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Liceul Teoretic Mihail Sadoveanu

Clasa: XII B
2 ore/saptamana
Profesor: Cristina Ioana Nistor
Planificare calendaristica

Nr. Obiective de referinta Nr.

Continutul tematic al unitatilor de invatare Saptamana Observatii
crt. vizate ore
1. Revision All skills 4 S1-S2
New directions
Reading: A passion for exploration
Phrasal verbs; Expressions with on
2. Listening: Identifying attitudes and opinions 1.1;1.2;3.1;3.2 6 S3-S5
Expressions with future meaning
Writing: Using an appropriate register

Seeing is believing
Reading: People dont want to know how its
Listening: extracting specific information
3. 6 S5-S7
Review of relative clauses 1.1; 1.2; 2.1; 3.2;3.4
Words used with relative pronouns
Writing a mystery film review
Reading: Fame who needs it?
Word formation: nouns
4. Collocations and idiomatic expressions 6 S8-S11
Listening for gist. Identifying paraphrase
Writing: coherence description of a famous
person you admire
Lifes rich tapestry
Reading: Twos company
Expressions that give emphasis
5. Word-formation review 1.1; 2.1; 3.1 6 S12-S14
Writing a competition entry: The importance
of a good memory

Global issues
Reading a gapped text: Life in the slow lane
6. Expressions that are easily confused 6 S15-S17
1.3; 1.4; 2.1
Review of conditionals
Writing a letter to a newspaper


Looking forward, looking back

Reading: Is this the body of the future?
7. Expressing opinions about the future 2.1;2.2;2.3 6 S19-S21
Vocabulary: feelings and reactions
Writing a guidebook entry
Breaking the mould
Reading: Demons that drive us to row it alone
2. 2.1;3.1;3.2 6 S22-S24
Listening: sentence completion
Describing emotions. Talking about change

Making life better?

Reading: How television changed a
Himalayan kingdom
3. 8 S24-S27
Emphasis using negative introductory 1.1; 2.1, 3.2, 4.1
expressions. Unreal tenses
Writing a report: security in hall of residence
Reading: Calls of the wild
Patterns after reporting verbs
4. 6 S27-S29
Impersonal report structures 2.1; 2.3, 3.1, 3.3
Writing a proposal: promoting an adventure
The world of entertainment
Reading: Fears of a clown
5. Nouns, adjectives, verbs+ prepositions 4 S29-S30
1.2, 1.3, 2.3, 3.2
Listening: sentence completion
Writing a review: TV programmes

6. FINAL REVISION All skills 4 S31-S32 Term paper

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