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This report has been prepared after a comprehensive study and inspection of an existing
building complex located at Makerere main campus opposite the former Faculty of
Technology building. The issues to be addressed include identification of elements within the
building showing signs of failure, determining likely causes of the identified structural failures
and recommending remedies to address the concerns.
Deterioration in concrete is affected by the design of the structural system and its
components, the construction techniques and activities of the construction site, and the
range of experiences the structure is exposed to during its service life. Some deterioration
conditions may stem from more than one of these categories. (Guide for Visual Inspection of
Structural Concrete Building Components, 1991)
Cracks are an indigenous, undesirable feature in many buildings. Some cracks are a result of
wear and tear, while others are related to construction or design defects. Expansion and
contraction of soils, consolidation of soil, vibration, wind, snow loading, overloading and
impact are some causes of cracks in buildings.
Non-structural deterioration is generally a surface deficiency resulting from conditions of the
design, construction, or service life of the building. These deficiencies are not immediately
critical to the performance of the structure, but they can cause further deterioration, which
can eventually lead to structural deficiencies.
Structural deficiencies also develop due to the design, construction, and service life of the
building. Structural deterioration in concrete indicates the breakdown of the material to a
point that threatens the structural capacity of the members. Deterioration of this type is a
critical factor in the continued use of the building.
Internally induced stresses in building components lead to dimensional changes and
whenever there is a restraint to movement as is generally the case cracking occurs.
Findings and Observations

The findings of this report shall be detailed with reference to an approximate as built
ground floor plan of the main affected area of the complex under consideration.

Figure 1

Entry Element Observation Likely Cause Catego
No. No. rizatio
01 Veranda Concrete forming veranda to Foundation movement Major
around the outside of grid 1 has due to settlement of
column experienced settlement of up 4 subgrade beneath.
C2-grid 01 inches in depth and 3 inches in
width in some sections around
column C2.
02 Wall 15 Light diagonal cracking (less Foundation movement Minor
than 1mm wide) within the wall due to settlement of
up to surface of cladding subgrade beneath.
material (facing brick)
03 Zone 2 Cracking within the floor Movement of slab due to Minor
leading to separation of slab settlement of subgrade
from the wall at the wall-slab beneath.
interface. Cracks are
approximately 1mm in width.
04 Wall 02 Cracking at the interface Beams and columns Minor
between wall and beam. move jointly due to
Horizontal cracking of wall. moisture shrinkage of
Transverse cracks on surface of foundation soil causing
walls between windows. diagonal cracks in walls
which are located
parallel to the
movement, and
horizontal cracks below
beams in walls which are
at right angle to the

Horizontal cracking is
due to mechanical action
of removing of concrete

Transverse cracks on
surface of walls between
windows is due to
combination of thermal
effects (west facing wall)
and movements due to
05 Wall 08 Diagonal crack at door opening Cracks at re-entrant Minor
Around comers, such as door
door D2 and window openings,

can occur due to
inadequate diagonal
reinforcing. Also possibly
occur due to foundation
movement of adjoining
06 Wall 16 Diagonal cracking from door Beams and columns Major
opening D3 that proceeds to move jointly due to
beam-wall interface and then moisture shrinkage of
crack proceeds horizontally. foundation soil causing
diagonal cracks in walls
which are located
parallel to the
movement, and
horizontal cracks below
beams in walls which are
at right angle to the
07 Wall 13 Cracking at the interface Absence of a beam on Minor
between wall and ceiling. wall 13 implies that the
ceiling is anchored onto
the wall. Subsequent
movement of fall due to
settlement effects leads
to separation between
wall and ceiling by
means of cracking.
08 Wall 12 Longitudinal cracking of the Absence of a beam on Major
wall very close to ceiling (about wall 12 implies that the
2 inches) ceiling is anchored onto
the wall. Subsequent
movement of wall due to
settlement effects leads
to separation between
wall and ceiling by
means of cracking.
09 Wall 09 Diagonal cracking of width up to The diagonal cracking Major
8mm from the door opening from the door opening is
that proceeds to about 2 inches because Beams and
from the ceiling and then columns move jointly
proceeds horizontally to join due to moisture
crack along wall 12. shrinkage of foundation
There is a shearing action along soil causing diagonal
the wall. cracks in walls which are
located parallel to the
movement, and
horizontal cracks below

beams in walls which are
at right angle to the
Shearing movement of
the wall is due to
significant lateral
displacement of the wall
between the bottom and
top half separated by the
10 Zone 1 Radial cracks within the floor Shrinkage of foundation Major
originating from centre of the soil causing movement
column C1 and proceed in all of the base of the
directions diagonally taking the column leading to radial
shortest distance to nearest cracking within the
wall on either side. Longest concrete floor as it is
continuous crack is rigid and resisting the
approximately 3.3ml movement.
11 Beam 01 Spalling of concrete Poor finishing technique Minor
and workmanship as
beam surface is too
smooth hence poor
bonding between beam
and layer of plaster.
12 Wall 11 Horizontal cracking along wall Minor foundation Minor
at about 600mm above the settlement movement
floor. Crack width is along grid A.
approximately 1mm.
13 Column C1 Cracks at the base of the The cracks are due to Minor
column C2 that follow the radial internal stresses induced
cracks in zone 01. The width of in the column because of
the cracks is approximately 0.5- the settlement of the
1.0mm. foundation subgrade.
14 Beam 02 Cracking along interface of the The ceiling is anchored Minor
beam and the ceiling above the onto the beam.
serving area. Subsequent movement
of foundation soils due
to settlement effects
leads to separation
between beam and
ceiling by means of
15 Sitting Longitudinal crack The ceiling is supported Minor
Area approximately in centre of on walls along grid 1 and
ceiling spanning from beam 02 grid 2. Foundation
to wall 02. movement experienced

by the walls leads to
differential strain in
internal and external
walls leading to cracking
of the ceiling as it tries to
resist movement.
16 Wall 03 Vertical cracking along Diagonal cracks across Major
intersection between wall 03 the corner of a building
and wall 02 up to about 1.4m affecting two adjacent
after which the crack takes a wall. These occur due to
diagonal trajectory across wall drying shrinkage of
03 and stops around the beam- foundation soil when
wall interface. built on shrinkable clay
Severe cracking at the base of soil and has shallow
wall 03 leading to shearing of foundation.
the wall as the crack on the L Significant lateral
side is 33cm from floor level displacement leading to
while the crack on the R side is wall leaning in (shearing)
38cm from floor level. towards main sitting
17 Wall 15 Transverse cracks along the Foundation settlement Minor
base of the wall. movement due to
shrinkage of soils.
18 Inspection Inspection pit shows significant Difference in level Major
Pit difference in level between the between the fill material
fill material (murram) and and bottom of the floor
bottom of the floor. is due to settlement of
the foundation soils. The
rigidity of the floor
allows it to bridge over
areas with experiencing
significant settlement.
19 Wall 18 Horizontal cracks along beam- Foundation settlement Major
wall interface. Shearing action movement due to
present. shrinkage of soils.
20 Wall 14 Horizontal cracks along beam- Foundation settlement Major
wall interface. movement due to
shrinkage of soils.
21 Wall 06 Horizontal cracks along beam- This is due to differential Major
wall interface continues strain in internal and
diagonally into intersection external walls which are
between wall 07 and wall 02 cross are bonded.
where it becomes vertical crack Differential strain is due
and proceeds into foundation. to non-uniform rate of

Pictorial for different entries

Entry 1 Entry 2

Entry 3 Entry 4

Entry 5 Entry 6

Pictorial for different entries


Entry 7 Entry 8
Entry 9 Entry 10

Entry 11 Entry 12

Entry 13 Entry 14

Pictorial for different entries

Entry 16
Entry 15
Entry 17 Entry 18

Entry 19 Entry 20

Entry 21

Recommended areas for repair

There several major areas identified as critical for repair based on the extent of damage they
have experienced or the potential adverse effects of progressive failure on some areas that
may not presently have experienced very significant reduction in structural capacity.
These areas include;

Column C1
Wall 09
Wall 06
Wall 02
Zone 1

Figure 2 ; 3D Computer generated model showing critical areas (highlighted red) recommended for
immediate attention and repair.

Recommendations for repair and mitigation of critical areas

Wall 09, 06, and 02

Method one:
This is a two part method that involves controlling the foundation settlement after which a
repair of existing structural cracks may be carried out.
Part (a): Controlling foundation settlement

The surface around the exterior of the building along grid E and grid 4 will be
excavated with caution to expose the foundation and machinery generating least
disturbance should be used.
Excavation shall continue to a depth to be determined on site upon assessment of
ground conditions.
While excavation is proceeding, the walls along grid E and grid 4 shall be
systematically supported (underpinned) to ensure there is no structural collapse. A
sensible approach is to excavate every few metres along the grid and support
The exposed earth after excavation shall be assessed for suitability or whether
another material has to be used. The material selected shall be compacted sufficiently.
A reinforced concrete beam shall be cast along the length of the wall such that the
wall is bearing directly on to the beam.
Backfilling is then undertaken to cover the exposed foundation.
Once the grids forming the exterior have been completed, the same procedure is then
effected on walls 06, 07, and 09.

Part (b); Filling and sealing of all cracks within the walls with epoxy type material

Loose material is removed from cracks by blowing the portion with compressed air or
by hosing the area off with water.
Just prior to the placement of the repair material, the area is dried. According to the
ACI, structural cracks are V-grooved to a depth of 1 in. and then blown clean.
Then the groove is filled with a neat epoxy. Latex-modified concrete can be brushed
into the groove instead of the epoxy when latex concrete is monolithically placed.
If the cracks are wider than 1 mm, they are filled with No. 50 sieve size silica sand
before the polymer is used.
The sealer should be applied directly to the cracks and a few minutes should be
allowed to allow the sealer to seep down into the crack.

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If more sealer is needed, then additional applications are made until the crack is filled.
Material may be spread and worked into the cracked area using a broom or squeegee.

Method two:
This is a two part method that involves controlling the foundation settlement after which a
repair of existing structural cracks may be carried out.
Part (a); Controlling foundation settlement using resistance pier system; the steel pier
transfers the weight of the building from the failing foundation system to the pier itself, thus
preventing any future additional settlement. They rely on soil friction against sides of the pile
to prevent further settlement.

Carefully excavate the failing foundation along the external grids (4 and 1) to properly
prepare the footing for the acceptance of the steel bracket that attaches the pier to
the structure.
Once the bracket is installed, a high strength steel tubing is advanced through a collar
located on the bracket via a hydraulic cylinder and hydraulic pump.
When required depth (firm strata or bedrock) is reached, the bracket is then proof
tested to verify its holding capacity and locked off to prevent any further movement
of the structure.
Part (b); Filling and sealing of all cracks within the walls by stitching

Holes are drilled on both sides of the crack.

Anchoring staples are inserted into the holes either with non-shrink grout, expanding
mortar, or epoxy.
The stitching should be variable in length and orientation so that loads are not
transmitted to a single plane within the sound concrete.

Comparison of method one against method two

Part (a) of method one potentially has a higher risk of structural collapse of sections of the
building because it involves systematic and gradual process of underpinning parts of the
structure while carrying out repairs or modifications. If not done well, this could lead to
structural collapse of part or entire structure.
Part (a) of method two has less risk of structural collapse during the process of carrying out
the repairs and modifications because it does not require the entire foundation to be exposed
and underpinned but rather only sections only brackets are to be attached.
Part (a) of method two is quicker than part (a) of method one and could potentially be cheaper
when total project cost is considered.
Part (b) of method two could result in better improvement of the structural capacity of the
members in consideration due to the reinforcement provided.

11 | P a g e
Column C1 and Zone 1

The radial cracking in zone 1 around column one is due to the settlement of foundation soils
leading to downward movement of the column that is in turn resisted by the rigidity of the
floor restrained at the surrounding walls.
In this method, the settlement of the column is controlled by using the resistance pier system
as described above such that the loads of the column are transferred to firm strata.
The process of sealing the cracks may be carried out as in method one, part (b) of the previous

12 | P a g e
The findings stated and illustrated in previous sections of this report bring to light a need to urgently
and immediately attend to the structural failures in the complex at Food, Science and Technology,

Whilst settlement of foundation soils is the most significant cause of the failures being observed, this
report would not be complete without alluding to the cause of the phenomena described. Poor
compaction of soils or fill material upon which the building was constructed is the mostly likely cause
of these observations. Additionally, the use of solid blocks might be a contributing factor to
settlement as these have a very high self-weight compared to hollow blocks or bricks which might as
well have suitably served the same purpose. Comparison could be made to the other part of
structure on the other side of wall 11 as shown in the picture below. There is no evidence of any
structural failure whatsoever in any of the members.

This implies that negligence and overlooking the contribution of factors such as compaction and
bearing capacity of the fill by the team involved lead to the current state of affairs.

Figure 3 Showing part of the complex sharing wall 11 that is not affected by the foundation settlement
being observed in main area of focus of this report

The author of this report recommends that for repair and remedial works, method one part (a) be
adopted for controlling foundation settlement whilst method two part (b) be adopted for repair of
structural cracks within the walls under consideration.
The settlement of column C1 shall be controlled by use of the resistance pier method detailed in
method two part (a) and cracks within zone (1) shall be controlled filled with method one part (b).

However, the preferred course of action of the author is to put this part of the complex out of
service , demolish and rebuild while paying very close attention to all the factors such as poor
compaction and proper specification of building material that have contributed to the failure of
different structural members and ensure that similar errors are not made. This is because the
expected amount of work to be carried out during repairs is scattered all over the building and cost
implications for project could very likely be more than that of rebuilding.

13 | P a g e
Charles, R. C. (2016). Croberts. Retrieved from

(1991). Guide for Visual Inspection of Structural Concrete Building Components. Champaign, IL: US
Army Corps of Engineers.

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