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Software Requirements Specification

Version 1.4
May 22, 2011

SHAISTA Online Bookstore


Submitted in partial fulfillment

Of the requirements of
MS Computer Science
SRS 05/27/11

Revision History

Version Date Description Author

1.0 22nd May 2011 Draft version Ihsan

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ..............................................................................................................................................iii
Table of Figures .................................................................................................................................................iv
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1. Purpose ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2. Intended Audience And Reading Suggestions ......................................................................................... 2
1.3. Scope ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
1.4. Glossary .................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.5. References ................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.6. Document overview.................................................................................................................................. 4
2. Overall description..................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1. System environment ................................................................................................................................. 6
2.2. Functional requirements definitions ......................................................................................................... 6
2.3. Use cases .................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.3.1. Use Cases related to Administrators.................................................................................................. 8 Use Case: Admin Login ............................................................................................................. 8 Use Case: Admin Adds Book Into SHAISTA Database............................................................ 9 Use Case: Admin Removes Book From SHAISTA Database ................................................. 10 Use Case: Admin Updates Book Details Into SHAISTA Database......................................... 11 Use Case: Admin Adds Customer/Vendor Details Into SHAISTA Database ......................... 12 Use Case: Admin Removes Or De-registers Customer/Vendor............................................... 12 Use Case: Admin Updates Details Of Customer/Vendor Into SHAISTA Database................ 12 Use Case: Admin Manually Validates Vendor/Vendors Book Registration And Approves
The Registration ........................................................................................................................................ 12
2.3.2. Use Cases related to Customers ...................................................................................................... 13 Use Case: Customer Registers For A Secure Login Account .................................................. 13 Use Case: Customer Login ....................................................................................................... 14 Use Case: Customer Wants to De-registers Customer/Vendor ................................................ 14 Use Case: Customer Wants To Updates His Details In SHAISTA Database .......................... 14 Use Case: Customer Searches For A Book .............................................................................. 14 Use Case: Customer Want To Read A Few Pages Of A book ................................................. 15
2.3.3. Use Cases related to Vendors .......................................................................................................... 16
2.4. Non-functional requirements.................................................................................................................. 16

SRS 05/27/11

Table of Figures
Figure 1 System Design .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 2 Admin Login (Success) ............................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 3 Admin adds book details........................................................................................................................... 9

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1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose
The SHAISTA Online Bookstore is a web application, which provides a single point of

interface for the following types of Users:

Adminstrators And Employees: To manage the database

Customers: from searching a book to ordering a book

Vendors (or book publishers): to make available the details of their books and

directly sell it to the customers through this web application

1.2. Intended Audience And Reading Suggestions

This Software Requirements Specification provides a description of all the functions and

specifications of the SHAISTA Online Bookstore.

The expected audience of this document is the developer, SHAISTA Online Bookstore

administrators, SHAISTA Online Bookstore employees who work on this system. A part of

this document can be used to prepare the user guide that can be provided to the customers

and vendors of SHAISTA Online Bookstore.

1.3. Scope
The SHAISTA Online Bookstore Web Accessible Books Database is designed to run on

the company servers and serves the following requirements:

Allow SHAISTA Online Bookstore Admin to

o Login

o Add a book

o Remove a book

o Update the details of a book

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o Add details of customers and vendors

o Remove or de-register customers and vendors

o Update the details of customers and vendors

o Validate and approve new vendors

Allow vendors to

o Register for a secure login account

o Login

o De-register

o Update their details

o Register a book

o De-register a book

o Add details to a book registered by that vendor

o Remove details of a book registered by that vendor

o Update details of a book registered by that vendor

NOTE: Here book details include info about the book (like Title, author, category

etc), number of books available, listed price, selling price (after discount, if any),

shipping charges, number of days for shipping etc.

Allow customers to

o Register for a secure login account

o Login

o De-register

o Update their detail

o Search for books

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o Read few pages of the books

o Request for new books

o Place books in wishlist

o Place books into shopping cart

o Place a buy order for the items in the shopping cart

o Make payments for the orders

o Track orders

o Cancel an order in progress (before it has been shipped)

1.4. Glossary
Term Definition
CI Configuration Item
Html Hyper text markup language
QA Quality assurance
SCMP Software Configuration Management Plan
SDD Software Design Document
SQAP Software Quality Assurance Plan
SRS Software Requirements Specification
Tbd To be decided
Tbn To be named
Web Site A place on the world wide web

1.5. References
1. The applicable IEEE standards are published in IEEE Standards Collection,
2001 edition.
2. The principal source of textbook material is Software Engineering: An Object-
Oriented Perspective by Eric J. Bruade (Wiley 2001).

1.6. Document overview

The remainder of this document has two chapters, the Chapter-2 providing a full

functional description of the project SHAISTA Online Bookstore. The Chapter-3 concerns

SRS 05/27/11

details of each of the system functions and actions in full for the software developers

assistance. These two chapters are cross-referenced by topic; to increase understanding.

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2. Overall description
The SHAISTA Online Bookstore encompasses numerous files and information from

the Database called SHAISTA Database. This system will be completely web-based,

linking to SHAISTA Database and the remote web server from a standard web browser. An

Internet connection is necessary to access the system.

2.1. System environment

Figure 1 System Design

The user connects to the SHAISTA Online Bookstore Web Server, to interact with the

SHAISTA Database through BDE, which allows the Windows type program to transfer data

to and from a database.

2.2. Functional requirements definitions

Functional Requirements are those that refer to the functionality of the system, i.e.,

what services it will provide to the user. Nonfunctional (supplementary) requirements pertain

to other information needed to produce the correct system and are detailed separately.

SRS 05/27/11

2.3. Use cases

The system will consist of SHAISTA Online Bookstore Home page with the

following selections:

1. Login Section:

a. Login into the system with their registered user id and password. If the user

provides correct login credentials, then the system will display a web page

similar to the home page except the login section. If the login credentials are

not correct, the system will display the home page with an error message that

the login details are not correct.

b. Register a new user: With this selection, the system opens a webpage where a

user can enter his details like, Name, DOB, Gender, email id, phone, address

and select a user id, password and password recovery phrase to register. On

successful registration, a validation email will be sent to the email id provided

and the user account can become active once the user validates the email id.

c. Reset password of a registered user: With this selection, the system opens a

webpage where the user is asked to enter his user id and password recovery

phrase. If the details are correct, it displays that the password has been reset

and sent to email id, else it specifies that the details are incorrect.

2. Search Section: Allow users to search for books based on various parameters such as

Title, Autor, Publisher, Edition and Category.

3. Browse Section: Lists out the various categories of books. On selection of a

category, it lists out the books in the order of latest book in the system.

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4. New Releases Section: This section lists the hot selling newly released books. When

a book is clicked, it displays the entire details of the book plus an option to preview

some pages of the book.

FIXME: Other pages shopping cart, wishlist, payment etc

2.3.1. Use Cases related to Administrators Use Case: Admin Login

Figure 2 Admin Login (Success)

Brief description:
The Admin wants to login into the system.

Initial step-by-step description:

For this use case to be initiated the Admin must be connected to the Internet and should

be on the SHAISTA Online Bookstore Home Page.

1. The Admin enters his user id and password in the login section and clicks on login

2. The system validates the login credentials entered by the Admin against the information
stored in the SHAISTA Database.

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3. If the credentials are correct, the system displays the Admin home page.

4. If the credentials do not match, the system returns a failure message on the home page of
SHAISTA Online Bookstore.
Use Case: Admin Adds Book Into SHAISTA Database 5/27/11 1:13 AM

Enter Details Of The Book To Add Validate Book Details

Admin <<include>>

Update Book Details Into SHAISTA Database

Confirmation: Display Details Of Book Added

SHAISTA Database
Admin Adds Book Details

Figure 3 Admin adds book details

Brief description:
The Admin wants to add book details into SHAISTA Database.

Initial step-by-step description:

For this use case to be initiated the Admin must be connected to the Internet and should

be on the SHAISTA Online Bookstore Admin Home Page.

1. The Admin selects the Add Book option, which displays a webpage with a form to fill in
the book details to be added.

2. The Admin enters the book details and selects the submit option.

3. The system validates the book details entered by the Admin against the information
stored in the SHAISTA Database.

4. If similar book with identical information is available, then it will update the existing
record by increasing the number of books available else it will create a new record for the
book details entered by Admin.

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5. Once the book details are updated into the SHAISTA Database, a webpage confirming
the details of the book that was added is displayed.

UseCaseDiagram6.svg 5/27/11 1:33 AM Use Case: Admin Removes Book From SHAISTA Database

Enter Book Details For Deletion Validate Book Details


Admin Remove Book Details From SHAISTA Database
SHAISTA Database

Admin Removes
Book Details

Confirmation: Display Details Of Book Deleted

Figure 4 Admin removes book details

Brief description:
The Admin wants to remove book details from SHAISTA Database.

Initial step-by-step description:

For this use case to be initiated the Admin must be connected to the Internet and should

be on the SHAISTA Online Bookstore Admin Home Page.

1. The Admin selects the Remove Book option, which displays a webpage with a form to
fill in the book details to be removed.

2. The Admin enters the book details and selects the submit option.

3. The system validates the book details entered by the Admin against the information
stored in the SHAISTA Database.

4. If there are no books with the details entered by Admin, then it displays an error message
on the same page.

5. If the book details entered by the Admin exist then it deletes the record or subtracts the
number of books to be deleted.


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6. Once the book details are updated into the SHAISTA Database, a webpage confirming
the details of the book that was removed is displayed.
UseCaseDiagram7.svg 5/27/11 1:36 AM Use Case: Admin Updates Book Details Into SHAISTA Database

Enter Book Details To Update Validate Book Details

Update Book Details Into SHAISTA Database

SHAISTA Database

Admin Updates
Confirmation: Details Of The Book Updated Book Details

Figure 5 Admin updates book details

Brief description:
The Admin wants to update book details into SHAISTA Database.

Initial step-by-step description:

For this use case to be initiated the Admin must be connected to the Internet and should

be on the SHAISTA Online Bookstore Admin Home Page.

1. The Admin selects the Update Book option, which displays a webpage with a form to fill
in the book details to be updated.

2. The Admin enters the book details and selects the submit option.

3. The system validates the book details entered by the Admin against the information
stored in the SHAISTA Database.

4. If there are no books with the details entered by Admin, then it displays an error message
on the same page.

5. If the book details entered by the Admin exist then it updates the details accordingly.


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6. Once the book details are updated into the SHAISTA Database, a webpage confirming
the details of the book that was updated is displayed. Use Case: Admin Adds Customer/Vendor Details Into SHAISTA

Brief description:
The Admin wants to add customer or vendor details into SHAISTA Database.

This is similar to the section Admin Adds Book Details Into SHAISTA Database Use Case: Admin Removes Or De-registers Customer/Vendor

Brief description:
The Admin wants to remove or de-register customer or vendor.

This is similar to the section Removes Book Details From SHAISTA
Database Use Case: Admin Updates Details Of Customer/Vendor Into SHAISTA

Brief description:
The Admin wants to update details of customer or vendor into SHAISTA Database.

This is similar to the section Updates Book Details In SHAISTA Database. Use Case: Admin Manually Validates Vendor/Vendors Book

UseCaseDiagram8.svg 5/27/11 4:16 AM
Registration And Approves The Registration

Manually Validate And Approve Vendors/Vendor's Books

SHAISTA Database

Admin Validates And Approves

Vendor/Vendor's Book Registerations

Figure 6 Admin Validates And Approves Vendors/Vendors Books

Brief description:
The Admin Validates the Vendor registration details and approves the registration.

Initial step-by-step description:

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For this use case to be initiated the Admin must be connected to the Internet and should

be on the SHAISTA Online Bookstore Admin Home Page.

1. The Admin selects the Validate Vendors option, which loads the webpage with list of
vendor details waiting for approval.

2. The Admin verifies each vendor details and approves the registration if the details are
found to be authentic.

2.3.2. Use Cases related to Customers

Customer1.svg 5/27/11 3:32 AM Use Case: Customer Registers For A Secure Login Account


Enter Registration Details Validate The Details

Customer <<include>> <<include>>

SHAISTA Database
Confirmation: User Customer Accounted Crrated

Customer Registers Create customer account

For A New Account

Figure 7 Customer Registers For A Login Account

Brief description:
The Customer wants to register for a secure account on SHAISTA Online Bookstore.

Initial step-by-step description:

For this use case to be initiated the Customer must be connected to the Internet and

should be on the SHAISTA Online Bookstore Home Page.

1. The Customer selects Register option from the login section.

2. The system displays a webpage where the customer can enter the details required to
create an account.

3. The system validates the account details to be created against the information stored in
the SHAISTA Database.

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4. If the details are not already present in SHAISTA Database, then the system creates the
customer account by updating the details into SHAISTA Database.

5. A confirmation message is displayed in a new webpage after creating the account. Use Case: Customer Login

Brief description:
The Customer wants to login into his SHAISTA Online Bookstore account.
This is similar to the section Login. Use Case: Customer Wants to De-registers Customer/Vendor

Brief description:
The Customer wants to de-register (i.e., close his account) on SHAISTA Online
This is similar to the section Removes Book Details From SHAISTA
Database Use Case: Customer Wants To Updates His Details In SHAISTA

Brief description:
The Customer wants to update his details on SHAISTA Database.

This is similar to the section Updates Book Details In SHAISTA Database.
Customer2.svg 5/27/11 4 Use Case: Customer Searches For A Book

Enters Book details to search

SHAISTA Database
Search Engine: Searches For The Book


Displays The Search Result Searches
For A Book

Figure 8 Customer Searches For A Book

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Brief description:
The Customer wants to search for a book in SHAISTA Online Bookstore.

Initial step-by-step description:

For this use case to be initiated the Customer must be connected to the Internet and

should be on the SHAISTA Online Bookstore Home Page of the customer.

1. The Customer selects Search Book option from the search section.

2. The system displays a webpage where the customer can enter the details of the book he
wants to search.

3. The system invokes the search engine and displays the results in a new webpage.
Customer3.svg 5/27/ Use Case: Customer Want To Read A Few Pages Of A book

Enter Book Details To Preview

Customer <<include>>
SHAISTA Database
Search Engine: Searches For The Book


Display Search Results

Preview The Selected Book Preview
A Book

Figure 9 Customer Want To Read A Few Pages Of A Book

Brief description:
The Customer wants to read a few pages of a book in SHAISTA Online Bookstore.

Initial step-by-step description:

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For this use case to be initiated the Customer must be connected to the Internet and

should be on the SHAISTA Online Bookstore Home Page of the customer.

1. The Customer selects Search Book option from the search section.

2. The system displays a webpage where the customer can enter the details of the book he
wants to search.

3. The system invokes the search engine and displays the results in a new webpage.

4. Alongside the results, there will be a option for preview of the book.

5. When the customer selects the preview option, few pages of the respective book are

2.3.3. Use Cases related to Vendors

2.4. Non-functional requirements

There are requirements that are not functional in nature. Specifically, these are the

constraints the system must work within.

The web site must be compatible with both the Netscape and Internet Explorer web

browsers. This system will have a search engine optimized to give the results within 2 secs.


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