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Construction and validation of the historical contents of nursing guided by orem reference

Camila Santana Domingos 1 1
RN. Specialist in Family Healthcare Program Management. Resident in Family Health at the
Priscila Camara de Moura 1 Federal University of Juiz de Fora UFJF. Juiz de Fora, MG Brazil.
Luciene Muniz Braga 2
RN. Doctoral student in Nursing at the University of Lisbon. Lisboa, PT Portugal. Professor of
the Federal University of Viosa UFV. Viosa, MG Brazil.
Nayara Vilela Rodrigues 3 3
RN. Nurse of the UNIMED. Navegantes, SC Brazil.
Marisa Dibbern Lopes Correia 4 4
RN. Ms in Nursing. Assistant Professor at the UFV. Viosa, MG Brazil.
Alessandra Montezano de Paula Carvalho 5 5
RN. Masters student in the Post-graduate Program in Collective Health in the UFJF College of
Medicine. Higher Education Administrative Technician at UFV. Viosa, MG Brazil.

Corresponding Author: Camila Santana Domingos. E-mail:

Submitted on: 2015/02/03 Approved on: 2015/04/07

The present study conducted research aimed at developing and validating an instrument to collect data for nursing consultations for hypertensive
and/or diabetic patients in Family Health Strategy Units, based on philosophical theory set forth by Orem. This instrument was organized in
accordance with the Theory Requirements subdivided into titles from Nanda-International Domains, facilitating nursing clinical reasoning.
The instrument was validated by nine judges, whose agreement among them was analyzed by calculating the percentage. The items that were
reformulated were those that did not reach an 80% agreement on all criteria evaluated by the judges. It could therefore be concluded that the
developed and validated instrument provides support to guide nurses and nursing students to document the nursing consultation under a
theoretical framework of the profession, thus allowing for future discussions and research.
Keywords: Nursing; Nursing Theory; Nursing Process; Validation Studies; Data Collection.

Realizou-se investigao com o objetivo de construir e validar um instrumento de coleta de dados para a consulta de enfermagem a indivduos
hipertensos e/ou diabticos em unidades de Estratgia de Sade da Famlia, pautado no referencial terico filosfico de Orem. O instrumento
foi organizado segundo os Requisitos da Teoria, subdividido em ttulos dos Domnios da Nanda-Internacional, facilitando o raciocnio clnico de
enfermagem. Foi submetido validao de contedo com apreciao de nove juzes, cuja concordncia entre eles foi analisada pelo clculo de
porcentagem. Os itens reformulados foram aqueles que no atingiram 80% de concordncia em todos os critrios avaliados pelos juzes. Concluiu-
se que o instrumento construdo e validado oferece subsdios para direcionar os enfermeiros e estudantes de Enfermagem a documentarem a
consulta de enfermagem sob um referencial terico da profisso, permitindo discusses e pesquisas futuras.
Palavras-chave: Enfermagem; Teoria de Enfermagem; Processos de Enfermagem; Estudos de Validao; Coleta de Dados.

La investigacin fue realizada con el objetivo de desarrollar y validar un instrumento de recogida de datos para la consulta de enfermera de individuos
hipertensos y / o diabticos en unidades de Estrategia Salud de la Familia, en base al referente terico filosfico de Orem. El instrumento fue organizado
segn los Requisitos de la Teora, subdividido en ttulos de dominios Nanda International para facilitar el raciocinio clnico de enfermera. La validacin
del contenido fue evaluada por nueve jueces, que analizaron la concordancia entre ellos por el clculo de porcentaje. Los tems que no consiguieron
un 80% de concordancia en todos los criterios evaluados por los jueces fueron formulados nuevamente. Se concluye que el instrumento construido y
validado ofrece herramientas para orientar enfermeros y estudiantes de enfermera a documentar la consulta de enfermera bajo un referente terico
de la profesin, permitiendo futuras discusiones e investigaciones.
Palabras clave: Enfermera; Teora de Enfermera; Procesos de Enfermera; Estudios de Validacin; Recoleccin de Datos.

DOI: 10.5935/1415-2762.20150033 176 REME Rev Min Enferm. 2015 abr/jun; 19(2): 176-186
Construction and validation of the historical contents of nursing guided by orem reference

INTRODUCTION to a form of comprehensive care, using various care and man-

Chronic non-communicable diseases are a widespread agement technologies.9:61
health problem in Brazil. They result in a high number of pre- Among these is nursing care planning, which favors the or-
mature deaths, loss of quality of life, and a high degree of limita- ganization of nurses work and allows for their clinical practice
tion on work and leisure activities. Among these are hyperten- to develop, thus enabling the operation and documentation of
sion and diabetes mellitus.1 the nursing process. When implemented in primary healthcare,
Hypertension is a highly-prevalent clinical condition with a this corresponds to the nursing consultation.9-11
multifactorial origin, some factors being modifiable or prevent- Nursing consultation is a tool based on scientific knowl-
able, such as obesity and salt and alcohol intake. It is character- edge and a theoretical model of nursing to determine the
ized by increased blood pressure levels and is a risk factor for car- needs and degree of dependence of the individuals, family,
diovascular and metabolic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus.2 and/or community.12,13
Diabetes mellitus is a disease from a group of metabolic Data collection during the nursing consultation is the first
disorders in which hyperglycemia is the classic clinical sign, the step in the nursing process and helps identify nursing problems
result of defects in insulin action and/or secretion.3 from a psychological, biological, social, economic, and spiritual
Hypertension and diabetes mellitus are diseases with a perspective to determine the degree of users dependency on
low control rate and associated with other cardiovascular and care and develop a suitable plan.9,10
cerebrovascular diseases, representing a major public health Using the self-care deficit theory proposed by Dorothea
problem.2 The costs of uncontrolled chronic diseases on the Elizabeth Orem applies to people with cardiovascular and
healthcare system are high, as they are a major reason for hos- chronic diseases, especially hypertension and diabetes, in view
pital admissions. The financial impact on families is also im- of the possibility of compromising the self-care ability of the af-
portant because treating these diseases is a long process with fected individual.14
the possibility of loss of productivity at work and reduced The model proposed by Orem is based on the premise
family income.1 that individuals can take care of themselves. It is organized into
Thus, it is important that preventive measures and health three categories of self-care requirements: universal, develop-
promotion actions be implemented, aimed at early detection, mental, and health deviation.12,14 Included in the Universal re-
thereby minimizing health risks and providing timely treatment quirements are basic human needs (life processes, maintaining
to lessen the impact on the lives of individuals who have been the integrity of the human structure, and function). Human
already been diagnosed with these maladies.4 Development Requirements include self-care related to natural
However, the high prevalence of nursing diagnoses Risk events, such as aging, and self-care by health deviation arises
for unstable blood glucose level and Ineffective health man- in disease, injury, or malady conditions, resulting from medical
agement in hypertensive and/or diabetic individuals in prima- measures to diagnose or correct a certain condition, whether
ry care draws our attention to the difficulty of controlling these permanent or transitory.15
problems and the need to plan and implement actions to pro- When performing a nursing consultation, it is suggested
mote health and prevent complications.5,6 that an instrument be used to record the data and systematize
Primary care is featured in the Strategic Action Plan for the theorys concepts, allowing the nursing process to be via-
the Fight against Chronic Non-communicable Diseases (CNDs) ble, helping in decision-making and making nursing care more
in Brazil, 2011-2022, in that sufferers are linked to the caretak- efficient and effective.12,13
er and staff, ensuring the reference and cross-reference to spe- Given this knowledge, when conducting a nursing consul-
cialties and hospital network and promoting continuity of care tation with hypertensive and/or diabetic patients in a family
and completeness in attention.4 health unit in Minas Gerais, it was found that the printed form
With the implementation of the Family Health Program used by nurses and nursing students was organized in accor-
in primary care, healthcare and clinical nursing practice have dance with the proposal of the state governments healthcare
undergone significant changes in the last three decades, with records with a focus on the disease and not allowing an integral
the nurses role being redefined. This has resulted in putting approach with the individual, family, and/or community and
together and consolidating a dimension based on teamwork, identification of the nursing phenomena.16
with user-centric features, namely the healthcare needs of the Given this concern with healthcare and the clinical prac-
population with a focus on wellness.7,8 tice of nursing centered on the needs of the users, families, and
In this sense, nursing has sought a shift from the paradigm community in primary care, an investigation was conducted
of fragmentation of care and work based on functional model aimed at formulating and validating a data collection instru-

DOI: 10.5935/1415-2762.20150033 177 REME Rev Min Enferm. 2015 abr/jun; 19(2): 176-186
Construction and validation of the historical contents of nursing guided by orem reference

ment applicable to nursing consultations involving hyperten- ry. The Delphi technique focuses on the judgment of a group
sive and/or diabetic patients in the Family Health Strategy of experts and consists of questioning them on specific issues.
units, based on Orems philosophical theoretical framework in The experts express their opinions on a particular topic to reach
COFEN Resolution 358/2009 and the guidelines of Brazils Uni- consensus, in a participatory construct, but without face-to-
fied Healthcare System. face contact, because contact is made through e-mail with the
aid of an evaluation questionnaire regarding the instrument.18
After approval of the investigation by the Ethics Commit-
tee on Human Research at the Federal University of Viosa,
This study consisted of a literature review on the topic opinion number 213.265/2013, the data collection instrument
and formulating and validating the content of a data collec- and a manual with instructions on the criteria to be evaluat-
tion tool for people with hypertension and diabetes mellitus, ed were sent to 33 judges by e-mail, along with the free and
based on the theory of Dorothea Elizabeth Orem, to be ap- informed consent form, between March and June 2013. The
plied in primary care. judges were selected through an assessment of publications re-
lated to the subject and/or validation technique, with 33 being
First step: bibliogr aphic the maximum number found.
review and formulating the The evaluation of the data collection instrument, answered
data collection instrument by e-mail, was considered positive consent to participate. The
experts were selected according to the following criteria: nurse/
Initially, an integrative literature review was conducted to teacher with doctorate degrees and experience in nursing theo-
identify studies that used instruments for data collection in nurs- ries, nurse/teacher with doctorate degrees and knowledgeable on
ing consultations with hypertensive and/or diabetic patients, guid- the validation method, nurses with a masters degrees and with
ed by the theory of Dorothea Orem and thus assisted in formulat- an object of investigation related to Orems theory, and nurse
ing an instrument according to the context under investigation. with a masters degree with experience in chronic factors (hyper-
An integrative literature review was conducted in the CI- tension and diabetes). Relevance, clarity, scope, and organization
NAHL, PUBMED, and BVS databases with the following inclusion were the criteria used to analyze the instruments items.13,19
criteria: publications in Portuguese, English, Italian, and Spanish,
between 1990 and 2011. This time period was chosen because it Third step: analysis and
came after the presentation of Orems General Theory of Nurs- consolidation of the data
ing, organized into three related theoretical constructs: self-care, collection instruments items
the shortcomings of self-care and nursing systems (1985), and
emphasis on her writings on groups and society (1991).17 The judges responses were tabulated in Microsoft Excel
As inclusion criteria, the publication should present the 2010 and were later analyzed using the Epi Info statistical pro-
search terms either in the title or abstract with the following gram version 3.5.1. The concordance index adopted for inclu-
associations: hypertension and nursing theory, high blood pres- sion and/or exclusion and/or changes in the instrument items
sure and self-care, hypertension and nursing diagnosis, diabe- was equal to or greater than 80% among the judges. Compo-
tes and nursing theory, diabetes and self-care, and diabetes and nents that had not reached this percentage were analyzed indi-
nursing diagnosis. Publications that did not present the data vidually by the researchers as to their relevance. At the end of
collection instrument in its entirety were excluded. the review process, there was room for the judges to describe
The second phase consisted of formulating the instrument any doubts, opinions, and suggestions they had regarding the
for recording the nursing consultation, using the articles found model. The percentage of agreement between the judges was
in the literature review, books and publications on Dorothea then carried out, using the formula below:
Orems theory, and books on semiotics as applied to nursing.

number of participants who agreed

Second step: Content validation % of concordance = x 100
total number of participants
of the data collection instrument

A qualitative, exploratory, and descriptive study was con-

ducted using the Delphi technique to establish content valida- When using this method, 80% should be considered as an
tion of the nursing consultation recording instrument for hy- acceptable concordance rate among the judges, thereby giving
pertensive and/or diabetic individuals, guided by Orems theo- validity to the instrument.19

DOI: 10.5935/1415-2762.20150033 178 REME Rev Min Enferm. 2015 abr/jun; 19(2): 176-186
Construction and validation of the historical contents of nursing guided by orem reference

RESULTS three were teachers (33.5%), four doctors (44.5%) and two had
postdoctoral degrees (22%). Five had experience in validating
Integr ative Review instruments, nursing consultation, nursing care systematization
and nursing diagnoses (55.5%), and four in nursing related to the
An integrative literature review selected three eligible ref- chronic condition factor: hypertension and/or diabetes (44.5%).
erences that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The stud- As for the operating region, five were in the Southeast (56%),
ies were published in Brazilian journals in 1996, 2003, and 2008, three in the South (33%), and one from the Northeast (11%).
and conducted in outpatient care units and university research Tables 1-3 present the results of the judges evaluation of
and extension centers. No research on the subject was identi- the items. The criterion of 80% agreement among the judg-
fied in primary care units. es was adopted. All questions with a concordance lower than
References included in the integrative review included a 80% were reformulated.24
brief description of the items of the instrument for recording the Items in the Universal Requirements that did not reach the
nursing consultation with hypertensive patients and/or diabetes, 80% concordance index on any one of the criteria reviewed
which were organized within the universal, developmental, and by the judges included: importance of health, seasoning/spic-
health deviation requirements proposed by Orem. The authors es, type of oil, liquids, daily water consumption, culture/religion
described each item included in the preceding requirements, mak- vs. food, activity and rest, leisure activity, social interaction, sat-
ing it easier for the reader to understand and use the instrument. isfaction, coping/stress tolerance, do you consider yourself to
However, in other articles, the requirements set by Orem be stressed?, level of adherence to treatment, and water intake.
are allocated to the instrument only as a field to be filled in, The item What have you done to improve your health?
leaving it up to the nurses to speculate on the possible de- was the item that reached 80% concordance on all criteria.
mands of each requirement. Becker, Teixeira, and Zanetti are The following items were included in the suggested
the ones that incorporated self-care deficits into the instru- changes to the instrument: a) header: municipality of residence,
ment and established nursing systems.21,22 neighborhood, street name, number and apartment, medical
Starting with an analysis of the results of the integrative re- diagnosis, and b) Universal Requirements: health promotion:
view of bibliographic references on Orens theory, history and participation in health education groups; nutrition and hydra-
physical examination in nursing, on chronic diseases (hyperten- tion: food preferences and aversions, use of honey, salt, pepper,
sion and diabetes), and the researchers clinical experience, the industrialized seasoning and natural spices; social interaction:
research team formulated an instrument to aid in the collec- social support network; sexuality: steady partner or not.
tion and recording of data from nursing consultations on peo- Among the excluded items were data involving: a) profes-
ple with hypertension and/or diabetes, based on Orems theory. sion included in activity and rest and b) life principles: adher-
ence to treatment as it is already included in the health and re-
Formulating the data ligion deviations, which was replaced by spirituality. Daily living
collection instrument activity was replaced by occupation.
In Human Development Requirements, data were includ-
The data collection and recording instrument contains a ed in the item history of present illness on: onset, early signs
header with identifying information. The instrument is then di- and symptoms, progression, and hospitalization. The item ad-
vided into self-care requirements (universal, human develop- dressing how the disease interferes with life/work was reas-
ment, and health deviation), self-care deficit, and nursing sys- signed to health deviations. Items that reached 80% concor-
tems. The NANDA International domains were used to group dance in all criteria included: abdominal/bowel sounds and
the information that make up the instrument.23 The domains what strategies do you use to cope with stress?.
were allocated within Orems self-care requirements to facili- The items that did not reach 80% in any one of the crite-
tate a subsequent survey of nursing diagnoses. ria included: current complaint, family history, tests performed,
preventive exams, surgery, drugs, urine/dysuria, feces, history
Content validation of tract complications, vesicular murmurs, adventitious noise,
cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal disease, eyes, ears, nose,
After formulating and structuring the data collection and touch, neurological problems, use of an orthosis, self-aware-
recording instrument, it was submitted to a group of judges ness, family support system, sex life, coping/stress tolerance,
for content validation. The instruments were sent to 33 judg- obstacles to adhering with treatment, skin/mucous mem-
es, with nine returns (27%). Among the judges who responded, branes, and nursing system.

DOI: 10.5935/1415-2762.20150033 179 REME Rev Min Enferm. 2015 abr/jun; 19(2): 176-186
Construction and validation of the historical contents of nursing guided by orem reference

Table 1 - Analysis of the Universal Requirements in the instrument for nursing consultation with hypertensive and/or diabetic
patients, according to Orems theory
Universal Requirements Relevance (%) Clarity (%) Scope (%) Organization (%)
Knowledge of the disease 89 56 78 67
Vaccination status 78 89 78 78
Satisfaction with weight 89 78 89 89
Diet recall 67 56 67 89
Oil reuse 67 67 67 89
Urine 100 67 67 78
Feces 89 78 34 89
Nightly sleep 100 78 89 78
Physical activity 89 78 67 89
Self-perception 89 56 67 56
Family participation in treatment 89 67 67 89
Sexuality 89 67 56 67
Use of hormonal contraception 89 89 78 89
Use of hormonal replacement 89 89 89 89
Religion 89 89 67 89
Monthly family income 89 89 100 78
Smoking 89 78 78 78
Alcoholism 100 78 89 67
Self-medication 100 89 78 78
Allergies 100 89 89 78
Type of dwelling 89 100 78 78
Sewer 100 100 78 89
Garbage collection 78 89 78 89
Baths/day 89 89 56 89
Brushing teeth 89 56 67 89
Using dental floss 78 89 67 78

Table 2 - Analysis of the Human Development Requirements in the instrument for nursing consultation with hypertensive and/or diabetic
patients, according to Orems theory
Human Development Requirements Relevance (%) Clarity (%) Scope (%) Organization (%)
History of current disease 89 56 78 67
Past medical history 89 67 78 67
On a scale of 0 to 10, how much your illness interferes with your life/job 89 89 89 67
What changes have occurred in your life with hypertension/diabetes 89 78 89 89
Family history 89 78 67 78

Table 3 - Analysis of health deviations in the instrument for nursing consultation with hypertensive and/or diabetic patients,
according to Orems theory
Health Deviations Relevance (%) Clarity (%) Scope (%) Organization (%)
Weight/body mass index/glycemic/height 89 78 67 67
Oral cavity 100 89 78 78
Mouth 100 78 67 78
Changes 67 56 44 56

DOI: 10.5935/1415-2762.20150033 180 REME Rev Min Enferm. 2015 abr/jun; 19(2): 176-186
Construction and validation of the historical contents of nursing guided by orem reference

... continuation

Table 3 - Analysis of health deviations in the instrument for nursing consultation with hypertensive and/or diabetic patients,
according to Orems theory
Health Deviations Relevance (%) Clarity (%) Scope (%) Organization (%)
Hydration 89 89 89 89
Skin/mucous membranes 89 67 67 78
Pulse 89 67 67 78
Chest expansion 89 67 67 78
Restriction on physical activity 100 89 67 89
Complaints of pain 89 78 56 78
Self-care deficit
89 67 67 67

In health deviations, data included: a) health-disease pro- This set of organized data helps to formulate a healthcare plan
cess: the year of hypertension/diabetes diagnosis, knowledge based on a critical interpretation of the collected data (nursing
about your disease, its interference in your life/job; b) activity diagnosis) to meet the needs, prevent damage, and promote ac-
and rest: sleep subsection: difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, tions to strengthen healthy behavior, well-being, and self-care.13,25
snoring, and apnea; c) perception/cognition: in sub-sections on As such, this study sought to create a significant instru-
speech, evaluation of gait and balance, and risk of falls; d) roles ment for nursing care, providing data to guide nurses clinical
and relationships: family conflicts; e) coping and stress tolerance: decisions and collaborate in implementing changes in nursing
causes of stress and its manifestations; f) life principles: a table in the context of primary heathcare.26
was put together with the following categories: drug treatment, The use of Orems model has applicability in the various
diet, physical activity, and consultation with a healthcare profes- fields, because it allows the patient to actively participate in
sional to report on levels of adherence (no, partial, or full adher- his/her self-care, improving health outcomes and, consequent-
ence); and g) safety and protection: obstacles to adherence to ly, the persons quality of life and well-being.27,28
the treatment, self-medication, allergies, exams, use of an ortho- Identifying the needs of people with hypertension and/
sis, and assessment of balance and home environment. or diabetes is relevant, given the context of the Family Health
The following data were also excluded in health devia- Program in primary care, whose nursing practices focus on pre-
tions: a) health-disease process: preventive exams because they venting disease and promoting and maintaining health. Identi-
did not include relevant data; b) nutrition and hydration: med- fying self-care deficits associated with the individuals classifica-
ical diagnosis of malnutrition, obesity, bulimia, anorexia, and tion within the nursing systems can lend support to nursing ac-
dysphagia, which were replaced by eating disorders; the chang- tions related to teaching self-care and actively participating in
es in the mouth sub-section were also excluded because they it, particularly those involving changes in lifestyle and recogniz-
did not include relevant data; c) elimination and exchange: pain ing signs and symptoms that indicate health risks.14
was transferred to the comfort section; and d) perception and Starting with the judges assessment and changes made,
cognition: neurological problems. the instrument is considered to have included the most data
Based on the judges suggestions, a support guide was pre- relevant to assessing the self-care needs of hypertensive and/or
pared to show nurses or nursing students how to use the data diabetic people in primary care. However, it should also be con-
collection instrument. Items not previously mentioned contin- sidered that the use of this technology does not rule out the
ued to be part of the instrument. The categories of others were nurses knowledge and skills, their analytical skills, clinical judg-
changed and the instrument was formatted. ment, and evaluation of context. When necessary, they must
critically reflect on an individual and/or family in the course of
nursing consultations, adapting and redirecting data collection.
Faced with the composition of a new data collection in-
The use of an instrument to record and collect data in the strument for hypertension and diabetes sufferers based on
first step of the nursing process aims to gather individual, family, Orems theory, a problem was noticed in its preparation due to
and/or community data in a comprehensive way to make it eas- the lack of information in the articles selected for the research.
ier to identify problems that add damage to the patient and/or The option to organize Orems requirements within the NAN-
community and potential in the quest for health maintenance. DA-International domains aimed to facilitate a survey of nurs-

DOI: 10.5935/1415-2762.20150033 181 REME Rev Min Enferm. 2015 abr/jun; 19(2): 176-186
Construction and validation of the historical contents of nursing guided by orem reference

ing diagnoses, giving continuity to the nursing process. This line The instrument was implemented in nursing consultation
of reasoning also provides an opportunity for nurses to struc- with hypertensive and/or diabetic individuals in a family health-
ture a better data collection method for the profession, cover- care unit in Minas Gerais with a good evaluation. There is, how-
ing other issues beyond the biophysical, in approaching the in- ever, a need for validation in other scenarios to better improve
dividual during nursing visits. it (Table 4).5


The judges content validation contributed significantly to We gratefully acknowledge the assistance offered by the
adapting and structuring the instrument around Orems theo- Family Healthcare Strategy in the Silvestre district, Viosa,
ry, supporting the implementation of the first step of the nurs- Minas Gerais, the Institutional Scholarship Program for Con-
ing process and its improvement. tinuing Education of the Federal University of Viosa, Minas
The validated instrument provides help in directing nurses Gerais, and the judges who have contributed to the improve-
and nursing students to document the nursing consultation, ment of this instrument.
allowing for discussions and future research, in addition to al-
lowing adjustments to be made in accordance with the char-
acteristics of each service.
The difficulties and limitations of this study include: the Moura PC and Rodrigues NV contributed to making the
lack of studies and information on the description of the data literature review, formulating the instrument, and writing the
collection instruments used in nursing consultations with hy- article. Braga LM, Correia MDL, and Carvalho AMP contrib-
pertensive and/or diabetic patients and based on Orems the- uted to formulating the instrument, analyzing and interpreting
ory, the fact that the judges had different types of skills/experi- the data, and writing the article.
ence, and the lack of a support guide on instruments data to
assist in the judges evaluation.

DOI: 10.5935/1415-2762.20150033 182 REME Rev Min Enferm. 2015 abr/jun; 19(2): 176-186
Construction and validation of the historical contents of nursing guided by orem reference

Table 4 - Consulta de enfermagem a pessoas hipertensas e/ou diabticas*

Nome: Sexo: ( ) F ( ) M Idade: (anos) Cor:

Estado Civil: ( ) Solteiro/a ( ) Casado/a ( ) Vivo/a ( ) Divorciado/a ( ) Separado/a Escolaridade:
Nacionalidade: Naturalidade: Municpio de Residncia:
Logradouro: N:
Complemento: Bairro:
Diagnstico Mdico:

Requisitos Universais
1. PROMOO DA SADE Rede de apoio Social:
Importncia da sade: Relao com a famlia, amigos e colegas de trabalho:
O que voc tem feito para melhorar a sua sade: ( ) Satisfatria ( ) Insatisfatria Porque:
Participao em Grupos de Educao em Sade: ( ) No ( ) Sim Participao da famlia no tratamento:
Especifique o grupo e tempo de participao: ( ) Nenhuma ( ) Pouca ( ) Muita ( )Total
Situao vacinal: ( ) Completa ( ) Incompleta Nome(s) Familiar(es):
Outra Situao: Necessidade de participao da famlia ( ) sim ( ) no
Recordatrio alimentar (Horrio e poro):
Caf da manh: Lanche da manh: Almoo:

Lanche da tarde: Jantar: Ceia:

Atividade sexual: ( ) No Ativo ( ) Ativo
Parceiro fixo: ( ) Sim ( ) No Nmero de parceiros:
Tempero/Condimentos- quantidade/dia: ( ) Acar
Satisfao Sexual: ( ) Sim ( ) No Justifique:
( ) Adoante ( )Mel ( )Sal ( )Pimenta
Contraceptivo: ( ) Sim ( ) No Qual
( ) Condimentos industrializados
( ) Reposio hormonal: ( ) Sim ( ) No Qual
( )Temperos naturais Outros:
Tipo de leo: ( ) Gordura animal Quantidade/ms:
Quando utiliza ( ) leo vegetal
Quantidade/ms: Quando utiliza
Reaproveitamento do leo para consumo: ( ) No ( ) Sim (vezes)
Lquidos dirios: ( ) Ch xcara(s) Tipo: ( ) Caf xcara(s)
( ) Refrigerante copo(s) ( ) Sucos Artificiais copo(s) ( )
Sucos Naturais copo(s) ( ) gua copo(s)
Cultura/religio X alimentao:

Urina: Frequncia diria: Odor: Colorao:
Fezes: Regularidade: Odor: Colorao: 8. PRINCPIOS DA VIDA
Espiritualidade Religio ou crena:
4. ATIVIDADE E REPOUSO Tabagismo: ( )No ( ) Sim H quanto tempo:
Ocupao: Tipo de fumo: Quantidade/dia:
Atividade de lazer :( ) Sim ( ) No Especifique H quanto tempo parou de fumar:
Atividade fsica: ( ) No ( ) Sim Tipo: Etilismo: ( )No ( ) Sim Tipo de bebida:
Frequncia semanal: Durao: Frequncia: Quantidade/dia:
Sensaes durante ou aps atividade: H quanto tempo suspendeu o uso:
Sono noturno h Sono Diurno h
Como se sente ao acordar?
Renda mensal familiar:
( ) < 1 salrio mnimo (SM) ( ) 1 a 3 SM ( ) 4 a 7 SM ( ) >7 SM
Autoestima de 0 a 10:
Nmero de pessoas vivem com essa renda:
Aspectos Positivos:
Esgoto: ( ) Encanado ( ) Cu aberto ( ) Fossa
Aspectos Negativos:
Captao de gua: ( ) Rede Pblica Municipal ( ) Poo ( ) Cisternas
Satisfao com o peso ( ) Sim ( ) No
( ) Outras fontes:
Coleta do lixo: ( ) Prefeitura ( ) Queimado ( ) Enterrado ( ) Cu aberto
( ) Coleta por catadores ou cooperativa de lixo reciclvel

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Construction and validation of the historical contents of nursing guided by orem reference

... continuation

Table 4 - Consulta de enfermagem a pessoas hipertensas e/ou diabticas*

Requisitos Universais Desvios de Sade
Moradia ( ) Prpria ( ) Aluguel ( ) Cedida ( ) sem moradia
Outras (especifique):
Tipo de moradia:( ) Alvenaria ( ) Madeira ( ) Taipa ( ) Casa Mista 2. NUTRIO E HIDRATAO
( ) Outros: Peso: Kg Altura: m.
Nmero de pessoas que vivem na residncia? IMC: Glicemia: mg/dl
Banho/dia: ( ) Sim /dia ( ) No Distrbios alimentares: ( ) No ( ) Sim
( ) Sem auxlio ( ) Com auxlio Cavidade oral Higiene: ( ) Pouco Satisfatria ( ) Satisfatria
Escovao dos dentes/dia: ( ) Sim /dia ( ) No Boca: ( ) Lbios ressecados ( ) Dentio incompleta
( ) Sem auxlio ( ) Com auxlio ( ) Leses
Higienizao da boca: ( ) Sim /dia ( ) No ( ) Disfagia Especificar a que tipo de alimento:
( ) Sem auxlio ( ) Com auxlio Prtese dentria: ( ) Superior ( ) Inferior
Uso de fio dental: ( ) Sim /semana ( ) Sim / dia ( ) No Hidratao: ( ) Desidratado /4+
( ) Sem auxlio ( ) Com auxlio
Requisitos Desenvolvimento Humano
Urina: ( ) Disria( ) Acastanhada ( ) Avermelhada ( ) Marrom
( ) Oligria ( ) Poliria ( ) Polaciria ( ) Nictria ( ) Hematria ( ) Muco
Outras alteraes:
Fezes: ( ) Endurecidas ( ) Lquida ( ) semi-lquida ( ) Pastosas ( ) melena
Outras alteraes:
Histria de complicaes do trato urinrio e intestinal: ( ) Sim ( ) No
Primeiros sinais e sintomas
Pele/Mucosas: ( ) Descorado / 4+ ( ) Ictrico /4+
( ) Edema MMSS /4+ ( )Edema MMI /4+
Hospitalizaes Data ltima: Motivo:
Outras alteraes:
Antecedentes patolgicos pessoais ( ) obesidade ( ) hipercolesterolemia
Abdome: ( ) Globoso ( ) Escavado ( ) Distendido ( ) Tenso
( ) pr-diabetes Outros:
( ) Timpnico ( ) Asctico ( ) Doloroso
Mudanas na vida com a hipertenso/diabetes?
RHA: ( ) Diminudo ( ) Aumentado
Histria Familial: ( ) Doena Cardiovascular ( ) Hipertenso Arterial
Pulso: ( ) Ritmico ( ) Arrtmico ( ) Cheio ( ) Fino
( ) Diabetes Mellitus ( ) DoenaRenal ( ) Obesidade Outros:
Expanso torcica: ( ) Diminuda ( ) Direito ( ) Esquerdo ( ) Simtrico
( )Assimtrico ( ) Direito ( ) Esquerdo
Murmrios Vesiculares: ( ) Reduzido Local:
Rudos Adventcios: Estertor: ( ) Fino ( ) Grosso ( ) Sibilo
( ) Ronco Local:
( ) Tosse seca ( ) Tosse produtiva Especificar (quantidade, cor):
Desvios de Sade 4. ATIVIDADE E REPOUSO
Alterao cardiovascular: ( ) No ( ) Sim
PA: / mmHg Pulso: bat/min Alterao Musculoesqueltica: ( ) No ( ) Sim
Temp. Auxiliar: C FR: irp/min Restrio atividade fsica: ( ) No ( ) Sim Motivo:
Enchimento capilar: s Sono: ( ) Dificuldade para iniciar o sono ( )
Dificuldade para manter o sono ( ) Roncos ( ) Apneia do sono
Interesse em aprender ( ) Sim ( ) No Justifique 5. PERCEPO/COGNIO
Queixa atual: Olhos: ( ) Diminuio da acuidade visual ( ) Direito ( ) Esquerdo ( )
Exames realizados e resultados: cegueira ( ) Direito ( ) Esquerdo ( ) Nistagmo ( ) Diplopia ( ) Viso turva
Cirurgias realizadas e ano: ( ) culos ( ) Lentes de contato
Interferncia da doena na vida/trabalho (0 a 10)? Outras alteraes:
Medicamentos em uso: Ouvidos ( ) Sujidades ( ) diminuio da acuidade auditiva
( ) Direito ( ) Esquerdo ( ) surdez ( ) Direito ( ) Esquerdo ( ) zumbido
Nome Dosagem Horrio Dificuldades
Outras alteraes:
Nariz: ( ) Desvio de septo ( ) Sujidades ( )Secrees
Fala: ( ) Afasia ( ) Dislalia ( ) Disartria ( ) Mudez ( ) Desvio de rima labial
Outras alteraes:
Tato: ( ) Percepo sensorial diminuda Local:
Alteraes: ( ) Ttil ( ) Trmica ( ) Dolorosa
Avaliao de marcha:
Risco de quedas ( ) No ( ) Sim


DOI: 10.5935/1415-2762.20150033 184 REME Rev Min Enferm. 2015 abr/jun; 19(2): 176-186
Construction and validation of the historical contents of nursing guided by orem reference

... continuation

Table 4 - Consulta de enfermagem a pessoas hipertensas e/ou diabticas*

Desvios de Sade Desvios de Sade
Barreiras para adeso ao Tratamento:
Automedicao: ( ) No ( ) Sim Incio:
Especificar o(s) medicamento(s) e a frequncia de uso

Alergia(s): ( ) No ( ) Sim Qual(is):

O que faz nos episdios alrgicos?
6. AUTOPERCEPO Pele/Mucosas/ Inciso: ( ) Presena de leses
( ) Distrbio da imagem corporal ( ) Isolamento social Curativos: ( ) presente ( ) ausente Local:
( ) Exagero no feedback negativo sobre si mesmo ( ) Rejeita feedback Caractersticas:
positivo sobre si mesmo Outras alteraes: Exames: ( ) Papanicolau ( ) Mama ( ) Antgeno anti prosttico
( ) Sangue ( ) Outros:
Data e resultado(s)
Uso de rtese: ( ) No ( ) Sim
Avaliao da marcha
Dispositivos para auxlio a marcha: ( ) No ( ) Sim
Teste de equilbrio Romberg: ( ) Positivo ( ) Negativo
Ambiente domstico
Queixas de dor: ( ) Sim Localizao:
7. PAPIS E RELACIONAMENTO Durao, incio e intervenes
Sistema de suporte Famlia: ( ) Ausncia de suporte familiar/social
( ) Pouco suporte familiar/social ( ) Pai ( ) Me ( )Marido/esposa ( ) Filhos INTENSIDADE DA DOR:
Outros: Telefone:
( ) Conflitos familiares
( ) Histria familiar de resistncia ao tratamento

8. SEXUALIDADE Dficit de Autocuidado

Vida sexual: ( ) dispaneuria ( ) ausncia de interesse/vontade sexual( ) ( ) Agir, fazer para o outro
ausncia de orgasmo ( ) ejaculao precoce ( ) Apoiar fsico ou emocionalmente
( ) disfuno ertil Outras alteraes: ( ) Proporcionar um ambiente que promova o desenvolvimento pessoal
Prticas: ( ) uso de estimulantes sexual medicamentoso ( ) uso de gel ( ) Ensinar
lubrificante ( ) no uso de preservativo ( ) Outras ( ) Guiar
Sistema de Enfermagem

9. ENFRENTAMENTO/TOLERNCIA AO ESTRESSE Classificao do cliente Desvio de Sade

Estresse: ( ) Sim ( ) No Causa do estresse:
Estratgia(s) para enfrentar o estresse: Totalmente compensatrio
Manifestaes do estresse: Parcialmente compensatrio
Apoio e educao


No Adere Parcial Total
Tratamento medicamentoso
Atividade Fsica
Consulta com um profissional
de sade Data: / / Hora: h

*Instrumento fundamento no referencial terico e filosfico de Dorothea E. Orem e desenvolvido no Projeto de Extenso Educao em Sade: Estratgias para
promoo da qualidade de vida de famlias atendidas pela Unidade de Sade da Famlia do bairro Silvestre. Elaborado por: Camila Santana Domingos, Priscila Camara
de Moura, Nayara Vilela Rodrigues e Luciene Muniz Braga.

DOI: 10.5935/1415-2762.20150033 185 REME Rev Min Enferm. 2015 abr/jun; 19(2): 176-186
Construction and validation of the historical contents of nursing guided by orem reference

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