable and test method is reliable for
measuring the interlaminar shear strength of the material.
Fatigue experiments were performed under load control conditions and the fa-
tigue load was applied in a sinusoidal form. The fatigue tests were loaded with
maximum stress equal to 80% of the maximum strength, stress ratio (κ = σmin /σmax )
equal to 0.1, and frequency between 1 to 10 Hz. An edge view picture of a speci-
men, failed under out-of-plane shear fatigue loading, is shown in Figure 13. Note
that this type of test also shows a correct mode of failure, along the shear plane
between the notches.
The fatigue life of the material was measured for different samples by applying
the maximum interlaminar shear stress (σyz ) equal to various percentages of the

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Figure 14. Results of fatigue life tests.

maximum interlaminar shear strength and stress ratio equal to 0.1. Tests were
continued until catastrophic failure was achieved. The results of fatigue life tests
are shown in Figure 14. It is clear that to fully characterize the interlaminar shear
fatigue properties of the material (e.g., fatigue life and residual strength) more tests
must be performed at different maximum stress and various stress ratios. Although
a limited number of fatigue tests are shown, a reasonable scatter was achieved
which shows the reliability of the test method.

5. Conclusions

The double-notched test method is verified as a simple and reliable test method
to measure the interlaminar shear properties of composite materials under static
and fatigue loading conditions. No complicated fixture is required for this method
which is greatly beneficial in fatigue testing of the materials. Out-of-plane defor-
mation, due to the antisymmetric geometry of the specimen, can be eliminated by
using a simple clamp. The results of a stress analysis, using a finite element tech-
nique, of the double-notched specimen show that by selecting the proper geometry,
a relatively uniform state of interlaminar shear stress (σyz ) can be achieved in the
gage area. Also, results show the magnitudes of the other stresses in the gage length
region (σyy and σzz ) are not as critical compared to interlaminar shear stress (σyz ).
Tested specimens confirm that a reliable geometry has been found for further test-
ing. The failed specimens under static and fatigue loading conditions show that the
correct final failure mode occurs in the gage area. The results of the experimental
studies for static and fatigue cases show reasonable scatter for the magnitude of
static strength and fatigue life of the material, which confirm the reliability of the
test method.

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The authors would like to thank graduate students Ms. Olivia P. Eilers, and Mr.
Peter Kotsiopriftis for their help during the course of this study.

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